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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the color there i missed all the attain. this is a new the life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a historic step for palestinian self determination. 3 european nations formerly recognize the states denouncement puts renewed pressure on israel to end its war on garza, spanish prime minister petro sanchez, promises steps towards a 2 state solution a lot on the ground and gauze that the biggest hospital in the south of the strip is forced to shut down after and is really as try kills to medic,
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assets from the kindest way the forces can at least 7 people and attacks on rough day off to strike on the 10 can killed 45 to space thomaston, the a welcome to our special coverage here on out to 0 as of tuesday, may the 28th no way island and spain have a formally recognized palestine as a stage. it's a historic move reflecting the growing calls for a peaceful resolution to a 76 year contract and an end to as well as occupation. it also resets the posting and people's right to self determination. now more than 7 months into israel's devastating war on gaza, the course of voices denouncing the violence and impunity is growing. louder is
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rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu is increasingly isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the top quotes with accusations of genocide will crimes. no weight span and island are in good company. most of the world supports palestinian statehood. more than a 140 of the 193 members of the you and general assembly recognize that the momentum to is building the media. and we'll have also said that they're considering formal recognition and more countries could also follow series of spanish prime minister hetero sanchez's just spoken ahead of a cabinet meeting that will then formally recognize palestine. he says the decision is essential for peace and them at least this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the i'm, i don't know if he story can just this with the need to make the aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also, i mean,
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per thief need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve a feature of piece that will that understand the state that quick seized alongside the state of the swell in peace upon minnesota. sanchez also spoke about the next steps that spain will now take going forward. and i would like to underline, started starting tomorrow. we would focus our efforts to implement the 2 state solution and make it a reality. we was local 3 main priorities. first, we must urgently put an end to the don't going. i'm president kind of crises in guessing goal once a game for permanency is fire for the entry of the military and 8 until the immediate release of all the easily any hostages held by him us. secondly, we will support the by this time national $1.40 in the reform processing. the city
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by its new government depend a sign up for a peace, our partner for peace need. we need all of our support. and finally, we will continue to foster corporation with our, our partners who are working and committed stores, peace and prosperity team to region. we will continue working with them with the name of competing understood national peace conference to implement the 2 state solution correspondence tracking the story across europe. and then at least with live today and also brussels non garza and bethlehem in the occupied westbank. but 1st, let's go to madrid and speak to bull brandon for all the laces that i bought. a real statement this morning from from prime minister sanchez is indeed highly symbolic, momentous, frankly, he gave the statement in the palace of my car, which is behind me just the statement. it wasn't a news conference. us media have been kept outside here. you can probably see it's
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the, you know, specialist surroundings of a cobb park outside the palace unfortunately. but what do you have to say inside really well, you know, have significance all around the world. you've already played some of the 2. i think most men says parts or office speech a but the other parts as well that i would highlights a for example, where he said that all our resolutions, all the spanish resolution, spain, norway and islands are in line with existing un resolutions as adopted by european union member states and that i think is very important to emphasize that this is in spain islands in no way going it alone somehow in some kind of maverick way all of the statement. the recognition of kind of son as a stages is totally in line with the membership of the un. i'm the membership of the european union. and i think the other thing that i've been detecting while i've been here in madrid is, is
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a sense that the idea that the united states as the kind of lead uh, of this uh, let me go see ations with israel, is the, is, is starting to wayne, i think the palestinians clearly have been doing the diplomatic homework with the europeans. in particular, if you think it back to the 2028 brown of course, the normalization of relations between israel and the arab states. of course, the alarm for the palestinians. and as a result, they've been talking in a very concerted way with your pins to get a gun to support that, fearing that the united states are not going to take the palestinian course seriously. well, this is the product of various kinds of diplomatic efforts by the palestinians. and if i can say, just finally, you know, to reiterate what he said, this recognition by spain island and the way is not just a historical justice, as he described it, but necessary. he believes peace preventing that with all the very latest for us
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this morning from the dread. thank you for. well, let's now go to the no, we didn't. capital also and spin child correspond this step boss and step. i see the legions according this also to point are the updated strategy for peace in the middle east. focus through the timing and wind noise decided to take this route. now. yes, quite a big day here in that no way as well because it is a big shift to the for a minute. so told me is calling, it's a also 2.0 and he's basically referring of course to the oslo accords from the 1993 when as well. and the p a load, the palestine liberation organization of us are out of outside this historic agreement. also accept thing, the fact that that would be and then defend themselves, city and state. well, we're now 31 years later and there is no palestinian state. and so that's why nobody has decided to change it strategy. it has been negotiated,
