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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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or the digging. first of all, it is with it be a hand. this is ready for says tell me that you finally a refugee camp. the northern cancer. at least 12 people have been killed. the hunter mccrae. this is they'll just say we're live from to our house. so coming up the smoking, fine, it's areas of tennessee, the 1st attack of its kind in store months at least $670.00 people of the
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a did after a lend slides is through a really community and pumping. you can plus them and saw that a lot of plans in this country is owned by a minority. i'll tell you why land redistribution is a big electric the we begin with the latest developments out of northern gone. so is there any forces that have killed at least 12 people and, and attack them? would you bother you a refugee camp, and now the twins, he was injured off to leveling. much of the area is ready for us as a now advancing into what was one sconces largest refugee. can they cite? am to clear jamalia or from us find his but they amazing tough resistance. meanwhile, age trucks have entered the goss this trip by the car on the other side of crossing with his ro, trucks will offload a bit. no, i has been distributed yet. supplies had been build up on the egyptian side of the
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rock, the crossing for weeks, and then has been closed since it is ready for us to seize the palestinian side and gauze, early of this month. and for the 1st time in full months, i'm off as military wing, the cassandra guides has bought a barrage of missiles into television. the certainly military says it's a defense systems and just shifted several of them. and delicate, already has moved from down by the central cause. we know that that is where the forces it target is a house in the body. yeah. and then most of the neighborhoods earlier today were at least 13 policy means were killed and 15 were injured. well unfortunately, until this point, there are still people still trapped under the rubble as the civil defense team are trying to rescued them. but also this is not only happening in the body. it's also happening in dropbox. where in the past couple of minutes is really forces attack the whole residential area where at least 5 houses were being targeted according to
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eye witnesses and people in dropbox, they are calling units is to go to that to area immediately because the 5 houses were full of residents, and a lot of people are injured and trapped under the rubber. again, the civil defense themes are working with a very high capacity. but with the minimum basic requirements, they need to have all of these people under the rubble, they're working with the, the very minimum and basic supplies. and also, uh, they're running out of fuel. they can move from a place to another. and now even now i'm getting is to know, did not change the area, but people don't really realize that ambulances are not able to transfer to transport easily. and roughly because there's a ground invasion there. so it's, it's intensifying and is there any forces at least targeted 6 houses full of people
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since the morning from now to israel and wood cabinet is expected to meet this out as well. has been delta 0 from reporting from the associates, got us out of high that who is joining us now from the jo, dining capital mine and the seller will cabinet is, is making it has, if we had any indication yet of exactly what the discussing. yeah. hi. tell him that, well, we know that and discussing the negotiations potentially the room it to happen uh soon at least a certain in this next week. but, but the details are still unclear. interestingly, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu released the statement just before the small cabinet me thing and he's criticized. it seems. and this is what was quite unusual . saying that precincts from within the negotiating tina he is referring specifically to the is really negotiating team only hardens how much is position,
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how the families and delay the release of hostages. now that it seems, is a response to media report. certainly fine. is riley channel 12 saying that so the heads of the negotiating team that says it's on a loan, it seems, spoke to the representative of the soldiers have been abducted saying that this government, the current formation of it and the stones on this deal is, is likely to end up with a deal. now this is something obviously that we've been hearing from some of the family members that believe that the storing of the deal is down to a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and that's why there are delays. so i'm have even accused him of sabotaging the deal. so it seems this was a bit of a daycare from the prime minister. just ahead of this will cabinet meeting. looks like that's what they're going to be discussing off the back of
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a meeting in paris that took place between the head of the c i a most sides and the credit cuts re prime minister all of this. so just hours off to a rootkits being fired from home, us from the goal is to strip the 1st time since january. okay, thanks so much saw that we really appreciate that. that is out of high that the, for us in a month of about $620000.00 children in guns. i have been out of school for nearly 8 months. swindle began listen stops because many buildings run by the human agency for palestinian refugees became shelters. the displaced families, w in estimates more than 80 percent of schools and this trip had been damaged or destroyed. and on the la c, a narrow, barren strip of land, designated and evacuations, owned by these rarely ami tends to being used as make shift classrooms. michael, apple has more prophecies underway in alma wasi refugee
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camp on southern gauze coast line. these young mines have witnessed untold horrors, but for a couple of hours a day their attention is focused on the teacher and they call us man. and so i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me achieve my dreams on that. yeah, but i'm glad i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very much . yeah, no, no, no, no. there's no shortage of a good student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw control and support a child's imagination fall beyond the rules of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw food basket because i like fruits so much. i haven't had any food for 3 weeks.
