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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 30, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the largest refugee campaigned garza is bomb to piles of rubble leaving thousands of palestinians without shelter. the hello, i'm sorry. i'm the y z and watching alger 0 at live from del how so coming off on the program is ready. will cabinet minister penny gun submits a bill to dissolve parliament and hold on the elections far as he's in gaza. struggle with the health crisis caused by mountains of rubbish. also coming out of this house vote counting wraps up in south africa. and the results show,
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the ruling amc policy could lose its majority for the 1st time since coming to pallets 30 years ago. the welcome to the program we've been focusing on the situation in northern gaza. was 3 weeks of intensified is riley attacks of destroyed launch pots of the biggest refugee camp on the strip homes and a school in egypt. valley account with the latest targets they were destroyed in his riley drive. and strike witness to say is riley forces of withdrawn from some areas of sufficing with palestinian groups, displays. people are now desperate for some way to stay for the injured to be treated as well. my wife does know who is the father, who we came back to find and nothing is no longer the same as before due to his face and his colossal, most destruction is massive and beyond description. i'm assuming no words can express the scan of destruction. i forgot this once was a school building,
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i used as a shelter, a sense of him and no, i did not know with the displacement of simians used to shelter here. while i do know that the entire area is and livable, a goes to city. in addition, there is no food or what? lucky you. i mean, who said this is a decompose body inside the shoulder. it had already been buried, but it was the date zoomed by. these really forces. this was a temper the baby out for the families to bury their dead. but the, all the below is being taught. we've got another thing that, that bodies, bella, simians have to mass pretty that in the temporary gave you a new conduction number of victims. presidents were not able to reach them in symmetry, since they started, the army has seized the area for these items to measure the since the 1st day of the war, we have been sheltering in the school building. then we were forced to we so i was separated from my family and i still continued to look for them. i came back to
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find everything destroyed until the state i can not find my 75 year old husband and my 35 year old daughter. we lost each other under israel's merciless, showing. o elder, there's more outcomes. root is in jamalia with more on the story. a still can see you from the center value for just him is where the forces partner with the drawer from displace after spending about 20 days. here. as you can see, all of this destruction, all of this investigation this because there's really forces spent about 20 days. yeah. so one is on pollution here trying to reach the houses. on the other hand, that's wanted to reach the level of the houses in order to find something useful to use it in the next days. display some token from this to be a very commercial and populated street. but now just a level was include a da 0, nothing cause
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a spread. so i'll assign i'll just there is end of the quarter is in darrow, by the am central kaiser and joins us now. and we've been just hearing about the situation in northern gauze. uh, where the, the largest refugee camp is all but destroyed. you also telling us about the deepening offensive and ross side, but also that has been continuing strikes in central gaza today. tell us about that of the met him. it's all over the gods. us true air strikes are totally re sending, quad copters, helicopters, displacements, assignments starting with the nor is it was a very stop day for everyone in the another. and cause was for, for the one box thinking that they'll find their homes. but they found rubble, and all they found is destruction mazda of destruction. that's how people in the north of gaza described their, their houses in their neighborhood. some people even said that they did not even
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recognize where their neighborhood or houses are. there are also a couple of targets as is right in a re did a school when palestinians went back to the school they were shows during and where they thought that is really forces withdrew from dr area. and there was another house that was targeted in bait. genuine, moving to the central area, there was an air strikes on up a car where it was traveling until i had been to raise aware of these 3 pilots in use were killed and for others were injured. are we there were transferred here to all of the hospital where i am right now in rough on the that is really a ground operation. is it getting deeper, it's intensifying and the telecommunications on the causal strip has been completely turn off. where the past, the protestant in telecommunication said that there's
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a completely blocked out due to the, is really aggression on the, the southern parts of the gospel strip. there are people who are still trying to move from around and from the western parts of the 5 to the central area. but unfortunately, they don't have any place to go. the central area is packed with people. there was a school we heard today that it has 16000 displays palestinians and it's very crowd there. and this is duration is very dire in different shelters across the causal sir. and what did people tell you about the way in which they are forcibly displaced and then repeatedly found a lot to move from one positive garza to the other. as you say, and military activities. an activity in the the attacks find the entirety of the gaza strip, which itself is so small. what a, what are people telling you about how they are coping with all this?
