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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the knowledge is here with the or the other the i'm or kyle, this is the news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. hold on $1000000.00 palestinians for us to be displaced from ross of the you and says as well as a tax supposed to be off of golf inflation to flee to the south. there's no safety to be found across the set civilians in central golf. i have been rushed to hospital officers rated strikes, tongues of homes in a refuge account,
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also ahead the historic landslide victory in mexico. claudia shane, but when is the presidential elections become the country's 1st of a female head of states? since fort came in and bath is moved to a all madrid is expected to be in the office later on monday, the woke up winning strike has reported the already assigned to join the european champions. on a free transfer the we began in garza where more than 1000000 people have been forced to leave rafa in the south. that's according to the u, an agency for palestinian refugees and with many of the display. so i've had to move several times during nearly 8 months of war as well, has been expanding its defensive in the southern city, which it designated a safe time. well them 3500 children are at risk of dying of style based and stops
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recording. the goals of government is as children are suffering from malnutrition is critical, humanitarian aid of medical supplies full garza have been halted off the as well took control of the roof for crossing last month. meanwhile, hospitals and garza overwhelmed with patients and physical conditions is where the strikes continue across the strip of at least 28 palestinians killed on monday. a correspondent, honey. my flip joins us now live from darrow pilot in the central garza so honey festival. we want more than 1000000 people also be displaced from rough of many for the multiple times where if they gone the yes, well there is a still more displacement thinking in place of from dropbox city. and particularly
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this time, the western part of the city that milwaukee rock behind the western part of the city, an area that has been largely designated as a stop as a safe area. since the initial weeks of the genocide where people were told, this is the safe zone, you're going to be staying in or evacuating in order to avoid b and bomb. but so far the policies months have been quite difficult in terms of the living conditions in terms of the ongoing air attacks on people inside their tents. the expansion of the military operations right now in dropbox, city that include this area. it did not only involve in force and displacement for these people, the 1000000 people into the central area and with them off the honda. and it said the wisdom part of the but also the field hospital, the last of these health facility that was ordered. sharpie bite is really military, do evacuated from last year off i was the american field, the hospital we're talking about a hospital data provided health services for at least a 400 to 600 cases. a video,
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is it not right now? been forced to relocate into a different area and know that we are right now is that this ongoing displacement is not going to stop is going to take place one more time in the areas that these really monetary how to really operated on already stated the arctic lead, we see an example of this happening elsewhere in the northern part where more people are pushed into internal ins, force displacement, the vast majority of people are coming into the central area. but the central air is not safe for again, that we're looking at it, for example, the past 24 hours that's close to 5 atrocities committed against the entire family . displaced families inside residential homes or inside the tents that be set up in order to do protect themselves, their families, their children, end up being killed inside these, these residential homes or evacuations on, on top of that, the human and 3 and get top of it created by the large influx of this place,
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people in areas that large the lot, the basic necessities in front of the facilities. the central area is a small area completed. the remaining balance of the gaza strip and definitely doesn't have the capacity to absorb all of this number of the green lock in period 3 and rolled, you'd see the, the disaster created by the ongoing displacement. the horrible literacy reasons for entire families of sleeping in the streets or inside a late list that in properly maintained or prepared tents for people to see what she keeps to get out of control, particularly here around this hospital and 11000000. this was the 1st i even visited about a humble number compared to the actual number that we see in the streets here. and honey v as in pressed, so that this influx of people must be pushing on infrastructure in the, in the central parts of gauze. particularly the medical facilities which already
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struggling with a lack of fuel and supplies, has about the conditions, for example, in the hospital. but your in front of the big this health, but this particular health facility here in there, but it's a, it's a major one. it's the only operational health facility. right now. there's another one in other parts of the central or that's allowed us health facilities to a charitable health facility at runs at a very low capacity. it doesn't have a the, the, the, the basic supply doesn't have the infrastructure to accommodate large number of injuries. but this talk to the right now, on almost 240 days of, of genocide adults acts on the ground is unable to accommodate this large number of injuries, patients and other people who are suffering from health complications. we're looking at the situation here, not only there is a lack of fuels or an insufficient medical staff already exhausted, but the fact that this hospital becomes
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a hub for other injuries that transferred to from different areas. just putting more pressure here on top of that is the, is the ongoing bombardment that results in producing more injuries and more casualties or old channels at to this hospitals. and we spoke to a doctor here who described situation. he could just, it's a, it's, it's almost beyond their capacity to work at these particularly difficult conditions. okay. honey maxima joining us that from darrow bother explaining the situation currently in the gaza strip. thanks very much, honey. not spokes person for the israeli government says israel is ready to start pits war on concepts over time captive however 5 minutes. so benjamin netanyahu has reiterated that the goals of the will remain unchanged unless he wants to see how much destroyed this comes off to us. present job, i'm present to the 3 phase states while i plan on friday, with the 1st phase and taking
