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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the deal is very good, the bringing the news to the world from here. showcase of the best document 3 films from across the network on al jazeera, the in defiance of the wens top ports. israel continues to attack it off off targeting a crowd of refugee camp the rock. this is l g 0. life from jo, also coming up. israel's military surrounds the community hospital and also hitting the surroundings with air strikes as gauze as health care system collapses. and the international court of justice has ordered israel to immediately suspend its
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military operation in law and allow aid into gossip and rescue teams to begin arriving at the sight of a massive last slide and pop on your guinea. where hundreds of people are feared that the israel has continued to attack the gaza strip hours after the international court of justice ordered it to end it's military offensive. alpha missiles have targeted the crowded arshebra refugee camp in the southern city. and the whole gaiety begins are coverage from there that are into buddha comp, incentives of law, civil defense to try to find survivors after and is really strike into 10 city policy needs. here are hoping there is change after the court order, because there's no where safe to go. for this place,
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policy means at this make shift comp indeed by decisions at the international court of justice. don't go far enough. after 8 months is where the boom vitamins, they want decisive action to end their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop for will not just to talk about rough or they have committed genocide. the commit to mass because you want all the apps to stand with us and for the world to stand with some stop. so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here and guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so was we don't need victimization. we need application on the beach or whether you an quote delivered its routing. there was heavy. is there any bumping enough many pilots to new,
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remain skeptical the court order for israel to stop. it's a saw, a roof will have an effect back up as a boot a come emergency workers without fires in this residential area. after it is where the strike there's searching homes and telling people to leave as more bonds are expected to fall in the city. just either that is the cause of palestine to all these really military has also bombarded hospitals across the gaza strip as really air strikes targeted areas just outside the kuwaiti hospital. at off on friday, there were multiple injuries showing and gunfire continued around the facility. a penny miss mode joins is now from the better and central of gaza. honey is real valid to move forward with its military operations in the despite the world for to
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order. what can you tell us about the attacks that have taken place since the i c j? well way yes. well it's not a surprise to see these brand new military scaling off. it's a toxic cross the god the through. but the same time the court was in session on ordering as well to complete the station of hostilities and the genocide the locks on the ground. it happens before repeatedly, almost at every resolution. every decision on the international arena is smith with public defiance by the government, and is really military on the ground. and just as the, the rates reports of the ongoing attacks at the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital including special border refuge account. this is where the hospital is located in a, in a shop where offers the account where relentless attacks over night took place as early hour this morning. no art dealer's ceiling,
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get it surrounding and what's causing is pushing people into further enforce displacement and also preventing ambulance vehicle from the hospital to be this past to get the areas where there's been bombing in order to save lives that he bring injuries back to the hospital we've seen him gradually, right now, step by step. another health facility is being pushed out of service, as is really military approaching the main road, leading students to a hospital. while in the northern part of this trip, we're talking about the about the refuge account for the past. almost 17 days under . he'd be bombardment by just reading military by air land and it and see with their mobilizing as really monitoring, mobilize more ground forces on the right. but right now we can safely say that there isn't a single health facility operation in the northern parts of the gases for the latest was these attacks on skin land, hospital by artillery, selling, forcing the entire medical of south evacuated from the hospital,
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leaving behind patient in injuries who works, it transfers a to gaza city but to another non operational health facilities, the entire refuge account and jump out the entire residence of the value of the town are pushed into further displacement into western part of gauze. a city with the exception of people are trapped inside they evacuations. sensors either evacuation centers or manage operated by united nations for policy, recreate these are on or was schools. and the reason they are unable to leave is because there's really military this in circling the areas where the the schools are, are located. and for the past, 17 days there no medical food or water supplies have been allowed to day or yet. there are signs of famine that is started to be quite visible. now it is reporting live from there has been a have thank you so much for your continued coverage. sure, honey. and as he was reporting the health care system and gaza is on the verge of
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collapse because medical infrastructure has been destroyed the world health organization documented 450 attacks on health care facilities there between october the 7th. and may, the 15th, not including this week cj at a without, it says is really for those have killed $723.00 health workers and injured $924.00, including civil defense, teens and ambulance crews. not one of guys us. $35.00 hospitals is fully functional and more than $100.00 ambulances. i've been damaged while some hospitals managed to offer just basic 1st aid. but they don't have enough medicine or supplies for that matter to treat the number of patients coming in. well, in addition to people injured in is rarely strikes. doctors are treating people for effect has diseases. the w h o has recorded nearly 1500000 cases of infections such as the chicken pox, giantess diarrhea,
