tv NEWS 30min Al Jazeera June 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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these, we follow the story of a british age where cursed as he flees from it live with his family after being arrested by a powerful melisha, one of the toughest times when they tortured me. state list in syria now to 0, the all wheel. so security using salvation as a method of possible transfer you and fast in depth reports into the wall and all the liaison violations by israel and from the under two's the some of the color that run this dog, the pay this is under 0 lot from the also coming the hezbollah chief ones is rid of
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no rules and no ceilings. if a war is imposed on 11 on the lines against the west side of interested and then came german sign a mutual defense deal during a meeting and chung at 5 months down the road from a poor swear that would be straight to the public of south africa, the same lead a different government. so we're on the part of this sort of sworn in for a 2nd time off to his weekend and see what else to call them that seem to charge the . now the head of hezbollah has said that his find is already in case of a war with israel. and a very recently televised speech housing as well as said that the group had boosted its troop numbers and had received equipment from abroad. he also said that the group would fight without any rules. ms rela, also threatened cypress,
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saying the country would embroil itself in the conflict if it opens it spaces to israel. this is my turn. i yes, if i'm yes, the 9 was a like a new thing that we wanted to reach. liberalism has reached lebanon. we have received the thing, we want to that, that can allow us to look, look 9 on i have 40. i will use all our elements in liberal them twice, really unprecedented way. one year ago we spoke about the one have the 1000 and i know understand the modem and all the hezbollah threats comes a day off to the is really ministry improved. when it cools operational plans for an offensive 11 on as pensions continue to rise between israel and has by israel has won't, has the oven or out full after the group released to surveillance footage of what it says, a sensitive military science that it filmed by drawn from within israel,
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the us says it's washing to prevent a wide a rule. at least 5 people are appointed to have been killed when and is really as try cause 11 east village near the is really important. now, this will follow is an escalation in hostilities between israel and has blocked since is right launched its war on casa, is ready. jets also attacked a 3 story building in the town of forklift. that's north of the tawny river, which acts as an unofficial border with israel under un resolution, then called a has more for us from lunch. i, even in southern lebanon, a hostile, it is, have resumed after a brief respite over the weekend, over the muslim either of ha holiday. but israel appears to be escalating this conflict with him. any warning that it could expand into a wider war. in the past few hours, at least 4 is ready, the air strikes 2 of them targeting the border village behind me, him another targeting the border village of viet in. and another striking,
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deeper inside level non close to the southern city of tire. we have what we understand, at least for hezbollah fighters were killed in those strikes hezbollah, to in the past 24 hours carrying out at least 8 operations against israeli military targets across the border. but the attacks are still within the unwritten rules of engagement, in the sense that both sides are targeting, you know, military positions. but no doubt of the effort by the us and boy amos huston who was in baby boots yesterday and is round the day before his diplomatic initiative seems to have failed. he didn't not succeed to find a diplomatic settlement to this conflict, which was now and it's 8 months triggered by the war on garza. well, we can now bring in abraham. we saw he represents, has black in the lebanese problem, and he's also a form spokesperson and head of media relations for the group. he joins us now from
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the root abraham, from what we just had. some of those rather no rules, no ceilings does, has blocked view itself as currently in preparation for an oil out pool. thank you for the opportunity, but let me correct something of that spokesman of the party. i am one of those sliding thoughts to, to speak on behalf of the party. and the other thing is that, uh, i, uh, i'm not the head of the media office is that all the other people missed the office is the head of the media office. i think we just, what i do is as a form is the media and the information. i want to collect something please you said the, the, the by these. busy is that a board the, it's the, the money's but a senior board of the nice is that a lot of them. and we have formalities not for killed from hezbollah. so they are, my students is shameful. to say about people i bought a fuse for the sake of it goes like but it's time to go to them. busy can people you see, so i have to go to get this for you. if you please show us, uh,
