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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 10, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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i believe he has another boy, a witness documentary on a jersey, you know the the wounded pool in the hospital in 0 bow off to contribute as riley, as strikes and shelling of the central golf trip. the one on the inside this is out. is there a life and of also coming up tensions in the is ready? will cabinet reach breaking points? funny guns, resigns from the emergency government. i have a post floor plans for garza from his president and my new micro on cause a snob collection officers policy stuff is a humiliating defeat by the far right and elections on wells far right. pauses
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make major games in those e u. elections. the center rides block still holds on to its majority. the any specified people have been killed and is really as strikes across the gaza strip. less than 24 hours off to special forces operation to rescue full captives killed $274.00 palestinians. the wounded have been pouring into hospitals for treatment across central garza, the bones hits several houses in near the central city of jarel, butler kidding, 6 people including women and children. time so, so shell parts of the nearby on the gods the all new there at the refugee camps. let's go straight to inquiry, who's in there about that for us. and so brings up to speed about the latest developments where you are well,
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that is really forces withdrew from the eastern parts of the bella. but it is a very sad morning where the civil defense teams were able to bring 5 bodies of those who were killed in that area. the behind me in the courtyard dival ox. the hospital of the policy news were praying on their beloved ones and berries. todd aggrieved moments we saw the mothers crying, we saw their children and their beloved ones, and they took them out to bury them in the graveyard beside. i'll off to the hospital, but still there has been a couple of as ready air strikes in the same area. they withdrew from and there has been an intensive, are totally reselling at through the whole night. there was also an air strikes on the i to yeah, in the god, the city a locks, a hospital has been calling an appealing for the international community to intervene to provide it with medical supplies and fuel because the actual hospital
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is working with only ones and the rates are where we are right now, and due to the amount a huge amount of injuries that was received in the past couple of days, the hospital is over well impacts and working on a double at its capacity. that's the story right now and we're expecting the civil defense seems to bring more bodies from. they certain parts of that and but thank you for that update and could diary that for us in darrow bala. and now these rarely wood cabinet member, any doubts has quit. the emergency government of a prime minister benjamin netanyahu is handling up the wall in gaza. gowns who is consider netanyahu's main political challenge to also cold for new elections. responding to that resignation, that's in yahoo told gowns. it's not the time to quote a bond in the bottle. i'll just there has been banned from israel. so sorrow cards,
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some of this report from jordan's capital, i'm on united, the dishonest of the will divided 8 months later is the fighting and goes drives on many doubts. his resignation from the small will cabinets came as no surprise, no longer seeing eye to eye with the mine leading the will you choose the prime minister of prioritizing his own political survival of israel security. it's only 10 yeoman and unfortunately nathan, yahoo prevents us from progressing to the real victory, which is the justification for the painful and ongoing price. that is why we are leaving the war time cabinets today. often months of speculation, divisions in the wall cabinets became clear. when benny gunn's last month gave the prime minister an ultimatum that security, the wall cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8th, to bring home mail hostages,
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to eliminate how i'm us. and do you mind kate, the gaza strip to ensure is riley security control in that price? small plan didn't materialize. neither has a c slide deal proposed by of us, which is why benny guns says he's cold for early elections. many gallons is central, national unity policy only has 8 seats in the can. that's. that's his quick thing is of no immediate threats. and that's an yahoo bought it. opens the floor for his fall right lies pushing to continue the war and garza without c 5 deals. the national security minister, it's small bend there has already demanded to be included in the will cabinets by israel as long as subbing prime minister closed on guns. not to abandon the campaign against his departure, his printed will. cabinet, observe and form a minute, treat chief of stuff d i as in quote, to also quit for the dismantling the will cabinets. all this as tens of
