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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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tax against the journal this to us specifically covering the environment, have risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the defying the world court. israel steps of the strikes on southern jobs are facing the also the refuge account. the, i don't know about this and in this is or to 0 life from don't have also coming up . the flight upon a standing is in northern gas. it gets worse as there's really a tax force, hundreds of thousands to move with little to no supplies holes open in india is capitalized. phase 6 of national elections gets under way. address eugene's
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beginning, arriving at the sight of a mass of lines live in proper new guinea. hundreds of people, a fear that the it's a g m t that's 11 am in gaza for it is really strikes a continuing across the stripe, including in the drop off. now that's the main city in the south where hundreds of fighters is a polished, indians, has been sheltering. the you and top court has ruled that israel should stop it's offensive in the city. the i c. j has also ordered israel to open the roof of border crossing to allow in a box as hospitalized. and again running out of supplies. shelling and gun fires being reported me with a call waiting hospitalized rafa and miss also fit the crowded arshebra refugee camp. and now how do we begin so coverage from down? obama, the inter boot of comp, incentives of law, civil defense crew tried to find survivors after and is really strike in the 10
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city palestinians here are hoping there is change after the court order because there's no where safe to go for displace policy means at this make shift comp, daddy, bella, decisions of the international court of justice. don't go far enough. after 8 months is where people buy them and they want decisive action to end. their suffering is not available in the head. we want this decisions to be implemented on the ground to stop the war, and not just to talk about rough best committed genocide the commit to master, cuz we went over to stand with us and for the well to stand with us and stop. so they shouldn't say one thing and do something different. every thing here in guys was completely destroyed. so the decision was, the funniest thing you need is immediately so we don't need the collaboration. we
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need application on the teacher. whether you inquire, delivered its routing. there was heavy. is there any bumping enough many pilots to new? remain skeptical. the court order for is raise to stop. it's a saw, a refund. will have an effect back up as a boot a come emergency workers without fires in this residential area as to is where the strike they're searching homes and telling people to leave as more bombs are expected to fall in the city does. ita did is gonna cause a palestine cause during your stuff and dental by the in central guys. so i was and was just explaining to the international criminal court or international court of justice. i should say issues. it's morning to israel and yet the fighting continues . talk to us about what's been going on.
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yes, and what, what looks like more of a public defiance to the international court of justice ruling requiring israel to address the what's going on in the ground. now there's a bit of report on all of us. i guess a request to involve facilities, particularly in rough estimate, is really military just intensified the talks across the city olds. at the same time, the court was in session is really military bombed in the area with at least 9 bombs were dropped in one residential lock. and what does really matter describe as a targeted killing. however, in later statement describe that the results were not clear, but it did destroyed the infrastructure, the particular role that was destroyed then the surrounding buildings and further civilian casualties were reported from this massive attack. these as of the past a half an hour, renewed, fresh artillery showing at the vicinity of the can wait a hospital that the a shop where a refugee camp where the hospital is located,
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just pushing the hospital right now. the only remaining health facility in addition to the other fuel the husbands of the western part of the city. but at this particular health facility right now is on the brink of completed being out of service. given the intensity in a skilled, a magnitude of the a talk, very low talks and they are tillery ceiling and also preventing the paramedics, the ambulance vehicles from the and dispatch getting through areas work bonding has been going on for the past of 12 hours that preventing them from collecting injuries and bodies, and back to the hospital only to have this one. ambulance managed to get one bodies that were boy transferred back to the hospital on a separate attack on the central area. there's really a military, it was a continued, it's at night attacks on residential buildings where 3 people are reported killed inside a residential home. they've been filtering in for the past week since they have been displaced from dropbox city. meanwhile, there's really military and it's a,
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it's horses, a ground occupying forces at the or why do you, does that keep shooting at people who are either waiting for the trucks to move in off the, the floating peer or trying to get back to their homes in the northern parts so far were looking at these 6 people, ive been killed by the gun fire at why because i was transferred to a lot of the hospital that's out very small, a chargeable health facilities in on the site right. rest of the cabin and we were told a couple hours, all of these cases are going to be transferred to a lot thought. hospitality is really military also continues its relentless attacks on the northern part of this trip, particularly b as a body of refugee cameron. as of now we're looking at that entire record. he's gone and which population has been pushed into more internal and force displacement, with the exception of the larger, trapped inside evacuation centers. and it's really military is deliberately preventing people from leaving these evacuation centers. and for the past 17 days,
