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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the, the taking this down bunny gallons the keys is israel's prime minister, playing politics with the warm golf or as he quits the unity governance the my money into slaves. solid is there a life and death also coming up for just so and gaza continues to rise. 270 for palestinians are now known to have been killed during his writing operation to free food have using every law strong helped people in golf as struggling to cope
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with severe policies and projected to make major gains in the european union elementary likes the israeli will cabinet minister benny guns has resigned from the emergency government, often around with prime minister benjamin netanyahu of a post will plans for the besieged strip and is considered netanyahu's main political challenge at an ending his resignation. speed she called for new elections and that's now government has bound all deserve from reporting and as well. so as our current sub this report from the jordanian capital a months, the united, the dishonest of the will divided 8 months later is the fighting in gauze drags on many gowns. his resignation from the small will cabinets came as no surprise,
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no longer seeing eye to eye with the mine leading the will. he accused the prime minister of prioritizing his own political survival over israel security that sorry, the 10 year old one. and unfortunately, nathan, yahoo prevents us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing price. that is why we are leaving the war time cabinets today. often long as the speculation divisions in the wall cabinets became clear when benny guns last month gave the prime minister an ultimatum doctor of security. the wall cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8th, to bring home our hostages to eliminate how i'm us and demand kate, the gaza strip, to ensure is riley security control. for that price, small plan didn't materialize. neither has a sci fi deal proposed by of us, which is why benny can says he's cold, early elections. many going to send truth,
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national unity policy only has 8 seats in the can. that's, that's his quick thing is of no immediate threats and that's on yahoo! bought it, opens the floor for his full rights allies, pushing to continue the war and goes off without a c. 5 deal is the national security minister. it's small, been there has already demanded to be included in the will cabinets by israel as long as subbing prime minister pulled on guns not to abandon the campaign. kansas departure has prompted will cabinet, observe and form a minute, treat chief of stuff guy. the eyes and caught to also quits for the dismantling the wood cabinets. all this as tens of thousands of his riley's continue, that protest alongside the relatives of a 120 captives still held in the goal is the strip. total height of all g 0 a month. and just to remind you again,
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benjamin that tells cabinet is found out is there in israel, which is why sar is in amman. jordan now let's take a closer look at who many bounces the retard on. the general was israel's minister of defense between 20202022. during his time, over 250 pounds, as the indians were killed in the 20211 guy said he was a chief of stuff as b is riley military in 2011 to 2015. and during the 2014 was also a 2000 palestinians were killed. a civil lawsuit filed back in 2018, so damages from guns, blaming him since validating international humanitarian little by deliberately targeting civilians. adults quote rejected the case or does that. so when is a professor of israel studies at the university of california in los angeles, he says guns resignation increases pressure on nets and yahoo to co early elections,
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kansas party, the national unity potty, wasn't positive and this, and yahoo's origin and government competition. so that coalition, which still has a slight majority in the parliament, hold $64.00 seats and out of the $120.00. and this was the problem that us did in case that still intact. and as long as that television holds together, nothing all can. you can remain in office, but it does increase the pressure now i think on this and you all have to cool down the elections of gas is presence in this government. deleted some domestic legitimacy. this was the government that was deeply unpopular, even before october. the southern, the gas is entry to the government, come to stabilize the government, david some domestic legitimacy without guidance. and his is puddles. and the government, the government will lose that domestic legitimacy. and that will increase the pressure on the, to your, to hold on the elections. but i don't seem to figure out who's liking to do that, because he knows that at least according to account opinion polls are,
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his party would lose their selections. and so he and his coalition partners at the time and to cling on to power. so as long as possible, internationally in particular, in the west and in the united states. sconces seem like you are not, is that kind of moderating in fluids are the so what about in the room? and so there was, um, you know, i think that reduce some of the international american pressure initially or who might have faced the redoubt gas being that, um, now i think this, yahoo is likely to face more pressure from the buying an administration more international pressure because really, frankly, that is the only model aging influence that move that missing yahoo face that was coming from the international community. and so the pressure i think is lighting to increase. it has been confirmed, at least $270.00 full palestinians were killed in is really a sold on the news. there is refugee camp and gaza. the fried for is really captives that use top diplomat. joseph burrell condemned the intox cooling for an