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and respiratory infections. and the w h o has confirmed the palestinians. meanwhile, in northern guys are experiencing firemen. the agencies spokesperson, tarika jersey. yes, our fridge says the food situation is desperate. well, there is a clearly need 4 more florida now with the rough are crossing border being closed. did he suggest and what. busy we get to where was there was it now i see that was done by a number of agencies saying that the, the defendant is even in north of gaza. that the, the to children have been a, had been diagnosed with severe mild treason. we helped a uh, health facilities to, to, to put up the treatment centers for miles or as children. and there were a dozens of, of cases that heavy in arriving with trisha will only gets worse. and again, just talking about a few we have heard about sue, it's really difficult choices that the uh guys have to do now how to use the little
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fuel. but it's, there is there it should have go to bakery. should it go, should it go through to the, sorry they should blast to have some water? so the go to hospitals, and i think no society should be basing those choices. and as we mentioned earlier on friday, the humans top court has ordered israel to immediately and effectively, and it's military offensive and gauze as the southern city of off. well, the ruling was issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. the international court of justice is also demanding that is real open, but also land crossing with egypt to allow life saving 8 into gaza. so fast reports now from the ag, as the president of the us highest court now of solemn, did not mence, its words. when describing the situation for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians dressed in the city of fafsa, and they present or the, the quote notes that'd be catastrophic you many 30 and situation because us to
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which states it, it is, or that of january 26, 2024, was a senior citizen of a dispute, it has the categories and has done so even further. and that there's many 30 and situation is now because they've got if that eyes as justice a situation so exceptionally great, according to the court that additional urgent measures are needed in order to prevent possible acts of genocide on top of measures. the judge just had orders in january and march, the states shot immediately who submitted to offensive and any other action instead of a governor which may inflict on divided sidney and group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about physical destruction in holding or the and by the court also order as well to allow you in fact, finding mission into god to investigate allegations of genocide,
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although the court did not fulfill so effort cost requests to order, as well as complete withdrawal from casa authorities. well, some to the ruling, because order is groundbreaking, as it is the 1st time that explicit mention is made for yourself to help its military action in any area gather a major step forward. that's how the south african legal team responded to this landmark ruling. the case that started in december could last 4 years, and that's why these legally binding urgent mattress are important. so potential genocide o x can be stopped before all is lost in gaza. that is, if and when it's well advised by these orders, while this verdict will add to increasing international pressure, is where else dismissive response. the recent rulings handed down by this court suggests that for the people in gaza phase and the international justice system is fading by the day. step 5 from l. g sierra,
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the hate and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has criticized the i. c. j . roland has office issued a joint statement with a foreign ministry saying the charges of genocide brought by south africa against israel at the international court of justice and the hague. are false regions and morally repugnant. it goes on to say israel has not and will not conduct to military actions that off that creates conditions that could lead to the destruction of a palestinian civilian population. well, as you know where israel has bound l g 0 from a reporting from the country, so a set of higher ups uh reports on israel's reaction to the ice. if you're willing from richard cheney and capital m on this is randy consensus amongst ministers as well. as the prime minister is that the i, c, j is and c symmetric and that they will continue with the goals they will continue,
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as they have said many times to eliminate how much they said from the whole of the gaza strip and retrieve those still held captive as a $125.00 captive still in the gaza strip. also to add to that you had been against the wall cabinet members saying that israel is committed to continue the just necessary will, as well as returning those. how is captive venue has the far right ministers such as the national security minister? it's a mob been given? i think the, the early on sits of this is to invade and occupy rough off. and then you also have the best law, smart trip. so that's the finance minister who was the fast to respond to the i c j or the. and he said that this is a going not just against israel, but also against the jewish people. and its very existence is route will be concerned. and they have,
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even though they have the us as an allied to box them up. but the international consensus is role needs to stop this will as soon as possible and also to accept to cease 50 that would bring back those held captive from the gaza. strip and bring them back client. this is something that the families have been protesting and calling on the government to make and to prior ties. the return of those they have a still stuck in the gaza strip above any will goal. many of them believe that despite is roll saying that it is winning the will, they have lost trust, no early in the prime minister, but many have lost trust in the ministry as well. so the height of all just 0. i'm on for a most welcome fee ruling by the international court of justice. it has however, released a statement saying it expected the court to issue in order to stop the genocide in
