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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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i believe he has another boy, a witness documentary on a just the, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and jessica washington. this is denise ellis live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. hospitals in central cause are overwhelmed up to one of israel's figures. so within 210 poster news on israel says that operation successfully for you to full captives must says some captives will also count. is there anything police arrest? several protesters who wouldn't mind? you will actions. i'm just of a ton of captive through negotiation. also
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a head and arms group can result several attacks in the democratic republic of congo, killing at least 50 people fed on piece of statements with all your school. it's easy just to be on sex becomes the youngest women, so inferior friendship and title. also taking this is run and get us finally straight fits that a more late. so this is our, the will begin in central cause a way more than 210 palestinians have been killed in one of his males. biggest assaults. this was part of an operation to free full. capt is being held by him. us the attacks target to the dead, lola, and all new setup and left. nearby hospitals overwhelmed with the dead and injured julie. ega riggins of coverage. comic
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as israel carries out massive strikes. palestinians fleeing is 5th spreads. the bodies, sconces across every corner is almost a rock. refugee comes hundreds of victims in his radio operation to free captives hold for months by him. off the we saw massage flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. we don't know where the children are. we lost them and now we're being displaced for a 3rd time with no idea where to go. the zip and bottom and continued. eye witnesses say is really sold is and to the come consumed in a truck with goals and license plates. opening fire on palestinians, the minister my quote assigned to the special forces unit would have furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belonged to displaced people. suddenly, the operatives going out to lot is came into our home fully owned k also did with done fine explosions. the nearby likes the hospital is flooded with interest.
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palestinians. doctors describe the scenes inside the facility as a complete lock box. it looks like a filter house, one medic said, that bottling a situation that's near impossible. but the most of the hospital is full of patients. we have no space for more people. what are your deluxe? the hospital is now working on one generator because the other one is scope is completed for you. the number of dead off to is riley's ministry of thoughts on, on the say right refugee come, will rise. thousands of bodies buried under the debris still unaccounted. so these really ministry has been attacking the area for weeks intensifying its strikes. every day i was playing with my friends, i came out and so the stuff is covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so tanks going back and forth. the house was binding and the smells were
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or for my dad. israel's latest detox has been condemned internationally with the you cooling, get a mastercard on the killing of civilians are pulling up. do you need a go? i'll just there a home 3 files. this report by phone from l x the hospital in the bullet as events unfolded. the hospitals are oh, well, you can imagine the people are on the floor. methics volunteers. everyone is trying to help them. there is no place for them. when they're even trying to put more injuries in the other department in the hospital at the doctors are trying their best to rescue as much people are as possible. but there are a lot of to be or could you go into these big now? and after you went in here and 5 people are sorry, it's like i left the hospital is not in the hospital. it's also a refuge instructor for hundreds of thousands of policy needs that distrust you in
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this hospital for months right now. and now they boxes, a warning from one of the journalists who received a card from the army, telling them that they were going to target a couple of tents in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing the folks running, we're seeing people looking for a safe place. everyone is, is that's the height of the hospital to the area surrounding the hospital and, and people are need to be, it's can't find anything safe. they do not know where to go. they're searching for a place they're trying to move west again, are highly clusters. there are quite competition. people are hearing lots of munitions. there are kind of recently, and it's also not play for them to evacuate from outside the hospitals. because of right now, and no one can understand anything because destiny thing it starts is escalating in one hour. all the hurt is i'm getting says, i'm just in soaking people crying children crying mothers looking for their
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children. not right now to talk to jamal. so how works at the alex the hospital in central garza, he manage to send this video towing on to 0 about the flood of trauma patients. he so as a result of israel's attacks on saturday, we
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will see the families of those captives fried in the as rarely on the operation held a press conference after being reunited within loved ones. israel has jumped down on his ears, operations this. so a reminder, we are reporting from outside israel satellite that is following developments from the jordanian capital on a joy to stay full. the families of the full captives have been freed earlier today brought back to tell of these and checked in a hospital where the director said that the condition is stable and that they all in high spirits. we heard from the father of no, i've romani who said that while he's happy that his daughter is back, but it must be remembered that they're all caps is that still remain in the gaza strip and that they should be brought back as soon as possible. we also heard from
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the mother of another account to had been freed. let's take a listen. i'm a mother of one of the captives who was released today. he asked me to tell you that we are strong. i support our soldiers and i wish all the captives come back safely to israel. i'd also like to say a big thank you to our military, to our soldiers. thank you to the people of israel who are strong and who share our joy today. we will never forget those captives still being held in garza and we will continue our struggle and fight to return them back home alive. but we also heard from 2 pirates of capt says that has been held in the gaza strip and killed on it. they criticized the prime minister saying that they haven't ever received a phone call personally from him to pay their condolences. and yet when he has the opportunity, because it's good news, he's seen immediately with those that had been freed earlier speaking to them and the families in the hospital. and this comes out the time when the prime minister
