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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the mexico awaits his staar results as the country he gets ready to welcome in its 1st female presidents. news of the bulk of this is just a life though ha, also coming up as well. so he carries out multiple strikes across concepts. at least 10 palestinians are killed in the latest round. the pressure continues to balance on these rails government and families of is really captives held in gaza,
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rally outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office on south korea suspending a ministry agreement with the north film. yeah, most hundreds of trash to balloons across the board at the thanks for joining us. we begin a mexico where the country is set to elect its 1st female president. official results up yet to be announced. but the ruling miranda policies claiming victory for its kinds of it for the shane bomb. the opposition such a government over us is the upfront, rather, she's putting on support is to continue to fight against all for a tyrant. as in the election campaign has been overshadowed by violence for the killing of 1000 local candidates. lots in america, and it's a lucy and even joins us now live from the capital, mexico city. and lucy, i understand you may have some details on the results.
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yes at last we finally have the official results from the electoral council. it took a lot longer than expected and they are also quite surprising in a massive victory. mccloud is same bond the candidate of continuity representing the cover that currently governing party. 58.3 to 60.7 percent of the votes. according to the electoral council versus foot short, sought to gather this main contender. $26.00 to $28.00 of the votes. in other words, around the same, our test more to at least double the votes of our main opponent, to either way, if they were both women. and now we do know for sure that the president of his neck to the presumptive president. the next will be cloudy, or shame box. that in itself is not shocking. but what is very surprising is how massive for victory has been. we don't know yet what the results for the columbus
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with the legislative branch will be whether or not they're more than a parties. and if there's more than a party of current president and today's monday and nobody's over the will have secured a, an absolute 2 thirds majority in the legislative branch. that is still not clear, but just the presidency for sure is now in the hands of cloud. is shown bottom, we're expecting we'll be speaking very shortly from our bunker or a section headquarters afterwards too. so expected to come here where we are now in front of the presidential palace, where you can still hear the body. i choose seeing in front of thousands of people who been waiting for hours and hours here to greet her back to you as you say, a lucy, a has been for a while, a to horse race between these 2 prominent female politicians in a country that is long being very much a patriarchal society with high levels of violence against women. what sort of
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message is a shame bone given to women and focuses in this election? exactly, it is surprising. it certainly isn't the 1st woman to be elected president to enter that in america. but it is very significant, as you say, that it is happening in mexico, which is known as being a very, very male, chauvinistic patriarchal country. her message, when she closed her campaign right here in this plaza where we are now, was it, she would work very hard to change of segment this, this situation of abuse of women violence against women. and particularly the extraordinarily high temp beside right in mexico that you would attack it from all angles. she said this was a historical occasion for women and that she was not going to reach the presidency on her own, but that she would be accompanied by those of her gender. of course, it will be much easier. it is much easier said than done. she will have to do away
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with impunity with so many other things that have been long. this is taking place in this country and that is certainly worth women. and particularly lucy or reminders of the challenges. but the politicians delegates to face throughout this election because the house being a significant death toll. it is a vote that is being mobbed by violence. yes, it certainly has. and this is violence and politics in mexico is no one knew what every election every 6 years with mexicans go to the polls to elect a new president. it just goes, gets worse and worse. and this year, as a certainly in this election has certainly been the worst of them all. in fact, even today, during the election voting there were people murdered, they were holding boots and, and stations burned down. people moving in with rifles and the automated weapons
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shooting at people. it's the situation of violence that is so i'm controllable in mexico will be one of the biggest challenges for cloud. there's change on, on the next government. the current government, although it's very popular, has certainly been not able to tackle it. and we don't know you haven't give the next president will be able to do it either. it's going to be very difficult. it's going to be denied changing a lot of things within the institutions, corruption and above all. impunity. yeah, it sounds lucy. yeah. like huge challenges awaits claudia shane. but when she becomes of course, the country is the 1st female president from the ruling beretta party. lucy, how many? thanks. so that's the despite growing pressure at home and abroad to accept the latest cease 5 proposal, israel is continuing its attacks across the strip industry has tried because code at least 3 people, including 2 children in central,
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goes in at least 10 of these we injured when the army talking to the house in bare rage, refugee camp, the bodies of the dead and wounded that being taken to the hospital and the owl bottom. and this is the scene at the hospital after at least 7 people were killed in a drone strike. while a call in central gaza, a child was among the victims. the deluxe, the hospital is overwhelmed with patients and the wounded. many palestinians are in critical condition that kind of get treatment outside of gaza because of the closure of the roof of crossing in the who jury sent us this report from the hospital in the obama out. the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause of the gun. they've been constantly overland. many patients have no choice but to sleep on the floor. and some need help at the hospital is unable to provide. but go no, good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that'll be cured. so i can go home.
