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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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tax against the journal. this was specifically covering the environment, has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable. the death telephone that is really striked on a displacement. compton ross arrives as to at least $45.00 european and our countries have condemned vance. the hello understands the attain. this is alice was here at life from don't also coming . survivors with severe bands have been taken to already overwhelmed hospitals, as well as we're on gaza has kills moving study 6000 feet. the fuels are underway and
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popping you're getting officials now seeing that friday's lance libraries move in to 1000 people on the fund, i'm from meet them at a in johannesburg, south africa we use of roading, electricity cuts and goods. people who did influence their vote in the upcoming election, the the health ministry and gaza says more than 36000 people have now been killed since, as well as war. stone said on october the 7th. on monday, the israeli government hasn't mentioned that it's as strike rough at killed palestinian civilians. the attack killed at least 45 people at sheltering intense. so long as the chickens have coverage. sifting through brussel and ashes, palestinians, right? the salvage what they can from the charge, we mean, so they're temporary home on sunday. at least 8 is really missile struck a tent,
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camping rough or the housing dozens of displaced families in an area. these really military itself had designated as a safe zone. the air strikes part, the fire, killing dozens of people. most of them women and children. witnesses say somewhere trapped inside these tense and burnt alive unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until were bombed the driving been spotless, unlim unlimited. we were paying, we had just performed the micra pro and we were getting all children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing on the usual. then we had a very loud noise and fire wrapped it around us. all the trojans started screaming
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and with the nearby rooms were shaking, sound was terrifying enough and a little severely burn. survivors were taken to the few hospitals and brought the still functioning these children had been orphaned. their parents killed in the attack. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are unable to provide proper treatment because it just took care that there was no security in golf or there was no security. not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent was lots of they done to deserve that well. this rarely comes in defiance of friday, as ruling by the international court of justice. which ordered an immediate fall to the military assault on rough or citing the catastrophic humanitarian situation of
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the city. and the immense risk opposed to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had sought refuge their excesses. i moved out of their all. israel says that strike killed to senior high last come on, does but date has still under investigation. that has though been wired condemnation, egypt, foreign ministry, hold at the deliberate bombardment of displace people's tents. and rafa. and let's quote on israel to abide by the top. you n quotes rolling to hold, and then a few options in rasa castle to has condemned to be attack, saying the bombing would complicate ongoing mediation efforts, as well as hen depends to reach an agreement for assist fine french president their manual lack wrong, says he's outraged. and that is around operations must stop there. okay. you know, safe places left for palestinians. tequila is present, present time. the other one has commented to saying he'll do everything possible to hold what he called barbarians and mattress accountable. the head of the un agency
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for palestinian refugees is also responded to as well as licensed attack. re, it's racing. his goals for us, he's fine. i so images, they are deeply disturbing. i'm a refining i think we have been campbells and ones. there is no safe space in the in garza, we have a numerous concentration of population. these people have been asked many times to move. but in reality, even where they move the casual key. so again, they have been a numerous call from a number of members said from this i for general, for myself more than ever what is required is a ceasefire. israel has shut down out of here as operations in israel, so where, appraising and reporting from outside the country, let's go to south carolina to joins us now from the jordanian capital. and on,
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as far as we've been saying these ran, these have now has knowledge that civilian deaths happened as a result of best. right? so yeah, they absolutely did. initially, they came out with a statement. so yesterday saying that they were aware of a fire that has gone through this comp and that they were casualties. and that was as far as it went all today. the saying that they're investigating what's happened and in the statement is quite a detailed statement actually. and the ministry spokes person says that she's made that she prosecutes a has direct to the investigation. the that person is also a cold, it's very grave. that's how he describes it. yesterday's attack and confirm that an a cross is, is the one that carries out of the attack on how mice a to from us of fights is that so they come on, does even that they had been looking for and going off. so they also said that it
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didn't take place in the humanitarian era of milwaukee, which is interesting because no one had really said that it was all my wasi. it's mid to all my while. see, but as we know, palestinians have said that that was an area that they had said that they have thoughts was to say something based on a month that had been passed on to them by these riley forces and dropped of through via leaflets as well as messages a couple of weeks ago when these ready forces said that they were going into the eastern parts of rough ha, and they're, they're saying that they are investigating it. and we also heard from one of the spokesmen on a video saying that, yes, say a ton of the area up from their understanding. and what that looks into is that a file then ensued off to that and reminded people that this wouldn't be happening if it hadn't been for how much. but they know that going to be under even some
