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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 16, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the head will explore an abundance of wealth cloth programming every time we do an interview well met with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well on algae is here. the israel intensifies is operations in central and southern gaza after it's military softwares. it's w stay in 6 months. the, you're watching l g 0 live from del, how would need for the back. people also coming up a show of support for ukraine. well, leaders attend an international peace conference to push for an end to the war,
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but russia is not invited by time malcom web in a neighborhood on the shores of lake milwaukee. people who live to say that facing it is oscar, which is not in may and most names around the well celebrates each other. nearly 2000000 upsetting the day by performing the hash killed from h and meg the . these are in the military has stepped up. it's a soul on the gaza strip and what appears to be retaliation against the death of the 10 of its soldiers on the side of saturday. 8 were killed when the vehicle was bombed in rafa. ma says it's fighters cannot be attacking an ambush to others. really, soldiers died and fighting in the north. from mister benjamin, this yeah was says the war will continue despite what he called the heavy and unsettling price. is there a shut down? i'll just here is operations still have sound,
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which has this report now from amman. jordan, it's the biggest single day last for these really are me since january. the military confirming the 8 is really soldiers from the combat engineering unit were killed in dropbox when their armored vehicle exploded. reaction from across the political aisle port in with prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying, despite the heavy losses, the finding must continue the issue. don't let anyone distract you from the simple and clear fact. despite the staggering cost, we must stick to the goals of the war, destroying the military and structure of how much we turning on the hostages. making sure that gaza will no longer oppose attached to israel and returning our residents safely to their homes. both in the north and south and initial armies probing to the incident, showed the combat engineering vehicle was attacked after
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a night of fierce fighting in guns. the southern most city for the military is now investigating the possibility that the vehicle was hit by an empty tank missile is really army spokesperson. daniel, how gar. e says there have been achievements, but that israel is still facing challenges. it's other sigma smoking along with a significant achievement. we have to honestly say that we will not be able to return everyone home in this way. we will continue to act in all ways in order to create the conditions for the return home of all the objectives as quickly as possible. and all of this comes mid to t, you demonstrations across israel calling for deal to bring back the remaining captives for nits in yahoo to resign and for elections to be held immediately on saturday, the spokes person for the hostage in missing families for on the said that israel
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can win against him as in johns. meanwhile, thousands of protesters in tel aviv have been calling on the government to accept a ceasefire deal to bring back the remaining is really captive when nearly 9 months into the war. that deal is still nowhere in sight. i'm the son who was just, you know, a man as i'll speak to. andras air has been estimates who is also in amman because he's really government is find out is here a benefit to us about the reaction and fall out from the desk. so these 10, these really soldiers probably, of course, blanket coverage. you need some and is riley and media of the end of sabbath on the depths of these 10 soldiers, 8 in rafa. and 2 in the northern gauze are much more comp coverage, of course, and the desk of palestinians in gaza. but it's a reminder to his release of how dangerous the war and gauze res, i'm there, all these, these riley voices, all retired generals, retired military officers complaining that there are too many soldiers being killed
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because the reason that the war plan, but to particularly killed in this tank incidents in the north of gauze or the north is a post of include of homicide to so is rails military says, but he's having to go back up that because how much is reappearing? because as a power vacuum because there's nothing in place. what you do in gaza after the fighting, so that's all appearing on. he's ready a media of this argument as to why what should be doing dogs in the future to stop the depths of all soldiers. and these relays, bennett had said they would be what they call tactical pauses in military activity in parts of southern gaza today. but now the defense minister is saying otherwise as well, there is a statement that came out in the early morning from as well as military saying that they're going to be a tactical pools along the particular road from the carrier. my bu, salem, crossing to the your pin hospital sort of to the north of rafa. then we heard again
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from miss riley needed the defense minister. you'll have guns, a benny guns that to nothing about this. and there was a clarification, and really it's, it's a very small area where these rarely military says the page it says will be a label able to get through. but it's not, it's just just one road particularly now. we know the humanitarian organizations say nothing like the amounts of a they need is getting through will help organization saying a 1000 children a been treated for acute mound nutrition and. busy health organization also saying that we. busy listen as low as inside gaza and active complex. it is close to impossible to deliberate the amount of a the level of heat, the 8 to meet the growing needs. bennie smith in amman, jordan, thank you very much for the update. or let's now get the latest on the situation on the grounded guys and speak to honey my motors in dial, black forest, and central gaza honey heavy showing on rafa. and con eunice in southern gas or
