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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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how old is the . ready for the night is ready as strikes target and a palm and block in kansas city in the north of this trip. at least 6 palestinians have been killed the until mccrae this adult is there a live from? so coming up tensions between israel and his beloved ranch, shut up. as ral, approved special plans and living on as his beloved release as the violence videos of sensitive sides in his room. the platinum at present arrives in north korea for
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tones with kim jong own is the russian president's 1st visit's pyongyang and 24 years. we live at the south korean border, plus my mother says that i'm 50 and the colombian capital with our tens of thousands of teachers are protesting against an education reform bill. currently being discussed in congress. the we begin in dallas or we're and is ready as tronic targeting in departments in the north of the district has killed at least 6 palestinians organize the attack happened in kansas city just after midnight due to the lack of electricity. residents use the light on their cell phones to help civil defense cruise trying to reach the victims. a number of wounded had been pulled out of the rubble or in central gonzo de is riley military has carried out strikes on major refugee camps. attacks on 2 homes and look around the cam killed at least 17 palestinians. the
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victims have been taken to unlock the hospital and down by law. strikes will also report it's an overreach. refugee camp in a country has moved from down by a central cancer out of the people around the central area and especially the in a locks the hospital have one question every single day. where should we go? where should we seek refuge? everywhere in gaza? is under it is where the air starts. palestinians came to this area and did it. but because a russell has been under uh, is there any error, error rates and, and, and if it are temporary setting and people came here after the, is there any forces, ordered them to evacuate to the middle area today in the morning to part of sydney and residential houses in this way don't have been targeted, but let's also be clear that this is not the 1st incident that took place in the
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site at odds and ends in my left sense. that is where you for says tools, the people to evacuate to this area. this area is over went over packed with policy and use you can't find ad street, m. c. even the sidewalks are full of people who are these sets up through tens and still there's only one hospital which allows us to go to where we are right now. who is serving 1000000 kind of simians right now. and it's working with the one generate through there has been no medical supplies. there has been a few short this since the fingers in started. so the situation is dire. and the palestinians, the are, are enough, has and very, very devastated and frustrated because there has been no safe place in gaza. a, this rolls war on cause a has falls nearly 2000000 people from the homes, the district palestinians, as taking refuge in every available space. terracon bows and reports from an
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amusement park. and con eunice, that's now sheltering displaced families. as the entertainment city used to be one of those big hughes, i'm using it parks now. and instead of relaxing and socializing palestinians are seeking refuge from is really a tax. even here, there was no respite. why we was filming the disability military carried out an air strike, a reminder that no wedding going as a safe haven the did who the interest family was forced to leave rough uh would few options has ended up seeking shows up in a place used to bring his children to on special occasions north. now you'll miss my final. i'm really the, when these really armies down to the military and cousin of the fine, we will totally let will that i was terrified. so i packed some of my belongings. i
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knew smith, i was afraid of losing my sick children, and it comes to be a substitute shelter for my family and fun unit. but there was nothing but trouble the whole. everyone is crowded with refugee and they've been displaced. families of crowded into every inch of them using hawk. a new services, new food, water or sending taishan, a new health care. the 1st month to get had enough news. a on the we have from rough. uh, we used to come to our store for entertainment and you have front of, you know, this park has turned into an evacuation shelter. we are tired, we struggling to find water of food and electricity. and i'm sick, my content, my medications. we are exhausted in this, he had to do what i got the has all done to you and says is very attractive force. more than 800 sounds. that palestinians from rough or an area of it is very minute tree had previously declared a saves of in previous years, palestinians would visit time,
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use punks like this one here during the pop bought during israel's wilton garza, a place meant to be a source of fun if attainment has become a source of sholtes of assemblies forcibly displaced from the homes, direct deposit. oh, just the euro. con unice, palestine, the temporary humanitarian pair and gals of the cost that you with $230000000.00 to build could be dismantled early. that's according to a report by the new times the pay was built to deliver a to the strip by sea, but it's only be know for, i should know for about $10.00 days in the month since deployment. on friday, the us military says it was being on the from gallons of shoreline to avoid being further damaged by high seas. depends on, has denied claims that the pay was used to carry out and is really military right to risk you captives helden guns earlier this month. lease, or the military has approved for the cause operational plans for and offensive and living on as tensions rise between israel and his beloved. the statements came out
