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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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calls, let's say the diesel stuff, your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon a today without kind of foundation the flow this is in use our on out to 0 for the back. people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the death toll is mounting in guys that 270 for palestinians are now known to have been killed. after these really operation to free for captives on saturdays from office, 3 captives including a us citizen, were killed during that raid in central gas. also this our yvonne of whose 6
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candidates to run in the presidential election with some notable emissions attached to popular in paris when marine depends far right policies expected somebody big games in the us and on pizza statements with audio sports news call us alvarez and alex on the very, almost the type friendship and final h ones that hold in paris sullivan to move days in the program. the 815 gmc, we begin in guys i where it's been confirmed that at least 274 palestinians were killed. you know, these really a sold on the new state right? refugee camp that fried for is really kept is on saturday. the use top different mat, joseph borreo has condemned the attacks and call for an immediate and to what he calls a blog bass. palestinians enjoyed hours of embodiment and s rights as well as intense gun battles between hamas and is really special forces. i'm off says 3 captives.
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what also killed in that operation, including a us citizen, stephanie deca begins coverage. the panic as explosions are heard close by. this is the center of the account in central garza, which is home to over a 100000 kind of thing. and it is really condos rated. the camp on saturday, which for is really captives were freed from 2 apartment buildings. the cost of their lights paid by hundreds of palestinians killed and more injured together with the florida. senna, are you talking about $210.00 that to claim that you freed hostages, or do you disagree a whole area and kill $210.00 people to free hostages? well, on the helicopters, we're hearing commandos who descended on rubber letters from at 1st we thought they were landing on the isle or the hospital. when they came down here to destroy every
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thing. we could no longer see anything because of the smoke and darkness that adults the neighborhood. there were hundreds of people killed and wounded. people here are terrified, broken, exhausted by this never ending, how they feel. they've been left to me. i know they destroyed the roof over our heads. she currently no arab countries. where are you? where is the world? she asks, the killer children. the world condemns, but does little to stop the massacres almost used to this now, 8 months on israel says it gets to begins warnings to evacuate ahead of time. it's a gate, it's a, it just feels like a hunting game of people running around because a strip trying to seek fix the safety, which is a force. there is no safe place in all garza so to pretend like
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giving people evacuation warnings is somehow humane. it's, it's a farce. gauze that hasn't been fully destroyed. it's fiber of life and not related . hundreds of thousands of families ripped apart. and countless heart broken. many of when will it be enough? stephanie decker would you 0 as not getting the latest with vouchers? here is terry, god bless them. who's outside? i likes the hospital endowed by law in central gas a force terry day after the new se, right, masika, the desktop continues to rise as we saw. bring us up to speed with the latest. how are hospitalized coping with, with the mass casualties? will have to be clearly. so inside the departments of deluxe the hospital it's, it's completely dramatic seen as we so hundreds of palestinian wanted. people who
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have been wide least at one didn't get to do today is really operation that took place yesterday to release full. is there any caps is now there was one that people are receiving a primitive medical cap by medical teams in august the hospital in line to also the ongoing search of the is where that tax of course, multiple areas in the middle regions now within the early hours of this morning, the 28 talk to you have been reported to we've doses of injuries being prose, also to our office. the hospital, which is adding, i'm fixture of pressure on the medical teams to keep operating on the ground. we have spoken to a number of medics inside the house. and so saying that we are facing remarkable difficulties to deal with the search of these kinds of injuries. that some of them really require. a very advanced medical surgeries and we are unable to carry out such operations with the very limited and humble medical facilities and even abilities within the locks the hospital. but what we see is that an evacuation
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since alongside with a sense of, for providing medical treatments as medical teams right now are doing the past in order to keep providing them with the central medical cast fully a great deal of pressure. indeed, on those medical facilities were barely functioning ready before this massacre. now, how much i understand, terry? because just for needs for video, giving more details about some of the captives they say were killed in these really operations. tell us more of the yes, these kinds of details have been presented in a be released by the military wing of how moscow 3 is very types of spin cubes by these. but according to how much claims within the operation that was carried out yesterday to release 4 is ready captives. now, what we serve in the video 3 is very so just as 3 is really kept as being a being completely queued. and even with the lat covering this tight spot, the entire image and video was floods. so it quite plus quite hot,