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i elrod one is a teacher at homemakers school with pen and paper or skis, but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance and on the safe seems a little our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard. we try to help children in the simplest way here we have, but we will not let them down and then we can get it to us. all know wasi is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. there is no running water, electricity, or sanitation, not the ideal conditions in which to live or live to the teachers like these are determined to make a difference. so maybe whether we focus on tree study areas, psychological care, values and principles, and education and skills. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost everything, but we have managed that teach $480.00 children,
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and 4 tends to familia. buzz of these railey drones in the sky above is drowned out ever so slightly, by a physical education and thoughts for a moment, its children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war, seems far away like levels. elda 0 perez is a spokesman for the humans, children agency you and he says, he says, children's education has been thrown into kyle spot, the war on gaza since 7 months now, nearly 8 children have had no continuous access to education or schools. schools have become shelters in fact, and sometimes have been under attack. so no, there is no education system right now, functioning and causing we're doing our best as was shown in the segment, which is very helpful to see,
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to keep children safe and continuously learning a little bit a bit by bit. but there is no safety for them. to do that, and no infrastructure and no right conditions. we before october 7th, we had 22000 teachers in average, working in the gaza strip. to help those 625000 students to learn and try hopefully looking at their futures. but right now, like an infrastructure, and indeed the safety to, to do so became became a huge, huge impediment for us. we were trying to get 50 pence through into rough or the quote before the incursion. to start a very sort of. busy whole basic education space for children, in average, a 150 by turn. but then we have to help those plans because the military offensive started and again, hundreds of thousands of people had to evacuate again to all my wasi. an area where
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is basically sand dunes and very hard to set up such a different structure. so education is again that whole which jeopardizes their present and their future. it was you and estimates molding 670 people were killed by a landslide in a remote area of pumping. you can a, it happens in, in good provence, on friday roads blows and agencies avoiding all the disparate humanitarians situation. like center bias has more it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks. in some places, 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and good province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a motors, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris,
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the bodies and yet to be reaching the locals as they are working and trying to dig a lot more over what is probably actual government to 7, the national disaster team. we now could team and simple ladies and defense, personal to go in there and check up as, as like aside and 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything they've got into the wild animals. the livestock. yeah, everything was there and there they are appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have the relief effects.
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and now the consideration use of the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes, already is a quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0 in south africa, the democratic alliance potty has held its final, really for votes days ahead of general elections. versus will go to the polls on wednesday to choose the next governments. the party has entered into an agreement with smaller policies. i'm going to collectively push the agency out of the governments committed mila was at that campaign really been on the governing africa,
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national congress in trouble. the latest polls suggest that it may not get 50 percent plus one number of boats that it needs to have already installed. events is like goods, the democratic alliance, that's the official opposition parties hoping to capitalize on. so back we couldn't the faction the find the elections in just a few days. * the size of a, it's a party that might not be a surprise the together. so the works of
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life. but that's still a challenge that it's dealing with the children's dna, the rest of the people that have come out the most consequential the overall democracy. since the birth of democracy in 1994 on wednesday, the amc well lose the o truck majority that it is a beautiful day in the, in the for the many votes is concerned about redistribution of land,
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the gap between the rich and poor as whitening and many fail enabling more people to get land, could help alleviate poverty, but some feel the governing agencies taking too long to deliver. how doing the task, the reports from devon saw that some of the richest and most productive farmland on the continent. it exports approaches to other african countries and abroad. but most prime land belongs to a minority of people. many blacks of applicants live like this in informal statements with little or no basic services. what a contrast, what a shape. it is an influx, full let african peoples not to have ownership of land in the own country of best the land and who owns that is any motive issue extreme levels of any quality inside africa or legacy of a pottage with black people or 1st of the land and denied rights to property.
