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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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to the family in the medical stuff, but a new arrival in a very uncertain world. the, [000:00:00;00] the shuttle on some of the credit this has been useful in life and coming up in the next 60 minutes. do you ins, top court orders as well as stuff. it's military operation and profit immediately as well rejects the honest each i rolling and says is military operation and cause a southern city will continue on the ground for off. it continues to be hit by is ready strikes a credit refugee camp in the center of the cities is target has ended. other news risk you, if it's out on going out to a massive land side, i'm hoping you're getting hundreds of people fed that
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the, the, you installed. the court has ordered israel to immediately and effectively, and it's military offensive and goss this up and says you from the ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against as ro. the international court of justice is also demanding as well opened the roof of land crossing with egypt to allow live saving aid and to gaza. so boston begins have coverage from the hike, the president of the us highest court. now off salam did not mean so it's worth when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians dressed in the city of alpha independent or the the quote notes that because i sort of take you many 30 and situations because us to which states that it is, or that of january 26, 2024 was
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a senior citizen over the through with it has the categories and has done so even further. and that there's many 30 and situation is now to because they've got if that eyes as justice a situation. so exceptionally grace according to the court that additional urgent mattress needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just had orders in january and march. the states should immediately hold familiar to offensive and any other action instead of a governor which may inflict on the by the sidney and group and gaza conditions of life. that would think about physical destruction in holding or in part the court also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into god to investigate allegations of genocide. although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling,
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because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help it's military action in any area. guys are a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this. denmark ruling the case that started in december could last 4 years and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is if and when it's well advised by these orders. while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day. step 5 from l just sierra, the hate. this is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has criticized the i. c . j. rolling his office, issued a joint statements with
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a foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide bro. bye. so that for care against israel at the international court of justice in the hague, a false outrages and morally repugnant. it goes on the site as well, has not, and will not conduct military actions in vasa. they created the conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. israel has band l g 0 from reporting from this, so it's out of high that has is ready reaction from the jordanian capital. a mon, this is randy consensus amongst ministers as well. as the prime minister is that the i, c, j is and c symmetric and that they will continue with the goals they will continue, as they have said many times to eliminate how much they said from the whole of the gaza strip and retrieve those still held captive as a $125.00 captive still in the gaza strip. also to add to that you had been
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against the wall cabinet members saying that israel is committed to continue the just necessary will, as well as returning those. how is captive venue has the far right ministers such as the national security minister? it's a mob been given, i think the, the early on. so it's a, this is to invade and occupy roof off. and then you also have the best law smart for it. so that's the finance minister who was the 1st to respond to the i c j or the. and he said that this is a going not just against israel, but also against the jewish people. and its very existence is route will be concerned. and they have, even though they have the us as an allied to box them up. but the international consensus is role needs to stop this will as soon as possible and also to accept to cease 50 that would bring back those held captive from the gaza. strip
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and bring them back client. this is something that the families have been protesting and calling on the government to make and to prior ties. the return of those they have a still stuck in the gaza strip above any will goal. many of them believe that despite is roll saying that it is winning the will, they have lost trust, no early in the prime minister, but many have less trust in the ministry as well. so the height of all just 0. i'm on. it says welcome to rolling by the international court of justice, but in the statement it says that expect to the court to issue in order to stop the genocide and all of gaza. and not justin rafa. leah, i spoke thomas spokesman some honda. and he said that the international community is failing to appreciate as well, to comply with international law. a chris full, it's
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a very was come the decision from the seizure. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i c. j. a considered what's happening. that's the general side . and so i just continue to the side because everyone knows that to the general side business, there are going to try to create in the costs. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision that brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how message was identified from the number one. but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand that set genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for within this issue. and i'm going to get to get a change for the international community manager to the amount of space. because for all the last i don't, a wants is a, is ready to us to force it totally by the,