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let me ask you the question again, ben is has the right now in preparation for an all out. well, i got to hear the question on the side of it. i lost it that i felt like live as below. it has always been that are the dues to the stand for it. i know out war as well as all those being with the i know it's more than any time in the past say not so low has disclosed just that. i know a few minutes ago. the principal has received all the what the be that it meets, and on the, on outward of all of us not pulled an old outward, but if it was imposed on us, we are more of that ready to it on all of those. and it wouldn't be without doors without borders, and without any savings. that certainly doesn't appear to be the public appetite for an all out war and other on especially considering the stage of the economy, all the responses to the cross border attacks that we've seen since october have been very carefully calibrated so far. so what's changed, or what is the only thing that i can say here when you talk about it,
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it's unimportant or no other, we don't want the war. we are on that. okay, patient parts of all countries, as the patient goes under compression, that goes on is one of these that is do or what they are doing. it's under the eyes of the international community that is both a product, not a complete full part of what's happening. we end up going on because we are under completion. we are the targets of these that anybody who loves are ready to go for this for these that are in these, imposed it on us. it's not a choice that we want to take for. busy that we know very well that if they say that it is very capable of going into this war, they would have gotten into a long time ago few months ago. not. no. i believe this is a kind of escalation and demolition. i kind of. busy did what i think a lot of people a lot them the to plant, they would you between the people that is it says, but i can tell you we have people who are supporting too hot for support for the light, for goals or 5 things. these ladies of. busy had been dollar people didn't guys
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have because this is something that has to do with humanity itself. it's not and it's not making sure it's not like a student. so it's not, not a big issue. it's a heal initial. if anyone has, why don't you read the way you might be, you should be supporting goes on fighting against the is the oppression under corporation. so you speak about supports for the resistance. let me ask you, given the ongoing escalation restaurant that we all seen from both sides, how much political support is there for a war and that and on is, has been receiving all the support from other political parties in parliament for instance, to and you can go either investigate this, it's in my favor to tell you that we, this is not a phys boulevard. it is not, not a board. it's on this, let me quote, it's a human war. why did money over the countries? what's happening to is also out of. busy the most that i think of the american universities, the people that you need, those that you need to come over that came,
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this is, has the, the gods that genocide has deeply shaken the inside the from within for the human being. that's why we are up. so we are most them out of christians who know very well what is it a is going, what kind of must, that goes? they have put the 3 kids on the bus, the outputs, the right thing, know what kind of a genocide they are exercising against or to be putting doesn't. yes, you will see that the, those who support that assistance and as far as that goes these ladies present, it was article the forensics on the front box. these are from all communities on the from or put it together on a religious confessions and loving on. yes, i can motion scores of 1130 and so support what we are doing because it's not that supporting the fight. it is a supplying headed to the people who auto press stop lying to head for people who are helpless load or please who are being eh, wives all by these today is a so you are a member of parliament yourself. so let me ask you, are you concerned about any political consequences that hezbollah might face in
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lebanon? if this does escalate? it was, it is odd escalating these that, i mean, is, are imposing that war. we are on the defensive. i mean, we are doing our own in defending a lot of people. we are exercising a lot of that. what to do with the underwater or none of the funding or people the senior people. if others don't want to take that, you'll notice, plus it'd be things that they got a responsibility of the notion of responsibility. then they have insured to, to, to accept the size of does it about size that only humanity they shouldn't be question. they shouldn't be concerned about that. the in incentives about the believes about the book settings we are, we shouldn't be all out of that. we shouldn't be science because we are spending the high surprise for impose vote against us on the, against the part of students. so you're saying that hezbollah doesn't want to war, but will could be imposed by israel. now, given the rest of the week that we have been hearing from the israeli side,
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what is your assessment on the current stage of play? is the escalation possible? if so, how and is hezbollah engaging in that as well . uh we, we do not receive the offer shuttle that there's, i mean the, the speaker of the house of, of mr. berry and the, the prime minister. the also was telling me about the is receiving the delegates on there they, i was talking with them. they are exercising pressure against them. we are on the front. i guess the is a, is with 5 things able to get. we're fighting these ladies, we're supporting or putting us uh, we are giving and we are uh, sacrificing our marketers and our leaders and we would call them. but i think one of them just that i know and what we are doing is something that we take into consideration. we appreciate the official position of the that i needed to speak of y'all's. i'm of the, the prime minister mccarthy. and we believe the have to be set fast, we have to be patient, we have to be in a fight against all of it. and we are not that it position to escalate. that is
