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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the western cape providence, cape town here, temperatures are gonna shoot up over the next little bit. so 23 degrees for you today. on monday. see you later. the european an error country is condemn israel's attack on or off. i have least 45 palestinians killed and a missile strike on a camp for displaced people to find people the but the survivors of that attack taken to hospitals, fairly functioning. most of the victims, women, and children, the only a little rock. this is l 0. lie from joe are also coming up. funerals
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under way and popcorn, you can eat where officials now fear friday's last slide buried more than 2000 people alive. plus i am somebody the in johannesburg, south africa we use of rolling electricity cups, angles, people who did influence their vote in the upcoming election. the israel is facing strong condemnation from countries in europe and the mid east. after it's air strikes, cube, at least 45 people sheltering and tense. now are you in building the many of the dead and injured women and children, the palestinian red crescent says people were burned alive in their tents. the injured are being treated and overwhelmed and under a corp hospitals,
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which is 0. so hands up for 3, visit at the attack side to buffer and census this update. well, we're currently in the flashing the area and the makes you sent that has been targeted by the is really airstrikes with at least a air strikes. let me walk through you guys and show you the after math. this area had a nice one, t 10. and here we're seeing the belongings of a family that was living here. as these 35 policy news were killed in this target. one of the most lisa targets, as described by the palestinian civil defense as it took them hours to put down this fire done. unfortunately, the firefighters tried their best to contain the fire, but again there has been no water resources in the gaza strip,
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especially the after that is ready for us is close. the roof are crossing and no fuel has been entering the cause of ship since then. they have been trying to put it down, but there is no water resources. all of this area was filled and packed with palestinians that were forced to evacuate from several parts of the cause of the trip. there are since on many here still in this area, even after the target because they simply do not have any place to go and are 100 percent. sure. that's where ever they go anywhere ever. they evacuate. that is where the air strikes are going to taste them. this is in the i just need a deaf off guys a ton of time. i mean, what joyce has now from there to bella in central garza, any, some very harrowing scenes that we've all witnessed how our people coping after
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this brutal attack to hold people across the goods. the guys are for particular displaced families in my life evacuation. and so in a near the targeted areas are still absorbing what happened in the, as a result of the tragic attacks on the, on the display families inside their stance. and the latest we had it from the hopefully mystery is 45 people. and that has been for now did as a result of the attack was to the other injuries. and the reason the number is keeping in, keeping you increased by dollars because of many of the people who sustain the, the brutal injuries or the burn, the felt the because of the incendiary bonds that use on the uh, on the side of the 10 side. cuz they leaving people discomforted there one day for now did later than we were told by a house official inside the box, the hospital here that there is a large number below are on
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a live support right now. and because of the, the united health facility across by city, we've got about field hospitals that are operational right now. the operating at the lowest capacity, the possible, unable, unprepared to receive this, using the fuck, the vineyards are struggling to keep those with a critical injury. a live these very military and the printer sent the stated that they have targeted a, this area that has been designated as a safe area and, and describe what happened to display standards, including the women and children who are those as it as collateral damage. but what we're seeing on the ground is just contr. 3 to what there's really money there you just described be these were not a priest. 5 the positives, the area is full of display families, the knew their work, women and children in the areas because they wouldn't literally 12 to evacuate the best on in order to avoid being bombed. but only because they have to get bombed,
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in killed a name in this particular area. i mean, was, there's really limits very continue. and it's more of like an extension to what happened overnight. more talk across the central area and used for part of funding on his word at least been more people just arrived still off the hospital here as a result of the tax on the cabin eastern part of there. but i think the terrifying seems a 100 times more the reporting. thank you. as always and israel says a killed to senior home us commanders in that attack of us says the details of the strike are still under investigation. meanwhile, the 2 countries involved in mediating between israel and how mos, i've condemned it, is just foreign ministry called it deliberate phone, bard minutes of displaced people's tents and off i had called on israel to abide by the top you in court through link to halt military actions in alpha, meanwhile,
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guitar condemned the attack. seeing the bombing would complicate the ongoing mediation efforts and hender plans to reach an agreement for a cease fire friendship presidents and run run my call says he's outraged. and that israel's operations must stop as there are no safe places left for palestinians. and for the kids presidents rich of type air, to watch comments of saying, he'll do everything possible to hold what he called, barbarians and murders accountable the head of the human agency for palestinian refugees has also responded to israel's latest attack on alpha reiterating calls for a ceasefire i so images the deeply disturbing an a refining um. i think we have been campbells and ones. there is no safe space in uh in garza, um, we have a and numerous concentration of population. these people have been asked many times