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immense scrutiny of the more scrutiny than they've already faced. because of this i c j a order from a couple of days ago that has ordered and the mediates ends to rustle even israel's allies of us has been a warning for them not to answer. also hon as we've seen, they've done exactly uh that so of course the law of a condemnation, but also using specific language to try and show people that they were sticking with the humanitarian international humanitarian. no, of course the pictures have shown uh something very different and now we're starting to him much more reaction, not just from the region but internationally and did so i wanna stay with me because we've been getting reports to that an addiction soldier was killed in an exchange of fine with his really forces us according to the as really pulled costing cop corporation. now we understand that shots were fired from both sides along the roof of crossing with egypt and gaza is we all took control of that
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crossing idea of this month when it began its ground. a sold on rough start. what more do we know about what happened to on your well, i'm just looking now hey, i to image it, submitted 3 spokes post and statement saying that addiction forces or carrying out some investigation into a shooting on the rough border that led up to one personnel killed so now that's confirmed by egyptian just and the education is just in the last few minutes it was initially reported by is writing media of the headset that, that, that across the board a file, the media is reading media. it was reporting that it started from the egyptian side by egyptian soldiers towards the x rays, and these riley's respond to that not was retracted from an order from the millet. she was ready minutes rate, but then they were allowed to report that off to that. now, um, this is going to further complicate the situation even though egypt has
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a peace treaty with israel. it's actually been refusing, for example, to open its side of the border on the addiction side and had been holding onto the a trucks for the last of the students throughout the whole event. so even in protest to the palestinian side for the palestinians, not being able to have that control. what is well basically took of a crossing. all we're going to see this escalate for the military, highly doubtful, but such and such. and the raw, the diplomatically this could, a complicates things. egypt is also immediate. so in those sci fi tools, so it will be interesting to see what happens here when it came to the a trucks, the us, how to intervene, and how to ask egypt to try and get the trucks to come in. so it goes out and that was agreed through the cut them up with set them crossing. so hire at the, for us with all the nice extra reminder, again,
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benjamin isn't now. who's cabinet has banned all to 0. so we are approaching from outside to is room. now the 3 year opin country is set to recognize palestine as a states on tuesday have also condemned, as well as ongoing attack on rough on the joint news conference and russell as the foreign ministers of island way and spain spoke about the need for a 2 state solution to the conflict. they also accused israel a breaching international humanitarian role by refusing to stop at the tax on rafa . or we can now speak to natasha butler. she is a cost order this for us from brussels. natasha. we're seeing more and more european natives condemning this. this rafa attack on a displacement count and that's why to be fed from a number of the, the foreign minister of spain saying this is one more day in which innocent palestinians all being killed. we heard from the irish foreign minister say this was a ballpark attack. i also have the new region for administer saying to say no,
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these foreign ministers of the 3 countries are in fact these are the 3 countries that are looking to recognize the palestinian states on choose a lot of them condemning data type. all of them cooling on israel to uphold international know the you for employees, the chief as well as a bureau, as he said, as he came into this you for minutes. this meeting here in brussels, he said look, is absolutely imperative that we do something to a israel to uphold international new, to uphold the findings of view and quote, that is asking is relative stop, it's offensive and his actions in israel. so a lot of condemnation is that attack, we also had from the french president in my, to michael who's not here in brussels. he's in germany on a visit that and he put a hold of his social media page. but this attack was up, somebody i rages moved, there is now no way for palestinian civilians to hide. natasha. let me ask you a little bit about the timing of this palestinian recognition we're seeing from
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spain island and no way. why now? and could we potentially see other european countries policies as well, where the irish for administer is saying is of the you has for many years talked about the need for a 2 state solution. thoughts of we know that yes, and he is saying look perhaps by recognizing a palestinian state. it's a new approach is a fresh approach. it can move things along in the direction of finding a diplomatic solution because clearly a military solution is not the own. so i can hopes that it can be a step towards the peace process. even 5, of course, these foreign ministers of spain on a new way, acknowledge that base is symbolic. it's not going to change things with people on the ground right now. but it's about sending that message as this is the direction we need to be going, going in on the issue of foreign ministers, hoping that all the countries in the european union might fully siege. we know that those supplementing us lavinia,
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for example. and both are all saying that they are looking to recognize a posting and state, perhaps they look through that process. and there are countries like jimmy in for all too old ruling it out for all of a sudden he's like, look, it's not a to boo subject with a penalty un resolution on this. but we feel as to germany that perhaps this is the way to go about it. what we need to do 1st is have peace negotiations. and within that context framework then recognize a palestinian stage because that's the point to which would be looking at things like board as we call and do it the other way round about we'll see what will happen in the weeks to come because we seem to use often defined to build an issue and then pops, come together at the last minute. that's actually about to the with the latest on all those developments for us from brussels. thank you, natasha. how since the world again is really forces of targeted universities and schools. there is still standing, have become shelters for forced to be despised. foundation education is old, but come to a halt. also back and forth now and one student struggling to get an education in
