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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera, a diverse range of stories from across the globe, from the perspective of on networks to, on the has to be on the screens of powder and 3 phase or other types of a time for this. but as part of study ends in the navy, i designated as a safe zone in southern gas at least $21.00 palestinians were killed and not attacking the camp. and all was seeing west across on most of the victims of women and children. news, i don't know about this and this is audra 0 life and go have also coming off. is
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there any times move deep into the office city for the 1st time meeting, kind of simians scrambling to flee the advance. the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each copy does. sorry moment for powder springs, self determination, 3 western nations, spain island and norway finally recognizes the state of palestine the up to bombing homes. and leveling neighborhoods is ready for us as a know said to be destroying tens for palestinians who have nowhere else to go. but it strikes talking to the all milwaukee area that's west of alpha. at least 21 palestinians have been killed under development. and israel's military assault on rafa is there any time, some not reach the hearts of the city, and that is despite the global outcry against an attack and what was previously
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designated as a safe. so our correspondent handle hardly is in the central guys. it was more on those is really a tax a oh is really we're playing phone. another makes you come. housing just please palestinians in the for just 2 days after the military fire messiahs attends costs are due, are due and building killing of these 45 people, most of them women and children. this is a part of the where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected, save zone. talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice ruling boarding, an immediate halt to a fault. and the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west of if i had a cop 2 years and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door. that's funds because of something porter with egypt flow.
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but our case is closed with a 3 day passes is really palms are coming, dozens of citizens, and this family is morning, a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some belongings. what are the bosses need you to have an innocent 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do wrong in his short life? the room he was in with my uncle does hit 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party. the show ripped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in western river. our shot caught in the north of the ship. simon was returning to their homes and by you come under fire. omen. ask the question so many in gaza at the hospital. no. no matter how much i didn't know
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if i knew where should we go from, is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the, this is not a life. i don't know what to say to you. an estimate at least the 1000000 displays palestinians floods are for him the past 3 weeks searching for safety. that does not exist in them. who did the august ita they did black, gaza palestine. whether you are the secretary general's folks parsons condemned. israel's continued violation of the international court of justice, order to hold military operations in rough or to have seen a breakdown of international law, of respect for international respect of international humanitarian with respect for a for human rights. the member member states created this court when they created the chart and when they signed onto it, it is a we do,
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we expect member states to risk to abide by the orders of the international court of justice or griffin's members live for those of the united nations christians being report of new attacks by is really an air strikes target and that is happening in washington. the apartment killed 21 people because the secretary general have anything to say on the new attack. the secretary general and his spokesperson could not confirm that attack or the numbers from there, but they are monitoring the situation very closely. they tell us, as they have been watching the situation in rough uh, in particular, over the weekend in horror or the secretary general in fact, condemned the attacks over the weekend saying that it just shows that there is no place safe in rasa in gaza. in, in the entirety of gaza for civilians to go to uh,
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the sentiment has been echoed by all of his top. you and officials who also warn that the amount of a getting in now is just nowhere near the amount that is needed in rough d. u. n has no more food to distribute, for example, and they're worried that it's going to be a situation like what was in the north of gaza. not too long ago. now it's in the south where people don't have any food and they have none to give out. they say that in the last 3 weeks, only $200.00 trucks total have gone into gaza to distribute aid. whereas before this conflict started, there were 500 trucks going in and out every day, both commercial and humanitarian aid supplies. so the needs are, as we've been reporting constantly, just so intense. and the secretary general said that he condemn the strikes on rasa
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in the strongest terms, because there's just no place save for people to go anymore. and i understand that i'll give you is called an emergency meeting of the security council is going to be discussing the the rafa tax have been happening on sunday. and one would imagine also what has happened had been happening a subsequent thing. do we have any indication because i believe this is gonna be a closed door meeting so people can probably can't get in any idea of what we could expect from not or well, the fact that it's a closed door meeting isn't a good sign in terms of a potential outcome, frankly, if the security council is going to vote on a resolution or make a statement, they would do so in an open meeting. and that said, we have heard rumblings that there are some attempts to get some statement together . we are monitoring that and will be watching closely to see if they go and convert this into an open meeting and maybe make an announcement or making