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the united states on all the events. if you want to talk about to politically, that they were supported in the the security council, they were supported then about by you, by your military aid. the day they were supported economically and even they were defended by they said ministration. that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands it's changing the size and everyone has to work hard in order to start. well, there is obviously increasing international pressure on israel to stuff is offensive and rougher in particular and allow more items there is also more appreciate coming on a mouse to release the captives. well, i was clear from day number one, we have to clear that you already have to do our best to send the, the unmet attend, to is what it is uh to to, to or they have time. it is. we have tried that the only days as you will remember
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and if it 1 may maybe of them. but of that we've said to americans and didn't to me on said know, honda started and tenant patricia hicks it to that. so we send towards women after that in november we have a seats for which was undermined by that to be a home service. and you sent that on 110 of those women and children. and we, we said that you all the time to carry on is about putting you on hold on that in mind. is that for the last 4 months or the negotiations need to be honest, just to have the it is only without sending any put his name in order to be signed . he put his payments from the images we, i've talked about doesn't hundreds of thousands of for this thing as we're talking about more than 10000, but as seen as in the gym. and half of them they were, i just did in the last 5 months. so we would agree it and then go see a sions, we have to insist on 5 issues which must work together to complete this file. withdrawal from the old. it isn't,
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does the that is channel for the students to the house is with the provide even with needed is to become so i think does a fair the but as i was exchange indeed, and i'm a new system that i'm the last the part of charlotte which was introduced by the medea i was, i mean, the cut that is under addictions and it was endorsed by that many accounts. we've said yes, that was on the 4th of this month. but that's what it does, is it did that. so we are ready to go on. if they said yes, this should have been today. so they, they have to get to, to make their mind enter decides, but i'm not going back to the, to negotiations. there was administrative act was accepted from her. my son, they have to say now. yes. as the international court of justice was handing down its ruling is ready, forces were carrying out, strikes and proffer resolves to exit the crowd to tell a ship where
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a refugee camp in central bravo. and del quarterly reports from del bhalla into buddha comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike into 10 city palestinians. here are hoping there is change after the court order, because there's no where safe to go for displace policy means of this makes us comp and daddy, bella, decisions of the international court of justice. don't go far enough. after 8 months of is really bombardment. they want decisive action to end their suffering. it's not legal in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the will not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide. they've committed master cuz we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop. so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different
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. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the feature. while the u. n. court delivered its ruling, there was heavy, it's really bumping into for many policy and you remain skeptical the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund will have an effect back up as a boot come. emergency workers puts out flyers in this residential area. after is where the strike they're searching homes and telling people to leave as more bonds are expected to fall in the city to 0. that is the cause of palestine. so let's take a closer look about the court has rules. it sold it as well to immediately holt, its military offensive and process. and any other action in the southern kansas city,
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the causes destruction to the palestinian people. it says this round must have been the profit board of crossing for the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance. take affective measures to ensure affect funding missions, have unimpeded access to the gals the strip. and finally, the quote once is around to submit a report on all the issues it has implemented. the international court of justice is the united nations top quote. and even though it makes independent decisions, it's the un security council which has the power to enforce them. that means with this, i just rolling the focus now tense. the united nations in new york, gabrielle ellis, only takes a look at how i'm best of this. you in reacted to the quotes order a re oddments or palestine. sam baset or the united nations was quick to welcome the icy jays. additional provisional measures announced friday and said they must
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be implemented. we expect the resolutions of the, the i c, j a to be implemented without hesitation. that's mandatory and is a is, as i said, 5 due to the convention. and the convention is crystal clear on this issue. so is it a, it has to abide by the decisions and the demands from the i c, j. one of the i, c. j. provisional measures issued by the world's top court is it is real, allow into gaza united nation teams to investigate war crimes. on friday, when asked about that un spokesperson said without a ceasefire, that's unlikely. there is what the court has decided where the court is called for, which we've always called for access for investigative bodies. but obviously, unless the, the, the facts on the ground change. uh, it is not likely that anyone will be able to travel there. so
