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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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drilled a master's in famous intellectuals, the like has reached its final thrust. the more than 210 palestinians are killed as israel launch is one of its if it gets the soul sometimes that the other ones are in jordan, this is all just a real life though. also coming up. israel says this attack on the say, right river jake, i'm afraid full come to my says of the captives look in the intent of the goals for new government right now to 33. demonstrate as far as the goes ahead and i'm group, and the democratic republic of congo loans is a series of a ton screen. at least 50 news
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. we beginning garza with more than 210 palace demands have been killed. and one of the israel largest attacks this was part of an operation to free for captives being held by mass. but target to be a tax with data. but i'm gonna say that witnesses of describe the chaos that ensued with a rule of explosions on gun 5 coming in. the hospitals nearby have been overwhelmed with the dead. the grieving and the injured lead. 8 of the guns are covered. a tonic is, is row carries out massive strikes. palestinians fleeing is 5th spreads bodies, sconces across every corner is almost a rock refugee come hundreds of victims. if it is ready, opperation to free captives hold for months by him. off the net,
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we saw messiahs flying over our heads. nobody is protecting us. we don't know where the children are. we lost them, and now we're being displaced for a 3rd time with no idea where to go. is zip and bottom and continued. eye witnesses say is really soldiers and to the come consumed in a truck with cause and license plates. opening fire on palestinians, the new stuff, my coke signed to the special forces unit. it has furniture in the vehicle to make it look like it belong to displace people. suddenly the output is going out to lot is came into our home fully owned chaos, who did with done fine exposure to the nearby likes. the hospital is flooded with inches, palestinians, doctors describe the scenes inside the facility as a complete blood ball. it looks like a filter house, one medic said, that bottling a situation, it's near impossible. but most of the hospital is full of patients. and we have no
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space for more people without your deluxe. the hospital is now working on one generator, because the other one is scope is complete to catastrophe. the number of that of to is riley's ministry of thoughts on, on the say right refugee come will rise thousands of bodies buried under the debris . still on account of the is really ministry has been attacking the area so weeks intensifying its s strikes every day. i was playing with my friend, i came out and so the staff is covered with blood. there was nothing we remained inside and so time going back and forth. the house was burning and the smell is awful about my dad is rosalie to detox has been condemned. internationally, with the you cooling, get a mastercard on the killing of civilians are pulling up. do you need a go out to 0? well, just bear with me and tell couldn't refiled this report by phone from alex the hospital and data about as events unfolded in the hospitals are over as well. you
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can imagine the people are on the poor methics volunteers. everyone is trying to help them. there's no place for them. was there even trying to put up more injuries in the other department in the hospital at the doctors are trying their best to rescue, as most people are as possible. but there are lots of to be, are critical into these big now. and everyone is terrified. people are terrified. i left the hospital is not a hospital. it's also a refuge instructor for hundreds of thousands of palestinians that the truck used in the cost with those 4 months right now. and now they bought this a warning from one of the journalists who received a call from the army, telling them that they were going to target a couple of tents in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing people running, we're seeing people looking for
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a safe place. everyone is left to the hospital to the area surrounding the hospital and and, and people are literally, it can't find anything said they do not know where to go. they're searching for a place. they're trying to move west again, are handicapped or there are quite competent people are feeling live and munitions or fears are kind of recently and it's also not safe for them to evacuate from outside the hospital. this is the scene right now, and no one can understand anything, because with that can i think it's part of escalating in one hour of the herd is i'm going to say i'm just in closing people crying children crying mothers looking for their children. not being right now, what delta dental a seller works at alex, the hospital in central gauze or the building is struggling to operate in a single generation. he managed to send this video telling, i'll just hear about the flood of my patients. he so as a result of israel's attacks on top of that as the
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as well the families of a captives freedom. these really ami operation that held a news conference often they will record re united israel has shut down out just
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arrows, operations the so we're reporting from outside israel to 00 higher. just following the story from the jo, danny, and capital i'm up. this is the less, the goal is the strip along it was the law just really minute to opperation using land and see despite heavy fighting the cops is made. that box is ro, aloha, says all those were killed in the top of the $246.00 days. the full immediately reunited was from the side of the hospital. the condition described stable in his ro, it's being seen as a major victory, much needed for a prime minister on the immense prussia. we're committed to getting the use of all the hostages. and we expect from us to release them all. but if they don't,