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was up to his blind revealed surveillance video of sensitive science. it filmed from within is room of the us says it's working to prevent a grace of war between the 2 sides. they have been cross board exchanges of $0.05 as well as more on guns that began in october, but sent ahold of reports from beverage or has bolos latest message to as well. that it is ready for war. another demonstration of the lebanese armed groups, increasing military capabilities, a 10 minute video showing what it says are images from a reconnaissance the drone of sensitive military sites up to 30 kilometers from the border. the drone flu over many areas in northern israel, showing bases an anti aircraft missile batteries. and what many consider a failure on the part of is arouse defense. it is quite embarrassing for a drone that is the one and a half me to a long and 2 meters wide,
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to fly over full on this uh auntie and deception. batteries like the iron dome and david's thing that was supposed to protect the one of the most important military industrial complex and is right, that is a rough idea and extended on 6.5 kilometers. and then go also to haifa, where we see the picture of all the is really the navy and all the wrestlers. the video was released as presidential biden special envoy, m as hawks than concluded his meetings in b route. it was his 4th round of shuttle diplomacy since hezbollah opened up a front to help him, us in garza, he is trying to de escalate the conflict between israel and has the law that's reached its most intense level yet from a route he had a message for his bell as ally. hum us. encouraging it to agree to a us back cease fire deal in garza as
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a way to reduce regional tensions. the deal stops the war and gaza. it lays out the schedule for the withdrawal of forces. if that's what from us once, so they should just say yes, accepted a ceasefire and gaza and or an alternative diplomatic solution. could also bring the conflict across the blue line to an end that seems to show an understanding of has the last position. the group has already lost more than 300 fighters in this war and insist it will only hold the fiery ones. there's a permanent end, as well as war on garza, but as round has insisted on a new reality along the border. during his last visit to bailey with the us and voice beds a ceasefire in garza does not automatically mean an end to the war on the 11 on israel front. and that's
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a new security power as i'm would be needed. now he appears to be saying it would be enough, but what he didn't say is what happens if, how much does delta agreed to that us backed proposal applied to literally the proposal and how much this decision could decide if living on an israel's war of attrition expands to a broader conflict or comes to an end, then a who their owner is either failed. last we mentioned the is where the army says it's developed plans for and offensive and living on bond. such a move would require approval from is rarely late as come to salutes as following developments from amman and jordan. of these really military has released a statement saying that they have approve new operational plans for an offensive in 11 on as well as increasing the readiness of troops on the ground. this comes just hours after his belo release and your 10 minute video showing that there drones capturing several videos of areas in northern israel. some of them considered
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military targets like army complex's and bases as well as iron del missile defense batteries. now it is worth mentioning that this is not exactly a change in policy by these really military. in fact, we've been hearing this earlier in the year and for months of bias. really, security officials, like the defense minister jo, up the launch and the army chief of staff hurts. see how levy, who have said that they are no longer on the defensive, but rather on the offensive with his beloved meaning that they were actively pursuing targets in southern lebanon, and even further away from lebanon, southern border. now this has been a sentiment they've been echoing for months. however, the fact that she's bella was able to have these drones fly over several areas into northern israel, including haifa, which is around 20 kilometers from israel's northern border, means that israel's air defense systems were not activated. the alarms did not ring something that shortly is raising a lot of questions within these really security establishment. but nonetheless,
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both sides, israel and his bullet have said that they are prepared for an all out war. how does that, who is ito? i'm that these really government has been to l just or from uprising in israel. that's why we're reporting from neighboring jordan. a russian prism side me a person is a north korea to the 1st time and more than 2 decades. put an end control. now looking to take and ties to counteract international isolation, north korean state medius is the to discussed. establishing alternative try it and making isms to bypass width and sanctions. and the u. s. has expressed concern of a growing relations between the 2. it's a q is appealing yang of supplying to moscow, and it's war on you cried. well, from all on this, we joined 5 ro, mcbride from the old peeling island on south cruise maritime buddha, with north korea and wrote, can you just uh, outline for us? what exactly is at stake in the some of them? what are we likely to see today?
