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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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testifying this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do that much destruction, you cannot face the consequence. nature is then we'll just see a risk new series dying now or never the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i money inside. this is the news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the screams of horror and grief is real, a tax, another account to displace publish that means in an area it's designated as a safe. so something's off or at least $21.00 palestinians were killed in the attack on the account. and um,
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it was the west of rasa. most of the victims of women and children was rarely time to move deeper into roughest cities for the 1st time, leaving palestinian scrambling to flee the involved in the north is riley attacks, target displaced families trying to return to the homes in the giovanni a refugee county and state of palestine must be viable with the west bank. and gus are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each company doesn't start living for palestinian self determination. 3, west, and country, spain on and the way formerly recognize the face of palestine on his full and have a joke of it. she's aiming to hold on to his faces as the wills number. once on his plan, he's starting a friend, sharpen knowing anything less than a runs, the semi finals will see him lose the position
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the of to building homes. and leveling neighborhoods is riley forces. and now bombings, tents for displace palestinians who have nowhere else to go. the light to strike target to the milwaukee area, which is west of rossa. at least 21 palestinians were killed. they were sheltering in alma wasi, a circle, safe so designated by israel. many of the victims of women and children, thousands. what was their engines? but as there's no fully functioning hospitals in the area to treat them is ready, ministry is denied launching strikes in the area. the bad. the strike happened the we rent awards to see what was happening and then the 2nd strike happened here next to us. first we found the body parts about 6 or 7 people. then we found my cousin, all the husbands and the children's was all in all i saw about 18 people that the
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people here are not involved in anything. i mean, these are displaced people from the tao, how our neighborhood, the towns and a major development of israel's full blown offensive on rough is rarely times now reached the hosp, the city that is despite a global outcry against the souls of what it was once designated as a safe, so witnesses and gentleness say the is riley army is taking control of a king round about in the city. it's about 500 meters from the border with egypt. helicopters and drones have also bin sports and as well as continued admitted she pushed into rafa his a free suit about some 1000000 palestinians from the shelters and homes. and over the course of the last 3 weeks, that's in defiance of international close to stop. it's ground defensive and goes to southern city, is rarely a talk on monday for rough as coates hospitals to shut down. costs of the cities,
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indonesian field hospital has also been most archived, is live in the jordanian capital, amman monitoring developments from israel. we also have kristin salumi live at the united nations headquarters with reactions on the strike on milwaukee committee. elk. it is live with the view from the white house, but fast must head into central gauze and speak to out 0 is hand. oh could diary. so a hinge a took us through this latest attack on rafa. another deadly attack. many people dying. many of the displaced people, the well, all of them are display. see many, those distaste people came from different areas across them because of stripping specialty at the northern parts of the gods district and chose to pay it to go to milwaukee. it of off after the is really forces ordered them to do so 8 months ago
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. so they thought that this place was safe, and that's how they ended up being targets says we're talking about $21.00 palestinians. among them are 16, a woman that were killed today in today's target. and today's target was not the 1st. it's the 2nd one in the past 72 hours, most of the injuries were transferred to the medical field hospital for the international medical cards. and it was the only place that we received those patients because uh and there are no hospitals in a roughly any more after the is there any forces target to medical portion of personnel yesterday? so the hospitalizations out of service are finding images of virus online, showing women and children and men of with a covered with blood. and we're also saw how those injuries were transferred to the
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hospital. we saw them with a donkey parts. we saw people carrying them under childers every single day. it's intensifying and dropped off and polished and you do not have anywhere to go. and then just to be clear, is this area a safe soon? because this riley's or the is really all me has been denying that is attacking all my wasi the the when 1000000 i went back to the last leave let dropped on drop off by the is ready for says any mention that the block that was targeted today is part of the human it's how are you in the area and the safe area. and also the western parts of griffith were not taught to evacuate. so that's why those people, this page multiple times chose to say they thought that the area was safe, that they won't be targeted. but again,
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the palestinians were targeted and it's to mention the block number, it's 2360. and if we go back to the leave slip that was dropped, you'll find this number parts of the humanitarian zone. but at the end of the day, policy news know that's wherever they go, wherever they search for safety. there's no safety in anywhere in the gaza strip. many. and what more can you tell us about these reports that is really tank uh, heading deeper and deeper into roughest 50000000? yes. today we, we, we knew that the is ready for says tanks are stationed on site. it does the car door on the side of the hill and also around the corner of the hospital and out the route round about. and these areas i'm mentioning right now are in the heart of beautiful. and what we need to highlight are there's that there
