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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm marianne. minimize the welcome to the news our live from doha. coming off in the next 60 minutes. hundreds of patients in central gauze, our risk as a major hospital runs out to a few because of his righty restrictions on the entry of a trucks. meanwhile, the director of northern causes allowed the hospitals as patients and stuff is
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still trapped inside the facilities in the midst of his battles around the building between his really forces and palestinian slices. we have a clear monday, we have a p up from 100. these are the people who met this division can use president valves as true to bring stability, to have security and trade a top of the agenda on wednesday and routes host state visit to the us and at least 5 people. a dead, hundreds of homes have been destroyed. often multiple tornadoes ripped through the us states of iowa. and on peace of statements with your school ref, elm adel has discovered these 1st round opponent and what is expected to be. he's lost in the french open adults. a tough 1. 14 time champion will face one of the favorites for feed alexander's vetted. the
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united nations is saying this in the past 7 months. the health care system of cross causes us has been systematically dismantled in central garza, one of its main hospitals is now running out of fuel. the health ministry is saying this would endanger the lives of hundreds of sick and injured patients as i like cells. but the list is in darrow, by law. i'll just there is honey, my mood has gained access inside the hospital, but many departments and now operating in total darkness. and the wanting to our view is that some of you might find the scenes in honeys report disturbing. howard generators has been shut down because of the rack over here. we're going to take you to the general surgery department in the upper floor with their electricity is quite vital, but because of it, there is a risk of losing rise inside this department against the lack of a space is a major problem in the hospital, particularly this department, the general surgery where you see patients and injuries, right?
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the car, i don't have the hospital been here for quite some time. then when it was the hospital racking leisure space here is a mid sized health facility and unable to accommodate the large number. the large number of injuries in patients inside the hospital. i much couldn't remember that one. is there a large one of you? there's no treatment available. no electricity basically nothing. here. the hospital is struggling with just the basics. i've been here for over a month and a half after being shot in my leg and stomach. i know how you can see i've had surgery. beyond that, there's only antibiotics. i need more surgeries, but they're not happening. i'm told there's a long waiting list, and i've had to wait another 15 days. it's already been 2 months of waiting. right back to the average department for children at the hospital. this is the 1st time
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in that is experiencing our, our right now. and as you can see and hear, hear, a lot of this department is slacking, measuring raise right now, or we're seeing a children outside in the car, a door of this department simply because the rooms inside of talk with patients. an injury as bombing campaign continues the area right now with the power outage in this particular department. the risk of losing lives. the rest of it is we're getting the ongoing medical problems across the hospital is increasing by the hours the advert department. not the only one that is experiencing now power outage, but also there as the surgery, the general surgery departments on the upper floor that is also experiencing power outage is putting the risk of more lives inside the department at risk. right, right now we are in the store house where the fuel is gifted for i love the house,
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they don't care enough in front of the area. and right now with the workers they're doing here, the friends who collect whatever is left in these barrels. just to keep the generators running the way resorting to drawing fuel from the very depths of the risk of was just to salvage in a noticeable drops. and these have been stored in small containers to sustain the electrical generator. those such practice as impacting the generators functionality to the hospitality is a very critical point right now. and a couple hours for 3 hours are not far from completely shutting down all the services and risk being the lives of everyone inside the hospital. as been fields fighting in northern gaza around one of the strips, few functioning hospitals is ready troops that early a stormed out in the giovanni a refugee camp. world health organization is saying a 140 medical staff patients and the friends and relatives were inside the facility
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when it was rated. according for the protection of patients and health care workers and safe passage for their evacuation, am i calling for the bye temple? spoke to him home and saw how the acting director of the hospital he spoke to us while he was dropped inside the facility with everyone else with gunfire that you can clearly hear in the background. we are not to get to the age of allow the host because yesterday a. busy the starting the position for susan's in force. so that solution be a lot of the stuff and the patients, the companies for you i would do is i would say that was the thing guys to see and, and now we are for p and of the stuff we are is a, with the, with what patient, it's
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a lot of must be evacuated because the am but if you to put on the patient is in the have to send to us and on too long since, because the situation of our patient is, had a situation that gone to work to go to where i was getting gazda on the we stay with the now we have 11 fish runs and another a to a patient company because there is that to data the and i want to see i could get better with the scanner. so now we took the out of 27 past one on the received in the people sitting outside the hospital, including patients and staff. as you were talking to us mister sala, we could hear some loud noise in the background. what sounded like gunshots. can you tell us if there is still fighting inside or in the vicinity of the hospital, it would be out of the out of sale to think i looked on bumping, getting the rounding the the,
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the house because they are not now shooting them to hook because 2 days, the sure thing to those but that but now the sure thing and bumping side around the the, the house because there is this night. but on the, on the bed and the walking in the and outdoor area outside of a lot of hospital a, there is a lot of surgeons there. so we are. and inside the hospital yesterday, the out inside of the inside of the hospital on the broken the, the door that to close on adult is in the center. and us as in gaza, really struggling with a severe lack of supplies. i mean, my colleagues saw me say down spoke to honda of a quick she is a pharmacist who is just retired from rafa of to working as a volunteer with the power of sending an american medical association. she described the conditions she witnessed and side causes medical facilities. it is
