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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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a city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tai and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the screams of horror and grief is real, a tax, a cabin for displace palestinians in an area. it designates it as a safe. so in southern golf, at least 21 palestinians were killed in that attack on the count phenomena, wasi, west of rasa. most of the victims, all women and children news i'm on the inside. this is all just their life and how also coming up. is there any
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time to move deep into rafa city for the 1st time needing palestinians grumbling to sleep. the advance in the north is rarely a tax talk. it displays families trying to return to their homes and to body a refuge account. and the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank. and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each copy does. historic limits of palestinian self determination, free western countries, spain, on an a new way. albany recognized. states that the or off to bombing homes and leveling neighborhoods is rarely forced as a now bombing tends for displace palestinians who go nowhere left to go. the late to strike today, his talk to be l. milwaukee area,
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which is west of rough or at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed. they were sheltering in alma was the a so called safe so designated by israel. many of the victims of women and children, thousands have been injured, but they all know fully functioning hospitals in the area to treat them as strongly comes just days of israel boned another tend to come kenning, at least 45 displaced part of senior. meanwhile, and a major development of his roles, full blown offensive on rafa, is rarely tugs have now reached the hearts of the city that is, despite a global outcry against and the souls of what was once designated a safe. so according to witnesses in general, as the as rarely ami has taken control of a key round about in the city of roughly it's about 500 meters from the border with egypt. helicopters and drugs have also bin sports and those roles
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continued menissi pushed into rafa has appreciate about a 1000000 palestinians from the shelters in homes over the last 3 weeks. that is in defiance. international kohls to stop its ground, defensive and gauze, the southern city, and is ready a tax on monday for rough as quite hospital to shut down, fall into the cities. indonesian field hospital has also been damaged. let's speak to him and alcantara. she joins the smaller from dare of bella in central garza and another deadly is ready attack targeting attempt of displace people. what more can you tell us about it of the well, let's 1st describe the fact that these are displaced, palestinians that left their houses 7 months ago. thinking that this area was safe, is where the forces have been calling all of these months to do the people to go to
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milwaukee area in either income units or in dropbox. so people obeyed the, the, the evacuation orders and went to these areas. and 21 palestinians were killed. 16 of them were women, families were having their lunch. the, that's when the is ready forces targeted. there are tons of hard fighting seeds. we have been seeing emerging online women and children, men covered with blood. then we also saw how palestinians were transferred to the medical field hospital in dropbox. the i m c. medical point people were transferred with donkey carts with bicycles, with the, with, with, with even people were carrying that injuries on their shoulders. and this is the 2nd incident in 72 hours and pilots in use are now starting
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a new journey of displacements from the western part of huff. and just to be clear, hinge, tell us a bit about this area that has been targeted by the is riley ministry. and we need these as these a safe sentence all day. and people have been actually told not to leave this area . and this is why with we have all these accounts for displays. people of the so milwaukee a dropbox is a very wide area. it's an empty land and it's very close to the beach and people chose to evacuate it to this area. first, because to is there any forces austin to going back to the last leaf let dropped by the is ready forces they mention the people are asked and warned to evacuate to that is buff on eunice and to milwaukee. rough off. and it to be very precise. the block number was 2360 and then went back to the leaf net and went back to the map.
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and this block, the one that was targeted today was ordered by is right as a safe base. and people were not called to evacuate from western drop off. um, thousands of people were putting their 10, setting the up there tense. and one of the main reasons why people were living there is because it's very close to the beach and it's very easy to access water because we know that kind of thing is have been striving to find water to clean to wash. and that's why the milwaukee area has been packed with palestinians flores to leave their houses for more than 7 months now. on hand. just one more question for you. we're now getting these reports. this is riley tags at a central neighborhood in russell. what can you tell us to, according to your knowledge and your sources about this?
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well, it's very dangerous right now because it's either tax costs copters, is there any error strikes or are totally re sending? but we know that the tanks made it to the felt it does be a car door where thousands of palestinians were also displaced in the empty area. and they were definitely left as the tags approach. the area. there are also tags a station near. you have no refugee camp and they are in the heart of a the roof lock right now and more palestinians are displayed display. some are trapped in their houses and trapped, surrounded by is ready tanks and we have been seeing online calls and appeals from palestinian families. that's set saying that they need someone to evacuate them. they woke up suddenly finding all of these. is there any time station surrounded by that?
