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tv   Witness Indias Fractured Bonds  Al Jazeera  May 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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such as a food or 10 fuel. but even before the war, as well as near to decade, brocade limited, the volume of goods allowed into the strip. recent months, the people of houser have been increasingly relying on don't keep costs as a means of transportation and income. and it so who to report it was once considered an outdated form of transport. now, the nor palestinians in jonesville are relying more and more on donkey carts and here in han, eunice, people say it's become the only way left to get around. i am a volunteer at the european hospital. i am facing great difficulty finding a means of transportation to the medical facility. i need to get at least 2 rides in addition to walk in 3 kilometers. not only is the journey fraught with danger, it is insanely expensive to nearly 8 months into israel's war,
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palestinian save the suffering is beyond measure. with shortages of food, medical supplies, and fuel. and those who still have vehicles are using them to make a living. let's say they're struggling to make ends meet my cut off the got off above the ground. i'm using this pickup truck to earn a living. how is that? how suffering is beyond description? one, least with diesel now costs $16.00. it's also injustice. if i tell it's a passenger $1.00 to $3.00, we end up financing, but it's beyond my control. i hardly cover the cost of fuel oil in something to feed my children. appraisal plates comes to an insert. donkey carts have become prominent during israel's war, ongoing sale. palestinians have used them to move their belongings after being forcibly displaced to transport goods and even to take the injured to hospital
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for suffering from a sharp shortage of fuel. transportation is yet another problem to beg of flowers. unbelievably expensive donkey cart is the only alternative for transportation. even patients can find a ride to the nearest hospital. i myself have multiple injury. and in between the rubble left behind from relentless is really attacks palestinian say they're looking for ways to survive in the midst of the siege ongoing. so how does that who is ita so that's it for me. so now i'm going to see you in about 25 minutes. i'm witness, is the program coming up next for a week to look at the world's top business stories, how much is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets?
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and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives. how big a problem is going on. food insecurity. counting the cost on al jazeera, the guy. i also also have the bottom part, the guy as
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a google by the the the, the, the, what's going to be on the, i'd send you some of them, you know, or we'll see them and they click so yeah, they, yeah, they can just use that from those sit, i thought it looks like the most when they got this, i guess i'm really excited. you might have to go big through. i don't know. how
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does that got excited up? it didn't get to them it's mine could be a big penny. being the princess nita, for the june june, the 2014 gus pawsman w 6. a dish running, the guy gave me the just been looking forward to your call with us and just let me get parking. yes, yes. i'll do the the model, my low smith. i love each out of a lot of money. you will watch your boost. it comes in the fucked up many a minor the 1st way in the summer and we got the suck up there now because the fits into we got the because the national control,
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the she can go and the how do i have to do and get our budget she'd maggie would do the chair which it plays on to do with the music. i'm the little bit i got to add you to do. i just kind of not to move out of them. there was some agenda. i've seen them got them me. but i'm good to get, can i do you want to know that kind of done? i'm gonna cut them when you have a bad for that. you come on them and look at the tool and look at the log out of the app. use that i believe in the forcible, that was the less out of them, none the more they know the answer to the total. i'll give you more than that. can you let me do it? some of them why that go to what you like, then that'll turn around kind of can't tell you how much am i going to ask, you know, going on. yeah, the, some of the most of mine kind of pressuring me to the subject that of the young,
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i'm not going to be able to. so i've got to get now i've got to can i get by gender? yeah. for the year. and one of the john, i don't know if bumble plan, plants, the chart of the bumble that to me i got to the hot
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right now. my bag in most of the, of the bill. see how the products are the the guy i used to live while i use the
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the, the off the the way. yeah. hello. who do it? i don't know. you'll come in. let me see if that part the all you have to by me, if that if i did, i'll pull out of the out of room see 1000. well, you're going the guy out of guy can, or i don't know what it takes, and i mean, not a kind of what do i have genetically or positive use. i've got totally out of countries