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are people that were trapped in different areas that i mentioned and it was very hard for them to evacuate. and these, this incident happened with a to z our, our big team, but they made it safely. but again, there are products. the news that were shot with is where id quads, carpenters as they were trying to evacuate these areas. palestinians are telling us that they suddenly found the is really tang surrounding those areas and they did not have any way to q a. so it's really forces are invading deeper into the box and it's into intensifying, it's not only the ground invasion, but also the are totally re sending and the air strikes many. okay, thank you for your reporting hendo, cuz already that for us live in there, i'll follow now just a reminder, the israel has band al jazeera from reporting from inside israel, which is why our carts joins us now from the jordanian capital. i'm on and i want to get more on this uh, sarah,
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on these tags that have been supported in rafa city. uh, we know the as rarely ami has been speaking today. uh. have they said anything about any developments on this front and frankly not. no confirmation. the official confirmation from these riley's but is ready, media has been reporting that that have been witness statements of seeing these the tanks in the center of russell. we've seen the pictures and not certain even circulating on social media based on palestinian accounts of what they've seen today. but there is no surprise because this was always these ray, the palm, the 2nd phase in terms of the invasion of larosa, which starts to do the flow over 2 weeks ago. it's something that they have a set that is absolutely necessary to get rid of how mosse, when that was started, they started off in the north saying,
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but they had managed to kill the c'mon does there and that's why they needed somebody to the center of the gaza strip, eventually they move to the south. people have been displaced multiple numbers of times, but in a statement today also from daniel, her gallery, he's the ministry spokesman. he said, but yesterday and today they managed to find tunnels in the rough, possibly the rough crossing. and they said those tunnels all going in to sign ion that they had informed the egyptian authorities. but the thing is, is the, is rarely for the last few days i've been saying, but they all the rest of her pensive is necessary because they said that the real kits that we launched a couple of days ago was the center of israel off the full months of no rocket attacks towards tennessee, they say that came from rough. another reasoning as to why that and roughly how this was something mentioned by prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday in the connected, despite protests from the families of those helps captive and opposition. the,
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the piece is that they say that the hostages are remaining, they know that they are in, roughly based on that intelligence, despite the points is that's off to the attack a couple of days ago. and certainly with this latest attack, it's a real cause for concern and we're to be full, the international community because it's been a very clear red line so many, including the i, c, j o z o, which is to know which is raw. that's who withdrawal from rough off. and i wonder if that's why daniel hagar from the is ready on me. what has been saying today that actually they have not been attacking alma watch the they're denying that they have been targeting thompson, alma wasi, which has been designated so to save. so and i must say that the statements which came off to daniel her galleries uh speech was it was uh suites uh by these ready forces. uh by also be find another spokesman for
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the military. uh saying that they haven't started out any uh, raids on uh, the humanitarian, the area that you said in milwaukee and not sold. i said they've given no more details, which is contradictory to what we've been hearing from him. but i'm seeing as well . but it's in the statements by daniel her gary earlier today was mainly focused on the attack. what happened 2 days ago in rough, but they say the investigating, of course, or the reasoning behind the investigation is that lots of international pressure, especially when the number of deaths went up. and in that statement, he said, according to their investigation, there's a fire that broke out. they believed because of a secondary explosion that wasn't caused by the strike. they believe they said that there was a munition nearby and that's what caused the fire. but besides the point, when israel has investigated themselves, it's usually on the international pressure. does anything come out of it? usually? no,
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it's all there. any repercussions usually very minimal when we saw the of the humanitarian age workers that were killed in the last strike through the n g o. that was providing meals for palestinians. they ended up firing the, the military post and that was in charge. and that was it that so as far as it went, and as far as that concerned a lots of the statements like this one, i'm like, the last one is denied and noise noise. okay, thank you for that. so kyra, it's best for us in a non let's go to the united states. we can speak to a white house correspondent can be whole kit who has no i for us in washington d. c. and interestingly, we have had some comments from the united states regarding those recent attacks. spivey is really on me in rough uh what it they've been saying that's right after our initial silence by the united states,
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immediately after the is really attack on that displacement cap. your rasa, the vice president, cala harris has made her own comment in just the last hour saying that the word tragic doesn't begin to describe the images that she has been seeing coming out of that area. but she stopped short of saying, but israel has crossed the by the ministration, so called red line. now why this is significant is on monday, the national security council released the statement calling the images devastating a heartbreaking, but then went on to defend israel's right to have that attack because they justified it saying that israel was blowing after him off target senior from us targets and, but these targets were successfully killed and had been responsible for killing to is really citizens. so as a result, this is significant because kala harris is going that much further. we should also
