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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the other on the clock. this isn't, he's on line from doe ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. garza is last remaining hospitals running out of fuel. there's hundreds of patients wait for like saving treatments. we report from outlets the hospital. right now we are in the 4 house where it is still is gifted for our last hospice out here in the area and right now with the worker's are doing here, the frontier, collect whatever is left in these barrels, just the kids, the generations, running taiwan stones the phonics is china begins,
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the 2nd dead ministry drills are on the, on a massive land slide, hits a remote village in papua new guinea, more than a 100 people the alright, so let's thoughts in central goes away one of its main hospitals. alexa is on the brink of collapse the medical facility, and deborah butler is just hours away from completely running out of fuel. and that would endanger the lives of 1300 sick and injured patients out 0 is hunting for food. has gained access inside with many departments and now being forced to operate in total darkness and wanting to of use. some of the scenes in his report could be distressing. howard generators been shut down because of the lack of, if you were going to take you through the general surgery department in the upper floor where their electricity is quite vital. but because of it, there is
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a risk of losing rise inside this department against the lack of a space is a major problem in the hospital, particularly this department, the general surgery where you see patients and injuries, right? the car, i don't have the hospital been here for quite some time and when it was the hospital back in the insurance space here is a mid sized health facility and unable to accommodate the large number, the large number of injuries in patients inside the hospital. i'm much good method there at what is there that there's no treatment available? no electricity, basically nothing. here. the hospital is struggling with just the basics. i've been here for over a month and a half after being shot in my leg and stomach. i know how you can see i've had surgery beyond that, there's only antibiotics. i need more surgeries, but they're not happening. i'm told there's a long waiting list and i've had to wait another 15 days. it's already been 2
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months of waiting at the department for children at the hospital. this is the 1st time in that is experiencing our office right now. and as you can see and hear, hear a more of this department is lacking miseries. phase right now, or we're seeing a children outside in the car, a door of this department simply because the inside of talk with patients. an injury as bombing campaign continues the area right now with the power outage in this particular department. the risk of losing lives, the rest of the aggravating. the ongoing medical problems across the hospital is increasing by the hours that the driver department, not the only one that is experiencing now power outage. but also there as the surgery, they do not a surgery department on the upper floor that is also experiencing power out.
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there's just putting the risk of more lives inside the department at risk. right, right now we are in the store house where the fuel is gifted for i love the hospice out here in a cent from the area and right now with the workers are doing here just trying to collect whatever is left in these barrels. just to keep the generator is running from the way resorting to drawing fuel from the very depths of the risk of was just to salvage in a noticeable drops. and these have been stored in small containers to sustain the electrical generator. those such practice as impacting the generators functionality . so the hospitality is a very critical point right now and a couple. 0 hours for 3 hours are not far from completely shutting down all the services and risking the lives of everyone inside the hospital. it says we've just been hearing that i like so hospitalized warning of i'm immune and health catastrophe. a fuel is not supplied soon. as medical director has issued an urgent
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appeal for assistance. now the shuttle, you know, was touched by show the products the hospital needs moving full 1000 liters a few a day so that we can take you to patients and provide needed treatments. we have hundreds of patients including the engine and those who are diagnosed with kidney failure, a need electricity for that dialysis treatment. this will stop completely without any few, with cooling on international organizations to send 50000 liters of fuel before this an imminent crisis here. otherwise, it's the into the pay, the price. all the patients will be condemned to death, especially those in the i, c, u, the incubators, and those were lying on dialysis treatment. let's get the right license from on the ground with track i was isn't there a butler in central godwin target? this whole issue of a hospitals has been the story of the past 7 months, but medical facilities right now, really at the bare minimum and barely clinging on of
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the world. that's why it says hospitals. of course this trip has have been completely of focus points within the military campaign with it. terry tree as the ongoing goal and the gaza strip, have pro devastating impacts. not totally in the terms of the health care system, but also emetics who are doing everything comfortable within their best in order to complete coping with the situation. the light of this, of the shortage of medical supplies salaries of the ongoing shortage of the few less the costs with her right now. he locks the hospital is roughly with fewer shortages. now depending mainly on the a mind that i'm smoking rates is not using the larger one in order to make a pro wise use of the a few remaining as they are making different appeals for humanitarian organizations to a full them way. the fuel, in order to guarantee the ongoing operations being made to cite this hospitalized. we're talking about at least 1300 patients are completely highly affected by the ongoing,