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only one way for this condition. that is only one way that these are the only stop ceasefire. stop the fire and go into a ceasefire to stop the engine, i guess goes on diabetes, all the other military fonts in lebanon, and a dog and young man and deputy with that would be such as don't. so a number of other parties including other countries, like the us, had been involved in the escalation measures as a special ed boy and was hosting wasn't buried this week. we you included oh and 1111 east hezbollah representatives included in any of those talks that we all do in the both of the front. others are receiving the invoice. we hutto messages. they sent messages to us not directly, but we believe that everyone should assume is all responsibility for what's happening now. 11 v, as the americans are not taking any should have an escalation. i think the one full fledge. well, yes, we know that,
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but they are continuing to fund those supplies on military admission to the said alias. they've got to stop it. and the old will stop said before i let you go, i do have to ask you because ms rela and his speech appeared to be threatening cypress too, if it allows as well. the use of its airport is cypress. now being regarded as a hezbollah target. well, i mean the visa is the be separate part is taking part in the military. but the, if we don't with this is information. this is the website. most of all of the bucks on disclose know that if they are going to be part of the war against us, if they are going to give the own airports to be used by the water jets is lady will just the resistance a level. busy with most of them dumb targets on the it would be they would be far that is with the is it i it is. um they have to assume the responsibility um take the percussion. so what they are going, you've talked to there about
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a line that you hear cypress crossing, if it, if it allows to use the faces. so let me ask you, then what is has below as red line. israel is saying that it's ready for all out war. what would be a threshold that would be cross that would then mean that has, but that would be an without tool. we will respond to anything that these at least do that will bring us closer to it. the out the old war, we will respond a lot and kind of the quality we would go over what they are do they'd be surprised when they see what kind of input cushions their actions and then a go shows with and taking over them. abraham, a sally who represents hezbollah in the lebanese parliament, speaking to us today from the lebanese capital beverage. thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera so so you and commission has found, is rarely with are she's responsible for carrying out war crimes and crimes against humanity. and also the report says, as rarely,
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authors who has committed the crimes of starvation, nada. intentional attacks against civilians, sexual violence, torture, and outrages upon personal dignity about creation. roots and designated safe areas were repeatedly attacked, amounting to the forcible transfer of people. it says israel's turco, sage of gauze, the constitution of collective punishment, and denied palestinians basic necessities. it also found as rarely forces committed attacks of sexual violence, torture and inhuman treatment in the occupied westbank house and of the palestinian on groups are also found responsible for war crimes. including deliberately targeting civilians and taking captives will not be appealing. the chat of the ones commission of inquiry spoke to al jazeera. after presenting the reports findings to the human rights council in geneva. we have never seen anything like this in this extent. and that's why since even the text on the united nations and please sit down to the number of victims and please the dentist has never happened before. if
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the other commissions that reports to the fact is unbelievable. i delivered the report and i point to the us, the member states to read the 2 big concepts papers. that's a company that report through the quote, this itself is limited to $10700.00 words. and with this enormous conflict, how can we put detail 7 day notice from the, the action of both palestine. and each of though the best of the said we didn't address the issues sufficiently, i will be telling them to read the detail, papers that to company, you know, miss task, but i truly value this kind of intellect died. i bet you that this human rights council took it out of the political arena really, and planted it squarely in terms of international speak to of to speak to invest
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enough to invest it today supported our recommendation of respect for international law for justice and accountability. when i read through the reports and there's a lot to read, it seems to me and yours is an ongoing investigation. but even though you've covered side much that are perhaps things that alternate, i'm thinking, for example, a tax on hospitals and medical facilities. i mean, is that more to come as much more took up, we had to cut to cut off our presentation from 7th october to 31st december. our next report will be delivered before the general assembly at the united nations in new york come back to cover what you have just described and the 5th of education of children, for instance. oh, these are important in this report. we also, we did investigate sexual violence on both sides. i thing it is tragic. that is right. it is preventing us from seeing
