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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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just mentioned briefly, the biden, when talking area from the white house said how mosque was no longer capable of october 7 style attack. is there anything to suggest when you look at what's happening in gaza today? anything to suggest that hamas has been defeated military a well, i'm not sure that's how most you know, by the way, just so we're clear because i've heard that being here in the west. i hear to repeat the details of how much was going to do it. again and again, i remember very specifically how this claim was made. one of the headmaster mid leaders mentioned this one of the tv programs and 11, not in passing when he was excited. there was no decision by him as to be chatting another october 7 october separate account was the point it was though checked if it was the it going to get more palestinian but it's, and i just kind of held hostage to the, to them by the way, there are some 3800 but a scene in hostages and is there i have an administrative detention in his early
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presence. so how much really was very specific and subjective, auto back october 7th. i know specifically to your, to your question, what we see is that in north guys are life in southern gaza, whatever is right claim to have achieved its objective, how much it has continue to resist. so how much as that existence grew continue to fight against the israeli occupation. whether it's when want to attack, israel again remains to be seen. i would hope you don't want to because duty that shouldn't be the point. the point today is to rebuild the guys are, is to protect the people of guys and to free fat assigned as a whole eclipse and 1967 from the is ready occupation by one. thank you very much. that sounds a 0 senior political analyst. my one, bashar are joining us. they have from london and not parish that i mentioned previously. it is 18 g m t if you're joining us on out to 0 with covering breaking
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news this our us verizon joe biden has presented a new is ready see slide proposal to end the war in gaza. he said the proposal has been transmitted by ca, talk to him us. and this proposal has 3 phases. it's a plan with 3 phases. the 1st phase would be a full and complete ceasefire between israel and how mos for 6 weeks. the 2nd phase would be a permanent ceasefire and the release of all cap case held in gaza. the 3rd and final phase would involve a major reconstruction plan for gas. while the us president has urged from us to take the deal taking this, this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal. how much as it wants to cease fire. this do is an opportunity to improve whether they really need
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a mouse needs to take the deal. for months, people over the world of call for cease fire. now it's time to raise your voice is demand. as i saw mos coming to the tape. graces this deal, and then this for that they began let's now go live to all just aristotle. hi rod chosing i'm on jordan reporting back from him on because the israel has bind down to sierra, from reporting from inside israel cetera. we just had a few. you know, details of the day of talk to us more about what each phase will entail. of this uh, size, uh, which will last full, 6 weeks. so the closest by size agreed to the ceasefire deal. uh, we're in show the release of women as well as the, the elderly and then throughout those 6 weeks, the thing that they will allow
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a complete a stop to the fighting across the gaza strip. and it will include palestinians being able to go back to that homes, well, what's left to them and says to me in the notes as well. and they also said that they would step up the number of humanitarian trucks entering into the gaza strip up to $600.00 every single day, which is still not enough. that was around the same number. the people in garza were receiving daily before the war has even started. and then also saying that they will provides more of the rebuilding allow the rebuilding of homes as well during that time. in that time, both sides will continue negotiations through the medium boxes which is castle in egypt. if that goes well, that would then take them to space. number 2, that would allow for upcoming an end to the fighting and the permanent end to the is ready bombardment of the gaza strip. and eventually that would lead on to phase
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. and number 3, which is known as the so called protest will plan, and that would include an international buys a coalition, an hour of an international coalition that will help in the rebuilding of gauze us, but wouldn't include from us. and that would also include the us that says, would we help rebuild schools, medical senses and times as well as in terms of the different phases, right? not really much new, but the difference this time is that he's flushed out, expressed it out with a bit more detail. so nothing new and is the side proposal just a bit more detailed. we heard 1st and by and say that they are those in israel who will not agree with this plan. and even those within these really governmental will not agree with that. so how is it going down there a well, that's the interesting part about this speech from a bite and then announcements from him. this time the u. s. has a pro throughout the whole set that it's an ally of is, are all, it's
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a well known fact. they've provided the munition that's been used in this war and says the israel has the right to defend itself. but the divisions are all happening with been this fall rights coalition, government and is ro, is causing concern for the americans. they had advised against that expanded invasion of rough off israel still went ahead of it is they're all is still going ahead with its decisions regardless of an i c. j order. and. a in order to seek warrants against himself and the defense ministers from the i, c c, and it's causing problems home for the americans. now what's interesting in this speech is that joe biden has set the best way to go down. well, with some people in the car, it is ready, the government know everyone will be happy. he said, and of course that's in reference to those far right ministers such as, it's a mob been debated us national security ministers such as the finance minister that have made it very clear, amazing credibly racist and. and so i'm at 3