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identify the identity as the also the video has been stressing and the facts that one is used. citizens as an america, as holding the american nationalities and we believe that it's a message from the military when to the east, very side and even to the east valley and the captive, somebody is willing to force them to push deep pressure on them. yeah. who would i to send a re, to reach to a ceasefire deal that would bring those top tips back home to as well. and at the same time, it's also another message to the american administration has to be specifically with that person. and that isn't that whole, the american nationality, it will also help to provide new kinds of also pressure on the american government to convince the teen yahoo to press the head with the si, fi agreements, which is to now here's a bit and thank you very much i'll just there is terry, god presume, reporting the lie from dell by law in central guys. let's get the view now from
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israel. so high rod is joining is from amman. jordan, because he is there any government has that bind down to 0 from operating from inside is rosa cyrus reporting from amman aside. the rescue of for is ready kept his during the cottage of the massacre in was a ride, is widely being seen in israel as a major victory, victory for the prime minister. but as we've heard from tarik, some captives swear, also killed in that operation. how's that being received this? right? well, we haven't had any reaction yet whether officially from the government or from the is riley's spots. every time a video like this comes out from us who is not meant to have it. destiny has an effect, certainly on the morale on the side t of the families of those health cap says yes, this, they have said time and time again since yesterday. this is being celebrated. it's a real sense of joy. people have come together and as well as celebrate finally,
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full concepts that have come back, that condition is stable. they seem to be in high spirits as well. but many, it also says that that is a victory. some more bots. still there are more than a hundreds caps, it's still being held in the gaza strip. and this video in particular is interesting in compared to any of the other videos have been released by how much this one specifically is showing you video of be awesome. all of this massive is riley operation, one of the biggest, they've tar that one. that prime minister benjamin netanyahu says will go down in the history of the is really history of books fox. this is the 1st time the showing this kind of off them off the depth of those in a, in the gaza strip. and also a direct message to them saying that despite then being able to of 3 full captive as a result that have been just on the other side. of course,
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this hasn't been confirmed, not by these radios themselves, but going back fully to the reason why just yesterday hours before this operation took place, we saw the families of those health captive still demonstrating, still gathering intel of these square tens of thousands of them spelled and mom j a c spot deal to be accepted by israel as soon as possible. yeah, i was going to ask you how this was playing out politically, sarah, because we'll cabinet member administered benny guns was expected to announce his resignation on saturday. he delayed that, is that still likely to happen? square expects it to hear from him very soon and fox. yes, it was too late. as you said, let me just give a bits of context. benny guns is a member. as part of the wall cabinet. it's a small units of the top experience, people in israel of come together. this will cabinet was created at the beginning
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of this war. he also is a member of one of the proxies as part of this coalition government. now he has threatened to resign. this is a from before he says that by june, the 8th is the prime minister hasn't given a concrete post, will pine as to what israel plans to do in terms of the gaza strip. where bizarre rection of this will is going if you didn't receive anything concrete, then he would resign. now his policy has 8 seats in the coalition government notes enough to bring down this government and not enough to dissolve it or to see on the election something beyond the pro, a government process. this, i've been quoting for, for a long time, but it is enough to show that this, the defense it's with then the problems that prime minister netanyahu is facing internally. well wait to see what he has to say. yesterday the prime minister had sweets it a direct message too many guns, telling him, but this is the time for us to you. nice. of course it doesn't look for the well
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good for the problem is setting, you know, on the international stage is more and more countries according for an end to the school. thank you very much. sorry. that sounds is aristotle. hi raj reporting. they live from amman, jordan, because again, these really government has bind, i'll just say, are from re forcing from inside israel. now as we've been telling you, hospitals in central guys that have been overwhelmed by the launch number of casualties. after these re operation on the sierra refugee camp around $700.00 palestinians were also injured during these really a sold to many of them children. some people died as they waited for medical attention. the bodies of many of us remain under the rubble and have not yet been recovered by civil defense. works to the well, most people he was really meant as a more jo, according to the field reports these really occupation forces use to civilian vehicles in the say, right. the 1st was a small car and the 2nd was a bigger one, carrying weapons. this was clear in the videos mentioned by different media outlets . the soldiers who took part in the massacre play the role of displaced people.