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a limited release of captives from gauze. as well as find out as or from reporting from this, i will not even speak to him wrong kind of correspondence. he's joining us from the jordanian a capsule, a mom festival and run through a little bit more about what we've been hearing from nesting. yahoo! and his government of the, well, it began is a series of leaks in a parliamentary meeting or cuz that's amazing. that was taking place. ready that the prime minister was willing to talk about phase one of that phase 3 phase to cease fire deal. he was willing to commit to that, that there was a video or recording all the prime minister. he says, but we are working in countless ways to bring the keys back. i think about them all the time for the sake of that families and the suffering of that is why we have come a long way to bring them back. but in the course of this work, we have presented the goals at the will above the elimination of
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a mass. we insist that we complete this and that this is part of the trend. it is not something i'm adding. now, it's not something i'm hiding because i was under pressure in the coalition. it's something we unanimously agreed upon in the war council sucks. what this means is that the will counsel has agreed that they'll take a look at phase one of the seats while i do agree to phase one. now, phase one is an initial 6 week cx, 5. it involves the release of captives including women and the leaf on the goals of strep exchange of hundreds of palestinian prisoners. well also getting humanitarian aid into the strip. it's also includes and this is going to be a problem for. ready these ready miller trade a full and complete c spot, as well as the withdrawal of israeli forces from gauze. if they've agreed to that, it means that now there's a technical process that takes place is wrong, has to present this to the category of education. mediators,
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the chips and mediators and categories, have to take this to how mass and get their response. now when president joe biden gave his that initial 3 phase proposal, i'm ass, reacted very positively towards that. so it's now up to how mass a to see, to look at the deal, to look at the details of this still as to see if they could agree to phase what promised a benjamin netanyahu may well be hoping that by putting that to how much that and that's maybe we'll have a problem with this cuz that position hasn't changed. they've done a public si fi and therefore it doesn't become his fault anymore with the deceased by deal didn't go through. it could well be a number of other things. a lot of speculation going around right now, but what we do know is simply this step. perhaps phase one of the seas, 5 deal is something these right? these may well be willing to put to the category. and egyptian mediators. yes, because of it got nothing down here talking about pressure within his coalition.
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how fragile is his governments when you put the ultra nationalist threatening to withdrawal, should he accept this thing? so i do well, already the finance minister bets little small trait is talking with his spiritual leaders, men, this is a very religious person who is also a very far right, a minister within the government. so he's taking advice from baseball as whether he should actually quit the government. it'll only take him. oh um, if the mob been given it'd be national security minister to lead, they'll probably both leave together. it's, and it is a big if, if they decide to leave. but let's know who as always had the secret code to. he knows that this position of power for those fight ring will fall, right? with ministers has never actually happened before. so they may need to stay in the go, but just to remain in power and have a side of things that really means something to them. so he's got that going for
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him as well. he will start noise that he can probably resist the, to the deep power challenges from betting guns, for example, the movement and stuff from the off clamp defense minister because he knows he has those 4 right. ministers who wanted symposium bought, bought it is a big, it is a buck, but it is a significant buzz. those far administers are now located whether they can try and get another coalition going. whether they can use the threat of course thing to try and force netanyahu into a corner. okay, i'm on con, joining us that from a mind, thanks very much. and ron and reminder, again, that is why the government has find out, is there a so we all have a posting from outside of as well. talk to is at nasa hospital and golf as a, as well as will, is leading to an, a nomic increase in miscarriages. i say up to 10 patients, i losing the unborn children every day. that's compared to one o 2 before the will an estimate of 60000 women and gaza,
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pregnant of the horrors of war, ma, nutrition and the lack of health care. a westman, the situation, catch a low price for the has more. the hungry displays stressed. i'm pregnant, doctor say these conditions are fueling the surgeon miscarriages across casa, surviving. the war has been difficult enough. but for many pregnant women giving birth poses yet another challenge. discussion about how quickly i came for a follow up visit, but they told me the baby had no heart beats. i was told that was lucky due to lack of medicine and found nutrition. this is my 5th day at the hospital and i don't know what to do. after nearly 8 months of israel's onslaught, adequate emergency care is no longer available for many expectant mothers. if you're not, i'm just kind of this, but the funny vision then before the war, the rates of miscarriages was low, about one or 2 cases
