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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the weatherization of the justice system, frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 must cause a pro se thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story. on out to 0. the, the u. n. is to play, is israel on a global blacklist for violations against palestinian children? the hello, i'm sorry i'm to my z. this is alger 0. live from del, also coming off on the program. is really a tax target schools in refugee camps across cons. i can at least $77.00 palestinians, and 24 hours. also a head fighting escalates. we have sedans,
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capitol, a day off to a powerful pilot ministry group, is accused of killing at least a $180.00 people. and us presidential fide, most americans to we commit to democracy during his d day speech in normandy, the 81700 gmc and we start this out with some breaking news. the united nations is to add israel to a global list of offenders. so committing violations against children in gaza. the move was revealed by israel's ambassador as a united nations. who along with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, has reacted and, and let's go straight to un headquarters in new york. now what gabriel is on the israel forcing, has there been any further reaction or what about this there at the un gave there has actually we just walked out of the regular
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a briefing by the secretary general's spokesperson. and he did confirm that israel is being included on this list of violations of the rights of children in armed conflict. this is an annual list. it's put out by the secretary general. now here's the important part here. this list is not supposed to go out publicly into a more than a week from now. it's not supposed to go to this to the, to the security council until late next week. however, because these really ambassador to the un posted on the social media platform x a coal that he received from the un a bout this, of course we started asking questions and the spokes person did confirm this. here's what exactly is it really transpired, is that the, the chief of staff for the secretary general made a courtesy phone call to the israeli ambassador, giving them
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a heads up that they would be included on this list that will be going out next week. that's when these really impasse are posted this information on social media . and then we saw a response from benjamin at yahoo, the prime minister of course. now the u. n. is furious that israel uh, went public with this in the way that they did on social media, the search spokesperson for the secretary general calling it shocking and unacceptable. he said 24 years of working here. he's never seen a country of post sort of a courtesy call on social media like that. quite embarrassing, quite frankly, for the secretary general and many involved. now let's get to the do quickly to the, to the meat of this, i asked this folks person. why was, is real included on this list now? trying to get more details. he said listen, i'm not gonna talk any more about this. the report will be coming out public. we've made public in due time, and that is we're more details will be leading from this. but clearly the u. n. is
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already said that the $15000.00 children have been killed in gas. and the last 7 or 8 months since israel's war and guys began, children are bearing the brunt of israel's war on guy so. so those are some of the numbers we already know. but in terms of the un getting more details about the decision on including israel on this list, they said not yet. let's wait till the report comes out. thank you very much. camera is on the united nations now to gaza and our correspondent, honey, mom lou, just outside the deluxe hospital in dialed by the not only have children in gauze have been killed honey for years actually before this war. but they have also been named psychologically traumatized and deprived of basic rights to health and education. and now food and clean water. or can you tell us about how this latest war and gaza has affected children?
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yes, well so far this more has us back through the children. massive lay out a negative level is starting from the separation of from their parents. are we talking about evacuation don't with hundreds of, of children who are not in direct contact with their parents as enforce displacement towards their parents to leave their residential home very quickly or the quickly as the could to avoid being bombed and leaving behind it to the or 1st thing it's children to leave the homes or the areas before their parents end up being read it. but so far, we're looking at a trauma that is going to affect how these, the children are doing to grow and to progress and do that with our social, economically or academically in the future. or 8 months of, of tungsten genocide, they'll act on the ground. not only has caused the death of several, 15500 the children across the garza should,
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but also cause the death send the murder offs. 3 to 3 of them because of the in for is the hydrogen and starvation. there is still the 3500 the children are at risk of losing their life and dying due to the nutrition out again to enforce the hydrogen and to start vision. the lack of basic needs particularly do with health complications, as well as the lack of basic food supplies to help them grow. there's all $270.00 and a 1000. it's children who are separated from their parents and that, that forty's do. and you and record of those, the children are separated across the gorgeous trip from their parents and for the past month with no intact whatsoever with their peers or any family member. this work has a created very durable environment for these the children to the point. many observers describe it just judging it from the patterns of a tax on a children where they're killed or separated or, or friends as
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a war on the children. thank you so much, honey mountain with reporting to us from down by line, gaza responding to the you and disclosure, these righty. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said in a statement today the u. n. added itself to the blacklist of history when it joins those who support the mass. murder as the adf is the most immoral ami in the world . no, delusional un decision will change. not sarah. hi, rob joins us live now from amman. and so that was the statement from benjamin netanyahu. if we had anything from any of the, is there any politicians? yeah, sorry, is the suite. so x is a quote now um from uh, 1st of all, from the as riley, far administer as ro cuts. so anything that it's just a shameful decision equal to an act of villainy. but also focusing on the 6th,