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the same date is up is unbearable every single day. so it's very, very, a normal to say nothing available out of stuck and you cannot do anything. and many times doctors and surgeons, they cannot do anything. there's no equipment, there is no medication. what they can do, they do their very best to help the situation. and sincerely do have a bus. did you say people die in the emergency room? because of things that otherwise in any other hospital that out of the part of the world, if they had proper supplies, these people probably could have been saved. did you have that kind of feeling or experience unfortunately? yes. and we have the cases and it was very hard to broke and that you are, that you know, that you can do so many things. but because of the shortage of supplies or medications or equipment, you are not able to do anything. how many times a day did you see a situation like that? that's all the one thing multiple times. and then was one day because of the luck
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of the the volunteers that when they know the drop off, they have to do, you look at the federal is the, the nurses in the all our rooms were not available at the local nurses, nurses that they don't have to operate there to become equipment. they wouldn't be available or surgeons the doctors were not able to operate in the operations rooms . and people who came in injured actually, you know, usually they die the, the people who comes in, usually they done we, we know that unfortunately it's very simple to say, you know, at the beginning. so it's very hard when we with this that but then there is nothing in our hands. well, that what, what, what can you do as you've been hearing these hospitals have been running out of fuel because israel is preventing the delivery of a trucks. this despite is ready officials punching to allow more trucks into the strip on wednesday to is humanitarian aid. ad drops were carried out over the city of han,
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eunice in the southern gaza strip. coal gas and is ready to coordinating body says that just $27.00 trucks has been unloaded from a floating pay a bill by america. but the well food program says only a small amounts of this age has actually been distributed before the war started more than 500 a trucks. possibly the car was solemn crossing every day. now it's less than 20 food in medicine, a piling off with the egyptian side of the roof or crossing a deliveries remain suspended. the wall is ready for us as keep attacking the southern city of rough um us. now we want to take a look at the hospital and central gaza where a spokes person is giving a briefing about the situation specifically regarding like a few national organizations of the united nations and the international community . that locks the hospital has of only 50000 fuels as a capacity. however, what we are having right now is
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a way less than that. so hospital needs more than 4000 liters per day so that they can be able to cater to patients and to, to also provide the need of treatments. alexa hospitals provides treatments and care to more than 200 patients, including 600 injured. and those who are also diagnosed with a kidney failure and they need electricity so that they can have their dial leases dial it says treatment. and this will stop completely if we do not receive any fuel . we are calling from, i'll oxer hospital, all the international organizations and the united nations in the 2 cents. 50000. you liters of fuel before immune and crisis would take place here as the injured will pay the price and the patients will they pay the price. all the patients of the hospital will be condemned to death, especially those in
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n. i c u and also in the incubators and those who needs dialysis treatments. this is from a fox, the hospital may 24th they've been listening to those folks paused enough for the alex elizabeth lin, central gauze have been reporting on the fuel that is running out and a here. there was an urgent call, a very urgent call for the international community, including specifically the united nations to send 50000 liters of fuel these folks for us and actually said that they need 4000 meters full 1000. these is a fuel every single day to provide a treatment and cap for hundreds of patients, hundreds of patients. now there are those who have been injured by attacks on the area. the deluxe hospital in central goals are they are brought in for treatment for the wounds. some of them, of course, will be faithful. there are other patients there who are in the intensive care unit
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. and then there are those with chronic conditions like kidney failure, they require a dialysis if there isn't fuel than the hospitals, which are protected by international law, will not be able to keep functioning. and that means that obviously many hundreds of people could die as a result of that. so an urgent call for the international community to facilitate the delivery of fuel to this hospital and others in the gaza strip of it could effectively shut down and stopped functioning. if the age is not delivered as quickly as possible, but on that point, us officials have been briefing were forces on not point this. so let's get this the information on this particular haine who's in washington dc and you know patio, they're having this briefing and obviously they've built this pair, but it's like a trickle of age. it's getting through and really not enough to stop the,
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the salvation. the simon and the fuel running out to that. exactly. and let's remember why this peer existed because since the beginning of this war us president joe biden has been telling is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and all these really government officials from all the state department officials here, department of defense and every conversation they have, they say they say that more humanitarian need a needs to get into gaza. so when that wasn't happening enough, rather than put leverage used to leverage on israel, do us decided to. busy appear which has been to the detriment to many democratic senators. have been saying that this is proves that these really government is simply just not listening to you as officials, but the peer took a long time to make. it's now been up tomorrow would be a week since it's been running. and there were a lot of questions about whether or not aid was actually getting through this what they called the maritime corridor. so they got on this conference call, they said 506 metric tons of humanitarian aid has been delivered verse through this