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a day. but now there's so much panic and fear we see up to 10 miscarriages on a daily basis. sure thing doesn't supplies with medicine and equipment, are limited and often non existent. women are also undergoing c sections without anesthesia. doctor said the war has led to a rapid surgeon, miscarriages, and premature birds induced in part by high stress. about 60000 pregnant women and girls have little to no access to adequate prenatal health services. the international rescue committee says only 2 partially functioning. hospitals offer maternity services say the habits i left pregnant. women who have miscarried, face a lot of psychological suffering as a lack of emotional support from the medical stuff as well. we're also facing great psychological impressions due to the war. these conditions are making things worse . months of bombings, attacks and devastation have left to widespread trauma. him and i was in the office
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and had been pregnant. 4 months. i came to the hospital in pain of experience, the lot of fear and exhaustion. i myself had been carrying for the sick and injured thing. this led me to miscarry. the war has created terrible conditions for palestinians and gaza. and now increasingly, also for the unborn patsy. a little pistol again, which is here. a lot of good friends back as has of policy advocacy and press at given it to covina. that's women to women. foundation is an advocacy group for women in context effective areas and she joins us now from still kind of good to have you with us. i think your organization is describing what's happening to women in gauze as upset obstetric violence means a strong was that you're using, they seem to be relevant. can you give us more of an idea as to why you have labeled at this? yes, it's possible. thank you. so much for having us here at the show i'm for bring up
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this really crucial area. and that kind of the kind of foundation where supported women's organization for 30 years and come 50 affected regions. and we have partners in the stuff over 20 years. and what we're seeing now, i mean there been the reports about tend to base on them since the 7 inception of best items since the 7th of october. but what we're here from our partners is this ongoing, everyday funds that women pregnant women are facing at the cost of their payments because of that the hospitals are being bombed back to the indiscriminate it's ongoing from, from martin invest. we've heard about it from your the news before here on the ongoing displacement. and we see this as a form of gender based funds as well as towards the end. but for get the docs if the violence towards women who are in this is approximately a combination of women who are hard time giving birth every day in gaza. and they
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are doing that under extremely dangerous and in game circumstances and their children have of course also the new boys are of course, both on the very and and yeah, it's ingrained the danger. so we see the importance of acknowledged this as a form of gender based funds and make it visible as well. and we had the in that report that some see sections of being performed without anesthesia. i mean that is unimaginable to most people. what have you heard about that and how on us women can cope with that? yeah, it's really, i'm valuable to hear the reports and we have to repair the women not being forced to deliver it in, in buildings where, who are, which are in the risk of being bombed at the very 2nd time they have no, there is no se, se then c, c a and they are under great, great pain and there is no help to see if this is off to where is this no hygiene, there's no water. and so it's,
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they are exposed to great. that's right. threats and risk health risks on the, the reports that we get from our partners. the witnesses there, they say that there is great pressure and trauma and stress, which was, as you said previously, that also increased the number of miscarriages. a state of boards that fee toward deliveries. so this is really an ongoing violation. so i would say and, and that with passports, devastation effects for the individual, woman and child, of course and their families. but also for the, for looking ahead for the future of 6 of the signing of the people, it would be how would see a generations of trauma. i guess i'd have a long term subsidy that wants to bring that back back up. because of course, the hold of garza is traumatized with this rule, but this is a particular psychological toll that women are going to have to, but i will be passed on to the children. we're looking at
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a long term health emergency hair only. yes, absolutely. we see both when it comes to the pre, i mean during pregnancy that there is no that helps us with hurt as well. there's no health care system. there's no help for these women to get really doing its delivery. there is a very, it was under the very difficult circumstances to also post after the delivery is that if both and mother and child us to find it's very they, they also say that how should we provide for the, for our children? how can i provide for my newborn? can i secure, i mean give security to him and food because of course the other thing is mommy's chasing us use that, that fits or so it's around the news for his information as a webinar for and, and we know that there is a jump to the impact on this beth mothers often get food to the children 1st and pregnant women and women who are best treating are really suffering here and they
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come to provide for the children. and so this house really long term consequences indeed is a devastating circumstance, a terrible situation. anika was like we can go and just one last point. the last thing i would want to say that it's really important to both acknowledge this of gender based funds, but also to see the incredible work done by live the rooms organization. but when the board for itself, the women upstairs up there and i show a lot it protect it, provide a type of social support for these women, even local communities. and they also need support because they know what the situation is like. okay, and what the needs are. so i just wanted to to give the message as well. absolutely . anika sounds like thanks very much for joining us. that from still came and shutting, helping us headlights on the situation for women in gaza. thank you very much for having as well, so as