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point out that com la harris has been one of the leading officials and divided administration to do this on several occasions. so remember back in march that she pushed further saying, but be, is really government is being in humane that it has been i'm very terror less and in fact called for more humanitarian aid saying that the conditions that the palestinian people are living in was simply intolerable and she called for them to do more than there were no more excuses that were acceptable. so the bottom line and all of this is that we're watching carefully. there is a white house press briefing coming up in the next hour at 19 g m t. we know that the national security council spokesperson john kirby will be present at the briefing with wants to hear what more he'll have to say. but increasingly, the united states finding itself isolated in the world community, defending israel,
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as it continues to break international law and finding itself defending a nation that is on the wrong side. many argue of international law and increasingly isolated from the global and world community company. how could whitehouse correspond to net 1st in washington? now, algeria has called an emergency meeting of this security council to discuss the rough uh masika, which took place on sunday christian slay me is lloyd for us at the noise of nations. so took us through what you've been hearing from the secretary general, and did you have anything to say about this recent new attack on rough uh today? no confirmation on the latest attack on all my wasi. but one asked about it. the secretary general spokesperson said that no place in gaza is safe and again, reiterated the secretary general's call for an immediate cease fire. the secretary
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general has expressed his heart broken this at the images that have come out from over the weekend of civilians being affected by the air strikes tends burning. children being killed. and his concern has been echoed by you and officials right down the line from the middle east, coordinators for venice led to the human rights chief who said that the death of civilians in raffle was entirely predictable. and you had from the secretary general on down is now calling for israel to abide by the i c j rulings which he reminded everyone are binding and not optional. ok, thank you for that. and kristen slim meet that for us at the united nations. let's try and take a closer look at what is going on in russia. israel's ground offensive homes that i taught is a defense and list he joins us from luxembourg. thank you for your time. so uh with
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this is now reporting uh that is ready times. now heading deeper into rafa city no confirmation. uh from the is right. is on this. what do you think this means? uh uh we now about to see a full blown is ready offensive into rafa. well, i think we should uh zoom out a little bit because these are alias on um, on a tech to come mattress on, on x shields here and dropped off. the 1st is they, they want to achieve something very quickly um, to apply some pressure on her mouse indian negotiations, but people to go the one through the park tenancy, all the negotiations. second. um and, and this one of the most important points is this for a lease uh, these rate on the inside drop off. they cannot remain section rate. otherwise it would be easy targets for uh for how may i ask that through the tunnels and through
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our p, jeez. and the 3rd why the out on lake shows they are running on egg shells, and rough off is the fear of kidnapping. so they want to apply pressure on, on, on how much do you want to achieve as much as the, as they could. but equally, they cannot risk and much, right? so, but the presence of these tangs inside a rasa. i mean this, this is now the 1st time we're actually seeing tags. what does that tell us as well? so it's not so far from, from, from what these radio army was station and before. but equally, this is a breakdown area, and this is a very dangerous flight by israel being in the center of frost city. it does not mean that these radius have controlled by city because we've seen this scenario before when they were in college, the city or whether were injured by leo to where the entries are you about. it does not mean by any means that they have full control of the city because surprises stall,
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servicing the moment that these ratings to get out of the tanks and helicopters and drones. i've also been reported close to the philadelphia called cargo along the border of egypt. and as we had from our correspondent little area, daniel had gary from these radio and me saying they found these tunnels going into the sinai. could the 2 things be linked as well? the good from, from us for any point of view. they want to link crossed to tunnels and the one to link pro 5 to agent because they want to create a problem. what we know is since the 2013 up to 2017, most of the tunnels that were connecting the, the robust city on the, on the cosigner side to a roof on the direction side. the were shopped completely behind us under, by the eviction. the only, and that was a kind of agreement on the or on, on i just inside and i, i don't think the time us have
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a reliable dollars that they are connected to the egypt. and i don't think that this is in the benefit of the egyptians. they, this, donald state disappeared about 4 days. radius, don't want to prove something that is that to uh, uh, to give an condo spell entity to the attack on rough, especially the philadelphia quarter door. and to ease the tensions with egypt and east of pages with the, with europeans and the americans to say we found something. okay. how does a tall defense list, joining us back from lots in bad. thank you. thank you. well from those developments in the south, so let's not 10 to northern garza where they've been even more is riley attacks in the area of jamalia. joey forces targeted, displaced families, trying to return back to the homes. just areas i lost all sharif, was out the scene, incentives this report about the new math and after reports these really military