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a remarks against palestinians wanting to re full garza and also wanting to stay in gaza for as long as possible in terms of the war. now, when it comes to prime minister benjamin netanyahu, he's also been attacked by the families of those hills caps his thing, but he is stopping us these 5 deal for his own political gain and own political interest to stay in government for as long as possible. this is a person who is actually on trial for corruption from before this coalition, government was phones and he needs the likes of it's involving to be and smoke church to be able to stay in power. another line that drove by the headset was trying to victory. this is something the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeated over and over again. but they won't leave garza until that is the total victory. he said total victory will not lead to the security of israel. and that to
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me, sounds like a val. comments was prime minister benjamin netanyahu as in go ahead with this and also to the government take this deal. and also he did say, how much needs to take this deal to ensure that they can move forward from us yesterday said that it wouldn't agree to a cease 5 deal unless there was a full time and an end to the fighting. it will be interesting to see now this has been laid out whether that will be any movement when it comes to that possible deal . so i thank you very much for the moment. several guy rods live there from amman. jordan, because again, his row has been down to 0 from reporting from inside is around. let's head over to washington dc. now in our white house correspondent, kimberly how good for us invited makes us made that speech. and that announcement of this new c side proposal less than an hour ago. kimberly he said it's time for this war to end. the president has been under a great deal of pressure over over this voice mails on gas if there's no question about it, there's a lot at stake for joe by his political future and the us president has
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a lot to deliver, but it's going to be a big challenge for him being particularly given the fact that he said he will assure the israel to live up to its obligations. but so far the us president has not done that. he has not deliberate on that promise as president and the so he has not deliberate in terms of benchmarks of how he would do it in the future. and so that is one of the sort of promise that could come back to hodge him if he is serious about that pledge. the other is that the, his really sort of laid out how he is trying to more is real if you will, into accepting this proposal, which it has green light. and so far by it is the sort of thing. it is saying that this is something that would help to so it is a great it into the broader middle east to make it in partners. the saudi arabia. something that we know is a goal of joe biden and z is something that he hopes will be his legacy. so these
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are 2 things that are really important to joe by that, but also because, as you alluded, this is a president that is trying to win re election come november. so think that it's just 6 months away. and, and so what, what do we expect now from the bottom administration, we heard him say, of course that the ball was now in him office court. but at the same time, as you said, putting pressure on israel and he's ready cabinet to go ahead with this deal. well, we know 4 weeks now that the by the administration has been working, they've had their teams on the ground. and that is not going to stop, they have been working behind the scenes. they have been a cost of communication with the is really government and that has included joe biden himself, at times we have not even have read outs, but the president himself as intimate that he has been on the phone with benjamin netanyahu. so we expect that that will continue as the president has really states
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his own personal reputation in trying to get this deal across the finish line. thank you. kimberly for that. kimberly. how could someone have correspondents live there in washington? that's not get the reaction of, nor all day a political analyst joining us live from ramallah in the occupied westbank. so nor israel biden saying that a has offered a comprehensive new proposal. what do you make of it? is it any different from what we seen or heard before and not, not in any fundamental way perhaps. what was to me striking is that the bite and talked about the day after he talked about reconstruction. he said there would be no israeli soldiers left in gaza by the end of phase 2, which is you know, a speed it up kind of a timeframe from the formulas we heard before and very significantly he like, kimberly was saying put himself on the line. he said the us would guarantee that is
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rel, keeps its end of the bargain, so long as the mediators can bring him us to accept the deal and keep up its end of the bargain. so i think what is most striking is not the details. it's the fact that the president of the united states has come up and spoken to the world and the is rarely public applied pressure on the is really government, which he's heard from over the past 24 hour saying they're not really interested in a deal. they wouldn't get into a deal even if it guaranteed in the, at the release of all captives because they don't want to and the war. so there's a lot to consider as far as biden is concerned. and a lot riding on bringing this us for a for core to and that, and in order for him to focus more on elections in which you use a trailing behind. what do you think i might as well respond to this specific proposal? how are they likely to react a look?