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yeah, well in fact uh, just about this, uh, this is a noun local time here in south korea and those graving p on yang. we are anticipating that this is when the 1st uh, full reception of this summit is due to start, so that events take place throughout the day. they so these are a to lead a zoo been very much thrown together routes of necessity. vitamin uprooted has spoken about a 70 year relationship between russia and before that the soviet union with north korea, one of mutual respect, he says, which may well be true. but certainly in the last couple of years, these 2 countries, these 2 lead is a being brought much closer together because both of them are heavily sanctioned. and both of them finding themselves largely shown by much of the international community. so really bringing the 2 together, look into each other for support. we are anticipating various formalities,
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various ceremonial raids, displays and so of throughout the day. but the, the important part of this, which width is important to take away, especially for the north koreans and also that the russians the signing of this comprehensive partnership agreement this 3 months out between the 2 on things like tre and also security. that very much is trying to bring them close together. we're also anticipating, although we won't see any official confirmations of they certainly both sides denies that any ons are involved. but it is expected that north korea has been supplying russia with arms for its war in ukraine. and we are anticipating that there will be pressure because obviously vitamin pollutants needs more of those same alternative retail. google, obviously many people will be keeping a very close eye on what is going to be happening near over the next day or so. what has been the reaction sofa of north korea's asian natives?
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yeah, there are some really interesting dynamics. i work here watching very closely. always take place on his own goals that because it is china, a china has very different deep relations with both russia and north korea. vladimir putin regards the possibility of this a, triumvirate of china, north korea, and russia forming some kind of a new kind of power block as, as an alternative to the american leg weston leading group of nations. but of course, there are 2 very important part this to last here, 5 south korea and japan who are also watching very closely what goes on just a short way north mt on. yeah. okay, thanks so much for all the this rope. mcbride for us there. and you'll be on the island on suffolk, or is maritime pulled up with the new. so there's still a head here on l. d 0. half a 1000000 immigrants could eventually get us citizenship under
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a sweeping new plan and vials by president. find a will never got a chance to see and hear my daughter's boy ever again. and the boeing sea of faces the heat from family members of the victims of the next 737 crashes. as he is grilled at a senate. hearing the hello. we have a big contrast in the weather across north america at present. very, very hot, dangerously hot weather over towards the east. the stable, particularly into that northeast and corner high pressure here. winds coming in from a southerly direction. so the west, which is where we are looking, get some cool enough that a little bit of snow i, with the rock,
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is where the to meet. we are looking at some big down pools to go on through the next couple of days as that southerly way and just pushing that pace up towards the legs for time making despite was that now face to face them, quarter prolong st wife is one. and with the added humidity, it really will feel stifling, hot, dangerously hot as we go through the next couple of days. and it doesn't change too much, as we had to make our way for a good positive this week, right. the way towards the weekend where we got the cooler and the very hall to the boundary in between. that's where the arrows falls to rise. it falls clouded phones big down pools. with some found the ne, i was coming for you here to help possibilities here tonight on looking a little live a to just around the gulf area of the u. s. as we go on through the next couple of days, joining up with the system which is making his way across the eastern side of mexico and heavy showers, continue with central air cap. the
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for my life is 10 degrees fishermen to elected and key in the madrid assembly fighting racism into thing. giving voice to those he left behind. a michael intent politician reveals how european over fishing in african waters has become a driving force for a regular migration. take your 3 buses, be a witness documentary on the i'll just say around the you're watching. notice here a reminder about top stories, the salad russian president vladimir person as