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had withdrawn from the outset legit area in the west of jabante. a refugee campbell president started to return, however, is really war planes and artillery opened fire at them with of the dozens were killed and injured. and the dual attacks medical crews, assisted by volunteers, are pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and else olivia is more than done at the time that maybe on a separate i'll show all the phenomena. yeah. for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing. this area was the amount of to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures speak volumes, and also about heads on with the since the early hours of the morning when people look on through the time. is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered a number of bodies. we permit example and screws are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago. alternative yourselves fell in the area, killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know the time,
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we will do our best to help evacuate into survivors who must have the alarm came on . and this is what else collegial looks like. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the destruction is mass. so there is not a single building still standing. dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured and that was, many bodies are still lying in the road. and you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors and the injured traffic. they're not even here where i'm standing, but it's really drones and war plains keep firing on civilians and rescue and take the shadow. especially if i just the why i'm sure that you the as of tuesday, may the 28th,
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no way on and in spain have formerly recognized palestine as a states. it's a historic move or flexing the growing cools for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year old conflict, and an end to israel's occupation. it also reassess depaula sidney and people's right to self determination. the world in 7 months and as well as devastating who own gauze of the course of voices denouncing the volumes and impunity is growing louder as ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is increasingly isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the world's top quotes, with accusations of genocide and real crimes. no way, spain and non and all in good company. most of the well supports palestinian statehood of a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly recognize it. and then the mentor them appears to be building slovenia. adults have also said they are
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considering full recognition and more countries could follow suit. in dublin, the palestinian slide now stands alongside the european union on ukrainian flags outside orleans parliament building. the move will include upgrading the status of the palestinian mission in orland to that, if an embassy audience. foreign minister says recognizing a palestinian state is about increasing security, but both palestinians and israelis and the flags of all in no way in spain. and carly displayed outside ramada as municipal building and thought a send me an authority which has limited self rule in the occupied west by his welcome the decision to fully recognize a palestinian state. the spanish prime minister federal sanchez says the decision to recognize palestine is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has
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a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the i'm, i don't know if he started congest this with they need you to meet the aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also, i mean, perhaps even need to achieve peace. this is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve a future of piece that will that understand the state that's quite exist alongside the state of police. well in peace and security. oh, we joined now by miles, you know, and he's in is riley peace activists and calls for a 2 state solution to joins us now live from tel aviv. thank you so much for your time today. what is your reaction to this move by spain on and then no way to recognize a palestinian state press. thank you for having me. it's always a pleasure to speak with you and then we're going to just 0 it before the
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congratulation, think no way and bad jim. busy there's been, i would like to say to share the discourse within these road and to differentiate these really people from the, is there any government there? is there any government mission and vision? is it your supreme? it, they between the embassy and this is what they are doing. they will do it before the over the 7th, and the more it was more power and victims though, doing it since then. and what was these, what are the football nation and people looking for an arena desperate me especially after the drama of october 7, which in this term i also lost my parents. i lost both my parents do a victim. so there's so much that, that, that i'm on the 1st victims and they lost many of my job and friends. we'll drop by
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. and what we care about is the only security and safety of what our government care about do supreme it the we care about security and safety. and what was bullying that passed between these where they need it is read and job. is that the only way to reach security and safety is reaching a diploma i think, solution and to sign a piece that called between nation before and states. and the only way to achieve this between these letter and by this time, and it seems security and safety to for any people. and i'm going to that, but i didn't people because it wouldn't be no security and safety. the one with all the other is by signing that base. it goes and it be the end of the month extension to do more so like to watch it from one day late. it does your band nation. so recognizing this the finest by n was we often do hear that most is riley's blame,