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quarter. and as you mentioned before, the agency said that bench is 27 trucks. but to put it in their perspective, they said yes, it's us $27.00 trucks, but yesterday only 70 trucks got it. and so the maritime core core, it, they maritime corridor is making up for 38 percent of the age that's getting in. and it's a very cumbersome process and they described it for reporters, basically that appear off shore. so the supplies come from cypress, they said that can take about a day, maybe less, depending on the ship, then it's off loaded onto this peer, then it's loaded onto smaller ships, nunes loaded on the beach, then slow down the truck's trucks to go to the distribution warehouses, the problem they say is, again fuel. there's not enough fuel for these trucks to distribute the aid that said they said about 2 thirds of data is in the process of being delivered or has been delivered. so of course, the question is, how many people's that can impact? well, they said that's enough supplies, food supplies for about tens of thousands of people to eat for a month. obviously,
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nowhere near what it's going to take to stop the famine that is going on and gaza. so they said they are hoping to increase this. they are hoping eventually to be able to speed 500000 people through the maritime quarter. again, not nearly enough for all of gaza, they did say that they believe mil military intelligence believes about 802900000 people have fled rasa to areas that were already straining without having any, nearly enough humanitarian supplies to meet even the basic daily needs so again, an update on the maritime quarter, the the, what did say that the air drops are going to continue, especially in northern garza. and they're going to try and get a aid in that way as well. but again, they are calling on these really government to open up the crossings to let more fuel in, because it's impacting their operation. and it's going to potentially impact quite a bit more. uh, one of the bigger concerns they have is september. you said that's when the sees get rough and the weather gets
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a vote if this operation is going to continue. so an update on the maritime quarter, it's working, they say, but not nearly enough to meet the needs of the people of gasoline. thank you very much. for now, pi to klein and washington, as well as these ready on the intensifies its assault on the roof of the international court of justice is set to it on friday on a request by south africa to or the israel to holt. it's offensive in the southern city. the united nations is a moving 900000 palestinians have now been forced to feed the area, which was the last sheltering place for people in gaza. is there any defensiveness? are you all gone and repeated his determination to press on with the offense of that? right, the volume of we are strengthening our efforts and confronting rasa. and this operation will intensify. and we will push more forces from the ground and more forces from the air. and we will continue with the maneuvers and we will achieve our goals hitting hamas hard scripting it of its military capabilities and creating
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the conditions for the return of the hostages. so they can return to their homes. this is an important matter. it is a central issue for us, and we will make every effort to implemented by all means one that now without, as their senior political analyst, marijuana. shara, much of the arguments as the international criminal court effect, the 1st major arguments and in the international court of justice. what about with an organization of hunger was about humanitarian aid was about chime in. and that's what the world for the organization has talked about. so i'm in a case in northern guys, so that's what the one organization i've talked about. and that's where there is very a, a very little controversy. because if you win these railings, the americans i've talked to justify the killing of civilians are so called a human shield. that sort of justification. although humbug as it may be. but they
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try to somehow justify the sun is arrows actions in gaza. but the international court of justice and international criminal court could not digest why these re, these are denying a population of over 2000000 people in food and medicines. that part is the part that brought a lot of people where has just said that what in the middle you do they called this genocide. do they called at the war crimes? i was just something that just happens in any war. i think it towards the question of the he meant that in a, the physician of hunger that drove a lot of independent judge is lawyers, prosecutors, and humanitarian officials from around the world to start talking about war crimes in genocide, the presence of the us and can you have declared that commitment to help bring
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stability to haiti, which has been rocked by months, even years of gang violence. william rooters on a state visit in washington for tools on the on rest and the car be a nation. can you has agreed to send a 1000 police offices there as part of the multinational mission to help restore road to the us has been criticized for not sending its own troops to bite and defend it is administration's policy are included that for the united states is deployed forces and the habits here just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily misrepresented by what we're trying to do and be able to be used by those who disagree with us. and again, start guest interest of haiti and united states. so we set out to find a, a partner partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in. now with the american forces, both supplies and making sure they have what they need. we have
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a clear monday. we have up to you up from walk on to discuss the people who made this division in the interest of solving peace and stability, positive points to buttons, global citizen, and understanding that insecurity. instability anyway is in security. an instability. april with a white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more from washington to us. president joe biden welcoming the canyon president william ruth ho to the white house, the 1st african leader of 15 years to make a state visit to washington. this visit is significant for a number of reasons. not only is this marking 60 years of collaboration between the 2 nations in terms of 2nd diplomatic relations, but also in terms of the economic and security ties. there is a longstanding partnership when it comes to collaborating on issues of security
