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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the, the these business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash football to use the the other the kyle: this is the news our live from joe hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. well, the 1000000 palestinians forcibly displaced from rough. you and says as well as attacks of full city hall of gall, this population to flee the south for the north as no safety to be found civilians in central cause. i have been rushed to hospital after his writing strikes, tugs at homes and a refuge account,
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also ahead. the historic landslide victory in mexico cloudy a shame on wednesday presidential election to become the country's 1st of of female heads of states and tried in sole west to protect balloon launches. a heightening tensions between the 2 careers within south career itself and spoke in boxes move to a on the do it is expected to be announced later on monday. it woke up winning striker has reported the already signed to join the european champions on a free transfer. the beginning this news out in gauze or when more than 1000000 people have been forced to leave rafa in the south. that's according to the un agencies or palestinian refugees on many of the display. so i've had to move several times joined nearly 8
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months of war as well. has been expanding its offensive in the southern city that is designated a safe time. will them 3500 children are risk of dying of salvation? that's according to the cause of government and says children, a suffering from malnutrition is critical, humanitarian aid and medical supplies. because i have been halted off the as well. took control of the rough a crossing last month. meanwhile, hospitals and goals are all over whelmed with patients in physical conditions, as rarely strikes continue across the strip with at least 28 palestinians killed on monday. turn capitalism begins on coverage from daryl bella, and central garza families of bidding farewell to the beloved ones. since the hours of this morning, we so completely disturbing seems the mother's children crying over the last of the loved ones. and even some of them in this directly targeted without receiving any kind of quiet warning. and they had to be completely asking for an immediate cease
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fire that would bring an end for the fighting. but the situation extends totally to be difficult. also in the fall south of the call, just tripping 2 things calling units. a city were at least also 10 top sentience have been killed in an asteroid that destroyed the residential building and including, or the, or including of the victims, or at least for your house and you have children as well. so this is the reality and the grim one, and so the territories, as we have been hearing within the past couple of minutes, i'm watching to be from weltman to another part of this iraq and a great refuge account of the, the kind of sinews generally are completely tabs and have a great sentiment of frustration due to this ongoing compartment. specifically to that, there are still thousands of people who are stuck under the roof of as the house of displaced. pennsylvania have been completely turned into a great job, still likes the hospital and central gauze was overwhelmed with patients and the wounded many palestinians are in critical condition. they cannot get treatment
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outside of gone. so because of the close of rest, the crossing handle, cordaris sends us this report from the hospital. in darrow bala oaks, the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause have begun. they've been constantly over went many patients have no choice but to sleep. on the floor and some need help at the hospital is unable to provide. but go no good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that'll be cured. so i can go home. doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad. mother and his father were injured with him, is ready. bomb struck their home doctors here. i thought ok, so i have been able to make him comfortable, but to the treatment outside of cause. if he's ever to walk again, sort of most the natalie the but i've been waiting a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cared to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly. the israelites shut down the crossing to egypt until
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it's open again. patients they can have much would be able to get the help they need. phase ready locate is also denying causes hospitals. the medical supplies they need to keep people alive. some patients are worried about what will happen if they don't get proper treatment. put them up a set of vanilla zillow items because of all the disruption. i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes be treat my rooms even without anesthesia due to a lack of supply. it's not about every day the hospital receives more wounded people. doctors here say time is running out and this is road doesn't stop. it's located. many more people will die. what are they not fit the boxes? and then one of the actually the more than 21000 critically wounded people in garza, some of them of already died. we age the free will and the international
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organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing. they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the ref, crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks now, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death. and they turn 18 how situation this is in the august data locks the hospital caused the palestine well surfaced off of this writing war ongoing. so that being several communications, both accounts, a preventive confidence from being able to stay in touch with each other within the strip or in the outside world. as well as targeting of goals as infrastructure has also had an impact on communications. sunday reports. i meant the will and cause this thing connect. it has been one of the major challenges. electricity comes along with damaged communications infrastructure. as many other students are cut off from each other that the internet's problems can be classified into 3
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levels. the 1st level is that it is a violation of my rights. i have the right to know the news to communicate with my family. the 2nd level is that it stops our work and hinders us and sending our messages to clarify the suffering of the 1st. and you and people, the sort of level is that it separates you from the want and from the fence. you from the chickens on your family does a desperate attempt to find any kind of connection to use messaging apps to communicate with family inside garza and abroad. in some places, communication helps have been set up, but resources are limited. so dependents are used to power laptops and phones for gen. this reporting on the whole, the lack of internet and phone connections makes their job even more hazardous. sometimes we go is of wonderful places just to find intimate. sometimes we go to the sea and other times we go to hospitals to ensure that our mobile device is connected to the internet that you can use out to the world of these radio tax can