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the shortage of fuel supplies and will completely endanger the lives of patients. children having to pay to an order to continue to live and like to be that really city shortage or few. but similarly, situation of the notes of districts are struggling and they have been under the east very for minutes receipts for the 5th day in a row right now. as the hospital has been completely getting through difficult humanitarian, the medical conditions. imposter cute out loud and some on i do on hospital in the north of district where they have been forced to sleep. and i think it's very intense from bottom. and we're talking about those of doctors and nurses being able to flee from the out the hospital off to being cool with that by the use very all me to no longer remain in the area. why was the director of the hospital that refused to leave patients and critical conditions behind who was or has been reporting on her roof exceeds that they had been going through as the existence of the mit is wait a minute to troops and beyond the hospital has been a great source of a frustration,
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an even thing just for medical work is alongside with some of these are patients who will incite this medical come about the charge. you mentioned the know the how tell us more about that, how, how people coping well, we are talking about minute trees. these know the notes of this trends specifically in devalue bait. last year and bates had on top now families in the valley of what forced to flee from that area, going to the western side of kansas city. we need to remember that there was no, any kind of a getting into the notes of this trip, which means that people that have no source of sewage in order to feed on, alongside that they are grappling with, which is a clean water sources in light of the ongoing destruction of the tax on water wheels in the north of district families, we're talking about more than $100000.00 palestinians flip valia to separate pots of cars and city along side that they are hundreds of families hot traps in base. how in one town, which is one of the towns but adjacent to devalue refuge account. now families that
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have been trapped without having any kind of food access and evaluation centers. and now we've been, you really appreciate with a new operation that will begin and based handling in town. this situation is getting much more dire. we have been contacting a number of residents that the have been reporting on a constant tv gone flight exchange between almost flight to and the is where the army families to the are grappling to get a kind of medical treatment and light of the collapse of the medical sector and at the same time be said that we are not even able to get the process of food. it means that it goes to farm and blooms again in the north of this trip. as there is no end kind of imagined it just immediate intervention. in order to provide people in the notes of this trip with a broker access to food to eat supplies, which means that people in the news are slowly dying right now as they are suffering from hung up on the hydration as well. yeah. that grim,
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grim picture attract. thanks for that to target to zoom, the in cause a wealth of mountains rougher in southern draws. it had been the last place of refuge for palestinians who are forcibly displaced from that whose blaze rails will . it's strange. we're flying with people, make shift shelters and tents and now of course, as long as she goes, tom out 0 spoke to some people trying to escape for they once thought they would be safe occupied. having been the crime to show it. i am right. all the time from i'll show refugee camp left to come for con eunice funeral and we are in constant suffering. right. i'm trying to find some water every day we moved from here to there. awesome. awesome. and there is nothing left to resign and what's ongoing? suffering that doesn't stop, the whole situation is very bad. just the monthly, cassandra, this flies and mosquitoes, everywhere our life is comparable, is even a high level gen alphretta and i sound like we went to rock. the define drinking
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water as a lot to hear is not human being, not have a problem with this when it hasn't, since all of sudden i was shot when i arrived in rough. uh i found no one. i didn't even find cats or dogs. there's no market to shops, waterfall, every single thing is closed. you can't even buy a bottle of water to drink the items it will look hello. does it any roughly used to be the best place in joseph? it's with everyone and everything coming into the strip used to gather that's a lot of it now. it's just too much suffering. i'm not going to publicly deposited the person who work with strain. we displaced we fee, the will pines in the tanks. i felt some new belongings for my family. we need to live with
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a minimum in our hands. we're living on the siege and under aggression. people used to live in houses and apartments. now we live in tents if we can find them, and if not, then the sun's waiting for you to sleep on the sand. we're having to tolerate the freezing weather in winter. hot weather in summer to such suffering, i have no message for the world. i have only one word enough. enough is enough. people are dying here every minute. us how speak and mike jumps and the says, these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu will soon address a joint meeting of congress. it's very likely to blanket the democrats who are increasingly critical of israel's war and gaza. the white house declined to comment when aust, whether it was consulted with zeros. how did your customer has more from washington dc. the us house speaker says that a formal invitation will be issued later this week to is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to appear before
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a joint session of the us congress speaker mike johnson made this announcement added, is really independence event hosted by this really embassy in washington and we will soon be hosting prime minister netanyahu at the capitol for a joint session of congress. yes, this will be a timely and i think a very strong show of support to these rarely government and their time. and greatest needs now is unclear when this address would take place, but already the planet invitation is stoking divisions. johnson who is a republican 1st floated the idea of inviting the in yahoo back in march. that was in response to comments from chuck schumer, the top democrat in the us senate, who said that none. yeah. who had lost his way in his real is israel's war policy in gaza and calling for new elections. now it's unclear if schumer has agreed to a joint session invitation, but he would have to order for it to take place. johnson though has said he would work and he would invite them. yeah. who?