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the midst of all a space for my home. and they can only knows and gaza. 18 year old wilds, and even now lives in an evacuation center. for many young people as well as for on cause as 10 classrooms and to make shift homes and shelters. every inch of space is used listing and students have come to the day since the beginning of the book. like prison isn't the so the crust of the days that turn into weeks then months, don't give up, someone wrote. and in a corner of this cramped space, do us those studies despite being just based for her, the passion for learning remain strong. hosting as to those now are lots, thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they, where they can get food and water and where they can sleep. but she won't be able to to, to final exams known as though g exams. and she won't be able to go to university all the universities and garza,
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all you've damaged or destroyed. most my most that has a lot. it was my all life life i was going. it was like went to school, have my studies. see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape the strip and continued to studies abroad. the queue patients destroyed, saw like hundreds of school. so i cannot even, so the anymore here in goes all the, uh, seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams, is somehow a fix. let's move, i will, i've given up and then they are the friends and family who have been with us will have that. the lines on the board read the longing is making the sofa, the night to part with me stuff. i started big. i'll just later, a still a head here on now is, is there a report from bangladesh on the impact of
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a tropical cycling, which is just basically 1800000 the hello remnants of a tropical storm, still striking bangladesh and the far northeast of india assignment on our tro, project states on tuesday, it is moving quickly though, but still dock uh, looking to scoop up a months worth of rain monday through to tuesday. then look at this humidity off the bay and gall. it will feel closer to 50 degrees midway through the week. it's a hot pitcher in india as well. we'll get there in one sec. but 1st, here's the monsoon rains are on tuesday through them all these careless state in india and the western side of sherlock i promise we get here with the story if he gets in india, so colors are on dark, the red the hotter it is punjab. the production artist on stage temperatures adds
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or exceeding $45.00 degrees and same goes for the other side of the border and focused on for cent providence. 50 degrees, often hose in jacob about this heat has been persisting now for several days and will continue to do the same lot happening in southeast asia, a tropical storm, moving away from the philippines, but dragging a lot of rain right across the south trying to see at the same time retained striked with intense rain through japan, through islands, to shoot you a, cocoa and hunt you some sunshine though, for eastern and central china. and here's a closer look at all that rain coming into japan, likely to see some land sites here on tuesday. the now let me tell you about the co result, the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the hell the used slowly and
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look just very close here. like common here sits on large stairs, faced with a look in my progress for me now. thanks. royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resorted in, gone the talk. imagine watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound is wireless facing international condemnation. some countries in europe and the middle east, i went to tax on attend, come for displays, palestinians, and rough. at least $45.00 people on the desk total and garza has now passed $36000.00 according to the health ministry. another 81000 palestinians have been
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injured in more than 7 months. and as rarely, bombardments and ground assaults, rain blocked roads and a lock of heavy machinery, a hampering recovery operations. and popping your guinea off to a major lines. lines back. moving to a 1000 people can be buried under the mud and rocks according to a government appeal for help. jessica, washington, the phones, 2 days after land sight buried, the village and bits of this community and helping you can use in the province of despairing, make at the half 18 members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on, i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many months i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been
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trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil. by using digging 6 spades, large and cultured for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools. footage from a local media channel shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000. the complicating recovery efforts was of slowing onto the debris, causing rocks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a croft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the, the price of the,
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the incident over the course of the weekend. we'll continue to work very closely with the profit union and cabinet. and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters, and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bullet tumble down the hillside onto the village. so they feared they would be crushed. dense did the miracle. they sufficed. jessica washington to 0. in dungeon dash at least 10 people have been killed in a powerful storm. tighten ramon made line for lays on sunday, flooding, villages and damaging infrastructure. about 800000 people have been forced from their homes and neighboring india. 6 people also killed in the states of west and off 100 shelby reports from taking off on the banks of the not for the, at the bangladesh. me. on the border, on the main,
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1st of the sideline was absorbed by the largest mangrove forest, and the walls showed their bon mangrove farthest rather. typically, this product is a natural barrier against cycles on both sides, the western bangladesh. and this has been decades this time as well, but still the party for the fact actually inundated lot of the coastal belts even in the southeast area. but on chuck there drum city. low lying areas are heavily inundated by titled wave and torrential rain. houses have hacked us a farmland destroyed fish, or it is destroyed, it will take months or even years from any of the marginalized pharmacy or recover from this effect. the total damage assessment is still a lot here because that a lot of remote coastal villages where a lot of fish are mentally it'll be at least a week or so before we know if there's been more than that or casualties because of the cycling. but the task was absorbed by the, from the button, or the why life or danger in there because of the progress, the back of the slides between the hey, my line valley and the bay i've been on the side from is quite frequent here. and