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doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad. my mother and his father were injured with him is rape arm struck their home. doctors here? i thought ok, so i have been able to make him comfortable, but to the treatment outside of cause. if he's ever to walk again, a sort of a symmetric the but i've been waiting a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cured to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly as well as shut down the crossing to egypt until it's open again. patients like them have met would be able to get the, how they need phase. where are you located? is also the 9 cause is hospitals. the medical supplies, they need to keep people alive. some patients agreed about what will happen if they don't get proper treatment. what about the effect of the zillow items? because of all the disruption i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people,
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and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes they treat my rooms even without anesthesia due to a lack of supplies. a lot of the every day the hospital receives more wounded people. doctors here say time is running out and this is road doesn't stop. it's located. many more people will die. what do they know if it's a box? and then one of the actually the a more than 21000 critically wounded people in garza, some of them of already died. we age, the free will, and the international organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing . they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the rest of crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks now, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death and a detour gaping how situation. this is in the pull, the data locks a hospital cause of palestine. a situation where something goes as hospitals in
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northern guys are posting, the officials have declared the entire area including the giovanni refugee count disasters and rescue workers who recovered at least a 120 bodies of the come since the end of israel's 3 week operation. that these really ministries destroyed 50000 homes and left what was what was causes largest refugee camp in ruins, but published in say they don't want to turn them into rebuild all that they have lost. let's go to target cup. it was a man who joins a sly from dera by law in central cause. a topic i'm hearing more details about the dire situation in hospitals is, is pretty, i run this to, to hear about. but i understand the backdrop of a lot of this is more, is rarely strikes over nice things up to speed. well, i knew the situation is getting completely die of christmas trip as we have a waking up to day on the sound of his it is right down to the bottom into multiple areas. and the central parts of the college district,
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which has been the main focus, where they spend a minute to have tax in the past 24 hours. at least 10 palestinians have been reported killed in the city control areas. as you can right now, see of the back of ground that families are bidding farewell to the beloved ones. since the hours of this morning, we so completely disturbing seeing some mother's children crying over the most of the loved ones, that even family members who haven't been directly targeted without receiving any kind of of probably a warning on the how to. ready completely asking for an immediacy spot that would bring an end for the fighting. but the situation extends totally to be difficult. also in the fall, south of the call is a stripped, including calling you as a city where at least also 10 top cities have been killed. in an asteroid that destroyed the residential building and including for the or including of the victims, or at least for your house and you have children as well. so this is the reality and the grim one. and so the territories, as we have been hearing within the past couple of minutes, my watching to be bombardments into another parts opens the rock and i'm very
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direct you to come. the, the kind of thing is generally are completely as tabs and have a great sentiment of frustration. but due to this ongoing compartment specifically is that there are still thousands of people who aren't stuck under the russell as the house of displace palestinians have been keeping make me turn into a graveyard box. interestingly, one of the stories to day a balance of the victims is a palestinian fishing man who has been killed in there. are these, what are you naples? sources have opened the fire against him as he was trying to make living in light of the ongoing financial crisis. the palestinians have been going through, he's a displaced person from bank law here town. he has been displaced, intentionally, were ending up living dressing condition endeavors by law despite all of these horrible circumstances he had, has been going through. it has been killed by these very forces and he has been mount from ox. the hospital, which had been the theatre for mona's as palestinians in every single day. our life at this hospital being to buy these. but the ongoing minute treat inside the
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campaign. of course, the territory needs right to erica with the very latest of darrow bottom and central guides a topic obviously and thank you. the families ready, captives, housing does that have stage to process outside? prime minister benjamin netanyahu is office in west jerusalem. that's where the war cabinet gathered to meet on sunday, the weekly protests and his ro cooling on the government to secure a deal to attend the captives. you're a 6 year state mc blinking has held a phone calls with israel's defense minister and a rule cabinet minister benny guns to discuss the latest see spot proposal unveiled by president biden on friday as well. has bind l g 0 so so highlight sent this update from the to obtaining and capital i'm on, hey it's ro is saying that it won't be having holding a permanent ceasefire until it completely gets rid of him us. but we have been
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hearing from the defense minister, he's part of the wall cabinet. you i've got, let's take a listen to what he has to say about the post will plan the bill up. lots of i, the 1st of all, the security establishment on the my instructions is preparing the governing alternative to how much. while we will isolate diary is removed from muscle operatives from these areas and introduce other forces that to enable an alternative government that will also threaten how much nice talking about. so and alternative group to rule him us. it's not clear what exactly, but he's been pushing for a post will plan as has been. he guns, one of the will cabinet members that has actually given prime minister benjamin netanyahu an ultimatum of by june the 8th. he says he wants to hit well this post will plan is in this is also parts of the proposal, but by didn't had talks about a couple of days ago. but where do we move from here? these riley's and the americans are saying that from us now has this proposal and