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regardless and then yeah, who last address a joint session of congress in 2015. and that switch was boycotted by a number of progressive democrats. that will likely be the case again as president bided himself. has said what? none. yeah. who is doing now is quote, a mistake. and as us support for israel has fiercely divided the american public. heidi joe castro alger 0 washington. as a republican controlled us, congressional committee held the leg system this series of hearings on campus products as in solidarity. we've garza several university presidents with grilled of alleged anti semitism on campus reynolds as well. thank you madam chair. it was clear from the very beginning that the hearing would be about hurling accusations rather than finding facts. all of your universities have been hot beds, pervasive antisemitism, no matter how hard the college presidents tried to explain their actions and
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dealing with campus protests. republicans cut them off, not even waiting for responses to their own question, and the fact jewish and is really consult. students were not consulted. jewish and as really, students were not consulted exactly idea that raymond, exactly, you're back. the goal to do buyers is striking that you decide negotiate i sweetheart, deal with for all my students. university presidents displayed patients but some near their limits under the verbal garage and i really have a part of where i'm buying a my lifetime. what my jobs are republicans repeatedly demanded the university's immediately expelled, protesting students and fire faculty members who support them. despite explanations that disciplinary investigations were underway, democrats say the hearing was only about scoring political points with right wing voters continuing to schedule repetitive politicized hearings to attack college presidents will not solve the scourge of antisemitism, the subject of gaza,
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and the more than 35000 people they're killed by is really military forces. with barely mentioned, my colleagues are outraged over these protests. but they are silent about the students that are at what the students are actually protesting about. hundreds of students around the country have been arrested for predominately peaceful campus. protests, the biggest outbreak of violence on campus came with hundreds of pro. israel agitators violently attacked. the you see a leg garza solidarity encampment for several hours. as police stood idly by democratic congresswoman, johan omar demanded answers from you. slays chancellor, why has the violent agitators who you know, has been identified not being held accountable for assaulting over 150 of your students? you should be ashamed. we 12, you feel a chancellor june block was testifying
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a group of u. c. l. a. students set up a new protest and camp on campus. they held a rally and the city in lease removing and campus. it's part of the new day to day reality for college students, faculty and administrators, all across the country. rob reynolds, l g, 0, los angeles. and in germany place it broken up, it sits in at the university, berlin a day off to it was taking everybody students protesting against the war and draws a several of the demonstrations in the humble invest in berlin were detained. many were blocked off from joining the protest in the 1st place at a student coalition of berlin, his accused israel of genocide and say they wanted to show the unconditional sort of parity with the palestinian people will dominate payments invalid and outside the university building. those professors who are left in the building on not being processed by the police being pulled from inside down through this door. here, you can see those who have been detained by the police,
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brought down from the upper floors. the rest of the comp time, the complex of the building has already been sanitized as it was. and what's happening now is the police are taking down the details of these professors and working through the process that goes with this. this is the time to move, the 2nd place is what you can't see if i just move slightly to the left. what you can see behind this row of police vehicles is the crowds of protests who are on the other side and never are actually physically don't use of the buildings, but has come johnson the usual thompson slaves. and so the sorts of process attract . baker, do you want to say but the building where the process is where the system is taking place? well, that is now very clearly being satisfies some of the houses there currently. now the international court of justice is set to rules on south africa's request for it. to or to israel to hold his ministry operations in garza, south africa accuses his realm of coming out of genocide against palestinians in
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january the you and ties quote, issue provisional measures, ordering israel to take all possible measures to prevent acts. it could amount to genocide saw that because there's really no that really does tapes on. we can speak to my mental mastery, who's with us now it's political, endless. and professor media studies are the do hot institute for graduate studies . i would welcome. so this really has to be delivered little bit later at what's your sense of how it's likely to print out. i think there are a number of possibilities. there was interesting. yesterday there was an is really diplomatic source who spoke with and his really newspaper. it's not you have them. and he said that there were a couple of possibilities. one is that the court will order is realty, stop it's rough operation. another possibility is that the court will order israel to stop the entirety of it's, the gods are operation. i happen to think that that's probably unlikely and i would add
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a 3rd possibility. and that is that the court will order is real simply to follow international law international humanitarian law in carrying out its, um, uh no to your activities. that would mean explicit. i would assume it would mean explicit mentions of allowing unfettered humanitarian aid and to the strip protecting civilians avoiding civilian infrastructure and, and the like. do you think that's the most likely? that is what let's, i don't want to make a prediction game actually. and then i'm on the hook for that prediction. let's wait and see or happens. i think there are a few different possibilities or it was have to wait and see, right? but whatever the court order is, israel has in the past, or most occasions ignore whatever comes through for any international edict. so how much pressure does it bring to bear on the? and so that's, i mean, that's the big, that's the big issue here, right? i mean the, the ice c, j does not have enforcement power. and so, um, what you've seen for the better part of a 7 and a half months is israel sort of funding. it's knows at the international legal
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system. and they actually usually double down and become more defiant. right? so after these arrest warrants were issued, or i should say, the threat of arrest warrants, they were sought out earlier this week by the icpc is real double down. it intensified its attacks on guys a killing of 4 or 5 times as many people it has as it had been killing in the previous periods. and then yesterday you have your kalonde. so sort of on the eve of this icy j a border, he gives us fire a speech in which he says that they're going into it off off even more intensely. so that's, that's really the issue we're left with the same equation and that is that it's only the united states that, that can apply real pressure on israel and it has not yet been willing to do. so. what is the conclusion to that equation, though? if israel keeps on doubling down in the way that it has as installation, that seems to be growing. or israel is on the pass of destroying guys on, you know,