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thousands of his riley's continue that protest alongside the relatives of a $120.00 captives still held in the goal is the strip total height of all g 0. i'm on. let's take a closer look at who benny gowns is. the retired army general was israel's minister of defense between 20202022. during this time in office, more than 250 pablo sinews were killed in the 2021 role in gaza. he was the chief of staff b as riley ministry for 4 years from 2011. and during the $2141.00 garza of a 2000 palestinians killed. a civil lawsuit was filed against him in 2018, which sort damages from guns, blaming him for violating international humanitarian law by deliberately targeting civilians. adults court rejected the case of vax mon is
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a professor of israel studies university of california in los angeles. he says, guns resignation could force netanyahu to cool any elections, the kansas party, the national unity potty wasn't positive. and this and yahoo's original governing covered issue. so that coalition, which still has a slight majority in the parliament, hold $64.00 seats and out of the $120.00. and this was the problem that us did in case that still intact. and as long as that television holds together, nothing all can, you can remain in office, but it does increase the pressure. now i think on this and you all have to go to the elections of gas. his presence in this government gave it some domestic legitimacy. this was the government that was deeply unpopular, even before october the southern, the gas is entry to the government, come to stabilize the government, david some domestic legitimacy without guidance, and his is puddles. and the government, the government will lose that domestic legitimacy and that will increase the
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pressure on the to your, to hold on the elections. but i don't seem to think out who's liking to do that, because he knows that at least according to count opinion polls, i just thought you would use that selections. and so he and his colors and part of the timing to cling on to power. so as long as possible, internationally in particular, in the west and in the united states, sconces seem like you are not, is that kind of moderating improvements are the so what i've out in the room. and so there was, um, you know, i think that reduce some of the international amount of compression the missing out who might have faced. so without gaps big that, um, now i think that's an yahoo is likely to base more pressure from the buying an administration more international pressure. because really, frankly, that is the only model aging influence that move that missing yahoo face that was coming from the international community. and so that pressure, i think, is likely to increase us sector. stay on to me. blinking is almost a way to cairo for a ceasefire. tools, a deposit from paris,
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solve to ceremonies marketing day, and president j. barton's 1st state visit to fronts the bought in ministration has been cooling for us. the spot is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu a. so false rejection the, the dos and government officials have confirmed at least $270.00 full palestinians were killed during the is rarely operation to rescue captives on saturday lodge pods of the, um is there a refugee camp were destroyed? hundreds of people were injured. palestinian president, my load of boss, has asked for an emergency un security council meeting to address the attacks. i need my mood as i'm speaking with palestinians who were at the camp at the time of the sold a local residence of this residential, a blog. just describe the for the, the experience as of yesterday. as more of the, most of the flexing, show where there's really military and it's a special forces conducted what it is stated as a precise operations here,
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but leaving a tray of destruction. the only means of live here at the heart of the fight out refuge account of flexible, smooth folding. but i went to to the bunk looking to take a look. i found a truck carrying furniture for displaced people and it was filled with mattresses and blankets. suddenly, people clad in black and clothing and helmets, got out of the truck carrying light is which they used to try to enter the house across the street. i'll send you the bed in the fee. he lives up in the zip. i shut it and get nothing, especially beautiful. the moment i went down to the street, i found bodies everywhere. so why he did my neighbor's house and the special forces soldiers left the house of the executing dumped the entrance. children killed them, o, executing the following. these executions the special forces themselves just went down to the street and executed every body assessment nadia 24 hours since there's really a military committed a massacre and i'm a review account. and these really monitor is still continuing. what is rapid mass
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killing of civilians? they're saying there's nobody looking at us. no one is nobody cares about what's. busy the palestinians and their children across the goal is a threat. that's what they're complaining about. they're being killed, or the record number. no one is intervening to save their life and it protects them from donald predictable fall in bonds. there have been a series of raids, launched by his really forces across the occupied westbank over night. and bottles continue in the l. f. r. a refugee camp into the city where an explosive device was used against and is really bulldozer in cal came. he is ready sold his rated homes, arresting at least the full palestinians was already forces also storm. the town of petunia and the village of tel. the
