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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request. the protest is rarely outside is rarely prime ministers home as old position known as against his handling of the gauze of the entire palestinian families have been wiped out of the war on garza is killing multiple generations. the jessica washington. this is from dell also coming up. russia's president is heading to north korea for to day trips, and just strengthening relations. and plowing on ukraine's grain exports
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a back to pre war levels of production problem. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is facing mounting pressure for his handling of the will on gaza. thousands of protest as a rallying in netanyahu's home in west jerusalem. they cooling for early elections and to cease by ideal 9 protest as have been arrested with crowds gathered outside parliament as part of a week long protest which began on sunday. well, that's happening. hours often espanol who disbanded the war cabinet. it comes after benny guns quit the group cracks have been whitening in the cabin is because of the conduct of the war. meanwhile, a us special adviser is holding talks with is rarely lead, is a thought of efforts to prevent an escalation of finding what has been the most
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hockey will also travel to 11 on both sides have stepped up a tax against each other in recent days. will have to salute reports, it's too soon to know what effect the protests will have on the government to remind to israel has bandages 0 from operating the so she's reporting from jordan's capital a ma they have been quite disruptive just 2 days into the week. they started off on monday with blocking major roads in big cities all throughout israel and in west jerusalem outside these really parliament, massive demonstrations that ended in a march to these really prime ministers house, where at least 9 protesters were arrested. several others were injured. as is really police use water cannon to try and disperse these demonstrators who are calling for new leadership. one of those arrest is actually a family member of a captive still being held in gaza. now these protesters are asking for a lot of different things. they're not just asking for new leadership,
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new governance, but they're also asking for new elections to be held immediately and calling on the government to to accept any sort of ceasefire deal on the table that will ultimately end the war hours earlier in the day. we did see in one is really parliament committee, families of is really captives essentially scolding the government, saying they're incredibly disappointed with the lack of decision making. and the absence of true leadership protests are expected to continue throughout the entire week. under reminded the israeli government has banned or to 0 from operating in israel. that's why honda was reporting from jordan, a journalist, all of a mazda and has moved from beavers on an is really drones drank, that's killed a member of his blood in set, in southern lebanon. this morning. there wasn't really a miniature strike on southern level. there was a drones pipe on a car. no, it has go off. i tell them to mohammed i was killed in that strike. this was
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confirmed by his law and he is the 300 and 42nd has the fight to to have died since october. the 8th, no. the is really ministry claim that he was the member of the rocket unit, part of the division of hezbollah, the 4th, as usual headquarters thing, tight lips, and there's not some time this. this comes today, this is one of at least 8 strikes. fight is really ministry on the southern level, not including in the town. if i to a shop which has been almost reduced to rubble in the stripe. now this fuller's a week of intense strikes and uptake in the 1st floor. the tit for tat strikes. my husband on the is really military following is early as estimation of color, semi abdullah has the come on. now the strikes are continuing and the last 48 hours has been to in terms of the start of the last week. but as i said,
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having so many strides from has a lot to 8 or 9 strikes today on the ground in gaza. is there any force this account at least 9 people east? a for alpha? the city was hit by a series of strikes on monday. while this really tanks shells a market. any postings forced from the homes, remain in the southern part of the strip. as a new investigation has found between october and december last year, at least 60 palestinians last 25 or more members of this family in his really bombings in gaza. the associated press news agency analyzed 10 of the deadliest is really strange between october 7th and december 24. they collectively killed more than 500 people. with the a p says notice the strikes appeared to target a military objective. no, was a direct warning given to those inside mainly residential buildings. one family
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last at least $270.00 members in a densely, in an attack on the densely populated jabante, a refugee camp is rarely bombs wiped out an entire block of buildings. nearly 14 members of the same family lost their lives gauze as health industry says, 300 palestinian families have lost more than 10 members. doubled the number of affected during the 51 day war. in 2014 israel says it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties. but the world's top course, the international court of justice is considering whether israel is committing genocide in garza. i add up to us is the accountability program director for defense for children. tell us time, he says israel is deliberately targeting civilians in gaza. i meant to deal with the incidents. there is no warning to from the side. so uh those, uh, some it is uh, and all of my store orders that documentation indicated that the display as was