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victims inside is given the investor described of people she new personality, a mother who lost a child, the 6 of 6 to 5. and then how can they explain that they preventing those victims from seeing you in commission commission? that's what faith police investigate and get the voices of the victims out there. but that is under has more for us from you. and headquarters in new york is certainly given how large this report is and how detailed it is. $10700.00 word maximum. they can put in this and they've reached the maximum and added a more pages to it if you will. it's going to take time for you and officials, quite frankly, to go through this. but clearly, everything that we're hearing and reading from this report targeting of civilians
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using starvation is a method of war. these are things we hear at un headquarters that we, they hear back from the office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs, other humanitarian, un officials in guys or in around guys for months now about un facilities themselves being targeted and even un staff. so certainly all of this report is being taken very seriously and they're still going to be digesting it. the findings in it. certainly, unfortunately are certainly nothing new per say, given the fact that the un itself has been a target of some of these crimes. the international court of justice, of course, has the genocide case pending in front of it with south africa and others. this could be used this commission of inquiry report could be used to further that case in the i c j. and then you see the i c c, the international criminal court of golf course where the prosecutor is already recommended, potentially arrest warrants on that on that front. this could be used
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as evidentiary material moving forward in both of those international justice systems or courts. if you will, and meanwhile, a new wave of his riley attacks and central and southern garza has killed and injured several palestinians. 5 arabs were reported on the all new sara refugee camp is really forces of also stepped up the strikes and on the wasi, you have the southern city of rasa, supposedly killing 7 palestinians that on the last season narrow coastal strip with thousands of displaced families have setup a made shift account, as well designated as a so called humanitarians are in an organ, palestinians, and rough on con eunice to move that for their own safety while in the north and is really as drank on an apartment and dogs. a city has killed at least 6 palestinians because of the lack of electricity volunteers use torches on their cell phones to help civil defense crew such could survive in
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the moving on and russia and north korea have signed a deal that includes a pledge of mutual aid if either country is attacked, it was among several vale signed during president vladimir putin as a 1st visit to pyongyang in 24 years. north korean leader kim jong had promised his full support for moscow. his military offensive in ukraine. from mcbride reports from young kung island on south korea's and maritime border with the north a russian president vladimir putin, a full blown official welcome in pyongyang main square, the highest on a sort of visiting head of state. he and north korean leader kim jong on putting on a show of unity to a well they both regard is potentially threatening very existence. first, you can verify russia in north korea,
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have the link by strong friendship and close neighborly relations for many decades, just on is on to teams, scientists host for supporting russian policies, including the will in ukraine. we express full supports for the russian government, army, and people in carrying out the special military operation in ukraine to protect the suffering fee that is being widespread speculation. rusher is trying to secure the supplies of munitions from north korea. allegations. both sides denied in public at least the highlights of this summit was the signing of a partnership agreement made to shape relations for years to come on, potentially challenging the existing world or to russia or north korea is asian neighbors have been following this crucial summit closely china has deep relations with both japan, along with south korea, see a potential threat to the west and leaning blocks. they belong to light by the us
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and nato. for that reason, this visit could have global consequences. what happens in europe might this for a show? what happens and they show up this for else, and this is clearly demonstrated in ukraine where you're on the north korea. china are popular fueling rushes water, aggression against the ukraine, south korea, the strong go, russian ties william bolden. it's no the neighbor at the time when tensions and angry exchange is along the dom militarize zone between them. all right, that was thing is rob mcbride. i'll just say era young chung island, south korea. also, ronald poses that has been sworn in for a 2nd time. south africa's president his party, the african national congress, failed to secure a problem entry majority in may elections, forcing it to form a government of national unity with other parties, including the main office edition party, the democratic alliance committee. mila has moved from the integration ceremony in
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the capital for tory. so help me, god, president silver. i'm opposed to sick until i mean offers comes with some major changes. after losing its pulling them into majority is all to the african national . congress now governs along with 5 others, including its biggest rival, the democratic alliance. despite some resistance from within, the parties ranks to working with the official opposition. wednesday was a day of celebration of the a in the lower hard your mom. i have one more of the testers and the people have a full that's a huge piece and the over a 100 critics, a violation of the constitution of mental. so let's see, mr. m, as in dog, was in attendance, hits of state from neighboring nations including zimbabwe and gold,