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no water, food or medical supplies have been allowed. people inside these evacuation cent and not only the lack these basic necessity, but they often do it oh, the terror caused by the ongoing bombing. and the fact that these really monetary is the presence densely, uh, with its military vehicle and times through encircling the area, finding on and then obama. thank you very much indeed. well like 100 was districts to being in the north of the strip is really forces advancing into jamalia fighting there as intensified during the past 2 weeks. most i'll lose reports from this volume is this where the forces are trying to have them hold a minute to, to bend over 50 can. so i coming from 3 sports manus sports, which is east to do better to camp in the $63.00, and also the from the shelves 8 area. and if you can hold these tools to
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back to the intensification firing here is increasing date of today which makes people to evacuate ways with that these way the forces reach them or not. number 3 is where the forces in cash and and for you choose to the surrounding area of come out of the hospital. and this makes come out with this coming out of service just like many other health facilities and nothing goes right. and other things to be mentioned, which is of these resources, lots of allowing any entry you any kind of a minister in a to them, nothing goes straight, which makes the salvation in tango know king ellis, or is there any problem is or benjamin netanyahu? who's criticize the i c j's willing, his office is issued a joint statement with the father administrative saying the charges of genocide
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brought by size africa against israel at the international court of justice. and the hague. are false outrageous and bodily repugnant. that goes on to say, israel has not and will not conduct military actions in dropbox, but create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population. as you have caused the i, c, j, order to stop its assault on the off outrages and disgusting dodge bind $1.00 to 0 . so corresponding them non con has this update from the jordanian capital. i'm on a lot reaction from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who came as a direct result of an emergency meeting that he called with. the foreign minister is ro cancel. also with benny guns, who's a member of the won't cabinets. and the government's top uh, judicial advisor. that's how seriously they taking this. i c j ruling. oh, so we heard from the finance but it's a bit to the smoke church. he said the state of his role is, is, is a wolf for its existence in sad times in the streets. we couldn't stand on our own today, the jewish people have the independence and ability to protect their lives. we also
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heard from out of go, leave him and he's the leader of these ro at baker bay tan policies. as the court decision proves that the united nations organizations of turned into aiding terrace in the world. and we've been hearing that would add that to a low ating the you and is eating terrace. and that's really likely to be a lot of the, for the rest of the other reaction coming through for me as well. but was full. that reaction was coming out at the was a know the key move by the united states. a had a phone call with the egyptian leadership, where they agreed to open the rafa voted, crossing for your monetary an 8. that's a key part of the i c j ruling. is it because a co incidence? well, if you're listening to is ready political commentators, what they say is this is america coming to israel's rescue. this is the 1st part of the matter of america. turning round to the i, c j inside. okay. the things the israel can do, it will do. remember is, well,
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it has to respond to the i c, j within a month. if rafa is open, that certainly one strong response is ro will have, uh, the. so if you're taking a look at all of this, then it seems to me that the americans are actually trying to force these ladies to at least take this seriously. but they don't stop giving them weapons of the still giving the money. indeed, the americans been absolutely eclipse. israel has the right to defend itself, and it has the right to go off to have this. and that's something that will put them on a collision course with the international court of justice. thomas is welcome to ruling by the international court of justice. however, it released a statement saying it is expected the court to issue in order to stop the genocide and all of gaza and not just in the offer. but i'll just need a spoke to him, a spokesman, also hamden, who says the international community is failing to pressure israel to comply with
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international law. chris full, it's a very was come the decision from the seizure. and we believe we chose exactly clearly that to the i c j a considered what's happening, that's the general side and decide it's comforting that you know side because everyone knows that to the human side, there's the there i didn't, the 5 degree it in the cost the 2nd issue, i believe, is this decision. it brings the whole international community and to kenny on their own responsibilities. everyone was waiting for this decision to understand was that a decision side or not? we believe as how message was identified from the number one. but at least now, every one in the international community has to understand that set genocide and they have to work hard in order to make an informed them to step aside from going on for what then this issue. and i really can say like, i get a change for the international community manager, the amount of space,
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because for all the last i don't a wants is what is right well supported to tell you by the, the united states on all the live is. if you want to talk about to put the commitment they were supported in the the security council. they were supported then bought by you by your military aid, the, they, they were supported economically. and even they were defended by the us to administer fish. and that was what was happening because it's not that insight. now everyone understands it should use size and everyone has to work hard in order to start the whole is of opened in india for the 6 phases of the country is a general election photos and 8 states to federal and government regions. i'm the capital in new delhi, a costing 0 balance. financial not remote is b, j. b has one over 2 national elections in delhi,
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in the past 3 decades. now let me just remind you that the indian government hasn't gone to the visa and so i'll just see there's john list. so we're covering the election from outside the country and will consume should be supports voters bray this function key to cost the balance, the president and separate politicians on some of the early voters in delhi political parties have campaigned hauled in the back to india as capital. 6 6 6 denise chief minister and leader, me common man's party, held back to back ronnie's, the city has only 7 parliamentary seats, but it's a center of political power. you have in case you don't need supporters of inches arrest and imprisonment by coming out to vote. he's out on bail of to be detailed by federal crime agency on charges of corruption days after the general elections announced k to well says he's
