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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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inside story on al jazeera, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra, the for you and stop court orders, israel to immediately suspend its military operation about funds and allow aid into god. so the, this is al jazeera life from jo. how also coming up in defiance of the international courts of justice. israel continues to attack off off targeting a grounded refugee count plus israel's military surrounds the weighty hospital,
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is off eating. the facility with air strikes as gauze as health care system collapses and rescue teams begin arriving at the sight of a massive lance slide in pop on your guinea, where hundreds of people are here dead. the . but your was top court has ordered israel to immediately and effectively and it's military offensive and gaza southern city. a hold off ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. the international court of justice also demanding that israel opened the rough land crossing with egypt to allow life saving aid into gossip. step fast begins our coverage from the hague as the president of the us highest court. now of salam did not mean so it's worth when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians,
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trapped in the city of fafsa, independence or the, the quote notes that because i sort of take you many 30 and situations because as to which i stated it is, or that of january 26th, 2024. was a serious, serious, confident that it has been completed and has done so even further. and that is many 30 and situation is now 2 because i got expedited as your justice of a situation. so exceptionally grace according to the court that additional urgent measures i needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures . the judges had ordered in january and march, this faithful visitor shot immediately who is committed to offensive and any other action, instead of a governor, which made inflicts on the by the sidney and group, and got the conditions of life that would think about physical destruction. in
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holding or the input, the court also ordered as well to allow you, in fact, finding mission into guys how to investigate allegations of genocide. although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling cause order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for is to help if liberty action in any area guys are a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this. denmark ruling the case that started in december could last 4 years, and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocidal x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is if n one is well a bytes by these orders. so this verdict will add to increasing international
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pressure is for alice dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the de step fast and l just sierra. the hate well, as the international court of justice was handing down is rolling is really forces intensify their attacks on off missiles targeted. the crowded l should bore a refugee camp in the center of the city and of who daily reports from there and by the, the inter buddhist comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after is really strike in the 10 city palestinians. here are hoping there is change after the court order, because there's no where safe to go for displace policy means of this makes us comp and daddy, bella, decisions of the international court of justice. don't go far enough. after 8
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months is where people buy from and they want decisive action to end their suffering. it's not legal in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war. and not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide, they've committed master cuz we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop the world. they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we need application on the feature. while the u. n. court delivered its ruling, there was heavy, it's really bumping into for many policy and you remain skeptical the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund will have an effect back up as
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a boot come. emergency workers puts out flyers in this residential area after is where the strike they're searching homes and telling people to leave as more bonds are expected to fall in the city. just ita that is the cause of palestine. and i'm also as welcome to ruling by the international court of justice, but in a statement it says that expect that the court to issue in order to stop the genocide in all of gods and not just of alpha was, is there a spoke to him, aust, spokesperson osama hung down, who says the international community is failing to pressure israel to comply with international law. a chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i. c. j. a. considered what's happening, that's the general side and decide it's comforting that you know side, because everyone knows that to the human side,
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there's the mer identified to create in the course. the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision at. ringback brings the whole international community and to carry on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision. and to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how message was identified from the number one, but at least now everyone in the international community has to understand it's a genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for within this issue. and i would have to get a change for the international community manager to the amount of space, because for all the last around h wants is what is right wants to 4230 by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about politically that they were supported in the security council. they were supported then bought by you by your military aid. the day they were supported economically and even they were
