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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront. what out the the world's top cold old is this route. this don't fits minute trail peroration and are off. i immediately sang. the situation in the southern city and gaza is disastrous. on the digital side is that it must immediately hold me. it's open and any other action ended up on the low. on sammy's i them, this is algebra live from don't also coming up despite
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the i c. j brooding garza something hits again by series of his riley strikes, shovel or refugee camp. targeted in central rough hundreds fit day. then pop. when you get a officer, a line slide sweeps through the districts and the knolls varying homes, while many out of sleep the now the you and the top court has ordered israel to immediately and it's ministry offensive enough in southern garza, international court of justice says, situation is disastrous good calls, irreparable damage to the rights of the palestinian people. it's also ordered as well to open that off the border crossing to allowing urgently needed to monetary and aid the older is legally binding. the i c. j as no pilots, when full sit on this in south africa, filed the case,
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it accused of israel is counting out genocide against palestinians. the quote constituted that in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of governors, which may inflict on the bus sitting in a group and gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx the quotes, which is to emphasize that'd be measured, indicated in paragraph 51 to a office or that of march 28th, 2024th the whiting. i quote, the and the vision at scale by all the concerns of urgently need the basic services and to maintain the system. and of course, mississippi space that is funding meant in open land crossing points. and in
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particular that off across the step boston has the life is from the instructional court of justice. in the hank in south africa responded quietly, least after this quite important ruling by the international court of justice. it's also called to the ground breaking ruling because for the 1st time now is trial is order to hold its operations. and at least a part of guys uh, south africa uh order to or i requested the court earlier. uh to stop uh, all the it's still probations and guys and withdrawal altogether. now the court has decided not to go this far, but to say that the military operation in rough or has to stop and that international observers should be allowed in to investigate crimes. and also that israel has to report back within a month, according to south africa, is also very important. step forward in this a 4 month long process already in the genocide case that south africa has filed
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against is the route. so now the question is, what is israel going to do? this is a binding, legally binding or to buy the highest court in the world. but we have seen that in the past 4 months, these by new orders have been simply ignored by israel. so it's now a much higher process of the un security council that has to give the answer to the question of is the court's orders. here will have a real result for the people it and gotta step 5, some elses 0 they take is arouse finance. ministers tweeted his reaction to the i. c. j routing saying the state of his route is that will for its existence, those who demand it stopped for war, demanding a decree itself to cease to exist. we will not agree to that. let's throw his band out this era from defaulting from the so we're going to go over this out of 5. it whose joining us now from the jo damian capital are mine. so we know that these
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ready officials of a meeting following the i. c. j routing, what else has come out of that? well, we've just been hearing from the, the prime minister's office benjamin netanyahu, and in this statement, he rejects the allegations as well says that it's false outragious and even close it disgusting. also adding the rough campaign. why leads to the destruction of the palestinian population? we will also continue to allow aid in accordance to the law. so that's the official is really response to the i c j's order. we also heard from benny guns, so we'll cabinet member that said is role is committed to continue the will just, i'm necessary and also to return the hostages. all 3 of those. but what, how caps is a bodies were returned earlier this morning? where are these ready forces manage to retrieve them? but really if you're looking at israel's reaction, it's not
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a surprising one. it feels that the international community is turning against it. it also has had a very tough week with the i c j or the now and also i c, c, a c king warrants against him. and one of the other wall cabinet members. and then you also have the general consensus, is that the, the roof, the whole price, it needs to be stalled, including from its allies, the us, which has been set to start there off the offensive, but certainly didn't want it to be done in this way. now in terms of lots of people locally, all thing king, the concern that the families of those how is captive is this shouldn't be happening. they should be focusing at the moment at winding down the will to be able to bring back those cop susan's also resume the tools that came to a complete holes and a complete style made uh with the uh, either side of the negotiations baby show the full the full of those talks and
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really that's what so the families of those held captive ones. so always surprised by this reaction from israel. no, it's clearly the sides of the international community and definitely says that regardless of what the results have been, it will still go ahead with this will kind of close out of height or they're reporting from outside to as well because prime minister benjamin netanyahu is government is banned down to 0 from reporting in israel says welcome to ruling by the international courts of justice. meanwhile, in the statement, it says though it expected the code to issue in order to stop the genocide, the game style people in all of call, sir, not just in rough. these right emetrius count out raids in southern galls are on the same day as the i c. j handed down that slight this rooting of a strikes targeted the crowd data shop board, a refugee camp in central it off off the attack force tower,