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this morning bring us up to speed with the latest. the just 5 well, despite the fact that it's the 1st b l, v to do that's supposed to be quiet for family gathering and celebration, that's right. in military continues. do a pound. the costs broke my city with heavy art dealer's funding from the eastern part of the city along the philadelphia core door, all the way to douglasville bon and a shebra refuge account those that the western part of the city. and by looking at this, they just didn't really monitor equally as bombing the entire city of rough. i including the areas around the crossings, both dropped by crossing then comes a bill simon. despite the contradict, the statement of us had to goes was going to happen for the a deliberately a minute, terry and a that's really military still conducting this systematic demolish of residential homes and at a clearing major parts of rough city,
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including agriculture land in the eastern area and more of their residential homes and public facilities, including you and facilities in that southern part of robot city. very close to the philadelphia core door and the gyptian roof borders the eye witnesses and lucas originally defied over the exceeds the entire residential bucks being completely raised from uh, from the mount. uh the eastern part of high noon is not the. 6 uh, down robust city, uh, non stop our dealers and things as they are the hours of this morning. and what's going on a basement part of tonya. and then the remaining part of the jobs trip is part of that and already announced the plan bite is really military to establish a buffer zone that is covering the northern part of the scrape of from the city of the tunnel and all the way to southern most of part, city of district, that's rough. i city already eating out 16 percent of the total. they are just within the past couple of minutes. we could clearly hear
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a loud explosion of the results of the artillery. so they get these from parts of the central area here from where we're reporting from. there is about 50 honey. and as he said today, mocks, eat, of course, the delight of the 1st day of eden typically moves when to celebrate this holiday a by meeting their families and sharing launch meals. how are people in guys a spending this age well to tell you the truth, it doesn't feel like it at all that i'm surprised since early hours of this morning since i arrived at the side of tried to talk to people and just agreed them and just wish them a happy, a happy day and happy you that know the 5, the older responses are r y i sold with the, with the, with that with sadness and on heart solve a tragedy because of what's going on. the vast majority of people here have already lost family members and loved ones. do have been displaced for the coffee. many of
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the practices and the traditions the the are use to do on the 1st day of ways are becoming right now out of reach and an impossible the due to the, the fact that they're being displaced and not have their homes are not very close to their family members, many of their rituals, important rituals, which is either offering a sacrifice, sophia, or performing has we run to a person here. we're supposed to be in much the performing has yet not to the point that it started applying for not having the opportunity because of the blockade and the closure on, on the board. and that was some things that the quite a sad to hear because expensive is saving and waited for at least 5 years to get his name on the list. but for the ongoing, because of the ongoing situations unable to perform one at major colors updates, linux a face. and here's what's really tragic about this. the is the, the scenes of many of the children who are already separated from, from their families because of displacement or those who are,
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who have been made or for my, the fact that these really going to be killed their entire families. and they are counted by the 1000, across the central area and the southern part, another part of district where enforced. our vision to hydration is taking it's all on the population. honey, thank you very much for your reporting. that sounds as here as honey. my mode live in darrow, by law in central guys though. well, 15000 children have been killed during israel's war on gaza. that's nearly half of all palestinians have died since october. many more children have been badly injured and are suffering from trauma because of what they've lived through. only a small number have been able to leave the strip for treatments on to 0. sonya nguyen made an 8 year old who was evacuated to cut off in the bleak landscape of war. newer was one of the few palestinian children able to leave northern garza in march. she ended up here
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a hospital in sharp contrast to what she left behind. doctors and psychiatrists have faced a difficult task of trying to help these children a just normal life and experience that has changed this like hi and yours. as much as the child. i wasn't sure if i'm going to be resilient enough and supportive on strong enough. but i was astonished by then and then from them, how big they are. how's belong? how does union have been so a lot of sufferings they last as i said, for me this holmes, in both of the above is still strong. and even when you've talked with insights and colleagues and sometimes, you know, given you learn problems in new or came with her grandmother, her soul caregiver, having bachelor, leukemia, and malnutrition, she now contends with severe burns from the conflict. her grandmother,