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innocent, he's the 3rd member of the party to be arrested for corruption. his bill ends on june, 2nd, a day of the elections case revolve, has accused communist and random will be left on the housing corruption investigations to discredit political arrivals and deflect. voters attention from real issues. you don't want a condo, cannot use your dish. can you say want to stop at work if this is not good for the country? this is dictates a ship, and we need to fight against this. i'm slicing against the slick types of steps, but i need your support. beyond not the party responded more than a decade ago and it's been in public in denise since 2013. it's also increased its footprint by been crucial for symbol less than punjab. but it didn't win a single parliament received from the capital in 2019. so this time is showing the coalition of opposition parties. so my,
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let's say k 2 balls of rest has benefitted his campaign. when people saw that oriented you was like, was, was billed. they believe that the bdc was actually dealing somebody who was a legitimate officer. who could legitimately take away their this jailing of kid to convince the bgp that's how popular how popular gives you all is the governing party. a gentle party also has valleys across daily, with its still campaign, a prime minister randomly seeking a search. let's say there is often a microcosm of national sentiment. the total number of people who recite into these are 33000000 and they keep rolling in from neighboring states. so in a certain way is represent all of the countries thinking, not just about how many of the city is thinking, the elections come full use of to some of the worst community violence and the capital in debt gets voted,
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say they want the government that will ensure the safety and address basic issues of employment and development. and of course i'm sure the address is just a reminder that the indian governments know grant diseases. taja 0 is don't know. so we're covering the election from outside the country. spots still the head of knowledge, is it a fighting escalate to me? and most of my kind states than you on ones sizes of the most ones that address the on counting the costs. but us escalates its trade with china, but does it have the upper hand chief of the sugar industry is in crisis. other parts of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera award winning program from international. so make yes,
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we just seen so many people traveling with children, taking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of wealth cloth programming. every time we do an interview, web. net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on allergies in sector. again, this is terry, at the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps . the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship survive the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured. witness on i will just
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the, [000:00:00;00] the voicemail just hit on reminder of what up. so is this how these are the armies continuing to attack of offer in southern jobs that's missiles if it be arshebra refugee camp, or displace palestinians, or sheltering in the north of gaza fighting into the valley is entering its 3rd week. is there any forces of time to take control of the refuge account that's actually been reported near the come on one passport. in india, a 6 phase of voting in a general election is underway from the lens are motors, b, j, b as one over to national elections during the past 30 years. now the united nations is warning of a risk of increased violence and minimize western kind state. it's home to the
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minority. senior community view and the sizes received reports of a hang of being killed in an area captured by a revel group known as the icon army. it says 45000 people have been forced from their homes by fighting and the time. so both of don't among don't, many have flights of the tunnel. cox's bizarre and neighboring bangladesh to the high commissioner calls for an immediate end to the violence. and for all civilians to be protected without any distinction based on identity. prolonged and on him to to monetary and relief must be allowed to float on old policies. it must comply fully unconditionally, with international, including measures already ordered by the international court of justice. for the protection of the hinge flies destroyed. hundreds of make shift buildings that account positive or negative effigies in cox's. bazaar thousands have been left without shelter after the blaze quickly spread through tightly congested shacks on friday,
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a few people that reported are being injured but no one's died. local media reports indicate the fine may have started at the warehouse belonging to an n g o. what other charges the modem that fired from a campaign, cox's design and bangladesh, it's quite frequent, actually. and many of them allegedly are arson to attack. so, you know, by right both spectrum for one reason or other fee of them or of course accidents due to liquid natural gas cylinder blast. and that's been casual, is privy of to be also. now there's also increasing number of gang violence related to drug smuggling. there's also political groups fighting for dominance within the camp, which leads to violence and that the can, this has been going on for almost a year now. and there are, you know, you're running as we're living with families are increasingly scared. they don't get out or ventured out in the evening because they're scared of this gang violence and other kind of fraction of fights. and there's also a dwindling aid from the international community, which means cut in ration. there's
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a concern about malnutrition within the camp. and every year of nearly 35000 new children are bought, born here in the camp according to the baton with this government. that means that population is also increasing and the demand for aiden resource is increasing. and it's frustrating the buying of this government as well. now talking to some of their drawings in the can, the biggest frustration is that there is no hope of if i say something, i don't see anything with the political climate. the way it is in me and my there's more than 50 percent of the population are children that are in that formal education. that means without a future just to informal education and learning center. so a lot of challenges while the agency is from the government and of course for their training has been so without hope. they don't know where they will end up being staying here for almost 7 years now. and so it's africans and gearing up for general elections and may, 29th, you can see the running a n c fail to claim to majority for the 1st time in 30 years,