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this is the 1st time we hear from the president of the united states. the most important ally of israel saying this deal is on the table. it's good and everybody should take it. and i think there will be difficult for him, us to resist the kind of pressure that will be applied on it. no doubt it remains to be seen where the devil lies in all of the details. we haven't seen the tax. so if we rely on what we heard from a biden, it sounds pretty, pretty good. it sounds ok there. there doesn't seem to be a lot of traps. of course, there has to be acceptance from us that it would not roll over gaza and we've heard indication from senior, how must leaders that they're willing to talk about that and discuss it with pedals . then you have factions, as long as there's an agreed on formula for palestinian governance that, that you know, it doesn't it completely exclude them from political life. interesting indeed they,
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there was also an interesting comment from president biden during his speech, nor when he said that how moss is, is no longer capable of on october 7th style attack. when, when you consider the situation in gaza today and is ongoing more and any these are the ami itself. admitting that the fighting in northern gaza has been extremely intense. do you get a sense that, you know, israel has achieved any of its military goals and custom as well? i think one of the problems about israel's goals is that they haven't really been defined except in maximum list and terminology. so when by when nothing, yeah, hold talks about absolute victoria, but a night late doing him uh says words, of course not mine. he's talking about something that is simply not achievable. and realistically we'd saying that it's not possible. think the americans,
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as the warrant is real from day one, know from experience that they cannot, we're not conventional army cannot win a war against a militia, an armed group, and this is what's happening, even whenever the is really army withdraws, there will be clashes and there will be regrouping of those fighters. this is a never ending situation that many of these really coalition are interested in keeping, but ultimately it won't get anything politically not. and vitamin is thinking about elections come november. he's thinking about normalization with saudi arabia, which is the big carrot that he dangled in that speech as well. and he's thinking about keeping the region called he wants to re gain and rebuild some of that trust if possible, within the region between the us and the rest of the regions. he wants to promise and deliver on some reconstruction and may be some political horizon for the palestinians. but that has to start with an end to the war and enter the
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bombardment and a return of palestinians to a, to their homes and goals, including the north. that was a very important message to these rallies for planning and drawing up maps of how to build settlements there. yeah, very interesting to talk to you as always know all day. thank you very much for joining us there from ramallah as well. let's get an update on the situation and gas and on the ground there, at least 14 palestinians have been killed in late. this is really as strikes the targets were in all new, say a rotten brace refugee camps in central gaza. at least 60 policies have been killed across the gaza strip in the past states as ringing tie capitalism, who's in uh, darrow, about in a central guys a force topic before we get to the latest is really strikes and you know, the aftermath can you tell us about how this latest the slide proposal, which was announced by president biden. he's being received on the ground the, the test in fact,
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totally palestinians of following the proposal being initiated by has been under the american supervision and incorporation with regional mediators box. no afraid to feel little a bit more of the domestic this time due to multiple previous failures. 2 all kinds of negotiations to bring them in for the fight and with the ground really. 2 have met as palestinians here are only food for pro announcement forces, find agreements that we have must under his will. that will. 2 to de escalate the situation on the ground done to bring an end for the fighting. and it was kind of to under top priority is to return to the north of this trip in order to return back to, to normality even to bring an end for all kinds of 1st time because on the ground. so very conscious, cautious optimism natural from products to the incident, guys that to the slightest a sci fi proposal, which was a nonce, as you say, because they have been disappointed in the past. i talked to us about what's been happening on the ground. these readings have withdrawn from some areas of northern
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garza. we've lost him, have we? okay, apologies. we've lost our connection to tyra cup was zoom correspondent on the ground there in gaza. what as i was saying that these really ami has said its troops have withdrawn from several neighborhoods in northern gaza. after weeks of fighting they pulled back from bait la. yeah, and bates known rescue teams have retrieved the bodies of dozens of palestinians from the streets and under the rubble on thursday. these are the military pulled out of the jabante a refuge account. these really ami says a fighting with some of the most intense of the war. while israel has left a residential area is incomplete, void and buildings, reduced to rubble, chop stock for us. the details the we bank a little broken roads and ponds between the mountains of concrete and twisted steel . there's really nothing left to the jabante, a refugee camp,
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which is close to more than a $100000.00 palestinians. the foldable garza often is sweet week, is really military operation. the level of destruction is incredible. when they mohammed with feet as it stands, where his family home once stood of the software, the software for you on some of the software list though, area 19 days ago and came back to find the israeli occupation forces have destroyed everything here. this is real destruction have a look and see the full meaning of destruction. they destroyed life here 19 days. my house was there and has been totally obliterated. i don't know what to do. before burials, bodies of wrapped in white shrouds. neither colored one hospital is really made a treat. both of those is on us. many of the data buried in a nearby make shift symmetry. the hospitals only generate such as being destroyed.