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she now calls mamma, is by her side every step of the way tennessee. 31 are supposed to have from. she was at come all at one hospital for 14 days, and garza, the doctor told us she will die in the morning or in the night. it was hopeless when you taught child it was like touching wood. but thank god we were able to evacuate. huh. her weight has since increased since being care and she now has the treatment she needs and the recovery for these palestinian children is about seeing a different world one without the fear of fall and sleepless nights. while newer is fortunate to be able to recover and see facilities like this, many still remain in gaza. and as these children have lived through war every day for the last few months, perhaps the biggest obstacle to recovery is the war that lives in their minds. life after war looks different for each child, but what they all have in common is
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a desire and hope to live phoning with algebra. doha, the outer world news and media is in government. officials from 92 countries have gathered in switzerland for a peace summit on ukraine. the event comes off to a russian president vladimir fulton suggest that he was open to the stocks. but he said keith would have to agree to withdraw as to a storm for ukrainian regions and abandoned his sped to join nato. the group was discuss ways of achieving a lasting peace. but russia has not been invited to expect spring in our diplomatic yet. is that who is life for us from bergen stock in switzerland where that summit is being held. so what can we expect from this a gathering james, when the russians are not part of it? yeah, well the title of this event i think has the key to this. it's
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a summit own piece in ukraine. it's not a piece summit piece towards peace negotiations. and that's i think, really clear because that will work until you have russia at the table. but should not even invited all the key players. i'm not here. china of the key international power as the permanent members of the security council. they declined to come to this. they have their own piece plans. they say for ukraine, but it's a relatively big attendance here. even countries that happens at the latest by presented and india were at the g 7 meeting in italy, the prime minister president with that didn't come here, but they've sent representatives. and i think the idea is to try and think about possible parameters for peace ukrainians. want to try and get some consensus in the international community and then potentially invite russia to towards a certain things i think will be emphasized one these nucleus safety as operation
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is one of the areas where the present punched in a couple of days ago, made his own beat for peace, that was an area that he doesn't control kind of that he wants to see in return full piece. and i think nuclear safety is one of the issues that most of the international community kind of agree on the coast separation is where there is that nuclear power plant is, has heavy, heavy battles throughout the war. i think there's want you to dimension to all of this for ukraine's allies and that, so i think to try and bolster presidency, lensky and ukraine in the last year. they had hoped that ukraine would have a push back against russia, in fact, on the battlefield is being stalemate with some russian gains so diplomatically. you have this taking place. we traffic shows the temperature of the world and shows that the countries around the world are prepared to engage with president's lensky and his peace, full, beloved. but also you go, he can normally the g 7 came up with an extra $50000000000.00 for ukraine, for reconstruction in you cried. and then the last piece of this is militarily,
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and that's when they chose important. we have the nato defense ministers. we think in brussels in the last few days with that makes it a 2nd to general. going to hungry, hungry is being the problem country for the nato logs, because it's stopped lots of the efforts. nato has had provided an obstacle of us throughout all of this. when nato was trying to increase it support a few crime. well, now they've got a deal with hungry. that is a call about the hungry hungry doesn't have to pause for the rest of nato's defense . policy with regard to ukraine, and that means that the rest of data can move on without you without knowing how gary objections it already was seeing that countries including the us now saying that that weapon systems could be used be on the border of a of you crate into russia, and i think we're going to see extra commitments coming up of for ukraine in the coming weeks because of the beginning of july, we have the big nato summit,
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the nature of the $370.00 for the summit of nato taking place in washington, dc. james, thank you very much. that same space, i had to come out of get it to live, but or in switzerland still ahead on al jazeera democracy in danger. judges in the rule, one against new laws, they say undermine civil liberties. and of re us postage down from 18. 68 sold at auction for a record breaking amount. the israel's war on gossip be coming in forever. war across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down? why, despite they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza? the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the showcase of the test