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a statement to the press. we know that al jerry a call the meeting. we know that there's a lot of concern about what's happening in rasa, but some members of the council have said that this isn't the time to issue a resolution that the focus has to be in the region on the ground between the parties and peace talks. there, but a lot of hand wringing and frustration by the un and un teams trying to help people, they are, that the violence is continuing cause and thanks a lot of obviously when we get any more information about that meeting was going to come, come back to christ is salumi live for us in the united nations. the guys built a temporary peer installed to transfer our aids to gaza and it's got to be removed from guys as coast after being damaged by strong waves. depending on the size, the peers going to be sent to the southern is very city of washed or for the us soldiers are going to repair it. the un unable hoops of calling for israel to fully open line crossings into guys which they say are a better alternative. heidi joe castro has been attending briefings at the us state
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department. i'm the pants are going to be discussing is really a tax which of hip thompson's off on most other things. the kinds of can appear at 1st of all just that that we mentioned there briefly just what more do we know about that? probably know that the pentagon says that it was strong ways that broke of heart this here, which by the way, cost $320000000.00 and took $1000.00 us soldiers to construct and lasted just over one week. it was, was the last until september when this rougher weather was expected. but this fell far short, really an embarrassment for the us effort to create this maritime core door wind. just a few days ago, officials were touting its limited success in transporting about a 1000 metric tons of food into gaza. there were also issues with distribution the now this latest obstacle with the waves breaking apart the peer, it's unclear exactly when it could be put back together and put back into operation
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. in the meantime. uh, i understand that a lot spring talked about with regard to the is really a tax that's been happening in rafa. what are they being saying? that's right, matt miller, the state department spokes person said that the us consider the sunday strike on the camp to be a tragic loss of life. he said the us has no independent assessment of how that happened and he seems to give the benefit of the doubt to the is really citing their preliminary investigation, saying that the bomb that was dropped was 1.7 kilometers away from where israel's military says the fire broke out again, the fire broke out and a designated safe zone in the camp were displaced gardens and matt miller, the us state departments, folks for us and said, that would be an issue if the strike happened in a say selling we've been very clear of course israel should not carry up strikes in
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the designated safer areas where they have told people to move. they say that's not what happens here. they are going to conduct the full investigation. we're going to wait the outcome of that investigation before passing judgment. and so i think it's fully appropriate to do, we want to have all the facts at our disposal and also, matt miller was asked by reporters how this may be connected with the world court's ruling. just 2 days prior to israel strike on the account and would the judges ordered israel to halt it's cause that offensive. miller said that it was unclear how the 2 were related, and he said that he expects the us expect israel to comply with international law. and when asked, how can, how can you assure that happening? he said, well, israel says it is complying with international law. now on the continued gaza offensive, the us says it still does not consider with it. israel's military is currently doing to be a major military offensive,
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which would appear to be there was line drawn by the, by the administration, warning israel to not go that far. and again, you guys ever reiterated that it does not consider what's happening currently in gaza, to be a genocide. rob, i do. thank you very much indeed. how do you judge cost ro, talking to us from the state department there? we're going to turn our attention to northern guys or whether be motor is really attacks and the area of jamalia is really forces talking families trying to return to their homes, such as it is on, especially if it's been out the scene. he sent us. this reports the draft to reports the is really military had withdrawn from the outside of georgia area in the west of jamal. the refugee camp president started to return, however, is really war planes and artillery open fire at the dozens were killed and injured and the duel attacks medical crews, assisted by volunteers, are pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and else olivia
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is more than done. another one, i don't know. maybe on a separate i showed all the phenomena. yeah. for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing this area. the amount of to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures, speak volumes, and also about heads on with the since the early hours of the morning when people are gone through the time. is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered the number of bodies we permit, example and screws are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago. alternative yourselves fell in the area, killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know to touch, we'll do our best to help evacuate interest. survivor has a who must have that on semantics. and this is what else collegial looks like a. yeah. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the
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destruction is mass. so there is not a single building still standing. dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured and that was, many bodies are still lying in the road. and you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors and the injured traffic. they're not even here where i'm standing, but it's really drones and war plains keep firing on civilians and rescue and change the shadow. especially if i just the why i'm sure that you on the well as of tuesday may 28th norway island and spain have finally recognized palestine as a state is a historic move. i mean growing calls for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year conflict. and an end israel's occupation, it's also intended to reset the palestinian people's rights to self determination. in dublin, the palestinian flag no stands alongside the european union and the ukrainian flags
