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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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a listening close, special on us to 0. the dozens of palestinians are killed across garza as is right of ground forces. why didn't their results on rough claiming full control of the buddha area with egypt? the i, my name's a business out there in life from day or so. coming off the series of is, randy raids across the occupied west bank sense of the may just fly out of vegetable market in ramallah. the accounting is on the way with south africa's governing amc facing it's the biggest electrical challenge since the end of the pump size and little hope of finding some volume is re reports from the remote
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vintage and pop and you're getting which was hit by a mass of landside news . hello, welcome to the program. we begin in gaza, whether he's already on me says it's carried out 50 strikes across the street in the last 24 hours. the fighting is really bombardment is continuing in rafa with 12 palestinians killed since early 1st day. so i submitted, she pushes further into the southern city, the shelling on tallow. so tom and el milwaukee has been relentless. both these areas have come under attack in the past few days. meanwhile, in the north of the strip, there's also been repeated attacks. basically he and your body a refugee camps have both been hit by is rarely shells, least full palestinians have been killed when the house was shelled in out. and is there a refugee camp which is in central gaza?
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people all fleeing once again and casualties on mounting mostly civilians. now on wednesday, is there any forces targeted in ambulance in tell also town area west of ross. i kidding. 2 paramedics, the palestinian red crescent society says israel's target to the vehicle while they were performing the duties. a leisurely ministry is expanding its operation. also in central and western russia, the army says it is in full control of the board area with egypt, which is known as the philadelphia car door. now the area runs 14 kilometers along the border between garza and egypt, and it is intended to be a demilitarized buffer zone that's big now. so how do you my mood? he is lonely for us in there all by the in central garza. so lots of developments in terms of the facing. let's start with the south honey. what move can you tell me about the, is there any on these movements that the
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yes, so what we learned so far is that these really military is expanding, get that the scale and the range of it's, are tillery ceiling all the way to the, the, the central part of the city with much intensity, a magnitude of the destruction that is caused by your delivery selling and reaching as far as a very close area to where the remaining of that displays have. families are still in the west front part of robust city, mainly in robust milwaukee evacuation. so we're looking at is huge and lots of people have started to leave the area as it's becoming increasingly quite difficult . it's important to point out and put a context to what's going on. the area with today's really military took over, that's a long day. it gives you a rough border. that's the philadelphia core door. it's up in terms of elevation. it's a higher area compared to the remaining part of the city,
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particularly to the west. so couple parents on these and these little hills and are those southern parts very close to the philadelphia where a door can take control. uh, the of the, of the rest of the overall by city at every part of the western part of the, within the range of the, of the shelves are fired by the time sort by, by the artillery. and that's where it's increasingly becoming unsafe, particularly the area that has been designated as a safe zone for people who've been filtering inside their tents for the past months . and since the beginning of, of this didn't inside the war. now this is really military taken over of the philadelphia core door. not only is in making it quite difficult for the 2 crossings. that's rough are crossing on that kind of mobile setting crossing to operate. but it also delays the re efforts of re operating and allow much, much needed humanitarian aid right now. the past almost 20 days was due to an
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ongoing go obstruction and ongoing the blockade. on the, in 3 of the humanitarian aid, there are not right now and not being able to, uh, the uh, to be sent to either uh the uh, the southern part or for the northern part that has been experiencing a fabbing old old start all again. uh, as in the past, a few months there uh, increasingly lack of basic necessities everywhere in the end, across the gods trip. so far we looked at at least a 20 plus people have been killed from over night attacks then within the past as well, at hours with more injuries. but those a 20 plus people killed are the one collected identified by the health. eh, for the medical to stop, and there are still more people that as we heard from the permit, expand the uh, the, the civil defense, the crew members undergrad. there's still more people under the rumbles, and we're expecting to the number to increase. one thing that we know for sure
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right now is the patterns of attacks then bombing across the reference city is designated to make the city uninhabitable. within the coming days, there's more military pressure in the grant, forcing people into further internal displacement. thank you for that. and honey, my me with that for us in 0 balance, central gaza, i was hunting, was describing the palestinians in gauze, experiencing shortages on many fronts, including shortages of medical supplies. the delivery of live saving 8 into the strip has reduced sharply on the is riley restrictions and delays as military and cousins in russia. in displacement times pharmacist, a struggling to help the ever increasing numbers of sick and wounded people talked about was doing reports. there's a smoke tent is the only place displaced, palestinians, and garret bella can get much needed medicine box quickly running out other. it's not fun. most children's medicine along with those for chronic and acute diseases.