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terry gender. on sonya caseras' thing, he'll be remembered in history as an empty domestic secretary general, who chose to ignore how mazda is sexual crimes and is rouse right to defend itself . and then goes on to say that israel is the most a moral all me in the world. we've also been hearing from the war cabinet benny guns saying that the inputs is ro, in the same boats with ice as well as relatives waging adjustable against human monsters. will continue the fights under international law with the highest moral standards. and of course, always we hear from the national security, minnesota, it's not been given who's been quoted by local media saying that this is a dangerous match. so that should be harsh, harsh consequences, including functions against those u. n. officials. but all of this also comes off the back of a, another statement that happened before. all of this that came out from these really
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ministry saying that they had struck a, a container that has had a number of how much of fights is that? well, uh, gathering together behind an owner of schools. so this is for them something that they've been putting right from the start to the was saying that when they hit those un, uh, schools or un agency buildings in the gaza strip, they say that it's because it's being used by how my spine says. and this is exactly why they carry out those attacks, but this put them through his res, something i've said right from the start, the, when a has something in against is route. and clearly these are very strong statements from these res, we'll probably expect them to do something as a consequence of that later on. okay, thank you. so high, right? reporting to us from amman and jordan, and just reminded that the reason we are there is because benjamin s. no, his cabinet has bind elders there from reporting inside israel. doctors in garza
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say as many as 3000 palestinian children has lost their limbs. and israel as rule a number that is set to rise as these righty military continues to form every corner of the strip. many of being amputated without anesthetic and a 100 reports now from daryl by the end. a warning to our view is that some of the images here might be distressing. israel's war and causal. it's creating a generation of dramatize entities. thousands of children across the street have lost one or more of them since the onslaught, because tom is one of them all about shawn was standing near the door on a piece of shrapnel head to highland. i run outside and found a hands hanging by a thread. it took her hours to be seen by a doctor as not a single hospital in gauze as fully functional. despite the heart of her experience,
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she was one of the luckier ones. her amputation was performed with many other children must endure having names and painted without pain relief can be the situations way beyond the medical stocks control, given the substantial number of injuries and the lack of medical equipment and resources that are required to deal with these cases. without access to proper medical treatment, child entities are unable to you physically or mentally and manny. some used to be a quite comp child, which his mother sees. he's now angry and stepping as he struggles to accept his new reality. no, kenny was handling it to that's exactly what it was. he always asks me with my hand to grow back or not. and i do not know what to tell him that he thinks his hand will grow back. he does not know, and i do not know what to tell him. it keeps asking me and then how am i supposed
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to play football? how am i supposed to hold the boat? this little boy may never take his 1st step and some of his father saves you a bone. graft needs to travel up road for the medical is actuation. have stopped since, as well to control of the crossing early may say is the one that he has not seen anything yet. he is constantly suffering and screaming in pain. what has he seen of this world? his condition is terrible. i ask that my son be allowed to travel abroad and receive treatment, or he will lose his foot. the doctors without borders has one of the keys inc also are a to risk of possible complications because of lack of proper medical treatment. drugs. interest is a specialized care because their bones are still growing. care policy and children are being denied since and who did the i'll just say to that in black,
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gaza palestine in terms of the latest developments has been no laptop and these riley on. so it's on cause or, and just the last 24 hours at least $77.00 palestinians were killed. is ready for us. is it residential areas of the south and han, eunice, killing east 10 palestinians. 6 of the dead, with sheltering in a family home when it was hit, file tillery shelves to un operates of schools of also have been destroyed and is riley strikes the we take you to see don. now the conflict that started more than a year ago is escalating, at least $22.00 people were killed and fighting north of the capital hard to on 1st day pro democracy activists say the rapids support forces talking to the number of residential areas and undermine government forces say they've been attacking the problem and it for groups positions in a hard to well, the fighting knows,
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it owns capital, comes just a day off to the permanent trigger. it was accused of an attack that killed more than a 100 people on wednesday. so don's ami chief has promised a harsh response to this, a group of activists. and what i'll nora village say the army didn't respond to desperate cries for help. during the attack, felix now wire reports a final press on an open field. a simple moved into dunn's hold, just a real estate. the people have prepared too late to arrest dozens of death below villages. they say the dead will victims of an attack by the rapid support forces. those rates came into waves of heavy artillery fight. unofficial save women and children and the elderly were among those killed pictures from one to a newer 1st emerged on social media. along with these ones, showing a convoy of tom fighters. the recess confirms operating in the area which claims it