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a north korea for the 1st time and 24 with us food and, and kim jong. now looking to deepen ties to counteract international isolation, the us and south korea have expressed concern of the growing relations between the 2 and the other night is ready attack on the kansas city a palm. it has killed at least 6 palestinians, and wounded civil officers crews, uh, using cellphone flashlights to search the rubble of the survivors to, to a lack of electricity. and the live in these group has the law has really screwed a video of what it says, a sense of military and naval sites across as ro. oh is often the video is released . these really, really treated. it has prepared of operational plans for and offensive and living on trusting for the escalation. so the head of an investigative commission which found both as well and a boss to have committed war crimes, will present the reports findings to the you. and later on wednesday, starvation, the trees attention, sexual violence, and the killing and maiming of thousands of children,
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a war crimes as well. this bound to have committed some have been job that reports 8 months into israel's foreign garza, the bodies of palestinian children, women and men keep piling up the house. what was my goods fault? this mother off? she was young, so were her children and husband. what did they do? the questions repeated by hundreds of thousands in morning. some of the kennings amount will crimes and crimes against humanity. that's according to the you. an independent, international commission of inquiry on the occupied pet of cemetery treat, including east jerusalem and israel. these really minute creek is being held responsible for the will crime of using starvation as a method to wolf, an inquiry you found it soldiers have murdered or wilfully killed people. and these really is also accused of intentionally directing the tactic and civilians the force of the transfer of people sexual violence, torture and in human accrual treatment,
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as well as other fee detention and outrages and personal dignity. that has been unconscionable death and suffering more than 120000 people in gaza. overwhelmingly, women and children has been killed or injured since 7 october. as a result of the intensive is rarely offensive for the horn, the court also find spells standing on the groups responsible for war crimes. so this is the 1st in depth investigation by the u. n. and the commission says, is obstructive investigations. the commission that commutes high civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure to strategy that's intended to cause maximum damage and disregard principles of distinction, proportionality, an adequate precaution. according to the report is really the just vocal support amounted to incitement, and could constitute other serious crimes. israel's finance minister battalion smoked rich daughters, voters felt you must destroy it off i set off and then cut off and wipe out their
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memory. the minister for national security has been cleared about. his demands for it is really forces to end differ and carry up just as a nation is still the siege of gaza also amounts to connect the punishment of a civilian population. and the commission also found is really authorities quote, recognize the provision of life sustaining necessities. yes. and that the report on israel's actions during the last 8 months, that stands accused of genocide and the you ins, highest court. but in gaza, the bombs continue default and much desperately need a date mean struck some of the job. other there. a massive fire has erupt through that, an emulation depot and chad's capital, leaving multiple people dead and injured. the government spokesman says the funded to a number of explosions at the facility in the city of and you may not in the neighborhood . it's not clear yet won't stop at the place, hold and drive with it. combined with strong winds have caused
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a number of intense wildfires in the western united states. and you, mexico, the governor, to clear the state of emergency. and officials ordered $7000.00 residents of a small southern mountain village to evacuate. at least 500 structures have been damaged. we knew it was urgent because usually they say ready say go and ready. you can be there for a day or 2. that is a couple hours. usually go means now. and the call was our for our area, we never got ready set ever go. you hear about things you hear about people during fires, but until you have to be back, you wait until you're in the middle of it. you just don't know. it's just unexplainable how you feel the best you can do is just try to not fall apart. which tard, i hope that nobody is injured or worse. hope that everybody got out safeway with their pets and they're in
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a safe place now. the columbia is public schools, which is wrong, strong to demand the government withdrawal. a bill to reform the education system. the arguing that the proposed changes would undermine funding for public education lessons around to get the reports from bulk. for columbia select these government explained to the fire, tens of thousands of unionized public school teachers on strike. we say the latest version of an education reform bill currently under wayne, congress has been so distorted by amendments that it would undermine public education. we have 1st out at the top on 3 it will lawmakers make changes to the bill when you reach defendants that are on acceptable among them, they eliminate public preschool grades, whichever responsiblity of the state. the law also allows public funds to finance private schools and universities. wide public schools are falling apart and in dire