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pushing israel for many, many years to accept the courts, but they have only to make the situation worse as many people a belief, especially for the palestinians and the intentions of as well back then, i also have a question. so no way has now decided to clear an independent palestinian state before any peace agreement before any do it's made a different strategy. strengthening. defend a city of institutions, making sure that there is an empower, palestinian, a civic, a civil society. and then a go for a peace deal. so that's a different strategy that no way now has to don't fit. and it still is a very strong ally of it's relo though, the a method or has so it's really a batch of a has to products. also, but they really hope that the, the will still be a discussion with this role and that this will be
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a symbolic and also very strong signal to as well. and also to the united states to go ahead to the 2 state solution. they say this is the only solution to the conflict, this only a peaceful solution, no military solution. so step lawson the, the license force from the wage and capital this morning. thank you very much. step 4, and that's now go to dublin and speak talk corresponded to evelyn knox, but i'm a huge de 2 for islands focused or what's been happening in dublin today. however, the associated will have a cabinet meeting involving the t. so the prime minister on his foreign minister, the deputy prime minister, prime minister, will be talking that we call them often about why they've taken this decision. how this comports with orleans position when it comes to protest. i mean, right? so many, many decades later on this afternoon inside the, to all the parliament, they'll be a several hours long debates about this issue offering individual politicians such on strict stress that positions and why they think this is important. so i'm in hire, as the chief about,
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the prime minister will make it very clear that he sees this is both a political and a symbolic decision. the iris government has made. and we spend some time yesterday talking to people here in the capital, in particular, those involved in activism on this issue and campaign and say it was their action. but led to this point, as riley does wave, the cube bayne has been the past 16 days on the thing. come into university college, dublin she and fellow students position for the university to en, financial ties with israel. 3 of the noisy protests were occupying a building the university close, i just private joining close on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices. and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capital of a major college trinity. students who are ready pressured,
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university or 3rd seasons divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin since october of heavily saved for all the public and political deceptions. 2 debates about israel, vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians from across the spectrum, settlements and university welcome the government's decision to recognize the kind of city and state that pull murphy is a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says, thoughts action is long overdue. just to hire has continued to unfold. structure of hospitals, attending of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure and the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical out canvassing ahead of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear,
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the name finds for art in the recognition should go to ordinary people. it's ordinary people by their attitudes, by their mobilizing, by their protesting by their incontinence that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously, and talking about the kind of sending and resistance that for the campaign as a university college, as learning from the own faculty about and tell us the new history they now one more than me was i think, institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the public sending people and they struggle, but do very level to materially support thoughts and accesses going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with about his on his officers and stuff. the so shannon airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and palestinians present day and say that countries stones should simply support a better future filaments. how does
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a to dublin to let speak to natasha butler. she joins us from brussels. natasha, there's been deep division within the issue of our number of issues. how deep is that, then i have a palestinian statehood. is this option from spain islands in no way likely to, to, to pull all the states along. creating the mentions of other states to follow serious once it gets in full and so it points out that a 3rd of each stage to actually recognize a palestinian state already. countries like poland, sweden to remain. yeah. some of those countries recognized that since they before becoming part of the you never lasted as a 3rd of the states. we know that some countries all thinking about recognizing a palestinian state during the process of doing that, including both the so the new belgium, most education a would like to go found that paul's and then you have other countries like germany and fraud suicide. and the most against recognizing about the same state fonts, for example,
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but to un resolution on this math and also normally go the french for an minutes. she was here to 5 minutes dismissing your brussels on monday, said, know, recognizing how soon the site is not a to move for fraud. so there's something default intends to do. it's just about the timing from germany field. so recognizing the palestinians say, has to be done within the framework and context of any future visa cation for, to say, uh, solutions. i believe at that point, that is when you'll talk about things like folders and that will be the time to recognize the palestinians. say they don't feel that it's worth doing it the other way around the way to say the island. no way of doing it, but of course for those 3 countries, what they're saying is, well, you know, we haven't gotten maritza to saves newton and we were in the falls for the hops. the recognition, the way pushing through now will help us get a set place that it's actually about to the for us. following all developments for us and brussels. thank you very much, natasha. well,