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immediate and to where he calls a love boss. i need my mood when to the come to speak to palestinians following, as well as the salt loafer. residents of this residential blogs just describe the horror or the, the experience as of yesterday. as more of the most little of flexing, show where there's really military and it's a special forces conducted what it is stated as a precise operation here, but leaving a tray of destruction. the only means of live here at the heart of a fight out refuge account. the flexible, smooth level by window to the bunk because each take a look, i found a truck carrying furniture for displaced people. it was filled with mattresses and blankets. suddenly people cried in black and floating at home. it's good out of the truck carrying light is which they use to try to enter the house across the street . i'll send you the bed in the b. he lives up in the shadow and get nothing special . with the moment i went down to the street, i found bodies everywhere. so why he did my neighbor's house and the special forces
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soldiers left the house of the executing, dumped the entrance. children killed them all execution style at the following these executions. the special forces of soldiers went down to the street and executing every body book assessment at a yet 24 hours. this is really military committed a massacre in your account. and these really monitor is still continuing with its rapid mass killing of civilians. they're saying there's nobody looking at us. no one is nobody cares about what's going to palestinians and their children across the goal is a threat. that's what they're complaining about. they're being killed, or the record number, no one is intervening to save their lives and protect them from donna for the simple fall in bonds and united states as cooling for the united nations security council to vote on it's cause a ceasefire plan. washington, his face criticism for blocking several previous un resolutions. shepherd,
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tennessee has moved from washington. various versions of us drop the resolution of and circulating for days. this version does differ in some significant ways. festival explicitly states israel has accepted the cx, 5 the a previous version. and he said, let's see, 5 deal was acceptable to as well. it removes any mention of the creation of buffer zones being unacceptable. that all thoughts of israel does plan to create a buffer zone in garza added explicitly, states that any sci fi will continue off to 6 weeks and be renewed as long as negotiations continue. it welcomes the readiness of the us, egypt, and cut off to work to ensure negotiations keep going until all the agreements are reached. and phase 2 is able to begin, but still on a categorical permanent cx 5. that's what some members of the security council once they've been calling and the policies for the immediate permanent unconditional c
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spots they, they're what bisnel to supersede very schools normal all day, particularly keen on the us taking complete control over any sort of conflict resolution process that will be enshrined in this resolution. she ever times the out to 0 washington as well as military is use salvation as a weapon of war and gaza. it's been targeting war to wells and pipelines. so palestinians, now face and acute shortage of full set of people are doing little they come to manage what level they have to live. a get reports, family members working hand in hand to survive another day. the entire population of calls, the no longer has enough water on the cell, jamal is pregnant and is being diagnosed with an auto immune disease. she needs to rest, but instead has to go out every day to find water for her that she to sit on
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a, on the water scarcity severely affecting me because i'm supposed to rest and avoid any strenuous physical activity. we've been trying to find ways to bring water with the help of others, be really struggling. everything is challenging and difficult. these really ministry is systematically plumbing, voltage wells, and pipelines. the jamal family lives in the state law here. and the news about suffering. one of the west shortages, they bombed and destroyed all the wells, even when there's a truck transporting water and people lineup to get some of the bomb. the civilians and the truck, many palestinians have been killed, trying to get water. despite all day for a full student, your every member of the jamal family is helping russian to go to they have, on our, we prioritize washing clothes. the water we used for laundry is not disposed instead, we'll use it for the toilets dishwasher and is another area where we struggle. we