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a saw. so here's why the world gone. so they've been several communications blackouts. i preventive power students from being able to stay in touch with each other within the strip or in the outside world. as well as talking of gauze as infrastructure has also had an impact on communications. as a big reports, i meant the will and gauze this thing connected has been one of the major challenges. electricity comes along with that makes communications infrastructure. as many palestinians cut off from each other to $500.00 from the internet's problems can be classified into 3 levels. the 1st level is that it is a violation of my rights. i have the right to know the news to communicate with my family. the 2nd level is that it stops our work and hinders us and sending our messages to clarify the suffering of the palestinian people. the settled level is that each separates you from the want and prevent you from checking on. your family . does a desperate attempt to find any kind of connection to use messaging apps to communicate
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with the family inside garza and abroad. in some places communication helps have been set up, but resources are limited. so the panels i use to power laptops and phones for gen, this reporting on the will, the lack of intellect and phone connections makes their job even more hazardous. sometimes we go is of one of the places just to find in to meet. sometimes we go to the c and other times we go to the hospital to ensure that our mobile device is connected to the internet getting use out to the world half days where the attacks can take time about the end of which cause a lot of the problem is massive, particularly in the eastern parts of god. so we, we can't contact each other. we can see in short notice is to us social media groups one or 2 hours after an incident occurred, so that it could then be sprayed on social media only if we manage to get connected to the hosting and say the infrastructure and communication workers have been targeted by the radius. despite the challenges they continued to try and keep
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guards are connected to the outside world. so that pedestal invoices and once they are witnessing can be seen and heard. i said vague, i just do the dryer notes. my husband will have cause of fun as well as northern says you have no herrera that 7 kilometers away from the lebanese border. the notary says it was not able to intercept the drone note into his room posted this comes a day off to as well, and has the exchange for it several times in the hall to report some southern lebanon on the increase tensions along the border here in southern lebanon, we've really seen hezbollah change its pastor. it is something the is really wor, cabinets. even acknowledge, saying that has been law, has been crossing red lines, and that it needs to be deterred even to is really media talking about the intensity of hezbollah as attacks. as of late,
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they have been using arm drones. that seems to be their weapon of choice nowadays. and more often than not, as well as air defenses are not able to intercept all these drones. so this is has belie using heavier weapons as well. uh, a when they fire rockets, they fire dozens of rockets at a time. they're trying to showcase their capabilities. yes, they are showing support for garza, but also this is, has by law a trying to achieve some sort of the parents. it's wants to tell the as rates that they cannot continue to escalate the situation along the border without expecting escalates to and to be met. the, an escalation in kind that it's not just that. it's also trying to tell the israel is not to widen the conflict, but no doubt the confrontation along this border has reached a new phase, a more destructive phase. we are seeing areas in northern israel, of being destroyed. so all this pressure expected to a step up as a decision on
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a gauze a ceasefire nears the to sign up for the weather and his car had low that as expected. it is a very hot story across the middle east at the moment, barely a cloud in the sky across the region. just a few showers here and there for the likes of turkey. i need to know the areas of iran, but for the cell. so this a very dry picture, we could see a shamal wind kick up some dust causing some hazy sunshine around the gulf states. now the numbers will be picking up slightly down in the southern parts of the region, but for the event they'll be picking up. thanks to a heat wave conditions affecting eastern areas of the mediterranean. and that's pushing up the numbers across coastal areas of libya being gauzy, coming up to $43.00 degrees celsius. that on wednesday,
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42 in kyra's and lots of heat here. we will see recovery as well to temperatures across the north of algeria, as the rain stops to die out. there's lots of rain to the south of this across that central band of africa with some intense thunderstorms rolling across moving areas of the democratic republic on tuesday, those seasonal rains here. so as you quiet to the south of this, but not for south africa, we have seen severe flooding in the eastern cape. we are expecting more heavy rain here on tuesday, very strong winds. that is a slightly on wednesday the mexican vases of elect to the 1st female president called yesterday, mom from the left when morena policy as one a landslide victory to the full and the climate scientist on the map of mexico city . 61 year old politician will succeed, have political mental, the outgoing present under his manual lopez over at all or latin america. as
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salisia, newman has moved from mexico, se se, and the shame bounds a little triumphed may not have been unexpected. but the massive extent of her victory was the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico. one was more boats than any other candidates by a landslide. it seems like when those who me until they wave low, they move all this is a recognition of the mexican people in our political program. and for the 1st time in 200 years, we have a woman as the president of mexico. i am not writing alone. we women arrive together the popularity and support of the current president of this month. we looked us over the goal. is margie responsible for shame bounce when she's a scientist, a former mexico city mer, and founder of the governing lift wing more than a party. in fact,
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looked us over that board had singled her out as his preferred successor years ago . unlike the president, shame bone has generated expectations that you will fight for women's rights and address violence against females in mexico width and the sides of the highest per capita in the western hemisphere. as women, these means a lot. it means break is through the glass ceiling that we've had for centuries. it means at least for me breaking this through, it's up, the woman cannot take a leadership role. what else? and they don't they love shame bell promises to continue the president's social programs. but critics a worry that you would also push other policies seen by many esl authoritarian, certainly on the campaign trail, sally as a bonus, bullying and doors. the model is for those constitutional rewards. and those represent his efforts to really weekend some democratic checks and balances in mexico, centralized power,