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they were dressed as civilians with the plan to commit a massacre against women, children, and the elderly in this camp. as the field reports also mentioned, that is rarely forest has been boarded, 89 houses full of civilians in new se, right? so many houses were bombarded without prior warning. this confirms that the occupation intended to commit this brutal massacre and they are committing genocide against civilians. area we spoke to sol, took a hashi who's a former deputy head of office of the un high commissioner for human rights and occupied palestine. he says, these are as actions and guys on saturday are you had another breach of international law, of israel has shown itself time and time again. it has exposed itself, time and time again that it does care about the international laws and forward. it doesn't care about international humanitarian law. there are clear standards of proportionality. so when you're making a tug, when you engage in an attack,
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that might cause a civilian loss of life or damage, disability and objects, while you're attacking is not necessarily illegal as such. that doesn't necessarily make it legal, right? but the, the losses to any kind of civilian object through life has to be proportionate. and i think it's pretty clear that the, you know, these were not proportionate. and this is something that we've seen over and over again. not just since last october, but in pretty much every single attack that israel has engaged and every single offensive that is realized engaging and gossip. we've known all along and certainly since last october that there is a huge, huge double standard when it comes to human lives. that is really lives that you know ukrainian lives the white skin lives are important. but when it comes to palestinians, when it comes to people with brown skin, when it comes to areas in general, you know, they're just not as important that we don't really care. and israel has extended the culture of all just areas office in ocoee bodies through lemon band. it's work
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in israel for another $45.00 days. is really police rate it down to 0, is work space and sees the equipment on may the 5th that followed a decision by these really government to take entre 0 alpha and shut down its operations. team dawson is the deputy general secretary general of the international federation of gentleness. he says, israel is trying to control the narrative of the media. it is very refreshing to know that the is why the judges express such concern over this ruling and made it clear that they thoughts that in any ordinary circumstances it shouldn't be allowed to take place. i think i think they have come up with a great many is right. it is a great many people who are, you know, feel well towards israel, that this is a, a deeply damaging act that can only undermine confidence in israel. and really does more to expose its weaknesses then to demonstrate strength and might be
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in the crudest way. there's been an attempt to control the narrative 1st by excluding international correspondence. they have protested and petitions to try and get into god's are and haven't been allowed in. secondly, great many i truly disturbing number of doing this thing because i have lost the lives of, i mean precisely the circumstances of many of those cuttings you know, i think has yet to be uncovered. but such as the mortality rates are longer list of i think something truly terrible has happened. we seen a tax on, on domestic is riley media, you know, restrictions have been placed on correct. so it's been cold and animated the, the states and what all this feeds into it. one of the reasons that it really concerns me. we saw it last week, year in the jerusalem day matches, people physically attacking jet less people physically attracting, published in new jealous. i think a situation which in this to demonize the way it is by them those legitimizes in, in some of the more extreme elements. the idea that journalism is somehow boxed and
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wrong on the people who are gentlest. it's legitimate to attack them. the now on to other world news in yvonne's top electro vetting body has amounts names of candidates allowed to run in the upcoming presidential action. the ball will be held on june the 28th. as the ron looks to replace the late president abraham racy, the west guild and a helicopter crash last month, candidates are either approved or disqualified by the guardian council. that's a 12 member government body where half the members are appointed by the supreme leader. among those who have qualified, i'm how meant by get for the boss, a conservative and speak of parliament as well as sides. really a prominent member of the hard line of faction and close ally of the supreme leader, others approved into a t ron's current math for ministers and only one reformist candidate. among those
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disqualified i former president, my mood, i'm a didn't a shot was hoping to make a come back that former speaker, larry johnny, who's been disqualified a 2nd time now, and the reform is from a vice president of the previous administration results. the dollar has more from tehran, it seems that the rate is going to be between the conservative candidates, so among them to are quite prominent. the 1st one is momma back and cut about this code and speaker of the parliament. and she is regarded as a more conservative. so previously she has to have as the mayor of to run. and also she was the, the, the army general in the iranian revolution, the gods. and also he has said as the police chief, he's reading much trusted by the supreme leader. he's very well connected. actually i'm, i'm the can't do this. he's the most close, the outlined count. it is with the, with the revolution, the gods in the countries. so now she is running for the presidency and she's
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holding the biggest chance among the candidates. the 2nd one is the hotline side jelly. the so he's a housing conservative. yes. serve as the secretary all of this good at the console . and also he was, you run in the nuclear negotiator, he's also closely aligned with the supreme leader, but also very much popular among because everything. so among the 6 cabbages that had been approved by the guardian console, the only other form is, is the, is the former, and the house administer, and the coolant p, messed with the position. so he's from the city of tempe. he's, he is not that much very well known among the public. if you run him, reform inspections, sees that someone like a hard line. conservative like side did it. if he's leaving the pools, then the reformist must might mobilize and come and to support him. and in that
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case is going to be a surprise. but as of now, no one is really regarding him as someone who can unite the reform is less now speak to me around come rob i, professor of government that shows shining diversity and coffee is joining us live from do i thank you so much for being with us, professor, what do you make of this list? what does it mean in terms of competition except for 2020 the ronnie elections historically featured competitive elections? how is it different this time as well? um, we have to wait and see because uh uh, over the last couple of hours position um has been trending on iranian cyber space . and it appears as if the reformists or what's left of them in the wrong in body politic. have riley the around him, have riley behind him, but i completely agree with the russell that it appears that the hardliners will be competing amongst themselves. i think we have to wait to see whether
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a possessed young has a chance. yeah. so, so the way it's looking now is that the race will be more or less among conservatives who are some of the most notable more notable figures you've, you've seen here. and one of the chances well, uh that's a really good question. i think uh the by far the best known of the candidates are side. jenny lee foreman, you've learned negotiator. i'm a former presidential candidate and the speaker of the parliament my my father currently boss who's a perennial candidate for the run in the elections. this is, i believe, the 4th time he's running, they're both very well known. and it appears that between the 2 of them, while the boss is more pragmatic, i need to say that's all the above has been oscillating. going back and forth.