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the at the u. n. view ambassadors wanted to comment on the i c. j decision. most saying they needed more time to thoroughly read it. but algeria, the only error upstate on the security council made brief comments while speaking at a meeting on the protection of civilians and humana. terry and workers in arms conflict that the i c g or those are legally binding. and that they're comparing is what i really power should abide by the or the 2 should 2 days. it appears likely in the coming days, algeria will spearhead the effort on a new draft resolution on rough or demanding that is real. abide by the i c j decisions. and that could put the united states israel's main ally on another
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collision course with the rest of the council. gabriel's on jo, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. well, it's in now from my, well i'm sure i'll just share a senior political unless he joins us from paris. so i'm, what do you make of the white house response to this? i c, j rolling basically signing. it has been quite clear and consistent when it comes to rough or well, we know from experience over the past 8 months that it has been anything but the american position has been mostly ambiguous and inconsistent and most also. so. busy the reserves crimes in gaza is the united states has, has supported, is there a minute that only financially and diplomatically, and goes out why? at the same time, speaking of the value of the senior life of the laws of waterhope international humanitarian law. this is a contradiction and term in
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u. s. policy. but because of its standing around the world as presumably a hypothetically that chapter and will be human rights that's put so human rights at the center which form policy. the united states was always busy to either humiliated or embarrassed by israel's actions and causal to the one in the idol, 9 hours since this ruling uh was put out by the i c j. we haven't seen any change in israel's, i guess incursion into rocco roll the i'd getting through the border crossing to. do you think that there's any chance at all that is where the government is going to comply with any part of this rolling? actually within the hour is right. intensified it's bonding, go from within the hour. i mean, nothing says go to has done such a reaction at
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a very historical decision on the crossing the i c j. but as one minister and these are all said, the, the final notice will say what they want, but these are, i will do what it's most. and hence, dozens more palestinians were killed in guys out today. i think more would probably be killed the day should come as in the previous days and months and, and is that it will continue on the same path. it seems an updated and unconcerned with what the world is saying. but uh, this is a very sad situation. because now they are boxed in, they know that their goals in god's out the water goals have not been achieved. they have destroyed much of the place. they have killed tens of thousands, including thousands of thousands of women and children, and basically, uh, destroyed the entire civil life within the, within the gaza strip. and still they're continuing with the water because of mass continues to exist as it did before. yeah. in this,
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in yahoo end is suppose have accused the ice age of anti semitism. that's really a go to line for them. how long can i keep using that? as a defense? this is a strong seller's line, new fact that you don't really know what everyone does on the somebody. no one is on the summit, but is there it is? i've been using that to criticize or condemn. anyone who criticizes. right. and i knew it was detractors, basically did the r c and as i saw much or worse, not see judges or, or, or, or uh, trashes or criminal, resort gutters and so on, so forth that are sympathizes. so really, these are, these have renato words, if you want or technology to use in order to justify that war crimes in guys but, but they go on, they've gone, believe it or not, a lot of the people in foward basis like germany and do you ok i'm sort of
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continues to peddle such and such and such false accusations as do need to ship in the us congress. and these are important people, not because the credible is just because they are bullies and the u. k. and the u. s. continued to believe the world and then they're back to international law. but the narrative is, is looking for these reasons. it's supporters with in the united states as an or well, the 2nd the, the by the session continues now to provide reserve of the support it needs. it's an election year and i think by the end has boxed himself and behind nothing. you know, unfortunately, and that seems like there's no way back out of that company can leadership and congress is even worse. they continuously repeat the vehicle versus a little uh you know, more of the same uh, kind of uh, medieval approach to my,
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the international law and politics. which really they saw me more or less stuck like that probably. but uh, i should have more than one, in fact, because they are really powerful. and then there is of course, trump, who was again uh, were standing by them. so this is very, very risk spiked if you were expected out of washington at this point in time. having said that, tom, it's not important to emphasize that the american public opinion is not that way, much of the american and the majority of the americans in tech support to sit solution. the majority of the democratic party today is against as well. and i guess is what comes in gaza in particular uncertainty what you've seen on american campuses, including the ivy league schools, a assessing the young generation that refuses, that suggests the ongoing american policy and its support as complicity with is,