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and the federal executive branch to further militarize power within the securities . here, the election campaign itself was marred by unprecedented levels of violence and the action date also saw people killed and putting stations attach or in the countries mounting security crisis. mexico's next president will have her work cut out for her. but supporters of overwhelming support for president lopez overlord may not be as easily transferred to shame bomb. she will have described a delicate balance between keeping her promise to his doctor and one at the same time trying to find her own voice. dizzy and human algebra, mexico shipping a high cools impact. histone has over tons of trees and conviction against the full appointments and wrong con, who remains in jail full of a charges. he was sentenced to 10 years in presence of licking a cash to find diplomatic less up between washington and as long as i had convers
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removed from office in 2022 to a new confident site is currently serving a prison sentence. and a corruption case for breaking as i'm acknowledged slow so it has hit on now to sierra the end is insightful, nino, which has cause extreme weather events and sore and temperatures across the globe and doesn't support the edmonton oilers instead of stonily comp final. but find out why the key thing that hands on to try feet on it will be here to tell me why the i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those refer not to look i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught of us worse. so major ralph packed and also viet time when on the power of political ok, what are the stories we tell sales about also?
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and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted not to on i will just sierra now let me tell you about safari valley equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and look very close here. like common here, sits on to play with a large tires basically. but look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resorted in gun. and the
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other again, you're watching 0 has remind you of on top stories with our full that 1000000 people and also have been forced to leave rough for in the south. that's according to the united nations as well. has been preparing to expand it's offensive in the southern city that it's designated a safe sense phone. $3500.00 children are at risk of dying of salvation. that's according to guns of government. critical humanitarian aid and medical supplies to go also have been bolted up to as well to control the roster fussing last month and in mexico quality. a shame bomb has won a landslide victory and the presidential election to come the country's 1st female head of state. after facing him, there was bible by moving bessy to send a 5 day registration period for presidential hopefuls in a rom is closing in an hour's time. the guardian council doesn't fit the candidate something that's those qualified to run off the coastal that have 2 weeks to come pane. the presidential elections were initially scheduled for 2025,
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but they were brought forward and present. abraham lacy was killed in a helicopter crash last month. that's bringing a bass as long as he's a senior research fellow at the center for middle east to teen tech studies, and joins us now from a tap run. a tell us how the best thing process works. what allows a cons that to be eligible or not according to the guardian council, as well, the vetting process flow road takes place and the guardian council on the, you know, uh there is no guarantee that they can put a political trigger. was registered as a candidates will be qualified though disqualified, even if they have been disqualified in the many previous rounds or qualified in the previous sounds. it will not guarantee that they will be, uh, you know, again, the recall is fine or, and, you know, disqualified this time because of the officials and the guardian council have said,
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you know, things have happened since the previous presidential election so far. so i think the candidates will wait till the last moment to see that if they have to be, you know, qualifications to run as a president. you know, significant number of a place to configure is from female you know, members of parliament or let's it for members of the fundamental or former minister, so to speak of the find them and as well as well as the current officials they have registered to run but it is expected that a number of them are qualified by the governing council. the in order to engage in political campaign and engage and, you know, live televised debates. and so i think normally it has been less than 10 candidates, you know, competing in the final brown by the how many will they be? i think depending on those, you know, registering. and the investing process by the guardian council is normally is in
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the one digit number, the candidates to compete in to find them up. perhaps one of the most recognizable candidates. so potential kansas is the form of present lockwood within a jazz, at least from the people outside of ron. he says he's heating a cool from people across the country to run. how popular is he really? you know, he is one of the political shows that, you know, it has strong supporters on his tongue. opponents, you know, of the he could have chances among maybe the public. but i'm not sure but that that will be as much as to make him present president pods. also, that's no trouble. but the important question is that whether the guarding counselor is going to qualify him or not in the previous rounds, he was this qualified. and according to speculation that would be difficult to
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imagine that he's going to be qualified this time. uh, but. busy that's i think, a significant question for him after, you know, if he is qualified, then we can discuss the, you know, later stages. so, of the last elections in a wrong, they, they suffer from black or low turnouts. how excited up people this time around you know, that will be difficult for the government and those candidates in order to bring the people to the ballot boxes in order to increase the turnout in the country. i think it'd be this time they've government is trying to somehow increase the level of care. no. that's or at least let it not take fees. so that's why i think maybe the number of a qualified candidates this time could be a bit more than the previous sound. and the point is that we are seeing some high profile for the distance in the sound,
