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tv   Bone Hunter  Al Jazeera  June 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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so i'll just areas move i last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and tapped on a new app from out to 0. news that you think is it the whole rahman, you're watching all just area life from the top stories you as president j biden's special envoys size. washington is working to avoid the grades of war between has blonde as well. hey, miss hochstein says that she's been meeting that been these leaders and they root has blog, has increased cross border rocket attacks in the past week out. the israel killed one of its top commanders, hosting. also matthews, ready to lead us on monday? let me be clear, the conflict along the blue line between israel and because bella has gone on for long enough. innocent people are dying, property is damaged,
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families are shattered, and 11 is economy continues to decline. the country is suffering for no good reason. it's in everyone's interest to resolve it quickly and diplomatically that is both achievable and it is urgent is what of the bombing has continues across. the goal is the strength of tax on 2 homes and understood refugee come killed at least 17 palestinians. the victims have been taken to unlock the hospital and out of the bottle, strikes wells that are posted in the ridge refugee can honey. my mood has moved from the bella in central golf. we receive a statement by the holtzman, the 3 confirming that within the past 24 hours, that was looking at at 3 atrocities committed by these really military. now the majority of these atrocities a big are committed in the central area and the eastern part of the a region now has
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a refugee account here at the central park of the gaza strip. at 25 people confirmed guild, 17 of the only in a new site. right refugee academy and the overnighted talk them to a residential homes that at least we're looking at to $57.00. all the critically wounded are between allowed the hospital. let them in the right if you can, and here at the city to see and inside the hospitals are still dire place. and can you find to a guns to disperse, demonstrates as running outside parliament to protest against any finance bill, which includes a rise in taxes and fees or due to those in the coming of so many of those entities as new taxes and levies that would increase the price of goods such as price because when you reach us as the measures will boost government revenue and reduce following the power minute free, rapid support for students who dont have been accused of burning and destroying
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a village in no scuffle states. the governor of doleful regions has released a video showing pending homes from the village of rudy. the area is near the sides of recent fighting between the sudanese army and the power of military forces. russia's present document, peyton is on his way to north grand for the 1st time in more than 2 decades. now he's arrived at goods in rushes. far east on these inspect it to travel to pyongyang. later on tuesday evening. boots in strip is aimed at strengthening ties and guessing munitions, as well as developing trade with a voice less than sanctions. styles as adults, as in south korea, have taken part and a one day walk out. now that protesting against the plan, by the government to increase student quote. as a medical schools, the government says it's necessary to address staff shuffles. but adults, as opposed to the planning site, live time, the quality of education and patient thailand has legalize same sex marriage, the senate approved a marriage, equality bill. that'll go full final approval for the king thailand to become the
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3rd country and asia to allow same sex marriage up to taiwan. and the poll talents from the prime minister text and said it was tons being charged with insulting. the millnicky is being released on bail talk soon, allegedly insulting the monkey in comments made during an interview with a south crane newspaper back in 2015. he denies any wrong doing. heat holdings have been issued across parts of canada. temperatures in the south and central regions are expected to climb as high as 35 degrees celsius. the full cost of say it could feel as high as 45 degrees due to humidity, or if i were to use have ward canadians to take precautions against heat stroke. you can follow those stories on all websites of thousands of adults comes updated throughout the day and have more news and just into hoffman house time. and next time i'll just say it's bone hunter to stay with us. the
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for more than 20 years after the bosnian war, one man is searching for the bones of his piece on the set of hospital in the course of data pointed. not to just set them yet. and those will give you a phrase for the bones are all that families have to lay their loved ones to rest for you. so what is your mutual village of the person who sees it like to me from my belief, even though we don't do the piece by the the
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. 2 2 the most most most the, most of you want to escape. 2 the