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many of the 1st of all people are depressed are frustrated, are hopeless, are how does this imagine being displaced for more than 7 times or 8 times trying to save their children from airstrikes and also striving to give them food and water. people are not only up but being displaced and trying to see is right the air strikes, but they're also trying to provide their children with fluid. we are here, it looks a hospice it and there are at least 3 about nutrition cases that we saw in our own eyes today. and it's getting and it's getting dot your every single day. there has been no medical supplies entering the causes for for more than 3 weeks. now, the house situation is collapsing. people have no place to go and to evacuate to hospitals are packed to you and shelters. are pack. schools are packed and people do not know where to go. they're even putting their tents on the sidewalks and in any empty land, the fine,
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the only thing that they're wishing for is to be safe and not to get a good targeted by the is there any forces every single day? we have been talking to people listening to their stories, and every story is harder and sadder than the one we hear every single day. yes, as you say, it's every day it's, it's relentless. thank you very much and we do appreciate you. as our reporting and a whole jerry there in there on the ballot and gaza. thank you to israel is a soul on gauze or as severely damage the environment as well. landfills, man makes shift tens of causing illnesses and threatening people's health out there as usher of us are. raj spoke to some of those living near the sites in central gaza. and then, because i didn't know if you will see you as much as the most of the blogs we are here at the elm, a gauzy camp in central garza, this area has been transformed to a landfill. you can see smoke colors blowing all over the place. as
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a result of the citizens burning trash, to keep it from pausing up further, we have dozens of tons of trash that are being boned here, which is causing a significant health crisis in the surrounding areas. we're talking about health issues, illnesses, and insects that are spreading as a result of the scene that you can see here. recently, municipality crews dump so on the trash in order to make room for additional quantities of waste because there are no landfills for the waste that is being generated by displace people across the field. we will now talk to the head of all mcgraw's he municipality, mister mohammed mostly, who knows what i said, i must be there at the bombing, it'd be that had a bit. i liked the applause since the beginning of the war on the gauze of stripping the garbage has been diverted from the license landfill managed by the gods, a municipality. to this done that you can see behind me it has the oh my god, the municipality,
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in the united nations relief and works agency started diverting all ways from the camp to this area. because it is somewhat far from the population and located in the west. and most corner of the region, it is also a large area, and the municipality is dumping approximately $25.00 tons of waste. here every day, occupation forces prevented all our vehicles. and all vehicles operated by municipalities in the central gaza strip from reaching the main landfill in order to dump all of this waste. and unfortunately, the presence of this car which here constitutes an ecological disaster and causes very harmful effects to human health and the environment. toddler, but enough for them to not have the sec, what is interesting is what you told me earlier, that the area here was uninhabited. however, we can see dozens of homes that are on inhabited by citizens, as well as 10 shoes by displaced people cannot installed on the cool. and you can make any bedroom up a landfill should be located in the eastern part of gauze in larger areas that are
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located farther away from the population. so even if a fire breaks out in the landfill smoke without effect anybody. however, like i said, accessing those other landfills requires coordination. that is an occupation forces are not allowing municipality vehicles to access those areas of linus. i want to use to a nash. you are residents of the area. how are you living with this health crises? each of them can come on followed by the how you did this is my house there. as you can see, it sits across from the landfill. we have been suffering from this dumps since the beginning of the war. all the waste that's coming from them. a gauzy camp is dumped here. it's a health calamity. there are mosquitoes, there's insects, there's flies and i'm talking, but huge numbers that we simply cannot put up with. there are displaced people living in my house and in the surrounding homes as well. we cannot sleep during the day or during the night and our suffering is massive. involved because he is beautiful. so you're involved in there are lots of mosquitoes and they are very