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as well as of the african countries as well as a crowd of thousands who came out to witness the rumble pool. so taking the oath of office, we believe we're going to make more differences because well, going to work with the appointments, especially the way appointments before. but now where we come together to make sure we're speed up in the service to our communities. this is really an opportunity because we have a current listing, the parties together in the government. we have an opportunity to actually really fix and rebuild that we haven't had for maybe 1015 years as a young person. i hope that south african named simon's neighborhood degrees and then our use will now get jobs to the treaty. so last week and then the 1st speech will be 2nd time. so i'm gonna post a promise to be a president for also the africans teaching and inclusive economy. and the creation of jobs. unemployment is one of the biggest concerns for vote is wanting 3 people
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is out of work for many still the africans, the agency has failed to fulfill the promises it made since coming to power. following the end of a par date in 1994. those who have faith in the new unity government, hopefully things will change. but the majority widely democratic alliance is struggling to present itself as an inclusive party. and they will what is the coalition won't prioritize the plus and the majority black population. this is a new era for south africans and their country's political landscape. one that's likely to see great to consultation between the amc and its partners. policies will have to be agreed as president from oppose. the professor names is new cabinets that will include members from other parties. so me, the ultra 0 pretoria it may just by a has erupt at an munition depot and chats capital killing at least 9 people in injuring $46.00. a government spokesman says a blaze to get a series of explosions at the military base and engine mina. the depot is near the
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international airport and another army base with french soldiers stationed hot and dry weather, along with the strong winds. have caused intense juan fires in the west and united states and new mexico. and the governor has the kid a stage of emergency. 7000 people were told to leave their homes and one mountain village in the south that at least 500 buildings have been damaged. and faced at 1200000 people have been left stranded by flash floods. meanwhile, in north west, in bangladesh. more than half of them are in the sled district. the displaced have taken shelter in schools. the situation is also expected to watson is even more heavy. rain is full cost in the next 24 hours across, in the se 9 people has been killed and land slides in cups, as all district east of them were hanging refugees from me. i'm not living there and can and foreign mental activists in the u. k. have sprayed orange paint on the
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ancient stonehenge monuments in england. the child to which manages the unesco was heritage side called the incident extreme. the upsetting and is assessing damage. police have arrested to protest is from the just stop. well, great. well that's it. counting the cost is nice. the the hello racing guys have same flooding into southern parts of try to take me down towards a se one on problems with your own province. unless because of the menu from the plum range, i slipped a little further northwards now. and that's going to bring the heavy it down, pulls into a central air, is able to roll shanghai because of a rope of cloud, a rope of wet to whether you flip back and you'll see the wet to whether making its way further east was running just to the south of south correct use these things up
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. examples could see some flooding coming in here. going into friday. i write policies out a little further east was that state. so i was trying to share, i was going to shame it. the in the tokyo with around 29 celsius tells us of what the weather was. the fondles of china up towards guardia and heavy showers will continue. close central pos are china moving further north with the flood risk just extending into these areas here. lobby shy was continue across the philippines, northern parts of indonesia, malaysia things and lobby showers. and so particularly wet weather, just gathering, just around southern past cambodia and a vietnam particularly whether continues across good parts of india. now the month saying basically what i'm pretty setting, what to whether it's a bundle with dish as well, increasing count on right. i can get cooler for new study. the one is the effect of the conflict on the environment. the impact of war is so much
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more than just emissions hung tanks, ships and will fight motormouth. it has a devastating effect on people and the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. and every time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased and this war and this find this christ all have the product on . it does ita the color i made or instead of going and this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you know, we can look at the world of business, i think it all makes this week. it's being called a competitiveness crisis. the use investment income and productivity lagging behind the us in china to come.
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