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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the 14 year old boy dies from now. nutrition and gaza was stuff i had jazz. he was among the display seeking shelter in the south. the hello, i'm sorry, i'm to my z. this is algy 0 live from dell also coming up on the program. israel's military hits montague gets around garza city and in central gaza. several women and children killed an escalation of violence along the 11 in israel. border raises
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fears of a widening conflict in the region. and south africa professed to swear in and you, parliament taking the president of the days of commission towards the o. we start with israel's war on garza, which is created a humanitarian disaster. that's as a result of acute mound nutrition or increasing especially among children. a 14 year old boy is become the latest victim of the severe food and medicine shortages . most of i had jobs, he was sheltering with his family, among the many despised palestinians in southern gaza, who was struggling to meet the basic needs. and his name was most of his jersey. he was 14 years old. he suffered brain atrophy, and im ophelia. there is no power supply for his treatment. so we'd run out of
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medications. i'll do there is honey, my mood is outside the hospital where i most of his body was taken in darrow by law . this is a body of 14 year old, most of the hijackers. he'll just died of mountain nutrition here at the lots the hospital, most of and his families are displayed family from northern garza, were pushed you into this displacement by this really military, the initial week of the war on gaza. most of i have suffered from melanie attrition and more recently me see ation a now being taken serious final rest of us, one of the 28th other children who died of this and for the hydration and in our vision. impose, vide, is really military by the ongoing restrictions in a blockade on the border and the restrictions on the entry of necessary medical supplies and basic necessities to keep people alive and to help them
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survive these difficult conditions. what you see right now is the, is most of us mother and his father who are quite traumatized or what have been crying father and mothers over the bodies of their children. unable to do anything to save them and to help them survive these difficult conditions. this is most of the father writing in the car. they are taking his body to his final read to the cemetery w h o. estimates that some 8000 children under the age of 5 eyes and negatively affected by catastrophic truck hunger and famine like conditions in gauze that. so let's go to end of who are you, who joins us now from darrell. paula in central gaza. tell us about what happens to
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these children when they've, well, if, if they're able to be diagnosed with acute malnutrition, is there any way they can go to receive treatment? well let me 1st tell you what it yeah, most of us father told us this morning. he said that most of the had the have complications. he had to chronic disease. so we needed very special vitamins and very special males that was available in the gold was due to the located and the closure of the pricing. since that is really operation, as started in dropbox at there, his parents told us that they were watching him being cube slowly in front of their eyes. there has been no place that could provide them with the medical treatments he needs with the medical needs and with the vitamins he needs. and that's why his parents are heartbroken because they felt hopeless. they felt useless. not being
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able to help their child gets over with a lot of food and lot of medicine. and this is not only most of the had 9 and another 8 year old palestinian child died due to non nutrition in the past week. and according to eunice, if there are at least 3000 palestinian children in risk, if that's due to mind the tuition and also come out at once, directly to set that up in the past. they, they were just, there is at least $200.00 policy and children cases that are facing mom, nutrition. there has been no food, no vitamins, no medical treatment for all of these children. and that's why they are in risk of death. he is, he said it's the fact that they're not receiving supplies the, the quality in the quantity of food isn't sufficient. but then also the as the in security, the ongoing will tell us about the latest attacks of the
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was the latest at the top was the house for a bull aisha family in this. so up to the hospital, it was very close to us. we heard a very huge explosion and then at the ambulances start to transferring injuries. at least one policy news was reportedly killed and for policy news were critically injured. and we know that at the hospital is lacking medical equipment and medical supplies. there has been also to for sure man, killed from and had been that may be where the is really worship, start you to them as they were trying to fish for 2 reasons. the, the sea is not safe for palestinian fishermen, but they have no other option because there has been no food in the market. there has been no preteen, no chicken, no meets,
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and also at to provide income for themselves. also there has been another target in a saw that refuge account for at least 3 pallets and even women were killed. and also there was a target on a good age. earlier this morning, as a palestinian child was killed and other policy news have been injured. we hear the grief of the product. the meantime, these were giving their lots of bites for their beloved ones in the background. and they also here, ambulances are, were, as we are expecting more time to send you an injury to be transferred to the hospitals. right now. thank you very much. and uh, who would you be reporting to us from dial by line, gaza. thank you. and this now and all the developments are following the united nations. her voice is condemned as riley forces for killing and injuring palestinian children. do you, inspector general says he is appalled by the unprecedented scale of violations against children in palestine and israel. i'm trying to get tears described him as