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take time about here. and then what's the, what's the problem is message, particularly in the eastern parts of jobs. so we, we can contact each other. we can send short notice as to as social media groups one or 2 hours after an incident occurred, so that it could then be sprayed on social media only if we manage to get connected to the hosting and say the infrastructure and communication workers have been talking to by these raiders, but despite the challenges they continue to try and keep cause a connected to the outside world. so that posted invoices on what they are witnessing can be seen and heard. i said vague, i just there are sure is professor of security a minute to studies at the institute for graduate studies. he joins us here and how good to have you back. and the communications have currently been costs across gone . so that's why we come speak to our correspondence, the this, our, why do you think the israelis have done this military speaking? was that that says that the test quite a few objectives. the one of them,
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of course, door is still under mine. any communication, if any of it is conducted via the, the signals or the that i would, uh, it is less likely. and now the, because the deception is much easier, but also the media had a huge role in influencing how many people patients are conducted. we're seeing now the vision and a that's trusting that we do not target civilians and we did not mean to target civilians by the lady. armies, folks, person. these are the forces spokespersons and others. and if there's no media, there's no eyes and no eyes on or off off, and therefore things can, can get the more vicious. and i'll be here for sure. it finds been pounding rough uh for a number of weeks now, couple of weeks that have actually been some areas where they start withdrawal though. what have they achieved? so fall and rough. so overall, i think there's really armies suffering from them. i'm empowered, problem mental across is they don't have enough soldiers to conduct what they want
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to conduct so that that's the main issue. so what, what is happening is you see these 3 occupation of areas. and then from there, there is the, the rates being conduct associate compression 1st, and then the fortification, so they won't defy these areas. like the net settings for the like the buffer zone, like the idea is federal does a lot of dean road. so division of guys that into north and south eastern west and also taking apart from that from that buffer zone fortifications did. and then rates, they conduct trades, but they want to do a rates like the similar to the ones they did in the shop. if you remember a few months ago, which is cleaning house by house, they took them in, that's very small shot that a refugee camp about the point 5 square kilometers with the area down to $1.00 squared kilometers to them. 2 divisions. you do so and the division, although the divisions are not the size of the divisions that they used, for example, back in 67 in june. so the big gates are, have less are invested in,
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but it's so it's not the same manpower. and some of the gates are not that full students in terms of the battalions, but it still took them 2 divisions to clear the shot, the area. they wanted to repeat this and develop decently. they could then have a enough manpower to do so they wanted, they did it with one division and one on one of these divisions. it was the division of the bigs. and the one of them was a training big. they had to do more from trading and put it in a car in an urban come, but dense zone. and then after a while that was not very effective so they will do it. so they need been a and the mobilization the reserves are cost be quite for the pick this thing the easiest as well, and we'll keep patient leave what these really defensive to you. i've got aligned with me saying that as well as drifting into a military and civilian occupation of gall. so would you agree with us? absolutely, it's it. okay. we cannot quote at this strategy, but we cannot conclude an operational class. so the operational side is as follows, you occupied 7 central areas that will disrupt the movement thing because of the
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mobility of guys and civilians and of how most mid reformations you occupy these areas. you don't have enough manpower to occupy the entire garza or to administer it, so we will go by these areas managed to disrupt and from their conduct rates, the, whatever the intelligence needs you would like the maintenance they do this area. you see a movement of admitted reformation or the unit is moving there or move it uh, unit 3 constituted. because now we know that the i'm us has mobilized, has recruited and has to be constituted in areas that were created before the think of patients, including the area of like baseline and the very far north. so what, once this happens they, they tried to attack the problem with, this is unsustainable. and if you keep on doing this, you don't have enough men don't have enough resources. your reserves doesn't want to be staying for the whole year. there was supposed to be mobilized for 67 months . they don't want to stay because they have families, they have to work and so on, so forth. so it is unsustainable. it's not a strategy, it's an operational planning, but it will include video,
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corporation of parts of guzzle and 2nd, data m r show thanks very much for joining us. having the cdm. thank as well. the families of his way to cops his health and goals. i hesitate to protest outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office in west jerusalem, that's where the war cabinet got to meet on sunday, protest as a demand thing is really government, except a cx 5 proposal announced by the us present on friday. this includes the 6 weeks these 5, the withdrawal of israeli forces from gauze and the return of or captive the sexiest agency blinking a cell phone close with israel's will cabinet business, any guns, and you'll have gallons to discuss that seized upon proposal. according to his writing, immediate galant, told, thinking that any delagarza must include the dispensing of how much as a government and minute treat or for a $2.00 times, and is a political. allison joins us now from tennessee. great to have you with us and be