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every day since 2002 rem is new, catch has been scouring the forest for the remains of victims of genocide. although they themselves have disappeared. their memory lives on and they hunt the minds of their friends and families. a few rooms these woods with the sole purpose of finding human bones which can be identified and fine and easy to read the the breakup of these has not yet begun in 1991, when the republics of slovenia and croatia declared independence, 6 bitter wars followed by the republic of bosnia herzegovina, paid a high price for independence. no more. i said i missed it on the box. when he gets back out, i'm gonna get out of more than less than a not a member to the bosnian war
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started in the spring of 1992 and lasted for 3 and a half. the in the summer of 1995, one of the worst atrocities in europe since the 2nd world war was committed here. bosnian serb forces under the command of general rights comm law ditch occupied so that benita on the 11th of july 1995. in the following days, 25000 women and children were forcibly removed from the town. and $8000.00 men and boys were systematically killed
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during this no charge, it's reported from the beginning, so on the 10th of july 1995. the next day was the last that his mother, however, saw him a nice the slow yeah. down as the route the calls you may not see so far it goes wrong on a to to on. i bought the toner on just a swim drawers for mitch, but across from me there's a sort of in so cause i must pass. the news for the committee is on my coat, most of the tools that are going my already the most importantly because i've used memories that still han survivors. how can i go back to me as a mobile several on the go to pc not in the summer. okay. not good. so good. i'm not supposed to. so is it specific at
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yahoo is that, oh no the at that time we need, do you have to do a much you one on us at the, at the e on a on designing dotson la donica, near dot new to the, at the news of the after the war, international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia prosecuted those responsible for the atrocities committed. instead of any so, bosnian serb, a civilian and military leaders were tried for genocide, rape the mass execution of bosnian muslims. the tribunal handed down over 160 indictments for crimes against humanity, debussy and so forth as to whether web wednesday embarked on this general side venture. so it's a hot, empty coast would continue to plague through bus new muslims, the penis jump out of states on the equip. okay. did zillow contends inappropriate
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stems, deep and lasting injury to inflict that then close to must, that got it, set up really need somebody, its proper name. general 2nd. the remains of 7000 civilians were found after the war in mass graves and scattered through the woods surrounding 70. so of a thousands more have yet to be found. a native of these quiet tablets around his new kitch survived attend the sides. his father and 2 brothers did not of his own will. unpaid, he's devoted 16 years to an early thing and providing gusts ortiz with thousands of bones for the analysis was really you can sit on this video. so the single comment is very close to nobody else. in the there's a t t only for movie or some $200.00 or 40 pool. so surface will do
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for me. you go to the, to the local. doable lot is look for me. feel i paid, you know, to our complex the tom is lives near. come in each code better to in the days leading up to the genocide, people fleeing said they need some sort of refuge in the woods around this village . after the bosnian serb army attack, elderly women and children fled to the un based and put to chatty. but the army pursued them, found us put to assess the initial purchase and advice wisconsin law that
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suited customers tommy's on is cut out of the holly to estimate because that is very school to at least the and as i said, it looks like it is going ok is to so that's it because the years and then fit for military service and older boys who have come from 70. so for me to call them and escape through the woods, toward what was known as a free territory of twos, long to call them was constantly fired upon the 1st mask, and things took place in the forest surrounding communities. compared to the houses belkin asked for the latest i do, the 9 united us that you would put something in us to allow us to use it on i put so when we can use the the as long as many, then as long as it's funny we should mount tight tide, you know, do the closest for mazda, was it you said they were just equally,
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to pull over these new stuff among those killed and come in each competitor near the house where robins was born, where his father and 2 brothers, one of whom was 17, the old one. okay, did you neil pointed assessment on it? i can sooner but to quickly like lettea is i'm in a soft load the book on committee and wanted to touch windows on the woman composed the stella. i p area. if on the d c, an easy is know and include disney stuff like inquiries. um yeah. and well, you know, the police um what it allows us to the normal food. it's, lisa says, no, it's not the
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most. and it's, you know, levels around you need monitor, you know, can be like literally equation the b that's the only thing with a level. so when a guy submit us a symptom, after 6 days of walking in july 1995 rama is in a small group, found a way through the bosnian serb forces cordon and reached as long after the war. and 6 years. as a refugee rama is return to its family home. your story with an over the nickel chevy. lucky stores on to eat. glad to read the nissan norful them. interesting to me. some of the solution. give me a not a for a month. this is know that we can do a full month ok food, the bug in its funny ramos,