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i'm fine on the other side of the border where i am sending. there's thousands of refugees waiting to cross into bangladesh because of the extreme weather that couldn't. you have several managed to cross last several weeks into the camp. all the rest kicked it from crossing here because bangladesh doesn't one any more, a hand getting that started 3. well, the thousands of refugees you just had time did talk about that, is some of the 10s of thousands of ethnic were hanging. go who has been displaced by fighting and me and laws were kind state of you and is wanting that hundreds of homes to in the town of washing done have been destroyed by austin. tony chang, reports, fire has ripped through a hinge a refugee camp in bangladesh. on friday, cramped and dangerous conditions for the more than a millionaire. think right hinge who fled me on my since 2017. but now there's concern for those back home. the satellite images of
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a booty down in northern were kind states show the city engulfed in smoke on the morning of may. the 18th that says the united nations was the result of hundreds of home satellites. the night before we are receiving, frightening and disturbing reports from northern were con, state and mama of the impacts of a conflict on civilian lives on property. some of the most serious allegations concerns incidents of coming over him, just civilians and the beginning of that property. communication. subbing come to the town for delta 0 has spoken to someone who witnessed the attack. so hit the military or the left. put you down with the erica on the already the deal was no given, you know, no, i'm going to treat just only them. so this a fire and this flow trips in use and use, they want us to be afraid of them 1st and they are on the do you want the want? sierra ken ami, an increasing the powerful rebel group denies is behind the attacks. it's probably
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2 seen here with hundreds of captured soldiers and their families. so other on groups set defies. the erica anatomy has had significant pictures of the military in the past 6 months. but if it's fine to is a responsible, they'll be held to account, says the shadow government. no one is about at all. and while conducting this operation, that costs across the country, there are allies on the air organizations, attorney for assistance documentations finding. with the on top are also be advice to for the international knobs and attendance were hinge, community is already enact. so the concern for friends and family in november, time between 580-0000 people, are reported to have been displaced from booty done with nowhere to go. i think the ira account ami and the government equally, but we do not have any means to defend ourselves. or we want our basic human rights
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. these pictures released by the american army, show the off the mazda of an air attack by the middle treat jumped to on may. the 14th the victims were a hinge of villages outside the town of mung dole. as ma'am of civil war grinds on, the hinges, increasingly find themselves trapped in the middle. toni chang, elders are the leaders of china and japan and south career have held a rad try lot for musing and increasing economic cooperation and easing regional tensions. davis. your to joint statements promising positive efforts towards a political settlement on the peninsula. from the final thoughts from sol, it's like all neighbors, china, japan, and south korea have a long history of diplomatic tensions. but for this 1st try, lateral meeting of each kind involved in 4 years, the mood was upbeat, representing nearly a quarter of global economic activity. together, they form an economic powerhouse which the south korean host wants to develop.
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please move away from nowhere to 20th, through the corporation of our 3 countries, we must strive to improve the health, safety and living standards as quality of life of our people don't care. i mean, you just ahead of this meeting, north korea, ensure that would be on the agenda announcing it's intention to launch a satellite using ballistic missile technology that spend by the united nations, south korea, as president to you. and so if you all called for us to an international response supported by japanese prime minister food, we appreciate that. it says rules and notes got to, we reaffirmed that the, the nuclear ization of north korea and the stability of the korean peninsula are in the common interest of our 3 nations. why don't the china stop short of condemning dolph career with its primarily chang calling instead for peace on the peninsula? but both soft career in japan will be hoping by jing can use that same fluids to
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constrain young young's wesson's developments with its worsening relations with the united states. china will also be hoping to close the ties with washington strongest allies in asia will help strengthen its geo political clouds. those, that hon. you all to south china, japan and the republic of korea should properly handle sensitive issues and differences. take care of each other's core interest and major concerns and truly practice genuine multilateralism towed into the 3 latest plan to meet again next year in japan. still mindful of previous tensions, but apparently seeing mutual advantage in putting those differences to one side. for now mcbride, i'll do that right. so and so don't forget the fast votes and the general elections are being cost through special balance. so many cell africans, power cuts, all the single biggest problem in the country. outages are blamed on aging infrastructure corruption and pull management to meet them. other reports reveal it
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and take what offloads, what's left of his morning break production about a 100 loaves 2 years ago he produced 10 times that but he says chronic power cuts have nearly destroyed his small business. i good trip or do i do more light? i couldn't even imagine the future with this type of business because of uh, we do depend on electricity when able to day basis for the business to function. so even the explosion trends that we have no idea on pause. escalating operational costs, like purchasing diesel generators and slower trade means move in $2.00 thirds of township businesses of shots at the time of the last elections in 2019 the electricity crisis cost to solve their frequent economy, at least $2000000000.00. that's according to the national energy regulator. while the government's lived by the african national congress was willing to use an advance that agent facilities and power generating equipment would not keep up with them on. it did nothing.


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