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are more crimes and causal now. and we'll have to leave with david as always. thanks so much melanie. sure. our senior political analyst. but these really military continues to bombard hospitals across the gaza strip, is ready as tronics targeted areas just outside of the quite hospital and rap on friday. they will multiple injuries of shelling and gun 5 rang out around the besieged facility. this little central kansas made hospital l. oxer has managed to obtain enough fuel to last 3 days just hours before its generations were expected to run dry. these were the scenes inside the facility overnight with many departments were in darkness. a doctor's treating premature babies use the lights from the mobile phones. the hospital director has been wondering if a moving health catastrophe. little of the crown is the spokesperson for like the hospital. he told us the facility will collapse if more fuel isn't delivered. so if
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the wheel i will call about this crisis that is all over the place and we saw a lot from such a crisis. and 15 days ago, the crisis is it was the name and the, the crossings close, including the crossing the amount of fuel when the van related to that, the knots enough at the hospital to walk even for one or 2 days on may. and before that, explicitly, it will sup uh, and the stoppage of the gen the rate is we received only $3000.00 leads, is which is not enough because the hospital needs at least 5000 liters of fuel every day. this will lead to the death of so many sick as the one that they put in the hospital. we resulted to the solar, but it's not enough and we suffer the lack of electricity,
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the hospital, the equipment, uh, not the working. that's why. when we started to do everything manually out of the hospital and a lot was the rate the to us and the fuel arrived the next morning. that's why we have managed to save a lot of sick people in the hospital of the health care system and goals that has opened collapsed on that as well as relentless for the world health organization documented for 150 attacks on healthcare facilities. they have between october the 7th, and may the 15th notes including this week see just an order. it says it's ready for us as have code $723.00 health workers and entered $924.00, including civil defense teams and ambulance crews. and one of causes $35.00 hospitals is fully functional. and more than 100 ambulances had been damaged. some
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hospitals managed to offer basic 1st aid, but they don't have enough medicine or supplies to treat the number of patients. in addition to people injured and is ready strikes, doctors are treating people for infectious diseases. the w. h o has recorded any 1500000 cases of infections such as chicken pox, jonas, diarrhea, and respiratory infections. meanwhile, the w h o, it has confirmed palestinians in northern casa, are experiencing famine. the agencies spokesman terica just so rich says the food situation is desperate as well. there is a clearly need for more food. and now with the rough crossing border being closed, that is adjacent literally get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies. a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the uh, the to children have been,
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uh, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. uh we helped, uh, uh, health facilities to, to, to put up treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arriving with tricia will only gets worse. and again, just talking to about to see what we have heard about sue. it's really difficult choices that the uh guys have to do now how to use the little fuel. that is, that is there, it shouldn't go to the bakery. should it go, should it go through to the so they should blast to have some water. so the go to hospitals, and i think no society should be basic. those choices to the us person, joe biden has spoken to egypt. president of delta file, see, see, they discussed the if it's to reopen the crossings into cancer, which is here as white house correspondent. kimberly how could reports from washington dc, following a phone call between the us presidential biden and dejection. president cc. an agreement has been reached to temporarily since fuel and un humanitarian, a pruby,
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crab abu salem crossing. this is something that is only temporary in order to get the legal mechanisms in place. to reopen the rough up crossing on the palestinian side. the us president joe biden has pledged his full support and effort to help open the rock crossing other terms that he hopes will be amenable to both the egyptians and the is rarely in order to achieve that. he says he is sending a senior team to cairo next week to discuss. in the meantime, there are also efforts underway to revive ceasefire talks. talks that the united states and israel se broke down after they alleged that her mos refused all of the offers that were presented to them. what we can tell you is the us and void to the middle east. david satterfield says that efforts are underway to revive those talks,
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given the fact that the c i director william burns is going to be heading to europe . he will be meeting with the could tarry prime minister as. 6 well as the is really intel chief, it's unclear whether egypt will also be included in those talks. the goal to get tapped is released from gaza. the hope is this will be a foundation for a future ceasefire deal. kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house as well. so a hit here on al jazeera from vibrate to baghdad. thousands, highly respects the light, so rainy and presidency for him. race time. so new guy. yeah. go at the saw rest of wire in catalonia, where a major drought is wrestling was the supplies phase, 2nd biggest 15 buffalo now the