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himself is on the immense pressure of the protest. continue intel a vive, as well as high for against the government. and also from the families of those held captive calling for a ceasefire deal as soon as possible. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu suites it towards with a message full, but he got one of the wall cabinet ministers that had threatened to quit the government. and in this, he also came not to resign, saying that we must remain united within ourselves in the face of the graces tossed before well benny guns has the address that statement saying that besides the justified joy of today's achievement, it should be remembered that all the challenges is ralph spaces remain as they well, he says, therefore i say to the prime minister and the anti leadership. even today, we must look responsibly at how rights and how we can continue from his thoughts as a peaceful out. a deal proposal is still in the making, it's still not been concluded. and also as it's a soul with,
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from those it talks today rising by the minutes. so out of sight of all g 0, i'm on to remind again benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet has band. i'll just here in israel, that's why all correspondence. so it was reporting from neighboring jordan. israeli police have arrested at least 10 people at the latest protest intel of these families that the captives are among those who have been taken. paused in a weekly saturday demonstration against the government. they've renewed, caused the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do more, to secure the release of the remaining captive. 3 people have also have interested in the city of high in northern israel, weekly protest, 7 held across the country. since the stars up the whole well palestinian solidarity protested as have gathered outside the white house in washington, dc. thousands on demanding an immediate cease fire and an end to the siege of garza
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protest. it had been holding a 2 mile long red banner to represent one day a cooling the people's red line. let's cross now to our correspondence. she hovered tons in washington, d. c. can you describe what's happening around to see how it looks like there's quite a crowd crowd behind you? there it was a massive crowd. yeah. just around why does cooling for a change in policy from genocide to joe, as he's known around here. now that we have what's called the people's court, where on the other side of the white house, at the ellipse, and what's going on here is a actually a reading of the testimony from gauze f will the collective punishment. i'm genocide that is occurring. the house is raised with the support of the us and them we expect some relatives of boys and girls are to be here and speak to be proud. and then we expect joe biden is really leadership to be held to account in
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a tribunal of sorts for the crime of genocide. so it's still underway here right now just outside the way. it is certainly a very creative protest the she hub. thank you for joining us from washington. dc of the us president has welcome to the freeing off is rarely captives from gaza. job i didn't was speaking during a stage visit to phones where he's met french president emmanuel, my chrome. they also highlighted the partnership on global security and support for ukraine, and it's will with russia. the sasha butler is following the visits from paris. but also our ceremony on the shelves of these a avenue in central powers on the, on the tree of the french presidency manual mind call, and us present j flight and had a working lunch. i'd be at least a policy. they discussed a number of issues including trade, climate and education, but the focus very much on international affairs. they discussed the middle east, the situation that they said that they post welcome news that he's really meant to
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trade secure with the release or for hostages. so i want to echo president crowns comments welcoming to say fresh cube for hostages, that for return to their families, whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home. and i see as far as reached the suggestion that i saw the situation, a rough, uh, like the human toe is unacceptable. it's also intolerable. the israel is not opening o entry points for humanitarian aid. as the international community has been demanding for several months on ukraine, both leaders said that they were very much on the same page, pledging that ongoing support and commitment to keep, to abide and also to if you buy the $225000000.00 us dollars that the us as pledge the for the key may need for things like a defense systems, j bite and said that if person is not stopped in ukraine, he could threaten the hold of your profession, butler, i'll just sarah paris. let's now bring in our guests professor mohammed l mastery progressive media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies,
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and he joins us live from skype, from minneapolis in the united states. professor, thank you for joining me today. how has the us media coverage? today's developments in terms of the assaults on this that they, it seems that they have focused more on the freeing of captive experiences. of these rarely capt. it's rhonda than the, the experiences of what the palestinians has have suffered in this assault. yeah, so i mean we have a really extensive academic literature on how american media and other western media treat israel and, and the palestinians. and they've actually been the few studies done on the kind of work period as well. and i've actually participated in, in a couple of those. obviously there's, there hasn't been time to do a study on what's, what's taking place over the past few hours. but i can say anecdotally, and i have been following pretty closely, that it's pretty much as you, as you've described, and it's consistent with,
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with the literature is really prospectors have been privileged. the hostage rescue mission has been celebrated. some of the news reports and mainstream american media aren't even mentioning the, the $210.00 to indians that were massacred as part of that operation. other outlets, harmon, shipping it, more can generally. and so, and that is, that is again consistent with kind of a long history of, of dehumanization, of the palestinians in western western media. and professor, i'm looking at a statement from the national security advisor, jake sullivan, on the is rarely operation in the setup. and i, i know that the statement begins dots, and i quote, is rarely security forces conducted a successful operation to rescue for hostages. regarding this operation as successful considering the, the heavy desk told that palestinians in this area experienced, how does that strike you?