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i've totally gone. also anesthetics that not available in any for many of the injured had pots of dead bodies amputated and need dentist fedex. but these items that totally out of stock correspond with dr. yes, he took all the medicine he could carry you when he fled, is barely bought. mentioned the nose on that. i used to own a farm or something cause a city. it was destroyed by these really forces. this is what is left of this talk . we had is made shift, pharmacy only has toppling into it to protect it from the weather. yet it's become a lifeline for doses assemblies. so how do we on the test, how many items must be kept in low temperature? and we do not have a cooler full so we are surrounded by waste and garbage. we are in 5th and 6th, and the flies and mosquitoes. it is very hard to know that we are doing our very
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best to some of our community to buy and provide the best possible medical assistance. so they may buy accounts, huntington practice, and i want to show 2 types of fees of outbreaks of disease among the thousands living in displacement camps. is really a tax on cost. the tools and restrictions on the interior of 8 have left most of the strips made to come, work is unable to cope. since as will began, is encouraging and rough. i thoroughly of this month. the world health organization says only 3 of its 8 trucks have been able to enter the area with much of gauze as medical care infrastructure rooms are due to the east venue, relentless attacks. palestinian pharmacist have a fee to be the p can hope for old gauze is does place assemblies that are trying to provide them with lifelines as they are trying to find power outages and even extreme temperature effect to ation. that's negatively when medicine,
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storage power is about as boone, which is 0 there with the palestine. the is really ministry, says 2 of its soldiers have died of wounds sustained in a call running attack in the occupied westbank and took place near nicholas on wednesday. this early forced his way to the city in search of the suspect who has reportedly turned himself into the palestinian authority. now as we've been reporting out, is there a has band out? is there a from reporting inside israel, which is why all correspond? emerald calling is following developments out of amman. and jordan. of these randy only have made an initial investigation. and what they've said is the soldiers were hidden. they have the town of nablus. they will actually examining another car, and the soldiers nearby didn't open fire of the perpetrator. they say, because they didn't understand what happened. and that allowed the man to get away after that running attack. the actually ended it with the desk of those 2 soldiers
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that according to a security sol, as is speaking to is really media the drive that has turned himself into the palestinian authority on wednesday night. but has yet to be handed over to israel. also another soldier died in northern garza. so that brings the total out of sight fall since october, the 7th and the war and go on goes to $640.00 is ready. so just that and just over 3300 injured. at least randy ministry has also conducted a series of raids across cities in the occupied westbank of these all the themes in ramallah where it's rarely falls. this storm, the area of firing bullets, done grenades and tig gas. munitions caused a major fire at a vegetable market, at least one palestinian was injured. majority forces of also rated car and c exchange offices, including in ramallah, seizing equipment and files and arresting several workers. as get more of these
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developments with need to abraham, she is live in ramona for us need a. so let's start with the situation of the vegetable market. what exactly happened was, what we believe has happened is after these really forces rated the 80 i inquired, state of gas grenades and some were need that the location a major fire broke house. the problem is that the palestinian civil defense team, the firefighters were not able to come here and put all the files until after these really rates has ended. and these really sol just have left seeing that this is why we're seeing them now. still struggling to put all the fire. that's not just the only hit the vegetable market, but also the building. that's our next to it. as i'm doing here now by the shop owner who used to have and still have really own the sobs that were damaged. the said, as long as it's in the student, can you please tell us on this?
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how do you uh, how did you come to them about the apply a we were sleeping on suspects and you a about a 4 o'clock in the morning. we heard that on the it was that the marketplace was on fire. we rushed here and we were shocked to see the fire. hi collinsville fly out of flaming and sliding. that 1st and 2nd floor of the next building up to the 3rd floor of the vase in buildings with on file i o and city solves to governments and one for selling. so it was in addition to it, the vending platforms so solid. and what are you able to date, your shops as we speak, i'm not able to duty to them that the sobs on the 1st and 2nd floors are totally consumed governed up by fire. i have said, what about uh, what can you do? this is my life time savings um on the 32 years of old,
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since i was 13 years of age, i started my business. we managed to buy a couple of jobs and we started our business. that is, a loss is as about $350000.00. we have been the stocking all our goods. we imported goods from daycare, so i, in on our subs where all of are packed with stock simply because we're preparing for the next season. that's why the losses are very big. so as you heard there, it's a situation where palestinians are facing losses every day. and that comes on top of the difficult economy situation that has already been excessive after the war started. and it's a we were also discussing the, the money exchanges. why have they've been targeting,
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why the is really only been targeting money exchanges in the model. what we've seen, these really armies are getting money. exchange stops all over the occupies westbank. but he had, under my law since the beginning of the water and gaza, 3 palestinian exchange shops have been targeted. and one of them just recently now the thread that took place after midnight included the rate of aetna by the exchange shop. and also another one, where do we believe and also a that worked as have been addresses as well according to what the sources there are still the these where the army says these exchange shops are transferring money to terrorist organizations. namely, they're talking about a mass party and its affiliates working here in the occupied with bank. of course, we've been trying to speak to the owners of deals, exchange shops. they say they don't want to speak on capital. so we believe this is
