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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on out to 0. the guys, those few remaining hospitals under pressure doctors on patients forced to leave and allowed them after is really true troops for the medical for some of the challenges. 0, like for my headquarters in delphi, and getting and navigate is also coming up in the occupied westbank, at least 12 palestinians have been killed by is really forces during their to day operation engine in china. holes military exercises near taiwan days after the
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island swears in and new leader beijing views as a dangerous substances. attempt painting begin to me, okay. after 5 minutes, services do not calls for a snap election. on july, the 4th the, the world health organization has issued an urgent appeal to is really forces after the storming of the allowed the hospital in northern garza to address and get braces says a 140 medical staff patients and their friends and relatives were inside the facility when it was rated, the hospital is located in the shop by the refugee town. the w h o is calling for the protection of patients and health care workers inside the hospital and safe passage for their evacuation. well, during its war on gaza is really army has repeatedly targeted hospitals in
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violation of international humanitarian law that grants the special protection which is 0, spoke to one of the doctors or few left allow the hospital and a good number to the for suspend. got either when we were at the hospital as usual and we never left at all. we never even thought of quitting on our patients and the injured people. 4 days ago we were taken by surprise when these really military besieged to hospital women out for them. they would not allow any one inside. we stayed to care for the lives of our patients, gun and the bypass all the money. if we had 14 patients, we continued to give medical care to you all. then today at 3 o'clock on these really armies forced nearly all of us from the hospital. the patients remained inside with for medical staff and to paramedics to care for them. how do you, all of us have been ordered to leave the hospital, keep walking towards the wisconsin. we are walking till we reach a safe area and to find shelter. we want to reach
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a safe place at the shelter of the medical staff to remain that al, out of hospitals since october 7th, until now they never left and now their homes are destroyed and they have nowhere to go outside. and i just need to add the staff that we have sent several appeals to the w h o to the red cross, and to our partners with doctors without borders to intervene to protect the patients. they all promised to intervene and to talk to the occupation forces to prevent targeting the hospital patients and not to target the medical staff. so awesome, but i haven't seen anything done. what's the problem? they got them and have them. i can woman have insurance from here, from this street, by appeal to all international organizations and all medical related officials, especially the w h o, calling upon them to intervene and pick out to protect what remains of the hospital patients in the hospital and the medical staff who refused to leave and continue to
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care for those patients here as well. now speak to dr. mows gilbert, who is an emergency physician, was 30 years experience in palestinian health care. he is also in close contact with colleagues in gaza. doctor gilbert, you are joining us though from terms o in norway. what are your colleagues telling you about the situation at the hospitals in the north, at the gaza strip like allowed on come on. odd one as well. uh, i think the more around who we just heard the voice of uh, he's describing the situation in a very precise medical way. this is an unprecedented attack on disability on health care. um the allowed the hospital is located in of refugee camp. it has been bravely receiving patients since the 7th of october, and the staff has been extremely brave in order to have been in the way that they have tried to, you know, manage the situation with liter medicine, drugs and medical supplies. now they are storing the seats and the last report,
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they told me they were without any water for the remaining 14 patients and some 6 or 7 stuff. so they remains 14 patients in a lot of hospital. it is completely without medical supplies, it's without water. i need this, i'm surrounded by these right in the orientation of forces. and this is only one of many examples. bear in mind that 80 percent of the territory of ga somehow, is defined as a and so in spite these really occupation army, meaning it recreation territory. and within these a 80 percent, there are 6 hospitals and 9 primary health care centers that are effectively made in accessible to the population. so the remaining number of actually operate the hospitals in gaza now is probably between 7 and 9 used to be
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36. so this illustrates the system i think is really a tax on the civilian the health care system, as you said, that is protected, should be protected by the, by the international humanitarian roles and the geneva convention. and we see an international society called previously lane kind of nice faced with this is really occupation brutality. well then i guess the thing that just the thing dr. gilbert, we heard dr. him are one also saying that they've reached out to international organizations and asked them to speak to the is really forces, but they haven't heard anything yet. i mean, where are the international organizations? where is the outrage over this over what's being described by people like yourself as the repeater targeting of these hospitals which are meant to be protected? well, i think there is one, the experience to take away from this. and that is simply that you don't speak through this really orientation forces. you don't talk through this really government. they need the hard course. sanctions they need