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hope the suffering with unseen israel continues to control and restrict people's access to water and cause of the united nations of homes. if this continues, the consequences could soon become fatal. judy vega out, sarah has been a series of raids, buys, very forces across the occupied westbank overnight gone battles continue in the far refuge account into the city where an explosive device was used against and as really boulders of intel key is where the soldiers waited homes arresting, at least for palestinians, strongly forces also store them the town of petunia and the village of tow. the hours of monday to name still ahead on al jazeera, fill the valley, las vegas. what donald trump is just how his 1st big rally as
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a convicted felon is in the lead in this swing state and of all that. i'll be talking devices about why they all still back. you can change it sounds in the last for the 1st time in 6 years, southwest, las vegas, loud speakers assets. the had lower that there's lots of heat pumping across the moving parts of africa, and that's pushing across the eastern areas of the mediterranean and into the live and pushing temperatures up for the likes of syria, as well as lab and on, across the rock and into q 8 as well. that remains a very hot and dry picture. here is what's up further north of this for eastern areas of took it into the caucuses and some of that rain touches down into the
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north west of iran. but to the south of this, a very hot and dry picture with temperatures continuing to rise across the gulf and across the event. look at that 48 degrees celsius in baghdad and to 8 city on tuesday. and the heat extends across much of the north of africa. we've got exceptionally high temperatures for northern areas of libya. it's a little bit cooler across the north west for morocco with the arrival of some wet weather. it remains very hot and windy for southern parts of algeria. we have got some warnings out for those wins. the rain continues to close that central band of africa, some of those heavy showers, touching into became of fossil searching all the way across into ethiopia. but to the south of this, it is a very dry picture for much of south africa. lots of settled weather. to weather however, continues to affect mozambique in india, illegal mining is having
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a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and don't local residence. you look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is during the phase $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate mining. gimme a ralph, as he mounted on to say that there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media on out to 0. government shut off access to social media, the the bags. and what's an era mind at the top stories? this is ready. we'll cabinet minister penny gowns has resigned from the emergency
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governments. aust route about place for plans because it is considered to be prime minister benjamin netanyahu main political challenge and the passcode elections. $274.00 palestinians, a confirmed ship encountering and as for any operation to free the tips and also subsidize simians in georgia hours of compartments as well as intense gum bottles between her mouse as writing special and a series of raids. fine, is there any forces across the okey pod was fine night and been gun battles in the l. f. r a refugee camp in 2015. right, so it is also rated homes in killed, killed. yes. fit junior on the village of tell the official projection show that the center, right, positive us live on the land has won the european parliament elections. but with far right, you are a skeptic policies making unprecedented gains upon them. and brussels is expected
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to make a move to the right. so fast and reports or imagined by scandals celebrating its 1st election the result in history. the sar right intuitive for germany, party or a if the as come 2nd in the european vote to see think the center left coalition of chancellor of filters, social democrats, and the greens you think of yours. i think this is a historic result for us unless you a pain election. we've come seconds, my friends super the anti immigration for us. he was recently expelled from the fall, right identity in democracy group by moving the pen differential national rally party for being to radical. the rise of the far right is a major headache. first i found the lion with santa right you will see and people's party is projected to win the election and still be the largest in brussels. we will build a best chin against the extremes from the left and from the right way. well, stop them. this is for sure. recently she hinted at a partnership with georgia,
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maloney of the ultimate conservative process of it to the party which is projected to wind nearly 30 percent of the phone in belgium. the also national elections will have the far right parties, lands belong, was less successful than predicted. the nationalist right, we knew flemish alliance came out 1st, which lives with long 2nd prime minister, alexander the call was spotty law, significantly as announced his resignation. while the santa writes remains firmly in the saddle, the file right is expected to shake off politics and bustles as a result. so you appear in union could become less environmental friendly, less from an inquiry suddenly on, well coming to refugees. that is, if the far right is kind of overcome, it's the deficient stuff. awesome. also sierra berlin new my call has shopped from spike cooling a snap election off to strong gains by the fall,