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does that strike you as part of that narrative of dehumanization? oh, absolutely. i mean did the american media don't engage in a conspiracy? one of the reasons why american media are so pro is rarely and sort of and so i palestinian is because they speak with us officials. american media are over whelming, the dominated by a us official sources like jake sullivan. and so uh, certainly, uh, cuz position here is not, it's not surprising. it's consistent with 8 months of war, where the us has shielded israel and turned, turned a blind eye to a massive atrocity in crime to israel has committed a and certainly the united states hasn't been very concerned with with palestinian life during this time. so in that sense, it's not surprising that sullivan, where it would overlook this, this massacre, we're seeing these protests happening not only in the us in, in london,
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and indeed are around the world. do you believe that there's a sense of frustration growing among the general public at how this, not only how this war is being carried out, but indeed of how it has been covered by many of the mainstream media? absolutely, and i think one of the, one of the things you're seeing is you're seeing your kind of backlash, not just in the streets put on, but on social media. people are really frustrated with, with mainstream media coverage in, in, in the west and, and they're expressing that on social media on sites like tick tock, instagram, a tax or formerly known as, as twitter. and, and i think, you know, again there's, there is a, there is a widespread frustration. we also see that frustration reflected in the polls, especially among young people are in united states. it's, there's a, there's a tremendous sense of frustration about 3 and a half times as many young people in the united states are identifying as pro
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palestinian as compared with pro israel, 39 percent to 11 percent. and were wondering, we, american college students were supportive of that protest movement that you are covered uh so intensely for it for about a month. um, so there is frustration in the, in the population. but i think more so i'm on the youth, and i think what joe biden has to keep an eye on is these polls that show that democrats, his own party members, are increasingly frustrated. more than 50 percent say that israel is committing a genocide, more than 60 percent are saying that the us should be cutting off. arms should be freezing. harm shipments to israel and us so far has been unequivocal in its support for israel. do you see that changing, if this sense of frustration continues to grow as well, it's getting really dangerous for bite and he's really at risk of committing political suicide. and, you know, there are, there's
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a lot of evidence to suggest that donald trump is, is a head right now and in the head to head battle. he's winning the trump, that is, and in most of the swing states, which are essential to this, to this ongoing upcoming election. so, you know, it's anybody's best guess. i don't have a christmas to ball to say whether or not biden is going to change course, but i can say that he's putting his election at risk by this kind of iron clad support for israel. there was a recent cold done. i thought it was very interesting that 20 percent of voters in the swing states and these again are states that are essential for this upcoming election. are saying that they are less likely to vote for biden, because of his draws a policy. so things are certainly precarious to say the least mohammad last name, professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. thank you for joining us on our to 0. thanks. palestine solidarity march was held
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in central london tens of thousands of people called for an end to israel's war on garza or challenge reports from the valley. and this is now for all your products to be in demonstration number 15 in london. and the campaign is the march is trying to keep the momentum going, keep that pressure on the politicians. so you want to say find out. i want an end to um, to is around the problem that demonstrates is hayes, the u. k is now very much in hold on election but neither of. 2 parts are easy to see, the doctor is a particularly significant election facing the marches change. make sure realize the goals decided we've already taken the 1st of all recording all the products going in the states. and that was a week ago, we type of website wherever linked to put in the constituency,
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until you had the m p voltage. only you through a safe spot. i don't know with the moans without us going for the company to sign through reactions where you sign the cdn we make this time and how they respond to the amount. next wait, we're sending 6 pay simone's every single. so everyone's gonna have the ability to put in their details, press a button, and those 2 lines will be sent to the kind of a scenario. and then we will probably try, they've respond, but now they're all indications that the labor policy, which is way ahead in the opinion polls is going to make it manifesto plans to recognize a pilot city and state before the end of any piece process, which is thelma the leader hopes for the demonstration, hey, we'll see the song that he is on this side. however, the organizes of these ronnie's say that that is actually a watering down of the last labor election manifesto so they remain unconvinced.