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doing got medina job days. he was a reform is then during role. i mean he became it principally story became arch conservative and it's really hard to pin him down because he's been a political opportunities. but those are the 2 best known candidates. ok, so to best known candidates, but professor do do elections, mean anything? does the presidential election mean anything in the radian system? because so far, none of the candidates has offered a specific program. that's right. up until 2021 presidential elections. but quite consequential. and the presidential candidates were able to bring in large numbers of the electorate to the, to the voting stations on the election day. 2021 was the 1st time that the election was, as is commonly referred to in the wrong engineer. in the sense that some of the well
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known figures that were reform is where um disqualified from running. i. i need to say that the rony and politics is notoriously difficult to predict. i think we have to wait and see whether or not any of the candidates are able to excite people in the same way that former president roll harvey was able to do in 2013. that 2017. and whether or not people will either stay home or will turn out and vote on election day on june 28th. but whoever wins do you expect to a continuation of the same policies, whether it's, you know, it's the on the nuclear racial foreign policy. uh well, i think the ronnie and presidents had been able to effect change in iranian foreign policy if not in the overall direction of the foreign policy, but certainly around the margins we saw. for example, roll nice signed the nuclear court. we saw the right you see a,
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implement the good neighbor policy, improve relations with saudi arabia and also with other eastern countries. so the president is not as inconsequential as a, it's often assumed to be thank you so much for talking to us. we appreciate your insight as always more on merrill, i'm come robert from georgetown university in casa, joining us. and we use our thank you so much for your time. to 90 is 5 minutes and the render emoji has been so one. and for a 3rd term, the governing national democratic alliance elected him as a leader on friday bodies b. j. p fell short of a majority in the polls and has to find the allies to form a correlation. government are kind of them. shewana is a senior editor at the wire, which is an indian new indian news and opinion website. she says movies the time will be challenging. it's a very interesting election. does this in, and i'm funny that, you know, be that you know,
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the political part to you because when the election is not able to celebrate it the way it, it would have ended. but it goes back to be just not managed to get the majority is all the images in the enterprise. the integrated and a large part of indian population and borders are taking a side offer nice. the reason perhaps is because they have the feeling that india defend into a 2010 and the zip is 17. you've seen this one defined the director of the symbol, these last one, the gate of food. that's been that he's tried to beacon the oxidation recon democracy. i weakened the national institution in the last 50 years of system with the political gaudio. this is the 1st time whether it was the chief minister movie or the prime minister movie for the 1st time. envelope, but he's not received the mandate and this is going to be a coalition government. so, so i think the era, all that in the movie, as the supreme leader,
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as this person who is what is the bonus leader who you've got a team to get this. a rock s as some of the soils will use the world, but they can do hot stripe to trying to convert into real problems. secular, democracy to i can do nation of feel particularly nation. i've seen mr. movies, ambitions, such emissions are because it is and you can be forced to look under, you know, a government which is primarily a pollution government still ahead on algae xerox. to some cities reporting some bug areas. capital sophia, on the countries 6 palm and people found the change and founding the alarm for the 1st time in 6 years. south korea is lasting. loudspeakers audits, neighbors tell you why and action from the $100.00 event. in the case diving world championships in boston, that's coming up in sports with you to stay with us. we're back after show
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the we've had a rec hold wall nights in the north of austin team and recently because the weight is coming from the north. but typically it doesn't do that, and this time that you'd expect either west city or a southerly, another bringing colder and sometimes wet, wet, wet, weather, adjusting the eastern side of option to there might just touch your to why. but you can see that with this coming in from the north, again, the temperatures are going to rise. more especially north, an option to, to, and most likely, uruguay is most of the drawing. now in brazil it's not entirely certain the east, but the seasonal range is just north of the country. actually it's heavy snow from ecuador, west, and columbia has been flooding here, and that tends to prom 9 slides and i can see more happening. very wet weather
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recently in costa rica, but that's going away now. but look at this as you probably next, i said it more than once have on is what this month is june. so in cuba expect the big funds. so, crossing into the you could tend to build these and then towards guatemala, in some parts from mexico, mexico itself is hovering between having a heat wave and dry it, and then shells including things die in the us though it has been very often the south west took the knife is off in death valley. that's not a big problem. no more lucky to generate some big sheriffs, both thunderstorms, although they are more obvious in the plains, the east he says he went to go to and syria, to provide a 27 year old acted as some health care service testing, working as an i'm didn't start with nursing the eyes of his governments with my citizenship. most of all i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we found it was to either push the shape worker because he confronts the news,
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the piece of citizenship revocation. only one of my citizenship. fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to, we don't have to click on the state list in syria on which is the era phone costume . the cost of your screen deal is the lowest most time vicious climate plan, but will it be implemented? our sharing in south africa is that good news for the economy. plus the telephone couplets in afghanistan says, but it's becoming financially self reliant. counting the cost on al jazeera, what's most important to me is talking to people, understanding what they're going through here. it just here to we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the, the the,