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causes already and apocalyptic condition. there was a report issued about 2 weeks ago by the united nations that said it will take 80 years to rebuild the reconstruct. garza and then other report said that it will take 14 years simply to clear the ground of all the unexploded bombs. so israel trying to make life uninhabitable, i think they still have hopes that they will be able to drive the gardens out. i think that's been the goal since the very beginning to complete population transfer ethnic cleansing of the cause of the kinds of strip. but the question in stone open question, will the united states at some point finally sort of lay down the law and say enough is enough. i don't have an s o k a and on that's n i c j reading that, that says it's israel must assist at what pressure does that bring to bear on bite . and especially with this backdrop of the house speaker inviting yahoo to talk to congress. well, i mean unfortunately the united states and israel probably the 2 of the leading
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rogue states in the world. that's according to some political scientists, including noam chomsky and others. so i don't think that that's gonna force biden's hand in any way. but what we do see is certainly mounting international pressure against israel and the united states. both countries are looking very bad. it's been a nightmare from a public relations standpoint. and i think there are long term implications, certainly for both countries. or i'm having to leave a different mindset more as the day goes on. leave it for the night with some time ago. mostly. thank you. the now huge landslide has truck remote village in papua new guinea, dozens of people. if you didn't, the northern province of anger, the regions governor says bold is assigned to the call came tumbling down hill crossing several whose beloved villages of trying to recover bodies from underneath the revel and the month. let's bring us bringing jessica washington joins live now from jakarta,
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said jessica has happened about 3 am local time. i understand what caused it and what's the situation now? that's exactly right. the information is this is still very much a developing situation. so we'll just talk you through what we do know that the land side occurred around 3 am in the mountainous area of the in the province. we've had a short statement from the prime minister james in robbie, who noted that he has yet to be fully briefed on the extent of the situation. but the national authorities have already punched the support of from the relevant ministries, including the roads, ministry, as well as from the defense force. a few hours ago, the provincial authorities in nga held an emergency meeting. that meeting consisted of representatives from the health sector, as well as police and defense. we understand that there are emergency personnel on the ground at the moment assessing the extent of the damage, and indeed the death toll. they say at this stage it is chosen to say how many
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lives were lost, but they have regarded this as a massive landslide, pretty remote areas, and that to jessica, what more do we know about the region as well? that's right. it is a remote area and in situations like this, it can be difficult for doherty's to assess the scale, also damage. indeed the population of the area, the affected area in and approach problems it's, it's still yet to be determined. how many people were living in that area that we don't really have reliable things like census data to, to reference easily. what we do know is this, the community that lives indeed well the traditional lives, mostly small scale funding, living on this mountainous rhonda, a remote area of what we've seen from some people sharing photos and videos on social media of course, or is limited visuals from the scene, but we have seen some photos that show huge trees in bold is that have full and onto the ground homes and gardens destroyed as well as the main main road which is blocked and of course, complicating efforts. and indeed,
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it is approaching evening in popping your guinea and as authorities then lose light that may complicate some of the search and relief efforts then. yeah, raise your situation the improper jessica washington. thank use a china is military as long as the 2nd day of exercises surrounding taiwan. chinese forces say the war games are aimed at testing their ability to seize power, control key areas. it comes days off to the swearing unit. president lighting the light has promised to defend tie when he's talking to you, but china considers the items to be part of china jealous certificate component had selected from type or the chinese males. 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days, they said the chinese p l. a vessels got between within 24 nautical miles and the
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water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joined, strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan. and in particular, in these exercises, what they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus is being given to the name joints toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for taiwan or to everyone's part of been just discussing a controversial bill. expanding legislative pallet in the country bellwood and theory,
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ground legislatures the pounds question. investigate or the amount of documents from any government's official ministry general or the president is already drawn thousands of people into the streets or testers gathered outside the legislature on choose day. and during it says reading, they say it likes the checks and balances necessary to prevent abuse as use of friends, a, as an assistant professor at the national don't while you'd invest in. when she says the that taiwan is newly elected government is also concerned. the new push could undermine its functions. it is important to look at both the timing and the content and also the procedures surrounding these reforms that the opposition, the kmc and the ttp parties together put forward. so what we are seeing right now is huge public outrage, which makes me think back to 10 years ago in 2014, when similarly a single society and society such
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a protest against reforms that at the time, the gnc ford, which were seen to be not in line with timelines, democratic passport. so what we're seeing right now is this here from the d v d. the party that night see the newly elected president belongs to the theater. that the opposition in a tactical alignment. so the can see under to be together are using their majority right now in the parliament to undermine the piece ability to govern. and this is what lighting to inherits. so hey, there are now is there a well because of the software as big as the most valuable company for test? for a 2nd time and weeks we'll find out more i'd overwhelming both of you into one of the thousands of victims. the 1995 trevor and it's a genocide. the annual memorization.
