tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST
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as camera lens best produces the best spaces, and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the the hello i, my name's by this is a new sound like from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is really forces launch a face attack in rough and southern god. so it was 29 palestinians, a killed across the street. iran, um sweden, i agree on the person as well in a deal mediated by a mon well need is gather in switzerland for a piece on its own ukraine. the russians president vladimir putin as an open
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invoices on back on the balcony, the case princess of wales, take center stage and have passed public appearance since being diagnosed with cancer. i'm driven ash with this full task gemini sale, the biggest opening game went out to europe and championship, but they thrash at 10 moms, scotland find one to kick off the tournament in style and have reaction from news . hello, welcome to the program. we begin in gaza where israel's months long haul shows no signs of easing is where the forces have been targeting residential areas with strikes and artillery across the strip. buildings happened below, not in the southern city of rasa. at least 9 palestinians were killed in those attacks. meanwhile, in the city which had previously been deemed a safe haven buys,
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really forces that has now largely been reduced to rubble. buildings that is still standing also being leveled. as rarely soldiers used a bulldozer to destroy a home in the tow. also town area near rough us of hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been forced to flee a tax in the cities. in gauze, the city is where the bombings of killed at least $29.00 palestinians and ended thousands of all those 3 residential buildings were targeted in the out should j. e . and i'll to fund neighborhoods here a father is mourning the loss of his son who was killed in the cellar with what about my son, and that's only 12 years old, was killed by these very muscles. he was unsuspectingly sleeping. and this and people like him or the targets of the is ready occupation forces on this hardly day, my young boy joins 15000 other children noted by the east readies. my other son was
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injured and is receiving treatment. yet we are holding our ground state focused on our homeland. let's go to a correspond hidden cordaris. she joins us now. life and they're all part of that central. gaza hadn't good to see you. so death and destruction across the strip. let's start with what's happening in russell. we've seen a real uptake in attacks that brings up to speed many, there is a land air. see a talk on a rough walk right now, where there has been a dozens of houses being demolished by the is ready forces. there are also a couple of worship shooting palestinians across the coastline at not only about the reference as being targeted, but also there is 0 hospitals in drop off. there is no medical treatment and all of the policy news that are being injured or killed do not have any medical teams to
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rescue them. there has been reports from journalists, health care workers and paramedics that they could not reach an area. we're talking about areas like us, o, d, as so todd and those areas in the center of rough life, there has been a lot of demolish in the past. it says it's b uninhabitable for palestinians. i'm not palestinians that are entering into this place. they have no place to go to just like what happened in 10 units. and all of the people who are injured and the paramedics could reach are going to the european hospice of in newness because there has been no hospitals and drop off. they all went out of service since the rough invasion started in a a month ago. and exactly what you were describing. i mean people have been leaving rafa to escape the fighting of and moving back know back to central gaza, including gaza city. but the attacks that also continue what's been happening the
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a well overnight, there were at least 3 houses that were targeted in the gods of the city. and where at least 50 policy in use are in critical injuries in the hospital, in the gulf of city. all of these palestinians are in risk of death due to the lack of medical supplies and due to the medical facilities. and not only that, there has been also a target at more are tend to reselling at, from newness in the eastern parts of the community. and this is pushing people more to get internally, distaste, they're also being pushed more at to the central part of the gods as to where there's really forces has also been targeting the central gaza strip. so palestinians are left helpless, hopeless. and it's also worth mentioning that tomorrow is a veil of hon. palestinians are supposed to be at a celebrating the se pallets, and these are supposed to be bringing 3. it's bringing new clothes instead. policy
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needs are being targeted and everyone is sad. everyone feels frustrated, but this is the 2nd eas, during the war and especially the palestinian children. they are supposed to have happy, fun days during that youth, but frustration and despair is filling the air across the gaza strip. okay, thank you for that diary that for us and darrow bella in central garza. so now the us military says it will temporarily relocate to humanitarian peer. it builds off the coast of garza and move it back to ash told in israel. now the move is meant as a precaution to prevent damage by predicted high seas. the project costs $320000000.00 and was partly destroyed last month shortly, often as construction small amounts of a did manage to arrive through the pair since may, but 8 organizations say it isn't nearly enough and this is real open the land
