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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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resentment, issues, we'll just see a risk new series dying now or never. the families of captives hounding guys. i called on these release to take to the streets to demand that farm industry. next, you know, except the si fi proposal announced by the us president the no, i'm 40 back people. you're watching how to 0 life from bill also coming up next and most project, a victory for india is 5 minutes in render modi's v g p, after the final phase of voting. in general, electric in south africa, rebuilding african national congress party reports its worst elections and sold. and except to share our for the 1st time since the end of, of,
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and countdown to lift off. boeing is set to knology 1st crude flight to space on a mission the, the families of captives being held in guys that have called for ease really is to take to the streets to pressure the government to accept the si fi proposal announced by the us president and a press conference relatives one to that prime minister benjamin it's now may try to stop the agreement from going ahead. they called on this now to come on publicly in the proposal includes the 6 week si, fi at the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and the return of all captives. well, that's where the entire high ride on this she's from. uh, joining us from my mind because these really government has found challenges here from reporting from inside israel. satera we've heard from the families of the captives and the last hour talk to us more about what they've said and how they've
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received the c cyber polls. still this is the 1st official public statesman so that so was the how happening in tel aviv. this is also where every single soft today, the families of those held captive has gathered up putting pressure on the government's right in front of the defense ministry. and then the statements of the, the, to sum it up this by doing proposal is giving them how they've said, but they're also concerned that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and some of what they called extremist members in the government could torpedo this deal. i'll just mention some of the things that will say they called on these right, these to take to the streets. they've already been gathering in large numbers. they want more people to come out and support them. quoting on this deal to happen as soon as possible that even said that some of those, the old struck thing, it could be potentially mess and yahoo from reaching a deal. they've accused him before of doing this and also saying,
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but they're already voters in israel. the all attacking the us president, president vines, and adding to this they said there is a minority black mailing that's and y'all, and threatening the deal. we mustn't leave it to extreme is and of course this is in reference to the far right ministers. namely, it's a mob been delayed us national security minister as well as the finance minister, best law, smart church that has made it very clear that if it's up to them, they want to continue. this will writes until the engine and spot they want to read, suckle a golf, remember israel was in gauze occupying it, and then their forces left in 2005. and so did those illegal is riley settlements. also to add to that you had the opposition leader coming out with a strong statement today as well. again, we're almost giving a last lines of private as to benjamin netanyahu saying don't worry about the others. he names those 2 people i just mentioned is my bank of it and visit all smart truths and says that if they decide to quit the government,
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something they have said many times if nothing younger doesn't give into what they want, which is, as they call it, victory, and so the end until they get rid of thomas and to continue to stay in gauze and see us. he said we will help you had to have a majority in the government. take this deal as well as that you have us making phone calls to several countries in the region, saudi arabia, jordan, as well as tacky, judging them to also support this deal uninsured. but it happens, it's been received well, whether we will hit again from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the statement that he released with some what's um, big us not saying whether they supports it or not. but there are also leaks saying that him as well as some of the will cabinet members knew about this by didn't statements, but perhaps didn't know the details. sarah, thank you very much for that. that sounds aristotle. hi rod reporting their life from i'm on jordan because again, these are the government has been down to 0 from reporting from inside his route. meanwhile, he's really opposition figures that also originate to now to accept the sci fi,
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a plan one which the us president initially described as an is really proposal or con, has more nearly 8 months since it, israel's war on guns posting in these lives as being up ended by death and destruction. see some lights in the darkness that solved the president biden and failed a new proposal to end the war. a number of others we will come to you when we hope the will. we spoke in order for us to go back to the areas and our houses seem to know. we have to suffer what kind of being and we hire people, support the palestinian people. and we hope you're serious about reaching a ceasefire agreement. we want to say 5 because we are very tired physically, and psychologically. the proposal lays out 3 phases, the fuss would last 6 weeks and include a c 4. i'm withdrawal of israeli forces from populated areas of gone. so it would also include the exchange of his way to cap tips, the posting and held in his way to jails. in a 2nd phase is rolling,
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her mouse would walk towards a permanent end to hostilities. and the 3rd would have both the reconstruction of garza. this is truly a decisive moment. this is made their proposal how much as it wants to cease fire. this do is an opportunity to improve whether they really need well i didn't describe it and his re detail bought a statement from the office of it's probably minnesota says israel's conditions the ending, the will have not changed the destruction of her masters, military and governing capabilities the free of all hostages and ensuring the gulf and no longer poses a threat to israel. the american pressure on his right or maybe on both sides. islam did you create the some i'll be doing the that we raise the brushes all the prices on it, but now not only from the united states,