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french photos will be heading to the polls again in 3 weeks. off the president, pneumonia ma chrome called early parliamentary elections across decision to dissolve parliament and holding the vote comes off this policy stuff that it defeats by the fall rights and sundays european elections. natasha butler reports from pars the support is marina pins. fluoride anti immigration policy, celebrated powers of to the national riley took more than 30 percent of votes and from in the u. election depends process. jane campaign had jordan for the gold on the french presidency to dissolve parliament has been being subjects to a democratic and passed. the president should defer to the spirit of institutions. we sell them. we ask them to consider this new political configuration to come back to the french people and organize new policy entry elections to follow ride success
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and the ballot had been expected. what could've been predicted was the to manual micro within to pay it's a king. this is a diesel, don't quote, the solve the national assembly tonight in a few moments all sign the decree interest and convening the legislative elections which will be held on the 13th of june. the 1st round, and on the 7th of july, for the 2nd, the show move was prompted by micros policy taking only 15 percent of the vote in the valid and embarrassing result. my girl said it was clearly time to give choice back to the people. a jubilant marine. the pen could not have a great move. some, we are ready to time. the country round, ready to bring france back to life. my call's decision is quote, with risky, has 3 weeks to convince french photos of the fluoride dominated paul limits and possible government would be a dissolved preference. are you ready to vote for apology,
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which will undermine europe, or do you think that frost is strong to eat a strong good euro? that's a visage, that's the body's going to try to make to different people. it's a gamble that could pay off on the far right protest is gathered in power as soon often micros announcement body to gamble the could all say back for if the far i do well in the parliamentary elections, the result can provide to the pain with the perfect, stepping stone, to become president and the 2027 election race. it talks about the ultra 0 power is dummies. fluoride policy also made gains in the european elections, but official projections shows the sent to ride positive european commission president worst live on the land. one, the votes with your skeptic parties performing well, the parliament in brussels looks lucky to make a move to the right step by step reports a method by scandal celebrating its 1st election result in history.
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the far right alternative for germany party or a f d. as from 2nd and the european vote to see think the center left coalition of chancellor of filters, social democrats, and the greens you think of yours? i think this is a historic result for us. it makes you a pain election. we've come seconds, my friends, super. the anti immigration for us, he was recently expelled from the fall, right identity in democracy group by moving the pen differential national rally party for being to radical. the rise of the far right is a major headache for us left on the lion with santa right. you will see and people's party is projected to win the election and still be the largest in brussels. we will build a best chin against the ex streams from the left and from the right way. well, stop them. this is for sure. recently she hinted at a partnership with georgia,
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maloney of the ultra conservative process of it to the party which is projected to wind nearly 30 percent of the vote in belgium. the also national elections will have the far right parties, lands belong with less successful than predicted the nationalist right. we knew flemish alliance came out 1st, which lives with long 2nd prime minister. alexander the call was bar de la, significantly has announced his resignation. while the santa writes remains firmly in the saddle, the file right is expected to shake off politics and bustles. as a result, you will be in union could become less environmental friendly, less from an increasingly and well coming to refugees. that is, if the far right is kind of overcome, it's the deficient stuff. awesome else's era, bowling still ahead on al jazeera using every last drop. how people and gaza struggling to cope with severe water shortages. the
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grass ends, another barrels of twice, balloons. and this phones to south korea bloss thing. it's lost, it gets across the board, the the latest news as it breaks. the situation is the prince here in the hospital, a desperate attempt to save lives with a few resources left with detailed coverage. it's been more than a foot and a half hours of civil different themes trying to put to all the fire from the house or the story palestinian phone was this have a fee to be the pay could with hope for old golf? is that place assemblies unique perspective? a lot of people didn't even know that there are indigenous people in norway, sweden, finland, and russia. reconnecting to or some sort dance has really helped