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americans of i've always frames best buy and sees fund proposal is something the v is where he needs would accept. so it doesn't seem to be quite the case. does that, what do you think? and i think these really government is stuck in the exact same political paradigm that it's in yahoo has been in since the very beginning. and even though the plan seems to be the most elaborate and develop a plan that's coming from the well announced through the american ministration, supposedly reflecting israel values of the or israel proposal, ultimately in its own, yahoo isn't the same position. his right wing plank is ultra nationalist, brother and stream is parties in his coalition have wrongly rejected it. they are really, you know, kind of slandering the deal in the worst terms, calling it a complete capitulation, victory for her, mouse, and cetera. and he has the members of his expanded work cabinet who are not exactly embracing it either, but they are at least not rejecting it and quite the same level. and so typically it's an yahoo is the political binding. of course,
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the right wing parties of threatened to leave the government if the deal goes through. and it's really very unpredictable situation because the prime ministers, you know, has not. i mean, he's essentially given out his own statements rejecting what seems to be the terms of the deal or not. so you know, even even those of us who know how to read between the lines of what the government is saying they're, they're being very, very tight lips about any opening for raising this deal. if there is right when members, the alternation is numbers and nothing else has government do withdrawal. does that bring down the government? it's not necessarily there. opposition. parties that has numerous times offered to provide the whatever remains of it's and you know, has coalition with cover for the sake of supporting such a deal. and you know, as far as we understand the deal with such a deal will only have to be approved by the government and not by the entire process. but nevertheless, he would have the cover, he needs from opposition parties. and so you know, the opposition party get your of you're lucky dish, a team which is currently not in the expanded were coalition. and i imagine there
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could be other parties that would follow. so there could be a situation in which the government, the original government falls, but there are not a parties that come in and give cover that it would be able to pass this deal. but that's not a long term plan for it isn't. yeah, because of course, those governments could then be either of those, sorry, those other parties could then, you know, decide the top of the government if it loses its majority. if the original parties exit, i know it gets into a little bit, you know, a little bit in the ways. but this and you all who could also, it's not impossible that he would try to negotiate with those opposition parties and say fine, come in, give us cover for doing this deal because you're prioritizing life this really hostages. but on the understood, on the agreement that you have to continue supporting my government after the deal is over, which, you know, it just means that the country is mired in political negotiations. when other members of the, of society, the family is the public, is, are primarily focused on homage release. absolutely,
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because of fail very opposed to best yahoo strategy. we've seen the protest. i was on the streets every week, even before. because a rule is mazda, of all position, to nothing y'all here, but he's also an extraordinary political survival. isn't he? what lease of life this war? yes, yes, it was a very good question. i mean, i think that in the very beginning, the burst of surveys for months indicated that he was completely done. he was trailing and had to had questions about his more so uh more suitable to the prime minister behind benny gans by your double digits. often over 20 points and his party had lost up to half of it, the strength of pollution had lost up to a 3rd of its strength in surveys for months. october, november, december, january by february, march, and most recently his party and his coalition had been recovering somewhat in surveys. and for the 1st time, just a few days ago, a survey to show that in a head to head contest, he actually was the head of been against by a few points. it's still an outlier in the service, but i always thought it was premature to write him off for the reasons that you
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said, you know, quitting from the very beginning. because ultimately, i think what happened is that this war and of the devastation of a mazda is october 7th attacks and the war in many ways, you know, shock is released to their core and has generated enormous with generational trauma . that will never go away. but it also has reinforced many people pre existing positions, both of the relation to the conflict and the occupation, and with relation to his really politics. and so i'm not entirely surprised to see some of the original dynamics on the electoral level, going back to where they were before the war. it's too early to say mostly because we don't know when elections will be held. and it very much depends on the timing of elections have been held any time in the 1st 6 months. i think it's, i know what it was, but it always seemed to me, uh, you know, uh, a reasonable assumption that if the elections are held only a year after the october 7th attacks that it's in yahoo had a better chance of surviving this somehow. remember, he has many political pressures,
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he does have those corruption cases and parties. it will never sit in government with them as a result in de leon's adoption, the assignment. great space you, thanks very much indeed for taking time showing us that some kind of a thank you for having me. a drain lawrence. my husband law high school is the fund and as well as northern city of na herrera, a 7 kilometers away from 11 east volta israel's massachusetts. it wasn't able to intercept the train, new injuries were reported. it comes a day off to israel and has the exchange for several times to speak to our correspondents now in the southern netherlands. dana or the 2 joins us from the same of these cross border exchanges that continuing. so as the license has been happening, the a yes, continuing and intensifying and the past few minutes and is ready. we're playing flu over the eastern sector where we are and broke the sound barrier. after