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the co run to speak of the fall and the pharmacy pick up the phone demand form. and they've been negotiated, who seems to be having high chances of getting qualified. and the, you know, i thing and define the limitations they will need to reach that kind of correlation in order to, uh, guarantee that you know, a heights has to be depressed. se, unless also a runaround could be also for seen in this. for is coming election, as well as, as on a bar and cmc to get your thoughts. the thanks very much for helping us understand the process for the iranian elections, which will be held towards the end of june. thanks very much. thank you, laura. now the u. k fonts and germany are reported to be seeking to censor ron over its lack of cooperation with the you and do k watch dog. and it's national atomic energy agency says have on is enriching uranium to net weapons grade levels, discussions aimed at improving its corporation with the i a have sold the agencies
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board of governors as missing in vienna, around the war and ukraine around the agenda. as bringing osama bin chart that he's lived for us in the austrian capital keeping across events at that meeting. so there's little bit more of summer about this. uh, i a resolution this on the table. what does it mean? it means that to the so called a 3 u. k. fronts in germany are going to be putting further pressure on the i. e a to try and get them to get it on to comply with international requirements. these requirements stem from the joint, the comprehensive plan of action, or the tcp away which is assigned in 2015 and then ripped apart in 2017, when the trumpet ministration pulled out to it ended on said that if america and europe doesn't comply with it's part of the game and it shouldn't as been here the statement as we've heard from the secretary and the director general of the i a about the comprehensive dialogue which is going to take place in this meeting,
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which is going to continue for the next few days. there's lots of things to unpack, including nuclear research, syria, iran, the bit least. but this, the focus remains on, on this particular issue of how iran is enriching uranium and what the i e can do. i spoke to the director general and i asked him specifically, but whether he wants to put pressure on it on. and he said he wants to do the course of persuasion rather than pressure. having add more access more visibility on the uh facilities in the near on having um uh what we have called in the said joint statement that we signed. he march 2023 and additional money turning on verification capacities put in simple english,
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have more cameras have more online systems have a perhaps more frequency or visits have these, these $2.00 places that we are not visiting at the moment. mr. glossy is among the few people who can visit multiple capitals, including including their on and, and moscow, and then come back and explain to people what their positions are. he was there before the accident in which the fort before admitted in preston for killed. and now there seems to be a transition period, but the, i, in the international atomic watchdog says that it is committed regardless of the pressure that it is put on to either by that or on or by other parties to abide by the decisions of its boards. of government and make sure that they are on compliance. but what i, it says is legally binding as it on is part of the nuclear proliferation treaty. and if in non develops a nuclear weapon or d as to where it's, it's, then they could be april operation, a race for nuclear weapons in the region,
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which remains to be a quadrant of congress or something. java. joining us that from vienna, thanks very much. some soft career has announced that suspending a middle tree agreement with north korea comes days on to put on young, sent hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish across the border to the south. some flew over souls international effort, forcing flights to be delayed. some of the true deal was signed back in 2018 to ease tensions between the neighboring countries. mcbride has the latest from sol, with a changing wind direction over the weekend. with winds coming more from the north of north korea was able to launch 100 small balloons across the gmc border into south korea. and many of those balloons landing in boulder areas, others to the west of souls, including in shown applewood. that's the main gateway airport for the whole, the south korea, causing some disruption to flights the north koreans. it was there stated on sunday,
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the sofa since last week. they have loans, 3500 balloons containing they say 15 tons of garbage. gold of this has been in response to north korean defect is living here in south korea, launching propaganda balloons into the knolls. now this is a very contentious area here in south korea. the defect to say it's the right to free speech to be able to launch these balloons. other people, though, drawn from a more progressive liberal groups like these protests, is outside the presidential office here, saying that this is an and you probably the cation that could escalate things out of controls, given the tensions on dependency type of stuff and set it up that effective groups that should refrain from reckless actions if you will, citizens living in south korea, you should avoid provocative behavior. the north koreans say they have now suspended that balloon launches but have one they will review one small if they receive propaganda, balloons from the south. meanwhile,
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the defective groups who launch those balloons have issue the statement, showing no sign that they are going to give up the propaganda. believing campaign, rob mcbride, i'll just say a rest. so well as mutual logical organizations, as the all new weather events is showing signs of ending has helped fuel rise in global temperatures and extreme weather around the world. the conditions are expected to ease with the arrival of land mania. they said this un evident folks explains reco at high temperatures, facing the sea, and on land devasted using floods in storms and intense drought. these extreme weather events often wesson's by the el nino where the phenomenon that along with its opposite state notice. but i mean, yeah, significantly alter the global climate. el nino can be identified through different measurements. mainly the warming of c. temperatures at the surface is declared when