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1st found bones while clearing lands near his home in 2001 you personally, me see love. but i'll show you with us. see under, from paying late dollars not, you know, be personal knowledge in bunch with a you, you for some different, a lot of good stuff. not good or some of the new read model they listed on, on. most of them usually will. all it doesn't create or, you know, so we don't deal suicide. maybe on a is open to up the one on the go to you still over dinner, cuz i'm zillow 0, me, 70 to start. i not going to stay with those to pull the lives now. you want me to do is all. i'll talk to the morning for what you're in the interest or not the dollars you not, you're not either really you to come down to your to talk with us on the city to
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look with the notary nissan window person. you know? but the no, it's not to use with 100 on the computer, so i'll be there. no, no, no, no, i read the the audio, the actual you'll be most of them cost at all. you know, those are the low cost of data pointed out to what we just said. um, you know, what would you say slowly to go to talk with a say we must your thoughts here. what would you tell the most, the most, all of those, these are the
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deal with this and why you will do is to to get all i get you over to the lady. portal. the see how is local phonology mail is not, is not, they might cost you to talk to him. put on the course the talk was on talked in a talk. we didn't, i thought the all the loan will come into know but full. i do see available,
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yes, that any of you cost or who are so. so do you go to the dentist say, can we just focusing on idea of the, the 1st exclamations and processing of remains found in the step in each. the area were led by international forensics teams. among them was cut off ski polish anthropologist in 1996. she had worked in areas near cumming each co,
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berto. it took me my business or waiving make, or when they go to sad because we came with sure to convey of kind of. so when you were working nato's, it'll pass up to the, to and on the both sides, each past this tiny book face in between place where a line piece of clothes or tools, open luggage, smart luggage, some smart backs. and it was even in one place, a book open book, and when we was flying pages, so i came in so but the diesel and then we came on the top and the menus about the lease way was
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a piece of clothes is through the way it's the resume open positions that i did was made the biggest impression because the command of it, some of this between july 95 and september of 96 was dropped to about this close from may be think switch pencils to prison should have been to the beach which thing, but look, usable, pushed through the way. so it was the biggest impression throughout the day before about this before, because i was over the years. but it's for some of the people who had to go with even pencil, trying to sort of vice and, and the way through through visual tippon. and there was
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a dead bonus with the dog. so it goes in the community to boss. perfect. so that's another
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thing obviously, cuz i'm also you can disappear no more of nicely could look on this. no, no, to naples. no, it does obviously. so it says not to 13 you missed the previous week or 2. it will to be i'm not in the movie so you're not sleek on a movie. safety may not have both of those long funding. and not just to go on. boom. i know your cell name on eastern are you in the middle? not the only the stuff the because who knows,
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who knows who i'll go meeting the do you need me to do anything that will be able to take any photos and all the those i'm looking for the move they said they faced in ot doesn't go through and all of this, not can you give them a draught, a 3 tiers and it's not good? no, not to use me model minute. i'll, no, i didn't know team will get on. it will don't. well in, on you not feeling well, patient petroleum nurturing good greeting. your knowledge of singles nation think okay, good. no noticed love the model of the the soonest dental. well initially i know
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what to put the team on. put them into the slope in a team. oh, it does or you know, it generally doesn't put really wasn't much if the did you know to but 3 as good as give them hold a control of it, you know, to talk with a minimum 3 just to go into therapy once the
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courses to go to task and look at them we're going to do is we have moved from model to to so nice will not force on to of course to what i'm looking to delete from. are we going to come when the power is new? i mean it as me is going include, came to some one on your list. it doesn't really appeal it to you and you might not nissan as mutual or testing more. and this time i can talk with some people called new i seal. if it were costing a little money, so enough would reopen annually in no cost on a scale generally plus monitoring, i don't because it is okay. and who knows? thrown little some boom and window system plus, you know, some people are not seen on the super seed deal. missed at all.