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the paddler this very lively weather to come across europe as the end the week and go into the weekend with some very heavy rain. continuing across the central parts, we've got red warnings out for southern pots of germany. we could see flooding as a heavy rain continues to for here. so i was continue for much of front of what the weather as well edging into the low countries and we will see that weather start to push its way further east. as we go into sat today with some heavy falls on the way for the likes of poland as well as slovakia to be near as well seeing some of that rain and the bulk. and so i just want greasing some of thunderstorms with some west to weather weather as well for eastern pots of to a kia, but it does dry up across the west. and we're gonna see things dry out briefly across the western areas of france. pots of person as well, but small heavy rain coming in to island,
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the own sack today and temperatures are sitting very high across node in areas the scandinavia. despite the sky, the child was coming into no way. we will still see tempt, just sitting very high for this time of year. also thing 20 degrees celsius that 29 in bucharest. and we'll see, tempt you start to pick up a course of western areas of europe with 29 degrees in madrid on saturday with sun the there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested,
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placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. israel's war on god becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again,
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you want to out 0 reminder about top stories this uh and the electricity has been partially cut off for the i likes the hospital in central jobs us. several departments are running incomplete, dump doctors a warning that fuel will continue run out in the coming out for the no fees. ready forces are still in the hospital in to far leah after 6 days is ready seats, hundreds of medic. some patients were full to come allowed one hospital as well. so it'd be a huge landslide has struck a remote village in papua new guinea. dozens of people are fed dead as villages try to recover for these traps under the rubble. now samsung employees and sold uh, holding the 2nd protest just every month, protested the electronics johnson. chuck are usually a rare occurrence. the $27000.00 persons from union is the money a $6.00 and a half percent wage increase. and one additional days paid leave. negotiations took place,
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but down samsung says they will always keep the door open for dialogue type. it's all and we can speak to say one girl who's the founder and editor of career expose a that's an online newsletter, specialize in career news, and joins is not from so a welcome said to the program is true to say that while approaches a common and software, they don't usually happen that samsung's was what post the workforce do you think? i as well, as you explained earlier, there is a real concern in the workforce that they are not being fairly compensated for a year. like many countries around the world has been seeing a major rising cost of living. and also workers are arguing that some zone, in fact is supposed to be the major increase, some 10 fold increase in revenue and the 1st quarter of this year. so they feel that they're entitled to better compensation and better working conditions. it also true to say that it isn't it, that's a unions and not popular in south korea. so how might this time out?