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also to europe and the rest of the world. and this is also reacted saying the movement reaffirms it's readiness to positively engage and cooperate with any proposal on the foundation of a permanent ceasefire. complete withdrawal from the gaza strip reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to the homes and the completion of a genuine present to exchange deals from massacres in displacement come to be haunted by starvation and disease and a strip of land rented and habitable many posting is a clean to the hoop, the deal will finally be reached, the can change this reality. the hon. i'll just, sarah, are you i spoke to or a goldberg and he's ready political comment. asia, he says from mister benjamin if now is not likely to change his mind despite the growing fresher. so these are, these are particularly for administrative to now realize that there is no other option. the problem is,
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within the hour has created in domestic political discourse. that just does not allow them to say this, all right? you cannot say towards the end of the war, the big ones being ridiculed and possibly dismissed by right wing religious elements of his government. and she also knows that until some real change of scene is on the general consensus and supports the continuation of the war. now when i say this is important to remember that these are the general consensus will also support a cesar once there's a ceasefire in place, a 6 or 6 weeks. is there a place i can attest personally, conversations with various people i know but also think of general mood here. the country is thirsty, eager, hungry firstly. sorry. collin, which are like cursory readings of is are in the media telling me that this is already being referred to as the nothing. yeah. deal to the situation in guys. and now in $95.00 palestinians have been killed by is really forces over
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a period of 24 hours. that's according to guys health ministry. at least 2 were killed in yet another is really strike on rough as the sun roof out of strips 7 most city is really military escapes, more than $36000.00 palestinians in gaza since october. the 7th and palestinians are desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones. after he's ready, forces withdrew from jabante, a refugee camp in northern guys. on friday, it comes off to a 3 week offensive force, tens of thousands from the most densely populated camp in casa, i'm home, it has this report, a warning, it contains images that may be upsetting to some of us. it's a gruesome task. used to be speaking through debris to find the bodies of pieces of the ones on the beyond. but the condition of the over 30 people were killed and that buried under this rubble on the 11th of may. our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains. well,
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we found the burns. we haven't found any in tech bodies. they will decompose, make up, be with us. he's home had been hit by and it's really boom in your body. now is just wonderful operating so destroyed and crumbling houses, businesses and screws of the see, which is really offensive, guys, the largest and most and so you populated with it. you come, it's wrecked. beyond recognition street of the street, people tell seamless stories of most then beef the door said it was another one. the other is my father was standing in front of his own door settings. when a rocket targeted me struck him dead. what did he do wrong? he was 71 years old. so what harm did he call us to israel? what read the post and it then you know, my father was oppressive as bad as the it'd be center of is really weight seems the will be gone. the medical team become well practiced and retrieving
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bodies from under the rubble upon one of those other bodies of children alone with the funds for parents not long ago. we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victim to s truck was unfolding into a body or for g camp and more broadly and gaza amongst the genocide against our people, the menu of the date of birth to come. i loved one hospital from insure out here. people i think, to find the body's young men will give them a dignified funeral, as they con oh, you're alone. nice woman was to be taken to speak and she can only mutter, but she's lost her son. well, those 2 of survived and become completely consult each other. i mean pre angry for
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those they have lost have them. i'm just the, the world's biggest and long as running elections in india have ended exit polls projecting a victory for the render moody's b j. p. and its allies with around 350 seats, a party needs to 132 for a majority. reminder, the indian government has non granted research to address. here is jernace. so we're covering the election from outside the country. let me go. so i'm sharif reports, the amount of tony election ends with the final round reporting more than a $100000000.00 voters. and so the cost of ballots in this round among the candidates prime minister move range multi contesting for the ancient city of boston. the sea in northern india is also fetish for many of his supporters
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is already delivered on the deck. and so from this in january, when integrated the temple for one of hendo is ins, most read the dates it's built on the rule. and so for a historic, most that is destroyed by right wing groups in the early ninety's. many hindus believe rome was born here. actually movies you need thought. yeah, a little moody is done to look for us. a grand rome temple is being constructed. we will have to support moody nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cost the ballots in the polls that began on april, the 19th voting has been held a was 6 weeks. the election commission says it's to ease the burden of staging a nation vote. and was most populous country, but turn out has been low then in 2019 with a severe heat we've cited as one of the reasons for the millions of turned up.