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defended by the us to administer issue. and that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands that she's inside and everyone has to work hard in order to start and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu criticize the i c j who in his office issued a joint statement with the foreign ministry say that the charges of genocide brought by south africa against israel at the international court of justice and the hague. are false outrageous and morally repugnant. it goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct to military actions of alpha. that creates conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. why israel has bound elder 0 from reporting from there so. so the higher that says is really reaction for you from the jordanian capital amman. this is randy consensus
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amongst ministers as well as the prime minister is that the i c j is and c symmetric and that they will continue with the goals they will continue. as they have said many times to eliminate how much they said from the whole of the gaza strip and retrieve those still held captive as a $125.00 captive still in the gaza strip. also to add to that you had been against the wall cabinet members saying that israel is committed to continue the just necessary will, as well as returning those. how is captive venue has the far right ministers such as the national security minister. it's a mob been event, i think the, the early on, so it's a, this is to invade and occupy rough off. and then you also had best law smart for it . so that's the finance minister. who was the fast to respond to the i c, j or the. and he said that this is a going not just against israel,
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but also against the jewish people. and its very existence is route will be concerned. and they have, even though they have the us as an allied to box them up. but the international consensus is role needs to stop this will as soon as possible and also to accept to cease 50 that would bring back those held captive from the gaza. strip and bring them back home. this is something that the families have been protesting and calling on the government to make and to prior ties. the return of those they have a still stuck in the gaza strip above any will goal. many of them believe that despite is roll saying that it is winning the will, they have lost trust, no early in the prime minister, but many have less trust in the ministry as well. so the height of all just sarah, a man to me is rarely military continues to
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a ton of cost bottles in the gaza strip. error strikes target at the office in the vicinity of the great hospital in about 5. on friday, there were multiple injuries showing and gunfire ran out around the besieged facility and the central coast main hospital. alexa managed to obtain just enough fuel to last 3 days, just hours before its generators were expected to run drive. and these were the scenes inside the facility over night. many departments in darkness, doctor's treating temperature, babies using lights from their mobile phones, hospitals, director has been warning of a looming health catastrophe. all the health care system and gaza is on the verge of collapse because medical infrastructure has been destroyed. the world health organization documented 450 attacks on healthcare facilities there between october the 7th. and may, the 15th, not including this week's cj at out of all it says,
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is really forces have killed $723.00 health care workers. and injured and $924.00, including civil defense teams and ambulance crews. not one of guys us. 35 hospitals is fully functional and more than 100 ambulances have been damaged. some hospitals managed to offer basic 1st aid, but they don't have enough medicine or supplies to treat the number of patients. in addition, people injured and is really strikes, doctors are treating people for infectious diseases, but w h o recorded nearly 1500000 cases of infections like chicken pox, giantess diarrhea, and respiratory infections. meanwhile, the w h o has confirmed palestinians in northern garza, are experiencing firemen, the agencies spokesperson tarika, your savage says the food situation is desperate. a. well, there is
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a clearly need for more food. now with the rough are crossing border being close to the situation where. busy we get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies. a saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we how to uh, health facilities to, to, to put up treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy arriving with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking about a few we have heard about soon. it's really difficult choices that the uh, guys have to do now how to use the little fuel that it's, that is there, it shouldn't go to the bakery shouldn't go, shouldn't go through to the cell. he, they should glass to have some water. so the go to hospitals, and i think no society should be basic. those choices
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the now to pop on you're getting were hundreds of people are fear dead in a landslide rescue teams have struggle to access the remote area and and go province. jessica washington reports to see often most of the land slide in popping you can use north of in the province. it's drunk. around 3 am. people listening to me or the hillside collapsed, burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right, the back of me that telling me that the submissive destruction of the 2 police more than 300 lives with most right now is that most major covered by the rocks in the deputies right now. yeah. let me put each posted on facebook. people who seem climbing over books and uprooted trees, most residents of this district,
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a small scale farm, is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population of the prime minister. james murphy says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented only of the provincial administration of health and emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster life. so jessica washington to 0 for the play, just really so ahead here on al, jazeera fighting escalates, and me and mars were kind state you. when warns thousands of were hinge a muslims are at risk. the
