tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera June 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST
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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the assignments of? well, lead is backs, ukraine's territorial integrity and coast, with dialogue to end the war with russia. some developing nations don't sign onto the declaration the on site mean say them, this is out just a live from the hall. so coming up, learn a song by aid in gaza, palestinians say those little to celebrate. they mock the festival on the
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consequences. riley football protest isn't israel block roads as they begin a week of disruption to the mom? the, the election had the germany vine and strikes out between rival firms ahead of a football match between england and soviet the may just summit to discuss basing ukraine has ended with the latest, from dozens of countries committing to its territorial integrity. i'm calling for dialogue to end the we'll move 90 countries gathered in switzerland to find ways to end the conflicts with russia. most of them signed the final declaration, but the team countries including india, brazil, south africa, saudi arabia, and the u. a. e, up to doubts us. ukrainian president was optimistic saying leaders agreed to create special groups that will continue working off to the gathering. i'm calling to that
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together. we will insure the resolve the drawers and the 2nd. the assignments should unite our joint work on the details of this, where it's a war and we don't have time for, for a long war. moving to this man's fixing fast preparations will take months, not g. r. a. russia was not invited president for that. they may have foods and has a ruled out negotiations with ukraine, but he says he needs guarantees, once k of to withdraw its troops from full ukrainian regions. and the bandit sped to join nato. diplomatic editor james spaces in bergen stock. he says the overall summit accomplished what it was hoping to do. it invites it's a large number of countries. $93.00 k and 80 of those signed up to the final communique, which is a show of support for your trade. and they believe, but the,
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it's the beginning of a process coming up with some sort of formula. ukraine already had a piece formula that perhaps could lead to another summit where perhaps russia can be invited. i think it's also the was looking at this is a snapshot of global opinion on ukraine. if you look at the figures a se 93 countries came here 80, this is my list of who, who, who signed up for the community k h. e, signed up for the communique? well remember of course, that there are a 193 members of the united nations and cost you mind back to the beginning of the war and ukraine that was invited to the un general assembly few days off to that will started march 2022 and the $143.00 countries then condemned russia compared with the 18 today that signed this communicate. i think over the wording of the to very by different i think is a snapshot of where the will stands. it's quite telling that i've had that all, there's a form, a deputy foreign minister of russia. he says the real test will be what kind of
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work happens off to the summit as such, the fall, graham as should honor lies the results of the sweet. it's called 1st from the stand the what uh thinks which might be used in the cells as in good shape. and so what is completely unacceptable and the properly is that uh, that is quite strong wants here in moscow that a for friday is what is proposed, who will be rejected. there is no other ways then in the intensifies of war. uh, but this is why it's a dangerous way out and i'm for to can function great. right. was it ground full of covering understanding is better than that, although it's a very clear position of the grade. that was the original remarks from russia, which were expressed by president posted on friday on acceptable rate. that's why
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it's even more important to find the way to establish several kinds of dialogue and to discuss way. oh, because you're a little wait, all isn't possible. we shall search for solutions maybe for very difficult solutions for both sides of this process is very much in need. and i hope that the suisse conference will make it to maybe a little bit of the palestinians in gauze or a mocking the ceramic festival of a delta doing the violence and destruction of daily is ray. the attacks families have become separated. this hen called the reports, some members have no hope of reaching each of
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the 365 square kilometers of the case of god. the distance is usually no obstacle for families gathering for a huge but invading is really forces have divided as of separating relatives from the conference of loved ones have met the other thoughts, country to his wife and children, and not drink on. so from his make shift and indeed, but for the example i spent every age with my family now, i hadn't seen them for the sake of the success of agents during this time that we sent you of his families and friends. this was divided us and separated us all the vehicle. a good. how do i get 5 on the the most and i was the that and the know i want to tell the whole will that does
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go on guns, a must stuff immediately. give families a chance to be were united. i know that i need there are no more aids for her children to look forward to with their father. he was scaled in an is really a talk on their home loan. we were rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that, my husband lost his life instead. and i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned. my children ask a lot about their father. they messed him to most during the holy month of ramadan . and are you this? are you as well? they missed their father so much. i to, oh, surrounded by the ruins of the homes. how does to use god or indeed been a god there. despite the danger to my occasional tom in times of peace families, in garza, i used to marking the feast of sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an
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animal that's true with those less fortunate. because to news here have little food left to survive on let alone 2 gift is a instead of being handled in and we used to enjoy the now house with our relatives and spotted livestock. for each sacrifice, we will all happy eat. this is quite dark as we lost everything that was on everything turned into rebel. we have nothing left for us in this life. let's, let's say the other is not the 1st to religious festival policy means have been forced to observe during unimaginable loss and hardships. but all of them in cause, our whole thing is the last and the committee as is the that they did, but of gauze upon this time. at least 7 palestinians have been killed in this ray. the ass try come the bride refugee camp in central garza bombs talk through the house belonging to the young. hopefully families at least 4 children were killed in
