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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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stealing his own more scar creates a fictional character that uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey. the israel's military pushes further into central in western rasa. most hospitals and gaza southern city are barely functioning the single venue. good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life and also coming up is really ground forces. why didn't their results on the rasa, claiming full operational control of the border area with egypt. algeria introduces a un security council resolution ordering israel to stop. it's military offensive
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and rough immediately and a high turn out reported in south africa in an election that could see the governing amc party lose its hold on power the . it's 1900 gmc, that's 10 pm in gaza, where at least 25 pounds seniors have been killed across the strip since early on wednesday. 15 were killed in russell. the is really military is moving its forces further into the central and western parts of rasa. city in the south because the strip who already has this report from there about the dangers, talk for billions, choose driving through the streets and reflect to reach the injured they find one man with charco for nearly 8 months now they've dealt with this concept. so of that
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are people the so that the, the we are receiving human is costs for health, from citizens as part of targeting to just keep people in these areas that this thing even under safe areas. and then the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas is great to, to, to the targeting of emergency jobs. and i used to do a complement of civil defense of the truck in the face i'm getting into is are filled with people needing medical house. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now, this is what happened. and the old man got shopping in his head. i thought a morality hospital medics to what they can do, treat the wounded. it's the same for the few hospitals, so operating across cause a with the shortage of beds and medicines. i think group team cause a hospital south for newness. some patients are having to be treated the for the situation is no different here in the hospital. a desperate attempt to save lives
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with a few resources left in the city. i just see that there is, but i got upon the sign is really is expanding its military operation in central in west. and rafa the military says it is in full operation control of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia card or you see it there on the map. the area is 14, call it as long. it's intended to be a demilitarized buffer zone running along the border between gods and egypt. o, israel has been announced as you are from reporting there, so, so high, right? has the latest from the jordanian capital em. the whole thing too is really sosa, is uh, being uh, mentioned in his writing media were yet to see the official statement. but they're now saying that they have full operational control, a ball, a tiny area. they said that's closer to the coast line, but they said that that's not a problem because they're already surrounding that area. the most i said that they found 20 tunnels going to sign on and that's on the other side on the egyptian
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border, according to these relatives, they're saying that they're in communication with egyptian is to let them know about this. the saying that these tunnels have been used to smuggle weapons, and this is how, how mazda has been able to obtain some of those weapons during this war, since it started back in october. and now that they found these tunnels, the thing that they should stem, the flow of what happens in well acquire a big accusation that because that would assume that that's under the noise is the objections way yet, see from the egyptian is on that's up. but also saying that they found real kit launches and this was an area that was used. it seems a buy from us according to these is rating sources of being quoted. and also say the. 6 perhaps how mazda has been able to help us, why has been able to have those real quick launches, that thinking that they are the right near the egyptian border, not would somehow protect them from a full is rating a. so that's the situation that we know that those types was seen yesterday in
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central rafa. and also a statement actually from hers. the, i love you, that's the chief of stops speaking to troops within a southern, a rough last name that we all have for several reasons. first the, this is the last time us brigade left, he says with full capabilities. so we want to dismantle the roof, big brigade and that this is a top priority for as well. and a reminder, again to the as really government has banned alpha 0 from operating there. so we're reporting from outside israel. while the united nations security council has meant to discuss the deteriorating situation in gaza. algeria is set to propose a draft security council resolution calling for israel to stop the killing and rough ambassadors condemned israel's attack on attempt camp and rough on sunday, which killed 45 people. we decided to go to virginia a cause responsible member of the security council. and with the support of the auto group has decided to submit the off to the
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solution and everyone in discounts and to ensure that it's the responsibility. we hope that these gold size that off, that is lucian, can gather the support of everyone in this concept. well, well, of what the nice lady offensive and what that would mean. no pool is such a defensive and yet is while proceed with the consequences that your old full so available human suffering is on one spell. this thing is to understand that if they remain in gaza, that is the feat, death, or displacement. maybe i should say, death and displacement displacement and when would it be enough?
