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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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send you out from al jazeera news at your fingertips, the us attempts to de escalate tensions on the israel. 11 and boulder way of fighting with has the laws displaced tens of thousands of people on both sides. sammy say them, this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up, life is misery, hardware on sale in paris, but it's rarely is banned from one of the world's largest palms fast. at least 9 people are killed in thousands injured in a train collision in houston, india, russian president vladimir foods in set to visit north korea. can german close to
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him and invincible allies the, let me begin with escalating violence between is well and has the law and this riley drive and is killed the member of the lebanese group in the latest across the border exchange. as long as you say, the trying to tax a call, the outskirts of the town of a chevy in the south, the entire district is ready. the army also struck several towns with missiles and vaults hillary concerns of growing of an all out war off the both sides stepped off with tax and recent days through a special advise that amos hochstein is in israel. meanwhile, for tools to prevent further escalation, he's meeting prime minister ben, you mean that's and yeah, and all the senior officials hochstein will also travel to lebanon in southern lebanon. many towns and villages are in ruins, off the months of his riley bombing. some families are returning to what's left of
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that holmes to mock the most them holiday of lead the you and says nearly 90000 people have flight the area. as always, right, the government has band down to 0 sum reporting that so i'm the sounds who joins us now from the jordanian capital a mine. so i'm that, let's start with that visit by the us diplomat. what can we expect out of hawks stein's talks with these? right? the officials, the full, the us, the visual has now met with these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. israel's president, is occurred, solved as well as other senior defense and security officials. but it is worth noting that these released himself had said that any sort of diplomatic talks will not be the solution for the cross border fire with his butler. in fact, we've been hearing repeated remarks from his really officials for months, including israel's defense minister, who himself has said that he's not afraid to turn bader into another gone. so the
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exchanges of fire have intensified, not just in the last couple of days, but we've been seeing an uptick inactivity over the last several weeks. and i'll remind you that this all started on october, the 8th just the day after israel's war on gonzo began. additionally, these really prime minister held in assessment just last week where he ended up deciding that he would extend the evacuation of those towns and settlements in northern israel until at least the end of august. and people from the north are saying they're furious with the government for not dealing with this issue. but these really have said they are not afraid to go into a full out war which has been law. also today the as a prime minister, dissolving the war cabinets once, prompted that move as well as you'll recall, just last week, national unity member benny gans and members of his party decided to leave the war
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cabinet quite publicly saying, but not much was getting accomplished on the war effort and the nothing yahoo didn't really have a plan for what was next in terms of gone. so not the country is in dire need of new leadership. but on the other end of that, you had members of netanyahu's zone coalition, members of the far right known ultra nationalist who now saw a gap in the war cabinet and demanded that nothing yahoo give them a seat at that table, but it's something they had been demanding, essentially, since the beginning of the war that they wanted to be involved in decision making, even though they didn't have any military security or defense experience and their personal political views didn't align with what nothing you all who said is official is really policy. meaning no voluntary migration, a palestinians from gaza and no re construction of illegal settlements inside of the palestinian territory. so what will happen next will nets and yahoo,
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we'll meet with a small group of advisors, mainly israel's defense minister, perhaps the army, chief of staff, people who were involved in the war cabinet to begin with. but he will ultimately be the decider on how the war will be prosecuted now. and he will have to make those decisions along with the country security cabinet for any larger decisions that are regarding a ceasefire. and i just want to add that a member of mentioned y'all, whose own party has come out in the last several hours and said that this is a government with no accomplishments. and that perhaps it is time for the country to head towards the elections. so that there can be new leadership for a different kind of governance within israel. let's think i'm the south hope she's reporting to us from my mind in jordan because he's right. the government banned down to sierra from operating that us last spring. and now john list all of a mazda and joining us and the other side of the is right 11 and boys joining us