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had a low that let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live band with a gulf states a set to civil over the next few days, we have already had a heat wave warnings out for a month as temperature is peak up close and into the forty's, it will come down slightly on saturday. instead, we'll see a shamal wind kick up that's going to blow a lot of the heat for the salt. that is the luxury hot and dry picture. but have a look at that doe hot in katasha is set to pick up to 48 degrees celsius. if you look at the 3 day, it's about maybe 10 degrees above the average where it should be at this time is yeah, that was we had to north africa. it's been a story of excessive heat across the north east for libya as well as egypt. lots of hot and dry conditions to be found here, but we'll see the numbers starting to come down here over the next few days. it does remain largely hot and dry. just
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a few showers coming into northern areas of morocco and l julia. it's west around the gulf of guinea. notice what does it has to be nowhere it could be. we're going to see the tropical storm, the remnants of that start to move away from kenya, but still some way to weather coming into the southwest to launch the dry across southern parts of africa. it is looking cooler in cape town on saturday at 19 degrees celsius. the interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric? yes, the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that dells, the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without
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the or you're watching out a 0 reminder of our top story is this our, the international court of justice ordered israel to immediately, and it's military offensive. in the southern goes up city of the world's top ports, also order israel to open the crossing and allow humanitarian aid into gaza. and the is really army is continuing to attack off on the slide. the ice missiles targeted be eligible for a refugee camp is central off. i'm going to so benjamin netanyahu criticized the ice age and says the military operation will continue is really forces the
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surrounding the crating hospital in our air, strikes it. vicinity of the hospital, the w h o has documented 450 is really your tax on healthcare facilities since the war began. the united nations is warning of the risk of increased violence and me and mars west, and we're kind state home to the minority. we're hinge our community, but un says it received reports of french are being killed in an area captured by a rebel group known as the our con army. it says $45000.00 range of flint to neighboring bangladesh. the medical group denies the allegation. the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity prompt and on him to to monetary and release must be allowed to float and all parties must comply fully
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unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice for the protection of the hinge a while at least the 1000000 were hinge. i have already slept me in mar, scraping, a military lead crackdown or back in 2017. they've gathered in refugee camps and cox was bizarre. in bangladesh were out you 0 is 10, very child re is live for you. time here. um me, a mars that were hinge are caught in the crossfire once again. what are people telling you there? absolutely. i mean they're, they're caught between the conrad alarm a and the me on my, our mandate in a precarious situation talking to many of the really got some of them actually escaped very recently to the camps. saying that situation is really bad out there. both the con army as well as me and my army are forcing them to get recruited in
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the fight. and they don't want to be any part of this violence. but they have tracking that if they don't join by both sides, that the villages will be burned and they will be home. so many people are scared that lives according to the un, nearly 45000 throwing a record due on. now on the other side of the, bought by them, not free by wanting to cross to bangladesh, song, the government on the other hand, categories say they won't let anybody enter into bangladesh and it's an international community. it is a responsibility to take care of their ro hang us. now today we have somebody who actually crossed into bangladesh 2 weeks ago. he was forced by both sides to join the fight in this kind violence situation in mando i. e, we cannot identify him because of uh, security and the safety reason his face is covered. so it lets see what he has to say. would you please come across a little bit to please tell us what is going on right now. you are from the,
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what is the situation there and why did you escape to bundle dish among those monsters and is rid of it. uh, that had the $22.00 team looking like for booking. uh one is it kind of letting me know that one is the moment she's under the friction for butter between them. yeah. you know, several and get caught in. i mean, they're facing all the, all the true, walter and the difficulties facing difficult is that about what time to try to design them and they're forcing to join them and setting the youth on the youth. not old and child now or big mamma. she's on to trying to capture one to you and i'll kind of, i mean,
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also trying to catch her run and tell you to fight with each other and why, why didn't what not listening to them. and uh, fishing many difficulties, the data that homes. i also bond and down so she can buy them well, who are trying to escape if they're caught though they do to us there to them. but unfortunately, but we, we, we some of our youth one just kind of going to you can leave can. yeah. we, we are that's assessment is and you mentioned many people are waiting on the other side of the board. are you coming to been with us? yes. you know, the numbers are of the family members, children waiting on the other side. a yes. so we have wherever i have