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what other level of cruelty must be leached before this assault is finally blocked to and then there is no deadline imposed by legality of actuality humanity. that is why it has not cost if there's now costing the red line set by the entire world on the left side. and it is the duty of this concert to uphold. that's what line the human lives at stake to uphold. that's what line and to take decisive action to force is way to hold its military offensive and to a low it's occupation forces and to ensure an immediate cease fire. the impose have now closed in south africa's general election of president, serial, around the post as african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time in 3 decades. soaring unemployment, rolling power cuts in violent crime are key issues among voters. miller has this
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report from so what the immediate payoff, the cost of these votes, and so little presidents over on the plaza, was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decides decides on the future of our country, who should lead the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart of hearts that the people will once again, invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition. its government for 50 years with much of its support tracing back to
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its origins as the liberation movement, opposing apartheid in south africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time. it's obviously a 1st time and we don't really understand. so you know, what kind of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can draw and research pretty as a democracy is a very long way that'd be, is tom. so i just want to continue to help our country getting better. but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may stay away from the polls. a high unemployment rate, especially among the young, is an good many of them to use uh, an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely your to identify with the agency for historical reasons. moreover, about 7 or 8000000 young south africans under fuzzy have declined to register for
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this word. so i stood of the eligible voting population. i'm not registered, they didn't effect and that back on electro deluxe. so address issues like corruption, lack last day, economy constant, paul, look at some crime, a likely to influence their vote. opposition parties are hoping for a high turnout at the polls to produce support and other things, and know what turnouts may save of the governing proxy. as many of it's supposed to have a long been loyal to wait, but many of the voters is spoken to say they will change. the most significant change may be the end of one party dominance and uncertainty 3 a and c, and it's lead a suitable remo plaza for read them a low to 0. so at the best cross houses here as mike hannah, who's in mid ran following the vote. so mike polling stations were scheduled to close now, but i understand and actually i'm looking behind you. i see long lines of what i believe are voters. so i, so i guess the polling is the voting is continuing,
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this is the table, the polls close 10 minutes ago, but it has been announced that anybody who's in a 2 at the time that the polls pros, a will be able to vote. it's going to be a long, long time before everybody who's in this mess up here behind me gets to. but let's speak to a couple of voters. here's a 1st time folk to how excited all you about the cost of the excited. i'm very excited with my 1st time i'm going to vote, i think you this kind of been fuse. yes. them that we're seeing in the voting lines for you. how important is it to see this amount of people coming? i'm excited to see a lot of people come out to me, that's about time that we have changed in this country. and i'm really proud that people came out to come and vote units come and make a change. yeah, you know, we need change. we're tired when you change. thank you so much going to and your friends now. so you up to having waited that long, but just to give you some idea of how long this queue is. if you take
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a look at this, nearly mt, but it's very, very, very quickly. so here we see the last voltage. i'm afraid that that caught me completely by surprise. they moved incredibly quickly. so the kind of delays at the way, expecting here some not as bad as it would be. but mike, so we run us through a net look. so it, look, it's funny, but actually it's my understanding is that there was a late surge in voters, which i think is still partly what you're seeing. right. because polls are supposed to close looking at the clock 12 minutes ago, and people are still queueing. yes indeed, i mean that was the late serge and the independence electoral commission confirmed that not only at this opposing station but opposing stations across the country, they were delays through the course of the day. but also they have been this late serge. um, even though many businesses are close today, they are still somebody went to work, they could only get to work off the the uh,
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work had finished, but i must say, i got to mention again, how is standard i am the to move so quickly. um some clearly a move to the head, but do we have now a situation where it's going pretty on time? so be kind of delays as that were expected at this posting station to also to said other polling stations, i understand at least expected the delays to push back the official announcement. but that is may not be the case. now we're still looking at the hours obviously before the boat so collected, and it will be days before this a formal and official pronouncements of the a vote. but now we're looking at perhaps indications. so certainly we will have very clear trends in terms of what does happen in the selection in probably the next 18 to 24 hours. okay, well that's really good to know. thank you very much mike. hannah,
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they are reporting from mid red on the south african general election. thank you very much. mike. of the still ahead on alpha 0, ukraine's president bought him. your zaleski calls for a change of strategy and a war against the russian forces. the, you're just in time for your weather update across europe in africa. and while we've got a bubble of heat through the baltic states, spell the roots and western rush, i mean re good. you could hit 30 degrees for the 1st time this year. last year you didn't hit 30 degrees until mid july, so in the thick of summer we're not even into summer yet. now speaking of temperatures, since heat, now let's go to the idea of 31 degrees and this been on thursday, but we'll keep this try and go in even more. how about 35 on friday, dark the read the hotter it is and that 35 degrees could be good enough for