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really challenge, how does a rest in other well, hundreds of protest is in spain light on the ground outside bobo, cooking himes, museum of modern odd to represent this in garza, a ques, israel, of caring of genocide across the strip the bodies as more than 50 people killed by an armed group in eastern democratic republic of congo has been found. the allied democratic forces carried out a series of attacks on wednesday and thursday. villages in the penny region of north keep your province. the adf is one of several groups operating in eastern congo. it's been blamed for killing thousands of people over the last decade. a line you, connie, has more on the attacks from the city of gum in north cape of providence. these people are just the same day to day. they conducted the report of 16 people. unfortunately, the remaining menu of the city,
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i need to view the different communities on top of that tonight. what ticket is the worst it's been? will it keeps, try to hold back for, for such a day. they that found different bodies. some of them i was tied, some of them were killed by myself. these and done so in the different areas just seemed collecting the body up. now some of them will even pull into the re, but they don't think any of this there they did. the pictures are very much when it's come to see what's happened to people. some of them were even doing this before the i've been conducting the notice that we have to actually do for the city of, of this, of been a regional and told a story to nibbling for these 2. beside the ongoing meeting between the d. r. gone down for the last 2 years, you've been more capacity to go behind and even a fortune more detailed. we'll do a dispute for that area and a slightly more of the populace. i even live in the area because they don't believe
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without the citrus or maybe a it's only 400000000 people in 27 countries of losing an e u. elections, migration, security, and green policies. all the main concerns. all right, policies, unpredicted to make the biggest gains the aiming to form a large block in the european parliament sip. boston went to the netherlands and germany to find out more a satellite leader here to bill. this is no longer campaigning for next year. the dutch version of rex it, instead the n t u n t emigration. an empty islam politician is aiming for more influence in brussels. the changes you are being union from the inside. i'd also have a tougher asylum and immigration policy. i won't argue that all national sovereignty will not evolve more to the, to brussel. it was back to the nation states. we can, your opinion is, that's what you're competing. while you know, if, if a union has less power or less,
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the issues to be involved with doesn't necessarily mean that they a week or, you know, you can become smaller and stronger a message to them. and you're like to hear ya, things time to change, the people are concerned about this issue. not just never heard of your too much immigration, that it has to be best to control nervous. i mean, like, i want to most acute germany, which does not catch you much about all the countries presenting the image maureen, listen of the french riley party, recently expelled the alternative for germany party or a of d from the european far right identity and democracy group considering them to radical for the far right in europe, the a of the is important to build a large coalition in brussels, but also commons by the main tended to that not all, not t as, as members will criminals. and all those scandals fall rightly this in europe have now distance themselves from the age of these 2 reasons. stubbing attacks here in
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my high age as far right politicians, costing the life of a policeman to support for the a if the researches say despite its new image the far right has not changed. it's ideas such as they say may swing far to select the european people, spots of urs left on the lion half move to the right from the lion has hinted at a partnership with georgia. maloney of the right wing brought us of it to the party . the forward is that they have lost to the radical right. they hope that that would attract them again by becoming more radical on in particular the issue of immigration. however, that is not what has happened. what has happened is that they have legitimize the far right and the far right has become more successful because of that. a possible success as pulling stations across the european union worries. these both testers will say the economy full provide their real intentions by default, right? wants to destroy our democracy and our land, if bowes prove to be correct, all right, part is good. secure. 25 percent of the seats and the european parliament include
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become the 3rd largest flaw steps last and i'll just say rough mannheim germany rally against the rise and support for fall right. politics in germany has been held in the capital. berlin comes the day before the germans vote in the european polymers. elections. recent polls show support for the right wing alternative for germany. poppy potty stands at about 30 percent in the eastern states. still ahead on out does 0 boxed ons prime minister expense corporation with aging as he ends a 5 day trip to china and on the way in schools with key to croatia. looks in good form ahead of the heroes with the, with, with an a ways in against portugal. the had a lot of there. it's still
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a stormy situation for much of europe. as we end the we tend to move into the new week thanks to a weather front that's direction from the south west through central areas. oh, all the way to the northeast and it's something of a wrap around front. that's going to bring some what and wendy as well as wintry weather. so the likes of scandinavia in the days ahead. but on sunday you can see the west coast of that weather stretching from southern pots of fronds into it to do so. some fears, some of the storms expected enrolled in areas such as midland. so what's a web, a full switzerland, australia, pushing old way to eastern areas of europe and up into western russia with some pretty unsettled weather. moving across scandinavia. that was the more in the way of wendy and wet weather moving across from britain and island, knocking the temperatures down here over to the low countries. it could see some flooding in the netherlands. we have got some warnings out. the nothings all set to cool down across the west scenarios, thanks to that cold front as it pushes its way for the east. but ahead of that was