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a political will to stop the supply or weapons and to, to put some sort of weapon embargo and, and, and locate lights, the western governments and being so efficiently doing with regards to russia and to create enough. because talking to these really a occupation forces makes no sense, they keep going, they aren't being, they have been doing this for 7 months now. and we have been appealing, unappealing, and appealing. what else do you want? where are the international peace keeping forces? where is the international military protection of disability and structures and gaza? i mean, always talking, it gets us nowhere because these realities do as a nice and they like to attack cause they decided to kill patients and doctors and nurses and problem i think so. so so what are you calling for then? and also it's just worth saying that the is really is say when they do conduct these raids,
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i mean they justify them by saying that's how mosse is embedded in the hospitals as well as other palestinian groups yet. but do you think that the evidence that they provide to support these claims is sufficient enough? the point is there is no evidence. there has no be, there is nothing produced any independent investigation or put forward any proves that depaula stating and resistance. the manager resistance has been and you have been using these hospitals, there was absolutely no proof. and when the discussion was about she for these really said, we invite an international independent commission to come and look at all our hospitals in the midst of the fighting. who refused that the, all these really occupation forces. so up to my experience from more than 20 years and gaza, the policy in this are not stupid. they don't use any of the instructors, as at what they are trying to do. some sort of high adults for,
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for the armed resistance, they don't do that and there has been no proof. so all these attacks on not only hospitals on most, on universities, on schools, on bakeries. they don't even need to argue that there is on the miller to activities there. they are on a campaign to advocate the palestinian society and any signs of palestinian structures in a disability on life. this is the, this is the politics of illumination. this is the politics of advocate advocating the indigenous people to take their lives. so this is so brutal and my appeal goes to the governments who are in our recent place, recognizing the state of palestine, spain, orlando, my own country, norway, who did this yesterday more countries are coming. you need to step up the political pressure and the practical sanctions against israel to stop this hyper critical situation in health care in go. so it's all my make,
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it can all be stop. i've got some needs to be open to free flow of the human turns report bear in mind since the 7 so me not one single critically injured, have been evacuated from casa for treatment outside the remains 700 critically injured patients in the costs of hospitals. they occupied but needed for the new influx um you wanted. we also need to open another fi immediately for a vacation. all patients who need light saving treatment outside garza, this is a party both haley situation. dr. match gilbert. thank you so much for giving us your time from norway. thank you. family is if is really, is health in gaza have released a video showing is really women captured by him. us on october, the 7th. and it's aimed at pressuring the is really government to reopen negotiations on their release. just a reminder that prime minister, nothing else is government has bound alger 0 in israel. so our correspondents are
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reporting from jordan or mancha and has more from i'm on to bring them home campaign. who is the advocacy group that advocates on behalf of the families of the captives released a heavily edited video within the last 24 hours. it shows 5 female soldiers being taken captive by him. ask them then the how was camp military base. now the bring them home campaign released this video deliberately with one specific goal in mind to try and put pressure on the wall cabinet to resume the negotiations over the captive. and it worked to that video went viral. is there anything anybody was really discussing on the late night talk shows and it's world in newspapers this morning, probably. so benjamin netanyahu and the little cabinet simply had to listen to these ladies public for one's on this particular issue. so what they've done is they've pushed uh, the negotiating team to go back and try and come up with