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a new record as you and hope the month of may on friday 1st. if summer is on saturday. okay. here's where it gets a bit messy. rain rolling through switzerland. we've got a pretty heavy pocket of rain as well along the border with hungry and romania. st goes for poland as well. but that will do little to press down your temperatures. a slug of rain, southern searcy around on talia that will make its way up to the black sea coast and to africa. we go, the heats been blasting through, sudan chad. any share in fact for ne, ne share, we set a record hottest me day on record, but 48 degrees the other day. let's go to the south. big change and this temperature is for cape town, 18 degrees, but a painting. your turn comes a day later on friday. you've got a quote, wind out of the south bye for now. the team in the gaza strip is there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media,
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and it needs to be question, sustains coverage set to actively humanize as waves and actively use humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best the the you're watching elsewhere 0. our headlines this hour is really forces have killed $22.00 palestinians across gauze on wednesdays. 15 of them in russell, more than 1000000 people have been forced to leave the southern city in the past 3 weeks. is really ground forces,
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say they're pushing deeper into rafa. they're claiming to be in full operational control of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia car door. it's supposed to be demilitarized under a deal with egypt. south africa's electro commission says that there's been a high turn out in the general election. polls have closed in most places, but the electoral commission says those waiting and long lines will be able to cast their vote. let's stay with our top story displace palestinians in rafa say that they there are no so called safe zones anywhere in the gaza strip officer as ashcroft. i'm ro went to a make shift camping on the wasi in the south after and is really strike killed at least 21 palestinians. he spoke to some who survived tuesday's attack. this is his report, a number and you did see heavy an o gotten with the way you did it. the other one up there was that a b and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the israeli forces in less than 48
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hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after the is really military, designated safety, monetary and zone. thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter in a minute. how many of your family members have been killed. 2 my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life. i lost a piece of my heart. what do these riley's want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary? good. i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them. for the, the is really is claims that were off, it was safe. 2 the items that we were warned to leave tennessee dot
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and we did to did in bella, and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire gauze. a strip displacement is not a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony, sab, god beyond the, what is your message to the world? oh, absolutely, no. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony, taste, the same bitterness. feel the same pain we experienced the dead, gabriella. i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up west of rough or shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rome for the, for the air strikes carried out by the is really war plans were intense funding, so i'll show the photos upon the behind. i said, if we don't go far in the most of those killed were women and children, children were always playing here. they were all turned to pieces. body parts.
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scott said all over the place, women and innocent children, there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims families were displaced from all shots, the area, and cause a city. it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to court and i say or not . if you had the month because they it, as is clearly noticeable, there is no safe entering the entire gaza strip displaced peoples tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land and warships from the sea. the is really air strikes or intensifying, well targeting mainly displaced civilians and i still have a blah, blah. this is just the, all my life, the alpha a palestinian, some guys are experiencing a major shortage of medicine and medical supplies. the delivery of life saving 8 into the strip has reduced sharply under is really restrictions delays. and now the military incursion into rafa and gases displacement camps, pharmacists,
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struggles to help an ever expanding population of sick and wounded. are a couple of whom reports. this a small tent is the only place displace palestinians and garret black and get much needed medicine box quickly running out of the lot file most children's medicine along with those for chronic and acute diseases. i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any 400 are many of the injured pots of dead bodies amputated and need dentist fedex. but these items are totally out of stock. small as you would talk to. yeah, he took all the medicine he could carry you when he fled, is very bombardments and the noise on that. and i used to own a farm or something cause a city it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk. we had is made shift, pharmacy only has toppling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's become
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a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the head start off on many items must be kept in low temperature and we do not have a cooler full. so we are surrounded by wasting the garbage. we are in 5th and 6th and the flies and mosquitoes is very hard to know. but we are doing our very best to some of our community and provide the best possible medical assistance to the accounts client temperatures. m a with a short 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps is really a tax on hospitals and restrictions on the into your aid have left most of the district just medical work is unable to cope since as will began is encouraging and rough i fairly of this month the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area with much of goes as many
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coca and for us the truck chat rooms are due to the east venue, relentless attacks palestinian pharmacists have a fee to be to pick and let's hope for old garza's best place assemblies are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperatures affect to ations that negatively when medicine storage power supplies, doing i would just be around there with the palestine, spain as prime minister has welcome foreign ministers of the arab islamic ministerial committee on guys a day after his government officially recognized the state of palestine. hetero. sanchez is hosting the foreign ministers of katara jordan saudi arabia and spare key a in madrid. spain island in norway formerly recognized the palestinian states on tuesday. the green president voted him years the lensky is seeking the approval of allies to use. the weapons that they funded to directly hit russian territory. russian president vladimir putin,