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from baby route. so 1st of all, talk us through how see me a figure was killed and that is randy john strikes today. so the uh as well uh, fight, uh mama, dire was hit earlier today informing, in the time of shuttle. now according to these early g, d ad or the real kids unit within the muscle division down those as well, are staying tight lips and not the 2 fun. yes, but what we do know is that she is the 340 seconds as well off i to, to, of being to by israel. and this comes off to a week in all up checks and strikes. and the 1st student strikes my husband off on the israel following the instruction nation of that combined. and tyler, there's some of done the night in response to that. is there any is have been hitting something, nothing on daily, many strides, encouraging them to tell them to know to just a few days ago where they said they had to has some munitions warehouse. this of
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course has been denied by hezbollah. and again, today, strides on in the south, depending on how much you strikes, which of also displaced many lebanese from the villages and towns along the border . tell us what bath facing a lot of cool assess, according to the international organization for migration will the 95000 residents of southern lebanon have been displaced by these fighting. they have had to move north to schools. i visited some that have been sheltering in abundance hotels and they've been staying with loved ones for the move. i'm friends now today or the holiday. i'll be many, there's room residents hub. in fact, with tons of the south, there's going to more loved ones and visit the grades of those kids. during this fight, this to the top exchange of why i sent some type of data between us block. and
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these are the defense schools that going to check on the hers, if on check on that belongings. and just this comes despite the attacks today, yesterday or weeks that i've been. is there any strikes on something that them, despite the fund there been no strikes? my husband are in the last 48 hours on that northern israel. now in the town and back for the municipality that they worked in time. and with the left, nissan forces to help residents visit the cemetery and the most traits and loved ones during this on the day of the all right, thank you so much, jen. list all of them. austin, that on the grounding, garza is very full, is all continuing a tanks across the strip heavy onto the re foreign aerosol. it's been reported from the north to the south in 10 says strikes heads off or whether it's ready. tanks show the market. many palestinians have been false from that homes, remain in the southern parts of the strip as roused blockade on gauze has been
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going going, finality, 9 months. along with many basic items, it's meant that fuel is hard to find when it's available. it's expensive. as a result, people are resulting to basic methods of transport might using don't. key costs and bicycles thought about assume and gaza tells us more before as were launched at school in goza. costs of driven by don't keys and horses arrest. the only thing the goal is a strip, but today, they have become the main method of transport for people moving around and such as food. they lose the cities, or typically it's very bombardment in the center of casa, in one of the huge, really busy a streets of dairy bella, cause i know rarely seen of the time using the card because i have no other authority. if i want to visit my sister and i will say dog and i had been waiting here for hours to move, we don't have any other means of transportation with little fuse,
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any available here. another way of troubling is becoming popular pipes that kills people from all walks of life. want then, and the only demand is sending prices. so rick, from the people have been buying more bikes due to the lack of fuel and the fully involved going employees. don't garza kind of thing and started to repair the old bikes before october. the 7th bicycles were cheap in comparison to price these today, before the war, a bike could cost just about $50.00. but now that's the reason to up to $270.00 a month for displaced. people like that. the little money is bicycle is essential, as he strives to get his family members what they need to do. i will tell you, i need to go to the bicycle now for me, it's priceless. i use my bike to go to the market. i sometimes cross 6 kilometers every day using it. i even use my bike to bring water to my family. my boss has
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everything for me now i'm it will as the force to constantly seek what show to the can under the threat of constant is really attack postiani and find themselves forced to use move primitive means of transport to sit bones. palestinians have been doing whatever they can do to cope with the increasing hardship and their daily lives, bicycles, i'm thinking costs have been the last remaining solution for the transportation crisis close by the queue crisis here in the gaza strip. start recognizing how did the wrong, gary, but i kind of fine the at least 9 people have been killed in thousands injured off for a freight train collided with a passenger trains in india's westbank all states. india has one of the most extensive roadway systems in the world. much of its infrastructure is outdated.