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crossings to let trucks into gaza that would be more preferable. james elder is the spokesman for unicef on his currently and 0 balance central golf. so he told us how israel is making it hotter and hotter to deliver aid across the strip. a. it's a very complicated process to get in because of the, the restrictions uh uh, put it put on top of eyes, but we do it. we know the paperwork. we know uh the hoops to jump through, but it is very difficult to get it in. for example, in my few minutes here and agents, guardian hoff as many trucks of i valley as in april half as many when we have this critical nutrition situation. why was that the case? that was the case because in may of course we had the rasa offensive, the limited quote unquote limited defensive in russell. that meant that led to the displacement of a 1000000 people. so the left side is coming in, but it's not just getting it in. it's when we did it in its value show we can get
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it across the javascript without i'd work has been to more i'd work. is it been killed in this war? been any war? any role since the advent of the united nations? it's extraordinary. it is an incredibly difficult place to work, but palestinians and foreigners are very brave on the front lines once you did it in. if we look fairly as to wednesday, a few days ago, there was a mission of units. if we were taking a truck full of nutritional and medical supplies for 10000 children, nutritional and medical supplies 410000 children, we had all the approvals, we were going to die, the city from dairy butler in the front of here. it's basically a 40 kilometer round trip. it took 13 hours and we spent each of those around check points. audrey around paperwork, was it a truck? was it event? all sorts of he said, he said the reality is, this truck was been denied access. so those 10000 children did not get that. and now, you know, simple, go back again. but it's not as easy as just returning next day because of how dangerous it is
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a place to upright. remember and use realize the occupying power has the legal responsibility to, to facilitate that i, we must have a day goals. we tone voice, right? you know, simple. so does the set of tires, can we do? what can we do protection we need to be everywhere. so that was denied. is there any forces have destroyed many of the water wells in northern garza, exacerbating health conditions and making their famine conditions even worse? the summer binge of a hospital on the floor for his life. then its denial is such a slow day. the school in giovanni and if you do come serves as a shelter for just base people and water tank goes like this and limits holding cause. it has been decimated and it's really a tax which targeted or infrastructure needed to sustain life and very laid is allowed to reach the region. the most. um, what you see is
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a living proof of the vitreous suffering, not only from the shortage of taking water, but also the accumulating waste. instead, sewage above all, our homes are destroyed but they will keep patient. we are suffering from all friends enough for me to attempt to find leveled. homes is not just the luck of food. our children are starving to death. in many places, this is how children have been drinking from puddles metix. they may survive the thirst for monday and so in disease do you ins, agency for children, goodness, have called the since this non made deprivation as mount nutrition cookie of thousands of childrens and weeks. while i've been asked that you haven't, might use riley's destroyed node id, ah, hey, mr. walter wells to we cannot feed our children and now we can not find a drop of clean water. this is not nice. even animals have a better life compared to us. we a butchered, if not by the use ready bombardment by starvation and lack of water. while i can say is gold as a shield, he is a rock. we are standing
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a ground with patients and fortitude. fortitude is much hard to for children, many of whom have lost parents. most of the displaced have to walk long distances to get some water. some kind of thing you have resorting to drinking see, working as people close to the shore have been using and treated brackish water for months. cards, surface water supply lines. in addition to wells is really strikes and incursions destroyed this out of nation units and its troops a blocking fuel. in systematic attacks on a convoys, even drinking water is prevented from reaching people. during the last 8 months, soldiers incentives have posted numerous videos of them destroying what the d. a trickled in, including water bottles. the latest you under for to the accused. israel of extermination. the government's policy to collectively denied food and water to gaza. was announced in october, when the defense minister declared there will be no electricity, no foods on no fuel and mine,
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and deadly. and that policy is still backed by international leaders and supporters . cutting off time cutting off water. so cool. i think the israel does have that right. and should really be forced to pinch theaters like this the impunity to impose the timing is supported, israel's right. the defendants. some of them javi other, they're just big now. so look, know somali, she's uh, the advocacy unit manager, the non profit bottle, russell sent us a palestinian presidency in refugee rights. she's in bethlehem, she's lived with us now. thank you so much for your time. you've been close to the following. the displacement of people in gauze and now we know people have had to move several times to escape the fighting. the challenge now is people are being forced to return back to areas which as we've been seeing in that, in that reports have been demolished by the, as rarely on the nurse on
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a taishan. no clean water listed with unexploded munitions. how does that, oh, add the challenge when it comes to the displacement crisis. oh, thank you molina for having me. yes, it definitely just causes a huge challenge. but force displacement and transfer is one of the pillars of the is really colonial apartheid regina and has been used diligently and significantly since 1948. but in particular, in the case of the gaza strip force displacement and transfer. when taking the long side other acts, such as attacking the so called designated safe zones. schools, hospitals being the comments of the internally displaced, humanitarian for a doors, likes a lot head dean road, deliberately inducing starvation and malnutrition. by what the nice thing 8, completely destroying the health care system. an infrastructure denying access to the necessities of life like food, water, hygiene, medicine, and shelter,