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only targeted 3 on me comes on the towns outskirts. but i'm at least say civilians are often caught in cross fire. the audio if is looking into areas in which there are some uh, so close to that is let me see the, the, the can see that the whole village as it targets in the wake of attacks or what are new, right? so don's army chief visited this'll by this way, largely a welcome figure. some say the army seemed to answer calls despite fading to contain bee recess. generally bullhorn remains defiant. we will continue the spot so we will not submit nor will we retreats, will surrender until they laid down their weapons,
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the spots and will definitely end with the victory of the soothing these people under the victory of the soothing, these armed forces, d, u n. z hays widespread fighting has exacerbated what it's called. the world was internally displacement crisis. at least 7000000. so the nice people have fled their homes. the situation in saddam is a catastrophe of the country is facing a hunger amount nutrition crisis. the well food program is doing everything it can to scale its operation. we aim to reach up to 5000000 people, but even that will not be enough. i mean closely investigations into attacks and i'll just eat a humanitarian agencies say, shutting or residential areas. looting and systematic obstruction of accessed aid is accelerating. the looming try to find for the compounding. so don's multiple tragedies, felix, you are all 0,
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wants to lead for you on the program. find out why was it the south queen electronic giant samsung root of the jobs the interrogate? the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without this is the 1st genocide. let me see if there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening
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most covers how the news is come. the latest news as it breaks the heart fidelity is a very critical point right now. we're not far from completely shutting down all this further. this with detailed coverage houses are being forced to the eyes on the live with the confidence. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well the gone to slip has led to talk to condemn your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste, like close to the factory the the welcome back. recap of our top story. now. the united nations is to place israel on
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a global blacklist for violations against palestinian children. meanwhile, strikes have intensified on the ration to say it off. and the kazi comes in central gaza with tens of thousands of displaced palestinians sheltering the will you as president joe biden has just delivered a speech on the beaches of normandy, mocking the 80th anniversary of the day landings and fronds. he praised the americans who fought and died saying they selflessly sacrificed themselves american democracy asked the hardest of things to believe we're part of something bigger than ourselves. so democracy begins with each of us. begins with one person to size . there's something more important themselves. when they decide the person they're serving alongside of somebody to look after. when they decide the vision matters
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more than their life. i do decide that their country matters more than they do. how does it or is it a tasha butler is in northern funds covering that collaborations of us present. j biden has made a speech about democracy and freedom he in normandy, he chose a symbolic location point to okay. it is a place where a to years ago during the day landings, us ranges, scale the cliffs of frontier walk in a raw, the diary and courageous military operation to destroy the gym and positions present by them said that was a symbol of the sort of values and coverage that we still see in the us today. he also said that those ranges were fighting for freedom and against tyranny, the sort of terry. and he said that ukrainian forces also fighting against ukraine has certainly been something very much on personally vitamins mind here during
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these day commemorations. in fact, earlier in the day he met the ukrainian prices below them is landscape in paris before traveling up to normandy, promising lensky some $225000000.00 us dollars in the extra military. a to be on the side, much of that will go on at defense systems. why don't, we'll continue his state visit to phones on saturday with amazing, with the french presence and my new my girl. i believe a palace was actually popular. i'll just sarah normandy, bronze, the or at least 3 people have died off to crying and forced to show the russian controls city of the hands at defense system shut down full strikes, but one residential. but one was residential building in the eastern part view crane, causing one to building capacity to collapse. far as you say, 35 offers of also have been injured when the war is changing. ukraine's labor force
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a suspension of a little of the band women from working in danger. so harmful industries and a deficit of man is they've been cooled up to fight as lead to more women working in industries previously closed off to them. john home and reports on this now from cave destroying test times a honda and she's going big for has been changed. and ukraine's late before women are entering traditionally may dominate to professions like truck driving the n g o rece getting women says it has more than a 100 people in its program literally license honda is now the lightest well use for thought out on that. yes, of costs for tests and good to get to the driver's license. so if you see a gun on the road in a truck tomorrow, maybe it's me too much of ukraine's my labor force is a way it will some arrange it others a hiding will fling from the draft. it's meant more female faces and clauses like
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this one for public transport drivers. it has the potential for almost all the knows be sure of to the full scale invasion. the number of trainees e mail drive is increased by 30 percent. not just 2 in gas stations, the mines ukraine's had to move with the times. and so have it's companies and there's, i just showed not to keep them then. unfortunately, there was still a train before when employees routes drop ads, only considering men in part because they believed that a woman couldn't do a certain job because it was hard physical was. well, just simple jane the stereotype. now, little by little john, that's beginning to change, which does not change in attitude, could only increase his movement of drafted into cranes for if they were on a new mobilization goal. this site broke means the moment of being pulled up, yet move gaps in the countries labels. you'll be as husband to serving while she's