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between the united states in kenya, whether it is collaborating and combating how to bob the who sees or even most recently with thursday's announcement, the deployment of $1000.00 canyon police officers to haiti this is something that is being backed by more the $300000000.00 us dollars, although there will not be any us boots on the ground, whether it be police officers or soldiers. however, in the joint press conference, one of the local canyon reporters asked president rudo about this, why it was that there was when there is a fire at home, there were police officers pay and police officers being sent to the fire in haiti . this is apparently very controversial back in kenya, and president russo responded the. the key believes that this is something that needs to be done. he's keeping his word to the haitians and it is logical. it has
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to be dealt with you as president joe biden for his park. also face challenges in the joint press conference. well, he tried to promote his agenda of furthering ties in africa, as there is growing in fluids by china. he once again was challenged by the fact that he continues to support. israel ad was challenged by the fact that there are ongoing questions about the international criminal court. and it's application for a rest florence. the us presidents dodging the question about whether or not is real is using starvation intentionally as a weapon of war. the president only responding saying he believes that the i c c does not have jurisdiction. kimberly, how could l g 0? the white house, america, and crew is head of africa front of the africa practice that you raise your groups . she joins us from washington. it's good to speak to, you know, country in africa has
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a i think they have sent troops on missions inside africa and also outside of the continent. but i don't think any country before is let an actual security emission outside of the confidence. so why might, can you be choosing to intervene and hazy in this way? a good question. i think it's a couple of things. um president router has been position in kenya as not just the regional leader, but a global lead. uh, the want to, uh, you know, attract sort of more investments from, from the us. there's something that the united states wanted to do and couldn't find a partner willing to do it. and so it was sort of, you know, uh, you know, scratch my back off quite yours. right. so i can, yes. so an interest in doing this and getting some money for its partner with us and in return is getting all this stuff. all these things, i've got it today including the state visit, right. and it's
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a part of the package. okay. so there's a bit of bikes, right? scratching going on. there is as you say, but it, what price could this come for william router? because this has sparks and pretty fish debates, i think in the quote also in the parliament how much opposition is the to this deployment by a boy named? honestly, i don't think he's going to lose that much political capital over it. it is contention. but the weight of the things that a way more contention spend is domestically he's been trying to raise taxes. and i think that the treatment he's getting in washington dc today will help the ease of a, some of that, of those contentions. as you, you've probably been seen in a me that have been lots of announcements of investments, microsoft g for highway finance and from a us company. so i think some of that all of that will help domestically with
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capital. what does he hoping to achieve from his relationship with the united states? a good, good, good question. i think a lot of people are asking typing, one of them is look keys hoping to sell domestically you. there's a lot of complaints domestically about my revenue raising and measure of inflation cost the livid. but look how i'm being treated globally. i'm seen as the lead regional leader. there's something that kenyans like canyons like to be seen as a regional lead uh at least in the region. and i think now he's been positioned at another originally there, but he from maybe a global lead. uh, we can talk about why that is, but that is something that he's hoping to to help him domestically for sure. but of course all the investment i was i was talking about right. but yeah, microsoft and g for yeah. so right. so he wants this to be business partnership
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with land prove trade strength and economic ties between the 2 countries. what, what do you think about the the risk in terms of deploying to haiti is the country, the complicated history they've had for an intervention in the past. the 15 year long, un mission the mean it's a pretty terrible legacy. awful. sexual police abuse allegations against peacekeepers, canyon's own forces. they've been accused of human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings mean. you know, to the point and hate you and you've already been through. so much of the bar is, is pretty high for this mission to the well that it's risk you are right. if it is a gamble, it's risky, it has been contention locally. i think it's a risk that the router government has been was willing to take in exchange for all these other things that he's been getting. i mean, you said it yourself,
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the very 1st african president to have a state visit in 16 is the only african country of north africa to be designated a major non need to ally right in the, you know, several partnerships and bill being inc. this in the now and this week, i think he sees this as a gamble and a risk, but he's one of the paint, but you're absolutely right that it's, that there's a risk that the emission goes wrong. i mean, you can also argue it's 10000 police troops. they're not supposed to be there engaging in, in, in, in come back. so the risks can be managed. tell it, tell me more about the point you made earlier on. why does he want to, what does he have a think this will do for his position in the region? william ruta. yeah, i mean it's it. so look, the big countries in the region, south africa and mind. yeah. a little bit of being seen as little bit problem children right now, video straight. so traffic it has been,
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has made it very clear that it disagrees with the us on several global issues. ukraine, israel, you're going to run, you know, you're enjoying the brakes. well that africa was chair and it's 9, syria has been quite held up at home with all sorts of domestic problems. has a president that one with just 37 percent of the votes. and so kenya is, is a smaller economy. but he, you know, he has a young dish on the young side youngest president, compared to the 900 president. for the, for example, i took hewlett, and he just sees that beat himself as being able to spill a role. that the big a countries counselor right now, right? visa the, the west. and he's trying to make it, you know, there's, as you probably know that the can also negotiate in a trade deal with the us. and there's no other african country that is in that position. so there, there's lots of in his mind, various advantages that he believes can help. can you grow?
