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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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on this business uptake these bolts is by the 6 bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use the, [000:00:00;00] the color one way, little rock. this is the news our life from coming up in the next 16 minutes is where the forces move further into the central and western parts of alpha. almost all the hospitals and gaza southern most cities are out of service. nowhere safe and garza algae is there a space to survivors of and is rarely strikes or killed at least $21.00 palestinians. and i camp and, and my wife and the south african presence, the photos of thoughts and a general election with his african national congress party,
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facing its biggest challenge in 30 years and thousands of certain these refugees stranded in a forest area. and you see, oh yeah, go on hunger strikes, demanding, access to food and medicine. i'm joining us just go with the sports boss. sign a set to appoint a new head coach following the dismissal of chevy. the spanish giants. excited to announce the form of germany and finding unit manager to select the way to begin and gaza, where the is really military is moving its forces further into the central and western parts of it. off after plunging the city into total darkness overnight, they've seized more of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia core door. the area is 14 kilometers long and intended to be a deep militarized buffer zone. running along the border between garza and egypt,
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by one per son has been killed and several wounded as a result of a strike targeting a group of people east of alpha and in central and off displaced. families are trapped inside residential homes. nearly all the city's hospitals are out of service anywhere from oh, joyce, me live now from better better in the central garcey. guys are rather honey, israel continues is pushed forward in so that's what more do we know the the yes. so there's really more like 3 and it's occupying forces on the ground continues to push deeper into the city and doing the doing so causing further enforce display. it's been just the past hour. we see a huge influx of the newly displays families of from the evacuations. on the roof, i back away. sions on the west from part of the city as right now, the artillery, southern gosh,
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is reaching as far as the central part of the city within the vicinity of the community hospital, as well as further to the western parts near to all the field. the hospital that has to be pushed out of service, but these really monitoring is mainly concentrated right now with its tanks and armored vehicles. then it's pretty much it's military r, as in all along the egyptian gods, a border that's better known as the philadelphia core door. a rated is really monetary. then the initial days of the invading rough uh, took over a close to a 10 kilometers of the philadelphia her door along the gyptian roof board. and right now is pushing its time see for the remaining 54 kilometers that are very close to the coastal road and uh, broadway, milwaukee evacuations on that right now, it is almost empty from any of the display. 50 people were shouldering inside the makes your sense that the bolts and the initial weight, initial months of this genocide,
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those work also does really monitor it keeps operating in the north grand eastern part of the city in an area between hon eunice and drop off where the guys are european hospital is located. these are the 2 main axes, but the remaining part of the robot city is pretty much dominated by dense the presence of a quad copiers surveillance of drones and the heavy artillery setting that keeps either pushing people for further internal displacement or keeping people trapped inside the residential homes that are unable to leave and evacuated into safer areas. if there are safer areas that we know in a war zone, you've had to create a safe zone at all. the number of casualties is increasing by the hour, basic facilities that infrastructure is, are completely destroyed or severely damaged. there's a total of black out and rough off. there's little that, uh that getting out of trouble right out in terms of what's going on. and in terms of the, the operations that conducted by these really monetary and how do you,
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how are hospitals coping well, as of this moment, we can safely say there isn't a single health facility operation on the roof. i city the last one that that was pushed out of service completely and it was the management of the hospital. that's the red cross. then the policy and requesting society were forced to relocate this hospitalization maternity ward a small health facility in western part of city. and because of the intensity and the magnitude of the bombing do were forced to shut down within the past couple hours and really got relocated out of milwaukee or western han eunice city. the remaining health hospitals are only standing and skeletons are no health services whatsoever. they are always, they are being forced to evacuate. pulling out the middle color staff already do were operating at the low capacity possible within the past the 20 days since the beginning of the military operations in dropbox,
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city and no medical supplies. i know you'll do keep those hospitals running a right now we're looking at an entire city with no health facility whatsoever. and that's of course, putting more pressure here on the central area. more people are being displaced, more patients, more injuries are brought here and that put pressure on this health facility right here in the background from where i'm reporting from. all right, honey, my move to the reporting lot from during bella and central guys are thank you so much. any the father is really army has named 3 of us soldiers killed in fighting in god's i'm israel has bound to 0. so our correspondence and we're on con, is joining us from jordan's capital. i'm on in mont. what more do we know about what happened? well these ready on these actually name the sold as is being sergeant other guy love who is a 20 stall sergeant you we bought all who's 21 and stuff. sergeant ido, apple who was also a 21 years old. all 3 were killed by an explosive device that was set off in rough
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of 3 of the soldiers were also seriously wounded in that incident. also in separate incidents on wednesday morning, one subject was wounded in northern garza. 2 soldiers was severely wounded in the northern gauze. busy as well as another soldier in the southern garza. now, according to these ready minute trees, that brings the number of dead soldiers to 640. and at least $3310.00 soldiers have been injured since the outbreak of the war on october, the 7th. each one of those hoses where the injured or killed presents a very big political problem for the problem is that benjamin netanyahu, the wood cabinet, the cabinets, a space to decide how this war is. 4th is bits of lead divided. you have on the one hand, a woman is the many guns and you also have the defense was yours, calla, putting pressure on this and now you to come up with a plan for the day off. the problem is the benjamin netanyahu is been cleared, his goal is very simple to defeat. how about politically and militarily,