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still seeing that exceptional rooms coming into the southeast. we've got amber, lots out the southern pots of easily on areas of grease as well. we'll see the temperature of pushing right to up in athens through to choose date, 38 degrees with sunshine. a meeting of minds exclusively would freedom, which is used to cover so many different things in your mainstream economics. if that happens in any other profession, they will be fine. yeah, well, not just fight it. they would go to prison. musical innovative, brian, you know, meets renowned economist, hod june chang, pod one. i see a lot of hope. i see a lot of experiments going on into a studio would be on split data analysis era. the latest news as it breaks in years of was fastest growing economy, yet experts say it's high g, d,
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p mosque steps and challenges with detailed coverage. even the rest of the defense budget is unprecedented. 7 percent of g. d p. the crowd funding platforms are still raising money from around the world. springs declaration is evidence of a growing sense, a month to month, even western nations. but the us policy is failing to bring a 2 state solution any closer the the, you're watching, i'll just see you ever mind to also top stories based on these really military carry down one of the most famous assaults on the central cause of since the war began its forces launched attacks from the air,
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land and sea shilling residential areas around there. at least 210 palestinians have been killed so far. if that number is expected to rise. these rarely, military says its operation in central calls are resulted in the freeing of flu is really captive from 2 locations in the setup. the captives have been taken to a hospital in tennessee. israel says one of its soldiers was killed in that operation of guns as laws functioning, hospitals has been overwhelmed by the large number of injured medical stafford ext, uh, struggling to cope. patients have been dying on flows for wasting for treatments. dr. ahmad whole, i'm all we is a trauma and reconstructive surgeon who returned from a medical mission to gauze at last month. dr. thank you for joining me. as i just said, the situation at the our hospital patients being treated on the floor of the hospital already at more than 3 times its capacity. even heard of doctors having to operate
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in the dock or simply using the lights on their phones. when you hear of a situation like that, what comes to your minds doctor as well? i recently just came back. com. thank you for having me, by the way. and my name is adam adam, will you not? not but uh, thank you. and recently came back and um, i mean the situation there is already stressed on the there's, there's minimal resources, i did visit l oxer hospital, it's a very small hospital. it's not really meant to be a center for trauma when it gets acting like right now. and it has a very small emergency room where i worked for it was much larger. we were overwhelmed every day. and i could just imagine what's going on there right now. there's not enough beds is not enough doctor's just not enough anesthetics. the electricity is often not working. so you know, it is not uncommon to be seen patients on the floor and treating them there because you have know where to go and they need immediate care. and doctor,
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what is your reaction to what happened in central garza today? this assault on this out again, this is another example of a complete disregard for civilians casualties. and when we talked about civilians, we're really talking about at least 60 percent of them usually being children and women who have nothing to do with any kind of conflict in the area. and yet they are not taking into account with these uh, with, with these assaults that these realize were doing and talk to you works out the garza european hospital. what have you been hearing from your colleagues there? i understand that you are in touch with them. yeah, so they're, they're basically reporting that they, they are seeing some of the casualties, although not a majority since they're much farther south. um they are, you know, experiencing a lot of the, the bombings around there and, you know, they're, they're asking for resources right now. they're very low on anesthetics since the,
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our team left, they've only had minimal personnel arrives there was, uh, it was with almost no equipment at all. so they're out of anesthetics, they're out of antibiotics. and um, you know, they're, they're providing less than optimal care for massive injuries that they're seeing. doctor use of does a combat surgeon in iraq with the us military. when you take a look at the scenes that we're seeing in garza now, but also what you saw while while you were on the ground there. how does that compared to what you experienced in your career? this is, this is nothing like i've ever experienced before. i mean, we're seeing massive injuries to civilians, women and children were seeing minimal resources when i was a combat surgeon. we had a very high survival rate just because we were, you know, we had the capabilities to, to, to help those that were injured. my experience in garza was almost an 80 percent
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mortality because even when they arrive and you're able to care for them, you are unable to provide the, the post office care for them to survive. so many of them will, will die within you know, 30 to 36 to, to 72 hours just because you can't maintain them. you can't keep them the nice you, we can't do the surgeries that they need and the often data from infection and they're also coming in in the state of mount nutrition because of the food shortages that they have. so they cannot hear. and dr if you can just explain for our audience from the perspective of a medical professional. when you do have a patient who comes in, they already weakened from being in a state of non nutrition. what are the challenges of surviving and operation? and perhaps even an operation where there is no anastasia available for them. it's very low. i mean, you know, as surgeons, what we do is we, we try to, you know, many people together like we put, you know, we, we, we, we saw them together. we, we, we, we, we use like, you know, our technology to bring things together,