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the had low, they will start down on the, by looking at western parts of australia because we seen a lot of the seasonal looms here, the temperature is all going to start to come down in part of the number of cold from the start to sweet through bringing some showers in storms with them and some will see us wins as well. now, temperatures have been sitting rather low across the southeast. you can see the mornings coming up very blue here that shows the low numbers upon the afternoon. the sun has bunch. a lot of that cold weather, a way to move in the way of sunshine and know, be some sunshine across much of new zealand. but from what the weather started to creep in the course. southern parts of the south island temperatures are set to drop as we go into sunday. there will still be some sunshine in christ church. now, despite the sunshine across the south, east asia was seeing more in the way of stormy weather across northern areas. a tropical depression is strengthening as it moves to the east of the philippines
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trucking some very heavy rain across northern areas. here we could see some flooding. we could also see some flooding across the northwest for pots of indo china as a developing system in the bay of bang goals, thoughts to bring some very heavy rain across into thailand, me in my and the malay peninsula over the next few days. after a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from and into the outer big language, world wide shaped come out award for translation and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash
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e m. the of the feel. what you know to say a reminder about top stories. the so the international court of justice has funded as well to immediately, and it's military offensive in the southern kansas city of rafa. the world's top
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code also ordered as well to open the roof of crossing and allows the mediterranean agents of guns that these ready army is continuing to attack profit. despite the i c j a ruling solves targets, a dealership, our refugee camp, and central rafa administer. benjamin netanyahu criticize the i, c j and says the military operation will continue is ready for us as the surrounding the twice in the hospital in process it strikes. if the vicinity of the hospital, the w i child has documented $450.00 is rarely a tax on healthcare facilities. since the pool began. is beside the advocates case against israel filed in the same, but accuses as well of age genocidal acts and gaza. visa, firstly, killing palestinians. israel has killed at least $35800.00 palestinians during its war, nearly half of them children. secondly, causing serious bodily and mental home is rarely strikes have injured moving,
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80000 palestinians. many of them have lost limbs. fairly mess expulsion, 85 percent of gas as population has been forcibly displaced multiple times, then is the deprivation of food and water is rilen posed a complete siege on gaza blocking the entry of old goods. it's also destroyed, power lines and water systems, deprivation of shelter, hygiene and sanitation. many palestinians are living in flimsy tensile make of shelters without access to clean both the toilets. deprivation of medical assistance as well has targeted all of gases, health care facilities, leaving only a few hospitals, barely functioning, destruction of palestinian life, the case signs the destruction of in time, neighborhood schools, religious science and cultural institutions. right across the strip and imposing measures intended to prevent the kind of schools out unsafe conditions for pregnant
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women and an increase in premature bits of more on this i. c, j. rolling seroquel is an attorney and active as in the joins us now from chicago. thanks very much for being with us here on notice. they're like, 1st of all what this thing the reaction there in the united states to this rolling . i mean, we've heard lindsey bryan, the republican politician, same the i, c j can quote, go to hell, how wide spread is that feeling the as well? so interestingly enough, the american people don't feel that way. so there are members of congress who will utter what lindsey graham just said, but the american people over lovingly are demanding for a cease fire that this, the ministration has not adhere to this mistress and refuses to listen to the american people. and so listen to us all to the very conscience of humanity. we're just calling for an end to a genocide. i mean it, just, as you've noted, talk,
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we're talking about 35000 lives loss is approximately 8000 under the rubble, 80000 wounded. you know, 70 percent of the sprint infrastructure has been destroyed. the remaining part of the is that is, that is considered quote, unquote pig safe zone is now going to be an intensive military result. and this provision measure that was ruled today by the i c j. the international court of justice essentially is telling israel, this is a, this is another blow to you. you must hold the operation and government. and if we look at what south africa actually called for and it's application for this particular ruling, it is basically saying that gaza is the survival of palestinian life, is dependent upon the indication of these provisional measures. the international community must wake up and must, must force israel to abide by these people by these provisional messages a given all of that. and you also said that the,
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the us and israel has to listen to the conscience of humanity. but do you think it's going to change buttons position at all when it comes to rougher in particular and, and to as well as well. i hope so, but i don't think so. um, the glaring reality has been that the bite in the administration and by himself specifically it does not view the palestinian people with the same level of humanity as he does others. and it's been that way for the last, approximately 8 months now. the fact that the very intensity of israel's attacks, not what spending but done aside a rhetoric of is really officials, very intensity of those attacks, even in south africa's report. and it's application and says that in itself is done