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so very interesting relationship that we don't speak about very often, but good to hear your thoughts on it. i'm a concrete ahead of africa practice that you raise your group before out of me. also to bring you on this news uh, an overwhelming vote at the united nations on the thousands of victims of the 1995 trevor needs to genocide. so the shop moves by, by him unit, can that search for a new coach is coming out later and support the pad lower. this is very lively weather to come across europe as the end the week and go into the weekend with some very heavy rain. continuing across the central parts who got read warnings out for southern parts of germany. we could see flooding as a heavy rain continues to for here. so i was continue for much of front of what the
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weather as well edging into the low countries and we will see that weather start to push its way further east. as we go into sat today with some heavy falls on the way for the likes of poland as well as slovakia. the vineyards, well seeing some of that rain on the balkans faces like grease seen some thunder storms with some wet weather weather as well for eastern pots of to keep it does dry up across the west. and we're gonna see things dry up briefly across the western areas of front pots of bruce and as well, but small heavy rain coming in to the island. the own sack today and temperatures are sitting very high across northern areas of scandinavia. despite the sky, the child was coming into no way, we will still see tempt, just sitting very high for this time of year. also seeing 20 degrees celsius that 29 in bucharest. and we'll see temperature start to pick up because the western areas of europe was 29 degrees in madrid on saturday with sun
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the the main stories. now, is there any forces of targeting the 2 remaining health care centers? defaults still functioning and northern gaza. they've audit stuff to leave the out of the hospital. it also attacks the come on ad one hospital. meanwhile, the alex hospital and central gaza is about to run out of fuel. the u. n. is issued an urgent appeal for med expect to be protective. presidents of us and can europe declared the commitment to help bring stability to haiti, which has been rocks by months of gang violence during this joint news conference. william roots us at the upcoming deployment of canyon forces to the country. we'll try to have crushed gangs that have ravaged,
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caribbean nation. so many months now. we go to the us state of iowa authorities, the saying that at least 5 people have died in a series of tornadoes. just earlier this week, more than 200 homes were destroyed. first respond as a still searching through the wreckage hospital in the town of greenfield is also among the buildings. damage. 3 separate tornadoes hit the state on tuesday, causing widespread power outages. nbc that jessie cush is in iowa with mall. we're in the small city of greenfield, iowa population, roughly 2000 people. and officials say in this community, at least 4 people were killed when a tornado ripped through. here on tuesday, take a look at the aftermath here. these chunk of buildings effectively piled on top of each other across these lines and those structures are actually more intact than some of the others in this community. just across the block,
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you can see piles of rubble covered in tree limbs and tree branches. this is the aftermath of that twist or the official say again, at least 4 people were killed, more than 30 people were injured. now the clean up is ongoing. here at a time that is also filled with grief. united nations is overwhelmingly positive resolution designate and july 11th, a strep or need so genocide, remember, and stay mocking when more than 8000 may be mostly men and boys will master could find balls, news tabs in 1995. gabriel alexander brings us more in this now from the united nations framework before the boat took place and the general assembly here at the un, serbia's president made an impassioned speech to the general assembly, calling for countries not to vote for this draft resolution. he essentially said that it is politicized, and that it could spark regional tensions. but in the end,
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it did pass overwhelmingly $84.00 countries voting for it. 19 against and 68 countries abstaining. now, what exactly does this now adopted resolution call for? it's uh, it would designate july 11th is an international day of reflection and commemoration of the 1995 genocide and to be observed every single year. the draft calls for the united nations to prepare outreach programs and invites countries and organizations and in jose to participate in annual awareness activities that on are the victims. now this resolution was sponsored by germany and were one did it had over 25 different co sponsors as well. should be pointed out that the international court of justice, the u. s. highest tribunal determined at 2007, the acts of genocide did occur. and that, that court's decision was included in the draft resolution that has now been over whelming,
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we adopted gabriel's on to elders here at the united nations in new york. are ron's late present. and brian rice. he has been laid to rest in his hometown of my shot. he was buried at the among reza shrine, which is visited by millions of pilgrims, every yeah. or you see an 8 others, including the foreign minister, the same i made of the law here and were killed and a helicopter crash on sunday. so said to reports room to run. the deeper henry's was believe to be on track, to help shape your own future for years to come. instead, iranians have you paying their respects at the serious or funeral ceremonies. on thursday, the late president's body was transported to be adjourned. the city where he was chosen as a member of the experts, the council that elects to stop the leader den commission. he runs the 2nd