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is there any military and also our teams and i'll just the or i are big. we're also one of the people that were trapped, but they successfully made it safe outside of those areas. it's still escalating the is there any tanks are in bathing deeper and pushing deeper into the business? the city of rough. ok, thank you for that. him to alter dory that 1st live in there all by the in central gaza. so just a reminder that as well has of correspond alt, is there a from reporting from inside the country, which is why sarah carts joins us again from the jordanian capital. i'm on and what you've been hearing from these early on the uh, what if they said, if anything about these tanks that have been spotted in rough city, i mean that's, that sounds to be a now a major step forward in terms of the rough, the invasion yeah, nothing
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a full about this and nothing official from these ready minute treat. oh, from the government itself. this is based on a witness. testimonies from palestinians and an image that has surfaced and it's been a g r. it's hides in central rough times. the science was supposed to submit a lot of the mosque, and that's a lot more actually in a raw stuff. but what we do know from the minute treat today is that they said, but they have been finding of tunnels that they've managed to find some lessons. and a storage area is where as well as a real kit launches, they've been aiming for central rough for awhile now, and they don't always declare the next step. well, the next move usually will find the tanks rolling in initially they will have been strikes and once the times start rolling in, then you'll find foot soldiers on the ground. but of course not without the backup of the full some carrying out those as strikes. also a couple of days ago when,
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how my head since real kits towards central israel tel aviv in areas surrounding areas. those rockets, these riley said were launched from the center of rough behind also saying that they walk from civilian areas. regardless of that, what we do know is that these riley's all along the philadelphia access stop, the bus, the zone between the egyptians sides of that's buddha. and the area that palestinians had control up until the israelis moved in and took full control of that 40 in columbus, a stretch on the palestinian side in the gaza strip. but also we had a statement earlier from daniel who got submitted 3 spokesman and he said that yesterday, and today they had managed to find tunnels alone. that side of the philadelphia access. they said going in to sign. i am that they were in schools with the egyptians at to raise awareness on that. and they believe also that's the how much
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battalions are still in that area. and another thing they added is that they have to be in robust because they believe lots of those. how is captive all still in that area. and that's the last remaining parts of the gaza strip. but they haven't moved to military in the way that we have saying. so now that this time has been spotted, and with these witness statements, we'll expect to see a spread of this operation which started more than a couple of weeks ago. okay, thank you for that. so our car at that for us in amman, let's speak now to my rubbish are out. is there a senior political and the see joint slide from paris? one, what do you think is going on in rough? uh, we've seen a 2 attacks on, in, in the, in the course of the last a 72 hours to attacks on displaced people caps. and now we're hearing the tags. have been spotted along the philadelphia cordial. you getting a sense that things are about to escalate to the full
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scale of prices, even though or these rays would like to coordinate limited in order to please the bind in administration. but this is a fin skin invasion or verify and it is more of the say that the machine, the past 8 months. what is uh, something what is different and perhaps a bit surprising for some people who were listening to the rulings and the i c, j international court of justice and listen to the prosecute sort of international a criminal court. they would have thought that things would wind down, that is really government would be you know, smart enough. busy to slow down, it's war crimes and guys, all. in fact, what we're seeing is exactly the opposite is right, is escalating. it's for, it's intensifying, it's perfect. so games are off. i can and does, is
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a more of people have a day destroying whatever less composite because in the city, as we've been reporting from there, right? by right. and exactly as you say, i mean we, we've had from the i c, c a saying the prime minister in espanol is guilty of new crimes. we've had the i c j ruling just a few days ago, demanding that israel still fits operation in russia. and yet here we are, we have seen this escalation. so what, how can we, how can israel be held accountable for this as well? clearly it is, there is trying to be sparkles, clever, clever meanings. they're trying to keep up with the appearance of peaks. love heard about the war crimes, so they're talking more about investigations and they're talking more about mistakes as if that's what it is. mistakes. it's a mistake. no,
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every day is mistakes for but 8 months is a pattern. and the pattern is affected or for crimes. and they try to deflect that with more lines. lying is extracted, you know, for these are the government, not just the tactics, but in the end of the day, if you simply look at the sector 6 and i've been looking at them today, this is what comes up. please. you know, i hope all is yours are on that was looked at attention to the mass is the united states where a guy saw today, we would be talking about 16000000 casualties. 5000000 debts including 2000000 children. cute. why israel? these guys are the past 8 months, 16000000 casualties. the 5000000 american dis,