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dropping wide phosphorus shows on the hills behind us, causing fires and also carrying out a series of airstrikes in the area of the is really army says that it's will continue and step up its attacks against hezbollah targets and its military infrastructure. it doesn't seem to be deterred by, as well as decision to escalate them to enter. if you like, a new phase in this conflict. this is a more destructive phase, has been law for example, in recent days we've seen that launch rockets miss. how's arm drones across, northern israel. in fact, the drone alert across northern israel has been almost constant. and as well as air defense system has at times been on able to intercept those arm drones. so it has been lost sending a message to the is relays in one way or of another, trying to deter them and tell them not to expand or escalate this conflict, but also has well,
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as the recent escalation is linked to the war on gaza. what we saw is that as talks continue on a possible garza ceasefire as a decision on a gaza ceasefire in years, has below and other groups that are part of the brand new and lead the so called access of resistance have been intensifying. military pressure on is role in the hope of getting that to cease fire in place when we go to runs. acting for him is the in the route and having bolts on his agenda that as well. yeah. says 1st floor and visit since assuming 2 days since the late they run in for a minister was killed in a helicopter crash along with the a rodney and president is in baby booth where he's going to hold talks with the officials as well as leaders of palestinian are into groups as well as has below all of these groups, allies of iran, parts of the so called excess of resistance. he will also have to syria. so he, when he, after talks with his lebanese counterpart, he talked about the need for
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a slimy countries to come together and to stop the assault on on garza and to protect the palestinian people. so this is really, it's not just what he says, it's more about this is also symbolic. this is a round saying that it's regional policies will not change. there will be continue with the and it's regional policies and that that will continue to support these arm to bruce. but clearly from his statements this, this military pressure on several fronts on israel. this really what their hope is is to get this gaza a ceasefire. agreed and to stop the assault on gossip. but also i can tell you people here are quite worried because this may not just be linked to gaza. israel has said that it's going to concentrate on the lebanese front once that finishes off and gaza. so as well as trying to say, look what we have, you haven't seen any of our military capabilities yet. do not there launch an all out for me. say no, thank you. as i know,
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the reporting that from the southern level to northern israel border, the, the has to and now to mexico with it says, have elected the 1st female president called yesterday. and mom from the left wing ran a policy is projected to as, as one by line slide. she's a former climate scientists and map of mexico city. 61, your politician will succeed huh. musical mentor, the outgoing president on with my new life, has opened the door. i will not let you do. today. we've managed a curio continuity in progress. and for the 1st time and 200 years, a woman has made it to mexico's presidential seat. we will govern for every one last in america as salisia newman has worn out from the mexican capital. i'm speaking to you from in front of mexico is presidential palace,
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where you may see the stage behind to be. now the same found the new president elect mexico is speaking right now to some orders. what do waiting for hours to see her earlier, she addressed the nation, a very, very conciliatory speech, where of course, she's celebrated the fact that she is the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico into a 100 years. he also won by a landslide, something that was not expected. it would to women for leading the race, which one again, why would twice as many votes as from a competitors searching database. she says that she will govern from all mexicans that you will not be afford. terry is she also reached out to the media issue and of course, she sank to the current president. and that is someone with your office over the per mentor who had already said that he believed in that have the same about what
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lead this country, what you would be the person to succeed him. that is what will happen apparently, just that quick change history for this country to see you and you've been out here on mexico city this week now to probably called her on martinez. he's my associate professor in politics and international relations at northeastern university and joins us now from london. great to have you with us cody, a shame bomb. she wants to buy a huge market, and she campaigns on have presidency being one of continuity. does this show that mexicans are happy with the direction that that country is going in? it would appear so send that to appear. so i think in essence, the selection was a referendum on the performance of and there's one little episode of the, what are his presidency? and it seems that the majority of people in mexico, the bottom layer to people in mexico are supportive of many of the policies of a former presidents. but i also think there is some truth in the fact that there are, you know, drug a shame on his own person. she has
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a very strong record in mexico seating this may of mexico city particular in terms of security and the security crisis. ready so i think it's a combination of both things, right. this will be the continuation of previous policies. but i think also mexico is like, was she got to say, well, how much she deal with the security challenges because hang unprecedented levels of violence by drug cartels. and of course, a huge number of people migrating through mexico and staying that way. she was given to the us us. yeah, those are 2 very important issues and i think it's important to deal with both of them individually. i see where i think the issue of drug violence and drug related violence has a very complex and complicated issue. of course, i think she has a strong record of her performance as a mayor of mexico seats. and i think that was one a for a stronger farts during the campaign because she'd be admonished to bring criminology down in mexico city. and it was particularly interesting because she seemed to deviate a little bit from the policy offered, mentor, the article failed with the claim that it was spouse focused on bullets. but she