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it's not always a put to good the sooner you initially and didn't know to get a minute or so take on to it as simple as meaning, you know, and, and all of the month listing, looking still posted. they might with me model exclusively listening what they do not keep the can come with a story, se phone i can grant and i on the people there is a deal for like getting a new account style style bonus. oh, nice. well meals pulling up. well. she knew the thought simply a garden, the but in school we saw the easy button. you're supposed to a nurse, the numerous, the news for beautiful causing it to cause the not jermanti,
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but they'll be going football. and then me and then um the problem does not get to me when a good hope it will actually be you have to give them to the need to to which way. but if it's now let's see here. now you go to the, to the working class community driven football club with some remarkable funds left leaning socialist politics. what you see on the says those are the beliefs of the funds to pays for phones and discrimination. wide focus, bringing people together. it's quite unlike anywhere else i lost my lot,
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white sports football interest on ours is it runs the places that are now side and dry, you know, wind up being a site or a dryer place to said. now we occasionally did heavy rainstorms. those are likely to be even heavier, if we don't get ahold of it now, get the problem under control. we'll just have health the, the latest news as it breaks is really military has been forced to stop locating a blockade on the gauze. the rest of your limit exam 3 of the spend sold goods with detailed coverage, human rights organizations have well to come the u. s. decision to place as well on the list of countries that violates children's rights from the ha. so the story,
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the shortage of water is adding more mystery to the live of tens of thousands of palestinians, the of the challenges that are with me. so roman in the mind of all adults stories us present . dr. barton in special ed and voice as washington is walking to avoid a great to war between has belong and israel aim of hushed in has been meeting lebanese leaders inmate has the law has increased costs. border rockets attacks in the past. we have to israel killed, one of its top commanders. holstein also met is way lead us on monday. so it's very bombing has continued across. the goal is to strip a tax on 2 homes and understood the refugee come killed at the 17 palestinians. the victims have been taken to alexa hospital, indeed,
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as bella strikes will also reported a garage refugee comes place in kenya. and the find take us to dispense demonstrate, just running outside parliament to protest against the new finance bill, which includes a rise in taxes and fees are due to vote in the coming hours on the new bill. it introduces new taxes and levies that would increase the price of good such a spread, present medium retail says the measures will boost government revenue and reduce borrowing. the power of military rapids support forces ensued on have been accused of funding and destroying a village in no style full states. the governor of thoughtful regions has released the video shaking dining homes and the village of early. the area is not assigned to a recent fighting between the sudanese army and power military forces. russia's president vladimir putin is on his way to north korea for the 1st time and move into decades . he's arrived and it's in russia's far east on these expected to travel to
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pyongyang later on cheese that evening, facing strength is aimed at strengthening ties and getting munitions, as well as developing trade that avoids weston sanctions. thailand times legalize same sex marriage, the senate approved a marriage, equality bill that'll go for the final approval in front of the king. thailand will become, besides the country in asia to allow same sex marriage after taiwan and the poles on thailand's former prime minister tungsten said it was, has been charged with insulting the monkey he'd been released on bail tax and electrically insulted. the monarchy and comments he made during an interview with the south korean news paper back in 2015, keith, an ice and the wrong doings. and of course, you can follow those stories on our website at algebra, adult comments updated throughout the day. i'll be back with more news and then i'll just even use that in just in the hop. nice time date, we return to phone hunter. the
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the, the remains of rom, this new could, his father and brothers were fine. and they found a couple of years ago in a mass grave not far from nearby, stepped in need. some years after he began searching for his family, he could finally laid them to rest, but there were more bones to be found. and he continued scouring these woods to help others also find closure, the local government. this goes over that they go to talk with discuss, welcome talk, with little less what the. oh no, i want a movie, but the analogy cool is i'll leave it on the near the local more they can hold on to the bus, will exceed the local person. but you think we mama, there's really no, no, no, not in the sea and i move on east of the little gosh,
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it was one for the when i'm logic does not treat but i've got you guys moving forward it on the left side of me and locksley, facebook and this is the, the, the,
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the to remove of the, the, it goes to the kid always needs please. bio bethany. okay.