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temperatures in the tropical eastern pacific ocean rise half a degree celsius, above average. it peaks around christmas, hence the name, meaning christ child, given centuries ago by fishermen from peru, maine. yeah. oh the go. the opposite side of the cycle brings cool with an average sea temperatures. say full around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees below average. a site brings kula dry weather to the tropical eastern pacific. 2023 was the hottest year on record, boosted by el nino conditions on top of human infused climate change. and that boom continued into 2020 for the slightest forecast. family wells made for a logical organization, gives a 50 percent chance of staying in a state of neutrality or moving into that media within the next 3 months. and
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that's charles increases to 60 percent between july and september of going into the name. yeah. i moves further up to 70 percent between august and move and by the condition now i'm a woman. so in the background or the i d, i use the 20 in the central and eastern a pacific ocean, but it's happening in the background of the world. the world is full. so one thing we can say is that over what seems to be, did you want to also let you know we my slow down slightly separately the, the global warming. but you might be able to get us back to where we went. 10 years ago. the past 9 years have been the us warmest on record the match, despite the cooling influence of anemia that came before this latest el nino and that was one of the 5 of strongest evans. the scientists say they are not
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expecting any significant change to global temperatures. brought on by the upcoming shift in climate habits and folks out usually around so the head hair on out to sarah most spills and throws bottles and lies is of this annual. all right? events in kenya says aimed at promoting environmental conservation. and that was a one man show and the latest t twins involved less and i will have in place the sales and support the the
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in depth analysis of the day sidelines if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go p. so have to face together. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can
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be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on al jazeera a week. the look at the world's to please me. stories had a really good business in trade, whether you were paying union, global markets, and economies, and small businesses. economic problems, street addresses, can they be fixed to understand how it affects the lives? counting the cost on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the deal is full now and his center. thank you very much, laura. while we're on the do it are expected to officially announce the sign of killing them back a later on monday,
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but they've already blocked him from playing at his home and then fix the woke up when a and his team mates at met friendship presents emmanuel and my call on monday head of the upcoming euros about the wanted to stay at the past games as well. and so did my call. but unlike viewers, madrid are not obligated to buy few such met him today. they said no, which means that he's being laptops of code to tell y'all, he's provisional sports. it's been widely reported them by pay has signed a 5 year deal to join to your parent champions on a free transfer, as well as they get ready to welcome back. the area all have been celebrating another time does the pro fee with their friends the to on when over with the adult men to secure the title for record 15th time on the grid that haven't lost your pin final since 1981, they also won the honestly, this is a very happy, you know, a marks in amazing 5 seasons. a man like i o, i say i'm so grateful to the pod is club and yesterday was another reason why you
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know, to see the loved from the funds here today. you know, you and you realize quickly how much it means that a people have measured german has had quoted to then as us men have his house at what he calls a racist poll, conducted by one of the countries main bolt costs is the channel a r d, which has rights to the upcoming yours into a many off people if they would prefer more. what plays in the national team? a r d says it conducted the survey to gain data for documentary on diversity. gemini, play a social document, a cold, racist, and his coach agrees. and if we spent months of con, doesn't go this far with science, even the football team can be a great example of how different cultures, religious backgrounds and colors can come together as a group to work towards great goals. and so i mean we're playing the year rice for everyone in the country, and everyone who can play top costs football is invited to be
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a national team player and give that rule for that country. i hope i never have to read anything about such polls. again, when can so yeah. so they already knew it was unveiled to thousands of on a bunch of funds on sunday, also signing a 2 year deal to manage the toughest club. he'll be tossed that with winning the leave title for the 1st time and, and not been here. a mom of a sudden my concept, your dreams out of no my dreams. but the most important thing for me is not, this is not officially send a bunch of and i promise you that from these moments i belong to your family. this shit is my skin. when argentine is primitive as zone and the river plato just the point of the top off the hat trick from me get bore. huh. you defending champions that were off again. so you get a at home in going to cyrus and bull hot for the all of their goals and
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a 3163. it puts where the play to said online points behind the disarray thing club and go to the floor level on 10. the number 2 are, you know, sutherland, has reached the quote of finals of the french open the by the russian had no problems against her american opponents. and navarro, southern income broke immediately in the 1st game and never looked back. taking the much 6263 deals for an open cabin as a means to win her 2nd to the t 20 cricket that woke up and somehow rugs from. and then maybe as david's boss, it well as he start with the bath animal, in the when it gets home on the match was tied, which meant super over a has to be placed for the 1st time in 12 years. he said how his sides for 21 runs