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sample salvi now start drilling in westbank on a tourist spark nestled in the himalayan foothills. the sea of india's latest rail accident. a trained carrying cargo is suspected to have missed a signal and crashed into a passenger train. the force was so severe, one car was seen rising into the air. jim rode off, i thought i got the train was going slowly, and another train hid from the back and outright and turned upside down. the bottom, the thing is i felt i wouldn't survive, but with great difficulty. the rest of you was pull this out. i didn't feel we would survive. it felt like a big jump. but thing 2 of the casualties been monday's crash were really personnel . initial reports suggest the collision may have happened when the driver of the freight train missed the signal. the accident is one of hundreds reported annual, outdated signaling equipment is often to play,
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but i mostly see like the initially the close looks like human error, but we will know more of to the inquiry. but human error is something we have to control as well. the world's most populous country, both one of the world's largest real networks. in recent years, india has spent big money to upgrade a step with modern stations and electronic signaling systems to improve safety. but the aftermath of this latest crash is a reminder. india's national real system, operating 14000 trains and moving 12000000 passengers every day, continues to have one of the worst safety records in the world. same bus route. the oldest russian president vladimir puts in his to visit knolls, career on tuesday for a 2 day trip before heading on to viet nam through to and has limited his over sees travel says means that i shall criminal court issued arrest warrants to him last yeah. tony chang reports. well, that's all to stop henry, north korean president,
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tim john, celebrating russia's national day in killing. yeah, we're not russia. he said it was an invincible, allied head of a visit to asia by vladimir putin tongue tip. the significance to me is that you know mr. pollutant is traveling around like i is a statesman. he has the allies, he has partners, he's in the brakes, he's making moves, and those are the thing that he's losing the war. i may have to think again, his 1st visit is to north korea, for 2 leaders who don't travel much, president kim and puts in a well acquainted a visit to russia last year by kim john. seems to have cemented an agreement to buy weapons from p on yang. in february, ukrainian prosecute has said russia to play 24 north korean ballistic missiles, hold on most miss their intended targets. 14 people were killed and 17 inches in the attempt. the next stop is vietnam, the alum appointed president,
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and the last month will be eager to welcome one of vietnam's closest historical allies assigned the recent political turbulence. this settled down. gotcha. is one of the major power of the world. besides the u. s. china and even india. so i think that's why that and i'm try to keep the very strong, tight and close tie off the relation between the 2 countries. that modem vietnam has made new alliances. diplomatic relations have flourished with old enemies. accounts of balance to china. us small ships a welcome to vietnamese waters and pollutants visits may not be well received by vietnam's, new friends. vietnam actually has moved west close to the us to the west in some way, so, but not on the russian aggression. so the put in visit the woods, that'd be a bind for, for getting them to, to hold and carry out this balancing act to be hotter. russia holds
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one in fulton, county, china, india, vietnam, even sing a pool. a major consume is a russian fossil pills. and that's likely to mean vladimir putin receive a warm welcome on his agent to tony chang. elders are still ahead on al jazeera, the chinese premier visits australia to mend size on the use of diplomatic tension . differences haven't gone away the the, to k as you know, it should be the dry season in indonesia, then i haven't, but we've had interjection is pretty heavy showers recently. so otherwise he born here and more recently west java. and i think they may be repeating themselves. so jakarta looks like it could be a risk,
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a 3 day full cost does give you shout all that off for next $2.00 or 3 days. it's not normally very wet button, so this is a little unusual. this is rather more usual, this is a seasonal right, not a problem, right? so if given recent flooding in your non quandary and we'll do the same anywhere south of the anxiety of that line also extends through japan. so anywhere from congress, even to tokyo, we'll see in the next 2 days, heavy rain, possibly some flooding is result that goes out of the way of japan, but then this pulse moves north of the young sea through will hand towards shanghai . so it's check guys to, to get rich and this is not imagine anyway, i took this straight from the local forecast shanghai 3 days of moderate right seasonally correct, but probably not much fun that you follow the line back. this is the monsoon rain and then the line comes through the the bang go so much of the western side of the dense everywhere south of good you rest is shumate, but everywhere, no, not yet. in that there is still too hot and includes new daddy bernacki,
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the israel's war machine is decimating entire households. and because in the words of those who supply and with the help of the palestinian journalists felt lights tells the housing story of 3 families and investigates us complicity the world's most beautiful in decades the night to bolt. and by doing this was the 1st part, 100 is just the in the the,