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his warrant of serious consequences. if missiles cross the border, john homeland reports from keith, president followed them, is lensky. he's travelling round europe. so i mean weapons deals with belgium, port to golden spain agreement. but it's not just um, she probably needs, he says, but changes to how it's allowed to use the to strike. increasingly he's government speaking against the band, particularly from the us using the width and zip provides to a tech russian territory. and navid just the bunch of storage, even from recognizance, you get maps, satellite images, but you cannot respond to. i think it's unfair, but we cannot. and this is a fact risk the support of our partners. and that is why we do not use the weapons of our partners on the territory of the russian federation. please give us the opportunity to retaliate against their military sol. ukrainian officials say that means that con, still russian troops that it knows a massing on its border before they cross or talk me. so launching sites if this is
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increasingly european allies are changing that positions. britson gave the green light for you, cranium, forces to use its weapons inside russia. earlier in may now serve his friendship president emanuel mack, chrome should, so not even the tunnel of punches, we tells them what supplying you with weapons, but you cannot defend yourselves. we stayed exactly within the same framework. we think that we should allow them to neutralize the ministry sites from which the missiles, a fire, other european countries like suite to have done likewise. but the biggest weapons provided to you, crime by fall is the united states and sofa despite already sending the country long range missiles is resisting a nearby. this was the white house verdict on tuesday. i want to just sort of where the interest that presence of warranty is expressed in this regard. i would tell you that there's no change to our policy. at this point. we don't encourage your enable the use of us supplied weapons to strike inside russia. this new box with us
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has reportedly worried about escalation. and so it should says president vladimir putin laptops within the representatives of nato countries, especially in europe, especially in small countries. they should be aware of what they are playing with before talking about striking russian territories. in general, this constant escalation can lead to serious consequences. meanwhile, ukraine continues on the box to have an ongoing brushing defensive in the how to keep region. and it says more troops messing at its nose in boulder, on the home. and how does it keep? nearly 3000 sitting these refugees stranded in ethiopia, have now been on a hunger strike for nearly a week. more than 5000. they're being held in camp. sundry fuel being controlled and for us in the am how our region, the board, a sedan there protesting against their detention and the lack of food and medicine . they fled, deteriorating humanitarian conditions that another camp earlier this month. as
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the we less becomes an flood for our lives, we will pull to, to many organizations about the lack of security. as the rapid support full system comes, shoot on us, the low valuables, break women, and take all children into servitude. no response was received from any organizations. that's why we were forced to leave. we and all stranded in the woods without security or food. even clean water is not available. although by the time the units suit in these refugees are living in dire and complicated conditions here in one of them are as forest pictures, speak volumes for 2 weeks, those refugees are left exposed to the elements. the rainy season started in the total absence of the you and hcr, or the youth european government, about $5000.00 refugees are left without shelter, food, water,
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or even security lava. and the jury and donald trump, the so called hush, money trail has begun deliberating. he is facing $34.00 felony charges, accused the falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film star stormy daniels during the 2016 presidential election campaign. the payments were allegedly meant to prevent daniels from going public about her claims of an affair . after leaving the court room on wednesday, trump again called the trial unfair and said the charges or ring he has pleaded not guilty to all charges. you have a trial like this. it's a disgrace and i mean the temperatures in northwest daily of hits 52.9 degrees celsius. that's the highest temperature ever recorded in india. the intense heat wave is straining power grids and causing
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water shortages. nationwide, india often suffers scorching summer temperatures. but years of research have found that climate change is causing more frequent heat waves that are lasting longer and are more intense. volcano in south western iceland is erupt in for the 5th time since december, the new fisheries shooting lava, about 15 meters into the air. the nearby town of glinda, vic and a geothermal spa resorts have been evacuated by students. major a logical office reported intense earthquake activity and the lead up to the rush and mexicans will likely elect their 1st female president on sunday candidates. claudius shine balm and such shield galvis are leading in the polls and mexico, where more than 70 percent of women and girls have already experienced gender based violets. alpha 0 spoke to the female voters of different generations on their expectations for the new government. it's all like it that it is. so you dean. my
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name is gina a few years ago. i quit my job and started my own business. got it all. i could find me numbers. maria. hi, my name is mary. yeah, i am a lawyer and an artist. i work in the hotel business and i have my own online store . the situation for women and mexico's for risk. the fact that 11 no 12 women are killed every day in mexico just for being women is horrendous. if you guys can step out of the security situation has gotten out of the hands of the government. they are hoping criminals will kill each other . so organized crime is taken root in small towns, so people had to flee and leave their homes go good. mexico has improved in certain areas, but issues like massage any and violence against women are still widespread. so let's hope that will change with the 1st female president. when comes they the candidates to have had.


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