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and targeting you on statham facilities and obstructing the work of humanitarian agencies, such as under well clearly indicates that israel is creating conditions of life to bring about the physical destruction of the palestinians in the gaza strip. this destruction is occurring slowly over time with these conditions that israel has engineered and will cause slow death. so on the palestinian cheeks, force displacement and transfer is clearly used by israel as an active genocide. and when the war funding does come to an end, i mean, it seems hard to even find them. but how long before the sort of areas can be made have habitable again? i mean what, what challenges do you foresee? i'm in, in that time where do people live as well. there is going to be many, many challenges, especially since israel destroyed over 70 percent of the residential infrastructure
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in the gaza strip. so obviously there has to be significant reconstruction, not just of the homes, but also of the infrastructure, the sewage, the sanitation, the water, the electricity communications, and so on and so forth. and the only way i see this as being possible, the only way to do this effectively and efficiently and quickly is to completely enable and support the functioning of under what this means that states have to take measures to ensure that a stop obstructing honor was work this means that all the land crossings have to be open and we must insure under what has full access to all of the gaza strip states, especially israel al, united states need to stop attempting to its place. honor with other agencies, with other agencies. it is the only agency that has the mandate presence at
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capacity to be able to address the genocide in the gaza strip. they have to stop using an effective, efficient and the meaning methods of a delivery light to them are a time for a door, an air drops, the u. s. u. k and australia need to resume their funding of underwater and states need to provide additional funding including this route. because israel has created this situation in the gaza strip. and it is the perpetrator of the genocide and other international crimes like force displacement and transfer and collective punishment. so states must take all measures to ensure the honor, what stipend facilities are protected, and ensure the honor. what has the political and the financial support it needs to operate in the gaza strip. a living or sometimes was results and people permanently becoming displaced in camps for generations. we've seen that with palestinians in
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other parts of the world was seen that with all the countries like people from somalia. how worried are you that that could be the outcome for the people of gaza? well, the palestinian population in the gaza strip is made up of over 80 percent palestinian refugees and their descendants from 1948. and the reason of the situation continues this to exist is that states are failing to fulfill their obligations under international law under international law. the obligation to prove that i'm stop genocide is absolute. this means that states need to take all measures that they can in order to ensure that is real stops, stops. it's acts of genocide. that means sanctions, political, economic, and military sanctions to stop israel is just the side and that and also to ensure that is real, provides reparations to palestinian refugees. not just those but it isn't that it's
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internally displaced in the gaza strip over and over again. but also the displacement that is happening in the west bank in jerusalem as well. and also to palestinians with is really citizenship for internally displaced inside what is now israel or 1948 palestine. and this requires that states fulfilled their obligations to enter the mat. sanctions against israel, not good to talk to good to get you perspective. loved the somali from the advocacy unit of from the non profit bottle was or sent us a palestinian residency and refugee writes, thank you. yes it's the know sweden and wrong have agreed to a prisoner swap which will include the release stuff in a rainy, a national convicted of will. crimes, spokane will free on the newer
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a. he was sentenced to lie for his involvement in the mass execution. ve reiney and political prisoners in 1988. now an exchange. iran has agreed to release 2 swedish nationals, including the diplomat, johan little doris, to her on his accused him of spying for israel. sweden's prime minister says iran was holding the pat to use as quote poems in a cynical negotiation game. let's go to, we're sole set out who joins us live from to around. so what can you tell us about this? a swell and the timing of it? as well, this has been going on for a while between the 2 companies. so now we know that there are 3 prisoners and they are now released into play and going back to they have come through the 1st one is how me to new lead. she was a judicial official in
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a to use and she has been involved in the judicial comment to that it was a secret trial. and the did that. so i did as a result of that try. y'all was nearly around 5000 people have been exit crude. they had being charged off off risk in the security of the country, but freight you'll treasure against a country. and so one on cspan, it has been quite a controversial issue, not on the north. how many new to the late president the brought embrace to? oh, so back then was a judge at the trials. so she has been arrested in 2019 in sibley then at the airport. and then he has been put on trial that has been sentenced to life in prison. and then in 2020 to iran has arrested, has to be assessed to be their citizen. uh yeah, you have the full others. so he was a diplomat. precisely working for the european union as to an action service. but