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a cycle. notwithstanding the genocidal rhetoric. so what's that, the fact that you're not able to, to force upon an entity that you are aiding and abetting with weapons and diplomatic support to end the onboard spot. or even if you don't want to call it a genocide, a, you know that a slaughter is occurring and you want that to be done on your watch with our tax dollars and well with the whole world watching the 1st live stream genocide in the world that is absolutely shame for the siege i rolling to actually be implemented that would needs uh the un security council, which of course is going to depend on if the us use is vito uh, i mean how difficult a position is the united states and now hes binding in the white house back themselves into a corner. you know, we're seeing the steam and congress that international law does not matter. and unfortunately, unless something more drastic happens, i don't know if they'll change. if they'll change their view. the majority of those
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in congress lot. these provisional measures are mandatory, especially under i, c, j statute, article $41.00 and international legal practice and norms and costs. so they must be implemented. will they be implemented well, is really here to this purpose of measures and the previous message that were issued in january 26th of this year, and march 28th as well to call for the unimpeded un hender humanitarian aid. that hasn't happened to call for association of hostilities or an end to the bombardment that hasn't happened. and now with this provisional, this additional provisional measure here, which has been expounded expanded upon to allow, for fact finding emissions permission to increase investigative bodies that uh, that a company that per the united nations, the organs, these entities are not allowed. and so that's, that shouldn't put the world on notice, but israel is trying to hide something if you are,
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if these are almost truly confident that what is occurring and because it is not genocide and these allegations of genocide are absolutely baseless. an unwarranted allow these fact finding mission to come in so does that investigate those allegations and then we can determine whether genocide has been committed and is being covered as many vegas things bisnel, as i've said over the last few hours, that seems very unlikely to be happening any time soon? terica. thanks so much attorney and activist and chicago. thank you for joining us here. thank you for your time. i a thousands of people in humans capital of santa have held a sol adair with a really in support of the people of gaza. demonstrate has held flags and called for an immediate end to the ongoing bombardment of the besieged strip. 50 officials have organize demonstrations every friday since as well noticed its a cellphone, gaza,
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an early october. the with weather news now and send popping, you can eat with some psych hundreds of people a likely did up to a land slide and a remote area. well thursdays in the north and in good province i at assessing the damage and bull, the number of casualties may be. hi, jessica washington has more see off the amounts of the land sliding popping. you can use north and into provence. it's drunk around 3 am. people listening to me or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys right the back of me, they're telling me that these are submissive destruction. the 2 police more than $300.00 lives with most right now is that those major covered by the rocks and the deputies right now, you include each posted on facebook,
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people who seem climbing over books and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population. a prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with a search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier, the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster life. so jessica washington, which is 0 for the places we spend, is experiencing is worse drought in decade scorching temperatures. and the lack of rifle has a for the countries most popular tourist spots looking for ways to consider. most of catalonia is the worst affected region. as sonya guy go,
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reports from nicholas. the situation has now reached a critical point. a dying forest reservoir is drying out and the whole region falls to adapt to the new normal of hot temperatures and less fulsome. alex villa is the mayor of montana, a village that relies on agriculture and tourism. but there isn't even enough room for the residents. let alone, how do they make cuz i'm farmers and the entire village is using emergency supplies of bottled water drinking mendota. so one moment there is some we model typically going through a really bad time here. we can use water for alfonso. we can't guarantee you drinking water either, and we've had to really hustle to bring water in from wherever we can. well, i know, but at the right one of them the most for the the, the sol reservoir shows the extent of the drought. scorching temperatures show to rainy seasons and less snow full on the surrounding mountains has left it
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dangerously low levels of height of summer. only the top window of the tower behind me here is supposed to be visible, but it's the middle of may and already the entire building is above the water. now this reservoir is only 15 percent capacity and it's a major source of water for buffalo as metropolitan area. despite the emergency measures being put in place that severely restrict will to use. it remains a major challenge for its tourism sector and its growing population. we are close to a community on thing 1000000 more people. that'd be a problem. but if obviously, if i have to go to another system of the evening, which we plan better with the tv these on the lead me. so it'd be a need to have the lease of the situation as a sum of draws on those limits will be acutely tested. at least half of the woodland is dead or dying, creating