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done to get that without the snap, a water tank and uh, which slipped to the can involved many of the drawers from it is among them. to that and so, and this is one of the questions about the what a few political us got the family as well as the family member or more without it. yeah, they are to see of what i mean or not. and the other incidence, the inform us that the literacy watermain but the time spent was not enough in order to effect you with the place that has been thought to get that. or the nap or a house or a building was target that without that, that knowledge. so what it is that a, it is, it's not the initial to what stands. on the contrary, we believe that the body of the military is the strategy is
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to clear the life of civilians in order to push to but the pressure on the resistance, the group, in order that to a certain done this explains the high number of schedule. it is a month to be honest among them to that the president, putin says russia and north korea will strengthen the ties and develop trade that avoids western sanctions. good news heading to north korea on tuesday for a 2 day trip before then heading to vietnam. he's expressed his thanks to appealing young for supporting moscow in the will. in ukraine. tony chang reports. we got to pick up 100 north korean president, tim john, celebrating russia's national day in killing. yeah, we're not russia. he said it was an invincible ally. had a visit to asia by that an impotent hunter. their significance to me is that you
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know mr. pollutant is traveling around like i is a statesman. he has the allies, he has partners, he's in the bridge, he's making moves. and those are the thing that he's losing the war. i may have to think again. his 1st visit is to north korea, for 2 leaders who don't travel much. president kim and put in a well acquainted a visit to russia last year by kim john. seems to have cemented an agreement to buy weapons from p on yang. in february, ukrainian prosecute has said russia deployed 24 north korean ballistic missiles hold on most missed their intended targets. 14 people were killed and 70 inches in the attempt. the next stop is vietnam, the alum appointed president, and the last month will be eager to welcome one of vietnam's closest historical allies assigned the recent political turbulence. this settled down, that's it is one of the major power of the world. besides the u. s. china and even
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india. so i think that's why that and i'm try to keep the very strong, tight and close tie off the relations between the 2 countries. but most vietnam has made new alliances to the magic relations have flourished with old enemies. accounts of balance to china. us small ships, a welcome to vietnamese waters and pollutants visit may not be well received by vietnam's, new friends. vietnam actually has moved west close to the us to the west in some ways, but not on the rushing aggression. so the put in visit the woods, that'd be a bind for, for getting them to, to hold and carry out this balancing act to be harder. with russia holds one important called china india, vietnam, even single pool, a major can see him as a russian fossil pills. and that's likely to mean vladimir putin receivable welcome
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. on his agent tool. tony chang, elder 0. well, richard advice is a security specialist with we case drop, that's a global risk consultancy, and he joins us now live from washington, d. c. richard, thank you so much. this is letting me put in his 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. what is the significance office visit and what might each of the leaders be looking to gain from this visit? i think food is, are selling multiple goals with respect to north korea east trying to consolidate ties. north korea has been moving closer to russian recent years is now supplying armaments to the russian military and ukraine. in return, russia has provided assistance for the north korean space program, oil and other deliveries, and this can further consolidate spouse tides. second, it sends
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a message to other asian countries that russia is an important player in the region . as you mentioned, he's going to vietnam afterwards. so this shows price is still active in the, in the pacific region as unimportant on strategic claire. it also has sends a larger message to the international community, particularly the west ross is not isolated. and this is occurring right after the recent conference in switzerland when the in the u. s. and ukraine and other countries to assemble to, to basic claim it criticize and work against russians, actions in your north korea itself is enjoying the ability to break out of a cell nice solution. uh, north korea has been under extensive sanctions in recent years, along with restaurants. this is an opportunity for them to help get additional assistance and perhaps getting some leverage with the north, west, south korea, japan,
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even china in the united states. and in terms of the visit to vietnam, i suppose that that is a very different situation because that's a country that indeed is not isolated on the world stage on like north korea and perhaps roster as well. indeed, vietnam is attracting visitors from all over the world world leaders like president biden president, she didn't think it is an area. it is a country that uh, worldliness. want to be engaging with a yes. vietnam has been and they, and very scouts of lead playing off ties with china, russia, the united states and now there is a price and then buying was there last year? president trump point. there are few years ago. and now, you know, it's been a long time partner and rival that china, and it's been in, in russia that had extensive ties under the soviet era was vietnam. they withered and as they did in north korea and the 19 ninety's. but present improvement has