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and let's get the view from the gaza strip and speak to a correspondence on the ground, hunting about what he has in general bala and the central parts. as garza, honey, how of people in garza reflecting on these moves today? did they feel like it's going to change anything for them on the ground noon? right now, what we're looking at is that mixed feelings here. and the anticipation is a quite unclear as people have one of priority right now, which is an end to this ongoing madness, the ongoing, rapid mass killing of civilians that just fixed the latest start. people are still trying to absorb what happened today. evacuation zone and rough city work close to 40 people were murdered by these railey relentless attacks and the use of incendiary bonds. there literally we see. and people decapitated children as well as a shredded bodies of people who were inside the 10 sit down. the recognition of the
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state of palestine and from civil european countries is only important right now. it gives people hope that at some point it will be a much larger force that will eventually put pressure in his birthday is it's doing inside the locks in this brutal ongoing more across the, the gaza strip. at the same time, as long as the, as long as there is nothing in stains, you're going to ground this recognition of the state of how the sense remain symbolic because its life is still very difficult on the ground. there is a daily struggle for, for people searching for necessities for food, water and medical supplies that are not largely available right now. the, on going to block it on the crossing. the vast majority of people while they are happy, but at the same time they are very suspicious about what's going to happen next. i remember the past few days or weeks after any international resolution or an
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international body coming forward to say something. we've seen a sergent, the doctor know the real fear right now. after these 3 or a p on countries formerly recognize the state of palestine. people are very worried right now that we might see a surge of the toxic cross the gaza strip as the response of from these radius sides to these european countries are now i think the state of the fear is real. the concern is real. and because there was a pattern of this behavior bite is really government. within the past 7 months, we spoke to a group of art, this house being an artist who are very invested and very involved with palestinian culture and her there's. here's what they have to say about. these are a few and countries recognizing the state of palestine. the, these paintings made a lot to me as
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a defender of the palestinian cause. i feel proud because being from casa, i'm conveying to the outside world, the extent of the destruction, migration and displacement. we're in during, i'm showing the outside walls, the extent of the suffering we are living in the gaza strip when i pains about the promising and cause i feel immense pride. well, we are fighting for our quotes regardless of these radio patient that is trying to erase that cause. and as a people of garza, we have resilience and optimistic. she's screaming and cooling, just somebody to help her against the blockade imposed by israel. i said no, not that. so i can have a cool this painting to pick a broken diamond these right? it's believe they'll take control box at the top of the painting you screen, which represents a glimmer of hope to the will will. and that's why the,
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i'm not in the dining hall and i have an extra as an artist from guys and was enjoying the same suffering that everybody is going through and the strip. i'm trying to convey the emotions within me and the life i'm living, and garza, the whole pain and the despair that i'm feeling these. these people from eyes are very proud, we are attached to our land. yes, we have suffered immensely, but we remain steadfast. i have created several paintings that convey the sufferings, but no matter how much i draw, it was never convey the whole picture of the actual scenes and the pain are so much bigger and have taken over us. every day we witness massacres and bloody scenes. i tried to express all these feelings on the walls and i tried to paint everywhere i go to my last year old was one of defiance. i drew the map of palestine in an attempt to convey the extent of our attachment to our cause. and we also spoke to palestinians and garza, and many of them a welcoming the decision by spain, when islands, they say it's long overdue,
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and hope and more countries will also support that cool for recognition. well, you have the ship. what we think is the countries that's recognized palestine as a state, no doubt. so this provides more support, so i will close. this is our homeland. israel is an occupation force. the we hope all the countries will follow some. this will provide diplomatic assistance to our quotes on the how to move in the right direction. this will bring more pressure on this round will help the remaining well it states would recognize the palace time as a state to add that off. and the good news yet did this recognition comes after a long history of struggle resistance and steadfastness by the palestinian people. these countries reminders that although we have been failed by many, the remain voices of conscience and truth in this world. we feel we are not so low, no struggle for freedom and independence of the can kinda. we hope that all the 27