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5 people to seek shelter with a nearby hospital. let's get more now with him the whole day in dayton, boston central garza so we can create a seats based night full that in gaza with alice off to this ruling by the i. c, j saying this offensive should stop and the crossing off on crossing should open any sign of either of those things happening well, let me give you the latest updates on me from the ground. let's start with the gods, a city where the is where the forces start visit the house for and now the family. according to the civil defense of these 8 palestinians, among them our children were killed. the civil defense themes are still trying to rescue and dig deeper for more bodies under the rebel. but they said that there are more people upstairs, trapped under the building where the is there any forces targeted? uh, this house without any warning, without any um, any uh, drones, stripe or,
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or without any notice uh, moving to newness where it, where policy news evacuated from real fast in the milwaukee area where that is ready forces at target to a tenant in this mix of tense where the it's crowd did, there are thousands of kind of seem use it displaced there. and moving to the far right now we're talking about endless airstrikes and it's hard teller, resigning is right, is expanding their military operations under the ground. encouraging according to our i would just say local sources there. that is right. the tanks are station 400 meters away from on the chart hosp. but then it's also very important to know that the hospitals in gauze are all working on a very low scale beauty and says, do not have fuel to transport, enters transfer, injuries from a place to another. and every single minute is, is, is, is, is, is,
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is actually the, the situation is collapsing and it's getting harder and more intense sammy a. all right, thanks so much. and just now the palestinian ambassador to the you and says he's grateful for south africa's case at the i c j against israel. and he says the decision must be implemented immediately. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a is, as i said, 5 to to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is it a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c j. i'll just say it is gabriel l, as on the johns us live from the u. n. so we understand from the protestant and the
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bass of the there's work on the way to try and get a resolution on golf off to perhaps trying to implement that i c j ruling. where is that f of that at this point? yeah, well this has been an effort. it's been ongoing spearheaded by algeria, the era group, a member of the security council right now. they've been working on this for a couple of weeks right now. quite frankly. i think what you're now seeing is a renewed sense of urgency that we will probably see in the coming hours if not days because of the i c j decision. they were already working on a draft resolution regarding rafa. now with the i c j decision which focuses on many provisional measures, but primarily on rafa is i think that you are going to see now from the palestinian investor and other like minded other members of the security council that boundary, a new effort in this regard. that we should see probably
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a very soon coming forward here in the, at the un at the council. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks so much. i us, i'm still ahead on al jazeera and it goes off for the 6 phase of its general election. have more than the physical fights when bokes, capital valley, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times. frank assessments, this is a maxim blow to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera. the
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challenge is here with the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching, i'll just say all the time to read cap. the headlines. international court of justice is ordered as well. so immediately ended smid 3 offensive in the southern gauze us to deal with off off. the quote says it's not convinced is arouse evacuation f. it's barely sufficient to alleviate the risk palestinians facing the world. cool, it also did as well to open that off crossing and to allow on ended provision of basic services and mandatory nights. garza is russ closure for the crossings with garza has to be completed. the volume of a reaching out experience in the same on the ground in gauze. the army as again target is off in sack, happened in the crowd that i shall bore account in the heart of the city. let's
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go now to our white house correspondent company how he joins us from washington dc . so can we understand us officials have had consultations with the middle east and allies off to the i. c j ruling was coming off of that of the yeah, well we can now confirm we had been hearing this 1st from the egyptian side, but was now confirmed for our own whitehouse sources that the us presidents as well as egyptian presidency. so you have agreed to a telephone call that wrapped up in just uh, the last few hours or even the last few moments is not entirely clear. were waiting for an official read out. but what we can determine is that there has been that agreement to send a aid and fuel through the crm shalom crossing. and, but this is a temporary of a sort of reopening if you will, until there can be a legal mechanism put in place to reopen the rock or crossing on the palestinian