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driving trends. if this, if this was the one that says it's clear that there are not enough men for everything. and what makes women worse than the mind? women can do a lot to what's not know what will happen off to the will women expect their old jobs back women continued to brunch into previously of limit industries. one things for so and now these trains moving, it's going to be hard to stop going home and how does it a case. meanwhile, wash is present right in the pollution as address a major economic for and taking place in st. petersburg. moscow wants to assure off its economy by strengthening business and investment ties with its allies. countries been hit by severe sanctions following the war and ukraine. he's lucky enough to see if he's yes, despite all the challenges. and is it just some of the challenges i see russia remains one of the key participants of global trade activity, developing logistics, you geography and cooperation. we have printing our relationships with asian
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country, the gold stance. it's 60 percent since the 202222023100 percent growth rate in the middle east. africa stands at 69 percent, and latin america, 42 percent of those of the united nations. as confirmed, the 11 you and personnel have been detained by fruits. the rebels in yemen, the circumstances and location of the detention and not yet care. they come amid the who sees targeting shipping throughout the red sea car deal of israel is more on gaza. who's the ccm is capital sign on nearly a decade ago with the saudi bank government remaining in the southern city of aidan . now for the 1st time as a workers at the south korean tech joins samson, have gone on strike. union employees worked off the job on friday, demanding high wages. negotiations have been ongoing since january run. mcbride has more in this now from so the same duster relaxing goes. this is a very well mannered effect. no,
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i'm re picket lines if kind of thing. the union is taking a fairly novel approach by urging its members to take one day of paid leave yesterday says a was a public holiday here. so effectively this becomes a long weekend for those work because it, with taking this industrial action. but they say it's incrementally a more serious step prize to this. this union has been holding so full days of action which have had very much a street carnival. feel about that with tape pop music and so on. they offset me though very serious in the do minds asking for a 6 and a half percent pay rise. they've been offered 5 percent buy samsung electronics, arguing that the company can certainly afford it recording in the 1st quote of this year, a 10 fold increase in its operating profits. the problem that the money to the number of union members has increased a lot. and since the company's execute has not changed, we have decided to proceed with this protest. the, the, the, the concern is whether more serious industrial action will have an impact on
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samsung. given its importance in the manufacture of smartphones and also advanced chips, full artificial intelligence, a lot of south korea media is also focusing on an into union dispute with all the samsung unions accusing this one of potentially damaging samsung's reputation from mcbride. i'll just say era. so now just one of the story to bring you about a chinese tech company that's completed the wells 1st successful drone delivery test on mount everest. the a was to transport equipment between camps and removed any remove any waste left behind on the mountain. at altitudes above 6000 meters, it's hoped that drones could one day reduce demands on local net police guides, will have to make dangers johnnies to remove the rubbish and deliver live saving supplies on the mountain. and that's it for now, but we will have the news out for you in about 25 minutes time will bring you all
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the latest on what has been happening, and garza with continued is riley attacks on refugee camps and rage the highs. the on the say dot be reporting from central cause the seems to be a trend of showers, be able to entrust, total q and o points to the east of the heat. warning on the cypress is probably going to taylor. we still gotten because he is full cost of $42.00, which is chrysler reco to $43.00 and a bit is probably altering the playing golf turkey a big shelves, particularly around the capital. in fact, last night there was lightning in the sky, but that line a shell stretches across towards media, georgia, possibly as
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a by john and then tales of temperatures have examples of these that ask about for these bit on the high side. but otherwise, it seems, it's hot, sunny this time of year which extends down to the the uranium pensive attempted in the forty's not caught in the winds. i'm particularly strong every now and again, they pick up when it becomes stuff. these are generally a haze layer. anyway, over the how was the rape incident, so during the summer, and so the sun isn't particularly strong, but the heat is new that in tropical africa, although every night a thunderstorm bills in lake victoria, it spread size. and these children grow to the west and to the north. otherwise it is fairly dry picture. disappointing the side with that on show shumate breeze. for example, in somalia sandy, when the weather on the eastern cape is moving up through mozambique and bringing with it to southern towns in the some west with the s. the dentist maker on a mission to bring cinema to peoples, has never seen
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a movie in their lives. what have you ever watch of from the big street? no. oh, to 0 rule travels to some of the remotest areas of sudan were sent in. those were shut down to kate to go and find stuff opposition to cinemas still remains. we just don't want films, so please suck up and leave. last and the most of the done on, i'll just be around today and it has the world's largest number of displays. people and the majority are facing fairly often more than a year of conflict for fighting is now spreading to other areas. so what will bring it to this conflict? this is inside story, the welcome to the program and so.


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