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outside orleans part of the building moves going to include upgrading the status of the palestinian mission in orland to that of an embassy. collins foreign minister says recognizing apollo, city and state is about increasing security for both palestinians and is rantings. while the flags of islands, norway and spain has conquered, displayed on the sides of i'm all as municipal building the palestinian authority which has limited itself, rolling the occupied west bank as welcome to a decision to formerly recognize a published an instinct still ahead. and alger 0, no, this riley thought we will not compromise the shared history of organization and resistance . we're going to look at what's behind on and support on this stuff and protests as gather again in the george and capital off to parliament overtones the presidential veto of the controversial modern influence. the
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the hello. the weather tacitly may disappoint blue acts and when the blustery showers blowing in across the north west, i'm positive here, some of them, some very, some heavy of down pulls as well. lots of capital. marietta of weather systems just rolling through here. so i'm not too great the best of weather is, of course i was, was an all faced. we still keep the some woods for the time being for sponsors, scandinavia i would towards the politics. i was think temperature is still up into the all the high twenty's theft must go. still walk into the twenty's, that's stuck home and we'll also see some waste. so while i started to feed this way and as we go through the next couple of days of the name of the west to whether it's across scotland, england, then we'll just southeast corner there across the countries into germany. and that's going to continue just pushing its way further north with denise was as we go through with us, they had a little cooler. the less hope for me,
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not someone else that around 19 celsius still put the heat up towards the northeast corner. but it could rush south by the state. now punch in the way into much all the cent for year brought down. it's and the positively shy was the around the balkans. a few showers to for good measure into ducky a. across southern parts, if you, if it is generally fine and dry, warm sunshine, a co, spain add ports, cool, warm sunshine to across northern parts of africa. but show us the gulf of guinea. you will see caught a duty in a grove using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on requested and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems costs on red chris
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the, what you go just need a reminder of a child stories. this are 5 minutes a morning. the death of at least $21.00 palestinians killed in the camp and on wasi and southern miguel searching is rarely shot. it comes off to is really bombing destroyed. another time, comp and drop on sunday was killed at least 45 people read. one is very time, so pushing deeper into rock facility, helicopters and drones and also being reported in the area and known close to what's known as the philadelphia caught it on his own, on the board. and in
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a historically, 3 countries recognize the independence policy decision by islands, knowing spain and reflects voiding calls to n d is really occupational on the starting what, what does it mean for 3 major european nations to recognize palestinian statehood? well, firstly, it means close. a diplomatic ties, an island says it's going to transform its diplomatic office into an embassy. as of now, a small handful of european countries recognized palestine as the state island. no, we in spain say they're going to recognize pre 1967 borders and support jerusalem is the capital of both israel and palestine. palestinians say occupied east jerusalem should be the capital of its future state. israel has not defined its borders but as occupying palestinian land, expanding illegal settlements in allowing the satellite land drops to cut them off of control defines palestine into homelands. leisurely speaking to springs of foreign minister,
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jose manuel alba as nice as the country recognizes the pre 1967 borders of palestine and east jerusalem. as the states capital we have regular dies the state of palestine as a full nation among the international community. with all the rights that gave to state food, international law. and of course, this is the 1st step. next we have to to put in place our real valuable palestinian estate. the we'll have a gas on the west bank and the one single palestinian authority, the wheel has continued to have the territory and the full connected by a court really within next to the c and a 14 gusta on the capital. in easier rosellan level. we have failed to join forces to bring these base conference to bring peace for everyone in the me the least. so the recognition today is for justice,
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for the palestinian people. they cannot be condemned to be a turn or the refugee people for peace in the be the least for everyone, including the people of fees, right? i know fill out a few extra money to sign with a foreign minister, but someone would argue this is largely symbolic because it won't change the reality on the ground as well. continues to flout the international court of justice readings on the whole thing. those attacks and roughly, even in the last few hours we've been talking about it since today. we've had the 21 people have been killed by is really bones targeting tents of displays. people. how is this recognition of the state of palestine going to in hell that people in roughly experiencing right now? there are 3 things. first is not the same thing. the seats around the table when you're a southern estate neighbor savings and know that southern states. and that's why the recognition of the state of palestine, it's in full then. secondly, is good,
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the listing enough of those. so everything has been asking us for our policy and friends as told us, it, p c, full time for us. on 3rd, of course this thing isolated, we're not bring bite cells piece, but the ends, the beginning of a process. us and the other is governance decision to recognize the state of palestine reflects white supposed public support for palestinian rights in the republic of ireland. we simple, it suggests a majority of the population things, palestinians live under a system of the pol side, and israel should be sanctioned locks, reports from dominant. i know this really does well. the cubing has been the past 16 days on this incomplete universe take photos. dublin, she and the fellow students are pushing for the university to en, financial ties with israel. through of the noisy protests. we're occupying a building the university close,