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a lot of generation trauma connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere the stream on out just the are. he says he went to more towards here, yet to provide a are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not file but not in the eyes of his government. my life has to be the most. can you just mean like i just said, these are, these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow a british age work or as he prepares to cut a test to citizenship revocation. the last year i received the 703. so you're only as good as possible state list in syria and i'll just 0 the . the are watching out. as a reminder, as i told the story,
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is based our at least 35 people have been killed in a new wave of his rainy stripes across the gauze and strip. the bones felt less than 24 hours often is rarely special forces operation to rescue full captives killed $274.00. promising as we've been reporting, 270 for palestinians all confirms have been killed during and is rarely operation to free. the full captives and guards on sauce vague policy means enjoyed alice from bonham and as well as intense gun passwords between thomas is there any special french president name on your micro has cooled for snap collections of to major to state for us policy elections rights came up 1st, i made major games in germany and austria, the exit polls in bold. guerria show the former prime minister boy co boat of souls center right. policy is in the lead. his policy was pos for
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coalition that collapsed in march, triggering the vote. mickle, some sharif reports from the capitol, sophia, a new election with of some of the of a solid populace. formerly due by cool board. so spotty appears to have one bug gary, a snap called meant to vote. i spoke earlier, i suppose it was the 60 election in 3 years, but it still until it bought a self can form a government. yeah, the modem is not like, don't see how it government can be made. we can't do it only with the took this minority policy. the reform is liberal policy say they can only work with the socialist and the ultra nationalist, but not along with us. so the math stone much. yeah. one of the parties, including the gaps form, a coalition partner, is trailing mdx and polls. so the 2 parties and coalitions contested for the $240.00 c national assembly. but the majority of both gatherings appeared to the
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bike part of the pulse row. i have not voted, i didn't write because even if i did nothing will change. i've had many times and i don't see changes for me. it doesn't matter who wins the election allegations of will to bind, let, to some arrest ahead of the vote. economic and stability and corruption has its own being major concerns and the, your pin unions for this member country. anti corruption protests in 2020 full street time prime minister boy who bought a subscription to design or guardians to monitor phones and political institutions would, can take a government's have for the part within months, leaving the country in the depot political crisis. while i'm a bit disappointed with the situation, but people have explicit light to vote right now what they can do. so after searching your wait while gabrielle has recently, paul,
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she joined the open board is changing program, but it's plans to join. you'd also have been pushed back twice as a mist installation. targets by gabrielle holds to end it's long stretch of police be in stability with 3 years and 6 election slate to it's fall from it. the leading party does not call together a coalition in the election. could be so good. i'm a cos, i'm sure you just eva sophia, right scrapes, a israel's military has been using still nation as a weapon to full in gaza. that's been targeting was a wells and pipelines resulting in an a q was a shortage. they've been forced to rush and what level they have to lead a go to ports, family members working hand in hand to survive another day the entire population of calls, the no longer has enough water on the cell,
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jamal is pregnant and is being diagnosed with an auto immune disease. she needs to rest, but instead has to go out every day to find water for her that she to sit on a, on the water scarcity severely affecting me because i'm supposed to rest and avoid any strenuous physical activity. we've been trying to find ways to bring water with the help of others. we've really struggling. everything is challenging and difficult. these really ministry is systematically foaming, go to wells, and pipelines. the jamal family lives and bait law here in the news about suffering . one of the worst shortages about they bombed and destroyed all the wells, even when there's a truck transporting water and people line up to get some of the bomb. the civilians and the truck, many palestinians have been killed, trying to get water. despite all day for a full student, your every member of the jamal family is helping russian to today. have we