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definitely took a stronger approach towards dealing with the, from knowledge in mexico city, which proved something successful, which is going to replicate that at the national level is yet to be seen. the issue of migration, i think it's more of an issue of a foreign policy with the other states in particular. and that's going to be a very complicated issue depending on what happens as well. in the american election in november, a months would be made of her being the 1st female presence in mexico's history. but do think it will have any impact on the women of mexico, women who suffer some say 9 murders everyday. and again, i think that's also very complicated. of course, this is part of the overall security situation in mexico that has been to, to everything for the last few years. for the last 20 years, i would say, but i think it's also in the other hand, it's also very significant. is that only that? she's the 1st word president is also the fact that for the 1st time in history,
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we have a woman precedent. but also a woman. when the there may euro raise from mexico city, we're probably gonna have a woman as a may or most already as well. the 2nd largest seems to have a woman who's the president of supreme court, a woman who's a president of the national electro institute. and then a 5050 split in congress between men and women for the 1st time. so i think it is old and coverage in science that doesn't solve the problem by any stretch of imagination. but i think that's something to be proud of. and the something to be celebrated and hopefully it will bring long lasting positive change. of course mexico. if we look at how foreign policies we have got lopez over to been criticized assessing on the fence when it comes to the as well. go also award. do you think shame on might be different where she takes sides, where she projects the view of the main, the left wing last in american to support palestine. again, it's a very good question, but i think this from mexico, mexico has to be very careful with the way it deals with his bilateral relationship with the united states. and i think from my perspective of mexico think at least
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from the perspective of the previous government, the idea was a, you know, this wasn't necessarily a 5 worth fighting for mexico. there's a lot of other issues on the agenda for mexico that are more important from a mexican perspective, particularly the incoming number negotiation was suddenly thinking of the free trade agreement between the us, canada, and mexico. so i think possibly i would say target shame by these go to save those sort of, you know, he's gonna, she's gonna keep her powder dry. she's going to, she's going to longer, the united states is going to be about something that is particularly relevant to mexico. so i think she will probably continue to sit on the fence on that issue. okay. how about cold her on martinez? great to speak to you. thanks very much. taking the time to join us here on the on to sarah. thank you as well. so the head hair on alex's era, the results are in now the negotiations begin of south africa has amc tries to build a coalition government and then supports the edmonton oilers and for the stanley cup finals that find out why that keeping the distance electricity funding will be
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here to tell us that story the had a low they, let's get the weather full cost for europe and it's a stormy stops to the week for central and eastern areas, an area of low pressure as well, some very heavy range, southern parts of germany. we've seen flooding here. well it does move its way further east on monday. so the red warnings have been issued for western areas of the check for public. but you can see the west to weather splashing down towards the balkans. we are expecting some thunder storms as well in so be at red warnings . have been issued here and the weather seats down old way into bulgaria and stretches up across some of the baltic states pushing into western parts of russia . and on tuesday we'll see the way to weather continue up there in the north,
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east and west weather as well for finland across into no way more in way of windy and wet weather. starting to come into play here. and that will drop temperatures in places like always low when doing what weather as well for the likes of britain and ireland temperatures around the average here. but it's a story of heat and rice guys with i bury and pen into the spain and portugal. temperatures are set to pick up here. over the next few days, they'll be picking up as well across the se for to kids, as well as greece and athens is going to scorch its way through to choose date with $38.00 degrees of the june 1967, 6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on the drum farms on the run out of the road, excludes the events leading to the will and its consequences,
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which i still felt today. it was such as the start of his land, the war in june on out his era. i want people to look closer at the other side of his eye point by camera where all those prefer not to the i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse to make a round peg and also via turn when on the power of political ok, what are the stories retail sales about also and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted want to on i would your 0 the the
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again you're watching out is there a has remind to have on top stories this hour? hold on 1000000 people have been forced to leave rafa in the south of the gaza strip. that's according to the united nations. as well has been preparing to expand it's offensive in the southern cities that it's designate as a site. so i told them 3500 children are risk of dying of salvation. that's according to kansas governments. critical humanitarian aid and medical supplies because i have been posted on to as well to control the progress of crossing last month. and mexico called yesterday. mom has won a landslide victory and the presidential election has become the country's 1st female head of states. all the beating her nearest 5 of my move in the seat to send a 5 day registration period for presidential hopefuls. and a ron is drawing to a close the guardian counsellors expected to bet candidates and announce those
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qualified to run applicants. we'll have 2 weeks to come pay the presidential elections were initially scheduled for the 2025. lots were brought forward from present abraham rice. he was killed in a helicopter crash last month. as i had him joins us now live from a to from alley . as we see this when day for registration, come see drawing to a close. can you tell us who is potentially on the list and how the whole process works? a what a few hours from now the registration would be close. today, one of your ones form of vice president says hi jen gere registered to be candidates use of cost of of presenting. the reform is compound yesterday. the reform is old. the reform is, scott agreed on him being the representative. however, sold off on the guardian council to confirm his candidacy. also another woman.