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but the longer this goes on, the longer critics get louder and louder saying those goals are simply unachievable . you know, i to embark on reporting from amman. jordan, thank you so much. and a reminder, again, benjamin up now who's cabinet has bound to al jazeera and that's why we're reporting from outside israel displaced palestinians off. i say there are no so called safe zones anywhere in the gaza strip. i'll just there is the shelf of where i'm gonna went to a make shift camp and, and my way i see in the south after and is really straight killed at least 21 palestinians. he spoke to someone who survived. this is his report, the number to the g heavy an o gotten with the way you did it. the other one was that a, b and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the israeli forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after these really military, designated
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a safety monetary and zone thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter in a minute. how many of your family members have been killed? my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life. i lost a piece of my heart. what do these riley's want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary? good. i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them. the is really, is claims that we're off, it was safe. the items that we were warned to leave tennessee dot and we did to did in bella and we did and the same to alpha. where is that safety?
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there is no safe engine the entire gauze and strip displacement is not a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony that god beyond the what is your message to the world? oh, absolutely no. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony, taste, the same bitterness feel the same pain we experienced the at that deal, i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up west of russell shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rome for the, for the air strikes carried out by the is really were plans were intense. why do you use the shut up photos upon the black behind? i should err on the far in the most of those killed women and children. children what ways play and here they will all turn to pieces. 40 parts scott, with all over the place, women and innocent children,
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there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims, families were displaced from all shots, the area in gauze city. it was in the 1st time to be forced to move back to court. and i say or not. if you had the a month, the car today it has is clearly noticeable. there is no safe entering the entire gaza strip. displaced people's tensor showered not only by missiles from drones and war plans, but also artillery shells from the land and warships from the c. d is really air strikes or intensifying, well targeting mainly displaced civilians are shut off, blah, blah. this is just the all mo, off the off and the new york times is reporting bombs use. and the is really, are striking off that killed at least 45 people on sunday were made in the united states. the report says weapons experts reviewed visual evidence from debris at the location of the times found remnants of a g. b. you 39 bom, designed and manufactured in the united states. it also says your officials of
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pressure, it is real to use more of the bombs to reduce civilian casualties. and joining us here on the set right now is omar shore. he is a professor of security, a military studies at the institute for graduate studies are good to have you back with us when to pick up on we just have been reporting both seen and and the new york times are reporting that us made weapons were using that to definitely strike and off on the time tent camp for displace palestinians. what does that tell you? so 1st the, the idea spokesperson yesterday, if used to name it, he was us directly. what type of munition was used and he described it as a small bomb, the 17 kilograms precision. but if used to name it, probably trying to avoid an embarrassment for the lighting instruction. but now we at least have an idea of it. thing is i, the model was not mentioned because the small die with a bomb, the g b,
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u has multiple versions a, so a small of a 17 kilograms, and all the way up to over a 100 kilograms. so we don't know which version was used. and these precision guided the not always accurate it, so we have about somewhere between 80 to 90 percent accuracy rates. uh they can miss by a significant margin. and the problem in an area like rough uh, was 65 square feet all me to is only you have about now we're having a force of over 7 over 6 big gates the operating in that area and the population density of over $20000.00 per square you want me to. so anyway, you should with pistols not, not with a, a 100 kilogram of precision guy the bomb from an air strike. old with artillery. you're going to go through millions of we're going to go in this in by standards including women and children. so i think it's, it's, it's, it's very telling you that this is allowed to, to continue. why is knowing that there will be significant dis, among the innocent people. i'm just going to ask you about that just to pick up on
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what you're saying that because in terms of combat conduct, what you just outlined as civilian casualties continue to rise at an alarming rate and they will unfortunately, and tragically. now that israel is pressing on with the sort of offensive, how does that impact the the, the fit, the campaign, the operation? so the campaign, i think the ultimate objective, the seems to me that there is no strategic objective. it's more to an operational level of the type of objective at a 12 westbank or 5. you wish it so it will, it will divide rough uh oh, divide actually west bank gaza. so it will divide guys into multiple buckets via the dissecting it into north and south net settings. what they do now that is meant by a 2 brigades, is dividing it into north and south. that will be also another corner door. this is east west a pedo through the sliding road, also with the men, and you would have strong points and, and,