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do you think well there and these feelings about unions on the one hand, if you talk to the more progressive segment of the population, certainly they would tell you that unions have been historically suppressed in south korea during its course of the coming development and the workers indeed, should have before where they can air their grievances. on the other hand, it's interpreted so i convinced it. yeah, and korea is actually spending a great delica juncture in economically speaking. the growth, the rate of growth is not as what it used to be in the hay days of eighty's and ninety's and even better to thousands. and sometimes, for example, a while it's posting big profit in this year last year in the 4th, or it also posted on loss amounting to something like one us dollars. so it is a difficult moment for the company. and the union is staging its action at a moment that i'm sure is putting a lot of pressure on the management. and i imagine that other unions around the
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country are watching this very closely because any outcome may encourage them to take action is at the cost of living souls as, as it is ever. absolutely, samsung is a highly symbolic company in korea. it is the most powerful and most influential and certainly the most valuable company in the country sounds or so as being actively suppressing unionization, and it's uh, within its rang since 1969 the year of its founding. the union that is product staging is protest today in fact as only officially existed since the beginning of this year. so it's a major test post for samsung, as well as for the larger sector in so for you also outside pressure has been brought to bear on samsung. a with the quality control of chips. it's applies to the market, right. in fact, gets a very good point. um, just this morning came out
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a report that some zone has failed to pass some quality tests for his chips and men for in via the major player in the artificial intelligence sector. and already another competitor from south, or s k hi, next. as meeting making headways lots of appliances to this company. and if someone cannot deliver on this, it's future is certainly going to be very dark. because of course, a i is such a growing market in the i think it's something like 80 percent of the trips and supplies to in the video, which is a major force. and i absolutely samsung seats. this is a major industry for either the continued success of it, so send me, come, dr and ship sector. and um for them to be able to pass the test studies and post by india is absolutely crucial. all right, be arranged and see how this pans out to appreciate your perspective on this se one . good. thank you. i think it's a far as an apartment building vietnam's capital handler has left 14 people that
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place down to the court y'all. and that was being used as a general, as for repairs or electric motorcycles. officials say the fight was accompanied by several explosions. at least 6 of the people in just for the now in staples conditions for people to being killed and at least twin twin engine down to the roof. edit tourist beach side restaurant collapse in the spanish wanted to me, your emergency services say many of the wounded are in a serious condition. the cause of the collapse has not yet fees established for further into mental my cost as a controversial but like to a reformed law of a new kind of duty. it would not be forced to through. he made the comments while meet the local leaders in the friendship of these territories. capital have no mere weeks of unrest to follow the proposal to change the voting system in the pacific olive bronco bye on the spot to crack down to bring violence over virtually forms. a new caledonia under control,
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there was to red bluff trails of smoke rising and pots of the capital. no, we may have to and imagine c talks is low. cletus french presents a manual macro code for dialogue to end the 12 days types of imagined. see, he said he's delaying votes and reforms and the french overseas territory and says changes wouldn't be adopted by force. i'm sure it gives us could successful. i have played that this reform will not be forced through in the current context. and that we will allow some weeks for a calling of tension and resumption of dialogue defined a broad course indigenous kind of people raise up on may. the 13th ever electro reforms imposed by from the change this would give voting rights to french nationals have lived on the island for 10 years. but some kind max pay of the plans. what that includes,
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separating power and dual efforts to secure independence. so see, we've been lied to for years and years. they've lied to our ancestors, they've lied to out elders through the various agreements that have been made. we run out the 3rd agreement, it's the longest and i'm with tired of not being recognized. hope all is fantastic you today, i'm convinced that the solution is not a political tool, because whether we decide one thing with the other half of the population will be frustrated. no, this is not something that you can except perhaps for an election cases, but not for a future. the local politicians say more has to be done to address conic. and if we're on employment failing, schools, hunger and pull housing conditions. if you already fix your, there's ideas about how we rebuild our society in the long term city. it requires a social project. obviously a social project in partnership with economic players to rebuild, but perhaps in a different way from what we did before. so we have
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a bit that the french security forces are expected to remain in the college and yet for as long as the tensions last, barbara and good part of this era, your k prime minister, which you soon back in his opposition rival, have kicked off 6 weeks of election campaigning. so next announcement for staff election has been described as a gamble with a labor party leading and opinion polls. labor lita, case dom or is hoping to see is probably to return to power off to 14 years to the old reports and kitchen and southeast and english a day one of a surprise generally election campaign and in britain's town square is this little sign yet to defend fair and has things, the leaflets and activists that will show the arise for the main party lead is the campaign is in full swing with stump speeches, hammering home key messages, the prime minister in dump a shell. it's been a real privilege to be with you. thank you for your questions. thank you for what your day and i'll hopefully i'll get your support in