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she's an a former m. p of adjust it today. and this makes them to women registering to be presidential candidates. and along with john geary and the female m p that suggest it to data on many of the registrants, including the journey to form a m p, the 44 my speech of the problem in this age. and really also the supreme need as representative to the supreme national security council. and also that is the major off the front. so many registrants around more actually more than 30 ones. and still we're expecting more to readjust it today till the deadline that should be at uh 6 to have on file. okay. i mean, well, we've got the supreme leader giving his annual speech. what did he say about the elections? it was today's speech. why i to last, how many it was then the rest of the, of a late a mom khomeini,
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the founder of these, obviously public. and he stressed that this election should be, i should uh, see, uh, why participation from the people that you keep the money off the phone with all of the late presidents. also, he called on the candidates to keep the promises within the for the, the, the possible a, if possible, to be fulfilled and not to go towards accused ations to each of them. also because i'm a to adhere to the models of the, of the republic. so this is in general, what he said above the election, he's expecting a prophecy patient, a huge part about this patient. as he said, also he uh mentioned the uh that the, what happened to the president saying that that was a very big tragedy of all the 41. but for the was also we spoke about the war and jobs on it seems to be very skeptical that the c 5 is going to happen. okay. anyhow, sion brings the latest that from tyrone. thanks very much, not a c. okay,
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from germany, a report of the speaking defense, the ron over its lack of cooperation with the you and you feel, watch dog, instructional atomic energy agencies as to hahn is enriching uranium to place to weapons grade level discussions aimed at and previous cooperation with the i a has sold, you know, a board of governors is missing in vienna, ron, and to crane on the agenda as haven't been job aid is also an austrian capital summit. tell us more about this resolution this on the table against the wrong. what does it mean of the well, this has to be the 4th time that there's a resolution against iran wouldn't be presented by a number of countries who have gone to the board of governors. this one being presented by the e 3 u. k, germany and france essentially urging the agency to do more to try and get around to comply with the g. c. p. o 8. the joint comprehensive plan of action because
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assigned in 2015 and to tell the agency to come up with a comprehensive report on how it runs. compliance is going to help it towards getting a nuclear weapons. but essentially what you're hearing at the board of governors, as from the details of the scene so far as he's been able to see the report which the i e directed you in a row for you, i will grossey is presenting to the board essentially saying that are on has not complying to various aspects of the gc buick agreement that includes not giving parents as do i. e. inspectors is removing that equipment which was the essentially the built into it on the nuclear reactors and sites. and this all happened in 2019 been the americans, according to the wrong zip top, the j. c. p. o, a, and stopped complying with the company regarding the various sanctions that were supposed to be listed under on. so it is going to be yet another resolution at the
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nuclear watchdog comfortable trying to push it on to it just, but this is going to fall short of a punitive actions that many have been speculating for months, which would mean that the i e can take this case to where to un security council, an asi you in security council to intervene to further pressure it on into complying. but that is not going to happen in this resolution. and it is unlikely that it's going to come up with something drastic about it. but even here at this resolution that the board of governors, it is not going to be approved our water to fund by members like fresh f or likely to abstain as it's presented at this meeting, which is going to be to me for the next year. okay, as i've been to that i a me think thanks very much. south korea has announced it suspending a metro agreement with north korea and comes days off to pyongyang, send hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish across this border with the south. so i'm sure they have a sold international effort forcing flights to be delayed, but to deal with signs back in 2018 to ease tensions between the neighboring
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countries. from the pride has the license from sol, us with a changing wind direction over the weekend with winds coming more from the north. north korea was able to launch 100 small balloons across the d n. z boulder into south korea. and many of those balloons landing in boulder areas, others to the west of souls, including in shown apple. and that's the main gateway airport for the whole, the south korea, causing some disruption to flights the north koreans. it was there stated on sunday, the sofa since last week. they have loans, 3500 balloons containing they say 15 tons of garbage gold. and this has been in response to north korean defect is living here in south korea, launching propaganda balloons into the knolls. now this is a very contentious area here in south korea. the effect to say it's the right to free speech to be able to launch these balloons. other people, though, drawn from
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a more progressive liberal groups like these protests, is outside the presidential office here, saying that this is an and you probably the cation, the could escalate things out of controls, given the tensions on dependency. content isn't that effective groups or should refrain from reckless actions if you're citizens living in south korea, you should avoid provocative behavior. but also create and say they have now suspenders that blue launches, but have one. they will review one small if they receive propaganda, balloons from the south. meanwhile, the defect to groups who launch those balloons have issue the statement, showing no sign that they are going to give up the propaganda believing campaign, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so the, so don't forget the electoral commission has announced the official results from wednesdays, general election and see has governed since the end of a positive 30 years ago. but is now lost as majority and parliament at shadow. the
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vote dropped nearly 20 percent from election results in 2019 to just stay about 40 percent. so wait a minute report from the election commission headquarters in midland, south africa to 75, south africa's independent intellectual commission declares the election, free and 5th. as in many ways represents a victory for our democracy, saw the africans. it also represents a victory of our constitutional order. but more importantly, it represents a victory for all the people of south africa. but for the african national congress, this little celebrates it, got just 40 percent of the vote for the 1st time in the city us since the end of a, par tate, losing its parliamentary majority a message for the party that it says it's a loud and clear despite is newly formed, i'm going to receive a party u m k. doing well at the polls,