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and positions dead from which there is some of the big gates that will be almost permanency based. there in the, in a, in notations will conduct rates like the one we seem to bother you. like the ones we see now in the north gulf, gaza a and then this is often the operation is finished of the, of the operation efficient finished, which is still ongoing right now. right now. and roughly, you have a lot of a lot of concentration of force that will attempt to undermine what they uh, they asked. it is what it is estimate that there are for a combat ready battalions or combat effective battalions situated in the roof. they named them. yep. and 9, yep. and 90 trouble in the uh, in east overall fox. uh and uh, also in, in the tell us what's on area where they conducted the strike. so they will attempt to undermine and degrade these battalions and will try to get some of the hostages of form of us. so this is the objective at the moment, but i think the long term objective will be creating
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a very small pockets in gaza without even if at a single 40 so without to have also thought of it. and then attempt to run the show a that long to all right, sir. omar, sure, thank you so much, greatly appreciate the south africans are going to the polls in a general election. the crude pose a challenge to the governing african national congress for the 1st time and 3 decades presence a ceramic force has cast his vote. and so we tow a former anti apartheid activist is also the president of the amc. but recent polls show the party may get less than 50 percent of the national vote. soaring unemployment ruling power cut some violent crime r t issues among voters and the arrow and which i saw is standing by for us in durban. but 1st, let's go to for meter miller, and so
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h o for me to what's the mood among the south african voters? so tell us about the turn out where you are. well at this holding station we've spoken to a number of people here throughout the course of the morning and most of them had said they were excited and happy to vote and oppose wanting to exercise that rights given south africa's history. and that the country is just the t as into democracy and to some of them both simple the very 1st time. this is an agency stronghold. the president is from the area of the agencies very popular here. so many people here while they were critical of some aspects of the amc in terms of its performance. they did say to us they would continue voting for the party. and that's what the agencies relying on that sort of loyalty rather than perhaps looking at a use both to push the parts or forward. because there many analysts have said the party hasn't done enough to capture that youth both. and perhaps young people
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looking at the opposition parties, especially because they're angry about things like a high unemployment rate. but many here such and these saying they'll remain loyal to the a and c. that may not be the case of many other pointing stations across the country where they all along the lines as people stand and choose to cost their votes. and of course, a number of hours ahead before the posting stations close. all right, so we to thank you so much for that. let's go through now to durban. i room with tacit choices live with this former president jacobs to my up play. how influential hasn't been in this account. ok. well, jacob zima has a lot of supports here. this is his home problems and he could shake things up we seeing in the slide they, they loved life is in this part of the bed. the lines are moving slowly, but lots of people seem to have turned up. we seeing
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a lot of the young people also live and yet, but we awesome about jacob's the my, his influence and what they think about the corruption allegations against them. and some of them said that they didn't know if he's guilty or not the way for the course to decide that whether it's important because they want change. they feel that some things to this country on working well. again of course they also feel that he's being persecuted by the governing applicant, national congress. that's why some of them feel they have to support them to say corruption is a big way, not just legit consuming. it's a problem nationwide, and they want something done about that. people will know that he will likely do well in this problems because it says it says home problems. but nationally, people be waiting to see how he does nationwide when the results are announced in a couple of days, but certainly strong showing of support in causing a top problems. jacobs too much home problems which also thank you so much for that . let's take a look now what some of the issues concerning voters, south africa,
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has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world, reaching nearly 33 percent last year violin crime is also been rising. murders last year were their highest rate in to 20 years at to $45.00 per 100000 people were scheduled, a power cuts known as load. chevy possibly affect both households and businesses and that has not helped an economy this and struggling with sluggish growth for more than a decade. many voters, a widespread corruption is to blame for many of the problems south africa is facing . all. joining me now from pretoria is kellier book, a new peo, and he's professor of african politics at the university of south africa, sir, a very good day. couldn't we see nelson mandela's party be seated as some are predicting it's
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a very difficult position to me. if you all was before and you mentioned because some of the public opinion posts that the some of the coming days as yeah. and the media have been resetting to have been indicating that they could be anything thing as high as one say. all 5 perspective boat doesn't go does and decided my just to stay on boat, even save a whole and not all season. imagine for the amc and as much as it could also go the other way. and as i said that the news, you know, the big will be on c, f, in all 50 percent of the phone. you know, for buffalo, dogs. com. so to that extent, it did a very, very difficult decision because it's how you can test it. does it contested election? what, why, why does the amc find itself in this kind of precarious situation? why have people lost confidence in the amc? mostly because of the issues that you mentioned before, option the level said delivery of services. and of course this appointment to is talk is now, you know,
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support phase menu of to believe that correction. most people becomes that ends in all by choice how long they've been nichols. and not only that, it is also a visa, you know, issues that um, and also the new part to this m k title of tickets. so much better has, you know, if i just dialed in about 9 months, 6 to 9 months before it made the election like this, where she's getting into the support phase of agency. what are some of the possible scenarios that we could see play out if the amc loses or if the agency does manage to hold onto its majority, is not one which is which menu would say a menu or be something. what doesn't save the past? is that the twins by it, not on your margin, maybe even slightly above that. so you got bogged up to a month's these people present the balance between $64.00 and you'd be 5, maybe 57 percent. and the by being able to government to authorize it without