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the striking tax. have intensified across cancer on saturday and sunday. the head of how much this political bureaus via and how may it says the group is ready to accept an agreement that guarantees prevent c is fine, says it also once a full withdrawal of israeli forces from casa reconstruction and an exchange deal, the capital, how much showed great seriousness, inflexibility in order to reach an agreement that was spared the blood of our palestinian people in stop this really aggression box. it was reflected in our acceptance of what was mentioned by president joe biden. and his speech as well as our welcome to the security council resolution that was issued few days ago. we gave our response to the mediators to a joint delegation between us and our brothers, india slamming you, had movement, and cut back. our response is consistent with the principles put forward by president biden speech with the security council resolution regarding the 3 stages
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of the deal and the terms of the cease fire. it's very, the government has banned al jazeera from the opposing bass. so this, although it is now joining us from the jewel damien capsule, a mine, so what are we hearing from is way the officials to that statement. the goals, really officials speaking anonymously to is really media have in fact blamed thomas once again know for what could be considered a collapse of the ceasefire negotiations. they say that how must remove the key and critical components of the 3 phase deal that was laid out by us president joe biden . these really official went on to say that it from us is inside looking for it into the war. it will have to agree to all of the components with in the 3 phase deal, meaning that the war could end in phase 2 or 3 of that deal. but again,
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both sides pointing the finger at the other slowly why the ceasefire is still not in the works just yet is really official, is now calling on mediators to sway him us in order to get a deal. that is more, i've been changes for these really is put, remember that both sides have incredibly tough sticking points. i was wanting to see a comprehensive ceasefire, complete and to the war and withdrawal of his really troops from gone. so whereas benjamin netanyahu in his government have been changed the same position from the beginning, that even if there is a pause in the fighting, no matter how long the war would continue, until all of those objectives are achieved. so 910 months into the war, we are still nowhere closer to a deal. and how is side so week long campaign to disrupt high protest is shaping up this is something we've seen before from is really protest movements calling it
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a week of disruption. it started off with protests that were blocking major highways throughout israel and the spokes people for these protest movements have said quite clearly quotes, give the mandate back to the people with israel, meaning that they want to see new elections held immediately. now these protests will go on for the entire week, ultimately ending on saturday in a huge rally intel a b like we've been seeing on a weekly basis for months since the beginning of the year, against these really government protests are also expected outside these really parliament and outside these really prime ministers home really trying to send a message that these really public wants new leadership immediately and we're going to think, i'm the son of ho. she's joining us from my mind in jordan because he's right, a government is banned. i'll just sarah from operating in israel and extended got decision of 15000 children have been killed during israel's war on gaza. that's
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natalie half of all palestinians who died since october. many more children have been badly injured. the suffering from trauma because of what they've lived through . only a small number, being able to leave gauze for treatment. funding in math and 8 year old was evacuated to pop off. in the bleak landscape of war, newer was one of the few palestinian children able to leave northern garza in march . she ended up here a hospital in carter sharp contrast to what she left behind. doctors and psychiatrists have faced a difficult task of trying to help these children adjust to normal life and experience that has changed the psychiatrist as much as the child. i wasn't sure if i'm going to be resilient enough and supportive and strong enough the but i was
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astonished by them. i them from them. how big they are, how strong, how does union have been? so a lot of stuff. i think they lost, as i said, to me, this homes in both of their bodies, but the still strong and even when you book those insights and cookies and sometimes, you know, giving you land problems in new or came with her grandmother, her soul caregiver, having bachelor leukemia and malnutrition she now contends with severe burns from the conflict. her grandmother, she now calls mamma, is by her side, every step of the way tennessee, 31 are supposed to have from. she was at come all at one hospital for 14 days and gone to the doctor told us she will die in the morning or in the night. it was hopeless when you taught child, it was like touching wood, but sunk gold. we were able to evacuate. huh. her weight has since increased since being care and she now has the treatment she needs recovery for these palestinian
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children is about seeing a different world, one without the fear of fall and sleepless night. while newer is fortunate to be able to recover and see facilities like this, many still remain in gaza. and as these children have lived through war every day for the last few months, perhaps the biggest obstacle to recovery is the war that lives in their minds. a life after war looks different for each child, but what they all have in common is a desire and hope to live phoning when algebra doha. stella had allowed just sarah that emotional day for millions of books, then they celebrate the laptop and the fact. and we report from the sales, but then i'll region by the world's largest tropical wetlands, around the threats of, to solve its worst buys. all right, cool. the
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this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. what happens in new york has implications all around the world. to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people from mayor of the city and i was doing away with the 1st year that was supposed to get everybody off the street. it's international perspective with the human touch mean way in and then pulling back out again. what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society we want?