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some 28000000 people are registered to vote across the 9. the provinces. my kind of is joining us from a raleigh and the township was what somebody answered, holding its final election event. mike lee mc, facing his greatest challenge, yet. how does it feel about that? the screen? it is indeed a pain in follow up with a box spring dictates. it's kind of a general key in the condiments of pay 60 percent. but the selection footprints of rent is speculation that it may not get that absolute majority. basically, the boat is full national assembly. the party that has to be charge of the national assembly gets to pick the president until, you know, by the deputy secretary general of the amc num, phone number for johnny. thank you very much for joining us to z. i n c confidence that is going to get the majority then who's quite confident. that's what went to
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get the get the believe that the, the somebody that, that can take up a couple of that has the criticism of the i and see that a type of delivered on its promises. what do you say to that goodness of them? to do that, well let me lead to the can. yes, that has been at the left nearby and so i didn't give you not even fucking out the whole, but coming to and then you know what minus less. so with that, so it's just the result that we can get that protects enough class sets of times but the see is the new i sucks. i mean i've been attended in said that's no boot up, but can you hear me? thank you very much. indeed. that's
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a deputy general secretary of the african national congress, a part to you which remains confident that it's going to hold onto the majority despite from the parties. something that is my kind of talking to us from. so i to mike, thank you. improper new guinea. hundreds of people that fear to be killed in a line slide, rescue teams of struggle to reach the remote area in ng province. jessica washington reports on the optimality of the land slide in popping you can use north an anchor provence. it's drunk around 3 am, or people with sleeping. the hillside collapsed and burying houses. survivors say bolt is the size of cause came tumbling down on the village below the levels on the ground. the boys right? the big of me, they're telling me that this is missy destruction. the 2 police more than $300.00
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lives with most right now is that those major is covered by the rocks and the deputies right now, you include each posted on facebook, people who seen climbing, brooks, and uprooted trees. most residents of this district, a small scale farm, is it's not clear how many are affected as there is no recent data on the population or prime minister james murphy says the defense force will help with the search and recovery efforts. authorities in and go have sent emergency response teams to the area and describe the land side as devastating and unprecedented. earlier, the provincial administrator held an emergency meeting with health authorities and police, as well as a representative from the united nations. nice community groups, collecting aid for families who have lost every style in this disaster life. so jessica washington, which is 0. so the places where 3 christian missionaries, including 2 americans,
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have been killed in hayes use. capital poto prints to be named as natalie and david lloyd. the daughter and son in law of a states representative in missouri and us group called admissions. and haiti said they were killed by a gang. and an uncle shows they left the church out of this week. hating is the protest country in the americas, and it's been suffering months of escalating violence. gains not control much of the capital. at least the files and the police officers from kenya are expected to arrive in the country in a few weeks time. they're part of a mission to restore order, which has been approved by the united nations underwriting and found directors received a 12 minute standing ovation at the cannes film festival. following the premier of this new movie, the bahamas russell flag design area this month on to be floats and symptoms in 2 years in prison is being banned from making phones there. and he's made his latest running
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secret without the government's approval. it was previously jailed and thereby nobody's films that often challenge the establishment. counting the cost is next. i don't of course forget the website. oh to 0. i don't know about us and stay with us on i'll just say that we'll be back in home. the the as hello, they let sketch a weekend weather across europe and it's a pretty unsettled picture across many areas. you can see the dense shower clouds from the satellite image, so more heavy reading to come across central and southern parts of europe. another area of low pressure will move in off the atlantic re some heavy range, the likes of island and person over the next few days. but there is still some
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sunny in room whether to be found for the south west for spain and portugal across the eastern areas of europe. we're seeing lots of fine and dry weather for ukraine moving into the west and pots of russia. they have use of the rain on saturday into sunday will be of course, easily moving across the bulk into the adriatic, seeing those lively showers some heavy rain as well for eastern parts of take it around the block c. and there is that heavy rain running across into germany, poland, denmark, and further north battery rain comes back in on sunday for britain and islands, blustery winds, as well moving into west and pots of france. but it is a story of heat, not just for the library and put into that, but also for eastern parts of europe will. so sing 20 degrees celsius the on sunday . lots of hates coming back into spain, madrid at 30 until tuesday. an
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age work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to hell are you will come back . are you afraid of? no, no file. but not in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on l g 0. the hello, i'm adrian said again, this is counting the cost on ultra 0. you'll, we can look at the world of the business of equinox. this reach, ratcheting up the trade war with china. the us slips massive terrace on chinese


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