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side. now, what we know is that this is not entirely a big surprise that this has been a secured. what has been happening is that behind the scenes for a number of weeks now we have been told that there has been talks, would have been taking place between israel, between egypt, between us officials, to get some sort of a deal to try and get some sort of opening or to facilitate a to, to come in. the goal actually from the united states standpoint is to try and get a neutral 3rd party. and in fact, the united states has been working with an e u organization to try and take control of the rafa crossing. and that seems to be where the stumbling block is. we are told from some of our sources is that that is where there seems to be some sort of opposition is in fact that israel is a, as opposed to that in egypt as opposed to that they would like to see the guidance
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re control that. so we know that these discussions have been under way and it appears that now this is where the agreement has landed, at least for now. so again, what we're hearing as a result of a phone call between the us president and the junction president is there is agreement, at least temporarily send aid and fuel to the crush alone crossing at tilde. there could be a legal mechanism for the place to reopen rafa from the palestinian side. this is kimberly last we spoke. you were telling us about the tweets buys lindsey graham, the us sent itself wishing v i. c j, which includes us personnel to go to hell. but any indication that us politicians are beginning to consider the possibility of increased us isolation because of this. right. and so we should,
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for some context to remind our viewers that lives in graham tends to be on the far extremes of the republican party at times. and his tweets on x is an example of that. it starts and ends as far as i'm concerned, the i c j can go to hell with regard to what has been the rule that b i, c, j this will and should be ignored by israel. the republican party has been firmly behind israel, and that includes in the house of representatives, served the lower chamber and the position of mike johnson, the speaker of the house, who by the way is in the works. trying to get be, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come and speak to a joint session of congress and gives you sort of an idea of just the shelves support for israel's weren't gaza, at least for a republican standpoint. but that's not necessarily the case of particularly in the democratic party. in fact, there's a real of fracture when it comes to that. given the fact that the year is isolation
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on the part of the president and some of his views in support of his real company, how good reporting to us from the white house now it's a path when you get a way, some say hundreds of people are likely, dead, also a land slide in a remote area. societies in the northern angle province are assessing the damage they're wanting, the number of casualties may be. hi, jessica washington reports the often most of the land slide in popping you can use north an anchor provence. it's drunk around 3 am. people listening or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right, the back of me that telling me that the submissive destruction the 2 police more than 300 live swift. most right now is that most major covered by the rocks and the
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deputies right now. yeah. and footage posted on facebook. people seen climbing over books and uprooted trees. those residents of this district a small scale farm is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population of the prime minister. james murphy says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and described landslide as devastating and unprecedented only of the provincial administrative, health and emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster might. so jessica washington to 0. china is made a tree is conducted the 2nd day of the tree exercises around taiwan. china says the
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war games that am that testing its ability to seize power. 3rd response to comments promoting time when the sovereignty made by new president lied to him to as it was speaking out is in all the ration ceremonial monday journalist. the vehicle pollen has the lysis from taipei, the chinese males, 3 hours have started already the ministry of defense here and tie. one does not give you details usually to later in the day. but on the previous days they said the chinese, p l. a vessels guard between, within 24 nautical miles and the water surrounding tie one. they had deployed about 50 military aircraft, 20 naval ships, and more than a 1000 postcard vessels that could be used in an invasion of china saying that it is a trying to test the ability of all join seizure of power joint strikes and control of territories. what does that mean? well, as, and essentially, it's a blockade of taiwan. and in particular, in these exercises,
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what they're trying to do is block off the waterways that would be used by taiwan to allies like japan or the united states in the event of an invasion. now it's worth noting that has not been any live fire. these are mostly maneuver based on a lot of focus is being given to the name joins toward 2024. a defense analyst are trying to figure out whether this is the 1st of many exercises that are due to come for tie one taiwan. parliament is discussing a controversial bill expanding legislative power. the bill with the ground legislatures, the pals, the question investigates old demand documents from any government official ministry of general. oh, the president. so ready drones, thousands of people onto the streets. public drive reports from the capital type, pay down 20 a whole thousands of protest as well as well taking to the streets of taipei because of what's being taking place in a couple of streets away from here in the light just because of the view. um that's