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they're waiting to hear back from them. but then you also have prime minister benjamin netanyahu up being told by the author nationalist and those far right ministers, that they will quit the government, which will result in the dissolving of this coalition government, which prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu has needed to stay in tip and pals, and then you also have the i, la p, the opposition leaders say take the deal, the families of the cap to same take the deal. i'm inside the piece that don't worry if you take it, we will support you and there's many of the ministers are saying this. so prominent . so benjamin netanyahu is stuck between both sides. but what we do know is that they're saying that they will continue the fight thing till they get rid of her mouth, whether 6 weeks in the 1st space phase will be enough, is yet to be seen. but as long as they still deliberates over this, the families of those held captive, there's a 125 of them in the gaza strip. will continue, they say to price says, i'm cool on the government to take the deal as soon as possible. and again,
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these ready government has by now to 0. that's why we're reporting from outside israel. now supporters of israel of held a protest in new york to demand the release of captives being held in, goes in the demonstrate as quote in this way, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu was to reach a seaside deal with him us. they also condemned racism and anti semitism. the launch was part of an annual parade to show support for israel. and in london, there were demonstrations that 2 people riley to demand an immediate release of the captives. they called them yesterday, the government to accept c. supply proposal announced by president joe biden on friday. and protest is in the southern french city of mount se, most and sold a deputy with policies and of the seas causes a strip, a quote for, and his arousal within $36000.00 palestinians have been killed by as ready forces and gaza since obviously, but the still ahead,
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he went out to say when the results are in the negotiations, begin this path because a n c tries to build a coalition. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinion. you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages. october, 2nd, and return, and i want the killing to stop the inside story. on al jazeera, you 19676 days the read through the mouth of them at least 2 dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out
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as they were exposed to the events leading to the window and its consequences, which i still felt today to help me. and it was just such as the stuff is live the war in june on out. is there a hearing the facts, chart, populations a decline, 70 percent? understanding the reality i just placed that floated, i'll just say was change across the world. when you close to the house of the story . the you're watching out is there is a reminder of our top story. is this our mexico is projected to elect its 1st
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female president of to sundays and much governing miranda policy candidates to do a shame. bomb won by a landslide seems to feature the opposition and so she told me is there any strikes of killed at least 10 people throughout the central cause of the palestinians died and 10 were injured to talk about how some arrange refugee camp on sunday night. the joined attack killed 7 others, the families of history. they come to us how the guns that have staged the protest outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office in west jerusalem and bi weekly, protested israel cooling on the government to secure a deal to attend the captain's. the south korea has announced it suspending a ministry agreement with north korea. they come to days and after young young sent hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish across the border to the south. with some of the balloons flew over soles international apple forcing some flights to be delayed. the suspended agreement was signed back in 2018 to try and these tensions
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between the neighboring countries. for mcbride as relates as of so with a changing wind direction over the weekend with winds coming more from the north of north korea was able to launch 100 small balloons across the gmc border into south korea. and many of those balloons landing in boulder areas. others to the west of sol, including in shown apple. and that's the main gateway airport for the whole, the south korea, causing some disruption to flights the north koreans. it was their state it on sunday, the sofa since last week. they have loans. 3500 balloons containing they say 15 tons of garbage. all of this has been in response to north korean defect is living here in south korea, launching propaganda balloons into the knolls. now this is a very contentious area here in south korea. the defect does say it's the right to free speech to be able to launch these balloons. other people, though, drawn from
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a more progressive liberal groups like these protest is outside the presidential office here, saying that this is an and you probably cation, the could escalate things out of controls, given the tensions on dependency on settlement. that effective groups should refrain from reckless actions if your citizens living in south korea. you should avoid provocative behavior. but also come in and say they have now suspenders that balloon launches, but have one. they will review one small if they receive propaganda, balloons from the south. meanwhile, the defective groups who launch those balloons have issue the statement, showing no sign that they are going to give up the propaganda believing campaign, rob mcbride, i'll just say a rest. so savvy is routing potty is declared victory of municipal elections, but the opposition says there were regular receives during sundays, vote, opposition support a scaffold with police and the city of multi site. people in the capital belgrade also cost that by the vote, that was a re run of
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a poll held in december as their allegations afford back then as well. the right wing sub in progressive party of president is out of which it's so so with no problems with sunday's rights and the cues offices, opposition, party members of it. i think it's right to this. the south africa's actual commission has announced the official results from wednesday's general election. the amc, which has ruled south africa since the end of a pass site for 2 years ago, has lost its majority in parliament. it should have the face has dropped into the 20 percentage points since 2019 to just over 40 percent medium. miller reports in the election commission headquarters in midland, south africa to san independence south africa's independent initial commission declares the election, free and fair in many ways that represents a victory for our democracy, a south africans. it also represents