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documents resumes from across the network on the a meeting of minds or over the world. we have this the rise of 84 as the climate catastrophe. where do you put the resulting anger? well, i'm hoping we can use that as the fuel to change society for the better musical innovative brian, you know, between now and economy is hardoon chang. i talked to, i told him, i said about the funniest the colors in the world. i don't have any competition. judy, i'd be on split data analysis era. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the back you watching l g 0 live from to a reminder about top stories. these are in the military has recorded its worst single day long since january 10, so those were killed and separate incidents in northern and southern sky. 2 died in fighting in the no offense of mazda. it's might escape 8 ocean leaders and government officials from 92 countries have gathered in switzerland for the summit on new crane. they are discussing passwords, elastic geese. although russia wasn't invited. the not to malawi, waste water has in gold, hundreds of homes around the shores of africa's 3rd largest lake. the flooding of lake malawi has the space. thousands of people enforced lakeside resorts and other businesses to close. heavy rains in recent months have contributed to water levels in the lake reaching the highest in decades. and as malcolm web reports from lake my, we visor didn't say the government isn't doing enough to address
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a problem. we have to take a boat to reach pamela zimri's house. she says she had to move out months ago, along with all the neighbors, the water levels in lake malawi and the charade river. it's so outlets have been that the highest in decades following torrential rains in northern malawi, a neighboring townsend. yeah. it proved too much for the watch when she left here. some of the government says, all the homes here break in 1960 the little that's a big building structures. natural floodplains. it's really enforced. they allowed us to view this house. they gave us the plans for the houses. so if they knew that this place is north, south west, well, why did they give us a go ahead so that we should be doing here? local counselor, wedding to mind. glenn g says the flooding is
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a man made crisis and the government's to blame. many residents agree with him. they say this is the problem about raj downstream and issue a river that regulates the voltage flow out of like malawi. 5 years ago it was raised to keep more water in the lake. there's always that, like tricity and water depend on it. so to farm it down stream in malawi, a neighboring mozambique where the power raj and also prevents funding. if we say, let's open all of the 14 gets 100 percent, what it means is will be listening for media and delete as of what it minutes, which is, which would be a disaster. so we want to balance up to say, even the way we are open, we don't just open, we have the strategist, wellington, and the residents of the swamped homes, the by it. it protested. last month's demanding move was released. they say the government should compensates in v like kate, them, if it wants the water level to stay high or the level of like malawi as being
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fluctuating significantly for as long as it's being recorded. heavy rains can cause floods that communities on the water drought, devastating for agricultural production downstream and also cuts off mill always that like tricity supply, which depends on hydro power. scientists say climate change is increasing the risk of both just over a 100 years ago with sales. so like i said, this, you a best stop slowing until 20 years to recover scientists, a climate change has roughly doubled the probability of that happening again. the flooded homes ever failed since the last time the lake was this high in 1980 the residents we spoke to were pulling off the been always populations tripled since then and the case for regional climate impact mitigation is somewhat lost on people
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who now take boats where they used to walk malcolm web al jazeera, like malawi, same pearl congress has voted on a series of controversial laws. critics say will eliminate important judicial bodies and reduce the independence of electron of forty's bicycles. so warning the countries democracy is endangered. marianna sanchez reports from lima, the beatles congress has moved forward unconstitutional amendments. that would give the government was how was the consulting issue and the electro bodies members of congress are being accused of trying to shield their political organizations from prosecution. nearly 50 percent of the legislators or their parties are under criminal investigation. critics. they, some of the newly proposed laws undermine traditional and electoral independence. funding of non governmental organizations or effect freedom of expression. the list includes an amnesty law that seeks to reverse convictions for members of military
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and police who committed crimes against humanity before july of 2002 contradicting international law nearly 70000 peruvians died during the conflict with the shining pass group between 198-2000 the truth and reconciliation commission says almost 40 percent of the crimes were committed by government forces. supporters of this most se, calling the killings, crimes against humanity is an exaggeration list. so many value. so could be a, they would know, crimes against humanity, the workspace is that what punished we have to be fear and understand that the military trying to solve a problem. and we comp claim them to qualified him as crimes against humanity as exaggerated to make sure approved. on the 1st round of funding, we left with nearly 600 human rights cases, yet to undergo trials where they moved to discuss has been the end of the for example, the case of hundreds of 14 and 15 year olds raped systematic the by the military.