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made an effort to revise those to re establish again russia's bonus. he does as an importance receipts and player and asia. right. richard wives, thank you so much for your analysis. that's richard lyons, who is a security specialist with which he is strong. thank you, richard. thank you. crane says it's great. exports have are tons of levels seen before russia in fated. the farm is wonderful, is hovering production, at least 20 percent of farmland has been mind occupied by russian forces on homeland reports from keys. for the 1st time, ukraine's great next bullets are back to the levels before the full scale invasion says, the countries acting agricultural, minnesota, the east for months have increased as they can exist up to 7 your phones, but malls will not work. that's important, not just for this country,
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but for others who depends on their a mess are invited in 2020 to locate, stop ships. transporting grey are you in broke? the deal briefly allowed them out, but it ended in july 2023. much of the countries grain was stuck once more. according to the agricultural minister, things changed late last year when you cried and secured the bike from shipping very from the countries. odessa pool down through the black sea is a possibility to expose to was alexi is that is all 1st of all, immediate, the actions around me that the people have been able to make some lexi safe for the ships to move. you can, you see drawings a missile strikes to push back the more powerful russian navy officials say the countries also have been developing other words to get great now. so that's like truck to the done you river. we see really all as a green sector in ukraine is trying to add up to, to new logistics,
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particularly by using the danube. so definitively, as it was a country, and the i would say, particularly is a grant sector in inside the region is very, very adapt achieved to a new situation and try on ways to find its way to, to explore their challenges ahead. ukraine's carly exports in the grades that it stood up when it couldn't get it out for one spot. school and other factors are gonna start taking. that's whole like the fact that about 5th of the countries agriculture land is even under russian control will cover it in mines. and that isn't helping production. a lack of finance and insurance for the countries problem is, is also an issue. this year, the acting agricultural minister police production will actually decline by 5 to 7 percent. but at least as it stands, the great produced will be able to make it out the country on home. and i would
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just say to keep still ahead on that one to 0, a trickles into sit down stuff for as a humanitarian crisis deepens, the last on the stronghold in the region remains on to see the policies in the gaza strip. as is the last continues, there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes his readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide south of donald trump, now i don't think so,
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and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump part, looking at this as selective justice or weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage, both ukraine's a pro 10 most close approach thought that a 100 percent different. at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera, the, the challenges here with the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, this is a reminder of our top story, is this, our police have been using water cannon and very is to block thousands of pros, testers, gathering is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu cooling for early elections and to cease fi deal? russian president vladimir fusion is heading to north korea for to day trip. the 2 countries planned to strengthen ties, as they try to sign step west and sanctions. young young has been providing russia with women, sports invasion of ukraine. the world food program says it's a truck ser incidents down for region for only the 3rd time in 2 months. the wsp says they carrying food to support 160000 people. the conflict between sedans, army, and the parent military rapids support forces, has caused one of the wells west hunger crises. the un says
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a 3rd sedans population, that's 18000000 people. all starving or fighting, continues in the city of old fashion. the rapids afford forces are reported to be advancing on the city if the student is on these last major stronghold in the for the r. assess, has been trying to seize control of the city. and the u. n says it feels ethnic cleansing if they are assessed captions of sasha. as the former us envoy to sit down donald booth spoke to my colleague, sammy's, i done about those fees. i think what will happen really depends upon the general imagine and how much control he has over the forces that are actually on the ground there. i think if the rapid support forces or are as if have any intentions that are trying to have it governing rolling through them, they're going to have to show that if they take elf osher, it is not going to be an ethnic bloodbath. the tribal divisions, there are,
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are immense and decision these have to learn, to frankly find a way to govern themselves in a way that can and it can address their diversity. so this is really, i think if the are a self does take out flasher, this will be a true test as to whether this is they have any, any possibility of ever having a claim to any goal and governance. and so then i have not seen any indication that there's any desire for international engagement intervention. as you know, of vision these government at that time lived the by general behind insisted that unit made the un mission into our for terminate back in in 2020. i think if the you and had been able to stay on the ground, this could have mitigated some of the the atrocities that are we've, we've had reported the, the critical thing to understand is that the r as f as a creation of a bus year, redeem and is it an armed forces?