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european states will do the same. it means more pressure on israel and the united states also more support to us to meet you in. the could also reduce israel's crimes against our people. and one day we could bring these release to justice. we are certain we will restore all our lawful rights head. that is what the mission for who we are very proud of this move and hope all the countries in the world were recognize our posts and in state. because simply, we are the rightful owners. in the past when i said i'm palestinian europeans would ask, where is this country? now the whole world knows our cause and is supporting us. well, let's get the view from the occupied westbank and speak to nita abraham. she is in bethlehem for us need to how is the recognition this morning being received the of the well, we've been speaking to palestinians across the occupied westbank about this decision. and really, the vast majority of scottsdale were telling us that there, optimistic that, that well coming this decision,
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the only that it's coming from europe. but 3 western european countries have all decided together to take this step that is really seen here as a show of support. the palestinians is a show of defiance against israel. they hope that more states will follow, you know, the feeling here amongst palestinians is that when people around the world. so what is real is doing through the palestinians. this fixed the scale, they were able to see the missing width is also of the occupation when we talk about the league and his rating sacraments. when we talk about the rest, when we talk about the military occupation that is controlling each and every aspect of palestinians lives, they say, you know what, maybe there is hope because the world has not paid attention to palestine for so long. they feel that they've been left alone, but now they feel with the media coverage with the exposure of what's happening to
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palestinians on social media despite the growing bands against the policy and in confidence that at least something is moving and they believe that the nation, the protest have that have been happening all across europe and really all around the world have pushed these states to do some things to try and preserve the 2 state solution that is being killed every single day do for these really violations . even in the mean. one of the places here the occupied with bank this have been seeing really the extensive is way the ways against palestinians, more than a 120 pounds of citizens killed in geneva. so just since the beginning of the war, people said we're still hopeful, we're still optimistic. we met an artist named him by the seller be who usually when never and is really a i'm, he goes to the cab and starts throwing them off of the palace class. the only
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one in the home became window one of the soon the most some of the hands of the little but some i shut it fine outside of the but i didn't see i'm always open to. i've seen that. yeah. the bad. what kind of a body? yeah, yeah, but i'm an hmo, but listening to me, i didn't list the value and keep it up for cutting the symbol well into the launch . it'd be 20 minutes should back moving to just off of hand because the due process . i know so it has time and then also. so what would you do if i'm busy? normally i little hot and then i'm in walk. i guess let me run. i'm, it is a i and before and, and mr. little, just didn't know if i got it. i'm gonna live without him connect to the walk through the guns here to feed them in that that, that if it is funny i'm, if in atlanta i'm, if in that a we need be, i need blood and when me the most amount of and in the couldn't do a lot more, do it or me be that the i've been up on the block before really so i mean is kennesaw, you need to towards the none. is that better for what all been in?
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know how the and the stream can you attended the thing in the philosophy and here with john. yeah. the fellow student that he was coming can share some help from us . the local and the i'm a little this in a way that agenda, not one that can agenda, but a big issue and no joint ability of all this isn't the 1st time that countries have publicly acknowledged the state of palestine. most of the was a 143 of a 193 un member states already recognize it with no way expanded on. and that number is now a 146. palestine is also a member of many international organizations and treating unesco. the u. n's, cultural and heritage agency, the international criminal court and the global police organization into poll earlier this month. the un general assembly also version overwhelmingly to back palestine is bid for full membership, but the u. s. has repeatedly used it to be so power to block it at the security council which makes the final decision on membership. will it speak to jeffrey? nice. he's
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a human rights. so he prosecution for messiah being the discover on the loss of it . she joins us now. from time to bring it in the u. k. this morning. jeffrey, you've had inside yourself into the inner workings of the, the international order, so to speak, and the bodies of international justice. how significant all the moves that we've seen today, by no way spend an island very significant under announcing very help see, i saw the night knowing you were going to speak to me and listening to your exit and contributions from others. this morning of an analogy. in england, we sometimes discover unexploded bombs from the 2nd world war when we do every body act immediately in the best interest of everyone. the programming guns a and in the west bank has been an unexploded bomb that everybody has known. is that not just for a few decades and for
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a century and more unfortunately, and for whatever reasons, many people have been persuaded to do nothing. now, eventually when the files are open, that will be explained. but you had that for me. i think the last to contribute to, but one, it looks as though people were looking away. and finally, by this recognition, that can be no doubt this unexpected bomb has to be dealt with. and it has to be dealt with by everyone, lawyers and the politicians, and everyone else acting to achieve a solution. maybe it now does have to be a 2 state solution, not the one state solution that would have fitted with the general policy of the well to live in multi ethnic societies. if it has to be a 2 state solution. then by recognition by visa, 3 important countries,