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a new draft. now that was already dropped in place. they've been several drops in place to try and get these captives out and get palestinian prisoners released as well. but it's always full of the very last hurdle. now is going to be interesting to see if the negotiate has, can actually push a mass towards a deal because a mass has been very, very clear that has to be either a temporary cease lot or a more opponents. he's wanting that something that the israelis don't want to do. they want to carry on the will own garza, but they won't. these caps is released as well. so it's going to take some time. but this comes as direct pressure from the bring them home campaign. and that's interesting. let's see how much more price of this group can actually put on them to actually get this deal signed. and if this deal is something that's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his little cabinet can actually swallow. so let's see what happens in the
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coming days. is really forces of withdrawn from the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. they killed 12 palestinians during their 2 j raids. the palestinian health ministry says 5 children were among the dead doses were injured, including a journalist, an ambulance cruise is really bulldozers with top roads and damaged infrastructure . dozens of jeanine residents have been arrested. is really forces on saddler's, have killed at least 518 promised indians in the occupied west bank and more than 7 months in fact, but he has more from it all along. on the aftermath of that is really rate on jeanine of the web posting is, are still assessing the damage caused by these really forces that have seats in the refugee camp for more than 38 hours straight. we're talking about 3 homes that have been completely destroyed, demolished, but there are damages to other homes where these really forces used to go and move
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inside the come broke through moves from one home to another. this is not something new. we've seen these really forces use the sax ec before, because we're talking about the throughout the refugee camp and homes are very close to one another. it's interesting to note that these really forces is released a statement saying that they believe that the power inside the refugee camps is growing. it's changing when it comes to this toxic used by these really forces they've been trying to operate in gene for more than 2 years now. it's not more and he's been saying that every time we leave, we come back. we find the resistance fighters inside going through. you're becoming more and more powerful. so let's talk about how many palestinians would where are being laid to rest 11. now at funerals are being a are taking place and you need only one person's body was able to be made to receive the source of the rate. so now you can imagine how intense the situation is,
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how sad this is, because we're talking about 5 miners and also a surgeon was parking his car in front of the hospital when he was shot, killed. still ahead on al jazeera, the origin seen as president the launch a new book, despite the ongoing protest against his all stairs. he plans the a had a lot of the there's lots of hot and dry weather to be found across australia at the moment. thanks to a blocking hi. but before we get the, let's have a look at south east asia, and you can see the dentist called lingering to the east of the philippines. that is a circulation that's trying to form into a storm. it's going to bring some very heavy rain to eastern areas on friday,
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and there's more heavy rain coming in for the north west across me in ma, putting into indo china for places like thailand as well. it's much dryer across indonesia. we've got a mixture of sunshine, but also some showers and the old storm or to not be very hot and dry across australia processing 16 consecutive days with the temperature sitting above 24 degrees or higher. it has been the will. mister may streak on record here, but we will see some wet weather starting to come in friday in to saturday. if we have a look at the 3 day, we're going to see those showers, sprinkle down on saturday, a chance of a shower to on sunday as well. it'll get a little bit crude up, but still above the average here. and the temperatures are below the average. however, for that se corner we saw some rain and snow in tasmania. the rain will be lingering around eastern areas on the weekend. we'll see bird brisbin at 23 degrees celsius on saturday. the
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israel's war on gosh, be coming in forever. war across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the glass on that, which is sierra of the
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here or the headlines on i'll just say right, this hour is really forces are targeting the 2 remaining health care centers. still functioning in northern garza, they've ordered staff to leave and the out of hospital and have a tax come $901.00 hospital. the one has issued an urgent appeal for emetics to be protected. is really forced, as a withdrawn from the janine refugee camp in the west bank, they killed 12 palestinians during their 2 j range. dozens were injured including a journalist and ambulance crews. the body of ron's late presidents, but he knew that ac has arrived in his home city. a mess had 4 burials, thousands gathered industries to pay their respects on the 4th official day of morning, the se and 7 others, including the foreign minister for saying, i mean, i'm the leon were killed in a helicopter across on sunday. the, for our ministers. funeral rights are underway in the capital, said ron last week to say is most of a hush. i'm who's