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always stay. there's no b. so the
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movie, so movie some money to deal with it but will not one ok. you would ok, ok. ok personally in either the email, please give me a
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call in order to see the low promotion noise that you want to use. the for that not your knowledge of bod, pretty cost. but it's a non de la e email every now the 3 goes to don't line is that our vision g triplicate provide assessing on the door to pursue must see or set your talk with as you know don't move in the system is the most it shows that the building still could that is likely is loop of food check. when ramos finds a bone in the woods, he contacts the missing persons institute of bosnia and herzegovina. you saw dick's, the name of which comes to health promise. members of his family also perished,
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and the agendas tied to the closing post though to the $41.00. so they most of the time of the 1st and no gale booth is mine. whatever the deal go to is the phonology. and when you the of the are the only 2 most of the, you know, here most of us on is actually not sure what to do to say that. but there's lots to . ready proposal so if you want us to put the set up of issue though, no one is sold because that's good. well, this is actually what i want you to do to the disclosure. you will just take the, the,
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the, the strategy is to, to, it says initially also this to uh, promotional plus a basically for the 0 contracts. uh, what kind of the little card to uh you speak to, to open up even the put that k o. ok. we mostly little coronado, no please. your says, oh cup. what's the use to a new list of yours to to the last to mission equity in the last of most of the head to of nuclear novels most. so if possible, the, before, i mean i said team queen or it was you not that in the so she 6, i'm not sure what to do with the ritual to deal with the, from the model. can we move over to focus
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a little to, to one of the, the, the, the, the, to me. so steve will go to the comments, go with the mistake and then it can cause zillow. does it create that? let's see, is if you the trouble will be and it's what done as us, it goes with it, but you just don't know. it will have to be a good neo, i throw, i swear to put up little to those place. but it that goes up. but it really costs a lot of really guys to have cuz he had the coolest knowledge of them. is illegal really going to store according to the missing persons institute. the remains of
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nearly $900.00 men afflict bosnian serb forces and step in each. so have been found in the split, the media only is oscar forced not to the but that's really sonya to my team. are you within one foot the whole like august to do you have a cool job of doors to so nerve who seek me across the saw the stuff which is nothing 1st, this is going you know up the hill. yeah. for the 95 you where you all of the of the whole day. so those little that with whenever you just in order to sunday,
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the percentage kind of really on the mobile protect that. yeah, i kind of lose this live recently. all these got the key for when i called the the nurse to sleep. nicole, for me, i don't need a quote for us to go to the legal work when it comes to the food. this is the the the, this route see over here. the relation to that, the doctor for you. oh it come in. so come it's global sales tax. let's say the whole is on the same model and what that was, that it was a super that is politically
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a and many of the to the no, it goes to see the, the, the local to the below. go to the select the to be a, go the post of the saw a post advise the advise via z, but prorated. so yes, so the, so those you are that you would, you need to go, you know, the code for that book to stop but, but due to me, the, the 830 to do you, are, they got all these up uh, let me send out our visited with us to so that when they started to search, the cost of that good, i don't have a nice day you bucks it out of the tool. so to think, i know these are the images that will come in sort of the normal cost is supposedly the goal is to assure after
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a criminal investigation and exclamation by local authorities, the bones are sent to a forensic medicine facility until slow the river. this visit is us advanced, was not to sell, forced a few to below a decrease. so being an equity for the city of the man that's kind of do, i just want to saw that in a me please to be more on our easiest glass in cost off the car. nitrous about the can you call? somebody told me, i don't, i will tell you probably multiple, asking us tell you what was your question, what was that i call most likely not, i don't use a portion of income mentor. the mentor, the notion plan was the
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nice study or, or if you're going on central email, i'll give you this at the tragedy of learning. now 9 months we also have a cleaning the,
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[000:00:00;00] the . 2 2
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the every year, the 11th of july, the identified remains of genocides victims are laid to rest in the same location where they one's thoughts rush huge into un safe haven. i put a tiny, tiny memorial center your step in each. so the size of the eagles and see the knowledge of this. this is media to helium started my look. see if this to be a good and am i on? i said, all i have to make the sonata, you know, some for something to you in the email so, so that you definitely, you know, you know, the does not turn it back. and then of course go knowledge. it does not, you know,
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it's getting loaded and it does not trans mush decreases because all it ever would like to move us to test from the 2nd grade and then go to north lincoln losing the cd, which usually we could send to the teachers could do for my 2 kids, the scoop and now is the more than sitting on the other side because the table and asked those sony to put so much for me. you see the thing about us through the spindle was the email portion. i would say there's a mazda of the she bought it, even though it's not. it was for the cable into way. you're sure the for sure. so it has to, is it to is already here?