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israel did not use it targets health sensors, but the u. n says, at least 24 hospitals have been putting out of action since the war started. almost 8 months ago. says almost $500.00 health with is being killed by the government. the kamala and hospital is completely out of service. officers mentioned that it was burned. so many departments like a surgeon intensive care units and the tendency once when you loop on babies, pending beds, and the rates of the occupation forces of targeted and destroyed electricity, the water and food networks. despite the destruction and personal plane, the strength of some almost defines belief and to show your mind that i have for disabled children at home, they scream a lot and suffer from epilepsy and brain extra fee. they need diapers, which are not available now. so i used to off instead they suffered greatly and displacement as increase the severity of the suffering. we're now in
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a school in bay pla here, and the situation of the school is very bad. there's no medicine, no clinic or anything. we'll stay strong and we're sending him to go. so we'll be back to normal with the help of everyone here. these young man as a future of concerns about the future, shaped by the hell now into a child, stop it, which is 0. and one south to hello task. more from the come i loud one hospital in bate la, here in northern gosh. what's the clear? the ground, the version, nothing does sort of is fully completed and that is what are the forces that it's where you are home. the rest of the box was nothing ghost with a better tweak it from mush a little bit louder. yeah. let's just say on time the doctor, i'm talking to a phone, came out of the hospital, which receives thousands of big bodies that came from todd of this. i thought, i'm sure that that. yeah, and let's just say it's a neighborhood a, the full and the massive of destruction is very use there. as lately forces this
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floyd, all the infrastructure and service facility. and these neighborhoods, civilians are trying to reach the houses of that areas in order to have something to be useful in the next phase and civil defense altering also to reach a these neighborhoods in order to have the did and rescue the dead bodies of that area. but they have difficulties because that is why the forces destroyed all the streets and all that. and just a rough time there was an issue i just need uh nothing goes for paula sign. earlier we spoke to dr. james smith, who was an emergency physician from the u. k, who's been on a mission medical mission in gaza for 2 weeks. he's treating patients in the, on the say about refuge account. and he told us what he's experienced the lives of course i longed, right for right now, but the violence continues across the gaza strip last night this evening working
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here in the say that we received many trauma wound patients. and this morning we received the bodies of 3 people that were killed in an s strengths were told that they were moving to a, a key issue. um they were providing foods to local communities and they were a hit, a target to destroy from these ladies on the vehicle they were driving it. in addition to the trauma, a injuries that we're staying, we're receiving every day, tons of patients. if there's anything we joined, this suspected type of type this many people who are hungry in the high dresses for this thing with a really serious infections and other medical problems. i mean the health system has being completely the estimates. it's systematically undermines now not only for 8 months, but for decades. so you are in gaza. what that means is that we like the basic resources needed to treat its actions with 1st line on somebody else's or what's it
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saying reading with the most appropriate dressings. and so what i'm having to make do, and i'm, i'm to, to a normal practice and we, we want that. so we have um, that situation is only exacerbated as a result of the total is ready control of an old border crossings into gaza. now mainly that she monetary access is yes sir, that diminish and specifically access to essential medical equipment. it's medical license is now very, very limited. this is discuss all the latest developments and these are as well on guys i with our senior political analyst model. and the shar, who's my from london, my, one of the big news this, uh, our, of course being present biden speech and i'm seeing a new si fi proposal in 3 phases. he said, what did you make of this speech? and is this really nice really proposal as by and said or proposal that was forced
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upon these strategies? this is the thing you see. i mean, what is the president of the united states with counseling and these are the proposal. why isn't the prime minister of israel doing that? and if it is the american president doing it because he wants to guarantee it, well, we haven't heard any iron clad guarantees of anything that's in the proposal. i'll give you a couple of examples. what are your thoughts about pre construction? really, so how, how much when or what are what periods of time when he says, well, dollar from guys are in one passage and in the passages before he says would, is there a would don't want from populated areas in gaza or what does it really mean withdrawn from populated areas in guys, all that means these are the forces once the all over the guys are to where it's not densely populated, doesn't mean they're gonna stay in the security zone one. mine is 2 guys out almost
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110th of that. it goes a 3rd, sorry. are they going to stay in the middle out on that big city line in the middle of garza, and so on. so for that's why i say that there's a, there's a v as in the detail one by 2. there's a binding over the past 8 months has to to be anything but trustworthy. anything but reliable when it comes to that question of the war and guys i don't see got any critical. none of this is not criticism. this is just another. this is a perspective resident by the over the past 8 months was not trustworthy. me that he was not reliable. he basically walked in mister, nothing, you know, shoes supported is there as war crimes defended and justified israel's general side and even up until just missed this week's state department report. basically 40 documents, if you will. i mean quote unquote difficult. yeah. to make is that look good in
