tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera June 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST
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can spread over 600000 people, providing 2130000 meals help us reach, move families, especially in gaza, with 1100000 faced common tonight, you could do any with human appeal. the summit of well need is box ukraine's territorial integrity and calls for dialogue to in the world. with russia, there's some developing nations don't sign onto the declaration. the discount? is there a line for me to start coming out separation by when we speak to families and goals as a mom, the sonic holy festival of speed, all of the away from their loved ones and all the grief living. so i'll call you
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the claims responsibility for an attack that killed over a 100 for quino process. soldiers, stall, fuller, canyon and buffet warns against extremes and divisive ideas of young people to vote in the upcoming transaction. the need is from thousands of countries have we, if um, the commitment to ukraine's territorial integrity and cold for donald in the war with russia is the result of 2 days of talks that a major piece, somebody in switzerland where russia was invited, a sponsor of that the courtney and president was optimistic about the results on different months. get us a james page reports now from beckon stokes. so they came to this mountain. this was the result to talk about the idea of peace in ukraine,
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but with the russian or even invited 3 mit was limited to the parameters of a possible deal. 80 countries signed the final communicate with the team, attendees didn't. despite that, there are plans for another summit, possibly with russia in attendance. i am calling to them that together. we will insure the resolve, the doors and the 2nd. the assignments should unite our joint work on the details of this. we are, it's a war and we don't have time for, for a long war. ukraine's closest allies hoping this event along with a $50000000000.00 loan from the g 7 and fresh military support from nato. could perhaps be a turning point of support. and this piece summit here brings real peace closer. the goal is to just come behind, so and lost in peace. this would finally bring an end to the oppression and
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suffering of the ukrainian people. how much clothes do you think you ought to bring the war to an end? i can not tell you when the war will and it's not in my hands. but i know that we are making some major steps towards restoring just in the last and peace be central key words. just and last thing. we don't piece at any expense. yes, 80 countries have signed up to the communicate today. but it was comparing that to the beginning of the war in march 2022, when there was a vote in the un general assembly. a 143 nations voted to condemn russia as a snapshot of global opinion. it's pretty telling james bayes out to 0 broken stock, switzerland or russia is a presidential administration, has been ruled out negotiations with ukraine, but says he needs guarantees. he wants keith to withdraw its troops from fully ukrainian regions, abandon. it's been to join nature where your talents reports as
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well of lead is gathered in switzerland for ukraine's p summit. there was one obvious country missing the country that with its 2022 invasion, started europe's deadliest conflict since world war 2, the russia. it wasn't invited and they didn't want to come anyway. so the president vladimir putin use the summit and he wasn't that to issue his updated times for peace and christ gateway sca ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the nets and the hands of people's republics. the hass on and separate c regional police. these are the full regions of ukraine that russia has normally annexed, but not actually fully occupied well controlled persons demons have shifted since the invasion nitty 2 and a half years ago with hopes of taking keys long gone. and the front lines now lost the static and just as little talk, any more of regime change or ukraine's demilitarization,
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we'll just get you there at the still got to look to complete as well as soon as you have the class that it is ready for such a decision and begins the actual withdrawal of truth. some of these regions where you, as well as officially notified since i have found in plans to join nato, you mean in order to cease fire and begin, negotiation will immediately follow from a side image of ukraine and its allies. always say russia could end the war at any time by returning to its internationally recognized port. is that so i'm likely for now. so to is key of agreeing to pollutants demands. that is quite strong was here in moscow that a for fridays with this proposal we rejected as there is no other way them in the intensify the wall. uh but uh, this is why the guy just way out both sides may be talking about peace, but they both have very different visions of his real reach. happens how to 0
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the palestinians in garza and locking the swan mccully festival of each other. i mean, the violence and destruction cool was by daily is riley attacks. families have become separated on us, hadn't cause our report. some members have no hope of reaching each of, of the 365 square kilometers of the case of god. the distance is usually no obstacle for families gathering for a huge but invading is really forces have divided as of separating relatives from the conference of loved ones have met the other thoughts, country to his wife and children, and not drink on. so from his make shift and indeed, but with a delta dental and i spent every age with my family. no,
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i haven't seen them for safe and successes agents during this time that we sent you of his families and friends. this was divided us and separated us on the vehicle. like if i went to the motion and it was the that and then when i went to tell the whole will that this was on guns. a must stuff immediately give families a chance to be were united. i know who do i have yet? i need there are no more aids for her children to look forward to with their father . he was in an is really a talk on their home loan. we were rescued from under the rubble and immediately after that, my husband lost his life instead. and i got injured together with my 2 sons and my little daughter had her face burned. my children ask