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unemployment uninstall ation, a major concerns. so the biggest issue here in vernon us is unemployment. so we all, we've lab those operate to machines 24 hours earlier and that operating them twice a week and not i need to have people are upset. people are not happy immediately. lucas and leader may be satisfied, unhappy, but a normal person is not moving has led his party gentle party to too long slight victories in 20142019 the selection is being seen as a test of his political dominance. if he wins the selection, he will be only the 2nd prime minister in india's history when a search term disability's up against an alliance led by the indian national congress dot gov. some voters have criticized political parties for leading campaigns. they see that have been polarizing
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a device of bringing up issues of induced versus muslims will take us no way. we need developments to the and not in a specific field for a specific person, but progress for everyone. everyone supports indians living abroad are required to travel to the home constituency, to cost a balance. votes would be counted in the single, they had announced on june defaults and the consumption brief. i'll just see the, the still ahead on knowledge is 0. we investigate the wave of keep not being spreading fits lot, mexico ahead of sundays elections. the had a lot of that, despite the advancement on the monsoon rains across the south asia, it is still
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a story of deadly and dangerous heat across pots of pockets done. and northern india, we've had heat relate to depth and people forced into hospitality because of those very hot and dry conditions, with exception high temperatures over the past week. now they're not as high as they have been on sunday. they still above the average. the whole sees a temperature of $45.00 degrees celsius and the temperature is set to linger into the early forty's, across the northwest of india, stretching down to more central areas. but we'll see more in the way of west to whether splash into northeastern areas. and if it's the east coast of india as we go into the new week with some heavy falls of rain effecting southern india and sri lanka. as we go monday into tuesday, the southern china is set to see more heavy rain. thanks. what area of low pressure it moves across the se, on on woods to taiwan, we are expecting flooding from this very heavy rain. it is looking at much quieter across more northern areas of china and across the korean peninsula. isn't heavy
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rain to come for japan, but it's an improving picture into the new week. and there'll be some recovery in taiwan on monday. the a former film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence but determined to turn tragedy to accommodate. this comic genius const sealing his own law, scar creates a fictional character which use this happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey news .
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the welcome back. a reminder about top stories on outages here on the families of captives being held in. guys, i have called for ease release to take to the streets, to pressure the government to accept the si fi proposal announced by the us president. and the press conference relatives called on time is for new to now to come up publicly in support of the flat one. it now says the war will continue until all of these goals are cheese, including the return of the captors and the elimination of somebody. and voting is ended in india after a 6 week election, early exit polls and projecting victory for the vendor movies b, j. p with around 3350 seats. if he's majority, home state will be modi's 3rd time as prime minister, the
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way around 99 percent of the votes counted in south africa's elections. the governing african national congress party has lost its majority in parliament for the 1st time since the end of apartheid. 3 decades ago, the agencies tati currently stands at just about 40 percent. that will force it to seek a coalition pot net to get enough backing to name a president and form a government in 2nd place, easy democratic alliance with around 21 percent of the votes from a president jacobs who most m k party has done surprisingly well fords for his contested elections coming in 3rd, with just over 14 percent as running ahead of the economic freedom fighters party and force base with around 9 percent. my county has more from the results operation center in the time of metro and the c a n. c was punished by voters nationally and in the provinces. its representation in the 400 seat national assembly was slashed. it will remain the biggest party. but for the 1st time will
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not be able to govern the loan. and the biggest surprise is the performance of the new content we seized way. party o m k. headed by pullman and see president jacobs. luna who says he's still an a and c member. a reflection of the political twists and turns the country is witnessing, and the party is adamant on one thing. there'll be no correlation until to the n c . b i n, c's. national chair person is reluctant to talk about the coalition option. what's the agencies position at the moment? the 0 our discussions that we talk to a number of questions. and it depends on the agreement on major policy issues that we need to do to determine what did the strong resistance within the organization to an alliance with the da, seen by some is a really of the upon take past. others would be deeply opposed to bringing in the
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e f. s. when it's ready, go lift wing policy. you have good for the, it's kind of the parties that are on the lights. the political parties got on the left and left a. but this issue that the a is to take will give tie up consequences on that. but, but the best option for me that the, in some of the team could be to go for some of the political parties that's have yet to be on the center. and there is a ticking cook. the constitution says the 1st sitting up, the new parliament must take place within 2 weeks of the official result being declared. and its 1st act must be to elect a president that's only 14 days in which to me about an entirely new political landscape, montana. oh, just the era, madrid and south africa. the mexicans go to the polls on sunday to elect more than $20000.00 officials, including a prize event. one of the challenges the window will faces a wave of kidnappings. a lot in america to tennessee and newman has more from zack,
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a take us and mexico. the colonial city, the septic as a world heritage site, but its beauty like that of so many parts of mexico has been overshadowed by one of the most cruel forms of violets. nearly 115000 people in mexico have disappeared unwillingly. according to the national register of disappeared and found people more than 11000 last year alone. here in check, i did guess there's been a wave of kidnappings of young men between the age of 14 and 28, but need to be forcibly recruited by organized crime groups. for the last 5 years, elizabeth ice has been searching for her brother, jose mcdaniel, or a mechanic who went out to fix a car one morning and never came back for missed that up in may,
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the violinist we went to alpha stones together in the 1st time we both a drink was together. he accompanied me to buy my wedding dress up and to get my facility treatments. we were very close more than any other siblings. this place, armed men grabbed and murdered her father because he was searching for his son. and like many family members, she's been threatened in the symmetry of flesh, neil the unidentified bodies of hundreds of presumed victims of unwilling disappearances lie in the cement pits up to 9 bodies fit in these tombs, each has a number and a date. none and have a name in the state attorney's office and forensic scientists, department of secretary desk has set up a system to help families identify bodies. they've found to many a burnt or decomposed beyond recognition. what photos of tattoos and clothes are proving useful for the special prosecutor is they're making progress.