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you're watching the news, our on knowledge is 0 with me for the bad people. a reminder about the top stories, 270 for palestinians, and now confirm to have been killed during and he's really operation to free for capt is engaged on saturday palestinians in georgia. our system bought meant and asked rank, as well as intense gun battles between our mazda and these really special forces. and this route has extended the closure of options here as office teen onto 5 users . women bonded support can israel for 4th $45.00 days that comes under a law in april that allows the government to band to band broadcast channels and is considered as a threat to national security. and use the run as a non 6 candidates who can stand for the presidential election later this month. the front runners are the political veteran and conservative sides and 80 and moderate conservative and speaker ottoman mohammed by get cut off. elections had
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been set for next year. but they were bought for dr. presently, buying by you see the scale and they had to come to crash last month to may elections, to in europe, voters across the you are choosing members of the blogs next parliament, poverty, the living costs, the cost of living, health care and unemployment are among their main concerns, 373000000 people across to you are eligible to choose 720 members of parliament for the european union who will set of 5 year terms. let's take a closer look at what the european parliament does. its main job is to adopt amend or rejects laws proposed by the e u commission. while it overseas laws, along with the european commission and the council of the you, it cannot initiate legislation, the parliament approves the budget new executives of the european commission. and the lexus president, members of the apartment, are organized into 7 groups according to their political ties. they meet in
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strasburg in front about once a month. the rest of the time they work in brussels on committees overseeing policy areas such as environment, trade and foreign affairs. on sunday voters in $21.00 east countries, including france and germany are casting the ballots in a moment will be going to natasha butler. i was standing by in paris, but 1st let's head to berlin. the german capital west at boston is for us. so step now, how busy is the voting it at that following session where you are in gym, the well pretty busy. we have them to her. the final figure about these turnouts yet. but it is predicted that throughout this year for the european elections could be slightly higher. 72019. and we have to remember a germany has been allocated the largest number of seats in the european parliament that gets 96 seats of the 720. so a lot of ice here on germany,
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on what the polls today will show. and one of the issues to look out for is how the alternative for germany the far right far too will the doing. it's really assessed also a for the current government. that's how do you see repeat and elections are also seen because a lot of people vote according to their national interests. and what we're seeing is that the current government is getting quite a bad mark. the social democratic party of older shows. and this coalition far to the greens are predicted to knows quite significantly and the alternative for germany party who has come in a 2nd. so this is really a prediction also with which we see across the european union that the far right parties are doing a lot better than 5 years ago. because people are more concerned about security. they're much more euro skeptic at the moment, much more nationalism is playing a role. so this is also what we are seeing and in the next half an hour or so, we will hear what the predictions are. because then to pull so close here in
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germany, and they will have a 1st exit full. thank you very much, a set for that set. boston my 1st in berlin. let's head over to power is not natasha butler, is that for? for us at the found right, potties expected to also make gains in friends. natasha. the yes. the fall by policy of marine, the pen, the national riley policies expected to make the change in this election that so in a way to be looking over the past few weeks now depends. a campaign is being led by 28 year old jordan bought the heath depends voltage, something of a rising political fluoride store here in fonts. he's already in any pain. what he's managed to do is really wide them. the appeal also depends policy. he's still ideas law is still at the immigration. however, what she's done is appealed to a much younger $12.00 electrodes. we were asked to riley and depend riley quite recently. and it was really interesting to see just how many young people they were
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that. now, on the other side, you've got present my girls policy, so i need to lagging behind in the polls research weeks present. my girl has chosen a battery aya to lead his campaign. somebody, the very few people in faults of familiar with it seems as if there's been very little movements and for that policy. and i so often in elections, in frauds the seems in recent times that they become something of a referendum on macro. all. so why the people like micro will the fed offers that pull his policies, and they'll vote against him. that is what his policy. so any concerns about in the election? because what some of the saying is, if maureen, the pen does well in these elections, it could be a stepping string for her to the presidential election in 2027. and what would this mean and for funds and my client himself? well that's, that's the thing a marine depends policy, was to do well in these you elections, want to many observe as and preschool watches all saying is that we could see
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a situation in 2 years time in which the fridge presents emanuel, my call, kind of run because evil of already. so if 2 times and you could see maureen, the pen writing on the momentum of these, you elections, possibly winnings of 2027 presidential rights. she's certainly presenting himself lights out already. as i said, we were at a raleigh where she was presenting himself in a presidential manner. she was talking about how children father was leading this you campaign for would be a prime minister. and that is the sort of image the trying to protect a project. there's no doubts to fall right here in faults in recent years, has tried to pay more mainstream as tried to appeal, to move over to his hair and falls. nevertheless, there all the critics of the party you say they remain as extreme and on the margins of mainstream politics as ever. thank you very much for that natasha button . i live for as that in paris. well, let's discuss all this further now with that p to connect that who's the editor in