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that process may be assisted. when i say people have looked to way, it's not just politicians who built away the international criminal co founder. it's fairly new prosecution. this, the con, has acted in the way that we will know about, and that is a definite, from positive move forward. why wasn't the international criminal court which had your restriction from 2015, the year off to operation protect to the edge? and that's at the time when how most welcomed the action of the international criminal code. why did it not look like this? unexploded bomb and do everything it could. because if it shows itself to be active and willing to investigate thomas and v, is there a defense force? might this whole gossley terrible tragedy? the began with those dreadful killings on the 7th of october. might that never of
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happen? is this a reflection of the fact that the refusal to act by politicians, whoever was leading them in that and by law is and everyone else? i have to come to a conclusion. and that conclusion is, i think assisted by this gray though, decision though, because if it's not in line, we want america wants to have this bill. this is by 3 countries announced by the spanish prime minister this morning. jeffrey was saying that the new recognition of this, this unexpected bon means that everyone has to take notice i see all the countries may also follow suit motives. lavinia, it does seem that we're hearing a shift in rhetoric from, from, from stephen to how's, what's happened since october, the 7th change the standing of israel in the eyes of the international community. is that why we're seeing this now? so i'm trying to agree for the point of view of is there other than jewish citizens around the world? yes,
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it has changed the way people seeing things until then they were being persuaded to look away. now anyone who's been to gauze or in the last few decades news, this unexpectedly bone was that you have not in prison, millions of people without access to the c to vs without being allowed to get out. you cannot do that without generating i suppose, to continue the analogy a fuse for that ball. and um, the many people have understood the problem. i'm not understood it from both sides . because when ball falls decoration in 1976 favorites funding a home for the jewish people, that's not a bad decision. it referring to 2000 years of anti semitism, of course. but it was a difficult resolution. and it's been
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a difficult resolution that is not being achieved for a 120 years. and so what happened on the as rarely side but needed understanding for what it was has indeed been improve uh, being a drunk. sti, surprises not improved by what happened since october and it's a tragedy for all sides that we have to reach resolution. all right, you should determination, result things in this way. definitely, i think everyone, i'm sorry to interrupt because i, i want to, to dig into some of what you're describing that given your legal background. i want to get your perspective on, on what you think might, might have legal implications in terms of today's move. i know we're talking about 3 very important countries today, but also if, if other countries follow suit we've, we've obviously seen an invitations for arms and ball goes, things like that, given domestic politics and these 3 countries. obviously they've already taken steps within the context of,
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of the conflict. could we say broader legal implications with more and more recognition of palestinian statehood. you may well have me recognition in the, in that sense of, of embargoes and restrictions on use of weapons and things like that. as to the law itself. now that the 2 quotes, the international court of justice in the disaster, criminal court have taken better and different steps and respect all or this conflict. they may not change very much in what they do it in a sense they should, because they're acting in time to independently objectively as low as analyzing evidence and deciding what the lower determines should happen. but as i think i've said before, one of the interesting things is the public sentiment, at least one of your earlier contributions referred to speaking of what was
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happening in on and public sentiment and the development of the law. and now the development of politics is acting roughly in step. and that means just going right back to the beginning with the analogy of the unexpected vault. everybody looking at this form is now saying, we cannot look away. we must don't look away. we must solve the problem, and that can only be solved by a complete resolution. whether it means a 2 site solution. suddenlink toby, it suddenly salsa shop a focus on this issue. jeffrey nicer human rights. so who will say prosecution deformed the sub in the that so, but on the last, so that's speaking to us today from the u. k. thank you so much for joining us on our special news out here and i'll just hear or less welcome. what does it mean practically speaking, the 3 major european nations to recognize palestinian stage and we discuss to a level that. but it also means close to a diplomatic ties. an island says it will transform its different nations office,
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for instance, into an embassy. as of now, a handful of european countries recognized palestine as a states island. no in spain say they will recognize pre 1967 borders and support tourism as the capital of israel and palestine. palestinians say that occupied east jerusalem should be the capital of its future states. israel has not defined its borders, but it's occupying palestinian land, expanding illegal settlements, and allowing separate land grabs. the current mouth is controlled, divides palestine to into homeland. let's speed along khan, who joins us now from amman and jordan, and mental history of the reaction we've been hearing now for news. right. well, israel is very much on the attack that attack is being led by the foreign ministry and the foreign minister as well. cancer in the medium, often most of the announcements is wrote record all is on. bassett is from ireland, spain and no way. and then it cooled in the spanish norwegian and irish on boxes to israel into