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we search, we do everything so that murders are punished if the culprit of a disappearance is found. the person is tried and sentenced accordingly. perhaps much 99 percent of disappearances in mexico go unpunished. according to 0. impunity are respected in g o and the number of bodies phone is minute compared to the countless searches for tried. the stine grades, the desperate families carry out constantly. neither of the 2 leading candidates for sundays presidential elections seems to have a plan to tackle this drama. this is a start is run out of room for bodies. they do find, but can't identify. what you see here is the new center for the temporary burial of unidentified people here in socratic, gosh, are a total of 1336 of these just to your loan. each one will hold a casket,
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but it's not all. they'll be another $800.00 build here very shortly, and there will be a total of $3000.00 if any city, this is an indication that not just the state of psychotic us, but mexico is not expecting this crisis to end any time soon. a crisis that's reached unheard of proportions for a country that at least in theory, is not at war to see in human outages. era septic s as we want to take you now live to cape canaveral in florida with boeing is about to begin account. don fords 1st astronaut, launch of a delayed test flight for nasa. the stalled line a space ship is just about to lift off from cape canaveral to austin or so will travel to the international space station and spend 8 days conducting experiments. the boeing's last attempt at the launch had to be abandoned 2 hours before lift off . and in just the last to seconds,
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we understand that it's once again been delayed. the countdown has been paused. we'll find out what's happening as soon as we know, but it doesn't look like this left off is going to happen on time as scheduled today. another uh well disappointment, i imagine for all those involved in this. and we'll find out in just a few minutes again, what is going on there in cape canaveral, florida, as this lift off was due to happen now. but it's not. let's move on. and the us defense secretary lloyd austin has told a security for him in singapore, that war with china is neither imminent, no unavoidable. austin's comments comments tensions advising in the asia pacific region. he also defended the actions of the philippines. that's in a stand off with beaching over the south trying to see patrick falk is on the conference and just hang up or with more to the secretary of defense to deliver the strongly worded address. so with stinging criticism,
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all beijing accusing china dangerous harassment towards the philippines and using language that was similar to the sort of language that present ferdinand ma, costs and junior used in his speech at the summit. he said so the beijing actions were illegal and was if, and he said that washington's commitment to is tracy. i was on cloud separately at a time when the wrong questions about how often the spreads. us move, who is also is, are across the middle east and ukraine. you said says that the us is deeply committed to the and the pacific. america will continue to play a vital role in the end up with something together with our friends across the region. that we share in the united states across the united states government. across our political landscape. you will
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find a strong and bi partisan commitment to the endo pacific of critics and propagandist will still oppose the principal principles that drive convergence. they will continue to reject the name of the law and they will try to impulse their, we'll the origin of russian. those was prompted a strong response from china and member of the chinese delegation accuse washington and seeking to build an asia pacific version of the nato alliance to maintain the gemini over the reasons speaking on the sidelines on this summit. so they've done a general jean john thing said that the us and the pacific strategy sounds good but does no good and they also hits out of the us for arming taiwan. now we know that there was some tough conversations had behind the scenes yesterday, but progress was made but to days was in many ways. highlights how far apart for us
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in china are still on some critical issues. at least 20 people, including women and children, have died after a boat sank in eastern afghanistan. they were crossing a river in non gall province. 5 people survived the accident. rescue as have been retreating. the bodies from the water residents frequently used locally made boat to travel between villages and local markets. temperatures of tops 50 degrees during a heat wave in pakistan close to the countries all time record high businesses and whole households are coping with frequent frequent blackouts. with some lasting for hours, the government says electricity outages are happening in areas with high levels of power. fast an aging transmission systems come off high to reports. it daughter data gross bug is done, or clamping down on file would kept disconnecting offenders from the electric grid
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by some estimates. 30 percent of all electricity and buckets on his stolen. and the problem is in new, a successive governments have been unable to stop power tab by boat individuals. in fact, the owner to bribe caught up local officials done up line die. some of the fun runs that bad show up in mingo or squad and said the frequent dog figures are damaging his business. ok, no, they have us in 90 percent of my work is depended on electricity. but unfortunately, the power cuts lost a site loan for 16 to 18 hours a day. so the business comes to a standstill got to them. it's hard to continue in this business as a way not able to deliver the services. we promised our customers the big fan either by describing a dish of box jedi of gordon urgent cabinet meeting. he's promised to come down hard on file with kathy, but said it isn't the only problem in charlotte, you'll fetch them.


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