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netanyahu's government for what happened on october the 7th, yet we are, we still appear to see the support for his policies in gaza. how do you explain that a again a we were, i got both people. well i got bikes pretty the same is leaders. and this is why the information i think the mention in promoting and supporting this. because the cdn should show an acknowledgement to get permission. nissan both and, and this is why those brave courageous europe and nation that they were all this is that would be followed a by other and nation that isn't that decided yet. and this is the only way, the only way to stop. they will, the only way to witness the stages ended by seeing and present there is and the only way to bring security and safety between the industry. and you mentioned earlier, you yourself tragically lost your parents on october the 7th a briefly,
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perhaps you could tell us what happened and how that has influenced you will actions as a peace activist today. and my parents lived in a small community the closest these ready community. the bold event does not. and glad doing theories in jobs eh, flu over over the one that was a, a warning between guys and my parents community and the new, the housing 730. and in 750, we loved the one that was my parents. and later in the, the same a black stuff at the end of the alone, we learned that my parents house was burned to ashes with my. it was better. and it, and we thought that that she bought the george way of mornings. and in the 2nd day of that, she found my younger brother. we are a full siblings, my younger brother ask us to send you and you've been sent
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a message for my own personal tragedy. and you want this message to be that we are not seeking any bench. we want to break this cycle to sleep, edge of bloodshed both hate and will. and the only way to do it will be by you, by creating a future by envisioning a better future. so most people and this is what they've been doing. and so the last 8 months i've been, i've been doing it, it's it 10 days ago. we've mike, but i've seen and brandon bought his name, i think that was set up. and when the book front of these invited us to below, not the huge piece event that in that they thought you were with style of and these to be those phone or the euro and all over the world. and we'll doing it. it'd be the coordination of but i've seen any fridays from guys out from these,
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right. it's on their way back from the tspra that the visioning in the future event, the future that the based on showing an acknowledgement and recognition. because cda, shannon needing security and safety, equality, and dignity. and we are working very, very hard to promote this future. we are calling the g 7 stage next later in next month. the joint there is a saw me though that you savings basically there. they must address the issue of promoting bees and promoting a better future for both these ratings and bus binion's. because it's, it's evidence that i would call it leaders from both sides of altering that i know in the future. they are promising us that the future would look like the present. and i was listening to you. and before i went to the and i went the online and that was crying. i was crying,
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i was crying because we must the legit we must, it ended and we must, i know because if we want to do it, i'm afraid we're going to reach the one that there will be one medium victims between david and this. the white went want to make, to win for so much suffering, so much agony, so much drama. we must indeed. now we must promise in and woke to bring and make it better future for people as well as i know. and thank you so much for sharing your views. hit on al jazeera, a mouse, and is really peace activists speaking to a staff from tel aviv. thank you very much. okay, we are joined now by francis j recalled you and he's a former us ambassador to egypt and tacky. joins us from washington. d. c. how do you think the united, how do you think the united states is viewing this move today?
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by spain, all in a new way to recognize a palestinian state. well, i haven't seen much commentary from official sources. i did see one unnamed spokesperson saying, the usual saying, questioning the timing and reiterating us policy that such a step should only come as a result of negotiations. but it's a pretty shockley worn acquisitions now over many, many years. and i, i, i can't imagine the people who knew ministration are seriously upset about it. and they certainly have not said source, they are, i mean, given different publicly given the divides within the us government on the issue of palestine, do you think it will help the button administration a if it wants to push for a 2 state solution,
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a r t i can't imagine that it will search. i wouldn't overstate the importance of the impact of it one way or the other. really honestly, i was very touched by your previous interview. we for me, the really impact will prove to be whether it supports the voice is calling for peace within israel or not. and to what extent it really supports them and strengthens their position. israel is a democracy, after all, it's not the it is led by an elected government under prime minister netanyahu, which has prosecuted this war fiercely and relentlessly and brooks. no criticism. even externally, even from the united states, ignored american advice and criticism, but essentially ignored it. it's made some minor adjustments, tactically and it's, you know, lashed out of these 3 countries for, for each step, but it continues to do what it's doing. so the real question is, what happens with an israel? will there become
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a strong enough majority such to effective political processes within that country? doesn't change course from an americans perspective. they, they haven't. united states apparently hasn't changed his policy. the recognition of palestine. there should be a palestinian state that is really recently reaffirmed by the, by the administration. but they continue to say that should only happen as a result of negotiation. right. and i want to, i want to assure no sign of want it to do rights. and i wonder if this is this push coming from europe. this momentum means that we are now seeing erosion of us ownership of the as riley palestinian peace process. how significant do you think it is? i don't think it's a question of us ownership. i think it's a question of vitality of the process itself. and clearly it has been put on a back burner. and there is no peace process at the moment