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you're watching out. is there a time to recap on headlines now? and is there any drive and is killed that has belong member in southern lebanon, and the latest across the border exchange? us special advise that able, strong stein is in the, as ralph towards the tribes prevents in escalation and fighting between has to belong as well. as well as prime minister has disbanded the war cabin and he phones off to the october 7th. so tags, and you mean that's and yeah, who says he may create another groups and limits consultation on sensitive issues. fronts is hosting. one of the world's biggest um says, but it's government is banned, is ready funds from taking pots. the defense ministry says fronts as opposed to, as well as assault on gallons of southern city. over off, i'm sorry. sure. buffer reports from paris. one of the world's biggest says your century and bill company r. s. companies for more than a 100 countries exhibiting the latest weapons defense technology. but missing this
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year is randy companies and by the french government 2 weeks ago, because the deposed is israel as operation in russia last week of french quote, whole, say, band, any attendees, the could be linked to raise the arms firms. the events organizers explained the ruling in this letter. we hear by inform you the chorus events being subject of a court decision. they to june 14, 2024, requiring to prohibits employees, representatives of israeli companies of your century, trade show and to prevent the promotion of the activities and any commercial inter mediation. the rooms have victory for these and people campaign is someone to of the case to to the. 2 drug remove most of because the central presidents over the, in the world and the friends, the major companies, the,
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i'm afraid really none of the executives and we spoke to wanted to discuss the fine i'm the events organizes declined to speak to will some camera about the issue bought a squarespace and said that they would appeal to court decision. 74 is randy companies will shed you to take part in the fed. some say the french government's decision is discriminatory. they say they weapons over central to insure israel safety activists say that being used against palestinian civilians is actually about to out to 0, paris australia and prime minister and to now the nice he says he's government is working to stabilize relations with china following several years of diplomatic tension met the chinese premier in camera for talks that both sides describe this candidate. the jang is the highest level chinese official to visit to australia in 7 years, several congress thoughts from the capsule. the navy one welcome to
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premier lady's visit to the striding capital. hundreds converged on the moons upon them in house, with probably beijing supporters clashing with human rights groups. made his way. premier lee was given a ceremonial service, a cannon salute, and an official god of all not. he's the most high profile chinese leading to visit the strategy a since 2017. as well as this type luncheon depaula ministry address. defend for a continued inside parliament house for the 2 countries looked to find common ground. there's no fixed model for a stipend large relationship. add your piece to make sure that we manage our relationship so that we can contribute to re jewel in glovers taste. and prosperity also on the host's table for discussion was regional security in the in the pacific region. and the further pushed by camber to convince beijing to a band and remaining tried restrictions on exports,
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such as lobster. other barriers on key exports such as cold and one had already been removed since the election of a stride. his labour prime minister in 2022, china described the tools of candidate, both late as a green reopened dialogue which you bought in yes, in less than a year. we've made each other multiple times and we exchange visits to each other's countries. this shows the great importance we attached to the china australia relationship. it also shows that this relationship is on the right track. with tensions do still exist, the can, but publicly voicing. it's all positioned to beijing, military confrontation. with the striding motion in the south. china sees the question is now where it's and it's trying to, you're trying to calm down there is a positive cooperation and manage those tensions without. then once again cloudy, i followed the railroad. i'm the abilities to talk to each other. so what was some concrete progress cuz may during the visit, the 2 countries on civil agreements to corporate on tried education,
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climate change and culture, as well as intellectual property. premier leave visit paved the way for present changing painted to estrada. he's already been invited by prime minister anthony alban easy, but he hit to accept the invitation or set a dice, or clock out your 0 camera. brian scripts are accusing badging of violating people's rights, religious freedom. let's off to china removed arabic features from the grand mosque it's renovated in the province of do non human rights watch says the chinese government is trying to stop the practice of a slab. paging denies those claims. katrina, you has more from the chinese capital on the ground mosque and show the end was once an impressive symbol of islamic culture ad influence in china, southern united province. but last year, work began to transform it today. it's dorm has been removed, replaced by a traditional head chinese pagoda study. so it's just one of more than 2000 most to
