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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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this was for the good that is such as this stuff is when the war in june on outages era the us react positively to a cease fire proposal announced by the us president. well, israel says it's conditions for ending the will have not changed. well, i've urge leadership easy to stand behind this deal despite whatever pressure the, i mean, this is all just there in life and also coming up the desperate search for the bodies of loved ones off to is really full size withdrawal from giovanni, a refugee camp, a new era of coalitions in south africa, the applicant, national congress is reduced to 40 percent of the votes. it's almost all the
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results to class. and the final phase of india is ma'am, as general election is on the way as a sheet. waves stifles northern states. the, as well as opposition, is urging the government to accept a new cease 5 proposal for casa prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said, conditions haven't changed, and he won't accept to permanency spot until how much is destroyed. on friday, president barton announced a proposal that included the withdrawal of israeli forces from populated areas and an exchange of is riley captives and palestinian prison is a white house correspondent can be whole, could begins all coverage. it is time for this war to and hold for a cease fire in israel's war on gaza. us president joe biden has revealed israel is
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pushing the proposal. he hopes will bring an end to it's war on gaza. this is truly a decisive moment. is made their proposal moss as it wants to cease fire, of this do as an opportunity to improve whether they really need the 1st phase of the 4 page agreement would last 6 weeks. it includes a complete ceasefire and withdrawal of israeli forces for populated areas of gaza. this would also include the exchange of is really captives for palestinians held. it is rarely jails. palestinians would be able to return to their homes in gaza. and $600.00 trucks of aid would be delivered each day. i know there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan. i've urge leadership is on the stand behind this deal. in the 2nd phase of the deal,
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israel and her boss would work toward a permanent and to hostilities. the 3rd phase would involve the reconstruction of gaza. previous cease fire talks, mainly mediated by egypt. and cats are, have repeatedly stalled with both sides, blaming the other for failure. now bite and staking his own reputation on ensuring this latest deal moves ahead. for president facing re election. it's an acknowledgement of the unpopularity of his pro is real policies. there's a lot to consider as far as biden is concerned, and a lot riding on bringing this up, or if it war to an end, in order for him to focus more on elections in which use a trailing behind. that's why president biden's made ending israel's war on gaza a priority. it's become a political problem, costing him support with the voters who were crucial for his election with in 2020
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. kimberly, help you out to 0. the white house. well, a mazda is released the statement saying it is willing to web towards the space for a plan. the nose by president fight in the statement goes on to say that the movement risk arms, it's readiness to positively engage and cooperate with any proposal based on the foundation of a pub. and then sci fi, complete withdrawal from the gaza strip reconstruction. the return of the space peasants to that home, i'm the completion of a genuine present exchange deal provide is that the occupation now says it's explicit commitment to this. well, as we've been reporting the, is there any government has banned al jazeera from reporting israel, which is my wrong con, joins us from amman in jordan. so we've had or starting to get reaction now out of israel to this proposal, to push through what we've been hearing to well,
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the progress is office has released a stave and it says uh, as well as conditions but ending the war have not changed. the destruction of the masters, military capabilities, government capabilities, and the freezing of all hostages, freedom of hostages, and ensuring that cause and no longer presents the threat. they then go onto the site. the notion, the israel agreed to a permanent c 5 because. ready these conditions of the field is a non starter. that's going to be something that's going to disappoint the americans. they not need to go through that statements. things that make phone calls. they need to figure out whether this is allows any wiggle room for anything that allows for a permanency spite to take place. they need to figure out what this means in a fix. but the problem is the present or gotten more. but i actually made this statement publicly, and the reason he did that perhaps perhaps deliberately, is he wanted to appeal to the other politicians within israel's political establishment. yeah, the p,
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the opposition leader has been play. he says he's ready, government cannot ignore the president bite and significant speech. there's a deal on the table and it needs to be done. reminds netanyahu that he has a security network from us for the hostage deal. if at ben give it and sponsors the far right lead. ready the coalition leave the government, so he may well be actually looking at an alternative government. i mean, the language that was used publicly by biting has prompted this response. that feels like it could well have been deliberate. and we're on con uh that from a lot in a reminder, again, the israeli government has banned out a 0 from reporting inside israel, which is why we're reporting from georgia. the lodges. there has been speaking with palestinians in garza about the us. the president's proposal is what they have to say, a number of others we will come to you when we hope to well, we spoke in order for us to go back to the areas and our houses seem to know. we