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to add, to the extent there will be one if there isn't, there has to be morning after this madness does violence, this foreigner has to end at some point. hopefully there will be pieces to be picked up. and i can't imagine that anyone other than united states will be not in the right position to lead it and be the team out of states could do it alone without the support. not only of, of western european countries, but also the are countries. and, you know, at its best the united states was able to work within the security council at least get the other 0 owning powers not to veto whatever progress was made, hopefully that they will come to get. but this recognition by these 3 countries, i can't imagine the americans seriously regarded as a bad thing or set back in any way they might say something about the timing,
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but not really care. unfortunately, i wish i wish it wouldn't have some impact immediate impact that clearly is not had any immediate, tactical, and back. appreciate your time francis j recall to inform us invested to egypt and turkey. thank you. thank you. okay, i will be back with you shortly, but 1st is an office in janine who continues to create the macbook historic palestine and the line that was taken away from them. the way we do the we just have the one in the home became window one of the same house . the the some of the some i shot at sign off of the but i didn't see i'm always open. yeah. i've seen that. yeah. the bad luck. a simple body. yeah, yeah. and put on the move and that's, that's me. i didn't lift the value and keep it up for cutting the simple. what do i use it on the totem and it should back move it to just off of hand,
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because you can also i also have somebody that will satisfy for the most of the, for her bidding on the i know how i've been on the walk. i guess an issue and i am it is a i and before and, and mr little just didn't know enough that i'm going to live without him from that to the walk through the god just here to feed them in that that, that if the biggest one yeah, and with a lender within then that we had to be on the black when me the most amount of b. o. but i'm in the, in the couldn't do a lot more do it or me being that the i but up on the, in the off of the like before really so i mean in kennesaw you needed to, i just thought of the new stuff that if what autumn, i've been in know, have you on the screen? can you tell me the thing in philosophy and here with john? yeah, there's a student that he la la can we can share that some help for us. the local and the i'm a little less than a little less than that. no one that can adjust linda, but by doing that will do a little bit of the,
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the to watching out. is there a mind to follow up stories this our family's morning, the death of at least 21 palestinians killed by is ready shutting up at 10 counts. and alma was to be in southern gaza. it comes off to israel's foaming of another 10 count in rustling, sunday, killed at least, $45.00. meanwhile, as rainy times, the pushes deeper into rocks. 50 helicopters, insurance have also been reported to mary. opposed to the philadelphia cards along with the following israel strike of the account, housing displaced, palestinians in rafa, the us state department spokesman, matthew miller said the us reached out to israel to express quite a deep concern. as we have said before, israel has a right to go after the most terrace responsible for the cold blooded murder of civilians, as appears to have been israel's aim here. and am austin,
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stop hiding behind civilians and gaza? but israel also has the obligation to do everything possible to minimize civilian harm as it carries out its operations. as soon as united states are reports of this incident, we reached out to the government of israel to express our deep concern over what happened asked for more information and urge them to undertake a full investigation. must speak to a law on bizarre out. is there a senior political analyst who joins us live from power small and what is your sense of what is happening now in rafa chasing these riley is a pushing ahead with a full scale offensive. they are. they have who are ready for the past 3 weeks, pushing ahead with their phone blown or sensor again, stuff are considered to the advice of the ally, the united states,
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which they took him on board and started supporting the invasion of rough or they pulled it limited but it's full blown. and contrary to the will, over most countries around the world to also war and the government not to go ahead into the most european countries. but these a, these have never really listen to any one of the wisdom and is right. is that the gleam or the non jews got to say what they want, then his rider will do what it wants. and that's been the case and dropped the full blown invasion we've seen. now the is right is in the middle profile, we're seeing dozens of people killed dozens more injured. we're seeing gaps burned by bombings and, and we've seen that various massacres continue every day. i. but of course, we've also seen more of the same, you know, as varies uh, express, and out of gret about mistakes being done, an investigation going to be conducted, which is, of course,
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we all know our lives and deflections from an ongoing situation. and my one today, of course, we've been talking all day about this historic decision by allah. no, in spain to recognize an independent palestinian stage. but the reality, as we've seen is it does nothing to help alleviate the pain and suffering the people in gaza facing on the ground. nor is it meant to you know, the technician by states are not meant to do with anything. immediate, certainly nothing of the nature that we're seeing happening and because in fact, if one must be skeptical about those decisions while praising the irish, the spanish and the reasons for taking such a bold decision. while other european powers were that they are taking it because of the united states. uh, at the same time you could be skeptical enough to say,