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living important or not to, you know, all the while see subsidy you all that i'll tell you how to come, it would have difficulty present. got that. and you and the last time i only got ahead or jump. i think, you know, how do i gotta, yeah, we've got this, i'll clear that to you yet. unless you go to the city, which is in a very good and the neighborhood of them, you bought them the kind collateral investigate about global dining. what is this? what's other yeah,
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but the you sketch. uh huh. i relation on, uh uh, visually uh for auto nation when it expires. or it takes back a good bye to the oh loop to lift those. yeah. off which will anyone go may 1 of the plaza, one of those to me yeah. when they get a whole movie, but the model sky, you know, most of the news was to kind of put myself into a some like a couple of my left bank of the valley. do some views. i mean they can magnus degree from here that value. so you're going to be able to avoid, i get my of up of your director assembly. see me look at the phone with those 2 condos. tests going into a motor document. jeff will go with the mirror kitchen,
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a roll them fit. so name was when you walked out of the room, which is around the problem was new. hi. may go fit the waterford, enjoy it is i then on a beach. mm hm. well the name is that they give me up. it won't give up. i don't need, i can't go later. can me of it? mean things work. i'm open. i can go ahead. i'm no, i'm good. but i knew that wasn't the example. any of the i think i give me the comments. name is all right, perfect. and did you do that as well? did you get the account because it was narrow, it got a vicki group so might have both the main friend, man, i'm the best the at the photo shopping. you know, you know, a new i which is really ridiculous. you do pop up the go button on the go get students mostly like over there and some of the young people know full time. yeah.
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no one who wants to be mine would that i'm no, that's what it is. would probably get yourself to be. i'm the one piece for the equipment. i'm talking but i could both enjoy the the good. come with the doctor. yes, i'm similar to the your job. remember, good job. i got a job. every box, my guy it i'm already is really i but i've got a your late job plus the guys i'm outside the friend this i always have the do. what's the started going to pop up a little chime as i was supposed to be doing? what did you cost estimate on the how much over the how much i could kind of gas you've been. good. yeah, but that's what i've done. this is i'm going to, i'm, i'm normally on a, i'm the what i mean. it definitely goes to know you got a phone from the police because the guy, apple, somebody,
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apple choices. yeah. i'm just going to yeah, yeah. and this your, i'll be gone. give a move of traffic. i'm here now, but i was on the phone. i have another bag of. 1 $24.00 parts, part of the us to use it before the yes. live in the i bought it, i just uh, but these are the 2 rugs you got to knock on the crate. the one that does have 2 of them. when they got to him, that was the kind of got a wire there. what do you want them to go to are the yeah. the catalog either. yeah . you stick with the you might have a miss single, fairly positive part. as i was in the front of me, i'm looking at the bottom in the middle of this, the bottom part of this the
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draw. huh. what is the pretty model budget above you all out? of this month. oh, did you say hello? hey not i got it on the top of the boxes. the other did the, [000:00:00;00]
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the model is your garage, right? i should go on this on one of my dish, or if i just found it, said your model was a gentleman who quoted this, let me start doing the most other go from through this marquez and we'll see what will happen is that this or not the most of the news, the tenants have done. i have no comments. i used to have an accent. i will try to be sure,
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but i'm not i'm the general manager. i'm not fit just to look at it. i will get approved for how to use. i think number square footage, i'll show you what this chart and i'll get you all the trouble you send it to the level of the chart as before. don't look at those. could be mine. would you all get him done with letting him know was leaving him? know most of the class, so we got the set of i've got the mosquito get what? say, coke. it isn't going to lower the committee just how do you hear? well, the comment mat, 6 automated,
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you hadn't yet to do it actually a lot and because these are committed by don't be angry and learned that says they're going to see a body nikia where she want him to worry about 5 a week while i got you so much i got a new kind of a headset and i'm real going to have so. so let me look in trouble for us to step up to lock you. we've got your dom either well newport academy, who says that the academy, the audi. somebody ma'am. so should have been, are, so should of as joel, i should have a want to do what i've done. that was the flow most. i'd be with the family, the fellow that i'm going to try to come to me to just say that most of the the most out of the lizzie. yeah. but to me, if you need to have them do that back to michelle,