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gaza? so then, i mean i, i sense what you're going to say already, but any chance of this deal succeeding or will it be sabotaged by those? and these really cabinet as 5 know sitting sell that those. and these are the cabinets who will not agree to the spot to look. i think it's possible. i think it's still possible. i mean, i thought this was going to go on forever. right? i mean is red storage. most of the guys all it destroyed big part of, you know, how about what the force and so so for this one must, is actually the north of i thought that i think it was the case for how about for a long time now. now it seems to be also the case for the united states, and perhaps, you know, a good part of is right, but this ward meets the wind. but this is flyers. american guarantees. this requires somebody can get, especially if you calculate that in 6 months. this president for more long that'd
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be present or 78 months. right. i mean, we don't what happened with the one nuclear did, when obama signed onto it, and tom poked away from it. right. and i think that's what's not to be always investing on. maybe a trump coming at the presidency in 2025. be that as it may. if there are american guarantees that i'm not that these are these, we 3 deployed out of guys all. and then there is a sort of plan for the reconstruction of garza and the americans will oversee the movement from phase one to face to face 3. and they can try, they can give those iron club commitments to the categories. and from there to beat, to how much something could happen. well, what am i us accept this deal if there are items class commitments from the americans that was ever the 6 month ceasefire. and following that with negotiations would lead to permanency for yes,
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milan good to talk to you as always. thank you very much. melanie shower is our senior political on this 5 day from london. the next turn to out of world news now informing us present. donald trump says he will appeal his guilty verdicts in his harsh money trial. a jury convicted him on all 34 accounts of falsifying business records. trump covered up payments to an adult films saw to protect his 2016 presidential campaign. from say's a try was ranked and aim to block him from running in november's election is due to be sentenced on july 11th. so we're going to be feeling this scam. we're going to be appealing it on many different things. you wouldn't allow us to have what this is. it wouldn't allow us to talk. you wouldn't allow us to do anything. the judge was a tyrant while us present, joe biden has reacted saying the verdict shows that no one is above the law. that's
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how the american system of justice works. as breakfast is dangerous. it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system is adored for nearly 250 years. and it really is a cornerstone of america. our justice system. the justice i'm should be respected us. we should never allow anyone to tear it down. i have not to john henry and who is in new york outside trump towers. so present trump for president. trump, i should say, says he will appeal, talk to us about what else he said during using his conference as well. a trump woke up like the rest of us to these headlines and it seems inevitable that he would have to address it. and he addressed it, he did, but not just because it was the topic on everyone's mind. he's been using this as
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a campaign issue already has campaign raised $38000000.00 more than any other single day since he was convicted. so for him, this is really a way, just to kick start his campaign a little bit. trump went on to say design saying that the system was rigged. he said this is all coming out of washington. he blamed joe biden for it. one big problem with that, if this were federal trial, he could at least say that joe biden was in charge of the justice department, but that's what it is. if this is a new york court, this is a new york jury. joe biden has no influence whatsoever over those people ended 12 new york jurors who convicted their former fellow new yorker, donald trump, were all ordinary people who came to their conclusion within 2 days very quickly and found him guilty over all charges. but that doesn't really matter. in trump world, he's been affected at raising this is a campaign issue throughout his 4 trials and $91.00 charges. there's
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a good reason for that. this isn't very bitterly divided country politically speaking. so 11 side sees this, felipe, the other side, sees that right. and so what happens next then? john with the appeal in the sentencing. the john, can you hear me? okay, i think we've lost so much. i can, i'm sorry i, if you ask the question i, if i did not hear i was asking what happens next then is appeals and the sentencing will be in july, july 11th. right. as your id is pending since july 11th, july, 15th is when the republican national convention starts in milwaukee. so days after he sends donald trump will be giving a speech, accepting his nomination as a republican candidate for president. and they'll be doing that as convicted and
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sentenced. felons, by what happens with the cases he will appear when he said he will be a little number of charges, but he has an outline exactly what those charges will be. we know he doesn't like the gag order, which is for the aid him from attacking certain people in the court room. and what is likely to happen though you could face years in prison, you can face probation, you could get home confinement. but probably none of that will happen during the campaign. none of that will happen until he's done, appealing the case. and when it does ultimately happen, most legal scholars say it's highly unlikely that somebody has not been certificate of a major crime before we go to prison. particularly in the case where he's under secret service protection of the likely campaign as usual, but he'll be doing it as a convicted felon. john, thank you very much, john. 109 say in new york, you a secretary of state antony blinking has confirmed that washington has seized a ban on ukraine using american weapons has tried targets inside russia. the us was
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previously reluctant to allow his weapons to be used for fear of escalating tensions with moscow. drawn home and reports, some cave, a. it's a big policy shift. the united states is now allowing you crying to use the weapons . it's providing to a tech target function. so is that something you to fund since the will stop? is it still imposed restrictions? us weapons can only be used to strike the other side of the border from the hockey region in northeast the crime. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward. we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary,