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a lot about their father. they messed him to most during the holy month of ramadan . and are you this? are you as well? they missed their father so much. i. oh, what? surrounded by the ruins of the homes. how does to use god, or indeed been a god there. despite the danger to my occasional tom in times of peace families in garza, i use too much in the feast of sacrifice with the traditional slaughter of an animal thus shared with those less fortunate. but alas to muse here have little food left to survive on. let alone 2 gift is a instead of being handled in and we used to enjoy eating now house with our relatives and spotted livestock for each sacrifice, we will all happy eat the ca is quite dark. as we lost everything that was on everything turned into revel. we have nothing left for us in this life. let's,
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let's say the other is not the 1st to religious festival policy means have been forced to observe during unimaginable loss and hardships. but all of them in cause our whole thing is the last and the delivery as you see it updated. but i got the policy time and the 7 palestinians have been killed in is really as strong like on the album ridge, refugee camp in the central gauze and strip bones talking to the house belonging to the out because he, him family, at least 4 children were killed in the strike, attacks of intensified across the guns with strict on saturday and sunday. now the head of how much is political bureau is no, he says the group is ready to accept an agreement, a guarantees a problem and says fine. he says it also wants a full withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza reconstruction and an exchange deal of the capital. how much showed great seriousness,
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inflexibility in order to reach an agreement that was spared the blood of our fellow city of people and stop this really aggression box. it was reflected in our acceptance of what was mentioned by president joe biden. and his speech as well as our welcome to the security council resolution that was issued few days ago. we gave our response to the mediators to a joint delegation between us and our brothers. in this last week, you had movement in cut back. our response is consistent with the principles put forward by president biden speech with the security council resolution regarding the 3 stages of the deal and the terms of the ceasefire. when i'm living, is there any military says a preliminary investigation into the death of a so if it's so which is in dollars on stop today reveal they were killed by an antique tank ms. so i say it was launched from a short range is really all, i mean was seen restoring a troop carrier that was boned on saturday in the attack from aust as the soldiers
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were killed in an ambush of is there any government has found out? is there a from reporting this or honda salute said this update from the jordanian capital. i'm on the initial investigation done by these really army after yesterday's investigation found that the combat engineering vehicle was in fact hit by an anti tank missile. these really armies saying that usually these kinds of vehicles are equipped with a sort of defense system, but not when it's out such a short range. they're saying the vehicle most likely exploded because of how close the impact was. and that all is really soldiers inside of the vehicle were killed. now the army is also saying that their findings are reporting one. how mass spider along with an r p g, found dead near where the combat engineering a vehicle was taken from him as the saying that this was an ambush. and it is worth
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noting that these really army had initially said that perhaps it was some sort of explosive that was placed in the ground. but just about an hour later, they said that they were looking into the fact if it was some sort of antique tank of missile that was fired from a short range. and these really military saying that those are their findings at this stage. but they are still looking for more information as to why that defense system. on the c, e. v didn't work, even though it was such a close range. and just to remind it, is there any government has found out? is there a from operating in israel, extended that decision, which is why honda joined us from neighboring georgia. the non degree playing to al qaeda has claimed responsibility for the killing of more than a 100 soldiers in booking a fast. so early of this week,
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your time took place in muncie le, near the border with new shad. and the government stormed an army base that the group says it's fighters, have seized control of it along with vehicles, weapons and ammunition. it's one of the deadly as a taxi on the has suffered diminishing governments in booking of foster news yet and not a whole struggle to contain violence. in the so health region of last thing is had a visa health program at the conrad as an a foundation. he says the high number of civilian kennings, invoking or foster is causing more anger, fueling support for arms groups. the government's laws of finding more. i mean, they started offensive, but the, they don't rely much unprofessional. so just, you know, they recruited 52060 solve for them to yes, many of which got only a short period of training. so that kind of. ready narrow booth to, you know,
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make some losses and it's, it's not very efficient. and unfortunately, we have almost every day, you know, an incident, alexis, maybe not tons of numbers of people killed. but certainly in terms of incidence right now. yeah, probably 5060 percent of the tar joey, which is effectively outside the government control only to copy to it if i got to go on to sex and sit people do that. so i kind of secure and the government is trying to define weapons, say maybe military partnership. this is rochelle. yeah, they're, they're not very successful. also in the army of tax, you know, human rights to. ready ported out of, you know, civilian victims. they're just kind of puting this, you know, in search and see, you know, people are getting. ready candidates. ready and yet is so it almost stops again, commodity and a nature of similar problems, but the countries i'm much bigger so it's the ultimate and malia media and the middle of the day as a waste and settlements. you know,