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making any and quite different button. the sonata you do is august. the way it's low. is this a good being long, you know, 50 percent, and therefore it means i advice, more of what you want. the party to, to govern it because it's con gavin knowledge and middle case scenario is whereby it just, uh, you know, money it used to, to skype through. but if you need, maybe this is more like a smaller party. for me, this most likely is another issue that you might just ask you this great. so because of the nationality you mentioned with a g, a team. and so the data g as even the fact that the countries like enjoying positive rating coverage needs 50 years old dom, what kinds of things. and there was a monday left to go buy in 1994 that he might just get seen by people vote because of that. not only that or that because of the co, it's good. remember there's a punch in this wasn't power when they call the fund they make it gets into that expensive. my just wants to be able to get something by the boss for those will be that the money that the crisis and a very well oh ever wins sir. they face
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a daunting a prospect and, and we'll have their work cut out for them. so we're the agency to eat out a majority. can they continue with the state of scro? and i think the company in parties all over the world would know might be worth, speak to the parties. of course they would, maybe they will know and that they need to change that need to do something about jobs. they need to talk this on those that email and this i have, you know, that opportunities that i do all the electricity and also the election. many i've seen that busy baby like just getting then really enjoying without the god for the past 50 days. my just that, you know, i just got the stuff that this election. so the easy word knowing if they mean they would know that they'd be certain things that need to fix, including the options that many people have been talking about, the levels and services and being naples, accountability to ease, you know, citizens and threes. talk to some about somewhat based care of okay, and the coordinated professor of african politics at the university of south africa
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. so thank you so much for your time. my pleasure. now both the prosecution and the defense of risk that their cases informed us president donald trump's harsh money trial in new york, the jury will now begin deliberations on wednesday, mr. trump is facing for criminal trials, but this is the only one expect it to hand down a verdict before polls in november, john 100 reports in the 1st criminal trial with a former american president is the defendant, a national spectacle, that divided the nation. both sides have rested their case. as prosecutors wrapped up closing arguments on tuesday, donald trump, supporters and some high profile critics once again gathered outside the court room . we've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious. dictates trump, we have
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a 2nd chance and no one is laughing. now this is tied to stop in prosecutors are you the trump conspired with employees and a tablet publisher to cheat voters by paying off adult film star stormy daniels to keep her from disclosing a 2006 affair with trump on the eve of the 2016 presidential election. trump who sat with a hand written note reading this case should be dismissed, argues the trial is a political hit job. we're leading by prosecutors presented cohen's bank statement showing the $130000.00. he wired just stormy. daniel's lawyer on october 27th, 2016. just 12 days before the election. they had written notes, cohen testified, detailed, $50000.00 in other expenses. and his reimbursement scheme double what he paid out
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to account for income taxes. he said the payments made in $35000.00 installment and send, signed by trump, were disguised his legal fees, but trumps lawyers argued he did nothing wrong. they said the payments made through trump's then lawyer michael cohen were legitimate legal fees. and the cohen lied about the payments and trumpets affair with daniels which daniels herself confirmed in intimate detail. whatever the outcome, some historians say, the trial could correct. a historic mistake president, gerald ford's 1974 pardon of richard nixon. as a potential to say, yes, the most powerful people are held to the legal system just like the rest of us. the weather trump will become the 1st former president found guilty of criminal conduct as he seeks to return to the white house is now up to a new york jury to sir john henry and l g 0. as still ahead here on al
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jazeera, we look at the opportunities and challenges that come with a mexican wave of what's known as near shore. that is, for this creek team as a shot at making europe and football history details later in the show, the hello. it's been so hot in norway, finland, and the baltic states. it's prompted wildfire alerts. i mean, look at some of these temperatures for a lot, b is capital re good. 28. let's go hotter is still us maybe 30 degrees on thursday . that could be good enough for a record for the month of may, you may catch a few drops, but that will do little to drop down your temperatures. and other spot heating up is i very okay. so you think 28 is hot in lisbon today? check out the next 3 days here, up to 35 on friday. that too could be good enough for
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a new record for the month of may. here's where we do run into some trouble though . central europe, we've got rounds of rain, whether it's in play for serbia, some century downpours that i think the biggest burst of rain will be around. romania for turkey are also somewhat weather in the south around on talia. eventually that will move into central areas, catch up with the black sea coast and off to africa. we go. it's been hot in the gerry sitting records here, ne, new year, 48 degrees. that was the hottest state in these are for the month of the day today . really we see this heat from sudan chad pushing right into the chair. and it's also hot in south africa for the cape. providence is feeling more like summer, even though we're just a few days away from winter. let's go 27 degrees in cape town today. the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is