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a few weeks. thoughts. all right, 5, i bought a position to the labor party. the. the customer was in kent, so this is hit shooting in hot, which you traditionally conservative probability this time around late. but it's the sort of place that illustrates how the election is likely to go. according to the opinion polls, which way do you think it'll get labor? why racing sudden? so yeah, i'm please, there isn't that action because part so they will get a better government. and yet everyone's in the same one with another. i think that it needs to change because it will pete again. the the positive, remember, has been posting on average 20 points ahead of the concepts deposit for many months now. thanks to fully living standards, record high taxes and failing public services. the coverage calculus suggests a swing of government seats to the opposition that could be the largest since the
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2nd world war. so that while bar is johnson's victory in 2019 was characterized by the fall of so called red will seats and traditional labor party working class areas. the very opposite could happen. this time. the collapse of the conservative blue will in places like kitchen. jo, no l g 0. in hospice you, united nations has passed, a resolution designates in july, the 11th is forever and it's a genocide remembrance day on that day in 1995 more than 8000 main name was the men and boys were massacred by both names subs. if they paused, despite strong opposition from serbia, gabriel, and it's on their reports, not from you and ask you a new draft resolution is adopted with that the united nations general assembly voted to commemorate annually. the 1995 genocide
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inseparably to 84 countries in favor. 19 against with 68 extension's, serbia's president alexander boutique fought hard to convince countries to vote against the resolution, calling it political in nature, and that it could renew regional tensions. he came to new york for the vote to make a last attempt to sway the outcome. this is not about memory is this is something that's real just open an old holds. i've got to create a complete political trouble. and not only in our region, the draft was sponsored by germany and rwanda, and had more than 2 dozen co sponsors, as well as white support for many western countries. this resolution is not directed against any body, not against the about a valued member of this organization. if at all, it is directed against perpetrators of a general side. the draft resolution that was adopted is now much more than just
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this paper. it designates july 11th as a international day of reflection and collaboration of the 1995 genocide. the u. n . will now prepare outreach programs to observe the day with public awareness activities that honor the victims book or took the un high commissioner for human rights said in his statement after the vote that he welcomes the resolution. given the persistent revisionism denial of the genocide and hate speech by high level political leaders in bosnia and herzegovina as well as neighboring countries. but in a press conference in 70 to the president of the republic up subscript, said he would ignore the general assembly resolution and repeated threats to leave bosnia to, to what is the aim of this resolution. you want to impose the story on us because that's a non binding resolution. well,
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we will not accept it. i'm telling you all straightened now. we will not accept it . it will not enter our school books nearly 30 years after roughly 8000 mostly muslim men and boys were killed by the bosnian serbs and thousands more. never found the victims. now it will be remembered every year gabriel's on don't you see it at united nations, new york? i'd as the music has a reaction now from tripping it. so of the zeros folks to mothers of 70 said those are the women who lost their husbands, their son, their brothers and other, other family members and 7 and so genocide in july 1995. and for them, this is a historical moment, but they say that they are disappointed with the fact that so many countries of the same for the votes that there are no more countries who actually support. this is a lucian. also we have to reminds a fewer sets of we're standing here now in the graveyard were thousands of 70 such
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on the sides. victims are buried nearly 7000, but 1000 is still missing and for their family. this is still reality because as, as the countries, both of them, the resolution incomplete human remains of at least 17 and such on the sides. victims were located today around 7, a still head here now does euro. we have pm monday. we have a pm for more kind of discuss the people who made this division. can you as president thousands trips will bring stability to the security and trade at the top of the agenda? state visit and unable to rebuild deadlines, while hundreds of thousands of south africans are heading to the polls.
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the the the know thursday's a nice as a 1000000 people have died and at least 70 others injured off. the strong winds toppled the concept style structure and waverley on state. it happened during an election campaign events where i met some presidential candidate towards you and minus was scheduled to speak, ma'am, well, or i'll follow reports from the capital of mexico city. the horrifying moment a stage collapse over a crowd in sun. pedro garza, the accident left at least 9 people dead and several dozens more injured in what was otherwise expected to be a peaceful campaign event for the movie me and those 2 that i know party ahead of
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mexico's upcoming general elections in demo splish, we send our condolences to the families who lost their lives. we are very sorry. we also expressed our solidarity with a political organization citizen of being its leaders, its candidates among and its members idea. images shared on social media showed the towers supporting the stage, holding against the force of a sudden gust of wind and the giant screen falling on the platform where he is. what is mine? is one of mexico's 3 leading presidential candidates was standing. mine is, has since announced a temporary suspension of upcoming campaign events. coconut, but i believe you can understand at this moment the most important thing is to provide support to the victim and stay focused on the issue. this is not the time to think about any of the political or electro activities. experts have described
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the weather conditions that lead to wednesdays accident as abnormal as of thursday morning 12 people remain hospitalized following that stage collapse enable, they own mexican government officials say an investigation into the deadly accident is now underway. one way that happen to al jazeera mexico city. now at least 5 people are being killed in iowa. and also tornadoes swept through us dates more than $200.00 homes destroyed. and 1st responders are still searching through the wreckage. the hospital in the town of greenfield was among the buildings damaged. 3 separate tornadoes hit the state on tuesday, causing widespread partridges. this was my house. and we were and this was the basement. and it picked my house up and dropped it right there. that's what's left of my home. all this was houses as well if it's about right, the center of or the tornado here. i think there's, there's this line right here. did you see go around town, there's lots of damage,