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sense of body could heal. and if they're in the state of them now the attrition, it will not heal, no matter how much surgery do for them. so that's why the survival way is so low and 80 percent mortality, we're really going, we have to go back a 100 years to find a war that we participated in where we had that high mortality rate talk to adam, how are we? thank you for joining me. thank you for your analysis. indeed, a very dire situation. the in gaza slowly note judea and her brother, it has been displaced multiple times during israel's war, ongoing for they witness is rarely forces reading chief, a hospital in northern goza. but they was separated from this family. here is how story could not have somebody because that we were in northern god. and we have witnessed the catastrophic situations, the stuff, ation, hardship on them and being trapped under the rubble. but on what if i thought was and then hopefully it all allows them heavier to interview,
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had been my uncle got injured events. i'll she for medical complex as we were forced to leave, to southern gaza off to is really forced to show in rate at the complex. i'm a mazda, that's the cause. and so couldn't i know a when i was alone and my brother away from my family, what we lost the concept to think of some days before we managed to tell them that we are still alive. i issue the connected at the moment we arrived to and my family was worried about us for 2 days there was no connection, but then after a few days we could contact them and also allow the fellow who has a, has a while on the say that it went on, so i left my area and went to the above. i was like my uncle had, i left the hospital. then i went to the doctor that was back to the journal as it is the for
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the hot and we just kill time. all the day long, i'm gonna go to my friends houses to sleep during the night and had the car now i had a had that isn't as this is my son, son, that you to now cool and say mom and dad. i haven't seen him for the last 3 months, is send me videos of him. and this makes me very sad because my son is growing up without me. what i want to see, my son, if i can smell him, i saw a ford assessing the, i'm sorry it was. and on top this is very tough. i sent that and i was like to get this that and this my area, my family and my relatives and i missed a gathering. so i missed my room this, that, and i miss everything in joshua corey is the head office to q is hosting is some, is 8 developing countries known as the d. h to address as well as well on garza
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from east temples and on. because he also tells us what was discussed at the summit of the foreign ministers of the developing countries where hosted by the turkish foreign ministry is stumbled on saturday for an extra ordinary summit. having issue the joint declaration, those foreign ministers, a sub that their presence and assemble aim to show solidarity against israel's genocide campaign. and the sole authority was targeting confronting they, monetary and catastrophic in garza. and they said that they are demanding an immediate cease fire in line with the you and resolutions that have been ignored by israel at fort long time. of course, those foreign ministers are demanding that there is an immediate cease fire. there's a safe besides 4 different military and delivery to garza and there is an international mechanism to protect palestinians in gaza strip. the israel should withdrew from
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russell and many other. those demands have been voiced out since the beginning of the war last year. but this time, those the age countries, foreign ministers say that as most them countries, they're not waiting for any other party to come and find a solution, but they're taking action. the aim is to as a sustain, an active diplomacy because of please they believe that a diploma take pressure 0 to 5 minutes states it on israel and would, would help at the end of the day. and at least the number of the countries that recognize it, palestine is a southern state, has reach 104 to 8. whether this will bring a solution to this war. genocide and gaza is still on clear, but it is sustaining. and active diplomacy is very important for those. and some countries for administer, seen of coastal elders are assembled. the
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focused on the leader has promised to ensure the safety and security of chinese workers during his 5 day visit to badging 5 minutes to see about shelby's met china's president's sheet and pink, with both lead as agreed to upgrade an economic kartel. katrina, you reports from badging. a good neighbor is good friends and good partners. that's how the chinese presidency didn't pick and described. the deepening partnership between china and pox done when meeting prime minister issue buys to reform friday. c has pledged to help pocket stones that it's social and economic development to re visit his 1st since the beginning. his 2nd 10 office in march comes as pocket stones academy is experiencing a debt crisis, high inflation and widespread pull the t. speaking out of business for him, the pockets donnie leader praised china is rapid development and said his country should lead from its progress. china is gonzalez and it's the sources
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by north protecting memory. inexpensive god, but mostly, and it's you in education, in the head stating at his mom about agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic cordele for c pack. the $62000000000.00 infrastructure initiative was launched in 2015 and held as a game changer for pocket stones economy. but progress has stored on sites which have been plagued by security problems. in march 5 chinese workers and the driver will killed in a suicide bombing on the way to a hydropower dam project. dozens has been killed and similar attacks by the group since 2018 chinese officials have caught on his drum about to step up efforts to ensure the security of china is nationals impacts done. but some say badging should also contribute to improving safety, etc. pick sites, they should be a consented. the corporate agents strategy,
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which is comprehensively jointly. back of those sco just arisen because this is a concept doesn't because the borders pocket stock is strategically important full of aging. the china pockets on economic court or links to his wisdom shouldn't own problems to the arabian sea and to the middle east. because of this, china has become a major, lend just the pockets on cash strapped economy with is long about owing paging. about 13 percent of its total foreign debt. sharif also visited the southern tech help of sion, gen and, and his 5 day trip in the northwest and city of she. and so she, one memorandums of understanding was fine between the 2 sides, covering areas including technology, energy, agriculture, and trade. katrina, elder 0, they did to voters in bulgaria, going to the polls on sunday, in the 6 palm entry pole in 3 years. let me close. i'm sure me for points from the capital, sophia, and some of us will let you in season in bulgaria, once again,