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a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous conflation between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews. because uh, choose country is honest and is not about to lose its about teacher. and we need to talk about design is a listing co special on of just the latest news as it breaks the hospital is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all the services with detailed coverage houses are being forced down. they live with the constant fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the golf is flip has linked to talk to can go your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste. like 3 the it's
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the the you're watching out. is there a reminder of our top stories this hour is really military expanding its presence further into the central and western parts of it? it seems more of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia quarter. plus the new york times is reporting bonds used in the is really, are striking off that killed at least 45 people on sunday were made in the united states. the report says, weapons exports reviewed visual evidence from debris as the locations south africans voting in a general election to elect parliamentary and provincial assemblies presents that i'm opposed as african national congress faces
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a serious challenge for the 1st time and 3 decades now, nearly 3000 students, these refugees stranded in ethiopia. i have been on a hunger strikes this thursday. more than $5000.00 refugees are estimated to be in the force of the i'm wrong, i'm wrong region which borders suit on the flood, deteriorating humanitarian conditions at a camp earlier this month. if you appear in authorities of says, help them in the forest where they are protesting their detention and depletion of food and medicine. the, to the we less becomes and flood for our lives. we will pull to, to many organizations about the lack of security as a rapid support, full system comes, shoot on the low valuables, the break women, and take all children into servitude. no response was received from any organizations. that's why we were forced to leave. we and all stranded in the woods
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without security or food. even clean water is not available all the time. the units suit in these refugees are living in dire and complicated conditions here in one of them are as forest pictures speak volumes for 2 weeks. those refugees are left exposed to the elements. the rainy season started in the total absence of the you and hcr, or the ethiopian government. about $5000.00 refugees are left without shelter, food, water, or even security. of more on this, harrowing situation was here now from samuel low get the true. he's a journalist and toys is on skype. from just about we understand that the area where the student needs refugees are stranded, is actually there and active conflicts own. i guess there has been a cold switch between the 2 open government and finally, a loosely har,
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focused movement. they've called it of fighting for the interest of amar us, they've been saying. so this rate fees have been in the course far between the $2.00 forces and much of the region as you've been out of touch in terms of uh, any kind of movements such as food and medicine that, that much of that population and the needles. and this conflict has been going on for a year, and it's affecting disabilities who have come to you'll be looking for some kind of safety. and many of them have been saying they've been for testing they've, they've been on hunger strike, trying to tell the u. n. the children government, which has promised to listen to them that something needs to be done before this becomes much bigger than it really is at the moment. as of now, according to they said about a 1000 people have escaped from this. uh, but if you do cups incredible uh, some of the what else the response been from the c o p and the government that they took on government has said they will be listening to them. some of their
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complaints will be addressed by lead to open government. they've been saying, but again, it's been a conflict area for the last year. the children government controls, partially the region and partial of the region is controlled by finals. again, dumb are movement of them higher forces that they've been fighting with the job and government, they've been in no position to the to open government. bringing some kind of piece was to great. and they've been saying the piece process will affect their interests . um, so this is affecting much of their population and even the regional government has been saying that the economy of the region has to be really hits by this conflict. and there's this, somebody could do for the population later alone, the, some of the repeat use from this is done. and again, many of them are scraping at the moment. some are coming to the capital. so it's, it's a, it's a huge thing of that nature and government is trying to contend at the moment, including thank you in a very dire situation and
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a very precarious security situation is to lock. i mean, there's a complete lack of international attention for the sit on crisis and the regional fall off, but you have just been outlining for us if that persist letting mean for those thousands stranded i mean, the government has to be not war for the last 3 years there's only limited resources that the government has to support this we feed, use the un has to be not pending to donors to come to the rescue of this refugees. but at the moment, there is some kind of a donor 5 team that's been going on in this region. if your best to don ourselves, to don, that's of in and some kind of conflicts for so many years. that's why this way, if you use that speaking up, some of them are leaving the comes looking for any kind of support even to not be something wrong and you see them giving and not be something about you see some of
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them coming into hundreds looking for some kind of supports, but again, the to open government has no resources at the moment to support them. but they've been promising to listen to their complaints. several are going to true were joining us from audits of, of regarding yesterday's refugees of stranded in e. c. o p, i don't know how to congress strike right now. thank you so much time or for that update. appreciate it. thank you. now we're back to the united states. we're student workers at several public universities in the us state of california have gone on strike. they say administrators violated their union contracts by calling on police to crank down on protests and supported palestine. ob reynolds reports from los angeles on the campus of the university of california, los angeles, unionized student teachers, researchers and lab assistance set up a pick up line on the very spot where it causes solidarity protests was broken up by riot police. earlier this month. the student workers say their rights were violated then,