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we'll do whatever it takes to get them all back home. the full, the families though it's been a long struggle. big. thank you to our military, to our soldiers. thank you to the people of israel who are strong and who share our joy today. we will never forget those captives still being held in garza and we will continue our struggle and fight to return them back home. a live tens of thousands of his rain. these gathers antello div haifa. i'm the northern pulse of his ro police arrested, protested hughes. what's the cannons against demonstrates is moving for the fall. i do as soon as possible and election some of the relatives of captives killed in guns that fits the size, the prime minister. never contacting them. but now using such today's rescue for his own political game. for the height of all g 0 a month. and the reminder,
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again, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has bottom down to 0 in his rail, and that's why sarah was reporting from neighboring george. well only l as the former director of israel's foreign ministry, he says he would prefer a cx 5 deal to free the captives. but today's events was still incredibly meaningful. the most is right is basically probably waited for the base they age month or the hostages are so many now to every is way. oh, you'll see the pictures, you know, all the names and the whereabouts. and i think there is a go back for family members. each housing is a go back to family members. so i don't think you can play for. i'll be happy. we know we know that there was a high, but i still can pause and do it straightforward. and we know the fee goes off
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the 8 months, and he's paid for a. this is the reason people like me, one of the simple to the will, is the mediately, whatever the doing the sausages. and i hope it will come very so i know that the more it was in the us security costs and maybe even monday and the grade that the others we'd be able to do student date or model number. shara is, i'll just say our senior political analyst, he says, is random, the usaa over celebrating the rest of the captive. so there's one thing for families and loved ones to celebrate sort of turned out of captives and they are for families. but for the is there any government and the american government to turn it into some kind of a national holiday? that is just so tragic and so short sighted it just bewildering at for
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them to think that this is a lesson for most to come rather than a major phase of this government after what the 40 captives have already died after more than 40000 palestinians have already been killed, they want to celebrate the rescue or for captives that could have been easily rescued in any exchange deal. i mean, how short sighted could any politician be but an exception, a cynical, efficient like that of benjamin that the out. these so cynical that he is ready to turn any such frederick victory into a major personal. busy heroism and her or some of these really been to that of course, a launch on no offensive with as we've just been reporting with all kinds of a heavy artillery and heavy weaponry coming some 100 palestinians in the vicinity
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in order to liberate for uh for hostages. now let me be clear, i personally would never condone taking civilian hostages, but it also makes me think, why, how much did not kill them when they were under attack, what, how much fighters you might killed the hostages. i think this has something to ponder for a long time to come because of how much really wanted to hurt those civilians is right. is that what i'm starting to kill them as soon as they came under attack? this is 8 months into the war. so as i've been saying, we can call it a victoria, this is just luck, a pure luck. these writers are so short sighted that they forgot that they've been in a water for 8 months. pose the killing of $43.00 of their own captives . and in the process led israel to the, to the,
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to the bottom of the bottom. and every time you think is there, i would have brought him, it just finds a way to get to another. lo and now we seen gaza at 220 killed in one day, i mean with back to the high numbers of palestinian tragedy and anyone thinks that this resolved. is there a problem that does not understand or have not been paying attention in the past 75 years is or it has not won anything to this is not a victor. this is just of stability and short sightedness because the whole thing of the entire people that the senior people hostage for 56 years. that's something to reckon with. that's not going to be resolved by us going for hostages . and what about the other 100 plus is reading the captives and how much trans, what's gonna happen to them now? i think the short sighted business, probably one of the worst quantities and then you put additions and it is red. yeah, plentiful abuse. and the product also in the united states, there is no other way out of this thing, but do a magic solution. and i think uh,
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you know, by doing and my chrome dot thing that the on the back 4 out of rescuing for uh, captives that just tells you what politics have turned into populism nowadays. but i think once everyone sobers up and once you really look at the national celebration to be, you know, up to failure to do something about being at the state of war for 75 years. and in a state of, you know, tragic failure for the past 8 months, they would know that there is no other solution but diplomacy. a short break here and i'll just say around when we come back the, the environmental concerns about a multi $1000000000.00 nuclear project. on the coast of canyon more and that springs the
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had a low that let's get the weather full cost for north america and the so called heat stone peak across the desert southwest in the us. we are seeing the numbers come down from the dangerously high temperatures. we'll see more in the way of when the weather as well rushing across the 4 corners states, some of that rain moving across the rockies as well, and launch required for the pacific northwest and west and parts of canada. that coffee said however, for the east of canada, you can see some really wet and when the weather taking hold here, we'll see more in a way of a rush of storms developing across central parts of the us. down in those does, it's a south state and also across from the central parts of canada. so isn't very wet weather to come here. it's much dry across the east coast of the us with the temperatures in new york city and washington dc slightly below the average. so this time of yeah, not times just having sitting very high across mexico. we'll see more in the way of