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a fan of them, he down. so trying to come here and bring this to the left. but they're kind of reprocess, did come out of me and matches and not allowed them to lift the the come to did tied to, to, to, to joining with them. provided with this other this i did not a lot. thank you. thank you for your time and telling the story. so i love that you have it. thousands of people are actually trying to cross this year. it's particularly younger man and you are forced to conscript either with arctic an army on that. me on my, on me the don't that threatening their families and the positives will be buying. so many of the us have recently trying to cross into buying with this to avoid force constraints on these one over at least thousands so far it was already crossed. many families i've also already crossed, although it's a legally because bangladesh won't allow any more running our references into the
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country anymore. so i'm here. thank you so much for being us that firsthand. harrowing account there. it's under child or you think, you know, hundreds of demonstrators have rallied in the nation capital to protest against the speeds of arrests under a presidential decree. it comes days after 2 media figures were jailed for one year, each were spreading false use. their purchasers accuse presents or cries so side of using the ear to target his opponents. the canadian union of journalist says at least 60 journalists, lawyers, and opposition. politicians have been prosecuted since i've signed the law in 2022 . but so it has dismissed the criticism as quote for an interference
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the poles have opened in india for the 6th phase of its general election folders. and 6 states to federal, federally governed regions. and the capital in new delhi are casting their ballots prime minister and render modi's party as one all but to national elections in valley. in the past 3 decades. and a reminder, the indian government has not granted visas to l. just their as journalists, so we are covering the election for you from outside the country and consume sharif reports the. 6 6 6 in the bottom, so india is captain daly's, chief minister and leader of the of the common man's party has been holding back to back campaigns. the city has only 7 parliamentary seats. what is the center of political power?
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you have in case you bond to just support district adventures of risk and improvement by coming out to he's out on bill of to be detained by a federal crime agency on charges of corruption. the south to the general elections were announced. k to out says he's innocent, he's a 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june the 2nd days before the election results are due to be announced. k to fall to choose this from mr. moreno, m. o, d. o. recognizing corruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect, voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, your dish can you. they want to stop at work. if this is not good for the country, this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm fighting against the dictatorship, but i need your support. beyond not the party responded more than
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a decade ago and has been in power in denise since 2013. that's also increased. it's footprint by been crucial for single best in punjab. but it didn't win a single parliamentary seat from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coordination of all position properties. so model of face k, 2 balls of dress has benefited his campaign. when people saw that oriented you was like, was, was filled. the believe of the bdc was actually dealing somebody who was a legitimate officer. who could legitimately take away their this jailing of kid to convince the b b, that's how popular how popular gives you all is this good sense to put down about 3 the governing, talk to you. gentle party has also had valleys across daily stop campaign to the prime minister. the party one old 7 parliamentary seats in 20152019.
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and let's say delhi is often a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who reside in italy is about 23000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so that sort of a represents how the countries thinking not just about how many of the city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst community violence. and the captain in debt gets voted, say they want the government that's willing show the safety and address basic issues of employment and development and the consumption of obviously the next to south africa. our foreign policy is animating borders ahead of general elections next week. all the country has taken a strong stance against the war in gaza and it has even taken israel to the international court of justice, accusing it of genocide as long as order say that what is happening, pauses of kilometers away, will help them determine who they will vote for at home and the from you. the
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miller reports from cape town, the whole months, the organization murals for garza has been conveying the realities of israel's war and gaza through its outlook and through these walls, calling on people to act anyway. extra time to mit, back the community, just to show them that you know, we can be late, we come from struggle and why not if any ignite that struggles through, through far less being through guys. i mean, if there's anyone that needed fight this right now to remember where we came from it's, it's given this moment. so let's, let's do it. explain that the was speak football as being dozens of murals and book up and other areas often touch the eyes of both tours and local people. centuries ago broke off was way people from asia and other parts of africa report slaves and south africa's experiences of oppression. and a part dates have not been forgotten despite the distance between them. many jo, save a situation in gaza who influence how they'll vote in general elections in may basically
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is effective. we will remember those who support us and our brothers and sisters in palestine. and we will not forget that.


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