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and they are demanding now that the university of california system declare amnesty from reprisals for any students or faculty members who participated in the protests, it means the classes are cancelled and students won't be getting well. first, exams and other tests and, and assignments will not be administered. you know, the university mix diploma is that that's the kind of faster it is. and so if we can withhold the degree of the grades and make a diploma, that's an impact we can have on the functioning of the university. and hopefully, that will push the administration to actually to the university of california says the labor stoppage is illegal because it violates the no straight clause in the union's contract. it asked the state labor board to order workers to hold the strike, but the board refused. strikers, say the university deliberately endangered its own students. you know, there's so much discourse now about your students are feeling unsafe on campus as
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a jewish student. i know why i'm feeling unsafe on campus is because of the costs. it's because of the scale administration. and because of the scientists fashion that they've allowed on campus, the strike is under way it's 3 of the 10 university of california campuses so far with workers at other schools likely to walk out incoming days while the strikes disrupt, the campuses here in california across the country the solidarity protesters were making their voices heard a graduation ceremonies at brown university vote. the protesters drowned out of speech by the university president or at princeton. a small group protested outside the gates of the stadium, where the commencement ceremony was held inside. dozens of graduates wearing could fee is over, their accounts stood and turned their backs on the university's president,
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university administrators may have thought riot police would solve their protest problem, but students continue to find new ways to show their outrage and demand change. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. oh, sorry. a solid arity demonstrators have gathered outside is really embassy and mexico. the action was sparked by israel strikes in southern gaza. the rally began peacefully by turn violent after purchasers through stones at police, who responded with pepper spray and tear gas. on tuesday, mexico said it was seeking to intervene in the south applicants genocide, case against israel before the international court of justice. and big us corporations are relocating some of their manufacturing bases to mexico, which is giving a bruce to the local economy. but many mexican say government is not taking full advantage of this trend, and they want the next president to be elected on sunday to do something about it.
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and money will ever pull reports now from one of mexico's manufacturing hubs. monterey, mexico's industrial capital for years, factories here have been gearing up to capitalize on the economic trend known as near shoring corporations. relocating supply chains to bring manufacturing closer to the united states. one of those companies is iron light, trailers, which builds and exports premium. industrial trailers for sale in the u. s. is not something new for mexico being the manufacturer of the american products. that's something we already know how to do. we have an opportunity. it saves us more and more companies and are leaving asia looking for another place to make a business. it's a natural thing to take a look at mexico. in recent years,
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dozens of us manufacturers have brought their business to this region of mexico. even the automotive julia tesla has plans for construction of a factory on the outskirts of monterey. but some economists argue mexico has failed to fully sees the near shoring opportunity. other countries have grabbed the opportunity to fill contracts. one's held by chinese manufacturers is the main thing. unfortunately, nationally we have not had the desired effective attracting investment that used to go to china. we have captions very low. so just to give you a comparison, as though as attracted 5 times more of these investments than we have mexican businesses, like iron light, trailers say that despite modest growth over the last few years, the impact of new shoring has been negligible. it's clear that manufacturing here in montana today continues to read the benefits of the close proximity with the united states. what's also clear is the lack of optimism when it comes to the
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potential for more significant growth. all 3 of mexico's leading presidential candidates have focused their economic policy proposals and promoting near shoring as a driver for growth and mexico. experts say that well, mexico can still harness the economic trade winds of near shoring the country's next leader will need a concrete strategy for attracting for an investment before the window of opportunity offered by near shoring begins to close. one wizard, up a little alger 0, monterey. the supplies of food and medicine are beginning to arrive and pop on new guineas, land slide hits areas. thousands are estimated to have been killed. and friday's disaster rescue teams are working to recover more bodies in the northern and the province. a government has ordered nearly 8000 people to evacuate their homes. after a warning of more land slides and timelines, the former prime minister sections, general watts,
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has been indicted on charges of insulting the mon. okay. he's accused of committing the offense during a media interview in 2015 tional watch whose political allies are currently in government was sent us to 8 years on separate charges of corruption. after returning from exile in august, his sentence was way to reduce to one year by the king schwartz lawyer says he's innocent. peruse presidents at dina budworth. it is under investigation accused of accepting bribes in the form of luxury watches worth. it was questioned by prosecutors on tuesday for about 3 hours. if sufficient evidence is found. the 61 year old, crude face, and impeachment trial, and be removed as president the scandal erupt in march after trophy of undeclared rolex watches were found in her possession and purchasers and argentina gathered outside a warehouse and went outside us, where the government is storing food a presence, heavier play,
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halted food delay deliveries to soup kitchens in december. local media is reporting that 5 tons of food is being held in to warehouses, and that's sparked an angry backlash. so it had here on al jazeera, in historic glue colombia as congress votes to phase out trees, old tradition, and the defending french open champion, no big chunk of which makes a solid star to this year's time of campaign. we'll hear from in sports with joe the business like this to be sponsored by intellect. tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the business related has to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant.