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all of cause i'm just off. i was just there a spoke to her moss, a spokesperson of som. i have done who says the international community is failing to pressure is real to comply with international law. chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i c. j a considered what's happening. this is a genocide. and so that it is comforting that genocide because everyone knows that to the human side business they're identified to create in the costs. the 2nd of the show, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to carry on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision and to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how mass it was identified from the number one. but at least now everyone in the intellectual community has to understand it's
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a genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for them. this issue. and i really can say, i get a change for the international community member to the amount of space, because for all the last around h wants is what is right wants to 4230 by the, the united states on all the live is if you want to talk about to put it to come, that they were supported in the security council. they were supported then bought by you by your military aid. the day they were supported economically and even they were defended by that. it was said ministration. that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands that she's human side and everyone has to work hard in order to start to. and so hes here on algae 0, sliding escalates, and me and more as were kind states for you. one ones, thousands of range of muslims are at risk. the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times. frank assessments, this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages. october 2nd didn't return, and i want to stop inside story. on al jazeera, being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks. facing the trying to find the challenge and the huge responsibility we
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keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice as relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the through watching out a 0 reminder of our top story is this our that is really army is continuing to attack it off despite the ones top ports ruling. well, i'm missiles targeted the officer bore a refugee camp in central off by minister benjamin netanyahu. criticize the r c j
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and says the military operation will continue and is really forces are surrounding the community. hospital em off, airstrikes hit the surroundings of the hospital. the w h o has documented $450.00 is really a tax on health care facilities. since the war gap. the international court of justice ordered israel to immediately and its military defensive in the southern gaza city of casa. the world ports also ordered israel to open the rough crossing and allow humanitarian aid in to got some police in the us of a rest of the teenager for attacking palestinian solidarity protestors at the university of california in los angeles. last month, they say he was seen in video beating victims with a wooden poles. local media is reporting the suspect as an 18 year old high school students, while supporters of israel attacked protesters on april 30th,
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as they called for the university to cut ties with companies that do business with this really. all right, want to turn now to other world news and in pop on you do need hundreds of people for your dad in the land slide. a skew where teams have struggle to access the remote area and in the province. jessica washington reports one of the of the month of the land slide into hoping you can use north an anchor provence. it's drunk around 3 am or people with sleeping later, one of the hillside collab started burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys, right, the back of me, they're telling me that this is a message just to the, to place more than 300 lives with most right now is that most major is covered by the rocks and the deputies right now. yeah. and footage posted on facebook, people seen climbing over brooks and uprooted trees. most residents of this
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district, a small scale farm is. it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population of the prime minister james in europe. he says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities in and go have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented. only of the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. most of the community groups are collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster life. so jessica washington, which is 0 for the play, the one is warning of the risk of increased violence and me and mars western were kind state home to the minority for him. jack community are you when it says it receive reports? so for hinge of being killed in an area captured by a rebel group known as the rock on army,
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it says $45000.00 range of flipped to neighboring bangladesh. the rebel group denies the allegations. the high commissioner calls for an immediate enter the violence for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity prompt and on him to to monetary and release must be allowed to float and all policies must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice, for the protection of the hinge of and at least a $1.00 to $1000000.00 range, i have already fled myanmar escaping a military lead crackdown back in 2017. they've gathered in refugee camps and cox's bazaar in buckler dash where we find out your zeros 10 of your child to read who is live there for you to under. um, me and mars were hinge again caught in the crossfire. what are people they're