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what he was in the runs was not want to know official results. he was here on a personal reason for that or she has been wasting you around several times. but then on in 2022, when he was about to see if you're on a date for she has been arrested, then done in 2023 site as easy. a dual citizen, uranian, and similar citizen, also have been arrested in the around. so the others have been charged off spying for your raw for israel and collecting sensitive information for israel and also corruption. and are these is a charge, spend accusation that quotes lead to death previous instances that exit execution in india on is quite serious. but said he does is it was being accused off or for committing crimes gimme around, but there is no other ration on which kind of crimes there. so now who mind has
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been mid jeter and since one and a half year, this is mid usually we're going on the go. she has, we're going on. finally today. they're being released. of course, this is not the 1st time. remember in 2023 september that has been a huge present or swap deal between the us in the around 5. so yes, it isn't the annual wrong. and 5 here on your citizens into as they have been also really is of course people see these actions from is iran as a policy off the reciprocity, the iran denies it. thank you for that. we're. so we'll set up that for us in to ron. i'm turning to sue down with pricing and escalating in several areas beyond me is baffling. the power ministry rock that support forces north of on the mine where there's been heavy alteri fi between the 2 sides and another incident residence in
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. all cri have said the are a suffices with kill when government forces for the most in an attack. it owns armies also claiming an important victory in the bass or 4 of us in the north. johnston region says stopped a major assault loans by the power ministry and killed one of the senior columbus hippa, morgan reports now from i'm 39. when many have taken up homes on the side of the i was on this military camp in under man is where young man from sedans, west and are for region come to receive training. they volunteer to fight alongside to dance army and it's were against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. what's the was displaced from his city of indiana in south dar for he says the horrors committed by the recess is would meet him. join this camp. last name, i'm going to do the displacement, the looting of civilians,
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the rape of our sisters and mothers is what made me join discount. the recess took a vanilla and thing that became too dangerous. so i came here but joined discount to attend to the full and find the are a safe side of the work between the army and the rest that started last year in the capital spread quickly to dar for which has long been a conflict on violence. there between the former government and rebel forces in 2003 killed more than 300000 people and displaced 2000000 people, the u and described it as ethnic cleansing by government forces and their allies. for many of those here, the currents conflict is a continuation of the work that spotted in dar 4 in 2003. the our stuff has its origins and the gentle weed militia which the government used to fly troubles. and which was accused of committing crimes against civilians. now, the parent military is accused of committing similar crimes against civilians around the country. with more specifically in the dar 4 region,
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the u. m says between 10215000 have been killed in west star for a loan. when ethnic muscle lead with targeted by the recess and allied groups in this conflict. several mass graves have been reported in the state in north star for the last remaining army strong holes in the region. the recess has launched, completed attacks that has led to the display cement of more than 130000 people. in the past month, dozens of villages have been burned to the ground, mostly of estimates of ours. some of those who ended up in the camp are farmers soldiers, and former r assess officers. one 4th of the same and shedding committee decided to report it to the army on the 1st day of the conflicts against the recess because it rebelled against the government. they stood against the army and against the country. from day one that killed civilians and force them to leave their homes. the camp is run by this comment or
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a member of what's known as the border guards once patient and are for. they were once allied with the rest of their now fighting. their former allies were yankee, the another do any, did who goes from dog for who's come have gone through the injustice both by stating doleful on. so you, because of the already set except for i will fax you. the other states have been looted. people have been killed enrolled. that's what those policies are most and read and tried. listen. the are assess controls, most of the west end region for those. here are for maybe 2 or 3, but they say fighting, they are a step here in the capital. makes them feel one step closer to home. he but morgan all just the euro on through mine. hey, let's go to frowns now with protesters, all marching against fall right, policies ahead of elections at the end of this month, you're looking at nice pictures. the way it demonstrates is of turned out across powers and all the cities against the national riley off to the far right policy.
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one more than 50 percent of the votes in the elections a few weeks back. and the french features will head to the poles again in 2 weeks time to elect members below a house of parliament. already poll suggests the national riley is doing well. let's go to natasha butler, who joins us now live from paris. so it looks like a huge turn out that must have purchased. so what can you tell us about what's going on? there were thousands of people working across the central powers that take your thoughts on this demonstration. again, the fall right in front of dates for write policies, you phone as races and for those next week politicians send this off the public. some trade unions we've also seen here, well, they're really scared about is on the far right could take power and falls to far right to being government administer in just