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have suffered unlocked. we hope how much of these released we're featuring the seeming to put an end to the war. we still have hope, with the help of a law to stop the war and the suffering and open the crossings to go back to our houses. the proposal must be serious and they must be willing to find a solution and reach a cease fire the we need to stop the blood shed, killing women, and children, and the elderly must stop. if they are serious, then something suitable will happen for the sake of everyone. we live in humiliation, but we're optimistic that would have been and we hope people support the palestinian people. and we hope you're serious about reaching a ceasefire agreement. we want to say 5 because we are very tired physically, and psychologically we want to stop the war and go back to our areas and houses. we've been displaced full times and these riley's of show better areas and destroyed houses. i can say nothing but praise be to all my see, we need the war to stop as soon as possible. we need to stop the mass because and
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we knew to stop the genocide. we're letting them know using i've increments reported it because we don't want water any, but we had enough community action in suffering auction and women are being taught get to the kids. don't know so you can speak the power cowboys are me joins us now . life and they're all by let in central garza so one of the things outlined in this proposal by joe biden was to increase the number of a trucks coming into gauze, up up to 600 trucks immediately which would go a long way to alleviating the situation. that is ongoing now uh the famine and so on. how bad all seems at the moment as well, then they would be heads. in fact, now or the is very control of crossing board is have completely completely negative impacts on the humanitarian situation. which day by day is escalate thing and a very unprofessional level is of course many areas in the territory. now the,
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the american president to abide in on different international resolutions have really as these many prime minister benjamin netanyahu in order to allow for the flow of the humanitarian supplies into the goals. this trip, practically best scenarios, only $178.00 tropes have been allowed to get into the territory since october the 7th. and we initially remember the elliott days with when the is but it will cabinet members have completely agreed on the brand. i think the goal is, is to keep any kind of 8 supplies which read excessive pay, the conditions of palestinians till this very moment. yet to now there was no any kind of a getting into the territory as people in the north are completely trapped. tons of it's very funny you looking for primitive methods of food in order to feed on the same time. people, kids that are back within the last massive ways of evacuation and displacement from rough or are now he originally didn't seem to everybody kind of the last the area they are expressing the deep agnoni. i'm degree for gone thing. the deprived ation
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of receiving 8 supplies, which what palestinians generally, what, depending on after they've become financially pro can and due to that is very ongoing offensive that completely destroyed or live old means of life. of course, this trip entire the there is still extensive. is there any bombing going on across gaza? what is the latest it? yes, it is. wait a minute to come. peyton, we present it and, and using each piece of 5 power on the ground and so on. going to now where are we in the past couple of hours with continue to hear loud bombardments in the central areas where the is very minute treat has been bouncing. the northern parts of mr. ross directed you come why they previously had to appraise it in, but mainly in the south this, there was much purty concentration from the is by the army on a rough district. now these wait a minute, 3 maneuvering military tanks are still on the main central neighborhoods of rough i district, including a shuttle ride and give them that refugee come now there's on going back to the raging and every now and then we come, most points is and the is by the army bought the is wait
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a minute to manage successfully to control philadelphia coriso, which means that they have kind of operation of control from that you can find them at the same time to continue to carry. finally, residents who are trapped in a low seat area where they have been using military culture trends, shooting them, forcing them to flee. to derek bella, which right now is no longer safe as it has been bombardment within the course of the past couple of days. okay, thank you so much for your posting tire. couple assume that for us in there all by law in central gaza, will palestinians all desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones. soft as rarely forces withdrew from giovanni, a refugee camp if northern gauze on friday, it follows a 3 week offensive, which forced out tens of thousands of residents from the most densely populated tab in gaza. will name that this report from laura con, contains some disturbing images. it's
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a 3 some task you surface picking through debris to find the bodies of his loved ones. and that beyond recognition of just the over 30 people were killed and that buried under this rubble on the 11th of may, our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains as well. we found the bones. we haven't found any insect bodies. they will decompose. may god be with us. his home has been struck by and is ready. bowman is jabante a. now it's just one of the labyrinth of destroyed and crumbling houses, businesses and schools. off to a 3 week it's radio offensive. golf is the largest and most densely populated refugee camp is wrecked. beyond recognition street, off the street, people tell similar stories of loss and grief. the door said it was
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another. what do i do? my father was standing in front of his own door step when you're walking targeting this truck. is that what did you do wrong? you was 71 years old. what else? what harm did he called us to his room or somewhere? what thread did he posting? it and you know, and my father was best if it's on him, giovanni, i his, be that the epicenter does raise, the rates of will began off to his ready forces, withdrew and february, the camp was no longer habitable medical teams have become well practiced and retrieving bodies from under the rubble upon what was the those of the parties of children alone with the funds and competitors not long ago . we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victim is truck. was unfolding into a body or for g camp and more broadly and cause a month to genocide, think to install it. people. many of the dead a brought to come all at one hospital wrapped in shrouds. here people are