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a senior foreign policy analyst and public diplomacy strategist and is joining us from to her on. so we understand the president's body has been laid to rest and must present before administer his funeral. has been going on into hon. where you are mister hush, i'm just give us a sense of some of the moods across the country today, or hello and thanks for having me again. well, as i said earlier, there is a great last 4 of the people in here. people are morning in several cities from the northeast to the northwest. they have gathered to, to stage a huge crowds in processions, everywhere in measure i do those drugs. it started and into wrong in tapper use. and john, just for hon. all where these bodies are laid to rest. so people on morning at the same time, they are feeling a sense of unity. this seems to be yet another referendum in support of follow the
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islamic republic as it is widely seen in here. how would you describe president issues like i say? well, if you was from the deprived class, he was industrious. i was with them as the advisor of the uranium presidential delegation. and i know your trip to take part into you in general assembly meeting last year. and i saw him really for several days. he was industrious. he was a very, he was sleeping for very, very few hours. and he was on the move and i'll doing jobs. so what everyone at myers about him in here is not only his honesty, but also his industrious work. and this makes, this makes it very difficult for the next president that comes to power because everyone would compare what the rate you see, he has proved to be
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a landmark l yardstick for anyone that would replace him. and as for the, for administer, the former for mr. his saying, i mean the he on had the confidence of the establishment and iran. and he was also very well known amongst the diplomatic circles. i mean, you were just mentioning new york as for the next 4 administer, who comes on board? what challenges do you think he's going to face to all? well, i do believe, you know, according to the constitution, uranium strategies are specified by their leader. and these macro scale policies and strategies are the product of the entire establishment and all branches of power. they start, you know, developing strategies and make the decision. and the reading and leader makes the final decision. so there won't be a much of a change in the laws. foreign policy strategies when it comes to supporting that resistance. ron's rapprochement with the regional space as the uranium leader said
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it and meetings with our picnic there is yes. so they can different meetings. the stress of cooperation in sympathy with original space is the only solution for stability in this region. so these policies and strategies will be pursued both at the same time. and of course, it would be hard for the next 4 minutes. there are also 2 because uh and the and also proved to be a yard speak to and everyone would compare a venue for administer to a mr. i'm your abdullah young. he needs to be also very industrious, working for a minister wherever it will be. okay. thank you so much for giving us your perspective from to one. thank you. a tie when these forces have mobilized in response to 2 days of chinese military drills around the island. beijing says the exercises or punishment for the separatist acts of its new administration. led by
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lightning. hey katrina, your reports from basing the lighting to has been, ty wants president for less than a week. the chinese leaders have already judged him to be a threat to they didn't edit school of one day claiming control of the self government island in response. they've launched 2 days of intensive military drills around tie one, the chinese people's liberation, albany says the joint c and exercises focus on conduct. writing is controlling the battlefield and precision strikes. one key targets, stake media, say the purpose is clear to the title. this is a strong punishment for this separate his ex wife of ty, when independents forces to go, the so called separatist acts refer to law as comments during his integration on monday, this was the one i hope china will face the reality of the republic of china is the existence inside other respect, the choices of people tie? 11, let me look into that choice. he said, this is the ty,
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want not to be subordinate to the king. he also, thanks to the united states, the islands, most important ally for security. chinese officials with furious foreign minister, one cold, lie, speech, hostile and provocative discretion and said tie when he separatists would be mailed to a pillar of shame. the military drills coincide with the release of a series of post is featuring weapons titled sacred weapons for killing. ty wants independence lighting to assist peace and stability across the taiwan straits and to maintain the status. including today during those messages, most in line which is refused to accept chinese. chinese leaders also considered lies solutions to wash did to be collusion with external forces. speaking from australia, the us general said badges preparations for a possible offense if with nothing new and one of the devastation of such a conflict. at stake would be untold numbers of lives,