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part of the feeder that is tied to jason, but i'm these ready for these. so it is a difficult situation here. and really, even if the target was the food shops, you can see regular people, people who are really making the big for, for some of them. this is the only way for them to making the big is out. they lost their income, they lost all of their live saving, as we've just heard here from. and i would have guess. thank you for that. need to bring that for us in ramallah are still ahead on the al jazeera course in hong kong convicts for team pro democracy activism. the ton is national security. oh the hello oh, you're dialed into your weather report. taking this one off in australia so there's
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been much needed rain and w a and also south australia as well. all had to do with this band of rain that pretty much now is draped from the kimberly rate to new southwell state and across the tasman, all of this. what weather is now pouring into new zealand, south island. so ahead of it this weekend, we've got rain and wind alerts for the south island for the southern lp's and a warm breeze here. so that's really pumping up your temperatures across both islands. let's go 20 degrees and gets been on friday. pretty incredible stuff. okay, for this part of southeast asia, it's really west kelly montana on borneo island. we've got the biggest verse of rain, but north of this we could have something here, a spin up into a tropical storm in the south china sea. now whether it does or doesn't already, it's throwing a lot of rain into china is happening island and southern china, where there has been some funding in gwen g providence, some pretty fear storms around hong kong as well. and all of this pores into se china and food and providence are tropical storm pass. seen just to the east of japan in the pacific here. it's gonna throw
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a lot of rain for that pacific coast of japan. so what day on friday in tokyo, but this one's a quick mover, so you'll see an improvement in the conditions past the end of the day. on friday the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the watching out is there a mind to thoughts of the story? is this our the is really on the says is carried out 50 strikes across the street for the last 24 hours facing is really bombardment is continuing in rafa with 12 palestinians killed since early on this day. don't wednesday, is there any forces boomed to a palestinian red crescent vehicle? kidding 2. paramedics is where the ministry is carried out. raids across the occupied westbank targeting currency exchange offices for any forces seized equipment and files and arrested several employees. tanya is present g
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aging paying has called for the establishment of an independent palestinian state and promise more aid for people in gaza. you may be announcement during the summit to the leaders of our states in beijing. mcbride reports meeting every 2 years. this is the 10 summit of the china arab cooperation for a dig comes as paging, seems keen to demonstrate its close this to our states and support for the palestinian cause to move on tending just shoot you any. a china family supposed establishment of an independent state of palestine that enjoys foods of it. based on the 1967 bought us. i know if i get the slip assets capital who supports us styles full membership in the u. n. on supports a more broad based upon what sort of data for an effective international peace conference, as well as calling for an immediate cease by china has pledged millions of dollars and emergency humanitarian assistance to gaza. many adult pop up and worked on my,
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i'd call them the international community to fulfill the model and dig into responsibility to stop just brutally slightly walk up and immediately provide for, along with them q man getting assistance. and they slowly see china has been expanding its influence in the middle east as that of it's us. rivals has waned during the war last year, the aging broker, the landmark reconciliation between a ron and saudi arabia, of china is willing to work with that of countries to strengthen communication and coordination and multi latch or platform. select the united nations of jointly advocating for world multilateralism of equality in order opposing his gym and is in power politics. china has also promised for the cooperation with arab states on oil and gas production and large scale infrastructure investments. rob mcbride out
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as their officials in public any say they don't expect to find survivors following a massive landslide and the village last week. the government estimates over 2000 people may have been buried alive, and a few bodies have been with compet. tanya bell has moved from me and bonnie village and nga prevents as i met young valley village in the west and reach us of the inner province in the highlands of poplar new guinea. and this is the point where the land slide has come down the hill and cuts the highway off cutting off access to the rest of the province. from here, the scale of this land slide is on price it into the an angle province. this is one of the most remote pots of pop. when you get a relief, has been very smart to arrive. today, we saw a strange in i'd come in the 1st international i to reach here. they've sent 12 disaster relief specialists, as well as much needed supplies. we also saw that on either side on the land slide does off the area makes if tents have been set up to cater for the casualties which
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are coming in. what we've seen here today is people in the state of shock. people is slowly sort of coming to terms with what's been going on here, the tanya brown out a 0 annual provence when you're getting the in. the accounting is on the way in south africa's general election president, sarah, run the poses african national congress is facing its face, this challenge and such a yes. so we're going, unemployment unrolling, power counselor among the main concerns for many versus 18, was extended in some areas, due to a large turnouts. that's close to for mr. miller, who's out the results operation center. so submit a indication, saw that 10 up was extremely high. that seems to be the case and that's what we're hearing from the independent
