tv The Bottom Line Al Jazeera June 3, 2024 6:30am-7:00am AST
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pro rated through the streets of boston, lona, for centuries old ritual to summon much needed rain during a prolonged drought. one that has wreaked havoc on the regions most important set to agriculture. and in the face of his struggle, the officer lies in the land. and how it is cultivated, 11 years ago, just muddy i began to pine in you've a right to use a fruit that can withstand the forces of nature. the project started as a way to prevent fungal diseases powering the natural selection process to produce stronger, more resistant crops, the seats where we planted on the soil. and then we looked for the ones we have the correct 3 things you would want. bridges to the down in 1000 emilio in july and the ripest doors is the driest as a climate. and catalonia continues to evolve. the development of drought resistant crops has become an important strategy, not just in spain,
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but throughout the european union, which is also funding this project of the work that's taking place. and this vinyati is just one of the ways that farmers are having to deal with the worst drought on record. and it's not just the agricultural sector that's having to adapt . the urban areas are to be depressive. why is that critical lows alternative water sources have become vital? the go pretty got these have a nation plant has gone from providing only 3 percent of bustle known as drinking water to 25 percent. they bought it. i've gotta say it's gotta be on this big. this plant is important. it provides an alternative water supply to those produce conventionally. and we're managing to produce 2000 cubic feet is per 2nd for this area. but dissemination is an energy intensive process with its own environmental impact. the main problem is that any units off uh to, to, to the most fair. so you, you have a lot of design nation plans. you will increase
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a lot the images of to, to so that this organization is interesting, but not a lot of scale. the effects of climate change on our reality. and the question of how to deal with it is less a matter of face. but finding practical last thing solutions. sonya jago out his era, barcelona. okay, you're up to date. that's it. for me, these bar code then forget our website. i'll just do it. don't come much more. all of our stories don't go away though. the news continues off to the bottom line. thanks for watching the the
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it's been 9 months of roll atlas bombs of tanks and sniper bullets of death and destruction by israel and gaza. but it feels like the war is just starting all over again. negotiations for a cease fire. take place here and there, but any new deal seems like an illusion. now that is real alone controls all entry points into the gaza strip. food and other supplies are barely getting in the is really army finds itself fighting on several fronts and gaza on the border with lebanon and all throughout the west bank with no light at the end of this very dark tunnel. it inside is really government. some politicians are objecting summer calling for new elections and threatening to a band and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. seeing that his talk of total victory in gaza is a ploy to just keep him in office. and a catchy slogan that in the long run could be catastrophic for both israel and palestine. so what's going on? and what's the in game for israel today we're talking with the don't levy
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a veteran journalist with us really newspaper high rats. and he's also author of the punishment of gaza rate to be with you today and, and thanks for joining us. let me ask you about is real and, and israel's thing is i'm really interested in this question on what it means from your perspective to be pro is real in today is, is real, your speed, my, my opinion, which is not the very common one of being in general, in front of it as a means to bush's where to put an end for the school or being a genuine friend, a facebook has about its future. means pressure is to put an end to the above, the delay of your patients. nothing but base. what the americans are doing and others is you know, like a drug and they supply the drug or the is bull money. you wouldn't be very happy about ctv the bible drugs,
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but that's both friendship and that smoke care. how has israel's response sort of blended every one on the palestinian side into being a villain? it was really a very decisive moment. the moment that change the or is ready society in many ways because the last to rain. so these are the base care where crushed on the stay at these various, almost all of the including the v 6 of the last. these came to the conclusion that after those the processing fees on the 7th of october. busy this and you gave me to know is are, it has the right to do with every 2. busy words, guys, i must be punished in any possible way. there is no place for any embassy to the temper of guys, the victims of the church. little that i see. and unfortunately,
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this is betty on this moment when we are almost 8 months after the whole spouse is you said that israel's essential behavior and to some degree you imply that's impunity came from this belief that the bible that this writers nest, that american guarantor and this nuclear research lab down the road essentially gave it this unparalleled unconstrained ability to behave any way at once. do you see any part of that equation? if i frame that correctly coming on done based upon a, that's exactly what they made. i meant that is what it is, trusting the bible, the more now and the ending auto course we, we don't have to forget this being the victims of the overall cost makes is riley's believe that they have the right to do whatever they want. they, the only trick that i can see now is it really where these writers will start to