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look, because the europeans won't do anything, i guess is right. they're doing good for us because they wouldn't condemn their within. punish. is there either within separate relations with is read the with an economic coordinations with as right, because they couldn't do all these things or the one to do all these things. they instead of makes us gestures towards that, but a sitting is going to be, it's important just interest as part of who condition of mistake or one bizarre out is there a senior political analyst, the in power is. thank you. in the us military has suspended a deliveries by sea to gauze, a following damage to the temporary p. it belts along the strips coast on fast a strong waves swept away vessels supporting the floating p, f u n and 8 groups of worn. but the us belt temporary pause is nothing and
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effective substitute for long crossings and have cold as well to fully open land crossings to gaza. now in the us, academics of the of us, of california have gone on strike over the faculties responds to protests in solidarity with palestinians and group of teaching assistants and the such as much on campus saying the right to free speech had been violated. i live this moment, police dismantled and incompetent and arrested from 200 protesters. students and teachers had set up tens on campus to us. the university to divest from companies profiting from israel is more on gaza. scheduled rentals. he is live for us in los angeles. uh so who exactly is on strike and why? of the family in where i'm standing right now and the campus of the university of southern california, university of excuse me, i'm sorry,
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let me start over right now where i'm standing on the campus of new c l. a university of california. los angeles was the scene of mass arrests about 3 weeks ago as police storms, a gaza solidarity of can and can't. but interested all the students who had been peacefully protesting there. now it is the scene of a sprite. these are the employees of the, of the university. they are a lab technicians. uh uh, teaching assistants, researchers and others who are going to expect their 10000 of these strikers here at u. c. l. a. and on the campus of the university of california davis, near sacramento, what they want is a complete amnesty for all people who have been disciplined or otherwise
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punished by the university for their roles in the guise of solidarity protests. and they want the university to uh, a firm, their rights to freedom of speech, which they say were violated. and they want the university to divest from any the companies that provide weapons or other assistance to be as real in as war on gaza . now this is so far been limited to one university today to more there are 10 universities all together in the university of southern caliber in the university of california system. and there are 48000 of these employees. they say their goal is to cause maximum disruption. it's finals time. so the students are taking their tests, but there's no way to grade them because the teaching assistants are on strikes of university for its part says the strike is illegal because it violates a no strike provision in the employees contract. and it has gone to the state labor
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board to seek an injunction, but the labor board has refused to do so. only thanks for that. rob rentals that for us in los angeles. in other news, georges parliament has is the origin, the president's veto to cycle foreign agents. bo, daily protest against bill have taken place for weeks in the capital tbilisi. thousands of georgians afraid the legislation will cub human rights and freedom of the media and compromise. the countries bid to join the you to be to measure the income reports. often more than a month of protests and threats of sanctions and repercussions from the west, georgias parliament refused to be pressured into dropping the so called for an agents bill and peas overrode the president's veto on tuesday after hours of debating and not without drama. we sort of gone on the new law requires old civil society and media organizations that receive 20
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percent or more of the funding from abroad to declare it. and they blink government oversight. the governing potty says it's important for georgia sovereignty. viewed whether the chicago georgians have to understand that we are a solver and country and we have the right to know what is going on within the country and around it. but it will also mean that n g o's, like this dog shelter, could be fined up to $7000.00 directly. it would mean that the have to register as for an agents or rather that the law says that the and organization pursuing the interest of a foreign power. now the only interest that the push, who is the interest of these folks. and i challenge anyone to tell me that which one of these is actually a foot and power the text is similar to legislation, russia and up to 12 years ago as part of a crack down on the sent these protests to say. although the outcome of the
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parliamentary vote was expected, they wanted the consents to be heard. government voting for the night. there was a little bit of code that maybe maybe that they would come to their sounds. but yeah it's, it's really, really hard with the elections do in october, many c a n g o's could be bought for monitoring them. but the greatest threat could be to georgia's bid to join the e u. it became a candidates in december and the block one, the law was a potential deal breaker to meet them at that in co, out to 0. so head on out is aaron's force will hear from the team, enjoying that outside of stages, ahead of the european champions league. find the
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business like this. this brought to you by the pegasus. i live slowly on one of your this makes modern plates. the, [000:00:00;00] the