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be renovated or destroyed. in recent years. part of government campaigned to bring multiple places of worship and the chinese influence and character. what's it represents really is an attack on public expressions, a big as long as all the people being most low and not 7, such as about harmonizing why the baby ones look. it's about insuring the misconduct of stumped out presidents eaten paintings less dimensions. the plan to quote synthesized as well in 2015. it became part of the so called strike cod campaign to stamp out what the government considered extremism. within the week of muslim communities in tion. jump provence. experts say the intention was to bring as well on to tell you to state control and more in line with the communist parties vision of being a chinese muslim. you've got this narrative that's emerges from the tax. the basic, the says that, well, theoretically the risk of chinese and of waiting to be muslim. but boston recently
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is with basic the contact with the outside world that has been a deviation away from the natural correct cools of as long becoming chinese another is on the communities outside of city. john has not been subject to the same treatment as the weakest, but dev mosques has not been exempted. and some have protested last may. then this of the claim was a minority faced of the police officer, the 1st renovation of them or not tell you you done the doing with the most because now been removed and coming is policies. slogans can be read at the entrance. this initialization campaign doesn't just to go well. this is neil jeff was in neighborhood engaging with are plenty of hello restaurants. here, with the arabic scripts that wants to don't shop front has been replaced by chinese characters. a ton is foreign ministry has defended the campaign saying, respecting and protecting freedom of religious belief has been a basic policy of the chinese government. it ensures the normal religious needs and
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safety of believe it's united. shoddy and mosque was the last major mosque to retain its arabic style features. the soaring minarets are no longer there, and a chinese flag now stands tool front and center. katrina, you all do 0 staging. the most sense around the world, the celebrating the 2nd day of a, the alpha is monks, one of the most significant holidays, and this time at a 2000000 tobin's to possibly symbolic setting of the devil and back home savvy ravia ritual marks the end of the hatch cove, i'm a jag, begins all to see how she might have bought a reports to us for mina says exceptionally high temperatures and making this the extremely chat challenging. it's about $49.00 degrees celsius. i'm 0 forward. these are saying this is the peak of the temperature. since the spots of hodge, i have to step out of the frame. i'd have to use an umbrella. it's really,
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really hot. let's just to give you an idea about what is happening. the pilgrims are now performing the 2nd day of the t, which one of which is the symbolic stoning of the devil. they would have to walk all this distance to the pit is that you can see to my right covered by huge tense. they are photos. these are saying that pretty much concerned that they're asking people to thoughts the stoning of the devil later in the day by the sunsets. and they have been saying people should take extraordinary measures, particularly when it comes to the umbrellas. but i have to be honest with you, i'm realize that i'm making any difference here, especially if you prefer to stay the whole day performing the hutch and with expecting of the cross to swell by the upcoming hours. but i think most of the studies are going to be performed tonight and later tomorrow because tomorrow is
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going to be officially the end of the trip a minute with pilgrim's. we'd have to go and to back up for the final total off, which is the walk in 7 times around the cab of call the hatch for many years. but this one has been extremely, extremely challenging for the simple reason. really hot, very, very hot. and most of the rituals they have to do outdoors. i'm just thinking about the elderly and people with chronic health conditions. it's going to be extremely difficult for them. as a taco stand in mexico city was recently awarded a michigan stop. that's one of the world's most prestigious commentary on us. but in a country with co stands, like just about every blog. what makes the best tac toe to? they gotta, ya know, visited some food spots in mexico city to find out what the mexico tacos are everywhere. and if they can't, they can tell you the lots in it be they're looking for my low midi quintessential
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to this country's culture is might yeah geez, tequila. and being yeah does, there are tens of thousands of taco stands and restaurants across the country. now this popular staple is also the recipient of a michelin star. this tackle stand on an otherwise non descript mexico city street was recently awarded the prize, which is catapulted to same hours long lines now form every day to get a taste. but for tackle lovers like the might of the end that the new found fame is just a distraction from the main event. the taco itself looks like it's over just to provide for people who have no idea very briefly describe what is a taco brief. okay, that's our goal is at the video with something on it, but i thought a be yeah.


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