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the southeast europe in the country is holding it 6 parliamentary election in 3 years for voters like i said, bela kin, it's a tiring exercise to keep voting for politicians who haven't been able to form a stable government that legalities would retard. but if we don't have a choice, we have to budge my family and i will vote for continue the change. they will bring in reforms. they not corrupt, economic and stability and corruption, a major concerns into your opinions for this country. in 2020. but again, the esl must have anti corruption protests force and den from mr. michael bought a so to resign. since then inconclusive elections. and sir john coalitions has left the country with can take the governments and the depot political crisis. surveys the head of the election suggests this literature on surface tables coalition of
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the last vote. the parties are making last ditch effort to win enough support. they have a clear choice either to have with the, the progress that we saw in the last 3 years. and the other option is to go back to the years before 2020, where we had a lot of process. so lots of corruption scandals, rushes bone ukraine is also fueling divisions and bulgaria. although sophia supported sanctions against most go potty subdivided over providing ministry, a 2 keys and containing a neutral stand. some believe the cut on political instability could have pro russian and due to a skeptic potties. well gary, a is deeply rooted in the u. n. a bill, but at the same time when it comes to probably got to choose a, there are significant pro ration sentiments in the country, which are the result that if you started go distortion,
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plug in. if you need to stay bu guffman for you funds and support, it's blum's to join you to zone have been pushed back twice as a mis installation targets. after a 13 year wait, it partially drawn, europe's opened voltage and get program election fatigue in bulgaria, i'm going mistrust of the political cloth, successive governments who promised to fight corruption have landed up pulling free to him as the getting set to pose this time, you're hoping for the government that stays, and that they don't have to head to pulling those any time. so i'll just see sophia still ahead on algebra. and now the show could crickets t 20 well, comp, as of guns done trash. new zealand. the action coming up with pizza input,
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the fast lane to 2 weeks. so the, the, the total content in
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the the time is pours in his peter, just to get. thank you so much. well, number one, a just to be on. so it has one, a food friendship and cycle in a row, and it took a just 68 minutes to get the job done. the opponent was entities, a jasmine, how nice she was saying in her 1st grand slam final fiance x experience showed has to be wrapped up. the 1st said $62.00 and said also that uphold one. the 2nd 61 to become the youngest women to inform the titles that wrote and generals she now emulates justine henin. and monica city is also $1.00 to $2.00 to $3.00 times in a row. in the open era. i was almost out of the
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tournament new 2nd round. so thank you guys for you know kind of thing behind the back entering for me. i also needed to believe that this, this one is going to be possible. so if you please been a really emotional friend of mine. so be a thank you for supporting me. looking in good touch, the heat of the 2024 european championships. they've beaten quote you little to one in lisbon. the permit suite woke up finally in 2018 and was semi finalists in 2020, to say, is like a new commode, which might have only one more shot at a major title. publish kind of this country, the lead here of it seriously, the correct saw ideas of what you're going to to equalize through the yoga. just to let the 2016 european champions would fall behind the getting sued off to the judge . and so you put them in missing was would prove to be the will for croatia who have albania, italy and spain. a company in group b at the years. speaking of spain, well,
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they fell behind the for just one minutes in but you'll code to northern ireland. daniel bellowed with the show goals and the business is the lead committee rate recovery quickly. those 1st paid re restore parity for luis stella fuentes news. lovely. i'm about to put them in front before paid was 40 seconds of the game. the rules that go so far beyond the movies and make out what we got about as the home side ran a 51. when is in the end, they'll hope for the best of stuff though. when they faced crow aisha in the opening you, those gate and saturday, spain to denmark will be happy with the 31 friend, the weight of a scandinavian neighbors, no waste, the danes, when one the love courtesy of p a. m. e. a holy bags. 12 minutes don't have to miss central moment precise. yep, i wanted was double the hand side impromptu. even though the legions pull one back through they go machine early, hold on. it was 10 mach who finished of mass is
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a terrible pause from no way goalkeeper. the young kneeland was seized upon by use of pulse, and so make its 3150 and sent across the same by colson. now w to conquer was denied what the timeframe goes. he dribbles nearly 3 courses of the field. so the sound in the penalty area it was the star. i couldn't listen just talking to the physical goals for him. smartly skills to put the school in the truck. so it means that the food as belgium ran out . so we know when is against luck, some booty, some cities told me, awesome. on it was friday of the season, england by 36 months of the t. 20 woke up in barbados to go to top of group be earlier south africa were given a real stay by the middle, but it didn't look that way. at 1st, when of new bossman took 4411. as the dutch could only post one under the free for