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business leg just is free to you believe i guess is a nice guy on one of your just makes model inflates the titles to sunday. thank you so much, molly will know that you all could, which is pointing to hold on to his status as the wells. number one at tennis play, anything less than a run, so the semi finals of the friendship and we'll see him lose that status. joking, which is just on said his lights is rolling garris campaign. the 37 year old. is it raining champagne, but has yet to reach to finalize his any tournament this year, around 20 full time grand. so i'm going to take you onto that hung flap. yeah. you got back in the around one that match spill in the 1st set. think and what
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is your? well, let me see, i read a sutherland cause. i'm for 1st french open title by the russian is the writing. all the open champion reached the semi finals in paris last year. easy 1st round, winner against the precious drive of losing just 3 days. one play, at least like when i chose to end her professional career with issues tournaments for almost 2 decades on from her 1st appearance at roland garr. us the 34 year old last franchise and finished in that the fates against showing is junction what it means. turning your page of um from for me 20 years of my life, 20 years of full commitment to my sport. and when i say from commitment is really full. since i'm 15 years old and my 1st home goes here, i've been living for 10 is most of the time. and i organize my whole life around it . around 100 tape, it's about quotes far as counting down to south. today's champions league finally
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has pressure developments, but he won't be featuring for his country. the upcoming euros in germany coastal has been left out of the belgian scope sheets of fitness concerns me just recover from a long to me, injury. manchester city miss field or kevin. the boy will captain that see the 32 year old back into school after his own injury, problems eligible face slip. i can't remain. and ukraine in group pay. i'm happy we are all are happy that he's pick about leading. i think that um we know him, oh, he's not the guy that is speaking a lot, but you can lead in different ways you can lead by performing. you can lead by pushing in a positive way. so the biggest game in your pain comfortable takes place on the south, like full teen san champions rominger taking on russia the woman at wembley stadium . goldman finished down in 15 the german league. but back in this final, for the 1st time in moving a decade, we have so many personal stories in, you know,
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a dressing room. but the most important thing is that we have our own story. we have a story with ups and downs to in the whole season. we have a story with ups and downs of the last 2 years. we have one of the teams that is selling players by the end of the season. we have a team that boots up team to compete every year, but now we have the, we are there and we are facing teams that are built to win the champion, sneak when you look at the name from the team about the players. and of course the, the clubs as well. of course we will be, we will be down the dog. but i think this, we proof the season that this is not the who we are. i think we face the a lot of times the face opponents, the, that we were considered on the dock but the we proof that we can win against everybody. and so that's the confidence we've built up into the mindset. we go to the game as well. now the boston celtics are taking a big step towards winning a record 18th and be a champion you from that 1st. since 2008, the celtics are in the finals,
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the 2nd time in 3 seasons after 4. nothing serious. when of the indiana paces, we now have the east and conference trophy in the hands and they'll face either the dallas mavericks or the minnesota symbols in the finals. boston county side of the lake is at the top of the old. so i'm list with 17 sizes. we've had a different team every single year, different coaches, we've had like 3 coaches in the last 5 years. and still people wanna, you know, just make it seem like just the same is the same as saying tom is going by experience has been gained. and i think we are now ready to put our best. so for it will strain or it's hiking a relaxed approach to that bill to fit crickets seats when seat will cut the 2021 champions if it's like a minute practice session. so the beach in trinidad and tobago. the tournament gets under way on saturday. is being kind of hosted by the west indies along with the
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united states or i thought his ice bullets is looking for not only think sunday and that's it for me, molly inside for this news, allah world matheson will be here in just a moment with much more of today's news, it goes, check out our website. how does era dot com all the latest developments to stay with us the of israel's war on gossip be coming in forever across the united states? why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style press down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. a quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line i was planning on a scooter, was my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his reading the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers began shooting. jude was hit in the neck and found it
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happen near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and they occupied westbank soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him. hadn't his really hospitalized these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay posting and officials told the 0 that in situations like this is real deduction funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. hundreds and then millions. stephens cries, does the delicacy value just as highly by cartels in the mafia?
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price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and it's devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera a diverse range of stories from across the globe, from the perspective of on networks generally. on algebra the, the has to be on the springs of powder and 3 phase or other types of attempts to dispose. protestant ends in the navy, a designated as a safe soon in solving guides. at least 21 palestinians were killed and not attacking the towns and all was seen west of most of the victims of women and
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children. about this and this is all just hear


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