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a victory of our constitutional order. busy more importantly, it represents a victory for all the people of south africa. but for the african national congress, this little celebrates it, got just 40 percent of the vote for the 1st time in the city us since the end of a, par tate, losing its parliamentary majority a message for the party that it says it's a loud and clear despite is newly formed, i'm going to receive a party u m k. doing well at the polls, winning almost 15 percent of the vote. opponents and full of presidents of the a and c jacobs luma is not as accepting. he says the votes being raked, this is what you had to say ahead of the declaration of the final results. people have approval. once we know what, i guess we know and why they like to go. well, they are more than $500.00 objections and $24.00 recounts supplant. the commission
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says everything's above board and the recount won't change the poor the outcome. while the amc and other parties get on with negotiations to form a coalition government in case preparing legal action and sue most threats hava. we can also public good to resist the efforts of those questions. we can know what the customer wants to undermine the preferences and move on to this would have gotten the wheels of the people. we have heard another successful election south africa has 14 days to form. a government for president will be nominated during the 1st sitting of the national assembly, but this uncertainty around what exactly the new governments will look like. and if the amc and the coalition partner or perhaps several will be able to work together effectively, somebody them a low ultra 0 med rent. the right no charge is an annual or fraud competition.
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taking place in kenya, which aims to promote environmental conservation drive is passed through several check points while traveling the shortest distance. they kind of course difficult to write. the competition also raises folks to support an indigo dedicated to the conservation of can use mountain forest covering story report some tar say in southern country. the landscape of per se is unforgiving, but at the same time breathtaking to deepen the wilderness leathers of because has made this down in solid and tenure the playground for a day. the staging a competition with an environmental purpose, the raising money to protect what the towers fence wide live reserves and help communities deal with the facts of climate change. grow hallmark, a trick that team has competed several times, sees the ride, no charge college started 3 decades ago. so i think this year we've kind of seeing
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the effects of not protecting our water towers in a new environment. so it's, it's just something i've grown up with and i feel very passionate about it. this is not a race based on speed. all the contestants do have to go through check points. in the quickest time, they must to use the most difficult truth. part of the swell is that they know mocked trail. so the drivers have to find their way to the terrain. to find a way to get to the finish line. organize a c measures have been put in place to ensure their reasons many more damage to the environment. where looking at the mission coming from all of the count files. the 3 have a he, a, at the venue produce a missions for the to, to, to the building of the big had the big waste, the treaties on the on site. then we, we buried. and then we put that into a, a mega c o 2 emission calculates. so i did we pull chase upset from
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a full history project that is being by the data. the incentive for the driving team is to raise as much money as they can. and to win a match called back to trophy pizza, kenya is one of the top fundraisers. he's been doing it for 27. yes. every straight route was a tiger line or target line in terms of was very, very hard rocks, cliffs. anything? you could imagine the most themes made it back to comp on time some more bought out than others. and they say they want to play that part in saving the planet one, having a good time to catching story per se. solid. and can you all right, before we go, let's take you the mexico city, where claudia shane bomb has been confirmed as the president and elect. and that's according to the results of some of the election results coming out of mexico. she
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becomes the country's 1st female president and the ruling beretta potty beating another woman. such a golf is to become a story female. first female president of the country. the fellows, whether it's looking pretty quiet across the middle east. lots of hazy sunshine. not too much in the way i went by over the next couple of the day, quite a breeze blowing down the golf face so that shamal just tempering the temperatures have 42 celsius in the some of the temperature, tough woman. as you can see, a little further north k wait around, 48 degrees, by the time we come to choose, they plenty seats around us as the case to in the fact that try to adjust the
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remedies to sod off the merits. right in, not too much going on here in terms of the weather. so a lot of hazy sunshine temperatures and gas with around $29.00 celsius in a similar attempts to full battery where you might just capture your shower over towards grease as we go on through the next steps. i but nothing too much to speak of possibility of the art, show it to just around the pots and the rock of northern areas of algeria for squint running across the desert. it has to be said, as you see that i'm being right across this a har, discovering a shala's across the west african ass starting to just not sure why the north was becoming a little more widespread light barrier. see already have we seen the west east of the weather? wanted to show it to across central positive africa, turning increasingly west across southern africa and south africa seems heavy. right? but the some type. the pod huge. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the move in the f one is government with this is 5 digit,
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you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he decided to present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on told to how does era the amc has controlled politics in south africa for 3 decades, but not anymore. the african national congress has lost his majority for the 1st time since taking power. so what's behind the civic and how will it shape politics in the country? this is inside story, the .


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