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a tinderbox for forest fires and deepening an already critical environmental problem. so when did i, jago algebra? my god of spain really is commemorating the life of writing and presidency for him . or i see have taken place in several countries and living on his philosophers, gathered in the capital of favorites. and an indian administered kashmir. thousands have taken to the streets, they moved it to the people whom i see. and also i protested against the world. counsellor indian prime minister in arrange for moody has said that india stands with a run in this time of sor iraq. a similar really has been held in the city of new jobs and the depth of why it has more. so now you have city in central iraq is the religious seminary city of for say, almost them across the world and people from across iraq out of here today to pay their condolences to pay the respect for the late iranian president and his
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companions and military commanders would this lennox resistance? iraqi popular and mobilization forces are viewed of today, and they have a message. they say that the death of but they run you and president and his companions as the does as they consider the leaders of the stomach of the axis of resistance. and the region does not mean the end of but it is distance. in fact, they say they will continue on the for the steps they will continue on that path. resisting. there is a few patient powers in the region named the israel. and the united states military commanders here with the stomach resistance of iraq. also say that they blame that the u. s. sanctions for the desk of the iranian late president abraham lacy, as they say,
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those sanctions have prevented your lawn from maintaining its headache ups or at the stomach. resistance command is here today. you say they targeted, it is radiate put of haifa on thursday and also the, the hope you applied golan heights did well, i hate to just do it off. no center on the rocks. russian president vladimir persian has been holding totes, and galleries with the countries presidents, alexander lucas shane con. the discussions understood to have concentrated on security issues and military exercises involving tactical nuclear weapons, mints combust goes closest ally is at stake pot. and the drills which i aimed at increasing the readiness of smaller best of the whole field, nuclear warheads. what are you in is warning of the risk of increased violence and mean those wisdom of a con, stayed home to the minority, but i think your community, the you in has received reports of were hanging,
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being killed in an area captured by a river group known as the rock and ami that says 45000 for him guest, played 2 neighboring bangladesh. the rebel group denies the allegation. the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity prompt and on him to to monetary and relief must be allowed to float and all parties must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge of john. this military has conducted the 2nd day of military exercises around taiwan. china says the more times that aimed at testing its ability to seize power, and i've written response to comments promoting taiwanese sovereignty made by a new president's lie to, to add his integration ceremony. on monday, thousands of people had protested outside tie,
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one's parliament against the controversial bill that would expand legit split the power the bill would currently just slice is the power the question. investigate or demand documents from any government official military general or the president. it has already drilled thousands of people and some of the streets demonstrated site legs to checks and balances necessary to prevent abuse. samsung employees and sol have how best they can protest. and just over a month, purchase at the electronics, johns and south korea. usually a rare occurrence. the $27000.00 testing strong union is demanding a 6.5 percent wage increase. and one additional days paid leave the go, she actions have broken down, but samsung says, will keep the door open. the door lock is a still a hit here on the island is area then the a gives out for the 2nd phase of its general election will have more on the political font to invert. see the captain delhi,
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the preparations underway in india for the 6 phase of india's general election. both is and 6 states, 2 federal government regions and the capital in new delhi will cost the ballots on saturday. so vermont of the indian government has not the crowns and faces to l. just arrows jolissa we covering the election from outside the country. michel century for ports. 6 6 6 in the bathroom,
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so india is captain dudley's chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power you have in case you want to just support this adventures at risk and improvements like coming out to he's out on bill of to being detained by a federal crime agency on charges of corruption, the south to the general elections were announced, kate shavaun says he's innocent. he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to choose this from mr. moreno, m. o, d. o, recognizing corruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, cannot you?
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your dish, can you? they want to stop at work. if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond all the party responded more than a decade ago and has been in public entities since 2013. it's also increased. it's footprint by been crucial for single best in punjab, but it didn't win a single parliament receipt from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coordination of all position properties. so model of face k 2 miles of dress has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that our vintage, it was like, was, was filled. they believe that the mediately was actually jailing somebody who was a legitimate officer, who could legitimately take away their this jailing of kid to convince the b b.