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annoying, not just to me, but everybody here is annoyed by the mosquitoes. mosquitoes off of west and at night it is unbelievable. while the subject done, the situation is dia, we have a real health calamity on our hands. fee on behalf of the a little study, just a little that should we will call you in regards the loss of the boxes. i show for some large it was the following political developments, house of israel, the leader of the centrist pots in the war cabinet, was saying he submitted a bill to dissolve parliament and hold on the elections by the guns who threatened to resign as a post will plans for gauze at once and new mandate before october is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu was saying any elections with damage as well as authoration in gaza. that's and you all who insist that dissolving his unity government would reward him us. well, israel has bind algae or from a forcing from the so instead we go to sorrow, hire out to joins us from the to dining capital. i'm on what more we hearing about
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this push, mike. any, any guns for early elections? so we'll see. you remember earlier in the months um, any guns had a ones uh, private is benjamin s in yahoo. uh they'll needs to look to have a post full plan. otherwise, he gave them the deadline and gave him 6 points as part of his plan that he should consider as such as ending the will bringing back those health caps as soon as possible. and also having an international force. and he goes into the 8th as a deadline. he said, if he doesn't give him a price full time, he's going to quits his pots. he will quit the emergency units. he government, that was phones posts outside, but 7, but old. so we've had a prime minister benjamin netanyahu, now he's meeting with the defense minister. you off go out for the 1st time in weeks as well,
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because all so gun has warned the prime minister as well that they needed to come up with a post. will plan and also to move forward with these the negotiations for deal. so this is are the 1st time that'd be thing just ahead of a will cabinet and security council meeting, which is supposed to be taking place this evening. and all of this is coming up to time when there's incredible pressure on prominence to benjamin netanyahu with people within this fall rights coalition. government also divided on whether to continue with this war, right? so the end or to give in to a 0 to ensure that those are how is captive or brought back as soon as possible. and there is a new video of a captive being held in gaza. yeah, that's right. so it's the 2nd video showing a sasha of 2 bundles and uh, that was
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a release uh video just uh leah with a message he's films live. it seems uh, still not clear as to when this was found. of course, i'm potentially crushed into saying this and he's a warning of the families and telling them that you need to put pressure on your government success to cease 50 as soon as possible. because the longer we are, who are the more likely will be killed from these right strikes just to give you a background, you have a $130.00 full cap, says were released as parts of the one on on these, these 5 deal that took place for 10 days back in november, there's been a complete stalemate since they keep pulling through. and another 125 remaining still in the goal is to strict with families, absolutely desperate for those to return home. so this video will definitely whether the government likes to or not put pressure on the families that are still demanding offices from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. okay, well thank you very much sir. all right, reporting from amman and george never mind. and that's because these riley
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government has found out there from reporting inside the country. and other developments just one way up. how does the new man was killed by is ready for it isn't a town of out there. i never my let and you know, keep mind westbank the. now these writing minute tree is conducted a series of raids across the area since israel's war on gauze. it began last october, moving 500 pallets. cities has been killed in the occupied westbank. marsh wants to add for you on the program. we look at concerns that press freedom is on this ranch in india as the 7 phase election, which is a crucial stage. the she says she went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old activity. the as healthcare survey testing working as an i'm didn't
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start with nursing. the eyes of his government with my citizenship was to help. i was surprised in the 1st part of the series, we found the restore you to push the shape worker because he confronts the news, the piece, citizenship revocation. i only want my citizenship back if i'm proven in a sense. i don't want to wait on the cali state list in syria on out to 0. the
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colleges here with the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you have, i'll just say are live from the main stories. now. is there any forces of attack to another school for displace people in jamalia? in the northern gaza, the army has withdrawn from some areas. there is a struggle is gainful military control over the area. and then the is really what cabinet minister benny gans has submitted. a bill told early elections, he's threatened to resign of a post will plans for gaza. it's not peer though. if he'll win in