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a few weeks and this stuff like that was full, find the french prison. many 5 suffice a fall, right? the very well in the european elections in fall time because we typed in some 30 percent preferred to people here say, well know if i happen just a few days ago, receive the same sort of results in a few weeks time. or even the far right, thank you. so what we could see the fall, i can talk, i'm just scared about it to say that that would destroy fall to the story its values. all right, so maybe it's a freedom of equality. feel scared about what it means. those issues like places like some mcglatian essential values that they feel the falls on the election coming up soon about 2 weeks time. it's just is this is this good news for my call . is this a good sign? one of the facts that the french president school this not to mention to every 45 supplies, including 500 pounds, he's
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a minister to how scrambled into damage control. really trying to work out what they were going to say next. michael says, because the selection, because he's the voice of the people of defenses, he said, you seen the election that you'd like somebody to call. i was told that people are unhappy with his policies and he says he's getting choice back to the people. choose why they want to be governed by electing on them. however, it's a huge gamble. clearly he's hoping that he's such a my apologies, guys, when the lady is hoping for a parliamentary majority, that it is a risk because what we might end up with is a reflection of restoring the election where the far right and where then dropped to the far right in tubman, so it is a huge gamble menu. so 1st of micros underestimate how much people now see the fall right now for the home policy as the mainstream policy in the see thing
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say all many people say he's a large indeed there's elections will reveal a lot in these. okay, thank you for that. natasha but love that for us in paris. it's time now for the weather. his world with news of flooding in central america. so that is still flooding in florida is more or less stopped writing, but that's not true. elsewhere for the side of central america has been very what the capital of home jersey just the eastern some of these to solve the capital is pretty wet. not much was records is having full. and so it's obviously it concentrated that everybody can see the very obvious line. so the time is getting which are in which a $105.00 and images about 60 percent of what you might expect for the whole month of june. and the same as been reflected dining cost to reach about 60 percent of what you know, what to expect for the whole month. and it hasn't finished. no one has a finish reading in southern mexico bit further west in pueblo. and yes, which it is not exactly going where he wants to go,
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that those funds could be repeated. i think your time is the focus for this and also a cost to return possibly panama. so what time that i would this problem on central america to catch up on tuesday, november 3 full days of rain has been folding and central in the southern should they? finally, the client is showing disperse, is ro showers back? so it's a pretty picture. and if you look at it from the capital to the mountains, there is this new life full, fresh snow or full and last day or so. in fact, a month's worth of rage fell in the capital santiago, but i'm not aware of any funding here just yet. and there's not much more to come unless you further east, so it has all now to 0 serial run the post as the q is the 2nd time the south africa's president o'neill, so making concessions to his biggest rivals. the princess of wales kate middleton makes us public appearance since being diagnosed with cancer and has tiger woods played his final us safe. and we'll hear from the 15 time major champion
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feature the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now? i don't think so. and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected justice or a weapon is ation of adjuster system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera award winning program from international. so make, as we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells plus programming every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a,
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with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0 the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back you watching out. is there a reminder on top stories? the salad is early forces have been targeting residential areas with asked strikes to know a tenant rate across the gaza strip. buildings have been blown off in the southern city of rough or at least 9 palestinians were killed in those attacks. another $29.00 engulfed the city, sweden on a wrong have agreed to
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a prisoner swamp. it includes the release of the rainy and national convict to the full crimes and exchange. iran has agreed to release 2 swedish nationals including an e different amount for to her on says, find for israel, for justice across from some marching against, all right, policies ahead of elections at the end of this month at the polling shows the national riley policies during well, all said one over 50 percent of the votes in the elections of 7 people have been killed by ukrainian showing on the russian for the region of belgrade. as according to russian authorities, civil defense chris pulled out bodies from the rubble of partially collapsed apartment block, also ukrainian attacks on friday. residents have evacuated the town or sub aquino, which was shelled again on saturday. august, want to summit on peace in ukraine is being held at a resort near the sun in switzerland, theatres,
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and government officials from 92 countries to set to discuss pos to was lost in peace. russia however, hasn't been invited to the summit. it comes a day off, the russian president vladimir putin was suggested. he was open to peace talks, but only if key you've agreed to withdraw his troops from full ukrainian regions, renounced joining nato as get more notice with glen decent needs, professor of international relations at the university of south east. the noise joins us from us today. thank you so much for your time. now. today was the conclusion of the g 7 summit. it's me a many of those countries will be heading to these piece talks in geneva during the course of that g 7, we've had new sanctions announced against russian entities, plans for $50000000000.00 loan to ukraine using russian frozen assets. how threatened is presentation?