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largest city we chose to hold his josh right. mission is also receives hometown and his final resting place. reese was born into a clerical family and married the delta, the of the influential him of my shift, who supported, enjoyed throughout his care. tens of thousands of iranians turned out to beat him, stay away. 3, see, and he's for the minister who's the name of my young, had the shared history. they come back to the 1979 revolution davis together in their final moments to win the headache up there, carrying them crushed in a mountainous region in the north of your own people moaned up to lie young instead of the internal improvements where he has been very the it is so sad to lose our president, for the minister and the companions in such a tragic incident. it seems that pain, but i believe this tragedy is going to make us stronger. both race. yeah.
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and made up to i am very popular among conservatives to minutes. support is believe the transition of power will be some moves from i'm attending the funeral, like many iranians here to move on for those who we lost. but the pos will continue . i'm sad for the president and his companions, but all state doesn't rely on just one individual. it's a system. we are used to sacrifices the pos will continue. an interim government led by for my 1st wise president mohammed most bitch is in charge onto the next months election for almost 4 decades as a judge for the patient resupplied unimportant rules in a number of critical periods in your on history. i mean, after the 1st as deputy for the minister done as for the minister on to receive how to shape your wants for them for to see over the past decade. but it is the supreme leader or the company has ultimate see in steve affairs. that's why the
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presidential election on june 28th is not expected to bring more change for you want both domestically and a rules versus out of their houses here on saturdays programs, political parties in the u. k. all campaigning a day off to the prime minister wishes to not cold. a surprise election vote is set for july 4th. so next as, as policies of we can all make stability of true cost of living crisis. but the opinion polls addressed his policy could be facing defeats with a monks has moved from downing street within reason is the prime minister in britain who has the power to the side when an election takes place and almost as soon as receives to not amounts to live for as the dates for the next national vote here in britain, the other political parties began that campaigns. both he and his chief political opponent, test alma from labor have been across the u. k. today, meeting with voters canvassing votes. one of the major challenges was so nice of
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his own personal reco them that's of his conservative policy. of the 5 major promises that he made to voters and said that he would fulfill want an office. realistically, any of 2 of them around britain is economy. and the inflation rate have so far being met and that may be why so many people in the u. k. considered this decision of his to hold that election this soon to be something of a gamble. fillum ok, how does 0 london the french fries into manual not going to same the a controversial electoral reform, little for new caledonia would not be forced through, made the comments while meeting local leaders and the french overseas territories capital in the mail has been weeks of unrest officer proposal to change the voting system in the pacific island. barbara and golf pet reports on the spot to correct down to bring violence. a virtual reforms in new caledonia under control. there was to red bluff. i'm trails of smoke rising and pots of the capital. now we may have
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to an emergency talks is low cletus, french president emmanuel, macro called for dialogue to end a 12 day stay tough. imagine, see, he said he's delaying votes and reforms and the french overseas territory and says changes wouldn't be adopted by force. so it gives us could such a phone. i have play that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. and then we will allow some weeks for a calming of tension and resumption of dialogue defined a broad cord indigenous kind of people raise up on may. the 13th ever electro reforms imposed by from the changes would give voting rights to french nationals have lived on the island for 10 years. but some kind max pay of the plans with that lute have ratings, power, and dual efforts to secure independence. so see,
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we've been lied to for use and use. they've lied to our ancestors. they've lied to our elders, through the various agreements that have been made. we're run out of food agreement . it's the longest and then we're tired of not being recognized. hope all's fantastic. you today, i'm convinced that the solution is not a political tool, because whether we decide one thing, what the other half of the population will be frustrated. no, this is not something that you can accept. that's where an election can just but not for a future. the local politicians say more has to be done to address conic and if we're on employment failing, schools, hunger and pull housing conditions. if you already fix your there's ideas about how we rebuild our society in the long term city. it requires a social project. obviously a social project in partnership with economic players to rebuild, but perhaps in a different way from what we did before. so we have a bit that the french security forces are expected to remain in the color to india
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for as long as the tensions last. barbara and good part of this era said for you on this visa and not been able to reveal that lives with anyone. hundreds of thousands of south africans heading to the polls while suffering from homelessness. now that joe cavellas continued his friendship in preparations as he reached the geneva from the semi finals or on that's on the way in sports these business uptake the school by the city bank growth, partner of bung the dashboard to use
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the this business uptake these boxes by the 6 bank rugs dot net bundle dash football to use the