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a meeting. and it showed them and is ready propaganda. video about how much is the tags on october, the 7th, a move that was widely criticized for being a significant break with diplomatic knowns. and then he's been full full saying that the decision to recognize is simply anti semitic. and he was going to put in a policy, backed by the government of diplomatic isolation. now what does that mean? well, um the 27th of may, he actually issued this statement. this morning. i instructed these riley minister of foreign affairs to send a diplomatic note to the spanish embassy and his route by hibbitts taking the spanish consulate in jerusalem from conducting consul activities, or providing counseling services to the palestinian authority, the residence of housing authority. we will not remain silent in the face of the government, the rewards tara, and whose lead is chunk, the anti semitic slogan from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. those
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who reward him as an attempt to establish a palestinian terrorist state will have no contact with the palestinians. that's really a very significant new binding, a sovereign nation with its own dealings with the palestinians. not allowed to speak to them, they'll have to give them a visa life to help them in any kind of way, shape or form is a very significant move likely to be replicated for the norwegians and for the spanish and anybody else that might recognize palestine. but the big thing is the attack, and the attack is in full force and is just using that very, very, very emotive to n t symmetric. that's really what d is where these are pushing right now. am on con, following developments for us, the from the to damian. capital a non thank you. and ron, remind benjamin us now. his cabinet has bandages 0. so we on our portion from outside israel as well. the recognition of palestine is you've been hearing has been gaining momentum on may the 10th,
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the un general assembly version overwhelmingly in favor of backing palace times bid for full membership. about point, a $143.00 countries voted in favor $25.00 upstanding and 9 vs against the motion, including israel and its allies, united states. only the un security council can gone full membership, but the vote does go on palestine additional powers to its current inside the state of these include submitting you proposals and amendments and requesting that they put to vote in the general assembly. these really impass of them get out or down condemned to the move using a shredder to suggest that the u. n. was destroying its very own shot, the palestinian abbas to react on. so says their plans to request for membership at the un security council. a very much still alive. well let's speak to daniel seidman. he is an attorney and a specialist on is really palestinian relations. he also found it and you got a cold tear terrestrial jerusalem, which advocates for interest and consistent with
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a 2 state solution who joins us now from west joyce. and daniel, i want to talk about in the meant and we've been seeing the timing here. there's obviously increasing pressure on israel, these requests for restaurants that the international criminal court, the international court of justice rulings, i believe you see this all is part of the same process could, could we also see other countries follow suit and i certainly know. so, oh, i saw the place i moved here in your sleep rushing all this time in fort israel, the response i for i understand the government is childish, it's running and it's counter productive. it's been even less interested. he's rarely people were to add to the national average to as the word from good behavior,
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average thing on spring times the range of that listing. and i was thinking it was like every other country thing, don't the things that person, the owner of mine would like to stay to it and to the public opinion and how to go through these become a rare but it is our interest to go. she palestinian statehood is very good. there's work and make sure there's a and b i c c and i c j actions which will never ever arrive at the situation. and i say that we've, deep consternation is oh, believable, to see because you guys are and this of just the last 6 hours. and it's, i can say that is really attempt problem for trauma and the hover which happened
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students are going to, we have got from here. we're been treated with impunity, we're going to say and no one could hold us accountable to the subscribers of israel. and i love israel, a deisel for israel. what our traditional supporters has been like a wealth of people who have been subsidized are crack addiction to settlements. and to occupation of the station that burning on something was or to rehab rehab visit, comfortability really misstep seriously. our friends will hold us accountable when you come on buying these 2 cushion on the dish or the end, the colors to national project add has 30 account
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the british ro rush me to be credible political process. and the global, that credible process is coming for the patient in a room that's compatible with the interest of 2 sides. and there's one way over to the power steering state ro, side of israel. i called what we're witnessing the case worker from stepped forward. i'm sure that was the well and i hope it ends yesterday of the world. forget we can't afford to forget. we have to use this opportunity to resolutely towards the resolution of the conflict daniel side and that an attorney and specialist on his riley palestinian relations. thank you so much for your contribution here and i'll
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to 0 to date on going to people in the diaspora also welcoming the growing the mentioned to recognize palestine as an independent stage. we spoke to a palestinian refugee who was living 11 on here is how storing and how and why i had a land last. you saw the nice thing that i wouldn't know up on a allow me last summer policy and i had, it has shuttle mental out of a and i'm the, i'm going to give you the law. would they add up something? well, that long to say of an invite and lots of stuff on the left. some of the sort of funny it is at the end of the month because the items still while i'm at this. sure . so now i'm just my, on the house, i live in the half, it'll be the most to set the line to me and will be in the hey, kids the, until the senior and my beautiful. yeah. and i miss wilson was, i'll head off with doing that and then it'll be additional schooling. and also that you can call somebody for an f e and i had the additional, i'm