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adapt and adjust that, adopting and adjusting who's come off the rush of embodied hockey for months with me, cells and live phones, launch from russian territory. and when russian troops across the border in may and the ground defensive, the captive moving 200 square, columbus is of territory president to lensky co dot lice. but ukraine needed to be able to stop the types of source. i reject the budget. we can see the places where the was off even for me, kind of since you can get maps, satellite images. but we cannot respond. and i think that's on face in europe in our lives like u. k. fronts and now germany, the great one allowing ukraine to use the weapons to hit target, some russians, so to with varying degrees of restrictions. but the us is by far the countries biggest on supply ukraine needed it on board. but for president biden, strikes on russian territory using us weapons was for a long time,
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a red line. he and his government worried about escalating the war and countries from the night. so military alliance getting dragged in president vladimir putin speaking on tuesday before the announcement. the home precisely of the mouth also been the representatives of nato countries was especially in uniform, especially in small country. and that what they should be aware of for the playing with before talking about striking, rushing certitude in general. this constant escalation for what can leads to see the consequences. nighttime the secretary general repulsed it. this friday, russia escalated, biting, bathing, and other countries. and restaurants escalate to adjust the last weeks by opening a new front where they are shifting a ukraine from inside russia. of course, to assume that your printer is not packed, as in no way
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a reasonable nicole. so ukraine must be able to defend the territory. ukraine is always going to be aware that we can use tight roads between supporting the countries right to defend itself. in a much wider conflict during home, and i would just say the keys were reminder of our main story on this sanchez here and use our now and us present. joe biden has presented a new is really sci fi proposal to end the war on guys. he says the proposal has been sent to him off by kata bite and says the fine has 3 phases. the 1st would be a full and complete sci fi between israel and her mazda. 6 weeks is there any force is withdrawn from all populated areas of garza. the 2nd phase would see a permanent end to the war and the release of all captives held in this trip. the 3rd and final phase would involve a major reconstruction, signed for gaza, and the return of the remains of the captives. let's get the reaction about cuba, l donna who is a political list and contributed to this is reading newspaper high rights. he's
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joining us from tel aviv thank you for being with us. um, interesting that we heard this supposedly is really sci fi proposal from the american president. was this forced upon israel? what, what do you think that this is a very interesting because what you read in this message is that president biden is kind of bypassing the is ready government, the cabinet. we didn't hear anything, you know, it's shot back now. so everything is muted because of the coalition. the, you know, the older adults don't like to hear messages during this job. but, and the message i think is that the west is mainly to gas, to a gas. and i as in good who put a deadline that if the government will not accept the american,
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the blueprints. mm hm. that includes. and although they are out and actually what the president, by that is saying, is that he's aware of the fact that there are factions in the correlation, that's what defines it's very hard to accept. so even is an attorney, how will you be ready to enter? well, or do it to put an end to the confrontation and i suspect that he will be able to convince bank where it's most range from the old provide those will, uh, uh, interested in, uh, erecting erecting the uh, g sacraments, installing them again in the gartner, street, the masonic partners, and i, i think that the key hopes that uh, by the hopes that the guns and iron good were we couldn't see the,
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the deadline, the ultimatum that they put during this anyhow. so as you said, the biden, in his speech acknowledged to find that there are those within these really cabinet to will out writes rejects this proposal, and you say now can convince simple, cannot convince them. no. i think that the simple thing that the and they are getting the orders from the rabbis, or directly from the messiah that they, you know, 40. they believe that god gave only the jewish people, the rise to settle in the holy land. mm hm. so uh for this is an old style to write a what do either step out then accept this. so, and that's why also president biden is actually approaching these ready people. right. the key that what about these really probably got large don't they want this war to end? is actually the majority of these ready,
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but big is tired, exhausted, as well as these riley only, you know, uh, people say that it is uh called back to got back to uh uh it goes towards the resist powers. go back to guys, have to leave their families to lose their jobs in the army. it has exhausted in demand about and munitions that united states, as we know and not willing to supply is right, was legal weapons. and if you look at the international communities is losing support in the international media. uh the, uh, there is an escape ation between israel and egypt, which is your live and even colorado. now it's important that cut up is involved in the,
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this formula in this new deal. so in that there is too much is at stake now. so here's what i say. no, very interesting to talk to you as always. i keep i outta i joining us there from tennessee. thank you very much for your time. well, let's discuss cutoffs. rolling all of this now with all just areas hush him. i have a bar who's covered this conflicts for us extensively as closely following all the negotiations we heard by didn't say that this proposal has been transmitted. tomas by cots are what are your category for swelling? so maybe just pick up from where i keep by the end of the when he said, because boy is going to be very important. now, just to, i've been in touch with a source with, with know there's all the outgoing negotiations and basically just have a tardy mediator. as of now in touch with both i'm us and the is riley in the attempt to reach an agreement is quite significant. if you've asked me a month ago, what about the potential for an agreement?