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identifying the bodies, young and old, to give them as dignified a funeral as they come to your loan. this woman was to grief stricken to speak. she didn't need much to, to just lost her funds. those who survived to returns can only come to teach how the pray. i grieve for those that last nor home, i'll just see around. and so head on out is there a display of unity from the us in the philippines against china, astrology and the asia pacific region. the interrogate, the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit
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the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes. the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the mold and untold stories from asia and the pacific on which is era. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this i point by camera where all those refer not to the i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up and us worse to make a rally. and also viet time when on the power of political lot, what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our task to
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change our future studio be unscripted, want to on i will jersey around the watching out. is there a mind the top stories and face our us president i bought it has announced what he describes as an as riley ceasefire proposal that could end the war on gauze that it will begin with a 6 weeks feast fund and include the restorative authority forces from populated areas and return to the captive. these are the prime minister's office has reacted to biden's announcement saying the will will continue until one of his goals on chief,
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including the return of captives and the elimination amount. thomas has also responded saying it is willing to work with the cx 5 plan with certain conditions. they include a permanency spa and with ton of displace palestinians to that house the with move in 98 percent of the votes counted in south africa's elections. the governing african national congress has lost its majority in parliament. the and sees tally currently stands just above 40 percent. that will force it to seek a coalition partner to get enough backing to name of president form a government. and 2nd place is the democratic alliance, which has about 21 percent of the votes counted so far from the president, jacob zoom is m k. policy has made a surprise performance coming instead, with just over 14 percent. it's running ahead of fi cannot make freedom fighters
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policy, which is in 4th place with around 9 percent. and amendment will go live to her latasha, who's and devin for us 1st. let's get the latest for mike how to is that a results operation sent him to town of mid run? so mike, how things looking took us through the nice results as well, but still waiting for the 100 percent of results to come in. it's around 99 percent at the bottom. it has it's been for much of the morning. but the amc obviously facing major decisions, it would have to form a coalition government. otherwise it will have to act as a minority government. and there's a time a effect to as well because constitutionally, parliament has to sit 2 weeks off to the final declaration of results. the 1st act of that new parliament is to elect a new president. so the amc basically has 14 days in which either to couple
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together a coalition or not. now in the last few minutes i've spoken to the chairperson of the african national congress squared a mind tasha. and he confirms that yes are deep discussions within the a and see about the coalition about who it will be with. but he says the amc will be guided by policy. in other words, it will be seeking a partner who has similar policies to it. now that would be difficult. amc essentially sits at the middle of the political spectrum in south africa. it has spotwood left. for example, the economic freedom fighters the to it's right. it has the democratic alliance. so you go to very different potential apartments for the amc who have vastly different policies. and then of course you have m k and m k as already rolled out any coalition with the amc. okay, thank you for that. mike, how does that for us? let's go to her at ms. hasa is in devon for us. so mike mentioned v m k
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policy led by former president jacob zoom a, it's smudging or has to much as a political force to be reckoned with for relatively new policies or monk fluoride . isn't it? a exactly, it is considering the parties only just a few months old. it is managed to take away votes from the a and c and of the political parties, but the in k party is alleging so intriguing it says that these being thought you're getting in some provinces including this one because it, and that's how they say, according to the independent teddy, their results doesn't affect the results coming off from the electoral commission. and then once a manual recount, they also say that they are suspicious about a sudden technical glitch that happened on friday when the result portal winds down briefly. and then winds up again, they want to know what happened they of their lives that they've seen suspicious individuals loitering around the service, but they've told the supporters to remain calm and wait for direction from the
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party. but political and also saying that despite would be in case things that have done a while. so we may not see major upsets wide raced in the region. they could just accept the results of the key thing. now of course is, what would they do about these allegations? how far are they willing to go? and what would be a true commission say about these allegations if they do indeed respond to them? thank you for that harm, a task. so the 1st in the oven, the, the world's biggest longest running elections are drawing to a close in india, 7th and last phase of polls that taking place in southern states as a federally run territory, includes one of the most high profile seats that's being contested by prime minister and they're under moody, reminds of indian government has not grown to visa style does their job this. so we are covering the election from outside the country. if it goes to machinery
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supports a matter of tone election on its own stretch more than a $100000000.00 voters of costing the bandits in the final round. among the candidates is prime minister in the range of multi contesting from the ancient city of bottom. the sea enrolled in india's hotel for those of them, for many of his supporters. he's already delivered on the deck into tom's many no, great to the temple for one of henderson's. most rebel date is in january. it's built on the ruins. so for historic, most of that is destroyed by lightning groups in the early ninety's. many hindus believe the drum was bomb here, actually movies you need. so yeah, a little me, moody is done to look for us. a grand rom temple is being constructed. we will have to support moody nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cost the ballots in the polls that began