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a nano at this thought of 5, this thought. and the way, with a lot of the us, any gun at that off in atlanta, i mean this vanya, and that was for the, for the, for you. and okay, the see, and i will only be as is in the saturday, you know, they'll look for the see you a lot of if it could, i'm mistress and letting me so when that and eventually i'm a visual from a problem like 4551 on 60 and concerning the bod satisfied me sort, and that way we'll set it in the history and see what's on the editor and have to have that other didn't have enough data on the, on a more funny another southern i'm the one it was done on with on his clean them this month and a couple of many of his shut that included my hand. and one other thing i'm an issue my on the, on the some of the initial full some of, of fluid a s. i'm with mesh will still be a w will i be a yeah, but not in a little. i'm pulling down to see if the
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upon the sofa and show us government as a need to move. i hey michelle. i had went up a year and so on while in just a minute and like one on visual for own and what had the has said that as a he on a bus. no, there's a lot and there's and that one is the, the middle and most of them is the woman own the. she's not feeling well, he's in love. so i'm not the last i have here here on out a 0 happen. you're getting moans, emergency crews continue. to search for bodies off to a devastating land size, it may have very thousands of people the however, we still have some very hot weather across the northeast of here by the down
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towards the south west. we got rid of high pressure still in place, so, but that western side of russia drawer and in those boom, wins right across the baltic states. and it took good part of scandinavia, laws, cloud and ray will assist as part again from the atlantic for the northwest coming right down into the low countries through gemini, pushing right down into central pos i. some pretty lovely spells of rain coming for you hate see how it stretches right down into the alpine region. a lot across it to the bulk is pushing down towards the se, but $27.00 sales just f a must go about 5 to sort of temperature. we're looking at in the south west, which is $31.00 degrees and rising as we go on through the next couple of days. we'll see further spells are frank coming in across on and he's going to know them out of some way whether it's a some pos as kaufman and live a few show us that to into well so some really wet weather that once again a to jeremy which is across the west side of the country, pushing across the low countries as long as you drive across the mediterranean,
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allows you drive across the good parts of west africa, very full sales, just the in cairo, some of the temperatures here on wednesday. and she was continuing, but not to west africa, the, the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, with flat folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on out to the era, it is deliberate, over $300000000.00, will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the in defiance of a routing by the you and the top portion growing international condemnation. israel is escalating its attacks on rafa on sunday from attend come killing at least 45 just based palestinians. now the reason is the biggest medical center has also been forced to shut down to wait hospital is when most of the victims of that attack on
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sunday night. but taken the direct to announce the closure on monday slicing security concerns. now this decision came often has really attacked. here's an area just outside the gates of that hospital to medical stuff for count. witnesses i, the victims were hit by 5 and this really across the injured have been taken to a field hospital is now for the treatment of these really on. he has also carried out a strike on a house, roughly killing 7 people and injuring several others. again, including children, targeted areas full of displays, palestinians were living in tents and temporary shelters. is there any forces have killed, hold on $36000.00 palestinians since october, the 7th, the adult and how much ahead is an orthopedic surgeon from london. he's now just returned to the u. k. off the volunteering and russell with the cherokee group. and he told us about the conditions that when i was in the i was based at the pain goes
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a hospital and many a night when we would see and here the strikes and rough. uh, we knew that the casualties were all going through the coin to the hospital, and at times they were simply overwhelmed. but there was, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the pain goes hospital. so the, the co way to the hospital in the south was the main port more for all those that are being injured or worse. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are off, are in an in sylvia danger. they are lacking access to critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that. tell us, hold on is not an area as far as i know that has been evacuated according to the colleagues that i have that and they are experiencing alternative strikes very nearby. they are living in fear for their lives. these on this is,
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these are the top, those, these all my colleagues. and it's just a dire situation if they are hurt, where do they go? why didn't who, which hospital do they go to? so the field hospital and as low as it is not quite ready, it doesn't have the capability to care for the injured for that critically. a sick either. it's not quite ready and it's not setup for the service. so really what we're experiencing here is a multi pronged attack, and fortunately where by not only all the people being attacked directly, but they're also being blocked from receiving critical medical services even within your pain garza hospital. it was not uncommon for us to experience many dire situations of a lot of sites. they're all conditions and provision of appropriate wound care. i mean i, i encountered patients on the board who had external successes applied to them because of fractures. and they was sitting in a pile of pulse with,