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realize that there is no towards the guarantee that or this will happen as they would continue to be a, is a b, a before the story, but a war they already indications for these you are now in dc and you know, what's going on in the campuses in the united states, the next generation of decision makers in america, in those congress it's, they, we treat is entirely different. this would be a new generation was a new approach strategies a was a, an approach we truly say, ok, we are spending so much of our tech space money on is right. which is an american choice. is easiest way to use that most need based on those, but they must be some foundations for this. again, it always goes, i'm going to dish. so i really see that syncs might change. now after the 7th of october,
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and not necessarily for the bed. it gave an easy way to reach really feel that is that you show the salary strains is a better is what i'm interested in get don't levy being on this island then is real and how many people are in your island and is your population increasing or decreasing as this conflict goes on, i've seen that can or me in the, in the public for a very few left. that's a jaws a day post. first reading to the other day. i was sitting in a cafe in the to the sale, which is really quite the spect to plays. and to my, my friend was a swedish or right to the door for suddenly a woman came to me and really almost touched me with her face and said only one word. well, good traitor. and right away,
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this is dead. will she rides out saying the truth is treason feeling can proceed with the but his thing is that with the victims is 3 is always the stuff, both guys, these trees we've never faced. it is that it was or was very close and traded in its own big things in its own programs, which is built to the nature and, and spend the better. but is where most of the show 9 to what's going on. one hour of april we're, we've been orders like so. these are the media is everything goes to be so blind and not knowing a bucket this long beach at a at think that's i don't remember, such as the diet such a blind? no no, no, no warranty total, don't bother us. we should say, don't bother us because of age. if you don't bother us,
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be the vision you are. nothing is very pet. you do you wrote about israel's incursion in the gaza, back in 2009. and if anyone reads this book, it reads as if it's a math for what has on, on, on, uh, happened since then, and it's incredibly pression to about many of the problems. and i mean i, i ask you, do you see anything optimistic as you look forward, given the crisis that you 1st punctuated with this powerful book. so you'll see sleep in october, the via the 2nd progress spoke. and i just don't know how the 1st i am by the fixed it's, it's more or less a copy of the 1st. hm. uh, i mean we, i the same place obviously there much was place than that. my only hope to me is the can come from the fact that i or result that he must get much was before
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we get to know the diamond boxes, the boxes believe they need but is uh leave it to the size of this riley's were book use not to be taken accountable for any see around them and maybe this will we change it because why this is riley is being big. they can account for the full photos over the scene. so i mean, such hopeless things are being done on our behalf. and he's really shows was about the only care about the old dictates which is make sure that you prefer your own victims, but not to see the other. so i know it will be very hard for me to, to spread of the mission right now, because i cannot, i don't draw, i don't mistake. so now you know, i mean, if i don't know what can be, who, what the leadership didn't make a change, but by the end of the day may be,
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we get so terrible that there will be no other choice. but change because results are really good change. we will face the same thing until spring is again, let me play for you. a sound bite of secretary of state anthony, blinking. who's reflecting on the gaza crisis in the future. in the absence of a plan for the day after, there won't be a day after. and this is where we need to go. and we need to get as quickly as possible a plan for the day after that does not leave israel responsible for gaza, which it says it does not want to be. but if it is, it will simply have an enduring insurgency on his hands. for as far as one can see into the future or not, if not from us will be left in charge, which is unacceptable. or if not, we'll have chaos. lawlessness and a vacuum that will eventually will be sold again by. i'm off for maybe something if
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it's possible. imagine even worse jottings. i'd love to get your reaction to this person. i oversee the agreed to every word state by the secretary, but it's part of the picture. the other part is that it's in the heart of the circumstances. there are no conditions for the day off. okay, we get rid of the comments, we achieve the goal. it's of the dresser. i mean, guess that we don't how much we just told english. so why do you guys always come us? we remain comma stuff. there is no way. i mean this is like change radically. it's a secure the policy. the question, is it or not? you cannot separate guys from the west big. you cannot separate distribution guys from the, in, by a big show for good 0 to patient over 56 years. open up update stage. if those