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wet weather moving in here sunday into monday with some very heavy falls to come for the you could time put in sheila, it was heavy rains. continue stretching all the way down to costa rica and panama is not as wet for his spun. you're not, we'll see some rain. however, along with heat and humidity in havana, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out just a right click on my about top story. say this, hold on 210 palestinians have been killed in one of his rails largest attacks since the war on guns that began its forces launched assaults from the and i'm going to see shooting residential areas around, you know, follow and understand fully attacks are part of an operation, it's a free, full kept is handled by on us, but how much as some companies were killed. and these really have time for free to admit by crowds and tennessee before being taken into hospital detox and guns,
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electronics bottles, overwhelmed with the data names or medical stuff, but lots of site they're struggling to come to us. cold is randy attacks. i'm us will use president as welcome to freeing of his way the captives from gaza. joe biden was speaking during the state visit the from swear. he's met french president of manuel macro. they highlighted that partnership on global security and support for ukraine. and it's more with russia, latasha barclays following the visits and powers, the officers ceremony on the shelves and these a avenue in central powers on the, on the tree of the french presidency manual mind call, and us present j flight and had a working lunch. i'd be lease a policy, they discussed a number of issues including trade climate and education, but the focus very much on international affairs. they discussed the middle east, the situation that they said that they please welcome news that he's really been a trade secure at the release. a full hostages from one echo president crowns.
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comments welcoming the safe rescue for hostages at for returned to their families, whose he won't stop working until all the hostages come home and a cease fire is reached. the suggestion of i saw the situation and rough, uh, like the human toe, is unacceptable. it's also intolerable. the israel is not opening o entry points for humanitarian aid. as the international community has been demanding for several months on ukraine. leaders said that they were very much on the same page, pledging that ongoing support and commitment to keep divide and also to keep by the $225000000.00 us dollars. that the u. s. has pledged for keep mainly for things like at defense systems, j bite and said that if the machine is not stopped in ukraine, he could threaten the hold of your profession, butler, i'll just sarah paris, a palestinian, and some of our team professors gathered outside the white house in washington demanding an immediate cease fire and gauze,
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up the hill or to my long red banner to represent what they call the people's red line. how does your cast a ripple? protestors descend upon the white house in a sea of red symbolic of the blood and shedding garza and the red line, demonstrators say the us must hold, is real accountable to for crossing. i think the by did administration needs to follow through on what it said. it would do which is no longer send offensive weapons to gaza after israel's invasion of wrap up. and so they have an obligation to do that. red banner behind the scratches all around the white house. the testers say this is in the united states, almost as
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a mother who cared about children. so i cannot spend said by watching children dying to expose the oldest medium people to start and people do good. sorry about that woman just like she comes back to her because she get to this place and her children are literally like really upset the president joe biden wasn't home on saturday remarks he made during a state visit in france focused on the freeing of for is really captive held by him us and made no mention of the hundreds of palestinians killed in his really military operation. joe biden, and his administration of told us is that is rarely lives, not a more than palestinian lives. that is absolutely not true by the polls show, a growing majority of us voters support a permanent ceasefire in gaza. that feeling is particularly strong among young. the there is to support biden, will need in the november presidential elections. he is shooting himself in the foot by alienating young voters alienating. uh, you know, muscle voters aly,
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any progressive jewish motors, and just the demographics of people that you should know not to give up. on emotions ran high and at least one skirmish broke out between protesters and police who used pepper spray against a person they tried to detain. but the demonstration was by large parts peaceful and persistent. hi, digital castro, out to 0 washington. well, those protests were happening in the us. tens of thousands of people have joined the palestine solidarity march and the u. k. is capital coding of an end to israel is war and guns that were challenges was in london. this is now for all your products to be in demonstration number 15 in london. and the campaign is the march is trying to keep the momentum going. keep that pressure on the politicians. so you want to say find out. i want an end to um to is around. the problem that demonstrates is,
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is that the pay is now very much in full on election but neither of the. 2 parts are easy to see, the doctor is a particularly significant election facing the marches change. make sure realize the goals decided we've already taken the 1st part of going in the states and that was a week ago we saw the website where everyone can put in the constituency and see how hard the m p voltage only you through a safe spot. i don't know with the moans without us going sort of the complaint is sent through reactions where you find the cdn we make this time and how they respond to the amount. next week we're sending 6 pay simone's every single. so everyone will have the ability to put in the details, press a button, and those 2 lines will be sent to the kind of