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rice and sundays. european pol them, it seems like a french president has decided to gamble on the new version. 3 weeks time off to his own parties. poor performance natasha, but less mo, from pars supporters of marine depend, fluoride anti immigration policy celebrate to the powers of to the national. riley took more than 30 percent of votes in from in the u. election depends protege and campaign had jordan for the gold on the french presidency to dissolve parliament has been being subjects to a democratic impasse. the president should defer to the spirit of institutions. we sell them. we ask them to consider this new political configuration to come back to the french people and organize new policy entry elections to follow ride success and the ballot had been expected. what could've been predicted was that the manual micro within to pay it's a product and this is a diesel don't code to solve the national assembly tonight. in
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a few moments all signed the degree interest and convening the legislative elections which will be held on the 13th of june. the 1st round, and on the 7th of july for the 2nd. the show can move was prompted by micros policy taking only 15 percent of the vote and the you balance and embarrassing results. my girl said it was clearly time to give choice back to the people. a jubilant marine . the pen could not have agreed more. some we are ready to time. the country round, ready to bring france back to life. my call's decision is told with risky, has 3 weeks to convince french photos of the fall. roy dominated paul, them, it's impossible. government would be a disaster preference. are you ready to vote full apology, which will undermine europe, or do you think that frost is strong to eat a stronger europe? that's the message that's the body is going to try to make different people. it's
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a gamble, the good payoff on the far right protest is gathering power soon. often micros announcement body to gamble the could also back for if the far i do well in the parliamentary elections, the result can provide to the pain with a perfect stepping stone to become president. and the 2027 election race is actually about to, to 0. doris. well then what it is as an associate professor of politics and international relations at montage university in australia. he says the sensibilities hold on pallet is weakening. the ladies is right that the centrist parties have one, but they certainly continues to trend of decreasing electronic support for centrist policy. so the greens and the liberals have lost out the most. and the effect really is the kind of the political games for radical right on the far right
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policies, or even just very conservative policies in the various national elections would comprise elections, to the european parliament. so i think it's a political waiting for the rights in terms of the main, some of that they have in, across the european union and microns gamble is a, is a very big one. but at the same time, there is the sense of the holding, but it's, it's hold on, on political power is becoming a week for each successive european column entry election. there were a lot of issues that we might sort of list and immigration would be up there at the top, a kind of a growing reaction against the implications of uh you use green climate deal and attempts to reach nancy right by 2015. but the economy is really important under this hello, trump has held his 1st major riley since becoming
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a convicted criminal. the presumptive republican nominated for the us presidency has been in nevada. swing stays with poles, put them in the lead. the lavelle reports from las vegas extreme heat, but extreme times. according to donald trump. last week, crooked joe signed an executive order that is pro invasion pro child trafficking, pro woodman drive, virginia pro human trafficking and pro drug dealers, blistering temperatures in las vegas. still not enough to keep thousands of suppose there's a way the republican presumptive nominee taken to the stage. but his 1st big rally as a convicted criminal. 10 days ago, he was in a court room in new york being found guilty of falsifying business records. now he's on the other side of the country in a swing state. he says he will when we went nevada, we wouldn't. the whole thing with support is even buying t shirts,
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endorsing that southern status that actually motivates me to vote. i feel like he's been unfairly targeted for political reasons. donald trump isn't a strong position haven, nevada. right now. he has a 5 point lead ahead of joe 5. and if he takes nevada, it will be the 1st time a republican has done this since george w bush in 2004. but remember there was still 5 months to go. the question is, how do you keep hold of these? hoping this place will help las vegas, nevada is real money maker employees. thousands. a huge proportion of them. let's. he knows, work is in the service industry. hit hard like hybrid the economy, furious about legal immigration. he meets the votes and is pushing called for the. the republican party matches and aligns with our culture and our values. our core. it's the core of us. a lot can happen between now and november, but the political winds of change may be heading to nevada. at least if donald