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a close to dissolve the parliament to go to south africa. now the ruling african national congress says that it's too early to tell whether the policy will lose its majority in the general election of 55 percent of the population turned out to cost of votes on wednesday, the results indicate the governing policy is fully insured. as a majority for the 1st time since the end of a potty election commission is now validating an order, take the pallets before releasing the official results as close to algebra as mike kind of he's been following the story from the town of mentor on what's happening them like well, at the moment we've got to over 30 percent of the total vote has been counted. that's just over 4000000 votes. the count is agonizingly slow, the process just to give you some kind of context. 5 years ago at 3 o'clock on the day of the election, 17000000 votes have been counted this time and says at 3 o'clock,
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2000000 votes have been counted. so the process is much slower. and once again, the trends becoming clear, the we are seeing that the a and c is being support and a number of areas. we've seen that the democratic alliance is likely to retain control of the western cape for another 5 years. we've seen a mess of up search and a party that is only 6 months old in control. we says way possible, m k, which has produced a for russia's china, understood the african national congress in its stronghold in quite a lou natal and in neighboring i'm from a long good province. the amc boat has dropped 20 percent in comparison to 5 years ago. that's largely due to m k. so it looks as though the governing a n c will lose as part of measuring majority for the 1st time in 30 years. so quite a turning point for them in this selection. how, how, what might be, what are the prospects and for coalition tools as well. this is
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the greatest political upheaval in 3 decades of the a and c. so you say, if it doesn't get that 50 percent, will have to couple together a coalition. now it's option so to join with a big party such as a democratic alliance. but once again, the policies are the variance, particularly for example with regard to palestine. then you've got the economic freedom find to z, e f, f, which may be a more natural fit for the i n c. but once again, economic policies in particular, would provoke a mess of international consternation and domestic economic people. very different from those policies of the a and c. then of course you've got m k. well, a spokesman has already told us there is no sort of a coalition at the moment with the and see it will not happen. the other option is will be a and c to couple together a whole lot of the smaller parties who made them on the list to become part of the
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coalition. the problem with that is that resubmit it with terms of the arithmetic be. and so you would have to get at least 46 percent or more of the votes to form a coalition with a number of smaller parties. well, as the results are coming in, that appears to be a target that may be very difficult for the organization to reach. mike, thank you very much, mike. how to reporting to us from the tell them the ground in south africa. we're also following the election in india. it's a 7 phase process is now drawing to a close. the final round is coming up south today on departments and under moody's 10 year government is media freedom has come on the serious threats. journalists have been arrested, harassed for holding the government to account as moody seats a 3rd time in office. i refuse the press freedom will continue to decline. just to remind you that the indian government hasn't gone to the visa style, julie or john les, so we cover the election from outside the country, barbara, and go for reports. a premier aspect is the found an editor of news, click website,
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and india. and he's out on bail. he was arrested in october and held on charges that include terrorist activities and criminal conspiracy. but he's in the army john list to be arrested in the past 10 years of the beach, a piece of governance critics. for another 5 years of prime minister in the rent, emoji could further suppress the media. the state seems to be much more involved in deciding that any criticism of the government is in fact, it could be considered the solutions indeed, always seem to be going towards a more impressive state. at the moment. india has one of the largest medium markets with nearly 400 news channels and thousands of daily newspapers in english and regional languages. several and by businessmen seem to be close to prime minister and the rent from moody. moody has been criticized for rally, holding media interactions,
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but tearing the ongoing elections has given several interviews to media groups, cns favorable to his policy by the government. but not many. critics say india has suffered a shop drop in press freedom in recent years. the well smartest democracy felt 25 places on the press. freedom index between 201520. 23. you have no model. stand it run to $161.00 out of a $180.00 countries last year down from $150.00. so yeah, before reporters with that board assess india, some media has fallen into what's called an unofficial state of emergency for beach . i p dismissive allegations of media suppression under moody saying they've been around since he was chief minnesota. we'll see him more than 20 years ago. this very to has been that also it was in see was it you from the start off?