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i just private joining close on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices. and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capital of a major college trinity. students of already pressured university authorities and divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin since october of heavily shaped broad, a public and political perceptions. 2 debates about israel, vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians from across the spectrum of homeless university welcome the government's decision to recognize palestinian statehood pullman if he is a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says, such action is long overdue. just a higher has continued to unfold. instruction of hospitals,
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the coming of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure and the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical out canvassing ahead of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main franks for art in the recognition should go to ordinary people, its ordinary people by their attitudes, by their mobilizing, by their protest thing by their incontinence, that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously, and talking about the kind of sending of assistance with campaign as a university college, as learning from the own faculty about and tell us in history, they now want more than me words. i think institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the public sending people and they struggle, but do very level to materially support thoughts and accesses. going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with about his assigned his doctors and stuff. the session,
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an airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and palestinians present day and say that countries stones should simply support the best of future filaments. how does it a dublin on the map of historic pond this time is an image of many artists, including jewelry designers, tanner's and carpenters replicate, and the work adults significant meaning for palestinians as the land they say was taken from them in 194819678 signifies the importance of the right of return for refugees. our team and the occupied westbank has spoken to an artist about how funny, why he uses the month the the thought of the abundance of a young man was send the re opting and no one. no,
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bishop didn't know. what else is of them to stop the man land? a lot of them this way and i know the to add you to have a sense of how to box. google is a little fun. when somebody in minnesota, i have a small i thought, a female. i like a shelf and this was on the fix it all in the habit of them and them in bed. all those mean it. uh huh. even this made me see, hold off it's. it's going how the son plays black. honda, tennessee. we have lots of that is a visa listing this and just left me some basic from this many of putting bullet a minute close to the here. but on that, in the head, on the color of the, you know, testing and the height, that old fashion whim of hot the, i thought it on file and then and the fee. huh. and then within the late fee, and that is the ability to animal room and how to keep our helium with us that i,
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let's see to then add that off. we see for the meaning of fee and do. and then you can have to spend most of your time, leroy, and that's for this to me or the other big shifting the why we a little you had it goes lead it on interest. mean. oh, how does that leo and other side salvage thing? and they put me in the us academic stuff at the university of california have gone on strike over. the faculties responds to protest and solidarity with palestinians . a group of teaching assistants of the searches marched on compass thing. their rights to free speech have been violated earlier this month, please dismantled, unencumbered, and the rest of some 200 protesters, students and teachers to set up 10 some campus last the university to divest from companies profiting from israel's more. gotcha us. and now the news popping you're getting is a government issued evacuation orders for 7900 people in the northern angle
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province because of the risk of further lun slides. thousands of people are believed to be buried alive, but only a handful of bodies. i've been recovered so far, it just seemed gone for reports carrying the coffin of a loved one and covering it with prayers. it's more closure than many others have got. after lance lice swept through remote area of pop. when you can use anger province. there was little hope of finding survivors. only a determination to recover the hundreds who are buried alive, the global got him goals. we don't know where the bodies are buried, but we will not give up. we will keep going. the large volume of soil and boulder rocks are making it difficult for us to wear using spades and the iron roads to dig . the chance of the mountain side broke off in the early hours of friday morning, sending boulders the size of shipping containers and
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a river of mud and rock descending down the slopes, sweeping across homes and farms blocking roads. the estimated death tool ranges from the hundreds to as high as 2000 authorities of warrant the ground is still unstable. this was not any a very significant last slide, but the terrain is continuing to move. so it might seem that we're actually at the site yesterday, they said they could even feel the ground moving on to the ground. moving around the thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes as a safety precaution. authorities are also concerned about the risk of disease from decomposing bodies. the government is appealing for international help, but with the main road to the area blocked off and fears for the lens lights. it's not clear how assistance will reach those in need. if this i'm getting food, which is 0 currently and present of that to me is the latest is visiting european countries to evaluate support for these countries. war effort is arrived in belgium
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a day after visiting spain, where we signed a security agreement. russel's has also applies to supply chief with fighter jets and humanitarian assistance to george's parliament has over written the president's veto of a controversial farm agent's bill. family protests have taken place for weeks in the capital to blue. see thousands of georgians that are afraid the legislation is going to cope human rights and freedom of the media. compromise the countries but to join to you between that ankle explains often more than a month with protests and threats of sanctions and repercussions from the west. georgias parliament refused to be pressured into dropping the so called for an agents bill and peace over road the president's veto on tuesday. after hours of debating, not without drama, we sort of gone on in the new law requires old civil society and media organizations that receive 20 percent or more of the funding from


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