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chief at the brussels report, a belgian news website, and is joining us from the belgian capital p to good to have you with us. all knowledge is here. this is being described as the most consequential election in decades. and we're ready seeing the 1st exit polls from austria where the far right party leads, according to these exit polls. and it's expected, as we've heard from my correspondence that the parliament will shift to the right. what could this mean then for you policies, how way to effect europe as well. ready the consequences could be quite big. first of all, there will be the, you know, the election of the new commission president and apparently the department move forward on this, on the 18th of july. but now you have to keep in mind that already 5 years ago, miss of on the line the commission president was dependents to get like fits on the votes of the parts will fit that or bund from hungary end of the board as governor parties. dish then uh no um it's likely that this year uh,
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she would also have to rely if of course she makes it's on the. ready it's off the populous drive, like for example, um the party of italian prime minister. um maloney. uh no. um it would be wrong to considered is like a permanent coalition. uh, the way it works in europe in parliament is and you know, consecutive quotations. all the different stuff picks up, but of course the fact that you have so much more rights wing, any peace and populace rights being any piece will mean that they will be involved a lot more than previously. yeah, but an interesting point you raised that, can these populace parties be organized enough to work to get are using because they, they have differing and varying views on a number of issues, whether it's significant e, germany, or france even can they work together because they are splits on many topics, for example, russia, but so are also the main mainstream parties. for example, the,
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the, the group of the party of the french president's macro. the group is quite, quite bodily split to many topics. and you know, they're being part of and this is a forum where we have constant nickel stations. so you have to basically look at the fact that on average you will have more, you know, right when, um, any peace in full. so of course, the reason is that, you know, many voters are annoyed by the growth of extreme green policies that have been implemented over the last 5 years. a defacto bond on the combustion engine, all kinds of new restrictions and new requirements for people to invest in the isolation of their homes that are not profitable for them. so, so i mean, this is basically the backlash as a result of a rather extreme policies. yes. a backlash, you say, do you think the mainstream political forces will now be forced to, uh,
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move to the right on issues such as climate change? for example, all migration, if these exit polls that we're seeing in countries like all 3, all of the opinion polls i confirmed as well they already have when you're talking about green policies, do you repeat people's part to which is the sort of centrist center, right? the group, you know, they have started to vote against some of this legislation and you know, surprisingly before they, they all, most uncritically went along with it. that was the real surprising thing. and also what you're talking about migration at the moment. i think 19 european leaders already out of the $27.00 are supportive for, for something like the you case through or one the approach not exactly the same, but some kind of an approach whereby asylum would be outsourced outside of the you in order to try to break the human smuggling model as so people would no longer pay
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$10000.00 euro to make it to you territory because it would be no points. they would only be allowed access to use that or tory officer. they would have received in a solid decision, right? but whether this will be effective remains to be seen, of course, now beyond of brussels and stress folks and european capitals. what impact do you see these elections having a, you know, beyond european board, as we've talked about migration and climate change, for example. but what about relations with the us? um, i don't think these elections will have a major effect on that's the, perhaps the relations with china and, you know, at the moment there's a big debate delivered. there should be extra tariffs on chinese, electric vehicles. and so yeah, i could imagine if some protection as forces move forward, which looks likely that this would also have an effect on the and what about middle
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east policy, a gaza page of a big role in european politics. but of course, the question is, if you have a certain opinion on this, who the vote for and will of ultimately have an effect on skeptical that's on the middle east, that will be a major effect. thank you for talking to us. peter kept the editor in chief at the brussels report, joining us the from the belgian capital. thank you very much. and belgium, meanwhile, is voting and federal and regional elections as well as the european parliament's one pre election post space for right finish. con, separate is visible on top in the northern slanders region, while in the southern french speaking, lonia, the socialist and liberal em, our party are fighting for the 1st place. the country spends 652 days without a government after the last poll in 2019 bulgaria is another e u member that's holding both european parliament and national elections. it is
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the country 6 bonham entry election and 3 is this not vote was triggered by the collapse of the coalition government in march. let me go some share, a free force from the bulgarian capital. sophia, are telling thing times full bulgaria and by guidance given this political stalemate issue isn't just resolving over the past 3 years at a time. and by getting to actually one big government to focus on installation jobs or the lack of food energy bills. but what we have in place out cafe, so revolving to governments, then i'm not able to tackle under forms and cannot take those hard decisions. and that's left many bug get is really to question whether they can trust the political cost. they've come to see them as an app that they've come to see them as corrupt, and that's the issues i'm not going to be at as a whole. now for this snap election day, about 32 parties and coalitions ranging from from you far ride to russia and the contest things. but i have to tell you like mind to coalitions,