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the man, it's on now for sport. here's joe play. the thank you very much. hunting flick is exposed to be named is the new head coach of spanish football team. boston right now. the government has already been voted in the city according to media reports. so it has had a mixed last few years. he guided by munich to travel in 2020, but was fired from his most recent position is germany manager following a pool on a foam and shooting a group stage exit at the 2022 woke up. he said to replace a former boss, a head coach chevy who was sacked following a trophy list campaign. cameron's football federation have a pointed martin and tongue group play as manager on an interim basis. at of 2026, well qualifies. next month you replace this belgian coach mark grease following this heat to the exchange between bruce and federation. president samuel. so on tuesday,
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the belgian had been appointed by the country's government without any input from as far as her is currently the subjects have a corruption investigation. but the playing legend says he's been on fairly targeted by african footballs, governing 40 calf problems to for the argentine f i up to 3 members of the women's national score quits before the upcoming friendliest with costa rica. the play as a complaint of not being paid for the matches and also conditions that become in cleaning a lot of adequate foods. they say the tired of being humiliated. the final is the right. the conference leak happens later on wednesday with olympia because looking to become the 1st greek team to win a major european trophy, and then pickups will be taking on fuel regina in the final. the much itself is happening in the greek capsule at the home of an appeal because the city rivals a k, athens authorities occurring as a massive security operation to ensure funds safety. well, the $3000.00 police officers will supposedly be on duty for the game. the biggest
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game in european club football though, takes place on saturday, 14 time champ his right on the grid, take him. but as the adult and london's wembley stadium don't win finish down and faced in the german lake, but a back in his final for the 1st time in more than a decade. yes. so many personal stories in, you know, a dressing room. but the most important thing is that we have our own story. we have a story with ups and downs to in the whole season. we have a story with ups and downs of the last 2 years. we have one of the teams that is selling players by the end of the seasons. we have a team that boots up team to compete every year. but now we are there. we are there and we are facing teams that are built to win the champion sneak when you look at the name from the team about the players. and of course the, the clubs as well. um, of course we will be we will be down the dock. but i think this we proof the season that this is not who we are. i think we face the a lot of times the face opponents that we were considered on the dock,
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but the we proof that we can win against everybody. and so that's the confidence we've built up into the mindset. we go to the game as well. came in and by his age that round the druid paths and assist ginia and g failing him to be named player of the at the european play soccer was in something yes. and it's leak by has just one fixed french leak title with power centureman and his final season with the club, another trophy individual, this time it sort of was a pleasure. i wanna say thank you to my club. i think my president is here. thank you for everything. this amazing club, the best in france, one of the best. and it will be the sites and symbols of cat the n b, a western conference finals. a live with a narrow victory over the dallas mavericks, minnesota, and managed to win game for by 5 points. for the 1st when of the series, which is now 31 to sell us calling. oh, anthony townsend. anthony edwards start on tuesday with 25 and 29 points
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respectively assigned to will meet again. i'm says no time to have any doubts in your mind, especially at this time is game for we down 3. 0 and you know, try and have any doubts. i'm gonna go out there, be aggressive, shoot my shot. like i've been doing all series and, and the confident every shot i shoot, defending french open champion. no joke of it says he won't get too excited just yet. so after reaching the 2nd round in paris, the welcome one shrugged off doubts about his phone with a straight sits when a get back in the 1st round on to say he struggled a little in the 2nd set eventually coming through a tie, break, and clinch the much 647664. to commit choose 124 grandson titles haven't reached the final yet. this season lindsay carlo rome engineering tournament started really well to me. old 1st matches, i played were great. and then i, the 2nd matches the matches were was,
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was quite different. so i don't want to get too excited. friends names of the ones that are basically are getting me up from the beds every day is knowing that i have to keep the practice courts. i always think about what i can do in grand slam. so here i am and you know, hopefully i can have a, another deep run. and finally, one of the biggest things in women's gulf is retiring at the age of $29.00. lexi thompson, who's 115 lpga tul titles, says this, it will be her last to play a full schedule. the american chose the us women's, open, the majors she 1st played when she was just 12 years old. to make the announcements . it has been a long journey. i don't think a lot of people realize that i've been out here since i've 15 years old and i've known only professional golf life in junior golf. amat or golf being on the road. i feel like i'm at a point in my life where it is time to just step away from a full time schedule. um, you know there's, there's more things to life than going through