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i would have told you, perhaps it could be in cairo today. it is definitely going to be here in del, how you say yes. okay. for the simple reason that it is up putting a huge political process to see something happening and the time. so huh. but this time, the key play is going to be a good top. because when you look at the of the a proposal, it's not really different from the one that was presented to just lie bit more details and it's just going to be about a few details. mm hm. how about said in principles of you, okay, with those arrangements. but this time you have to have someone to tell me how much it's about time to put some concessions to move forward and the have the leverage to do with that. they've been with trying to work out the details of an agreement in the past and, and how much doesn't understand that is quite an interesting moment of that for a i don't see them saying that, you know, once this book will price it,
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i think they seize the opportunity and they would like to go forward, you talked about concessions that where on what points is most likely to conceive that, let me just try to get some perspective to all of you as a watching us. why now? mm hm. in 2 weeks from now you have has, which is the most important gatherings for a 1000000000 and 400000000 muslims all over the wealth that comes at the very end of has a fat followed by 8. imagine that a 1000000000 280400 1000000 muslims watching a what she's supposed to be an event of celebration, joy and happiness. while at the same time you're building those same fixtures of destruction. yeah, yeah, but listen, god, just we said the same thing during ramadan when ramadan was about to begin, we said they have to be a sci fi before ramadan and it didn't happen. what makes you think that it's different this time, or what do you see? just to things here, the americans and the categories the americans can manage to put more lever as of
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these wireless. but i'll tell you is we'll have to have to build bridges and convince how much to move forward. and you have these 2 elements. then you have the you can have a do about a half to say, but it's going to be extremely difficult to convince because hobbies to help put together an agreement and convince him as to make concessions. unless you're convinced the call parties themselves as a key made data in this agreement. that's the easy way. this time is going to move ahead of that. there's absolutely no way you come at the very last minute and you dismantle the agreement because it is going just to be backfired and all the key parties. this time we have to close to watch and more to, to the next step of the outside of government on the very specifics of the i do understand how they operate me and they wouldn't be tied to it for the upcoming days. but i'll tell you is won't say anything me until the moment they see 10 super results. what was the potential for a genuine supplement that he's going to provide? that's when you will see them coming up together,
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like we sold them in the past and, and make the announcement right. if you ask me that feedback about the last few months, completely frustrated with these riley's, of the same time with the international community to the point of a task, probably minutes democracy, how much it, although i might have thought it was saying that we don't understand why the international committee cited, we might view a load as we might put out from disagreements. we re fi um, caution bite and also talked about normalization that always comes back in the conversation normalization with found your radio between saudi arabia and israel. do you think there's a potential for that to happen if indeed a ceasefire, a permanent ceasefire lasting once he's achieved for kind of things. the reason why he's talking about that in particular, and what is very vague is that in his speech, is a both phase 3, which is the recall selection of casa recall instruction from an american perspective. should it be taken over by, by the scene or pharmacy backs by wealthy gulf nations? and this is why they want the saudis to be pretty much well involved. and this is
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why why they say that it would be good to have to normalize it normalize they shouldn't take face, but you know, and i do understand that the gc nice has don't see eye to eye when it comes to what happens that yeah. who should be involved and what the, how much should stay or what, how much should go? and how much he's also saying that if we all took a bit of a cell to an agreement, the international community, them not because of these riley, they have to understand they will have ultimately to come to us when it comes to rebuilding construction. because we remains the most powerful entity in gaza and that is absolutely no way you can turn the top to of having us on top to the top to the search page of the agreement. it might take really some time, very interesting to talk to you as always and, and getting all the information from you and your sources hash him i have are joining us on the news out. meanwhile, gammon sophie said of launched on this on the top corner usa across carry out the eisenhower in the red sea. the young beyond world says it's in retaliation to joint
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us and british strikes on the hood. data province in western gammon that killed at least 16 people. the one allied hostings have launch repeated drone and missile strikes on ships and the red sea since november. they say these attacks are account pain of solidarity with palestinians in casa, in the many of the many on forces confirmed that the crimes of the us and push aggression was not the tub and 4, folding. the religious moral. i'm humanitarian, judy tools, the young people say that another operation will continue until the aggression stops. and the seems a little pressed. the kind of thing and putting garza is lifted i had on i'll just here i will be looking at the day sports news and shows a marino has found a new club to manage. find out where he's going. games for snakes with fire. stay with the business like this, this route to you believe i guess is i live my on one of your this makes model
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inflates. the business like just is free to you believe i guess is minus my on one of your just makes modern plates. the
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about 10, not a sports as far fully. thank you so much. scotlands women's football team are playing a european, qualifying double header against israel with the 1st match in glasgow. the game is taking place, submit the backdrop of the ongoing warren gaza, and it's being played behind closed doors because of planned protests. patrice was at him, the park ahead of the game to the dentist. i to say, i've been shunting stopped the game and partially, they go with a big shit. when's a good outside 100 part? when the news came through that it protests the adult onto the page and change themselves to the goal posts at delaying kickoff. now the reason they want this