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2000000 american children queued. if we talk proportionally between guys of 2300000 in america of some 314. this is the situation today in guys all these really started districts and use all kinds of a propaganda in order to show that the impact, the care for human life court has nothing you know, likes to put it civilian. this is a treasury, the for those are and i started you for how much when humbug, this is all correct. coming are these, there is water sensible for the more crimes and for the death and destruction and guys, so now on i'm just going to bring up one more point with you because that we're just seeing a reports. i'm just seeing it on the news was that the us ministry has been forced to suspend a deliveries to gaza by see from that temporary pay that they've built because it's been damaged by bad weather. this is interesting of course, because we,
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we know the main aid coming into gauze that has been through raso, but that's no longer possible with the israelis with the israeli army. the so this new port, if you like, was the only way just a tiny bit of a could trickle through and now even that is closed a yeah, let me tell you what's really important and probably unintentionally by the americans, as they uh, established at the portable ports in garza, they presumably tried to take a bit of a distance from those. that is to say is that that's the one that they then we will try to help. although they got the initials inches, i've said it's not sufficient. we need the land across seems to be ok. but what it says, it's basically proves that america is there as foremost online. does believe that is there it has been blocking age and medical and food to enter. gosh,
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which is the waterfront, which is what has been at the heart off the indictment by the prosecutor of the international criminal court. and which has been at the heart of the international court of justice. that is right. it has weaponized tongue that is right and has intentionally blocked a 4 months from coming into guys a few or food medical aid and so and so forth. had been blocked, pushing the americans to try to pick up a bit of a distance. i'm construct a port that's a practical, something like a quarter of a $1000000000.00 on the show that they don't put enough pressure. and these are called punishes right for blocking the food from inputting into. gotcha. so now this famine in guys out as specified by almost every other person of knowledge on the subject. and those are subject to war crimes and general side at the i c. j on
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the eyes you see because of but, but i assume hunger in god's on thank you for your time. are one bizarre out, is there a senior political ellis that from paris as well, from those devastating strikes in southern rough? uh, let's know to know then, garza where there's been even more is really a tax in the area of giovanni a. is there any forces talking to displace families who are trying to return back to their homes near the refugee county in northern garza? i'll just there, as i last saw sharif was at the scene and sent us this report about the draft to reports. these really military had withdrawn from the outside of georgia area in the west of jabante, a refugee camp president started to return, however, is really war planes. and artillery opened fire at the women of the dozens were killed and injured. and the dual attacks insurance, medical crews, assisted by volunteers, are pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and else olivia
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is more than done. another one i don't have to, i'm not really on a sub. on the, for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing, this area was elected the, to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures speak volumes. and also about has on, with the since the early hours of the morning when people are gone through the time, is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered the number of parties we permit? some evidence crews are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago, alternative yourselves founding the area, killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know to touch, we'll do our best to help evacuate interest survivor who must have that on a few months. and so this is what else collegial looks like. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the destruction is mass. so there is
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not a single building still standing. dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured. many bodies are still lying in the road and you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. no, they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors and the injured traps. they're not even here where i'm standing back is really drones and war planes keep firing on civilians and rescued team. the shadow of the city of jersey l y m w on the well as of tuesday, may the 28th. no way on an on spain have fully recognized palestine as a states. it's a historic move, the reflecting the growing calls for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year old conflict. on an end to israel's occupation . it also reassessed the palestinian people's rights to self determination were
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more than 7 months into israel's devastating war. and gauze of the course of voices denouncing the violence and impunity is growing louder. is there any prime minister? benjamin netanyahu is increasingly isolated. he is facing various legal challenges before 2 of the wells top quotes with accusations of genocide and will crimes annoy spending on an or in good company. most of the world supports palestinian statehood more than a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly recognize it and it seems the momentum is building, slovenia, and mold. so have also said the considering formal recognition and more countries could follow suit when and up in the palestinian flag now stands alongside the european union and ukrainian flags outside on the islands call them and building.