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to move, but in reality, even with the move of the casual key. so again, they have been a numerous called from a number of members said from the separate general from myself. more than ever what is required is a ceasefire. well, israel's parliament has voted to approve a bill that would designate for you on agency for palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization. it also calls for an end to all ties with unreal is real previously accused 12 and the agencies employees of involvements in the home us attacks on october the 7th. but an independent review concluded there was no evidence to support that allegation. bill still needs to clear several more steps before it becomes law. the 3 european countries to, to recognize palestine as a states on tuesday condemned israel's ongoing attacks on alpha. at
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a joint news conference in brussels, the foreign ministers of ireland norway in spain spoke about the need for a 2 state solution to the complex. and also it uses real a breeching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop its attacks off. there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of vision or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i come down to violence of yesterday, the rockets there was the root and it struck, i tell it eve, understand he is attacked on the rest of the $1050.00 g camp. and last evening would again, innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions to is when
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to seize the empowerment of russia. this a stress is what we have been calling the 3 of us that were 3 countries for a long time. that did send immediate ceasefire. but the gravity is even larger because it becomes after a decision taken by the international court of justice. that once again i want to recall that tire binding, a couple, sorry for all parties. they have full, full reason why let the scrolling split stop this attack on on brought file. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation child to no ways are foreign minister and spend the birth ida furnished other european countries to follow suit and recognizing a post a new state as we are in this low point in history when it comes to them,
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at least it is exactly when you need to think about the day after the hour and there's an imperative which is to get to a ceasefire, there is another imperative which is to radically upgrade that human to terry and efforts. but neither of these are actually solutions. the solutions have to be political and we need to think about that political solution. now, that is the context in which span, oregon and norway, it's those to recognize. we encourage all the countries to do the same. and we know that a number of your european countries are either on the way to do so or contemplating . and we hope that both of those suits it was cost. now to natasha butler. she's joining us live from brussels. natasha, what our speed are linda? nor are we trying to signal here by recognizing a palestinian state at this point in time. the what the irish foreign minister was saying today is the to
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e u countries have for a long time now being talking about the need for a 2 state solution. but he says not enough has been done to reach that point. and so she says that what's needed is a new approach, a fresh approach and for him on for the foreign ministers of spain. and no way this thing by recognizing a palestinian state, we might be able to come nearer to finding a diplomatic solution. as you heard him also say, you know, administrate solution is simply not with the option. we have to go down the diplomatic paul. we have to take steps towards peace and that is a step towards piece for those 3 countries, recognizing it by the senior state, giving palestinians the rights to a self determination, of course, of these 2 knowledge degrees, symbolic because there's no going to change anything for people on the ground right now, but it is supposed to send the message that that is the future that everybody wants to see within the your opinion. even if and also he,
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you countries on side. we also know from the spanish foreign ministers of spain would like to put on the table care at amazing or for ministers in brussels. the option to come together a joint statement of joint a statement, phoning for support for the i. c j decision calling on a 0 to store all of its actions and goals are immediately and how likely is that to happen, natasha? i mean, how, how, as the decision in general been received by the other e. u. member states. so like a germany, for instance, i will look the issue with the your opinion is that he's often river and with the divisions a, it's not always about units, even though it would like to be. it certainly being a blog that's being united in terms of getting her masters october attacks has been you know, i think in, in north it, in recent months and cooling on these relative protect civilians in cooling fraser all to stop it's offensive and rougher. but it is divided on this issue of
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a palestinian state. you have some countries that are going to recognize that on tuesday we've spoken about them. you have all the countries as they were in the process. ok, so we'd like to do it down the track including, for example, so via multiple but then you have all the countries like germany, that's very unlikely to do it because the strong supporters of israel and bin phones, therefore administer from saying even stay low. recognizing a palestinian state has no to do for us. we have practice in a un resolution, however, right now from the feels that it is not the way to do it. they would like to recognize a palestinian state within the context of any future peace negotiations that would look and things like borders. they say they shouldn't be doing it the other way around. but it has to be mentioned that the sort of divisions and the you do, of course damage to the use quite dependency and what spain, no way an island. a saying if we come together and we united on this then who will be stronger for any future negotiations. all right, natasha butler reporting from brussels. thank you so much. i to and so ahead here