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uh would you live in 2000 and it is gone. do you notice planters you have news channels because sizing goods. i'm good. who i'm not fit social media. i'm mostly think yeah, you have unfair comments, but so be this is democracy. news outlets and social media arose coming on districts in the india top 2 tubes list of video removals. with more than 2000000 been taken time between october and december national desktop, the youtube channel is more than 9000000 subscribers. so it is also being targeted, upset of god. the government seems to basically have an issue with criticism. todd, we're talking about the rights of people on religion. hoodlum spike is the temple of being invoked. the prime minister is making comments that he should not be making x, but say there are increasing restrictions on for and media outlets to last year offices. it was
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a bbc and india were rated as part of an investigation by income tax authorities. the rates came off to the british brewed costs to add a documentary, cnas critical of new and remedy. exec us to violence in west africa dropped in 2002 . when moody was chief minister of the state. more than 1000 people, mostly muslims, were killed in the interest. the investigating agency has cleared the date of complicity with the govern. government has done it created a sense of fear of by creating a strongman image that they will go off to the media organizations which are critical of them. and they're doing the same that for the media audience of some political agenda, and we did the way to deal with the device, any questioning or discouraged any kind of questioning. the indian government has also been tightening recommendations on silicon valley companies like twitter, google, several time list based hate speech and threats on social media and according to access now and keep your tongue coalition, the country and that global internet shut down for a 6. yeah, we're in
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a row with services being closed on more than a 115 times in 2023. barbara and go out to sarah chairs and donald trump's hash. when he tried of started the 2nd day of close, don't deliberations in new york. trump faces that a full felony counts a falsifying business records. he allegedly sought to cover up extramarital affairs, to protect his campaign in 2016 trumpet speed, not guilty to overcharges. and we go from that to a volcano and south west an iceland erupt. thing for the 1st time since december. these are the pitches from right to next peninsula move in. 3 and a half 1000 people were in a nearby fishing town, have been evacuated from the homes because of the threat posed by this volcano, the boot of goons. demo spa is one of the licensed biggest tourist attractions was
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also evacuated before the russian began in the afternoon on wednesday after a series of us quakes. bring you more on that story and everything else in the news hour and 25 minutes time. i'll see you then the hello good to heavy along, kicking this weather report off in the middle east as we expect this time of the year friday. it's the last day of spring. there's temperature shooting up quite. it's 49 degrees. you're still searching for your 1st 50 degree day of the year, at least at the airport. we've lost those brisk winds up and down the golf, so it's a light breeze here. and because of that, that's what's allowing those temperatures to shoot up. it's also getting quite hot in southern buckets phone cannot you? but with a breeze off the arabian sea dust and sand storm seemed likely some heat to the
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east of the caspian sea tournament. it's done, ask about, or shooting for a height of $36.00 degrees for you. certainly are still central parts of the country here, seeing that what weather flare out, but it's finding this stumble. 24 degrees full on sunshine for you and the heat go in and north west africa transferring to libya and egypt across west africa. fairly quiet, but where the rains are really coming down. southern nigeria, that's wrapping around. cameroon and gap on northern congo. slipping into the western side of the r congo, there's been a big dropping those temperatures for the cape. providence is up in 1020 degrees, but where it's heating up is southern. most indeed, my puts those 30, then i wanted to show you this. it's a stormy mess coming in to south africa's south coast on saturday. be careful. i'll see you later. i the award winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking
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a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview with met with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0. he has a new prime minister, gary condo is chosen to turn the country around of games control, most of the capital and violence is killed and, and just thousands. so con condo, bring the stability hate to nice. this is inside story.


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