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do you think by this united front being set by the g 7 countries against russia as well? the main concern for us as bins is incremental escalation over the past 2 past 2 years. and i sort of mentioned in the or segment to the, the new efforts and also opening up for using western weapons to target across some territory where we all learned a serious leading to a lot of the casualties among civilian se, se, metal gods and other civilian targets being shelled. so and but this also, this of course, this the efforts by the west to show united front and put more economic functions that there's a 6 expect it to, to month more pressure on the rush about the like from the russian perspective. they see this, so they called us on the defensive war. i also of war uh where they are fighting for their existence, stay students meaningless being conflict between nato and russia. so this probably will uh,
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compare lower pressure to the russians to respond in kind some way. but i wouldn't expect, and the capitalization anytime soon. i mean, we sold the root will take a massive hit following news. if the us sanctions, even marcus was suspended at one point it, i mean the president pearson has stood strong, very much against ukraine. but do you think he's reaching a point where he, what he does genuinely wants to watch end? you know, i think that's another one to want to and keep in mind when they invented in 2022 on the 1st day after the invasion, they contact the ukraine in order to order to stop negotiations there. and that will state you stumble, a format in which the crate is and the russians largely agreed upon. ukraine, restoring its neutrality in return for russia, pulling back its troops for a tour at them. but of course this will stay us and the british was sabotaged as
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peace agreement so but, but they still want this piece based on the stumble, a symbol form. i would use the same to stall nathan for him to say that it's, i mean to put forward this uh this they put for this piece agreement. but the terms of the deal. busy so hoss, even ukraine or the got a con possibly agree. i mean if they really wanted peace, would it be that would it be so stringent? well, well, it wouldn't have been 2 years ago and, and this is what they create inside, recognized as well. at that time, the rush is only wanted as stopped in a to expansion that the ukraine should restore neutrality, but it's in the budget, right? correct. after 2 years of fighting the russians then, and during this 2 years, the next 4 territories which is still not slow guns can supplementary and so on. so now the terms of peace is much, much more complicated because now it's not just restoring neutrality, but the russians also insist on the ukraine. recognizing how the territories of
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shifted. and the russians are even claiming or calling for the parts of the territory which do not currently even occupy. but of course, this could be a starting point and then they go, she ation as they might be able to accept change to administrative boarders about the but of course, given that the territories, i'm not sure if that have the negotiations will be much, much more complicated. okay, good to to see glen deece and professor of international relations university of south east have no way a several well lead as i have. congratulations, south africa 0. run my pose up to his re election for a 2nd to him as president he received 283 out of 339 votes in parliament to put him back in office from a post and relied on support from the opposition democratic alliance to secure the presidency. the amc had to form units the government with the da often losing its
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majority for the 1st time. since the end of the apostle, it is the historic meaning of the vote. and the moment that we find ourselves in that is truly significant. that a number of parties that had opposed each other but that represent the majority of south african voters, have decided to work together to deliver. this resolved. has given a new bed a new era to our country. i do sincerely believe that this is an era of health and it's also an area of the inclusive now the new k aspen celebrating king charles as best day would be annual tripping
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the color ministry parade. when it was the princess of wales who gone it, most of the attention paid middleton was making her 1st public appearance since disclosing heck town said diagnosis earlier this year she was last seen publicly back in december news. if an illness came shortly off to king charles announced he too had come, said is a scary. so richard fitz williams is a royal commentator who watched the proceedings from bucking and policy is joining us now live from london. thank you so much for joining us to a very indeed lucky to watch the events from buckingham palace. how much do you think it would have meant to the country to the nation to see the princess of wales like this, allison abbas again, as it was tremendously significant talk trooping the television by notices. miniature parade was fascinating historical and procedures. but there was
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a very few of drama being played out for us today control. and as you mentioned, this himself pricing counselor, he's done remarkably well. recently it appeared, it's a large number of engagements. and here's kathleen modulated up here last year. and he wrote the, this time that he was an entire, for the creating criminal. i conduct the original inspection, which comes out. it was a hot deadline for me and want to have all so to everyone surprise, i have to say i took the test through. somebody else wasn't being on the palace balcony. was indeed sure was, well, i didn't expect of nice people to die. that was that she was able to join in the proceedings being in a tower age. this house for the children, joel or charlotte, lillian washing from an office in cost jobs and the other side of the world. i
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think absolutely fascinated by those. but she like yesterday she released a very moving statement which made it clear the motion ball best. she watches ash reporters out of the woods yet. and there's no question that everything she dollars has to be very, really tacitly modulated so that she's able to handle it with fighting cancer using preventative achievement center. i am, as you say very, very on a statement from her yesterday. and people will have been watching. so closely and taking heart from the fact sheet she looked very well. i mean, she's always had a very special place with the country. yeah. what, what, what do you think it is about to? as i said, she has, i think she has pious god, send it to my trip to go this trinity pack and box it off for the price. you have to see with protection to me. and i think that to will,