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that's how popular how popular gives you all is this good sense to put down about 3 the governing, talk to you. gentle party has also had valleys across delhi to that stop campaign a, the prime minister of the party, one old 7 parliamentary seats in 20152019. and let's say delhi is often a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who reside in italy is about 23000000, and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way is represent, how's the countries thinking? not just about how did the of the cities thinking the elections come full use of to some of the worst community violence and the captain in debt gets voted, say they want the government that's willing show the safety and address basic issues of employment and development. and the consumption of obviously the budget listed and focused on southern send, the province has died of his wounds up to being shot earlier in the week activist and colleagues of nest for like
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a donnie say he was targeted for his criticism of civic issues and stories and positions a pallet and some of the problems there has been no claim of responsibility for his death down the is the 5th to unless killed him pockets tom since the start of the year. and so the advocate of foreign policy is influence in voters ahead of general elections in may. the country has been found against the war on gaza and is taken as well as of the international court of justice, accusing it of to the sides. somebody to say what is happening, thousands of kilometers a y med is enough to determine who they've owed for it. hun made of it for me to miller reports from cape town. the whole months, the organization murals for garza has been conveying the realities of israel's war and gaza through its outlook and through these walls, calling on people to act. we actually trying to mit back the community just to show them that, you know, we can be late, we come from struggle and why not to the ignite, that struggles through,
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through far less being through guys. so i mean, if there's anyone that needed fight this right now to remember way we came from, it sits in this moment. so let's, let's do. it explains that the rules speak football as being dozens of murals and book up and other areas often touch the eyes of both tourists and local people. centuries ago broke off was we people from asia and other parts of africa report as slaves. and so that freak his experiences of oppression in a part, states have not been forgotten despite the distance between them. many here save a situation in gaza, who influence how they'll vote. in general elections in may basically is effective . we will remember those who support us and our brothers and sisters in palestine, and we will not forget those as supports in the side. is this extra, it's very much influenced by the global issues that we are facing and mainly the palestine issue that i mean. but i'll definitely, itself comes from and upon a faith system, you know, he needs to be self,
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but they still really finishing the minds of all people. the wisdom k providence is one by the democratic alliance. it's also being criticized for taking unambiguous stones on the wall and goes off while the party says it supports a 2 state solution between israel and palestine. some voters don't think that goes far enough. of course, i always get worried if voters don't want to come and support a government to re election because of outside extraneous issues and i do get a good concept. but i personally, i am not going to flip flop and say or odd. well, now what of a sudden, i'm going to change my colors and i'm not going to be trying to be balance between this teeth, the, because i'm worried about the outcome of the next fall. some boat is a critical of the governing african national congress has performance and power. it's a pulse of palestinians has been welcomed by others. civil organizations have signed an agreement urging people to costs the vote in favor of parties that supports
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palestinians. for the 1st time ever, the issue of a free palestine may influence the votes of some south africans in the selection to meet a miller ultra 0 cape town variety and direct them home that russell of has received a 12 minute standing ovation at the cannes film festival opposite the premium of his new movie. wow. slid around earlier this month, up to being handled in h. e. a prison sentence. he's been banned from making films the and made his life as one secret without the government's approval. he has previously been child and around all of his films, which often challenge the establishment a little bit. so for me, i told him mccrae for the suzanne, i'll be you can find much more information on the website itself. is there a dot com? my colleague, rossi, who will be here in just a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us
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the . this is the 1st to decide that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. on a black i travels to watch on syria, saying he's back to help. or you will come back. are you sure? no, no file, but not in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on
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innocent until proven guilty statements in syria coming soon on al jazeera, the . ringback the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof,
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the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless. i'm we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the new as top court orders, israel to stop its military operation. and rough uh, immediately the hello i, mario minimize the welcome to algae is there a life from though? also coming up on the program. israel rejects the ice each a ruling and says it's mid a trail, pricing and garza's sub and so he will continue. meanwhile, on the ground inside, rough uh says he continues to be hit spies, riley strikes the crowd in refugee camp in the center of the city was targeted as


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