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a tournament every week and doing the same training every day. there's just, there's just more to it. all right, that is all useful. now it is back to layla. thank you so much so greatly appreciate it. now south korea's military says dozens of balloons carrying waste were sent over the border from north korea. by mcbride reports now from sol. the people living in boulder areas got that 1st warning. go back to this launch on tuesday night with the general, the light being sent to everybody's phones, and initially mistakenly describing this is an ad, right of the which created a certain amount of confusion and panic. but describing how dozens of balloons had been detected, being launched from the north with people being willing to stay away from them and to report them to the all star at these. north korean defect is living in the south, and other activists have regularly launched balloons over the years into the knolls carrying propaganda aimed at the north korean regime. the most recent of these
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launches was apparently just a couple of weeks ago. and the north has promised a response saying that it would be sending balloons of its own carrying what it described as waste paper and bills without going into exactly what that feels would be. but this has been so far this week, fairly acrimonious in terms of integrating relations that began on monday with a try lateral summit here being hosted by the south end involving china and japan, which didn't please north korea, which chose monday to launch a spice satellite, which failed to reach whole but with the rocket, disintegrating just off the launch that into and then provoked a response from the south with a show of force with an ad drill involving it spiked the jets which has since been condemned by north korean leader kim jong. and as a dangerous publication run, mcbride, i'll just era. so in columbia, as congress bound bull fighting on tuesday, phone years of failed attempts to prohibit the activity,
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it was one of just 8 countries in the world where the support was still legal. less on the ramp, yet he has more now from being cut off. really after years of strain, use political battles. columbus congress banned bull fighting. nationwide. it brings to in, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers. that is spit, man against fools. ever since once popular entertainment has been losing sands in recent years, as low as courts and municipal governments prohibited the events on ethical grounds during getting to a pastime for a small lease in the country. is to this victory, reevaluate the culture we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the next generations will grow up in a country with culture will define things much more creatively than torturing animals to the amusement of
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a few insensible people. supporters in detractors of the tradition squared off in congress lowers house before the long delayed boat, etc. the my daughter cooled romantic dean, a 2nd generation bullfighter proudly showed us pictures of a states. he says, he dedicated his entire life to the bulls case, the sound, okay. the hardest part of the prohibition is that even if they help us find another job, even if i find something that pays me better, i simply don't understand life for the bull fighting the sensation. i feel when the bull passes alongside me, is something i will not find anywhere else. the law proposes banning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers must have t y because on the 5th generation,
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both reader gonzales sense the something like the knowledge that bull fighting official, now those are a dying breed, but the leads the law will mean and then for the annual together myers if that alaska. yeah, cadillac for k, this breakable exist to fighting. and the cow is kind of the use of milk for us. these boys are like god, who instead of dying and as low to house, like most animals, have an opportunity to defend themselves even save their lives. and up in the remaining fighting those in columbia will likely end up being sold in other countries where the practice continues. or that see that this boat confirms that this old tradition which used to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. allison, the b a. d. i just eat, i will go down. and that's it for me, for this is our and associates, hey, we'll be back in
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a moment with more of today's the on june 2nd, mexico's head to the poles, to elect a new president. with 2 leading female candidates. the country has points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating violence color to mexico presidential election on al jazeera, brutal mode is to take 9 to the country and k o l g 0. well, goes to government with political schools in the 1980s, with 2nd by assessments. there was a big back. so coming a battle in which south humans president was part of a deputy da. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of south human. the politicians during a routine cabinet. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera. being a journalist is
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a privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4. is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide the floods from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al,
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jazeera of the is there any forces moved further into central and western parts of rasa? almost all the hospitals in gauze, southern most city are out of stuff. the color that i missed on see attain. this is all just there at life from the also coming. know where it's safe and garza was, is there a speech to survive? is it in his really strikes had killed at least $21.00 palestinians and accounts


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