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it creates it. all of this technology roommates. do we still have power of choice? age guides, which are truly a tournament incorporating and doing. this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late. so if corporations has more power, making a bill in an entire country, the future is going to be good for the eyes would be nice if to before humans as well by human coming soon or on out to 0, help protect palestinian families from starvation. our goal is the stuff i provided are the 700000 helped meals, sofa supporting 1700000 palestinians that no age is needed to night. use a kind of osaka to provide a live saving food. every mail to native is matched, doubling the meals, and your rewards. help us fight finding the
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. the welcome back. you're watching out to 0 time to recap headlines. a summit to discuss peace and ukraine is ended with lead to some dozens of countries committing to its territorial integrity. they're also calling for dialogue when the war, russia was not invited, some developing countries did not back a final declaration is right. the strikes are intensifying and southern gaza. at least 2 palestinians would be killed and drop off stella's fall. neighborhood, 2 ambulances were attacked as paramedics were covering their bodies organizes of protest and israel against his government of announced a week of disruption. the group, cold, free in the land, says,
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is riley's need is failed to protect citizens. that demanding and actions be held before the anniversary of from us as a tax on the 7th of october. and will simms around the world a mocking the 1st day of the a the of how the feast of sacrifice on sunday. they traditionally sacrifice the sheep, give the meat to the pool, the faithful focus on slicing golf. they sold themselves recording abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son and submission to the almighty. an emotional day too, for pilgrims, the mecca, ending the hedge by emulating his example, that costing pebbles at 3 pillars. an axe, they believe abraham performed symbolizing readiness to reject contention extreme hate as being a challenge. about 2000000 people have taken part a corresponding how's your mouth model as in minnow is more on to key events taking place today? the fees of sacrifice, which is
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a day of celebration for the penguins. in march, the beginning of the end of the journey of has also the symbolic stoning of the devil, which takes place here in the plains of bene. and this explains why pilgrims will have to spend 3 days because in 3 days they will continue to do exactly the same ritual, which is basically will hand down these bridges and then move it around the tents that you see the on the tense, which cover the pillar in bonuses then for the devil, and each time that filters we have to throw 7 pebbles on each villa. it's it's, it's a quite and physical activity and it's one of the key highlights of has, then after this is over they will have to go to back up on a final walk around the car about 7 times which marks the end of that journey. just have to remind to always do it. so when it comes to hubs,
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we're not just talking about a particular place filters. we have to go to mca pharmaca, they would have to go to the amount of all of that the amount of nursing. then they have to go to the what's the problem is that they have to will drive or take train all the way to a minute. and in minutes, that was seeing how to route to this area. back to the tense for 3 days and hate stroke. and exhaustion is a big problem yesterday saw the health authorities said that there was $561.00 cases of exhaustion and heat stroke brush and special forces have free to present guns, held hostage of the detention center and rushes southern city of last of and on all 6, the silence were killed during the operation. it early a broken balls on a window in the cell and took at least 2 prison offices hostage and a golf from to the euro. 2020 full tournament in germany with football
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fans from england. and so they have clashed ahead of a group match between the 2 countries. fighting broke out in the bar and the town of galsen kitchen was matches due to be played. have been reports of several injuries. i'll just say it was done when it came from munich. some stuff was reported to you guys and you find it seems a mess it say the german police all the sort of thing that they've been trying to secure this against. bear in mind that the federal interior century police, the german federal police, are facing the largest operation in the history in securing the european championships in so far as the higher risk. the sizes won't last name only lower out the whole drink sold in the state. no alcohol to can be drunk inside this is the files in the stadium. is that the way the parents organization just trying
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to reset the liquidation of virals inside? they didn't have to be the suggestion that are on to the stadiums. and so that's a good thing. listen, serbian friends very well with each other as they learn to mingle inside the stadium or higher risk means in the back of the thing to say is that the police officer who is in charge of your she said that usually the vast majority is somebody from the 2 countries may well be in good faith, and the suggestion from the body explains why they're making this, getting a higher risk of police in the knoll than german city of how bug has softened into the mine alms with an axe, an explosive device. the