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piano to support their thank you very much. the tool for the frame chosen has not been time to ref, although and what is expected to be he's last ever appear in said wrote in girls with just number for alexandra is that of that was the reaction in the audience when it was revealed that the and seated middle will be playing one of the favorites in the 1st round. the 14 time winner of the event is expected to retire at the end of the year. and he'll be playing recently crowned the tiny and open champion and fault seed, alexander's vegetative. and the matter you has also said he will call it a day at the end of the season faces 59 year old and 2015 champion, spend varying in the women's store. well, number one he used to be on 2nd kicks of her title defense against the qualify with a possible match up against full time grand slam champion. they own, you know, so okay. and the 2nd round between the 2 year old is looking for when hosted running goes tyco in a row and full
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a rule. the 1st round begins on sunday for sure, decision has been really great all ready for me. so this last results especially, you know, madrid and room for sure are giving me confidence and um, you know, i, i know that i can adjust to any kind of conditions and even in, you know, short amount of time and i place, you know, we're gonna stop players there, so for sure it shows that, you know, the work that we're doing is really paying off a talk say no back talk of its will face piet will get a bay in the 1st round. and these finalizing preparations for the event at the geneva open when he's reached the semifinals he's apparent and tell them quickbook was on cold just hours before and so finishes rein effective match against the dentist shuffle bottles. and he kept that momentum going with 5 break points, opportunities in the 1st stage, but he failed to convert any of them as talking to each tickets $75.00. and you all could reach proved formal clinical when he had his opportunity,
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saving another to break points and taking all 3 of his own in the 2nd stage to win 61 instead of a semi final match against the seated. thomas massage, casper root has reached the final of the friendship and for 2 years running and he'll look to go step further this year. these preparations are on track as we reach the semi finals defeating sebastian bias. 63366 for the 2 time winner of the eventful face on saturday, 10 am flavio co bowie team. the last 4 you wrote bally champions at atlanta have arrived done to a hero's welcome of today. 3 know when the by labor cruising that crime scene, dublin made them the 1st the tally and seem to win the competition since 1999 when it was still cool. but you wake up out of my look. when was the hectic here full gen, piano guest, but he needs main as atlanta when they 1st major 12 people, 61, use it kind of the 15 city off and we'll play in the champion seat next season. a
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spine munich are reported to being told to signs in some company as a new head coach, the full dimensions. the city captain is currently a fairly rep, just being relegated from the primary. is there any other managerial role was with and the legs to any native belgium bind, finished food, and the bonus niga. and we're looking to replace thomas to go to announced he was leaving in february 58 year old company, one full premier, the type of city and speaks, german having also played for hamburg and west ham of confirmed who in love with a g as the clubs new manager form a spain rail, madrid and wolves boss has reportedly agreed a 3 year deal to take over from david moiz. he also won the rope and he gets sylvia in 2020 i young when i won 3. i out of whatever ill do we are here because he went to the shed for us. he's uh, off on testing day when we, we, we close on when i believe in here because i would meet him and his wife on the
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present to, to be here. that's why we have on the possibility. but the i repeat, i am very happy that it was sent to me because i choose to wish while you know, it may see an argentine or getting ready to defend a couple american title next month. a new pink code has been introduced to the tournaments alongside the usual rate and yellow ones. the pink card will be used to indicate a concussion substitute, which gives teams the option of making a 6th change in the van to the head injury if deployed. the opposition team would also be given an extra sub to maintain fairness. you could dante translate the dallas mavericks to victory and gain one of a wisdom conference final series with the minnesota temples. don't judge scold 53 points while kindly irvings for 24 will be sitting in the 1st or full. the mavericks just done to it just being points in the 4th quarter that helped them 5 fact when 108105, but it says it has to gain 2 on friday. i just said to myself, you know,
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we've got to win this game. i gotta be way better because 3 quarters i didn't play good. so, so i just came into force, get to my spot. and it seemed to him in the n h l, the new york ranges that found themselves holding behind in the series for the 1st time in the playoffs. it was game one of the eastern conference finals. and it was largely because of the florida pensive goals and so gabled ski made $23.00 saves to shut off the ranges at the parenthesis. one reading nothing. came to take place in new york on friday. and that is the sports news for tonight scenario. thank you. very much thank you. want to take you to mexico. now there's been a story. what 9 people, including a child, have died off to a stage collapse of the presidential campaign. raleigh, the citizens movement policy was holding an event in the state of new every off on wednesday night presidential candidate, jorge alada. his name is said, a gust of wind nicole's,
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the stage to collapse. more than 50 people are also injured. south africa is government is problem is to build a hundreds of thousands of houses for the pool, but it's far behind the target people head to the poles. those were homeless and now more desperate than ever. so mean a minute reports on this from cape town. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town, more than 2 years ago. of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no, sell a deposit leads to a home is also we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a. a month,