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if i may use the time of being wild, but there's no doubt she has just finished 40 and she's got to was had done in the past a lot of energy that she has very dandy changing duty. and there's no question the children were receiving the id or t monday or the trade show tomorrow, the cost the future of veronica you. so today it was very, very symbolically significant. and that took us through uh why the last few years have been quite tough for the royal family. we've had the desk, the queen, and then you've had the king also being diagnosed with cancer. and then this very surprised, unexpected. a situation with kate at her age to, to find that with such young children that she herself is also experiencing cancer . it's been very difficult,
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has it. it has indeed culture talking about other power to the store because the downside to being the world's most high profile around family is in fact is everything that happens is either speculate to namo reports and there's no question that are involved to the suffix is the, the proof for the family. how are you and megan? but uh, mattress and palm recently, but that was damaging. that were issues linked to an accusation of calls about the duke of you know, which way run for subsequent payment to dallas to look at some pretty elizabeth just so you know, obviously king charles or something and well look to holland, to talk from anderson on fatality in his life and was hoping to put all his energies into his job and he is being restrained now for obvious reasons with cancer. and the fact that having to just go have a major, i don't know, surgeries that catherine in fact was diagnosed
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with cancer and is taking preventative chemotherapy. i'm in front of everybody, obviously was a serious blow and also because of tremendously stressful because this whole right, the mattresses you might never since went off without a hitch. and in my opinion of queen elizabeth so late, pretty crazy who was excellent, which would have been pro, doesn't protest, but it must have been very stressful to, to handle it. and of course, it's a question of timing and also when it comes to future while events very, very difficult to plan with so many options down which enough to really have to win one or 2. or should i could talk to you so much, much longer up unfortunately, i'm out of time. richard fitzwilliam royal, come and tell you to we've been watching the ceremony that from buckingham palace. thank you. thank you. still ahead on al jazeera, i am passionate about it. i now it's
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a lot of that's the most important day and has the long day of atonement and reflection football team take stopped for years with the biggest opening games, victory reaction. i mean, the, what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create and all of this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice, age guides, which actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician, oh, is it already too late? so if corporation says more power might in the building an entire country, the future's going to be good for the i would be nice if to before humans as well. i human coming soon on elders era. ready ready and the resting place of the dead, an 11 year old seems to use for the living to place in
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a country that celebrates the deceased. ready can he earned enough to both support is with a mother realizes dreams name. i believe he has a lot of boy a witness documentary on that just so you know the the the types of support he has from kimberly jem, these criteria and august when has praised his team off. so they picked up the biggest opening game when in the history of the european championships, the highest, scotland, 51 story invent such a mountainous see all that a client habits penalty. you put them serial up in the festival. courtland had one
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for to center for giving away that school kick before nicholas blue cook and emory chant, sealed with scotlands. go with it and go scored by antonia rita is a big baseball gemini who lost the last 3 years in games. that major tournaments, if you see the last years and it's very important for us, and now it's very important to have confidence to, to go on like this. we have the, we had a very good dynamic. we had very good intensity and we played, in my opinion, very, very good game. and hopefully we go on like that and scroll a lot of go ahead site today. finds in germany, understandably delighted by that result is dominant came reports from munich. it's a cool day in munich when the and don't really very summary and yet, boom, boom. so the reaction to gemini success on friday, not 51 against the scottish team is not in question the public,
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but also the media raving about the performance of julia. now goes months team, the fact that the players who the general public well hoping would perform well did . so the fact that the, that's not going to mind could take them off off of a skilled austin's guy habits by a leave of who's and slowly and the others. you could leave the field up to about 15 minutes. so 16 minutes or so because that of was done. that's the gentleman perspective from the scottish perspective, it's obviously very different. they now face to difficult games. we must get positive results. will it be enough? we shall see from the logistical points of view. well, there's so many people coming to germany that yesterday, that's friday, the farts he's at the fireman's island. suppose enrolling and munich kept close then to anyone else cuz they were already so packed, such as the level of interest. all so we know that's when portugal how the training session christiano ronaldo was published by a friend broke through got to be as close as possible to his favorite football that shows you the level of interest that there is here. and of course, from now on,
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there are 3 games a day for a good while now is all liquid stages play themselves? are going to came out, is there a unit? also in germany's group is hungry and switzerland. they sides playing right now in klein, it's switzerland who lead to the off time. what do i do? a d, or i should say go, that 1st goal was initially rolled out from the side via into z. that's his 1st international go. what does that mean? his 2nd to parents and he's come defending champions. it's late begin. that's one of the lights and when they faced albania, that group could be one of the trickiest with spain. i'm croatia also in great. they have coach. we see on it spell as he took charge of the team last september, following the departure for about 2 months, genie and says it's important. they don't slip out in the 1st much don't go to the semi or on a personal level. it's usually excitable. but as we always take, but it becomes increasingly and emotion tv, which is not necessarily talk same what's your and it's happy in fixtures, fantastic emotions to be in a wonderful place on it and play