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troy's of dollars and global economic damage and international order. maintenance of the international or if it's delivered road of peace and stability over the past 80 years. it's a cost. china doesn't want to add called to food any time soon, but the message it sends is clear. china is ready for if we should come. katrina, you all to 0. thank you for your arms, parliament has elected the security chief, told them as the new president, his predecessor was forced to resign in a campaign against corruption, which was implicated thousands of officials. lamb has plugs to continue to fight corruption. vietnam is a one party state governs by the communist party. the political parties in the u. k . are due to start campaigning a day after the prime minister wishes to not called a surprise snap election. the vote will be held on july. the 4th soon access his policies are brought economic stability after a cost of living crisis. but opinion polls suggest his governing party could be
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facing defeats for the marks of joining us from downing street in london, so of villa. and what's the reaction this morning in the u. k. and how is the media covering this? what's up to tell you to read through some of the major newspapers hes starting with the london times. they headlined the front page with so not to bets, the house. it's kind of a reflection on the gamble that many people seem to think he's taken by cold in the election. so the, when he is so far, as he just mentioned behind in the polls, the guardian with a similar message, they called at sue next big gamble versus the idea that was 20 points between him and his late arrivals. it really is taking a risk to pull it. i like someone to pull it is within his power and he had up until january to do so. the daily mail typically leading slightly more to the right in the full, behind the conservatives. they have the headline now is the moment for britain to choose its future. very much echoing the message that sue not gave during his
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speech very right, right. and so speech yesterday. and then finally the day, the mirror which tends to back label on the left hand side of this, this reflection that headline drowned out a reflection of the very, very severe down fully yesterday. so what are, what are the opposition parties been saying about this development? during that speech? interestingly, the late of policy released that wrote in campaign video with k salma that lead upfront and censor talking about what they call the tail solve. the conservative policy which has been in pat, i forgot for more than 14 years in the u. k. in a statement, just a few minutes off to reach you soon. i finished speaking in case tom and his opponent for mr. brakes on that tail sick, tory tubman, he pointed out the ribbons, what sort of sewage this is. an on going from here in the you k with the water system, mortgages and food prices are going through the roof. that's in a consequence of the policies of so next creed assessment. let's trust. that hasn't
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been election since he came to powder. to get the promise of labor's beta sama, to stop the chaos during. all right, thank you for the marks reporting from downing street 9 people, including a child have died in mexico, after stains collapse that of presidential campaign raleigh. the citizens movement party was holding an event in the state of new wave, a leon on wednesday night. it's presidential candidates for hey alvarez. mine is said that a gust of wind caused the stage to collapse. more than 50 people are injured, mexico's whether services had warrant of heavy rains and possible tornadoes in that region. argentina, as presidents have him in the a has given a rock star life performance to promote his new book. it comes as the economy has slowed with construction and manufacturing hardest hits relay came to office in december, slashing public spending and cutting tens of thousands of government jobs to
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reasonable reports in the capital one a series. i am the king, the lawyer king sunk argentine is president, have you had really? he presented, he's new book capitalism. socialism, i'm a new, a plastic old plot with a music show in a say doing what a site is. the book is meant to split his level, he's having ideas where he opposes any type of state intervention. they said, speak about my journey on how my thoughts changed from being hosted by nature and marxist until i became a disciple of the austin birch area, the capital letters. i mean, they spoke for over here. now we're about his book and the economic theory. he continues to defend, have you have media continues to try to defend himself from traditional politics by establishing a direct communication with his followers using alternative ways like social media and shows like the one happening in when a site is suddenly lay social,
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implementing one of the harshest austerity plans in argentina's history, and for many he's using this show to try to divert attention from the real issues affecting people in the country. we lease main priority since taking office has been to we do sewing installation. and in order to achieve it, you have to reduce public spending to reduce the deficit. inflation is now going down. but out in tina's economy is expected to contract by more than 3.5 percent this year. beyond the drop in activity factories are anticipating major layoffs, but he supporters, incest. he's on the right path. ok, cool. lot of says me lays delivering on his promises the team that has had a problem for many years and he's starting to fix it. who's bringing down inflation when the economy will be sent in a few months. but it's not just stick with all my troubles. he's facing this week.
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spring announced it is permanently withdrawing it some basset or as a re.


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