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from the 6 and he was just as effective with the ball allowing the media to open the campaign with the victory the tournament is being co hosted and usa in west indies and the tucson champions have made a winning starts and with these beats for, for a new guinea by 5, which is lost, it wasn't easy. they chased down the target with just 6 poles to the edmonton oilers have reached the stanley cup final as they look to become the sas canadian. when as in more than 30 years, they beat the dallas stars to one to claim the western conference title for the institute. for the only is the with the recent edition of not touching the trophy. it's a superstition where they believe the only trophy they said lift is the main stanley, which has not been won by a canadian team since the montvale canadians in 1993. edmonton number one is in 1990 will face of florida, penn station. the final game one coming up on sunday is
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going to be pressure playing in the stanley cup photo no matter where teams from. so obviously were canadian team. we've got great canadian fans and it feels good to be united the country a little bit and have something to to bring people together. you know, that's what sports is all about. is bringing people together and, and, and um, you know, hopefully we're doing that for canadians across country still finds you so, so, so has won her 2nd us open title on pennsylvania. she for some free thoughts on, on the final day to finish resorts clear of the field you 23 year old is the youngest lead to when to us open fresh representing the philippines or her mother is from and now just had, this is the best concert her father and the adult does it hits a couple of home runs and a full one when over the colorado case. luckily, there was plenty of funds to help me set some problems because it was also lost. in the past day, i go to stadium,
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which were fans are allowed to bring their dogs big line dogs everywhere. and that's it for me, laura. thanks very much. so it does look like it was really enjoying himself. now the rhino charge is an annual offer. it's competition taking place in kenya, which organizes they promoters. environmental conservation drive has passed through several check points, walls traveling across the rugged terrain. competition also raises funds to support an organization dedicated to the conservation of kenneth mountain forest. after the story reports from tara se and southern kenya, the, the, the landscape of per se is unforgiving, but at the same time breathtaking. deep in the wilderness levels of because has made this down and solved in kenya, the playground for a day. the staging a competition with an environmental top us raising money to protect what the towers fence,
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why live reserves and help communities deal with the facts of climate change. grow hallmark a trick that team has competed several times since the ride no charge. charlotte started 3 decades ago, so i think this year we've kind of seeing the effects of not protecting our water towers in a new environment. so it's, it's just something i've grown up with and i feel very passionate about it. this is not a race based on speed. all the contestants do have to go through check points. in the quickest time, they must to use the most difficult truth. part of the swell is that they know mocks trail, so the drivers have to find their way through the to rate, to find a way to get to the finish line. organize a se, measures have been put in place to ensure their res, meaning more damage to the environment. where looking at the mission coming from port of the can files. the 3 of a he, a, at the venue produce
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a missions for the to, to, to the building of the, by, with the kind, the big waste the tree div on the on site. then we, we buried that we put that into a, a mega c o 2 emission calculates. so i did report chase upset from the focus to the project that is being invited the data. the incentive for the driving team is to raise as much money as they can and to win a match because i touch trophy pete, that kenya is one of the top fundraisers. he's been doing it for 27. yes. every straight root was a tiger line, a tiger line in terms of was very, very hard rocks, cliffs, anything you could imagine. most themes made it back to comp on time some more bought than others. and they say they wants to play that part in saving the planet one, having
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a good time to catching story per se. solid. and can you pronounce it for this is up. i will be back in just a moment with more of today's, these for you. so to stay with us, if you count the 100 and then millions, stephens times does the delicacy value just as highly bike hotels in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access lines. joins the environmental prosecutors, turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wild life trafficking and its devastating impact on the planet solutions. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, which slide folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make
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sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on al jazeera and some neighborhoods across lebanon, the syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one, and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day the internal security acts against violators. and then i don't do anything to use human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review. and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent,
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according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the governments into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers for refugees. the move in one minium palestinians forcibly displaced from rough r u. n says as well as the tax, the full city hall. so they've gone his entire population to flee the south. the oldest is out, is there a life from doha, also coming up as a safety to be found across the strip civilians and central gauze and have seen boston hospital officers ready strikes, talks homes and
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a refugee county also has the. 2


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