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on algae 0, we look forward from bangladesh on the impact of a tropical cycle around which has displaced more than 800000 people. the . i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those prefer not to look i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us worse filmmaker rally and also viet time when on the power of political lot, what are the stories we tell sales about also and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra, the
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. ringback the colleges and the they're watching now there's 0 reminder of our top stories. this hour is real
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facing strong condemnation from countries in europe and the middle east, over its attack on attempt to account for displaced, pallets in house to use in a box. at least 45 people were killed. and these are pictures from this morning. a survivors pick up what's left from the scorched debris and 3, europe and nations set to recognize palestine as a state on tuesday have condemned israel's attack on ireland, norway, and spain accuse a israel of breaching international humanitarian law. and by refusing to stop this assaults on the city and israel's parliament has voted to approve a bill that would designate for you when agency for palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization. and also calls for an end to all ties with unreal officials and pop one. you get a have reportedly written a letter to the united nations saying 2000 people were buried alive and alarm slide
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on friday. and that number is up from a previous estimate of 670 killed and happened in a remote area of the northern and the province funerals have been taking place alongside ongoing search efforts. authorities, or warning of further hill side collapses. restaurant variations have been complicated by the volume of modern debris and somebody's have been recovered, but many are still buried. and the chris, so young, some is world visions, national director football for new guinea. he says that access to affected areas is incredibly challenging, especially because rescue workers don't know if the last slide is finished. this is a remote part of putting your, getting into its challenge and getting in there at the best of times. what would saying um in the video and on fridays is some dramatic volumes of death, like we're looking at maces and made his a dad. but you know,
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a lot of people to try to try to talk this tight just, it's really hard to get a gauge on an accurate number. i think further complications that in this area are in a problem with the same trouble finding ways lee and that is main movement of people's side. but we're not exactly sure how many people wearing these households. i mean these buildings when, when the mat on the left side, very complicated, the roads be cut off. so again, access is incredibly challenging the line to bring inside some of the heavy equipment that we'd need to move this volume off of debris. and to say that the complication is that we're not exactly sure that the land slide has finished the store reports of movement into rocks. and so we certainly don't want to go into this area mike, at west and at least 18 people have been killed by tornadoes. in the united states,
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they tore across the us states of texas, oklahoma, in arkansas, and during hundreds of people in destroying homes of the stores, with the deadliest of its kind to nearly a decade. some $47000.00 people are without power across the affected areas. as is bangladesh, at least 3 people have been killed in a powerful storm cycle own ramon made land fall late on sunday, flooding, villages and damaging infrastructure. about 800000 people have been forced from their homes and town. very chaudry reports from checking off on the banks of a math river at the bangladesh, myanmar border. the main frost of the sideboard was absorbed by the largest mangrove forest and the walls from their barn mangrove part is rather typically this product is a natural barrier against cycles on both sides western bangladesh. and this has been decades this time as well. but still the party for a lot fact actually inundated,
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lot of the coastal belts even in the southeast area of our own chuck diagram, city low lying areas and heavily inundated by titled wave and torrential rain, housing. some actors are farmland destroyed fish or it is destroyed, it will take months or even years for many of the marginalized pharmacies recover from this effect. the total damage assessment is still not here because that a lot of remote coastal villages where a lot of fish are mentally it'll be at least a week or so before we know if there's been more than that or casualties because of the cycle. and, but the task was absorbed by the stronger bond or the wildlife or danger in there because of the progress, the back of the slides between the him a line valley and the bay of bengal site ground is quite frequent here. and i'm flat on the other side of the border where i am sending. there's thousands of refugees waiting to cross into bangladesh because of the extreme, whether they couldn't. you have several managed to cross last several weeks into
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the camp, although there restricted from crossing here. because bangladesh doesn't one anymore, right hand getting that started 3, the united nations is wanting tens of thousands of ethnic rang. i have been displaced by fighting. and the and mars were kind of state as also warning, but hundreds of homes in the town of butcher dang, have been destroyed by our some 20 chang reports buys ripped, through a hinge, a refugee camp in bangladesh on friday. crampton, dangerous conditions for the more than a 1000000 ethnic were a hinge who fled me on my since 2017. but now those concern for those back home satellite images of a booty down in northern were kind state show the city engulfed in smoke on the morning of may. the 18th that says the united nations was the result of hundreds of home satellites. the night before, we are receiving, frightening and disturbing reports from northern were con, state and mama of the impacts of