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there governments have plots in the past 2 years. the last government collapse after 9 months. so the voltage so now is the question right now, and that's something even politicians political parties are concerned about. and the urging supposed us to come and know ahead of this for me. so allegations of fine give us some rest that were made and now we're outside this pulling boards. and earlier in the day we saw the former prime minister to the effect of come to forward. and this is what he had to say. my hope is that there enough free vogue areas that once europe and future of this country that they'll come out and vote and make a decisive style direction to this country. and we the past of the shady government structures corruption to be left, which is 3 largely one issue corruption. so in 2020 jordan dependent make part of getting out on the streets, calling for from the anti corruption protest. and that led to bar called florida
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soft design. now he's a, he's a e leader. was the longest serving lead a into you for what, and then he had to design. and since then these coalition governments that have in place. so now both gavia has some unique issues. it's, it's printing population. many public guardian's don't find jobs here. so be leaving the country and the country is left with an aging population. and plus forget is on the cost of joining the euro. so it needs to tackle installation. it's partly during the open voters hanging area. so it's a crucial point, but they need to have a stable government, which from the opinion polls sofa say that that doesn't seem like they're going to have a stable coalition right now in the united nations says more than 3000000 people have been forced to see their homes this year in central style countries like booking or fossil molly and new share. it names,
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conflict and climate change in book in a fossil arms, groups of kids more than 20000 people. those the space test driving to find food, water and medical services. catherine, so a reverse aid agencies in book, you know, fossil, see the cost less than that part of this, the whole region is one of the most neglected. thousands of people have been killed by armed groups, a fee to outside. and i. so government forces are struggling to contain the violence which has raged on foot. yes. nearly a 1000000 people are leaving rough incomes cottage, mostly you didn't know if a still the country. many are trapped in pounds which are unsafe. how i'm on my research arrived at this comp in dougherty and then the ends we arrived. we haven't left, it's too dangerous to return home. life in the camp is too dangerous to life in the camp is hard, but we have no choice, but just to survive, an aide would cause
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a trying to reach those who are stealing the villages. they have lead me, ted, food, walk, and health care services fighters rooms to the villages. i will, they say they leave in constant danger. that is actually a deep sense of discrimination in well solidarity. there is no other way to say it's because 9 out of 10 of the most neglected crisis in well measured as we do in, in, in the aid in media attention and political and diplomatic initiative compared to the millions and they, they all in africa. basic, more than 200 kilometers away from 30 people in the copy, told whether to go see life may not be as dangerous in comparison. but they are also struggling to make ends meets for how we used to be able to go to the market with $2.00. but now that money is not nearly a know, for example, if you have
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a family of 5, everything is now double. life has become very expensive. looking at fossil has been under a military government after the june to stage a coup in the 2020 to be that you brought him priority. say he's priority is to deal with the security situation, the economy and the tom, the country, back to civilian leadership. but many people doubt that situation will change. cathy, sorry, all g 0. it is new, prime minister is in stable condition after being admitted to hospital with what the government describes as a slight illness. gary corneal was chosen by the transitional counsel to meet the country as it faces widespread gang violence and political instability. he was on it on monday, after being appointed in may. tensions between north and south korea have worse and far the width sol resuming its practice of blasting propaganda across the border.
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so loud speakers that softer the no offense. hundreds more balloons, fields with rubbish into soft green territory. alexander bias has more south korea's message to p on yang. the noise will be on variables towering stacks of speakers truck to the border blasting propaganda critical of north korea. this is the 1st time in 6 years sold, resorted to this kind of psychological warfare. when last active, the broadcast played cape pop songs, weather reports, and verbal attacks on north korea's leaders in the change. yet, the military says the sound travels up to 20 kilometers into the north. gotcha. and into the, to the, the majors it will take may be unbearable for the north korean regime. but they will send a message of hope and light to the north troops and its people sole says p on yang only has itself to blame. it sent another wave of more than $300.00 balloons filled
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with rubbish. into the south. on saturday, 3 barrage is filled with men, newer cigarette butts, batteries and scraps have fallen there since may. good afternoon, we want to make it clear that north korea will be responsible for any tensions escalated between the south and north. our government. it will maintain a firm and sorrow, readiness against any provocation from the north, and will make every effort to ensure the safety of our people. and the national security ties between the 2 countries are at their lowest point years. south korea has suspended a 6 year peace agreement with you on yang and could restart live fire military drills. north korea had resumed artillery drills close to the border and put back in place, guard post, and land mines band under the deal. for you know, 3,
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a south korean activist have sent dozens of balloons carrying leaflets, critical of kim jong and into the north. and now these broadcasts are likely to further inferior john yang. it considers the loud speaker broadcasts an act of war . and then the pass has threatened to blow them up. alexandra buyers alger 0 and i had on algae 0. she might have missed on the singles title. but cover golf is a champion in the doubles latest french open action coming up with you to stay with the hours before his killing a canadian seat key. there said the agents of the indian governments were prompted to assassinate fault lives. explores how the coal for an independent states a spilled beyond india's borders,