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the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilets and april and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each. yeah, me, wow. i can say that's bad because if you look into this and get but 60600000 people, that is on the waiting list. these are a lot of options there this afternoon. these projects and also there's no accountability residents. yeah. explain this area was marked for development, but it's tools and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cold, but 19 pandemic people lost income, and the economy struggled and estimated 14000 people live on the streets of the great to cape town area. while the government does provide shelters, they aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone, the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because
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the democratic alliance is the influx of people from florida provinces. is one of the reasons for the high demand for housing. the national government, aided by the african national congress, says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets, or need planning in long term. and when you're done, especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you've been given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8th provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the lack of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption, and the lack of money. for me de la l g 0, cape town. my how much interest baby has been sworn in as jobs president of to
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being declared winner of the elections held earlier this month. they be it's of this in term president since 2021 officer. his father was killed by rebels. ill position is the large boat making a full for the result to be a no no palestinians across cause are dealing with extreme shortages of food war to fuel. but even before the will, as well as near to decades located, i mentioned the volume of goods allowed into the strip. recent months, people have been increasingly relying on don't keep costs as a means of transportation and income. i'm the self which reports it was once considered an outdated form of transport. now, the norm palestinians in gainesville, are relying more and more on donkey carts. and here in hong eunice, people say it's become the only way left to get around.
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i am a volunteer at the european hospital. i am facing great difficulty finding a means of transportation to the medical facility. i need to get at least 2 rides in addition to walking 3 kilometers. not only is the journey fraught with danger, it is insanely expensive to nearly 8 months into israel's war, palestinian save the suffering is beyond measure. with shortages of food, medical supplies, and fuel. and those who still have vehicles are using them to make a living. let's say they're struggling to make ends meet off the got off above the ground. i'm using this pickup truck to earn a living. how is that, how suffering is beyond description? one, least with diesel now costs $16.00 off of injustice. if i challenge the passenger $1.00 to $3.00, we end up financing, but it's beyond my control. i hardly cover the cost of fuel oil in something to
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feed my children. appraisal plates comes to an insert. donkey carts have become prominent during israel's war, ongoing sale. palestinians have used them to move their belongings after being forcibly displaced to transport goods and even to take the injured to hospital for suffering from a sharp shortage of fuel. transportation is yet another problem to beg of flowers, unbelievably expensive. donkey carts is the only alternative for transportation. even patients can find a ride to the nearest hospital. i myself have multiple injury. and in between the rubble left behind from relentless is really attacks palestinian say they're looking for ways to survive in the midst of the siege ongoing. so how does that hurt as ita, and that's it for the news on that. i'll be back with another full hour,
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these for you in just a couple of minutes time to clean all the latest on the pressure and the strain facing hospitals inside cause the an aide work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health. are you will come back? are you a fighter? no, no fuss. but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade, waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation. i'm innocent until proven guilty statements in syria coming soon on al jazeera, brutal mode is to take 9 to the country and k o l g 0. well, goes to gamut with political schools in the 1980s, with 2nd by assessing that was
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a big back. so come many battles in which south humans president was part of a deputy da. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of self human. the politicians during a routine cabinet. take a 1986, a not to me, of an assassination. on al jazeera climates, probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we're not using our past resources, we using them again. and again. if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining. nothing grows forever. you will cekada a duty and a growth healing for p. use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the
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cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems caught on red chris the the hello, i'm sorry on the why the welcome to the news out. and i from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes running out of fuel. we report on the rapidly deteriorating situation, one of causes a few remaining functioning hospitals. this is writing forces from residential homes across the strip, at least 51 people have been killed in the past day. also coming up. we have


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