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people occupies vacant land land that's not being used. there isn't much space to move around. these poor james and sanitation systems, they build a homes using either corrugated iron sheets and some use anything they can find to build a shelters. like this one i'm do in global was told this place belongs to a wide south african, but black families have settled here legally. he knows if the owner returns to claimant, he and others could be evicted. no, not my move. and i started hitting that model into the distribution, which we know was a young boy, and i'm still waiting for politicians to give us plenty people moving from rural areas into settings, looking for jobs off fueling to mind for decent housing and land until we can find a way that that right unrest and anger and grievance has got a really effective channel going into a land movement to a democratic national movement of rural people. i don't,
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we'll see those white farmers scared to the point they need to be to support land reforms. the governing african national congress as low as programs to transfer farmland from whites to black own as for example, by buying land and these lead distribution yet. but not every farmer wants to give this up. the issue is professional studies competition for development because something go to my so to start to something good to must plus check us government. and we know those the point where the copies up until 5 decades amc for that. but i was interested in 4 people. welcome to achieve beach. at the end of the day, i'll pick up them to get, let opposition parties like the economic freedom fighters. or if, if, say land redistribution is taking too long, they want to wipe own funds seized. that's an idea that seems to be appealing to many blacks of advocates with no land of the own. but the if, if is also facing competition from the uniformed n k policy, leaving the outcome of mixing selections more difficult to full cost. how did with us out as a debit, a little ahead here on notice. they are friends. presidents,
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a menu of mccomb makes a real estate visits of germany. 2 weeks ahead of you elections and read. take a look at one mexico is becoming the desired final destination for some migrants around within the us the the how are the weather remains and very unsettled across certain parts of western europe. at the moment we have got to where the hot sunshine continue across the eastern paths. on the other hand, you see this little line of cloud and re weather systems rolling in from the atlantic. and that is gonna keep things relatively cool. was it go through the next couple of days and thoughts, all the hates, lots of high temperatures. we're getting into the high twenty's there across the
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baltic states deponent into germany as well as we go through monday, choose dice. but the difference pockets have very hard to just around that eastern side opponent as we go through web and stay and still some very hard set down towards the south west as well. but you can see the cooler at top 10 in between. and that's because because we do have the cloud and the right, it's just not going to head on those temperatures have costs a lot to show us across islands. northern are pushing across the part of england. scotsman. and well, just to go through monday, some heavier shows into a central positive here, lighting up, pushing further east, which as we go through, choose dice and whether it's stretching down across easily and the balkans will deposit grace because they some white weather for time to acosta. ki, i of course know the pulse of africa. it is generally try and we see temperatures in cairo at around $34.00 degrees. in japan. divorce often leads to one parent losing all comes time with the children
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. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on which is the era the colleges when the the be watching. i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl in northern guns is ready, forces have killed at least 12 people in an attack on a refugee camp. another 20 you injured out that the house was fit fine. this rarely
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strong sirens have gone off in tennessee for the 1st time in months of the alika sound brigade spied a launch barrage of rockets beyond wing of moss said and launch the attack from rougher and southern gaza for french president the menu i'm a crone has described franco, jim and relations as indispensable and important figure of he made the remarks on the 5th of a 3 day visit to germany, where he's meeting the country's leaders, including presents frank holt, a sign my. a call has been speaking about the rise of 5 right, politics ahead of you elections next month. it is the 1st french presidential state visit to bill in $24.00. he is coming to kind has more from bill and as well as presidents have been speaking publicly already in the course of this 3 day visit from the french president. they all speaking public key right now and use conference in the building behind me in the garden area. optional spreads you, that's the residence of the gym and president. and indeed those 2 presidents posed
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a question about the rise of the far right populous policies. in this confidence, in what they feel your needs to do a viruses, we know that the french president is already addressed this topic saying earlier this afternoon, after he'd arrived in building with actually europe as a concept could die if policies the top democratic didn't fight to the democracy, his counterpart, president stein, might have said the freedom, human rights and democracy did not fall from a blue sky onto europe. they had to be fought for, is very much coming from both presidents. the stress from them about the need for europe and citizens to think very carefully when they cost the votes in the european elections that are coming up in a few weeks time around the 7th, 8th, and 9th of june. very much the topic. good. both of these presidents have been talking about, and yes, it's also true. this is the 1st presidential visit state visit by a french president. some subjects you like in june of 2000