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prioritize washing clothes, the water we use full laundry is not disposed. instead, we'll use it for the toilets. this way can is another area where we struggle, we hope the suffering with unseen. israel continues to controlled and restrict people's access to water and cause of the united nations as well. and if this continues, the consequences could soon become fatal judy vega, i'll just, they're a luxury apartment complex and cities on the verge of collapse off to alongside the 60 residents in the city of the not on my way evacuated from the area . please say heavy rain from the night before trick of the month slide assess, he needs a deep sink. hole has now been revealed under the foundations pulse of a popular mountain road and the us states of wyoming has collapsed and aligned slide drone footage of the test on pos shows the extent of the damage. they were
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attempts to build a detour around the damaged area. the landslide eventually destroy the entire road, closing it off to motorists and at least 9 people have been killed off in the tank by a suspected group. an indian administered kashmir and boss karen can do. pilgrims plunged into a deep valley when it came on. the attack was assessed. the others were injured in the incident. a solid grid as, as the north has sent another $300.00 rubbish filled balloons over the buddha and comes off the sole resumed its practice blasting messages across the board. us for loud speakers like sound. the bias reports south korea's message to p on yang. the noise will be on bearable towering stacks of speakers truck to the border blasting propaganda critical of north korea. this is the 1st time in 6 years sold,
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resorted to this kind of psychological warfare. when last active, the broadcast played k pops ons, weather reports and verbal attacks on north korea's leadership change at the military says the sound travels up to 20 kilometers into the north. gotcha. and into the, to the, the majors it will take may be unbearable for the north korean regime. but they will send a message of hope and light to the north troops. and its people sole says you on yang only has itself to blame its sent another wave of more than 300 balloons filled with rubbish into the south. on saturdays, 3 barrages filled with the newer cigarette butts, batteries and scraps have fallen there since may i put in that we want to make it clear that north korea would be responsible for any tensions escalated between the south and north. our government, it will maintain a firm and sorrow, readiness against any provocation from the north,
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and will make every effort to ensure the safety of our people and the national security. the ties between the 2 countries are at their lowest points. years says korea has suspended a 6 year piece agreement with young yang and could restart live fire military drills. north korea had resumed artillery drills close to the border and put back in place, guard, post, and land mines band under the deal. for you know, 3 a south korean activist substance, dozens of balloons caring leaflets, critical of kim jong and into the north. the menu. now these broadcasts are likely to further inferior john yang. it considered the loud speaker broadcast an act of war. and then the pass has threatened to blow them up. alexandra buyers out 0. it. okay, and that's it for me, monday inside. whether it's next them inside story will examine how the plaintiff
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is right. a captive is affecting the thompson is the faith 5 the had lower that there's lots of heat pumping across the moving parts of africa. and that's pushing across the eastern areas of the mediterranean and into the live and pushing temperatures up for the likes of syria, as well as lebanon across the rock and into q weight as well. that remains a very hot and dry picture. here is what's up further north of this for eastern areas of took it into the caucuses and some of that rain touches down into the north west of iran. but to the south is a very hot and dry picture, with temperatures continuing to rise across the gulf. and across the event, look at that $48.00 degrees celsius in baghdad, and to
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a city on tuesday. and the heat extends across much for the north of africa. we go exceptionally high temperatures for northern areas of libya. it's a little bit cooler across the north, west for morocco with the arrival of some wet weather remains very hot and wendy for southern parts of algeria. we have got some warnings out for those wins. the rain continues to close at central band of africa. some of those heavy showers, touching into picking a fox. so switching all the way across into ethiopia. but to the south of this, it is a very dry picture for much of south africa. lots of settled weather to weather, however, continues to affect mozambique the hours before is killing a canadian seek leader said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a the fault lines explores how the call for an independent state as
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spilled beyond india's borders. as investigates, the nation's electorate campaign of eliminated critics on foreign soil begin the assessing nation on a jersey to is there any government under more pressure to secure the release of the captive in java, off to full the freeze on saturday and witness me all his coalition is also on the threats of collab. how all this affects tools to reach a deal on top says i'm a safe fuss. this is inside story. the .


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