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because they had the mid a gun cabinet. and of course, the board confess, you know, how much, how many loot that 11 can cut it has helped me so far that you don't have to go with us. but the, the guy did the right guy because no, it wasn't with the got you the oil on the bottom of our, i'll get liquid. got, i bought. com. what's the allow a topic idea of what's indeed, elia, florida, or the non those have moved to one of the people's keeping them by the name of the image of the update but has done go up to the toilet though for this label they
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take, it will become the notary, somebody not going to get the windows, if somebody in the near to get somebody to somebody in there to get the name by the doctor, how leave on this ticket that i'm gonna do them and so the biggest take them back. oh, well, we'll say to, oh said, can you look at the, the news of the conference but i did dorothy into it,
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but we'll just kind of got to get the other 2 now guys because you know, they did try to send it to yada full. the got it fixed just uh, what else? and i've been i've been kinda concerned with the customer. come on, come a little more. did you go to not even on the man the if i got to close out
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the whole bottom row was office was the account that the ladies, one of the list about the smaller ones, the sagal to model your model on this contract problem uh, caught up as an assignment for that, i love it. i love the indoor. i focused on the on indoor man, man out of the show, but to me. yep. i would love to be a lot of you as part of the issue um i was talking to kind of a large barnett part of the unit. yes. how model robot or purposely lying, because i don't know if these couple of the ones that are going to be assigned me. what's your best one in front of make your, the funny how nobody is up. so what i'm going to get off when i draw the got them,
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what are the got a score? i'm not doing all of i just don't want the model and all the stuff comes out. you know, how many of the of the body shop still bought? it, i've been out of the trial, i got a charge of somebody's looking, i'll just tell you what i'm, what did you leave your funds? how many do you have? what? because i've done what i've seen the summer the. so the total is court order to put the legal decision, one of the, one of the power to push the last to some of the actual probably made out of the yeah, i've got i was going to be decided to the. yeah. and there will be the last because i'm going to people have to ask something about it. cutting me on give us. but i will not go yeah, yeah. but can you sign it?
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yeah. and they'll put other people on your vehicle, but the game is on the part of one of the main. no muslim sick if i opt out of that . so by almost super, it's of the boost addressing the needs to cognitively reach out about our mapping up, gosh, lots got about how to get out of business with discord, but not the bottom of the lay out all the parts of the job, the job, the yeah, i'm done a big cottage and do something this also going to be the absolutely yeah. the okay. i'm not any up. i just heard about the job. how the, how about the way and get them on to the community the ship going to the app or do you mind i with the schedule i'm
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a i'm all sure is to didn't about your car and i get my problem is it, i push them it says when the apple some of your stuff. huh. and what am i lied to there by when i got them on the order stuck i'm is i cut them. what does that the the,
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how do you need to, how about an ice? what am i to do it on the inside of the year the company monthly total you should have some of them at the . ready the. ready the recovery source phone,
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you got to fill out all this and all i imagine those fellow caught the cut off mid a chest, saw the dogs then how could i get how stupid lot the pit bulls that so get a bit a couple more things out. i maybe but jim was the good news with toppled on my truck, but i know a demolition middle milledge industry unique and i got you pop off new questionnaire w so much i could almost w so much how i'm good now, but a lot i pick up awesome, it pipe highlighted in the pop,
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often in the window melting to just listen to the local. a lot of the so that for this heading to the polls, but what could be the biggest shakes up in the region in the decade? with 30 is the african national congress has held power. and now the party base of this type of election baffled sofa join us says when you live updates from across the country. so that's election on august their unique perspective, a deep sake image of donald trump with flag folders to try to win over black voters . these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular,
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have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era of the i'm told stories from asia on notice here, the, you will see a duty in a grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in the projects except the
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cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the . the director of gauze is all out of hospitals as patients install office, still trapped inside the facility in the midst of fears. battles between his writing forces, palestinian fighters, while the alex hospital in central gaza is on the verge of running out of fuel because of his righty restrictions on the entry of a trucks the


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