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need of money. public schools unions are among presidents gustavo papers, main allies, and they remain so. but in order to push through the same, if it's a new cation reform, the government's allies made significant concessions. that angered the president space on monday teachers from across the country, storing the comfortable with the, in some even set up a camp in front of congress. because he left almost that k b i, you know, to who was staying here with i with 10. so now with mazda of 10 of the, in my demanding, the senators, i'm this time that their function is to let just state for the people. i'm fine, but it's interesting. the message is clear on stay here until the design to strengthen public education instead of destroying it to give out in columbia congress that's on sale this thursday to pass the law before the end of this legislative period. and the teachers are saying that they will remain in the plaza until they manage to force lawmaker to either withdraw the law or get rid of the
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controversial amendments equal with. so a senators who supported the original bill say this is becoming a missed opportunity for an education sector urgently need of an update. if i'm not going to say the whole c all i don't see in the center, the possibility of reaching an agreement. so now we're seeing the government forces presenting a proposal, the opposition another one, and the independent. yet another just 2 days before the end of the legislative period. so i don't think the reforms have a chance yet. teachers called for another major rally on wednesday to keep pressure on the senate cation bill is just one of a number of important reforms, including health and labor bills, the president, it took place to push forward to minister, and that most continue to face an appeal battle in a deeply divided country, less than that, i'm bet i just looked at the colombian government is planning to give legal status
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to venice by the migrants who a guardians to venice island, children living them. then you miss you. it will affect as many as 540000 venezuelans. there are at least 2800000 vinnish violets who have fled to neighbor and columbia to escape policy, and political turmoil in the home country. for you as president joe biden has announced new measures to protect more than half a 1000000 undocumented migrants from deportation. how whitehouse correspondents, kimberly healthcare has more for years marilyn mendoza has lives with the fear her husband jose luis would be deported. she's an american, but jose luis across the us border 15 years ago from his native mexico. without documentation. he now works in the new york restaurant, but now she's received news. the family may no longer have to worry about being separated. that's the the biggest reward for us being able see our
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child go together. um, being able to raise them together on tuesday. us president joe biden announce new immigration rules that was implemented. will allow families like maryland, the ability to stay together and even pursue citizenship under biden's, new policy, some half 1000000 undocumented spouses of us citizens will be able to apply for permanent residency if they've lived in the us for more than a decade. as of monday, migrants will receive temporary work permits and be protected from deportation. 50000 children of undocumented migrants married to us citizens are also expected to benefit living to united states all this time, the sphere and on certain. we can fix that in an election year. the announcement is also designed to boost bivens re election efforts. there's 500000 us. it is
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a boulders who will benefit as long also, maybe they have family members who care about this situation. it may be, they also will vote on the behalf of joe by to now because he did that. the protections for undocumented migrants could appease those unhappy with jo bivens recent crack down on asylum claims. the southern border of the united states and mexico biden's. but accused of betraying campaign promises to migrants. the asylum policy is now being challenged in court. as for the new migrant protections, what makes it significant is it's allowance for families to remain together in the us. well, pursuing legal status under the current program is prohibited. the white house says the new immigration rules should be implemented by the end of summer, just ahead of early voting for the 2020 for us presidential election.
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kimberly healthcare alger 0, the white house will saying in the united states, the ceo of boeing has appeared before a senate committee. now this comes as the aircraft manufacturer is facing a series of scandals and investigations. petty calhane has more of a standard hearing with an unusual beginning, and i apologize for the grief that we have caused and i want you to know we are totally committed in their money for in focus one se. david calhoun, the ceo of aerospace giant bowing apologizing to the families of victims from to plane crashes caused by a faulty system that the company didn't disclose. but for some family members, the apology may not go far enough for him to say. safety is number one issue that is not even worse mean anything to me to me just this is.


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