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things will not be touched, the remaining no solution for the day off the ever means. even expect with their big it is right by saying that these are doesn't have a plan because use with kids not ever that something does that get skin looked a bit played moving around god's like holding for blinking in the sub in the, in the present circumstance what does the subject, i mean, switch the swiss army. always go wrong, doesn't look say, as long as we don't change the base, she goes, if you, i don't see any, any sort of is one of the holistic things we saw televised was the aftermath of a bombing of a camp. in rafa of innocent people 45 dead, many more are injured, burned children is really prime minister. netanyahu said that this was a tragic error and a mistake that would be investigated. it was
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a us bomb used in this, in this camp. question i have in this is how it is someone in israel who sees the same 40, not think that those kinds of incidents are going to create a new next generation of people with deep grievances who wants to settle the score or who want revenge, whose parents are children or sisters and brothers were killed in this awful way? how is there no sense of that? that injustice breeds violence. your assault shows the role close the show that these ladies watch those scenes. i mean, they were shown don't see, i don't want to say that they get rid of show, but it's only about friday because people's know and the amount of these horrible incident was presented to these ladies in a very so been short way,
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namely it happens or seems like this happened, some blame on her boss who is hiding among the day. there is to change there some use that may be was probably stand nationally trustful, nothing but thinking, accountability, not feeling some kind of see those the victims. so these ladies don't even go far the days, think about the consequences. how we would see that, how we the next, the original furnace they have seen us 1st support to look up on you said to declare to be touched base to say the drugs, sorry about what the pregnant is disabled. although he said it because they, the initial term in bold is a i these initial call the just is, is, is a like, a, like a the, a,
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a sides photo. and he now because the old very scared the book, they, we what we be their readings, but he didn't need, obviously, if you want to be safe, most affordable. where is the corner? wherever use the saw role? where is the input? see was the, was the big, big spoke about, say, not single feet you're, we are asking of the mind the, the old world to full. sure. my way go to the about the hostages, to share my way. would be about the king soldiers. but we don't spare any motion, spell that will fix it. i listen to some is really cabinet officials who say that any move towards the cease fire. any consideration of is really withdrawal would be a gift for him us. how is that equation playing out? and is there any, are there any dissenting voices that we should listen to and that you think are serious? this is steve. we are boss last week and the in
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a very interesting conference and i met some people. the thing is, your message is when the senior people in the car valley administration and the door a, we don't have a bus, i mean, isn't, is, is not the process for the right. and it's very clear from here that this government gave out of the hostage. there's no other from george that anyone can get accept of these. from the beginning, people actually claim the piece on his as for me to make a choice between the war is released and it was the just, you have to choose between the tool because the toby to not be achieved to get is right. yeah, it shows to continue the war and the the say, the notion of the war teammate victory question come us, which was never happened obviously. but by this we gave up on the hostages and
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therefore i don't see any beat in the talking days a week. no way is what is nothing just you don't want to read you something i'm sure you've seen before, but it's a classified cable that was released as part of the wiki leaks, and releases and, and in this cable, a state department official says is really officials have confirmed to embassy officials on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the guys in economy functioning at the lowest level possible consistent with avoiding a humanitarian crisis. in other words, is real surrounding gaza, keeping it at a bare subsistence level. this is years ago. and i'd love to get your thoughts on this. you probably have written about this cable before, but when i read it, you know, i get goose bumps down my back because i've seen, wow, that is a really incredible state base plan to never proceed with anything
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other than bear subsistence for a large number of people essentially under your, under your control from the exterior steam. how is can you explain the siege? oh my god. so which is an hour away? 17 years. so almost 18 years. no. there's no other explanation for the siege, but what you would have just quoted, we don't do this k, but when is the boat as cj overdoes? uh, what do you just think that they do? it's reinforcement guys are very div pretty though. innovation. eh, what's, what kids? oh, when you put 2300000 people in the biggest change in the world, what did you expect when you come out to speak? but the problem is that the international community and the united states on top of the live thing based with a this long as the 1st thing is being shots,
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the whole world was very different. but what these each and this is so critical because the world rosie guys will 17 years to the fact that easily and use doing your global war. but you before the war by booking 2 points to me, the beeping there is open j in the world. the world, the world said nothing about you believe we're seeing israel commit genocide in gaza? a hi woods stay. so i here i have also to be billed for because it's all about the court and i will do the side is is it the general side? well, no, i would quote my says was, or the see why don't my visas or was it the 13 hardly to the type. if it's not general side look easy and i know the general side through christ on conditions. i mean be good for nation. requires