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game stop is because they say there's a double stand to that probably as the governing body of european football wife from russia, from its compositions. shortly after its invasion of the crate, the demonstrates, his head. se is ro should also suffer that sanction due to that, in garza, they is, i know the demonstration by the jewish community in glasgow over the other side of the stadium. they say that that's not the case, because the difference in the 2 cases is how much is attack on israel. on october, the 7th, the demonstrations going on, hey, i'm the and pop. while these people wait to say whether the game will kick off again for the 1st full res, i'll just era plus go down to the next chapter and josie marino's, managerial career. he set to be announced as a new head coach of turkish aside,
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a center bunch, a 100 bucks a have yet to confirm the departure of current head coach as wild cards. how but it's believe marino has signed a 2 year contract. marino has enjoyed an illustrious career when a numerous treasure trophies with the likes of porto chelsea, inter milan, and round the dread he'll be tasked with winnings thunderbolt chase, 1st link title for 11 years after they missed out to arch rivals. gallus has arrived the season despite losing just one match, or that we're just the day way of from the way for champions like final, wembley around madrid are aiming for a record extending 15th league title. but standing in their way is for us the adornment. the and excitement is building the capital. as london's royal philharmonic orchestra played a live version of the champions, look at them as a trophy was delivered, defend zone by 2002 champion fod. michael
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a you want it with round madrid. is that here the tennis now and top seat and defending champion egos to be on track is 3 to the 4th round of the french open. the police star who was celebrating her 23rd birth date on friday. the check player and marie and both cova swine tags arrived the major scare in her previous match against snail mail socket. but this time note she clenched a relatively comfortable victory. 6416. so face rushes, anastasia. punch of cobra. now i feel good to basically i had a day off yesterday evening so i feel, yeah, i don't feel like this much kind of stayed with me. obviously we'll say at the end of the tournament, but for sure today is meant to us. i just saw it,
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so i'm happy that i finished and said i could close it in around 30 minutes for sure. it's a good thing. it's raining us open champion cocoa golf is also through the next round. the american beet, diana? yes. stream discuss 6264, or view printing an opponent try to put up a fight in the 2nd set. denying the american victory on our 1st match points. bought the 3rd seed. he reached the funnel in paris and 2022 clinched it at the 2nd . young center remains on course to make it back to back grand slams after he defeated pabo cutoff in straight sets. the 2nd seat has been caring a hip injury since early may, but looked in good form here. only facing one break point threw out sooner will become the new world number one does know that dr. rich fails, reach the final rolling gap about dallas mavericks and book their spots in the n b finals. will. they'll face the boston celtics the mags advanced by ceiling. the
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western of finals against minnesota timber was for one with a 124 to 103 big drinking 5 soup dog was on hand to watch luc advantage entire use for being dropped like it's a lot of dallas players scoring $36.00 points each and the finals began on to the 6 . most importantly, we got the way guy, some great guys in the team, from players coaches to a button team. we have great guys. and that is the most important thing. so we stay together and we just play basketball, you know, especially i think with the 3 very, very, very good teams and i haven't comb with the home advantage, which is which is pretty good for us. okay. that is all used for can i by to you fully as far as thank you very much for that. now, demonstrators of gather in paris to show this solidarity with palestinians in the besieged, gaza, strip the vin, regular protest across western cities where demonstrators have demanded and enters drafts for 8 months. 8 or 8 months. we're on guys,
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i'm more than 36000 people policy. these have been killed since the conflict began in october, the vin demonstrations in toronto's, capital colombo, demanding the end of his route. so on guys i have a guy that outside the u and head office to call and the agency to do more to stop and broadband, just me now for non districts. i'm yes and all the protests is quality data. if you would tell, assign the banners, and then you can say stop the genocide and it's the same thing. we actually lumpkin to the standard time of time, even more head no more dollars raise really crime. stoppers really will drive. and all of us aid to easier to say no to genocide isn't generally sort of a feel of the policy at this road the you have. so for us to get a different the use on the people have does or living ins. and so that is why it's not on the mindset. i'm here because my family, my kids, but this is important,
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is this? yes, subject not just the kind of serious but for our own children living able to be in the would be doing more to see or to petition of the lack of accountability and become feed cottage and lack of a disability of human life that happened here happening that is the incentive to get here to cease by an hour and 3 and then in the day, this group of different organizations concerned citizen came outside the u. n. building that's just behind me in colombo to voice that concern about what's happening in gaza. 8 months of the war and guys, people say that is, this is launching in human onslaught on the people on the side and best must stop the some of the shots. 7 talk about the world is watching the you and do your job. good, more than anything. what struck people here is the inability to stay silence. minute for the end of august 0, colombo,
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invested from me for the back to both stay with us 9 am. i say he's with you next. thank you very much. the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken active risks making that voices. how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fight against the planning? the catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do that much destruction you're gonna face the consequence. nature is, then we'll just see a risk, new series dying now or never. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on ridgecrest. the, the hard hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way
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. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take effective use of the present as not that important factor? he had the story on talk to how does era, the israel is off conference, a new proposal to roadmap to new jersey as far release of all hosted you as president calls on i'm asked to accept and use writing proposal to end the war and gaza saying it's time for the will to end the hello i'm. i am the mazda you're watching alger 0 life from dell also coming up on the.


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