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the move will include upgrading the status of the palestinian mission in on into the active an embassy on its foreign minister says recognizing upon the city and state is about increasing security for both palestinians and israelis. or the flags of odd and new way in spain. all currently displayed outside ramada as municipal building the palestinian authority, which has limited self will in the occupied west bike as welcome the decision to fully recognize a protest in states. spanish prime minister throws sanchez as the decision to recognize pa, the start is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not only am, i don't know if he started congest this with they need you to make the aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is
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the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve a feature of piece that will that understand the state that's quick, ceased along side, the state of the swell in peace and security no way is one of the 3 you countries for me recognizing and power steering in state out is there. a step dawson has moved for mostly this is angela madison. celebrate the records motion by no way of color sign as the states. but since the attacks and the outside, it's not also turning into a protest, the government has called it's decision also to point 0 after the oslo accords with science and 1993. and now i failed 30 years later. so no one has now decided to take a different approach and focus on the 1st thing in states instead is very significant . we know about the every day and every night the people are slow,
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3rd and muscle going to in golf sun also on the occupied the west bank. and we have to do everything in their power to stuff that's of course, for nowhere, there are a lot more to build on. and we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them new recent government. that if you recognize policies and you cannot continue to funds is riley investments. us norway is actually today doing the recognition of the sign and seen as an important but merely symbolic step, a signal to the united states. if only solution is a peaceful solution and not the military one, the only solution solution here say that the recognition is not, not from the should also be sanction towards israel from norway and they're all cordless as well. that process and i'll just see around the flow. so what does it mean practically speaking for 3 major european nations to recognize
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palestinian statehood and means close to diplomatic ties on and says it will transform its diplomatic office into an embassy. as of now, how full of european countries recognized palestine as of states in no way in spain say they will recognize pre 9067 borders and support jerusalem as a capital of israel and palestine palestinian se, okay. parties were slim should be the capital of its future. state of israel has not defined its folders, but it is all keep buying power stimuli and expanding illegal supplements and allowing satellite land grabs. current method control divides palestine into homelands. the i spoke to spain's foreign, minnesota jose a manual alvarez. he says the country recognizes the pre 961967 board as of kind of a sudden east jerusalem. as the states capital we have regular dies, the state of palestine as
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a full nation among the international community, with all the rights that gave to state food, international law. and of course, this is the 1st step. next we have to to put in place our real valuable palestinian and state that we'll have a gas on the west bank and the one single palestinian authority. the wheel has continued to have the territory and the full connected by a core really within next to the c, and a 14 gusta on the capital. in easier rosellan inevitable. we have all to join forces to bring these base conference to bring peace for everyone in the me the least. so the recognition today is for justice, for the palestinian people. they cannot be condemned to be a turn or the refugee people for peace in the be the least for everyone, including the people of phase, right, and also out of us humanity fine with
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a foreign minister. but someone would argue this is largely symbolic because it won't change the reality on the ground as well continues to flout the international court of justice readings on the whole thing, those attacks and roughly, even in the last few hours, we've been talking about it the today we've had the 21 people have been killed by is really bones targeting tents of displays. people. how is this recognition of the state of palestine going to in hell that people in wifi experiencing right now? there are 3 things. first is not the same thing. to seats around the table when you're a silver on a stage, negotiating with a know that silver on a state. and that's why the recognition of the best state to follow standards in fulton. secondly, is good. the listing enough of those 3 d has been asking us for our policy. i'm friends, has told us it placing full time for us on 3rd. of course, this thing isolated. we're not bring bite cells piece, but the ends,
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the beginning of a process to always base the palestinians, and garza, many a welcoming is a decision by spain. no. in orland and they say it's long overdue. well you have uh for the shipment. we think in the countries that's recognized palestine as a state, no doubt. so this provides most support to our calls. this is our homeland israel is an occupation force. i'm the, i'm of, we hope all the countries will follow some. this will provide diplomatic assistance to our quotes from the how to move in the right direction. this will bring more pressure and this round would help. the remaining world states would recognize the palace time as a state, as an act off in the news. yeah, it did. this recognition comes after a long history of struggle resistance and steadfastness by the palestinian people. these countries reminders that although we have been failed by many, the remain voices of conscience and truth in this world. we feel we are not so low,
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no struggle for freedom and independence. the can kind of, we hope that all the 27 european states will do the same. it means more pressure on israel and the united states also more support to us and then you, when it could also reduce israel's crimes against our people. and one day we could bring the israelis to justice. we are certain we will restore all our lawful rights head. that is what the heart of national for who and we are very proud of this move and hope all the countries in the world were recognized are posted in states because simply we are the rightful owners. in the past, when i said i am palestinian europeans would ask, where is this country now the whole world knows our cause and is supporting us. let me see. and here's the view from the occupied. westbank is the, this will help us get rid of all the problems who are going through. we will have our independent states and we will be able to live in safety without all the
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problems that have been plaguing us. things will be more prosperous and the situation in the region will improve. everyone will be released. the following. it'll probably cause was not being discussed for very long time and nobody was talking about the political rights of palestinian people. but this year there has been a noticeable change in the vision and policy of several governments that did not believe in the policy and people's right to self determination when back. because of the issue in the, in the shop of the palestinian people have the right just like any other people in the world have their own independence. they that is recognized by other countries. couldn't jerusalem as a couple to 2nd opinion, respect your country and the pull the palestinian coals and, and the video. and then i think that and then it gives us hope hope that the world has not forgotten about us. additionally, protestant is not just an occupied country. protestant is a global cause of a clean well, the map of historic palestine is an image. many all to sounds replicate in the work
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. it hold significant meaning for palestinians. it's the land that was taken from them in 194819676.


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