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a wonderful game of football as you've said to. and if it is a dangerous match, it is a potential but not a skin that's i agree with that when we're up against football. is that all very familiar with syria? we're that have quality. they've shown what they can do in the italian domestic leak. and it will be a tough match as that today's of the match sees a spain up against croatia invalid and the spaniards are off to a full european championship type. so the last coming in 2012 pockets nonce cartridges have made the earliest exit from a t 20 webcast. that the great stage of the weather in florida was partly to blame . they needed all into to beat us to 8 to stand a chance of making these 2 products. but as you can see, the match was a washout because of tropical storms that resulted in the usa being one of the points and going 3 from grief i along side india on focused on kind of the at all and eliminated the south south africa had already so successful as but once about to let the phone get a famous victory before heading high,
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the pool needed to runs from the last food. so when that teenager goes from job was run out to tempting a single and south africa held on. so when a really was a crushing blow for the pals class, he seemed to be heading for that 1st went in 12 attempts against an icy seat phone in the country the dallas mavericks and needed to win that game for to keep the n b a finals alive and they did so emphatically they put on chips left the way for the maps with 29 points as they rushed. the boston celtics 122 to 84. kyra, having contributed 20 points of solace and showed the best of 7 series will continue frontage. was congratulations by full, not around with. good caption is such a rattles off of the game. but this house is listed in the drive and seats. that one, when from a record 18th and the temperature took long enough, you know, for all of us to get to the party together into play for each of the way we did tonight. but it's definitely
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a possibility that we can replicate it. we have another opportunity to extend the season. that's all we can ask for. so we handle our business tonight. but the job is, is still uphill battle and we understand that you're safe in day be talking to people that leads to, to them into the hallway point. so what does that mean? who's the major parents? the sweetest goals? who anytime professional, 12 months. okay, is it 5 on the fall? which leads to one shot clear as a group of players, including bryson to sound but really mcclory is split in the mix. this 5, take 2 eyes, a pop 2nd round. the 2011 us open champion is 2 shots of the face. this is all 3 is struck, the call 3 nights, whole. be happy of that making the 1st one. this is toilet the lights and the very same whole 2018 open jump to you in the francesco, more than all we need is an ace to make the cuts, which is exactly what he said. to be able to play these tournaments uh to be able to play with the guys that i watched on tv for such a long time is, is definitely a
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a pinch me moment. yeah. i use open supposed to be hard supposed to be tricky. and his 1st challenge, any aspect of your game and i feel like he really is really doing that. but super forcing, that was the way the things that turned out of the last couple of days. and hopefully we'll be able to keep it up. tiger woods of tight, his last us open, the 15 time made the champions finished a 7 days apart. i missed the cuts. what's needed? especially exemptions take pos and this is 2 minutes. i thought i played well enough to be up there in contention that just didn't work out as far as my last open championship or us open championship. i don't know what what that is and may or may not be and that is all. you'll support finality, so it will have more lights on. thanks. jemma. now muslims from around the world have conversed on the sacred valley of our thoughts and in mecca is sadie arabia
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the whole is day of the annual hunt pilgrimage. have been gathering on the mountain of mfc for what's considered to be the highlights, assess virtual journey of corresponding cash on the whole bar as covering the hubs for us this year. he has moved from mount verified. the mountain that you see behind me is the balance of no see why muslims believed profitable. how much delivered his finals and pilgrims came over here at nights. we decided to spend the day here for a reasons. i believe this is one of the sacred sites in his land, and the would like to spend the entire day in a tournament priors and supplication. they believe that this is an extremely important day for them. and that if i'm lucky enough, by the end of the day when the sun sets that create a wake, forgive the sins, now it's a very hard day. i have to say. and they all thought is how big using me spray or
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is across the entire plains of off that and be happy and asking people to use umbrella. the biggest concern is hate stroke. what is next? well, the pilgrims, they're going to stay here until the sunsets and then they would move to the plane of that was that they thought to gather the pebbles, which are going to use pull the symbolic stoning of the devil. tomato is a piece of sacrifice. also that there was continued the symbolic stoning of the devil, and the journey is going to be over. you will see an element of the journey which is basically about which you were to perpetuate. what they consider to be sacred. traditions of prophets. well, how much and abraham, but at the same time, it's a journey about then need to find a greater sense of purpose in life. and this is exactly what they hope to achieve today. pushing my bottle, i was just leave a bounce out of that. okay,
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that's it for me. my name's slide for this news. uh you can find much more on our website. the address is out. is there a dot com? i'll be back in just a moment and more news the interrogate. the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the unlimited amount of the time the exec yet about the about what is going it was
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a good did you do how you do? i'm lucky for the bottom. and so for the 1000 animals and the measure and having the chick throughout issues all that hard, oak us government, part of it, i'm gonna lose it and ask them for that. in addition to submitting that, then will research. i'm literally shut time, no problem. okay, so might, as we had, what do they tell me that what was that that i sent on their part of the ship to send us a cut that i've never seen done. so this how do i see the part? i shall know quite a lot of the and he says he went to more towards here yet to provide a. are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not file but not in the eyes of his government. my wife has to be the us. can you just mean, like i said, these are,
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these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow a british age work or as he prepares to contest his citizenship revocation the last year i received it 703. so you're only as good as possible state list in syria and i'll just 0. the is there any forces launch a 5th attack in rafa in southern gauze i well, dozens of palestinians are killed across the street. the money, i'm sorry, this is all just there in life from day or so coming up a wrong on sweden agree on the present as well to deal mediation by oman purchase to being held across from st. against the far right policy. i had
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