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brutal acts of terror. you and verified more than 5 and a half 1000 violations by his ready forces. last yeah. they also found that how my son is not make you have committed a 137 violations against children report. notice that these 43 children in israel were killed during the october 7th attacks gay with others on there has more than that report now from un headquarters in new york. there's a lot to unpack in this report. it's over a 100 pages long, but virginia campbell, the secretary general's special representative for children in arms conflict has come under some criticism for not speaking out more forcefully as violations are happening against children, especially in gaza. i asked her about this. how can your office enhanced its responsiveness to gray violations against children in real time rather than just
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gathering data in the after the fact, if i know that there is a spike, there's an i'm conflict where i have reason to believe children understood it. i will go probably to remind or part is to conflict over their obligations under the 6th grade violations in a way i'm saying we're watching. so i can remind them so many times that way of watching this is what i can do. i would love to have a bed responsive make on these my, my disposal. but without a specific resolution of the security council that allowing me to do that, i would be in fact, to undermine the money done report didn't make any sense and it says outage. the report only counts of violations specifically and independently verified by the united nations and due to access restraints, particularly in gaza. the full report in the information does not represent the
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full scale of the violations against children. gabriel is on the out, is here at the united nations in new york. and the, is there any, as striking, southern lebanon is killed that these 2 women after building the of the, was targeted in the town of janelle to, that's about 20 kilometers north of the border. several people also injured in that attack. and then on the, on the 1st day has bother said it, 550 rockets into northern israel and the occupied go on heights 11 and base groups as the attacks were in response to the killing of one of it. senior colanda is, comes a day of test paula, 5 more than $200.00 rockets into israel. i'll just arizona holder has this report now from june, not to in southern lebanon, as we are in a nasa that is a town in southern lebanon where an overnight is ready, strike, destroyed that building behind me. a 2 story building. as you can see, the smoke is still rising, but the is really army is saying that this was
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a command center belonging to hezbollah, but has the sources have told us that no one was in that building and nobody or no member of the group was killed but as a result of that strike, civilians were killed and injured in that building close by 2 women killed and there are other critical injuries children. also, among the inter, this seems to be as well as response to has the bylaws, the attacks in northern israel over the past 2 days has been has been using arm drones, dozens of rockets targeting military positions in northern israel simultaneously in response to the killing of a senior commander on tuesday night, so this exchange of fire, this flare up is causing concern. but in the bigger picture, it is still within the unreturned rules of engagement. now, while you know the, that the, the few kilometers along the border is
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a close military area and we've had strikes deeper inside the country like this one, the situation, the reality and the rest of lebanon is different. the pace and intensity of the confrontations between israel and has beloved is growing . so is talk of a wider war villages along both sides of the border, the populated and attacked in the past 8 months. a times the strikes reach further insight. we are here. this is the point. everything is okay here. a lot of water getting on everything is fine. 20 kilometers north of the border is 11 east city of tire. many here have got you as to the not so distant sound of explosions and fight . they're just breaking the sound barrier. yeah, we can see everything we can see when the bomb being on the court on the,
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on the board of the let's see, i don't want to frame. but i don't like them. has the law, has a strong presence and support in southern lebanon. were many back the army groups decision to open up a front to help garza but the fractured political and 6th period. landscape becomes apparent as we travel deeper inside left and on in the capital they route. it's a different reality. here there are little signs of war and life carries on is normal for many. and i know what's happening, but i see like it's in, in other countries since it doesn't affect the 1st year and beta was abraham sees it differently and tries to explain the disconnect i um, from there i do believe that all 11 i was going through award i think there's a huge divide in this country, and the biggest issue is that a lot of people don't think themselves as part of loving or they think it's the whole thing in itself. it's summer time. i think people come they, they try to forget from most of the things that are happening them,
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the war of attrition is still relatively contained. but an escalation could worse than 5 years of political and economic crises that have all but destroyed the states. 11 on is gearing up for the summer season when ex pats are expected to return in large numbers was much needed hard currency, but as well as warning, it could be a hot summer. if hezbollah does not retreat from the boarder regence. on the surface there appears to be in difference, but there is concern on what comes next center for their elders. either the breaking news now from south for a co way, the african national congress and the democratic alliance. the 2 biggest policies in the newly elected parliaments of reached deal to form a unity government. so let's go straight to for me to mila now, who's live for us in cape town. me to tell us what this means and whether it allows
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the parliament to effectively re elect presidents. so remo, post the well, that deal is in place. it means precisely that because the african national congress didn't get the majority in parliament for the 1st time in 3 decades. it's had to form a partnership, will come to some sort of deal with one of the other political parties to have the majority in parliament. so to give you an idea, the a and c at about $250.00 seats in the last parliament. and that's come down to a $159.00. if needed one big of the party, or perhaps a number of smaller parts. you still have that majority. so with it's $159.00 seats now plus $87.00 from the democratic alliance, as well as the cost of freedom party which hold $17.00 seats. it will have almost 2 thirds majority. and so the nomination for silver, i'm opposed to as presidents,