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a conflict on civilian lives on property. some of the most serious allegations concerns, incidents of coming over him, just civilians, and the beginning of that property. communication, subbing come to the town for delta 0 has spoken to someone who witnessed the attack . so hit the military or the left, put it down and where they are, can on the already the deal was know, give them and you know, no, i'm going to treat just only them. so this a fire and these 4 trips in use. and you do want us to be afraid of them 1st and they are on the the what do want to sierra, ken ami an increasing the powerful rebel group denies is behind the attacks. it's probably 2 seen here with hundreds of captured soldiers and their families. so other on groups set defies. the erica anatomy has had significant pictures of the military in the past 6 months. but if it's fine to is a responsible, they'll be held to account says the shadow government. no one is about at all. and
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while conducting this operation, that costs across the country, there are allies on the air organizations attorney christmas. things are going to the sions. fighting with the on top are also be advice to for the international knots and attendance were hinge, a community is already enact. so a concern for friends and family in november, time between 580-0000 people are reported to have been displaced from booty down with nowhere to go. i think the ira account army and the government equally, but we do not have any means to defend ourselves. or we want our basic human rights . these pictures released by the american army, show the off the mazda of an air attack by the middle treat jumped to on may. the 14th the victims were a hinge of villages outside the town of mung dole. as ma'am of civil war grinds on, the hinges, increasingly find themselves trapped in the middle. toni chang,
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elders are from any south africans power cods, sir. the single biggest problem in the country outages are blamed on aging infrastructure corruption and poor management. and as for me to miller reports, the impact of unreliable power could influence voters and wednesdays election. it is usually an take. what offloads, what's left of his morning break production about a 100 loaves 2 years ago he produced 10 times that. but he says chronic power cuts have nearly destroyed his small business. i good trip or do i do motor light? i can't even imagine the future with this type of business because of uh, we do depend on electricity when able to day basis for the business to function. so even the exploration trends that we have no idea on pause, escalating operational costs like purchasing diesel generators and slower trade means move in 2 thirds of township businesses of shots at the time of the last
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elections in 2019 the electricity crisis cost to solve african economy, at least $2000000000.00. that's according to the national energy regulator. while the government's lived by the african national congress was born to you as in advance, that agent facilities and power generating equipment would not keep up with demand . it did nothing to insure a capacity was increased, but now it says it has a plan and puzzle the improvement i do. i see now is and i said he's out of it. they said, i could, i see maintenance lead. the recovery effort at this being approved by the board is that they were being able to add the approximate improve that the energy availability faked up by approximately 9 percentage points. but in the last few years, the power cuts which began more than 16 years ago have only was and with some areas without power for up to 10 hours a day in the weeks ahead of the election, silva for does not have any problem with the government says it has nothing to do
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with the vote and that is managed to improve power generation. even if that is the case, it may for many votes as play in the agencies favor, but it may also be too late for others. aside from the scheduled power cuts, areas like this and so with, i have not had any electricity for months and that's between people here become angry at matching. so we're not going to have both to i am not going to boat, and i don't think the, the, the, well, the power utility says it has a plan and the chances of will power cuts the small use of system power cuts of cost is business owner not only tens of thousands of dollars, but his hopes of a promising future. somebody, the miller ultra 0 johannes bug,
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and those were your world headlines, so thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us. the weather is next then inside story will look deeper into the failures and accomplishments of south africa governing african national congress. and i'll see you next time the the weather story starts in asia pacific and unfortunately it is a deluge for japan. look at this system strong system rolling through here a dock in the blue and the yellow. is it the more intense rounds of rain falling? this all ties into a tropical storm that we have moving up. it's pushed away from the philippines. it will steer to the east of japan through islands in the main islands over the next few days. here's a story in the middle east. we've got this hot, dry wind blowing down from the rocks, so that's pumping in quite
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a bit of heat. up and down the golf, so we go in here for a closer look for us here and they'll have looking at 44 degrees with this breeze. there will be dusty conditions to be expected at times on tuesday. it is also a story of heat through buckets. dawn, so colors are on duct, the red, the hotter is. look at these spots and soon profit. it's new object and jacob, a bad getting at 50 degrees. this is near record huge for the month of may for jacob about this is also for the other side of india as well. northwest india, punjab state routes are coming in at 45 degrees, but we do have remnants leftovers of a tropical storm. this is keeping us as soaking for bangladesh and ne india, but could see a months worth of rain in the span of 48 hours of the old for young women, the south african town played by poverty rate and murder baby
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. yet, despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the communities say, not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on the jersey, south applicants prepared to go to the homes, the governing african national congress faces as tough as tests. yet the party rest losing its majority. and parliament has failed, as what has with accomplished as democratic south africa lost its way. this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on south africa as bracing for a milestone in election. the governing amc has been in.


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