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winning almost 15 percent of the vote. opponents and full of president of the a and c jacobs luma is not as accepting. he says the votes being raked, this is what he had to say ahead of the declaration of the final results. people have approval. once we know, i guess we know in why they like to die. while they are more than $500.00 objections and $24.00 recounts of plant, the commission says everything's above board and the recount to bone change the poor the outcome. while the amc and other parties get on with negotiations to form a coalition government in case preparing legal action and zoom us threats hava. we plan to resist the efforts of those questions. we can know what the customer wants to undermine the printing preferences and well
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to disregard the wheels of the people we have held another successful election south africa has 14 days to form. a government for president will be nominated during the 1st sitting of the national assembly, but this uncertainty around what exactly the new governments looked like. and if the amc and the coalition partner, or perhaps several, will be able to work together effectively. somebody them a low ultra 0 med rent. so it has hair on now to sierra most bills. the thrills for this annual offer it depends in kenya, is aimed a promising environmental conservation was one month. so, and the latest $10.00 is comp not signed. it will be here with all the details and for the of business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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the, the, it was for now with selma. thank you very much, laura. well, well, i'm gonna do that. expect it to officially announce the signing of getting him back to you later on monday. it's been widely reported that the world cup, but winning striker has already signed a 5 year deal to go into europe and champions on a free transfer. the funds captain revealed in may that he would be leaving pies, alma, when he's contract, runs out to this month. he spent 7 seasons with the french happiness, at least as the old times pop goals for a while, as they get ready to welcome back, be a real madrid. have been celebrating another time to the sophie with the fast, the, to one when the overboard scheduled, and then the secure the title for record 50th time, which would have been lost
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a european final since 1981. they also won the spanish lead season. very happy, you know, a marks in amazing season for me. i'm like i o, i say i'm so grateful to the potter's club and yesterday was another reason why you know, to see the loved from the funds here today. you know, you and you realize quickly how much it means that a people have measured well form around the monitors. jose moreno was unveiled to thousands of center busha funds on sunday, off the signing a 2 year deal with the cookies club. he'll be tough with the winning the lease high tool for the 1st time in 11 years. from the moment i sign my concept, your dreams out of no my dreams. but the most important thing for me is not, is not set. officially. you send a bunch of and i promise you that from these moments i belong to your
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family. this shit is my skin. and i was just, you know, spinning it to his own and river plates. i just the point to off the top off the hat trick from the gallop or how the defending champions that were up against c k at home and going to cyrus as well. hot scored all of the goals and the 31 victory put through as of today to set the 9 points behind the displacement and tell it is so called the level on the tennis continues at the french open, but organize is facing criticism over the late finishes in paris, so i can see the unique center reach the quarter finals where the wind overloads will save a full time with a match finished at nearly midnight, which is actually early compared to others, including top seasonal. but still coverage will finish off the 3 am and his last night it was in mesa is in the laces in the toilet history. several plays have complaints 1st when you have the much before playing 5 sets and then no bucks
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starting late. i think it's, it's really unhealthy. i hope novak is recovering really well for, for the next one. but yeah, we, we're trying to push to have a better a scheduling for me. i don't like uh night, susan. uh, but uh, not, not thoughtful for the crawl. i seen the car not sufficiently easy special, but uh we and so let's press conference face you eyes bar. we have uh, we have to do a lot of things that is really important things to, to recover for. for the next. the next month is says to 20 crickets woke up and somehow roads from and the movie is david vista, as he saw the with the back unable. and that went against him on the match was high . that which meant the super over had to be played for the 1st time in 12 years. he's her helped his 5 score 21 runs from almost 6 both and he was just as
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effective with the both allowing the media to open the campaign with victory. the tournament is being co hosted and usa and was cindy's. and the to time chances have made a winning thought. the wendy is between them and debutantes that for, for a new guinea by 5 with this, but it wasn't easy. they chased down a 137 with just exposed to stay in guy. i know the edmonton oilers have reached the stanley cup final as a look to become the says canadian when is in more the said yes, they be the dallas stuff to ones that came to west and comforters cycles to the institute for the only those suck with the recent tradition of not touching the trophy, it's a suspicion that where they believe the only trophy they should lift is the main stanley cup, which has not been won by a canadian team since them once. we all canadians, and 1993 edmonton who won it in 1990 will face the florida. panthers in the final
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with game one coming up on saturday is going to be pressure playing in the stanley cup photo. no matter where teams from. so obviously were canadian team, we've got great canadian fans and it feels good to be united the country a little bit and have something to to bring people together. you know, that's what sports is all about. is bringing people together and, and, and um, you know, hopefully we're doing that for canadians across country. it depends. your cost also has one her 2nd us open title in pennsylvania to fort from 3 shots on, on the final day. just industry starts smear of the field. 22 year old is the youngest pledge went to us, opened success. leslie sent in the philippines for her mothers from and now japan, this is the best country of her father. and any adult does have a couple of home runs in the for one, when over the colorado lucy's. luckily, there are plenty of science to help such civil homes really because it was also