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on april, the 19th voting has been held a was 6 weeks. the election commission says it's to ease the burden of staging a nation vote. and was most populous country, but turn out has been low then in 2019 with a severe heat we've cited as one of the reasons for the 1000000 to attend up unemployment and section a major concerns of your day. and people at the there's because you, i to been right now that is an employment youth. i'm not getting any jobs. the poor . i'm not getting any help despite the governments initiate many projects that i need to have. people are upset. people are not happy. bgp workers and leader may be satisfied, unhappy, but a normal person is not moving is let his product page on top of due to too long slide victories in 20142019. if he wins the selection, he will be only the 2nd prime minister in india's history to win
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a coach. tim of this party is up against an alliance led by the indian national congress job job. some voters have criticize political policies, the leading campaigns to see have been polarizing devises, bringing up issues of induced business and muslims will take us no way. we need developments to them and not in a specific field for a specific person, but progress for everyone. everyone supports indians living abroad are required to travel to the home constituency, to cost a balance. votes would be counted in the single, the unannounced, on june defaults. i'm a close, i'm sure if i'll just see the okay, i want to bring you some breaking news coming to us from the southern lebanon and is really ministry drone has crushed the of to being hit by
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a has bullet anti croft miss. so it was an amazed $900.00 and dryer and which is one of the most expensive is rarely asked for cross that breaking news. as soon as we have any more on this, we will bring it to you in the us defense sexy lloyd austin has told a security for him and single pull that will with china is need evidence, no on avoidable. his comments come against a backdrop. the fry's intentions in the asia pacific region. he's also defended the actions of the philippines, which has been involved in the standoff with beijing over there to speech in south china sea. patrick folk is at the conference in the single police such as this update. the secretary of defense delivered a strongly worded address, so with stinging criticism all beijing accusing china dangerous harassment towards the philippines and using language that was similar to the sort of language that
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present ferdinand ma costs and junior used in his speech. at the summit, he said so the beijing is actions were a legal and was if, and he said that washington's commitment to is tracy. i was on cloud separately at a time when the wrong questions about how thinly spreads us move, who is also is, are across the middle east. and ukraine, you said says that the us is deeply committed to the and the pacific. america will continue to play a vital role in the end or put something together with our friends across the region that we share in the united states. across the united states government, across our political landscape. you'll find a strong and bi partisan commitment to the endo pacific
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critics and propagandist will still oppose the principal principles that drive convergence. they will continue to reject the rate of law and they will try to impulse their we own the origin of direction of those was something a strong response from china and member of the chinese delegation accuse washington and seeking to build an asian pacific version. all the nato, a lions to maintain the gemini over the reasons. thinking on the sidelines on this summit. so they've done a general ging john thing said that the us in the pacific strategy sounds good but does no good. and they also hits out of the us for all main taiwan. now we know that there was some tough conversations had behind the scenes yesterday, but progress was made but to days was in many ways. highlights how far apart for us in china are still on some critical issues. ok, that's it from the money side,
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whether it's next then inside story the you had a lot of that will look to east asia and as one tropical system pulls away to the east of japan, we go to another one that's come on show requests. most southern parts of china, not phone and a pot when it hit the land, but it's still going to bring some very heavy rain across south eastern areas. and in particular into taiwan on sunday into monday, we are likely to see some flooding here towards the northeast, across japan. we're seeing more in the way of stormy weather, some heavy rain to come here that will knock temperatures down across more northern areas. the temperature will be picking back up for the korean peninsula and into northern areas of japan, which is
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a legacy of showers up here. the heavier rain continuing to affect the south west at the start of the week. and the heavy rain floods into southern parts of india and she will land because that's thanks to the moon's soon. this continues to push internal eastern areas of india and bundle with dish as well. so move fund the stones to come over the next few days, stretching across with central areas of india as well, but towards the north west and into pockets done. it has been a story of damaging and deadly heat where you can see those figures onto those high, but they still sitting in the mid fourties in the hole and we'll see the temperature pick up slightly in new delhi as we go into the new week of the since eas, rails war on gaza, thousands of the simians helping indiscriminately displaced, certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals have one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets from us
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wages war from hospital. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, out to 0 world investigates where the east ran is violating international. no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on out to 0 pages talk, security summit has begun in single full little lies on the us and china. us tensions rise over the future of taiwan. so how is that relationship affecting stability in the region and the rest of the wells? this is inside story the .


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