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well, now she and so there's my phone honestly. so she had other than, you know, i mean, we use nice nice use of pressure and usher nicole to start the company and i wanted to send me nickel, nice readers to print and got them in stores, minnes those and say, don't go to the new tanika bush and the person feels the booster, the now to new miss it us what they understood. all right, so what is your initial village of the pull some difficult moment. seem to ministry program nickel. what was the sleep was no wonder longer that slept in the does the visit? doesn't bother city,
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they are going down the apartment. yes ma'am. the mike just who's luck on the other stuff. yeah,
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so you can see how much you will and if you didn't throw it in take or not, you know what you really sort of pulled up right now is your body and what i most know would you cause i'm unable to actually increase of an odd to illness for me to close the case a magnitude cuz he didn't want to pollution policy will put a new the which equal it was um, you know, not on but it just i want to name, let me quote that or significantly negative for it's cause a missing the, the body of books to go is never which and most seo this embody the last of the 2 bottom was as a crashing. and you're seeing the my there, i know to do my head on your used to talk was he has them. then i have to for the dream. uh huh. okay. say like,
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this isn't to target the to we may have to the last the last course to create the often most of the time they spend, conversely, with my work on thursday because of his sense of compassion and understanding for people that are put on there. sometimes he has also compassion and understanding. what is it for me? because he knows he's members. i mean, excuse me. i'm sort of what i can understand people working every day because it is like a nice a this is, this is just nice me some, some of these,
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even though we don't do the pci the, those to me, i'm not sure your condition not to the full circle funding, then i'm going to guess tell us the sun is to stick it on the go. see some component
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is on this will cost is in the loop as long as you own that you're supposed to meet . so nobody even more than what you say will know to see as you know, and you can pull that are some all i want to came daily news of the . 2 2
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the hello say more, very heavy right into the southeast of brazil recently. it does stay raw, that this stuff to this line of clown here. that is this. what is the station the front which is bring producing some heavy a bus override? it will slip a little further north with an, a specific go through the next couple of days, but to see if tuesday more breakdown pulls coming through up to was power required of tools, bolivia, and up to also your northwest of the accounts. and then we are looking at more, have you showers, we have seen flooding recently,
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deadly floods into equity. warner afraid the showers remain very much in the full cost over the next few days. rather, more widespread here is you can see as we go through where to stay. so expect to see the flooding made was as a result of that. and we could see further land slides to me while some very heavy right to central america. tropical display, i haven't seen a nasty little system just around the gulf of cap price of the western side of the gulf of mexico. this is a developing tropical system and we all can use some very heavy right into that eastern side of mexican, of an old sites pushing up towards the south of the us. meanwhile, scattering a shout as caustic right of islands like flipping around. so the caribbean is known as jen reach. roy, that's what the weather was hoping. parts of the us. we've got right further north and still hot to the east. the unique perspective, one picture is not going to tell the entire 8 months of the genocide. however,
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it is bringing attention to advise that this has not been rough and looks like we're off. it looks like it's now on heard voices. we've been seeing the exacerbation of the militarization of the police over the past 10 years. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere, both in a region government and other companies are stealing indigenous land. the stream on out to 0. on counting the costs fewer a plays catch up with the us in china and what's being called a competitive this crisis. can india is private as up pushed through economic performance with a refused to parliamentary majority of how the how should pilgrimage is boosting saudis. economy counting the cost on al jazeera award winning program from international. so make yes, we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore and abundance of wells class programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes,
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stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on alger 0 the the silver um, and you want to know just it renews online for my headquarters here in hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, a trip that could have labeled consequences russia's president vladimir putin is set to touch down in north korea for the 1st visit that in nearly 24 years. us special envoy, a most hochstein is in a route working to prevent an escalation of hostilities between this route and has


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