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telling you? yes, absolutely. that costs between the current army and the me on my army, particularly in northern the kaiser and both the darn and mountain dollar area. now we spoke to some of the people who actually came from the other side within recent week, we interviewed one of the person just in of a few hours back. according to them, what the world side is, forcing them into recruit, man to fight for one side or the other and they're going, i don't want to do any part of that. that's the way you want them. we're going to be part of either me on my, the army or the canard man, getting caught in between. but that been threatening their families been threatening. that if you're doing joining with buying your village as an win for 2 out of that village of them, thousands have already been displaced. according to your end report. now that spatial draft protera for you and human rights, enjoying a trauma. andrews has said that the situation is so bad, the army assigned is going to be another blood but soon in those areas,
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unless the international community re x rate immediately inside the cam, it isn't any better 70 years on no sign of root punctuation, frustration among during a rep to do 50, promote them. 50 person actually are children and they don't have access to formal education. it's environmental education barely after the 10th grade, which is basically taught in me and mark hardy collab. there is frequent fires that's gained by wednesday to grad related issues. there's also a political field within different segment within the camp. and many people died even less within few months because of this violence called audio. already running, i was living in the camp are scared of the separation and also because of increasing aid cubs this big prison rationing. so there's lot of malnutrition within the camp. all sorts of challenges for the agency, for bangladesh, with the increasing the getting frustrated for hosting more than a 1000000 refugees. and it's
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a political separation for bargain with those governments. yeah, there is no sign the shouldn't be resolved until crisis in me and murder is resolved. there has been team from me and mart visiting. yeah. other delegates from other countries visited but nothing really concrete happened and committed this new challenge of many thousands of ro hang. i was on the other side of them, not free by bar during between bartonville dash and man man, no waiting to crossing to this another challenge and there won't be allowed in their coding to bring that this government is very precarious situation on it that you were part on there a ton bureau, it's under, jody. thank you so much. and uh, hundreds of demonstrators in north africa have rallied in the tunisian capital to protest against a spate of arrest under a presidential decree. it comes days after 2 media of personalities were jailed for one year,
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each were spreading false news. the purchasers accused president suffice side of using the edicts to targets his opponents. but the nation union of journalist says at least 60 journalists and lawyers and opposition politicians have been prosecuted since i've signed the law in 2022. but that has dismissed the criticism as quote, for an interference. the falls are open in india for the 6th phase of india's general election voters in 6 states, 2 federally governed regions, and the capital need only are casting their ballots prime minister and to render motives a, b, j, p. as one of all but to national elections in delhi and the past 3 decades. so are you creating a present of a lot of your zalinski says that his forces have we taken control of areas in the
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heart chief region. he spoke during a visit to the city of hard cave. my shot is denying ukrainian gaze and says it's in control of more than half of the territory of the border town of buff shawn's russian forces have steadily advanced into her chief region this month and have taken control of about 12 settlements and 3 christian missionaries including 2 americans have been killed in hades, capital postal class. the oklahoma base group called missions in haiti said that they were killed earlier this week by a gang in an ambush as they left a church. 80 is the poorest country in the americas. it continues to under months of escalating violence with gangs controlling much of the capital. all these latest killings come on, the ease of the deployment of 1000 police officers from kenya as part of a un approved mission to restore order. all right,
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that does it for me, whether it's an ex, nothing extra the the the had a load that let's have a look at the weather across the middle east and live band with a gulf states a set to civil over the next few days. we have already had a heat wave warnings out for a month, as temperatures peak up close and into the forty's. it will come down slightly on saturday. instead, we'll see a shamal wind kick up that's going to blow a lot of the heat for the solid is the luxury horton drive picture. but have a look at that. doha, in katasha,
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is set to pick up to 48 degrees celsius. if you look at the 3 day, it's about many, 10 degrees above the average where it should be at this time is yeah, that was we had to north africa. it's been a story of excessive heat across the north east for libya as well as egypt. lots of hot and dry conditions to be found here, but we'll see the numbers starting to come down here over the next few days. it does remain largely hot and dry just a few showers coming into moving areas of morocco. and i'll, julia is where to around the gulf of guinea. notice what does it has to be know where it could be. we're going to see the tropical storm, the remnants of that start to move away from kenya. but still, so what's the weather coming into the south west, the lodge, the dry across southern parts of africa. it is looking cooler in cape town on saturday at 19 degrees celsius. the errors from i'll just on the go and me tonight out is there is only
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mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the of seeking to reshape us africa relations president joe biden house can use william hotel for a state visit and declares the east african nation, a major non nato allies. so what's driving this separate to send some ties in what this can? yeah, and the african continent. santa game. this is inside store the .


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