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9 for the privacy is with soon $3.00 to $3.00 and then 12 so. so they looked in serious danger of a food defeat to the netherlands, and as many who have matches across the formats. however, david met a showed his experience with an accident 59 north south. so that's like a winning by phone, which hits for a 2nd winning as many matches. meanwhile, i've got the sounds, cricket, captain rashid khan is cool. these teams victory. i've been using that the t 20 woke up one of the greatest performances in that format of the game rank times in the world. i've got a stone where the under dogs going into the match against these. even the subset in the rankings spots as romano lo go to bus and abraham suds. i'm sure the 2nd consecutive century stand as they bidding. they will know that you can to any, are in the week after he's done putting on 159 for 6. good or bad? top scoring with 18 from 56 deliveries. in reply to 2021. run is up easy to nulast
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a just $75.00 foot into they 1st to feed 2. i've got a son to 20 international fossil huck floaty and captain rashid taking full. we could see each in an easy, full run victory, which moves up gun east on top of group see that bangladesh open day to have a 3 lanka. the price of $129.00 and the day shift on cools for a straightforward way meeting. just 16 runs from the last 28 pools in the seventy's over. but maybe we could begin to tumble this down to vista and the who call me see it is 218 is a one by 2 with and that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. yes. ok. thank you peter. great outcome for afghanistan. well, violence has broken out in one of kenya's, coastal villages over government plan to build the country's 1st nuclear power
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station correspondence mountain. web reports from can leafy country the deals. it wasn't a normal day in the coastal village volume. they, when these people say, please bring their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago, work is from kenya is new k, a power agency came to put the weather, monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to build a nuclear power plant around here. residents, the ones that they say, the district officials have been paid off. well, they've been ignored. please say they have to use gun fire into a gas to break up with dr. so it will kill people if you look at pictures of waste . such projects happen before pregnant women have given birth to children with one leg or with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to come to the communities, the site, the mouth of the creek flowing into the indian ocean. most people here survive by
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swimming coconuts or fishing among dry forest along the sides of the creek of crucial for fish, reproduction. further down the channel, so those legs on the beaches and the coal rece to see the little same pre show for fish, reproduction. where we are right now is a protective, marine. wildlife is a very being considered for the power plants. is here. scientists say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tourists to come to see it. environmental activist, phyllis and meters, has the location, couldn't be west and can use no. when near being able to manage nuclear waste, she's one international awards for her campaigns, sites and now sets on the nuclear plant, which the government says it wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about 500000000000 candice shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at 500000000000, the amount of of,
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of quotes so that stay was gaped and kicks locks and all that. you know, they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to scan. that's because of $500.00 t m, but not because can you also have benefits from it, but a few men within government would benefit from it. the international atomic energy agency says kenya is on track to have a research react to by the 20 sets these by which time the government says it wants the coastal power plant to be fully operational. here several african governments have signed deals for nuclear power stations in recent years, mostly with russia and china. looked on kanga who took us fishing near the proposed size. doesn't want kenya to be one of them. he says, radiation poisoning will destroy his livelihood. the media energy agency told us the final decision on the site will meet all kenyon and international laws and is seeking a foreign partner who deal with nuclear waste. if we do studies in the time in
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that it's the right place, i can also look at doing that. i am telling you that as a government one, this one that is a sponge within these, we do it in a way that we did not affect the environment especially or be, was any danger to our people. government says the power station will bring development to the community around it. but nobody's yet found a permanent solution to dispose of nuclear waste, which remains dangerous to life forms for tens of thousands of years. of the residents of the we spoke to say they don't want to change the way of life and they don't want that problem here. malcom web address era kelly fee county can. yeah. you can find multiple on our website to be out. the address is w w, w dot 0 dot com. that's it for me, jessica washington for this new sal up and i'll be back in a moment to of today's news,
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the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flag folders to try to win over black voters . these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera. so this is the 1st genocide this we see in the real time is the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his reading the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers began shooting. jude was hit in the neck and felt. it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and the occupied westbank soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him. and in his really hosp these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay house, send you the officials told they'll just hear that in situations like this is real . the ducks, the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian
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authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm jessica washington. this is the news i live life from to her. coming up in the next 60 minutes for them to 110 palestinians are killed as israel launch is one of his the just a song on garza. israel says that operation successfully fried, full captives, most as some captives were also killed in the, at the rules for


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