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the ty, once a pol events in the passage of controversial legislation which has led to angry seems confrontations inside the chamber and even fist fights between lawmakers. it all revolves around to the it'll get ration of a new president's here. lighting to who's democratic progressive party won a 3rd consecutive term in elections at the start of this year. the d. p. p has taken a tough sun when it comes to a closer ties with a james that will though they held on to the presidency, they lost the majority inside the parliament. and what we have seen is the opposition groups like by the powerful woman talking, the can see which favors friendly relations with beijing. trying to introduce controversial legislation to increase the parliament's power over the government, which the supporters of a new president to protest is here, believes unfairly him does his control of a taiwan adult. also in some respects hinders. ty,
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one's ability to trust its own pos. okay. yeah, this really quickly impact once democracy and fundamental human rights. so, but i don't think you feel like this bill's policy might end up being like completely aligned, more of movies, china and stones. the all of this is coming at a time of increased tension with mainland china, conducting large scale military drills all around the island to taiwan and also state control media in mainland china being highly critical of president ly, describing him as reckless but then this protest is here who's supporting will tell you that the mold in aging is seen to be apparently cajoling or bullying. taiwanda dable. it didn't policies that view that they should be keeping that distance from mainland china. robert broad. i'll do that right. the election officials in india has been making preparations for the 6 and pen ultimate phase of india's general
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election. voters in 6 states and 2 federally governed regions will cost that balance on site today, including in the capital deli. i'm a costume sherry for, for. 6 6 in the bathroom, so india is captain dudley's chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power? you have in case you bond to just support this adventures at risk and improvement by coming out to he's out on bill of to being detained by a federal crime agency on charges of corruption. the self to the general elections were announced. k to out says he's innocent, he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on
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june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to choose this from mr. moreno, m. o, d. o. recognizing corruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, can i tell you? did they want to stop at work? if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against this dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond not the party responded more than a decade ago and has been in power in denny since 2013. it's also increased it's footprint by been crucial for single best in punjab. but it didn't win a single parliamentary seat from the captain in 2019. so this time is showing the coalition of opposition parties. so my, let's say k 2 balls of rest has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that
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oriented you was like, was, was filled, that they believe that the bdc was actually dealing somebody who was a legitimate officer. who could legitimately take away their, this jailing of kid to convince the b j. b. that's how popular how popular gives you all is that the 3 the governing, talk to you, gentle party has also had valleys across daily stop campaign to the prime minister . the party one old 7 parliamentary seats in 20152019. and the se daily is often a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who recite into these are 33000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way, it represents how the country is thinking, not just about how many of the city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst community violence in the
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capital in decades. vote to say they want the government that will ensure the safety and address basic issues of employment and development and the cos, i'm sure you've obviously the well, that's it for the show whether it's neg then inside story examines it's us policy in africa. wines playing, catch on china. that's it. so now see some of the out, the the, the had a load that, let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live band with a gulf states a set to civil. over the next few days, we have already had a heat wave warnings out for a month. as temperature is peak up close and into the forty's. it will come down slightly on saturday. instead, we'll see a shamal wind kick up that's going to blow
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a lot of the heat for the salt. that is the luxury horton drive picture. but have a look at that doe hot in katasha is set to pick up to 48 degrees celsius. if you look at the 3 day, it's about maybe 10 degrees above the average where it should be at this time is yeah, that was we had to north africa. it's been a story of excessive heat across the north east for libya as well as egypt. lots of hot and dry conditions to be found here, but we'll see the numbers starting to come down here over the next few days. it does remain largely hot and dry. just a few showers coming into northern areas of morocco and l. julia is west uh around the gulf of guinea. notice what does it has to be nowhere it could be. we're going to see the tropical storm, the remnants of that start to move away from kenya. but still, so what's the weather coming into the south west, the launch the dry across southern parts of africa. it is looking cooler in cape town on saturday at 19 degrees celsius.
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the hearing this tact sharp populations is declined. 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. seeking to reshape us africa relations president joe biden house can use william hotel for a site visit and declares the east african nation, a major non nato allies. so what's driving this effort to send some ties in what this can? yeah,


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