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they use the ginger weed, which is now the r s. f has evolved from that. they use them to put down rebellion into our for and now those very forces that they used in the past of to do their bidding are now challenging them in their heartland in khartoum and, and then just the other state. and then i'll valley the 11 migraines have died and 65, i'm missing up to 2 shipwrecks off the coast. sell them easily. a german charge. he says it found a sinking wooden boat. while its rescue ship was in the area, the survivors were handed to the as holly and coast guard, and taking a show, the 2nd boat settle from de camp, but overturned of the catching fire. ahead of us, public health service is cooling on social media companies to display awarding levels on their platforms. the design would be similar now to those now mandatory
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own cigarette cottons. the surgeon general says, social media is a contributing factor to what he calls a public mental health crisis. he says young people, especially teenagers, are exposed to the homes of social media use. and he's cooling on congress to intervene and compel companies to have cushion labels on the platforms. well, in a freed is the chief technology analyst with the ex he, us media company, and she joins us now live from san francisco. thank you so much for joining us. on audra 0, let's have a discussion 1st about what we know about the impact of social media on young people. because the such in general there has talked about. indeed that not being enough evidence to say that social media can be safely used by young people. i think it's very hard to know the exact impacts, you know, with smoking it was a lot clearer. you didn't have to do anything else risky. if you smoked a cigarette, it was unhealthy, and it was unhealthy for all that didn't mean everyone got lung cancer,
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but it was pretty unequivocal. i think with social media, it's more complicated and i think we're going to hear a lot more debate because there isn't a way to prove it easily or for every one. and in on this, understandably, this would, of course, trigger backlash from the social media companies. for sure, i mean they're facing a lot of criticisms, some loss to get some state bills, but definitely they're not going to take this particular action lying down. and it's important to note that while the surgeon general called for this, it would require an act of congress. and that hasn't happened. but yeah, i don't think we'll see that social media companies just accept a big warning label me. what is the likelihood of something like this actually happening? i think in today's election year politics probably not very high given that congress has a hard time even passing the necessary bills. i do think it signifies that we're
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not done with the discussion and indeed it's very much an alive an urgent conversation around, you know, what are the health impacts of social media on the young people? i think this is really a call for more discussion as much as anything else. all governments around the world sort of playing catch up because of course, every year there are new platforms as take talk, the snapshot this instagram and did you have these discussions progressed enough from your perspective? governments are always playing catch up when it comes to technology. that's true today. it was true last year. you know, we're moving on to a i and they're still regulating the social media of yesteryear. that doesn't mean it's not important though. it doesn't mean that regulation can't be meaningful and effective. i do think we have to be careful that we are focused on the right battles and not fighting old battles at the same time. social media is still very much impacting young people. some of the harms that have been warned about for quite a while are still issues to grapple with,
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particularly around the body image around the healthiness of conversation in general. and then of course, we're coming out of a band dynamic that also created mental health prices. and dana always seeing examples of the successful regulation of social media in particular on its impacts on young people in other parts of the world. as we're seeing different approaches, everything from time limits, i believe in china, if i'm not mistaken to title a regulation in australia where they really take the online safety concerns more seriously. in the regulator, there has more ability to take action. i think some of those approaches have their strength and benefits, as well as downsides in terms of civil liberties. i don't think we've seen anything in the united states that has been particularly effective at limiting the exposure of young people to social media. and it's the most harmful impacts, right. you know, thank you so much for your analysis. very interesting insights there. that's in a freed who is
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a chief technology analyst with axioms. bank land slides have killed at least 6 people in central ecuador, 30 or missing, alter, and tie and neighborhoods. we've washed away. torrential rains across the region caused rivers to overflow, flooding streets and homes firefighters in the us stage of california trying to contain the biggest 12 bias. so fall this year. the blaze broke out north of los angeles on saturday and is still not under control. the flames are being fueled by high temperatures, low humidity and strong winds. more than a 1000 people were evacuated from attempting side authorities of one tens of thousands of others to be ready to leave. if the wind changes of the tourist has been found dead in greece in a week after a period of on usually hold whether the 55 year old americans body was found on the
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island of must ocoee temperatures sort above 40 degrees celsius. earlier this month, the start at the holiday season. well, that's it for me. jessica washington. the weather is next and then inside story, we'll examine how this is weather conditions of different from those before. be back in a moment, the the, if it's flying into shanghai, take it umbrella, start off. let's say that, but this is the season when the significant rains in cells in china stopped to migrate. study know if it's they produce flooding. they have done, it's easy to find online, the country, people film it and posting it. and every now and again that goes through japan. and by the time you get to choose days, probably getting ready and took it with us on its way higher than japan's fairly
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dry. but then this moves up through the yankees or we'll have across the shanghai will be wet. and the last 2 or 3 days, i suspect it's a line that takes you back for you not to was the northeast of india, all of which causes flooding 3 days and shanghai right in the full cost 29 degrees she made with that. of course, this should be drive that moment into an easier way necessarily be again, and your cost is at risk of some significant shares for a day or so at least enough to both to borne year single poles to and central and something to monitor. or if it shouldn't really be switching the name, and that's the monsoon shop page. no. if it's more or less this line here at the moment and it goes up through and towards westbank. go. verity is so everything on back because he's a big thunder storms and this flooding is result in that hypothesis. bengal noticed that there is still hot, dry, and dusty warnings are because of the heat wave on the,
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on the pair. this journey is taken by countless refugees fleeing danger. to mid me, perhaps worse than death is the survivor the syrian refugees seeking officers searches for disappeared, assist my vice, a witness documentary on adjust. storing temperatures, fitting records around the world and severe floods. the storms are becoming more frequent and unpredictable. so how does this is where the conditions differ from those before? and what is that telling us? this is inside stored the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm told mccrae mull regions are experiencing extreme weather conditions in some places. that means storing temperatures. wallen, others,


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