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a intends i don't think this is only government got a decision on the 7, so 8, so or 9. so for october we are going for a general cited guess. no, this was not the case. it was also booked for be felt that the competitors and it was not also it planned for a final solution for guys. no. but the i'll come speaks about it. said this mess keeping away this can you describe me that mean i need 15000 should have the imagine, you know, so this been so she doesn't b u how can be corny on the terror campaign? oh, it was. can you 40 so genocide maybe's to, to a sensitive because of the story. but isn't it the mess giving sure it is
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investigating it's, isn't it proven? not sure it is coming to how have schedule someone they finally, i know there's been even the question, but by didn't mean that the work, if the courts say this itself, the general side, it's a big thing. it's not was those figures which this re edit the when you show bomb for neighborhoods with when you can. 45 people, the refugees. we 6 joseph level to every so not there was where i think the bill. you're right. so key 45 people for 2 years, i mean, in the 45 years. okay. and what about for the 50, you know, some people for one theories, it's endless. and it's driven to just finally, and i'm interested in the political moment and you know, i'm always careful in this because this may be wrong but, but there are some that are saying if elections were held today and is real, that,
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that prime minister netanyahu might be back in power may be powered by this moment if elections were held in palestine. hum us, uh may very well when you know, if you agree with that. i mean the question is, what if anything has been achieved in this conflict in before? and that's, it wasn't shift for sure. that's where he's right. i mean is way over. the last is there's a bunch simulate you run, this is what i'm getting in and show. i love show the now we'd be re elected, but it's unbelievable that there is a good chance of the program this steve and jerry that brought that picture becomes even more. it'd be pressing that even if you need stepped out, even the a few, a better place. the evening's been gotten sort of fees or wherever we we those selections. so we'd be truly, can change the world. we get out of its way. they would order to hug the view more
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because their own rating with any out of all the general one. we want to meet the new elected prime minister and, and a he might even go and meet the positive role model. but we need to come to the call, he shows continuing the war. continuing, the patient continuing the pocket. it seemed to read the a big change. i have news for you. oh, and useful viewers. don't expect too much. well, we'll have to leave it there. really appreciate your candor is really journalist and author and you don't levy thank you so much for being with us today. thank you, steve, for those one of the 4 questions. so what's the bottom line? we have seen this script before, weaponized nationalism, the human eyes, the enemy mix in fear and paranoia. and while politicians get a noxious brew to build their power base, it happened in the us when it was driven by revenge to attack iraq. and the killing
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of hundreds of thousands of iraqis was rationalized by the same token motivated by revenge supporters of israel, or rationalizing the unrelenting assault that is killed tens of thousands of innocent palestinians. those who are raising questions about the solvency of israel's actions are labeled anti semitic, or is anti israel or as racist, or bigots. my guess today is calling out the leaders of his own government. but the sad truth is that few share those using the don't levy's country. israel is far away from introspection and rationality, and it's mostly still medically focused on the indiscriminate destruction of gaza. there shouldn't be any illusions that this phase is even close to being over, especially with washington's blanket support. and that's the bottom line, the in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was
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a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of scouts and people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october, 2nd, and return, and i want to start inside story on out to 0. i live you mentoring is the rise on our team in the gaza strip as is there a lot continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing, the best st. how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from the natural habitat. the family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to being behave really sophisticated. they are how complex they are and you have to put them into a gauge doctor. we should like to keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking. that if i have a degree, if i look into a research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions that,
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that don't mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do, we exploit the mexico wait. so start results as the country gets ready to welcome in its 1st female presence. the bulk of this is just a life and also coming up israel zone because i'm multiple strikes across concepts . at least 7 pal listing is a killed and the latest round of filings pressure continues to mountain is males, prime minister and.
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