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you kinds is russian forces you so called the lie to palms and a tech on the crowd at hardware store in the ukrainian city of high keith. on saturday, 15 people were killed in more than 40 injured. have these weapons had been increasingly used during this complex, from hockey, john home that explains how they work and what effect that having these occurring be the biggest threat to ukraine says it's president. it says that us before. now the main estimate of fresh instead of or, and the advance of the okay, by like for the cool glide problems, the loans from rushing 5 digits and the hitting ukrainian towns and frontline positions daily. here's how they work. starting with a normal, i'm going to bump frequently adults, so that one like this f a b 500. then adding wings either fixed or that spring out
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the moment its lowest and a satellite navigation system that can guide it to its target. the result is a weapon to comply to an objective, tens of kilometers inside you crane. while the plane that launches it, often issue for the full is like this one can remain in russian aerospace. unless from risk management group, pilgrims told us that because the bomb is ready to be smooth and hasn't been moved to. it's hard to track and shoot down, then it does something like this. you can see the result behind me of a guided bomb strike base industrial plot in how to keep a city that's really been targeted by this type of width. and the most recent attack on a hockey pipe. the market this, such as a killing 12 people, authorities say their constant here for this and also toiling for them every 10 to 20 minutes. a glide, bump flies in the direction of the city. we're really need air defense and f. 16
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planes to defend ourselves. f sixteens promised by european not always to count so the russian planes launching glide problems. so they haven't yet arise. ukraine's also been given some ground loans deployed booms. the russian electronic trimmings, beneficent and stopping the i'm for now russian glad problems continue to dominate the sky and decimate on the ground john home and how does it a hockey us? if we dies, thousands of on documented migrants and refugees from last in america, the caribbean, and beyond use mexico as a transit country to reach to us and search all the best of life. but the new trend has taken all 4 of these by surprise. tens of thousands of refugees in my goods. now want to make mexico, then you, hon. hope to say it was that in america, it's at lucy and human explains from mexico, se, se scores have been documented,
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migrants in refugees crossing into chap. that's for the bottom of that. they're just some of the roughly 7000 rivals in mexico every day on their way to the us border as they make their way north, many a penny. let's see, the 100 says that she and her haitian boyfriend had been living here for 3 months called bell petite. i have arrived from haiti 2 months ago and is working in a garage to save money to continue his trip. in the i came here a lot of new things as a mechanic for time only here temporarily. and i work on the outskirts of mexico city is full of patients doing what they can to survive, selling food, or breathing hair, and trimming beards. but not all want to leave like milton. i would stay here if i got the papers i was living in too late for us,
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but i never got my papers. i want to bring my girlfriend. yeah. we're treated well . it's part of the changing faces. migration in mexico, known as a transit country, from documented migrants and refugees. most of these venezuelans still planned to head noise, but a growing number of migrants, roughly 140000, have applied for refugee status so that they can stay and work in mexico. i pursue the there are opportunities to get ahead here. lots of opportunity is without causing any one c i. so my sweet coffee and online i sell venezuelan products, migrants who are considering settling here do have a point. in fact, mexico's largest business association, qualified mix, sees migrant and refugees as a solution to what they complain is a huge deficit of labor in this country. as much as 1600000 vacancies just last
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year alone. but filling those jobs with people like these is not as simple as it could be. the mexican government is constantly sending people back to the southern border where they entered the country even offering that as well as money to go home. what we think, for example, in columbia, and what we've seen in peru in ecuador is that when a model number of displacement arrives in country, some sort of humanitarian visa allows them to work from day one is provided in mexico. that is only happening once people claim assignment. and those permits are side to obtain. the issue is north of mexico's ability to absorb migrants and refugees eager to work. but rather the government's reluctance to embrace a trend that could benefit locals and newcomers. i like to see a newman algebra, mexico city. well let's take you back to guys and now we're getting reports of in this really is truck that has had a number of tins. and an i d. b camp in northern rafa killing at least 22 people. i
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just don't want to be getting these pictures into the news room and the last few minutes and they do show injuries to young people as that being taken to hospital. we're going to talk to him, dell country who is in to obama, is she is on the phone for us now. and then can you just bring this up to date with exactly what happens here with the site? does this strike on these tens northwest of rough or i don't know. i did not evacuate at the is really forces hard get did the mix of the tent with aid at their strikes. this make sense is be tied or very close to the new at warehouse. and there are literally thousands of displays. people still there. we have been talking and see,
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and i'm looking for people on the ground. they're telling us that the people injured our companies.


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