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initial commission given that the had to extend whole to now was late and to wednesday evening for some posting stations all was off today was supposed to have closed, but we also know that from the commission that as long as people were in the queue to vote, they would be allowed to do so, no matter how long it took. but of course the number of people coming out potentially far exceeding estimates from the i z and analysts. we've spoken to here and we've heard from it says that it really is a show of a vibrant democracy and people's enthusiasm are all coming up coming out to vote, but also potentially wanting to make their mark against the african national congress. perhaps wanting to vote in the votes for opposition parties because they're unhappy with some of those issues that you mentioned because of things like those shooting, known as low cheating. the electricity cuts in south africa, the high unemployment rate di crime rates,
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a number of issues that people are disgruntled about and where they're looking for change was so to me want to empower opposition parties to allow for some sort of developments around the african national congress not this point. we have about 40, excuse me, 14 percent of the votes counted, it's very early days. and at this point, the african national congress is about 40 to extensive votes and the official opposition. the democratic alliance, 26 percent of the votes behind them. so we are looking at some sort of shakeup, certainly perhaps the end of one party dominating the political landscape in south africa. okay, thank you for that for mr. miller, that for us, at the results operation center. now to whom comb with 14 pro democracy activists have been found guilty of finalizing the national security, you know, pushed through by beijing the charge of stem from that campaign in cooling,
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for independent elections in the territory. there. i'm on the 47 activist, arrested under the law in 2021. as you want to plead guilty and all wasting sentencing to was acquitted in person is the asia director of human rights watch and says the convictions come as no surprise as the active as ranging in age from the twenty's to the sixty's in a $47.00 in total on trial, so this is a large trial. we have a form in this, we have a former journalist, you have people who a lawyer is academics. so i think this is a really broad section of people in phone call. and i think that's actually what made the home call authorities so afraid that the democratic movement has to be full support. what they were doing was they were trying to get aging to live up to its obligation to give home phone people universal suffrage. so they organized back in 2020 and informal time range. so it's 600000 people participated in that. um and that is something that, you know, honestly, it shouldn't really be controversial. but obviously in,
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on the phone they want it to send a message. and so they've been tried for sufficient pride this the national security law has had a 100 percent conviction race about you know, the reality is i think this conviction really shows. busy what other contempt, the hong kong and chinese authorities have the democratic political processes. i mean, what these people have been convicted off is holding an informal of crime rate. so you know, that is something that people should not be going to prison for. and yet time and again, we're seeing the application of the national security little is really designed to small the democratic movements in phone call. and i think that's what this sentence is trying to, or iran has opened the registration periods. the count of it's one thing to compete and it's presidential election. the poll is due to be held off the presidency, brain racy, was killed in a helicopter crash last week. there's like, looking to run will have to be approved by
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a 12 member vesting body known as the guardian council off of its members, all directly appointed by the supreme leader. only hash them is moved from tyrone one year from now president to brian. right. you see was supposed to on for another 10 in office, claudia, of course, and i'll see about his death in this helicopter crush or change. everyone's black doctor wants us to many so right. you see as a potential candidate to succeed, the kind supreme the that on the one minute i'm just a trying to this aiming to succeed was thought registering the name of somebody not cause why the adult, you know, runs internal issues right now, mostly or economic. but the solution is definitely political politicians who move through the political tunnels so they can find solution for economic and social problems. several people are expected to put their names forward. former accommodates the phrase he regarded as conservatives are aiming to keep his seat
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and the politic account they're competing against all those affiliated with moderate and reformist counts. who wants to try the chances? what the garden council is responsible for confirming the candidacy. so clearly a significant role in determining the size of poor to turn out the test, i need to have an open admin fee for the candidates who want to run is unlikely to have an impact on those who have boy called at the election. it seems to turn out would be at around 40 percent at the most. and i think the system also is not off to a high turnout, but others disagree. and believe the country could be on the verge of significant change. so seeking to on where the president in the lot is in the sol decision making and becomes an unexpected election of the time of the region. those tension in turn of
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a certainty and got excited with united states could influence people's choices in the bottom of the actual address that's in america's human rights courses held a final hearing in brazil. on a line, mal case, the court looked at how climate change is affecting human rights in the region where the government so open the gate to preventive climate lawsuit could have major implications. international assembled. i'm here to oppose of the rising seas caused by the changing climate or slowly swallowing the in both good fish and community in southern mexico. since 2019 dozens of homes and other buildings have been swift the way by the waves. forcing 700 pieces to be this, i'm ok. we hear about climate change all the time, but we never taught that it would come to us former and both residents are among hundreds of people. you and officials, companies,
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and scientists who spoke at landmark hearings held by the inter american court of human rights and the present in the city of my house. the court will issue an opinion grappling with the fundamental question of our times or governments obligated to protect people from climate change. and if so, to what degree? the answer will be important for a growing wave of global litigation, and that's forcing countries to compensate big things of climate change and do more to control its impact. almost as we have high expectations for this document and hope it will offer a favorable instrument for the protection of the environment and human rights in


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