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trump gets his white fill of l out this era, las vegas and the as prime minister during the moody has been sworn in for a sub tub bodies, b j. p fell short of a majority in the poles needing allies to form the coalition administration. and the government has failed to give visas to algae 0 correspondence reports on the story. so we're covering the election from outside the country. stephanie douglas, and no stranger to the job nor the ceremony. henry moody has been sworn in as in his prime minister for the 3rd time. but this time things are different. for the 1st time. he doesn't have a majority. he's never worked with any other questions. ok, now he's always had a big audio of his own, so he will have to showcase to dial in a new excuse, rich, if you have never seen so far. so i really do not know with them. mr. mcgee, with this tim, put them in with that he would be able to become a bit more patient listener than what he has been all this way. said he's been the
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one who has been speaking and the others have been following his socks of critics accused the hindu nationalist of undermining india is democracy and promoting divisive anti muslim policies. the supporters say he's helped boost the economy. it is great that moti is getting a chance for the 3rd time. it is good for the country. i feel under his leadership, the country has progressed a lot in the last 10 years. there is no doubt that india has developed. people might have differing opinions that there is a high inflation, but if you look at the overall global situation, india is in a good position. it's a legitimate government. it's easily is a government that has covered the majority. it's use money, but it's use the institutions. it's used to media, it's, you know, use intimidation, it's used fia, it's use threats. it's not, i don't see this is a democratically elected government. frankly,
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the challenge now for prime minister moody to navigate coalition rules. stephanie decker o g 0 and remind to the indian government has no grunting visas out. is there a jealous? so we've come from the election from outside the country. now the united nation says over 3000000 people have been forced to flee that homes this year in central. so hell, countries like for keen a fossa molly, news s and blames conflict on climate change and looking a fast so on groups of killed over $20000.00 people. those who escaped the violence of struggling to find food was a medical services coupling. so it reports, agencies in book, you know, fossil say, the cost less than that part of this, the whole region is $1.00 of the most neglected. thousands of people have been killed by armed groups, a fee to outside. and i. so government forces are struggling to contain the violence which has raged on foot. yes. nearly
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a 1000000 people are leaving rough incomes cottage, mostly you didn't know if a still the country. many are trapped in pounds which are unsafe. how i'm on my research arrived at this comp in dougherty and the ends we arrived. we haven't left, it's too dangerous to return home. life in the camps is too dangerous and life in the camp is hard, but we have no choice, but just to survive. aid would cause a trying to reach those who are stealing the villages. they have lead me, ted, food, water, and health care services. fighters rooms to the villages. i will new one. they say they leave in constant danger. that is actually a deep sense of discrimination in well solidarity. there is no other way to say it's because 9 out of 10 of the most neglected crisis in want as measured as we do in, in, in a, in media attention and political diplomatic initiative compared to the millions.
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indeed, they all in africa basic more than 200 kilometers away from 30 people in the copy. don't want to do go see life need not be as dangerous in comparison. but they are also struggling to make ends meet for how we used to be able to go to the market with $2.00. but now that money is not nearly a know, for example, if you have a family of 5, everything is now double. life has become very expensive. looking up also has been under a military government after the june to stage a coup in 2022. the beat that you brought him priority. say he's priority is to do with the security situation, the economy and we tom, the country back to civilian leadership. but many people doubt that situation will change. cathy, sorry, alda 0. the south korea says the north has sent another $300.00 rubbish filled
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balloons over the buddha and comes off to sol, resumed its practice blasting messages across the border through loud speakers. like sounds of biased reports, south korea's message to p on yang. the noise will be on variable towering stacks of speakers truck to the border blasting propaganda critical of north korea. this is the 1st time in 6 years sold, resorted to this kind of psychological warfare. when last active, the broadcast played cape pop songs, weather reports, and verbal attacks on north korea's leadership change. yet the military says the sound travels up to 20 kilometers into the north. we got you on into the, to the, the majors who will take it may be unbearable for the north korean regime, but they will send a message of hope and light to the north troops and its people.


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