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incident happened ours before a match kicked off from the city and the euro 2024 football tournament. police say they opened fire with them and refused to put down the acts. they say the incident doesn't seem to be related to the game. protest as in brazil or opposing a bill that would make it harder for women to get an abortion and south pile of thousands. march the games. the proposal is passed. it would make any termination of pregnancy off the $22.00 weeks equal to homicide. but also applying cases of right of the world's largest tropical wetlands, all facing a crisis old and $700.00 fives. have broken out this month alone for sales and then outreach. and that's the highest number recorded since 1998. that is also is
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reported to be driven by the new weather phenomenon, global warming and deforestation. it's also damaging the country's eco tourism industry. monica out of q of reports from brussels, authentic rainforest, a heights to the lush green mountains of brazil, the planted green forest. searching for the world's last remaining golden line. tamarind monkeys. pushing this and they're coming. the small copper colored monkeys were once on the brink of extinction, with only $200.00 left. now, golden lion cameron families are growing and have become stars among the tours in their native state. a free addition narrow the success is the result of the efforts to reforest the region and build a bridge over a main highway for safe passage. but throughout trying to convince the forest can,
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can have more economic value that some of a and eco tourism is one of the activities that to be sharing with the locals community. that farmers say eco tourism. a booming industry in pursuit is worth billions of dollars for this year. it has taken a hit with a drought some the amazon and fires in the month. the now the world's largest tropical wetlands. this family from the united states has just been there. i was here almost 10 years ago with a group, and if that time it was very wet, it was like, oh, it was like what our world and it was beautiful and i fell in love with it. so almost 10 years later, i wanted to bring my grandchildren back, it was very changed, much, much dryer. all the rio de janeiro is almost 2000 kilometers from the funds. i know local eco tourism has spelt the fires impact mazda pump on our, the punch and barbara's, it was a quick tourism capital. much more of them are you using the euro. but with the
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types cancel due to the files, we can see of the inbox. there are an estimated $4800.00 golden lion cameron's now surviving and these protected force. but experts say that wild life here and we have shown narrow in all over brazil, is facing serious threats and not only from loggers poachers, and farmers, but also from congress. respond to say, hi, says politicians are pushing for bills to ease environmental regulations and promote commercial exploitation of protected lands. well the golden lion cameron population is rebounding. their future and the planets remains in certain monica and active. i'll just sarah atlantic greenforest, brazil. the clean up operations are on the way along the beaches of single pools sentosa island following an oil spill that happened, the officer adventures struck
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a stationary vessel on friday. the oil slick spread from the shipping terminal to the tourist hotspot pulls as far as the sites. now being to tell you the weather is next. spend inside story the where the hottest month, so many in the middle east and northeast in africa. and the looks on the valley of the kings we are approaching record high, certainly many degrees above average, but that is coming down. we probably can see a cooling trend. it's also costs on the west side of saturday and running up through q 8. and in towards iraq here to the heat, at least in western society, will probably die there. the hot spot is around in the north, the caspian seeing catholic stand otherwise these time sheets that you might think
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that high or about where they should be much cooler. of course, a mostly wrong cause much of iran is mine to this. there's nothing to relieve the heat for the most part. there are few shares, but even they're fading away on monday. so you look at sunshine and virtually nothing else. that's true over to answer the raping. potentially. there was a hint to shelves in the mountains all about through west, inside these actually full costs for macro. on monday, a big thunderstorms i didn't receive or right arrow for maybe just about small jobs . generally speaking, that was drive home. this time the no surprises, the monsoon catches the edge of vermont. it's becoming increasingly cloudy and so long it is up the coast of somalia as well. but typically in this part of africa, it's looking at it to drive those child from the if you, if you have, if you're lucky, $12.00 big ones inside of sudan at all. so you got the
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