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and then these election wouldn't be blocks that would go for most smoothly. they're all indications have shown that from of course the woods a maintain would remain in office, but especially backed by a deal like this. but it doesn't mean that the amc hasn't been heavily criticized by opposition. parties like the economic freedom fighters, as well as the newly formed from one to receive a o m k. that's made by former president jacob summa, some of these other parties, including the 5th, have how the press briefing earlier today. and i've also spoken to the media and recent, they say they would absolutely not participate in what the government, what the agencies, quoting a government of national unity that includes the democratic alliance. because parties like the if, if say they're not progressive and they don't take black south africans, the majority of south african needs into consideration at least adequately and, and that they would stall progress in south africa in terms of dealing with poverty
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. and the huge disparity in terms of what else distribution in south africa, but seems a cation is, is that the deal has materialized, which will allow for proceedings in parliament to pursue precedes smoothly sounds. uh, from what you're saying that this is a coalition government that will be facing its challenges, particularly in terms of popularity among the members of the public that well they all voters who would be concerned that their needs and not being represented, that who they voted for now is very different to who is actually leading solve africa because many would argue that the democratic an alliance and the a and c a, a diametrically opposed when it comes to issues like black economic and paul meant issues like labor laws and taxation and even able gratian and so many one to just
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how these 2 parties will come to agreement when it comes to flossing, of noise and, and policies. one of the major issues within these talks in the last couple of weeks is being around ideologies and policy. and so that has been concerned around just how exactly the democratic alliance and the amc will work together. and this is why parties like the yes and remain opposed to that kind of a partnership saying it's not in the best interest of south africans they and see has said that it wants to a stable government, but it is working well disability on the south african sending the best interests of 12 africans, but many would one is this just quickly represents the votes. the d a is the 2nd most popular party. and so, but now that appears to be the partnership that's in place. thank you very much for being there in k town as well. so to bring you on the program, author agreeing a $50000000000.00 package for ukraine. the g 7 now lose on to tackling migration
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will be live and solving actually. that will lead me to the auto sense of one of the most, the jobs and the most. and why the, there's been some more recorded flooding in indonesia that should be really the dry season from vice president, particularly went in to monitor on the job on here. and so sort of crazy centrals. otherwise, you can say the amount of rain is cost significant funding here. and our suspect the worst is over there are shares in the area across his big now the emphasis 9 south trying to see maybe to the north, a bone, your file size, the philippines, and still southern see march, or whether it should be. however, this is where the seasonal right and easily is once again showing itself in
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southern via $900.00. you mean, for example, should have 3 days of funds don't. they may not just be single storms. they might last several hours. but his drums have opposites even into australia. then the picture here has been one of cloud streaming across the hall, but not doing very much. they must allow a few showers to build in adelaide and across towards sidney sunrise and melbourne at 15 degrees in his bright titian path at $21.00 long as much raining west australia as there was no recovery on being the case. i'm what's going off show from the new south routh is this big circulation, which of course pets towards new zealand. but the picture isn't that bad. it winds up slightly on the south today was raining on the north coast of south on the west today. on sunday the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back and main stories now, a 14 year old palestinian point cause or is become the latest victim of
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malnutrition. most of i had josie was sheltering with his family, among the many despised palestinians in southern gaza. though struggling to meet the basic needs and as rainy as strike in southern lebanon is killed, at least 2 women at telling me that a residential building. the town of janetta, at least 20 people, including children, were injured in this time. south africa's asking about african national congress and the democratic alliance parties reached a deal to form and unity governments. it comes as the new parliament just wanted to make because they're expected to elect the president's in the coming hours. this one is day 2 of the g 7 summit and it's the migration is high on the agenda. vote. francis is also addressing the gathering on the positive and negative aspects of artificial intelligence on thursday, the us and japan sign set for security agreements with ukraine. old g 70 disagree to provide k with a 50000000010 dollar loan submitted for
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a reconstruction and humanitarian purposes. israel's war and gauze was also discussed with us president joe buys and accusing a mass of delaying the peace process. following all of this is out diplomatic added to james bases and the premier region of southern italy on following all of this force. it'll be interesting to see what the pope has to say today. yeah, this is the 1st time that a pope has attended the g 7. the solvent pope pharmacist is used to thinking about things, but you own the human around, but he's not really talking spiritual matters. today. he's joining the conversation about artificial intelligence, which is one of the sections taking place at the g 7. is they expand the g 7? this is always what happens in the 2nd part of these meetings. they have guess countries. there's actually a rec code number of guess, countries that are attending g 7 today. let me read you the full list,