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investigates. the nations alleged campaign of eliminating critics on foreign soil. the indians assess the nation on at jersey to hearing this tact. sharp populations is declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex. whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house at the story in the the
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enough. as for says, peter, buddy, thank you very much. we'll start in paris with the friendship. and finally, call us al cortes and alexander is very of, of backing it out in the main single spinal outcries is aiming to become the youngest man. so when grand slam titles on 3 different surfaces, the 21 year old one, the 1st say 63 serve is looking for the 1st land title 2 years ago. the damaged ankle, ligaments in the semi finals that running arrows. this the 2nd major final any one the 2nd, so it's 6 to various kind of the lead 65 in the 3rd disappointment, therefore just mean tell the who lost the sick. and finally into days the italian was posited with compassionate solver at on a, in the women's doubles decided, but they lost in straight sets to take a golf and catalina celiac of a probably taking the runners up tracy for a 2nd time in paris having lost singles final 2 egos, fiance,
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concepts today. it's one of sports biggest rivalries. india versus pocky stone has just gotten underway in new york and the t 20 woke up with the expected 400000000 people turning in to watch it. but i think the frustrating stuff for everyone involved so far because of rain delays, just one of the has been bold. so for india or 8 for no loss to england is defensive. besides is looking in danger. also, they were beaten by australia. they raced to $201.00 for 7 from a 20 of is the highest total in the tournament so far, sir, it is but it has been got to it for moving. england's wickets the defending champions. 40361 source of australia is total. they'll now have to, when they final 2 games against the mom and the media to stand a chance of avoiding an early exits, australia stay on track to become the 1st nation to hold on 3 global cricket titles at the same time. meanwhile, you can to equal the latest score ever recorded at
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a t 20 world cup when they were old out for just 39. so the waste thing these nowhere near the 174 run. so i'll just sit by the co hosts committed to in some tubing group. see christy on over now. the watch from the bench as possible will be 10 to one by correlation in the euro. 2020 full boom. up match. correct? sure. went ahead early on in lisbon. really commodities penalties $26.00 the european champions equalize just also the break before n c. put them in school the winter. it's a secure crisis. first day of a victory over portugal. the couple america is another major continental tournament taking place in the coming weeks. the usa is preparations have a safe back off today with the rest by columbia. rafael sense of the board is over here to take the pick up because columbia winning the spring, the best 51 to extend that i need to speak to 22 games. the us is my 6th guest seems invited to play in this year's cup of america. were not free me that as
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a lesson learned were actually frame as a wake up call. really poor performance against the top team. and i think if you give, or i know if you give a team like that, the opportunities that we gave them, you're going to have no chance to win. you know, it was, i think the lack of respect for, for our opponent, the game, a soccer. what we're doing, a mercedes, george russell, will start from any the 2nd pole position of his career later in canada, the british dr. essex, an identical lapse on to mex for stuff and in montville local store. i hate of the reigning form of the one champion for sunday's race because he was the 1st to go fastest. sounds elanda norris and stuff. some food and the florida panthers have struck the 1st blow in the battle for n h l stanley cup. it's actually the oldest trophy north american sports 1st awarded back in 18. $93.00 pampas hosted the edmonton oilers in k $1.00 and $1.00 pretty comfortably. 3 nothing. and that's thanks long as you today. goal 10,
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the so gable grove ski didn't make anything false. name stuffing all 32 shots, he faced the panther's. go one up in the base. the 7 series that there were plenty of home realities of the la dodgers. the, the new york yankees for the 2nd night running air and judge it to, for the yankees, taken to 23 for the season, which is 3 more than anyone else, but it was the task. and then as we saw the show for the dodges, you also hate to home, isn't kidding. this grand slam with all the bases loaded. and that helped him to an $113.00. we had another week, another window clip diver rhianna and be afraid in his 17 straight rape boom championships and is on track phone number 8. and they just victory coming in boston. well persons 8 and a heads up when the mens competition goes to $100.00 the vents and the history of the chapter to which began in 2009. so that's what this policy is for the time being a little bit later. ok, thank you very much. we'll see you later. of course. and that is it for this news hour on out to 0, but to stay with us. i'll be back in just
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a few minutes with more of the data top stories. thank you for watching the the latest news as it breaks the heart fidelity is a very critical point right now. we're not far from completely shutting down all the further this with detail coverage houses are being forced to the guns they live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hall. so the story, the is very well in the gaza strip has led to talk that can go in the military and position as a huge amount of waste, like courses that 3 the the
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condition if she needs this, you know, this is of course it's helen sort of female surgery in the hands, of course, the spirit and that's the end of it. this is the time to get a can you tell me
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the, the, the mounting desk told in guy's act 274 palestinians are now known to have been killed during and he's ready operation to free for the captives on saturday from office 3 captives including an american citizen were killed during that rage in the center of the gaza strip. the clo, i'm flying back to boy, you're watching l. g 0 life from joe. also coming out. avon approve of 6 candidates to run in the presidential election with some notable emissions and super sunday as
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21 e u countries including germany and france casting.


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