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father smart assaults and 3 countries very densely populated, so the, the conflict is always boy group. and whenever the army attracts or do you get this attack? so you have a lot of the city again, you know, that being reported killed and many more, you know, you know, saving and big time stuff makes it so broken and also so difficult to fight because you can't avoid settlements or so has on the al jazeera nearly 2000000 pilgrims before the last major ritual upon just muslims around the world celebration age. plus the something new on the horizon for a bulk of stones lined rivet dolphins once believed to be extinct. the . i'm sure it's getting cold by not in by day now in,
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in the capital in camera and also a good part of victoria. new south wales by day is any back from low teams. the most pop a little bit driven up the coast of new south wales, including and sidney warmer in post, proper rain, running through kind of a lot in line on will spread down through rest australia to the bytes, generate some shots and defense. you reach a positive se started, maybe you can outline the suns that by this time so little bit better and probably feels a lot better in sydney and using the rain significant on monday. no file is still there and i'd like to form was a cold breeze into christ church during tuesday. the sun storms that we saw recently in sort of way, so you probably no longer going to be arriving. they've moved a bit further east towards west, papua, and north. my local job looks dry and have decided the seasonal rates should be present. it was, but it has to be showing itself to be still around. but this is where you might expect to find an outcome. 30 something via more, especially in the north of me and by and thailand. and of course in china. and
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the washing out is there, a minus our top story is this, our summit, 2 discounts piece and ukraine has ended with lead us from dozens of countries commissioning to as the territorial integrity. quoting for john on to, and the russian wasn't invited. in some countries didn't back a final declaration was really strong, so intense a fine in southern gaza at least 2 palestinians have been killed in rough as town. also, tom neighborhood, 2 ambulances were attacked as paramedics were covering the bodies and hawkeye,
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to send the h at on group is claimed. responsibility has beginning of more than a 100 soldiers in virginia fast. so earlier this week, one of the deadliest attacks, the countries call me has some is full of and 10000 people have gathered in leon and from some protest against the fall rights movement had for elections. at the end of this month, the demonstrations come off to the national rally policy one, i have a fancy to send them to vote in european parliament elections, french versus we'll head to the polls again in 2 weeks, 2 elect members of the lower house of parliament at the polls suggest the national riley is doing well. now, on the eve of francis 1st game of the european championship, football captain came down and by fe has called on young people to vote and wound against extremes. you will see defended his teammate marcus to rome. who had cooled
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on the country to fight every day to stop the far right. national riley from winning desk on the, on the engine of us from keep the shortage of y'all's. i think we're a generation that can make a difference today. we clearly see that extreme is through out the door of power. we have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. that's why we're all young people to go out and vote for me to truly realize the importance of the situation. a sale but not to use a racial justice activism, co founder of the colonial liberation fronts. he says that national riley is trying to reach french voters through famous influences is one of the main thing. the national row for him to do is to seen acceptable and miles to fresh people and to, let's say alex,
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people and dos. what are we the perfect because maybe, uh, uh, or for other reasons. uh so yeah. and the people, these people, uh, calling out on the racism under is option on the, on the paper work, or is it an older and ready to start this? well, i think that it kinda distances into uh, origin taina senate has naturally approved a controversial economic reform bill this week announce despite widespread protests against the legislation turned into a violent confrontations with police. police, fussy people were arrested stories of by reports. and when is there is the violence has led to concerns about how the new government handle social unrest that they had been waiting for the news of their relatives for 2 days and have come to this quote in front of site is to find out where they are you know, to accomplish husband, time on his daughter on granddaughter were detained last wednesday,
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doing violence. that happened. why congress debated precedents. have you had any legs, economic reform, bill alignment documents with more than 200 proposals. the family says they were sending in but not as a to pick a local food on the street. the 3 of them were taken by police. we tried to pick up our things when the chaos started. my husband and my daughter started walking with their hands in the air so they wouldn't get shot. the police threw him on the ground, my daughter in granddaughter trying to help them, but they were all the team. at least 34 people were detained during the protest of the confrontation, but foiled and was some of them were involved in violence. had many others were not those arrested face accusations of insurrection and terrorism. the government says wednesdays protest i part of a plan to get heavy enemy lay out of office. that wasn't the neil. what happened is it could, as far as it's understood in the 21st century, there once