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but right, this trail right here is where you see all the houses that have just disappeared. the presidents of the us and can you have declared that commitment to help bring us the ability to hate t, which is being wrought by months of gang violence, kenya has agreed to send 1000 police officers to help restore the president when it routes i spoke during a visit to the united states, the 1st african leda to be hosted at the white house in 16. yes. can we hook it as, as well to maintain use? president william russo on the south lawn of the white house market since 2008. the 1st official state visit of an african leader to mark the occasion biden announced to be making the symbolic designation of k. yeah. as a non nato ally, virtually no challenge, i think i can get it for years. can you and the united states have
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collaborated on security challenges in africa and beyond that now kenya is sending a 1000 police officers to act as peacekeepers in haiti move. it's in popular with some canyon law makers and human rights activists who are more concerned about their own problems at home. the president rudo still pressing ahead, back by more than $300000000.00 in us financing to protect the box of the game. and the criminals that have a visitor's son for suffering in that country by then faced his own challenges. thursday's joint press conference dodging a reporter's question about whether there was any evidence is real, is intentionally starving palestinians in gaza. bite and give us stock white house, answer about why his administration doesn't support the international criminal
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court investigation of israel. we've made or physician clear on the i c c. we don't think we don't recognize that your section. hi, i see. see where it's be an exercise and, and so that you can use that to g d p ratio is 70 percent with the majority over to china. so the 2 leaders are calling on develop nations to cut financing terms to help kenya and other developing african nations drive. china is africa's largest 2 way trading partner and biden wants to change that. december 2022. he hosted the us african liter summit, promising to visit the continent the following year, but jump wide and never visited africa and 2023 ad with the us selection. now 6 months away. a trip in 2024 is unlikely. hangover president ruth hose visit is that broken promise. but joe biden says he'll visit africa in february after
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he's reelected. kimberly healthcare algebra, the white house to south africa where the government has promised to build hundreds of thousands of low income homes. but as far behind as target is people head to the polls, those who are homeless, i'm more desperate than other media miller reports now from cape town. this is one of thousands of informal settlements in south africa. emmys, i'm a year to 1st run up in the cape town, more than 2 years ago of to some here were forcibly removed from a neighboring area. since then, it's estimated that at least 40000 people have both make shift homes here using corrugated iron plastic sheets and we have possible breaks confidence that he's lived here for nearly 20 years. no, no, no selling the pos that leads to a home is also, we're the only toilets, all the smell of sewerage and waste can't be avoided. she blames the provincial
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governments led by the opposition democratic alliance, or d a. a month, the waters 13 the grades are production and the toilets and everyone and no one from the municipality comes while the government is building homes for the poor. there's a backlog of at least $2300000.00 homes. and that number grows each year. the new file, i can say, i said, we want to be looking with some care, but 60600000 people. that is under way. this is a lot of options there this afternoon, these projects and also there's no accountability residency to explain this area was marked for development, but it's stalled and they don't know why. in cape town, the number of people without homes worse and during the cold, but 19 pandemic people lost income, and the economy struggled. an estimated 14000 people live on the streets of the great the cape town area. while the government does provide shelters, there aren't enough bids to accommodate everyone,
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the needs know. so there are some who say they don't want to sleep in child because the democratic alliance is the influx of people from florida provinces. is one of the reasons. so the high demand for housing, the national government, aided by the african national congress, says the d a is not using the budget. it's been allocated to build homes, housing budgets, and infrastructure budgets, or need planning and long term. and when you're done, especially in the of the finances on a municipality to deliver housing, you've been given a month or 2 to deliver on that budget. it's not possible. but the amc too, has been criticized for not providing enough homes in the 8 provinces. it runs a south africa hits to an election. the lack of housing for the flow remains a major problem, often influenced by politics, corruption, and the lack of money to meet them in a ultra 0 cape town. and that's it for this news. i'll be back in just
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a couple of minutes to another half hour of use pressed the for young women, the south african town played by poverty rate, and murder paid me. yet despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the communities say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe. and with this documentary on the jersey to over 27000 photographs of dead and tortured civilians, have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. it's fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and the
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lawyers face a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. well now just sierra an aide where a car travels to vote on syria saying he's back to hell. are you will come back? are you afraid of? no, no 5. but no, it's in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on
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innocent until proven guilty statements in syria coming soon on algae 0. the . ringback the with hundreds of patients waiting for live saving treatment i likes the hospital receives a supply field, but only enough for a few days will be live at the hospital. the on the clock. this is out 0 live from the also coming out. a massive lens live hits the remote village in public any more than 100 people are fed. china begins the 2nd day of ministry drills surrounding taiwan,


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