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with pressure solos going into the, into even the hip socket. it was a very terrible not, i'm not when i remember the story, it's actually of a very young person. and he was emaciated and it was really a total post a site because, you know, i looked at this individual and i saw it. my god, this is a human being for god's sake and look what they have been reduced to. so if you have these conditions within an institution like that, you're a p and does a hospital let me remind you, setup by by us in europe. and then you can imagine what the conditions might be like in a, in a field hospital where they don't have access to clean water and the rest of it, some of the months. now, demonstrations in solidarity with palestine hasn't taken place around the world. and this tons of thousands gathered outside israel's come to us on monday to protest its war on garza. earlier this month, the tucker's government suspended old trade with his rail prisoners of type that one has been
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a vocal critic of prime minister benjamin netanyahu repeatedly describes the will as a genocide of the palestinian custom demonstrations. as you see that demonstrations also took to the streets and that your dizzy and capital they've denounced. weston support is rather demanding an immediate end to the war. crowns are also calling for the opening of land costs and is to allow for most amount of tearing aid and to go into the meeting on the government and pop in your guinea says it's evacuating about 8000 people from the northern angle province because of the threat of moorland signs new satellite images show, the scale fridays dissolves to and not, and rocks swept through the remote young valley village, debris cons because as a one, columbus or radius around that mountain and it's appeals international health,
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the government said as many as 2000 people may have been buried alive, rain blocked roads, and the lack of heavy machinery or how bring recovery operations. jessica washington reports the days after landside buried the village then because of this community is hoping you can use in the province of despairing, make up the i have a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on, i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using
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digging 6 states large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the ruffle using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000, a complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the the price of the, the incident. either the cost of the way can and will continue to work very closely with the profit you can hancock. and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters,
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and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours after both is tumbled down the hillside onto the village. so they viewed, they would be crushed to death. the miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0 . mustang and pub in your guinea, the prime minister james morabe is likely to face a new confidence voted on tuesday opposition policy members of nominated for the finance minister as an alternative. prime minister that's full of finance. minister pizza was among a group of 18 ministers who defected from their office policy. a volunteer firefighter and atlanta forestry official have been charged with starting the wall and finds that engulfed central july and february. more than a 130 people were killed in those places. one of the west natural disasters in its
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recent history prosecute. just say they have evidence that the 2 suspects active deliberately. 2 children from the same family are among the 21. people have been killed in storms across the central united states. tornadoes and heavy rain hit the texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky unofficial reports. the unofficial starts of someone in the us marked by devastation across hundreds of kilometer, substantial buildings, toner, parked in seconds by tornadoes. if this is what could happen to bricks and mortar, mobile homes stood level chance. we felt that hit the house and just felt it started sucking air out through the through the walls and windows. heard the roof go. i started worrying about my brother because of course his house was out here in the middle of it all, a subdural texas code. these are on the disaster declaration, children among the dead, the governor hoping the number of fatalities won't rise far,
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but we are going through the heart wrenching loss of life, including the heartbreak of a family, losing a 2 year old and a 5 year old child. when they woke up yesterday, they had no way of knowing how the family would be literally crushed by this or risk store search teams in 4 states. so walking their way through the wreckage to heavy rain and high temperatures in some places and helping more than 400 tomatoes have been reported in the us this month alone, the most since 2019. i know the storm is on. the move heading towards the us is cost with millions, facing the severe weather threats and whatever that may bring island fisher. i'll just pull that set for me and install the okay, i'll see you in a moment the,
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the, to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. no question about the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric, yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without
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the . ringback the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken active risks making the voices heard how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do that much destruction, you cannot face the consequences. nature is then, we'll just see a red new series dying. now, we'll never the latest news as it breaks here, that being even basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you will see here is
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a catch of mussels at the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, the historic steps of how destiny and self determination. 3 european nations formerly recognized this page. tell us the other one this does the attain. this is alma 0 lot from durham. i'm also coming up . the announcement puts renewed pressure on israel to end its war on galls on spanish 5 minutes of hetero. sanchez promised to steps towards a 2 state solution. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza, the biggest hospital in the south and the strip is forced to shut down often has


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