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the leaders of jordan, india out, syria, argentina, brazil, kenya, mauritania. june is yet to kia. i'm the u. a o attending one of the reasons for that is that prime minister maloney of it's a she is a right wing politician. the one of her key issues is trying to stop migration. and so she's invited leaders from around the world, including some from countries that have had quite a lot of people leaving that shows and heading towards europe. i think the other reason is that the g 7 right now, most of the political lead is a pop for brian, mr. malone, you've got all sorts of political problems at home as all sorts of allegations of double standards. and if of course eats from some of the other countries of the world to g 7 standing at the pinnacle of world affairs, that's why they like to be seen some questioning that. so i think that's a reason to, to widen the discussion in white and the number of leaders here, but a lot of leaders. and that means i think
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a lot of subjects are gonna come up not just in the formal sections, but in the margins where you get so many different discussions between these lead as one on one big savings. of course, as i say of the g 7 themselves, some of them are placing pretty bad political prospects. and probably the worst of those is where she soon at the u. k. prime minister. and it's interesting that he didn't have any of the other one on one meetings with any of the other g 7 leaders on the 1st day of the g 7. and he's at the site to report his view. k report says that he doesn't feel these being snobs here. what we've been covering today, obviously what's happening and gods are, and, and also in, in lebanon. james is a final communicate likely to have any language on that, you know, against, as well as expansion into lebanon. also what's been happening in, in rossa elsewhere in gaza. yeah, they've had the discussion is all in the middle east and also discussions. big
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discussions on ukraine on day one of this summer. and we think we know, certainly on the middle east, what the look through, the final communique is going to say is good to talk again about a 2 state solution and how they are firmly committed to that. so the i'm, that's always been the works and the language in these summits, but uh, before october the 7th. so i'm not sure the g 7 and for that mass of the un security council, or anyone else in the international community was doing very much to make it happen . they also are going to say that very, very concerned about that situation in the north of israel, southern lebanon across was actually not the recognized border, but the cycle blue line, and the worry that that could be much deep, a conflict that a thank you very much diplomatic edison james space eat on last because one approval from tesla shall to is for a pay package, totaling up to 56000000000 dollars package had earlier been blocked by
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a judge who ruled that most influence test was board of directors to award him the money on finals reports fits the shareholders voted by a wide margin to approve you on most paid package. i just want to start off by saying, put them, i love you guys. most kids threatened to leave tesla and take with him some advanced technologies. he's been working on if he lost many business and let's say the vote was no surprise because shareholders realize tesla without musk would be worth far less than with him. prior to the vote, several large institutional investors urge a vote against the package saying the money should be going to shareholders. excessive doesn't begin to describe this ridiculous pay package. you know, we've seen c e o is getting ridiculous. pay packages that are in the tens and even hundreds of millions of dollars. we're talking about billions of dollars here.
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there are 2 reasons to pay somebody at that level of responsibility. one is to reward them for past performance. the other is to provide an incentive for future performance. this pay package has no relation to either of those goals. just low is struggling as the sales have slowed. tesla share price has dropped about 60 percent from its peak in 2021. at the same time critics a mux attention has waiver, as he manages multiple other companies including ex, formerly known as twitter and space x. tesla has laid off nearly 4000 workers this year in an effort to cut costs this most behavior has at times been erratic, and some say, unseemly this week. former workers that space ex suit the billionaire saying he fostered a toxic workplace right with sexual harassment and discrimination. but must rush detractors aside. i gotta be somewhat pathologically optimistic,
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but i do deliver in the end across the board, top executive pay packages a big publicly traded companies have sort in recent decades for mostly less than a $1000000.00 in the 1980s to averaging tens of millions of dollars today. rob reynolds, l g 0. 18 civilians have been killed in south eastern sit on women and children are among the dead off to an attack by the rapids. support forces in the shape of some money. thousands have been killed and millions displaced off to a year of war. in su, don, between the army and upon minute treat rapid support forces we go to canyon. now a police officer is shots and injured a judge inside a court before being killed in a shootout. with offices that happened in the market are low courts in nairobi. office, it was angry. the magistrate rejected his wife's spell request, his wife admitted obtaining move in $20000.00 by fraud. millions of muslims,
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of visiting mecca for the annual hodge. the focal point of that religious journey is the comma, a stone structure at the center of the great mosque of macca. shamal bar went to visit the artist who design and create the trait that causes the holy site. the cop uh is the stone building of the center of the great mosque of mecca. the un here of this workshop in the west of the city is perhaps one of the most with the jobs in the bustling weld opticians. we've the black fabric that covers the cop uh, the cubicle structure which muslims consider as the house of god. it's a daily rush to finish the task on time. island. well, how much uses gold and silver threads in the inscriptions that are displayed of a different panels of the dre? the we are trained for a year on this technique and then once approved by a committee of experts, we move to the next phase,
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which is embroidery and calligraphy. it has to be top notch. there is no room for area. yeah. every yeah,


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