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walk in the park. i. the villages to deal with fans are allowed to bring the dog big like dogs every proof of the really good book speak full. that's ok. so now the lights is on the walls. mutual exclusion, i've ation says the el nino weather event is showing signs of ending as health fuel arise and global temperatures and extreme with around the world. but the conditions are expected to ease with the arrival of la nina they to this year evident folks explains reco at high temperatures space in the sea and on land devastating floods in storms and intense drought. these extreme weather events often wesson's by the el nino weather phenomenon that along with its opposite state notice. but i mean yeah, significantly alter the global climate. el nino could be identified through
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different measurements. mainly the warming of c. temperatures at the surface is declared when temperatures in the tropical eastern pacific ocean rise half a degree celsius, above average. it peaks around christmas, hence the name, meaning christ, child, given centuries ago by fishermen from peru, maine. yeah. all the go. the opposite side of the cycle brings cool with an average c, temperatures say full around 3 to 5 degrees below average. a site brings kula dry weather to the tropical eastern pacific. 2023 was the hottest year on record, boosted by el nino conditions on top of human infused climate change and that boom continued into 2024. so huge waste across asia in april and may or
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end of the hill and also south of the so how has been really intense and that's being made a lot more intense due to climate change. the lightest forecasts from the wells made for a logical organization keeps a 50 percent chance of staying in a state of neutrality or moving into the media within the next 3 months. and that's charles increases to 60 percent between july and september of going into the name. yeah, i moves further up to 70 percent between august and november. the past 9 years have been the us warmest on record. and that's despite the cooling influence of anemia that came before this latest el nino and that was one of the 5 of strongest evelyn scientists say they're not expecting any significant change to global temperatures. brought on by the upcoming shift in climate habits and folks
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out usually around minor charge as an annual off road competition taking place in kenya and my children, eyes and say promotes environmental conservation drive is passed through several check points. well as traveling across bracket terrain. the conversational surveys as funds to support the conservation of kenya's mountain forest. katherine saw a report from tara se and southern can yeah. the, the landscape of per se is unforgiving when at the same time breathtaking to deepen the wilderness leathers of because has made this down in solid in kenya, the playground for a day. the staging a competition with an environmental top us raising money to protect what the powers fence, why live reserves and help communities deal with the facts of climate change. grow hallmark a trick that team has competed several times,
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sees the right no charge. college started 3 decades ago. so i think this year we've kind of seeing the effects of not protecting our water towers in a new environment. so it's, it's just something i've grown up with and i feel very passionate about it. this is not a race based on speed. all the contestants do have to go through check points. in the quickest time, they must to use the most difficult truth. part of it to well is that they know mock trail. so the drivers have to find their way through the to rate to find a way to get to the finish line. organize those same measures have been put in place to ensure their reasons many more damage to the environment. where looking at the mission coming from the can't files, the 3 have a he a, at the venue produce a missions for the to, to, to the building of the big had the big waste. the treaty on the on site then we, we bear it. and then we put that into a,
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a mega c o 2 emission capture late. so i did before, chase upset. i find the for his to project that is being by the data. the incentive for the driving teams is to raise as much money as they can and to win a much corvette to trophy pizza. kenya is one of the top fundraisers. he's been doing it for 27. yes, every straight root was a tiger line, a tiger line in terms of was very, very hard rocks, cliffs. anything you could imagine the most deems made it back to comp on time some more bought than others. and they say they wanted to play that part in saving the planet one, having a good time to catch me. and so i per se solid. and can you not say it for me laura kyle: full. this news uh you can find that much more on all websites, us ounces, or dot com. and just stay with us here on the channels on the gray is here and just
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a moment before the day's news for you. the hundreds in the millions. stephens, pines does the delicacy value just as highly by coach houses in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access. quote . lines joins the environmental. prosecute is turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunches on al jazeera since east wales will run gaza. thousands of the simians helping indiscriminate kate displaced. certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure, hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until they became targets
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. so most wages war from hospital i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital. out 0 world investigates where the east ran is violating international. no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on i'll just say era before the war, 8000 patients across the alpha and beta and crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. pushing through the pain, 11 year old door, reno dia and finally walk again. dream couldn't move her legs after an air straight killed. 60 members of her family and gaza. look on chest. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. this facility was filled with the 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place with 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. what the doctor, even when i had to sit teen,
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i met between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the more than 1000000 palestinians forcibly displaced from rough or do you insist as well as attacks at full silly, half of guns as population to flee the cell? the potomac, right. this is all just there a line from our house. so coming up across districts, there's no safety to be found civilians and central accounts that had been rushed to hospital up to is ready strikes targeted homes in the refugee and also hit the historic landside victory and
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mexico. claudia sean bum. when's the presidential election.


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