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a scenario. and then we will probably try, they've responded. now there are indications that the labor policy, which is way ahead in the opinion polls is going to make it manifesto plants to recognize a palace, city and state before the end of any piece process, which is thelma, the leader, hurts the demons, right. hey, will see the song that he is on this side. however, the organizes of these ronnie's say that that is actually a watering down of the last labor election manifesto. so they remain unconvinced. really challenge, how does a rest in other and they've been similar marches across europe. thousands of people gathered in the city of geneva, a condemned as well as war on god's encore find and destroy any attacks on the left . on hundreds of protest as in spain lie on the ground outside bill bows,
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guggenheim museum of mountain not to represent the thousands killed in concept a riley against the rise and support of fluoride politics in germany has been held in the capital. berlin comes the day before germans vote and the european parliament elections. oh, show support for the right wing alternative for germany. party is around 30 percent in eastern states and it's a channels that are really invalid. organizes expect more than 10000 people before the end of the day, here in berlin for this protest that is pro democratic and anti far right. this is by far not the only one to take place in germany. and over the past few months, we've seen quite a number of these rallies because there has been a troubling rise of the far right here in germany with the f. d. alternative for germany party, sometimes 20 percent in the polls at its peak and consistently in the polls. turning up at the number 2nd place, tied with other political parties. and that's why people are turning out. we've also seen a political climate of political violence. in fact, we have
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a chance to speak to mathias echo one of the politicians, a member of the european parliament running again who was recently attacked. we had to stay in hospital for a few days and that was basically c as in sign of a rotella zation of politics here in germany. i think we had a few attacks on different politicians out, or people added that x and pop like now with so many people turning out. one thing to keep in mind about germany, the, at the, the far right party might be coming in 2nd, but it is very unlikely the way the coalition government works that they wouldn't over the leading the government anytime soon. somebody you can say in neighboring france, with marie le pen and her nationalist party, alyssa, chance 0 roland. still the bodies of more than 60 people were killed by the i'm group in eastern democratic republic of congo have been found. the allied democratic forces, the adf carried out
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a series of attacks on wednesday and thursday on villages and the many region of north keep of province. the adf is one of several groups operating in the eastern congo. it's one blame for coming thousands of people in the past decade on an economy has more now on the attacks on this, if you go back in north keeping province, these people are just the same day to day. they've conducted the attempt to report to 16 people. unfortunately, the remaining manual disability, i need a huge difference to me to just talk about tonight. what ticket is the worst it's been? will it keeps, try to hold back for, for such a day that phones, different bodies. some of them are what time some of them were killed by myself. these had done so in the different areas just seemed collecting the body up. now, some of them will even begin to leave it on the day of the stairs. it is. the pictures are very much when it comes to see what's happened to people. some of them were even doing this before the i've been conducting the notice that we have to
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actually do for the city of, of this, of been a regional and order for you to nibbling for these toys. beside the ongoing meeting between the d are gone down. for the last 2 years, we've been sorting more capacity to go behind. and even approaching more that the total will do a dispute for the area and got a slightly more of the population even leaving the area because they don't believe without the c 3. so it may be a dozen fountains. and one of kenya's, coastal village is over a government plan to build the 1st nuclear power station. residents and activists say it will destroy livelihoods and damage a well famous marine was of malcolm lab reports from kennedy county. the deals. it wasn't a normal day in the coastal village volume by when these people say, please bring their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago, work is from kenya is new k,
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a power agency came to put the weather monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to build a nuclear power plant around here. residents, the ones that they say, the district officials have been paid off. well, they've been ignored. please say they have to use gun fire into a gas to break up with dr. so it will kill people. if you look at pictures of waste, such projects have been before pregnant. women have given birth to children with one leg or with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to come to the communities, the site, the mouth of the creek flowing into the indian ocean. most people here survive by swimming coconuts or fishing among dry forest along the sides of the creek of crucial for fish, reproduction. further down the channel, so those legs on the beaches and the coal reached out to see the little same pre show for fish reproduction. where we are right now is a protective,
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marine. wildlife is a very being considered for the power plants is here. scientists say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tourists to come to see it. environmental activist, phyllis, and me do says the location couldn't be wes. and kenya is nowhere near being able to manage nuclear waste. a she's one international awards for her campaigns, sites and now sets on the nuclear plant, which the government says it wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about $500000000000.00 candice shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at $500000000000.00 the amount of, of, of contracts they would get and kicks, locks and all that. you know,


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