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a week in the government, so it loses straight into what i, what i shall go. the senate has no narrow li, approve the bill. since taking office may have been post a new security protocol on the streets, people are not allowed to block the roads. these has increased tension with political organizations who want to protest against the government. probably had to be lazy, implementing the harshest berry to plan that has left when groups and other movements on the street. and that has already shown 0 tolerance with this group. and that's why 21 rights organizations are extremely concerned about how this government and those defense need mean yes. has been fighting for human rights on her life. she's a lawyer challenge the military during the dictatorship in the 19 seventy's and eighty's. now allow me to compare protests with the crew to have a prosecutor investigating it and to have so many innocent people arrested,
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shows us that our democracy is at risk for me, the way it looks like you're not assigned media and 14 others were released on saturday because of lack of evidence, those involved in violence that's remaining present but they were rest shows, some of the challenges have you had any faces as he pushes for radical liquid nomic with 180. so we'll just see that point of sight as well as non just tropical wetlands, facing a crisis move and 700 fires of broken. now this month alone in brazil's continental region. but this aust is reported to be driven by the nino weather phenomena in global warming. and deforestation the same problems, a damaging eco tourism across brazil is monica yanna cave has been finding out in
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the atlantic green forest heights to the lush green mountains of brazil's atlantic green forest. searching for the world's last remaining golden mind. cameron monkeys appreciate this said they're coming. the small copper colored monkeys were once on the brink of extinction, with only $200.00 left. now, golden lion cameron, families are growing and have become stars among tours into native state. a free edition, narrow. the success is the result of the efforts to re forest the region and build a bridge over a main highway for safe passage. but throughout trying to convince the forest can, can have more economic value that some of a and eco tourism is one of the activities that to be sharing with the locals community. that farmers say eco tourism. a booming industry in brazil is worth billions of dollars to this year. it has taken a hit with
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a drought some the amazon and fires, and the pump, the now the world's largest tropical wetlands. this family from the united states has just been there. i was here almost 10 years ago with a group, and at that time it was very wet. it was like, oh, it was like what our world and it was beautiful and i fell in love with it. so almost 10 years later, i wanted to bring my grandchildren back. it was very changed, much, much dryer. although rio de janeiro is almost 2000 kilometers from the fund demo. local eco tourism has spelt the fires impact mazda point on our, the pump to november was it was a quick tourism capital. much more of them were you using the euro. but with the types council, due to the files, we can see of the inbox. there are an estimated 4800 golden lion cameron's now surviving in these protected forest. but experts say that wild life
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here and we have shown narrow in all over brazil is facing serious threats and not only from loggers poachers, and farmers, but also from congress respond to say hi, she says politicians are pushing for bills to ease environmental regulations and promote commercial exploitation of protected lands, while the golden lion cameron population is rebounding, their future and the planets remains. in certain, monica and active bulges, sierra atlantic greenforest, brazil, the blind rivet dulls ins, once thrived in ages. in this river, all the way up the stream to the foothills of the himalayas, the numbers have dwindled over the is due to human activity along the worst of course, impacts on. all those areas come all high. the reports from rory on the banks of the industry around of abroad. another girlfriend save in another successful rescue. but it's
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a constant struggle to save these mammals. it's rented in sin and the dividend decision go flag due to a lack of rain. here the fisherman's board cling idly dirty eroding bank of the river and filled the blind doesn't come up to breed before diving through it. shallow dip this treasure of the river, and rory over the thank judy under the watchful eyes of the stuff of the water. why life fun order w w? if we join a team to find out more one phone than their binders in the river in the us, they're now on the list of endangered species. mark efforts by wy, like fun and conservation organizations, are trying their best to save them from extinction. we're driving with them in a board and they check fishermen's net to ensure that no dog friends are caught up and unable to go. so if it's to be monitoring the job,
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our job is to save and rescue this unique species of blind dolphins from the fishermen's nets, which are spread all over in this river. w. w. s. has created so much awareness among the low cost that they immediately inform us if these dolphins come across any crisis and we respond and risk effective date in the end. does girlfriend one sluggish for all the way upstream to the, for tears of the him? a lead by done now can find only 200 kilometers. stretch of the lower than guys in the silver dolphin is an endangered species. and we have only 2002 of them left in flux on. they have various factors that are contributing to it. stick line. the top one is that we have been dodges and infrastructure which are diverting water from the enders for integration purposes. and then dolphins accidentally swim into it
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addition canals and they get stranded their conservation efforts proving effective . but the future of big mamma is still hanging in a precarious balance where the dispute is against of why it's fall from sucking gum . i like that. i just need a rory bucket done. listens around the world and marketing the 1st day of the ego of the feast of sacrifice on sunday. the faithfuls focused on placing gold before themselves for cooling, apprehends, willingness to sacrifice his son in submission to the almighty. that's an emotional day to full pilgrims in mina, nan, mecca. they have started the final rituals of the hans stream. he's has been a challenge. the pilgrims test him. i had bought a report from me in a day of
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