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that's the case would be shows by this. impunity little victims have been waiting for more than 30 years. for justice. critics say legislators stopped short on their final vote of the i'm the, you know, due to international pressure. but the movers will allow dozens of human rights violators to walk free is widely expected to be approved next month. analysts see other last week and institutions and the rule of law is the one that isn't stuck on with this congress unsurpassed laws that favor legal mining, deforestation, and promote informality. we're living a kind of dictatorship with extreme is in parliament, taking advantage of a weak government. proceed in the level of the who's under investigation for rights abuses and commented on the issue. and they just later say, opinion, contrary to the rulings interferes with bid was national interest. but in the sun, just adjust the lima most things around the world, us celebrating, eat out,
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ida. but in guys i festivities are muted worship as a gathering in the ruins of destroyed mosques to hold prayers direct god was with me for some del blah in central gas. the palestinians mocking today the arrival of either a tough holiday and no responding to the isabel yet tax now without raising the public areas where they are surrounded by destruction of the station became here today to pray under the same time to congratulate each other for the i really felt of faith and basically all the to also bring a sense of hope that they are still clinging to their homeland. and generally, typically, palestinians used to celebrate this 20 day by meetings assemblies of the same time in order to shut law a means that can be no longer affordable as more of the help of guns as population in the brain confounding the situation is extremely tragic, right? now, as the,
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as post indians are trying to do the best in life of the is very ongoing aggression to bring happiness for those young children as lots of children today will wake up and celebrate ease of ha, without any parent says, this is came loaded with burdens for palestinians who are willing to grow a sense of happiness on the faces of the children and the new calling developed tough in the text. and despite all of the tragedies, palestinians had been experiencing since october, the 7th power cup as in algebra. jared, by palestine for millions as most things from around the world have convey, sean met kind sounds. you're right there for the hash pilgrimage. these are life pictures from make i way crowns. of worship is a sort of thing to combine. the grand mosque is lambs. foley is site. i correspondent, hasha my buyer has more from me now, which is just outside of let me give you an idea about what is happening exactly
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behind. be these all the planes of all of that. and you will see a see of pilgrims walking down this build with this bridge. and then they, we move to the, to 3 massive tented area to my left. and that's the pillows which symbolically stand for the devil. devil mazda does believe that abraham and each mile, when that all the way to america, to build the cop uh, the devil revealed himself and then he was trying to tell them not to do that act. and ever since muslim, come on symbolically. this is why they do, they have to gather pebbles and they through the pebbles of the colors. the reason why they are doing this, not just necessarily to remember the past, but the same time to understand of human beings. they would have to remember that some patients are strong and they would have to show some strength when it comes to
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dealing with the temptations. and then they would continue with the symbolic a stone and go to the devil to model on the day off to and then they would go back finally to america for a final walk around the car, about the journey. it's going to be a west. are now rare us pos processed found postal for record $4300000.00. it was bought of a collection that went on the auction block in new york. christian salumi was say, it's the rarest of the rare. this one sent us postage stamp from 1868, known as a z grill. what have just to in existence. and this is the 1st time one has been on the market in 25 years. the billionaire investor and stem collector, bill gross decided to put it and his entire collection up for sale. $100.00 us for full atlas or those who study and collect stamps. the auction was a once in a lifetime event. they'll gross achieve something that's very, very few collectors can aspire to, which is


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