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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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syria on l. g 0. the, the, the head of the lebanese group has vulnerable ins as round of fights with no rules and no ceilings, as a boy was imposed on it. all will for charity using salvation as a method of possible transfer. and that you went 1st and after pointing to the one god of nasal violations, but as well and moss and accuses them of finds the photo on elizabeth put on them. and this is elena 0. life from don't. how so coming out the pump and show and the mutual
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defense alliance that improved and from something relations, with those convince, visits in $24.00 gibs plus several of the problems that promises a new era as he begins the 2nd time of self as president. heading a coalition government to the 1st time, some sort of a top change. the, the head of the lebanese group has bella says, has 5 as a reading in case of with israel. and it had a vice page has enough of all i said the group has boosted its truth numbers and has received equipment from the board. he added hezbollah would fight without any rules. thus i'll also express in cypress saying the country would, and brewing itself and conflict of it opened its faces to israel. the way i was,
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i know, let me have to know who the enemy knows that they will not be a single place inside israel. out of reach from ms times, they will not be midsize launch sporadically, but targeted missiles, federal hit design. this entity and dollar evidence would drive videos. we already have a bank of real targets in the red sea, our brothers in yemen, already doing that part. but if you start to war against lab and on the situation in the mediterranean will become difficult for all ships and old shoals. they know that these railways cannot defend themselves in such a situation. the battle will be big. yes, if i'm bad though. the cyprus, government must be aware that by allowing israel to use separate apples and bases to target 11 on the cypriot government will be entering the will. the resistance will deal with a separate government as a partner and this will design a whole the has moved from different we are not afraid threats of
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a full blown ward to not scare us. we are prepared. it is the enemy who should be afraid, because nowhere in israel will be safe. those were the words of house on the throne that has the secretary general in a defiant speech amid heights and tensions between the lebanese armed group and israel. a conflict has been raging along the border for 8 months now, triggered by the war in gaza. as ro, really has been threatening as of late, that it intends to whiten this conflict white as the war of hezbollah. the order of the message support from the swallow was one of the defiance. he even boasted on the group's capabilities, claiming that they have more than 100000 fighters, and that they have new weapons. and they, and they would manufacture their own ms. housing drones, in fact they, he went as far as to tell the is really, is that there the war between the wars that is israel strikes in syria. israel has
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been carrying out strikes in syria for years now to try to degrade the capabilities of the brand and its allies just did not work, so defiant and strong words from from hezbollah as well to a talking tough. but most rela, have a strong warning to the cypriot government, claiming that these really military has been carrying out maneuvers in cyprus and is planning to use ports in airports and other facilities in the event of a war with lebanon in the event that has below targets. airports and ports in israel, and the smaller, telling, disappear government you will be considered a legitimate target. so really, the stakes are high in this escalating conflict along the border, a conflict that to the us, the bite and administration is saying that, you know, this is a very serious situation center for their elders. either. am i calling the
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stalls to tell you, spoke to abraham will solve what he represents has been let in the lebanese parliament. she asked him about enough of all as one into the cypriot government not to cooperate with the as ready ministry. as the separate part is taking part in the minutes of the bottle. if we know this is information, this is what said most of all of the bucks on disclose know that if they are going to be part of the war against us, if they are going to give the own airports to be used by the water jets is there any will just because of the existence level and what goes to the dumb targets on the it would be they would be $45.00 that is with the is it i it is. um they have to assume the responsibility of take 0 to percussion. so what they are going, you've talked to there about a line that use your site, press crossing if it, if it allows the use of bases. so let me ask you, then what is has bellows red line? israel is saying that it's ready for all out war. what would be a threshold that would be crossed?
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that would then mean that has, but that would be in without tool. we will respond to anything that these are like this do that will bring us closer to it. out or war, we will respond, nothing kind, and then equality. we would go over what they do. they'd be surprised when they see what kind of input cushions their actions and then go shows within thing over them . well, that's where any government has banned elda 0 from proposing this of home, the son, who is joining us from the jordanian capital, i'm on. i'm the still a reaction to national laws. speech for the defense minister, the chief of staff had been speaking in broader terms about the conflict with his father. what have they been saying? so he's really defense minister jo of good laws holding a situation of assessment up the kids intel a v, where the army chief of staff heard see how levy was president. now the defense ministry said that guidelines wanted to emphasize how israel can come back to his
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bullet, drones read. and what exactly can be done at the soonest possible time, and in the soonest possible ways. and that is real, should be prepared for all scenarios. now the army chief of staff has said that israel is ready to the maximum of possible award level on the ground and that they are looking to make what he's calling smart decisions. additionally hurts he, however, he was touring the northern border today. several iron don't batteries that he was there with troops saying that the, his bullet drone capability is nothing new to israel. they are fully aware of his bowl as drone capability is kind of down playing that near 10 minute video, but showed sensitive military targets throughout northern israel, including iron, to own batteries. and however, he also said that as well as not aware of all of israel's military capabilities, but the reality is that we are not sure what his bowl is, military capabilities are, we have never seen what kind of weaponry they actually have stockpiled. so these
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really have said that they are ready for a war, they have approved these new plans that were discussion today with the defense ministry for what they're calling a new offensive and loving on. but again, this is not a change of policy within these really army, but rather a continuation of what we've been seeing over the last several months. so at home, the new mazda is ready on the spokes person has been speaking about the one, gaza, and has really publicly thrown out on, as well as military strategy that tell us about what he's been saying. a quite a rift here between the army and these really government daniel, have gary, these really army spokesperson has said that it would be nearly impossible to defeat him ass. and those who say otherwise are simply misleading the public. he's saying, but how much is an idea and id, ology that is instilled in people and that it's up to the is really government to find some sort of replacement for it. now this spark,
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these really prime minister's office to release a statement saying that illuminating him as, as military and political capabilities is one of the goals of the war. and these really army is committed to that. but it just goes to show you that there are differences between these really army and these really government, there has been this ripped in fact, several days ago when these really army wanted to implement these tactical pauses. they called them in dropbox. these really prime minister slammed against them, saying the quotes, israel is quote, a country with an army, not an army with a country just to give you a little bit of background on the situation on how there is now this wide and in gap between the government and the military, i'm the thank you for that humble son who is little the very nice as live in amman . a united nations commission has found is really, is all she is responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. the reports has large one events, and some authors attack on is wrong on october,
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the 7th. on diplomatic editor, james based reports from the un human rights council in geneva. this is the most comprehensive view and report yes on what's happened since october the 7th. the commission of inquiry, chet bye, the former high commission of human rights. now they play says how must carry that will crimes on that day. but that did not justify israel's most frequent correspondence. that is, that the alternatives are responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity and violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. including extermination, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects. mother all will for killing using starvation as a method of rule. hello steins, ambassador said the reports findings are clearly demonstrated israel's culpability . good. i know that you knew about
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a lot of the state. definitely specially at what am i that is what that can be. no justification for targeting hospitable stores or places of worship on the occupation forces. no, there are children of women, and there is often no notification to evacuate the targeting of children, women, and the elderly, and disabled as a war, crimes that wish you in an unusual move. these really ambassador gave up her speaking slots, and instead of the loud matter of let him go with him. his 23 year old daughter, rome is being held in garza to address the chain, but i believe that we can do more for them. we can do better for them. the hostages needs us, the world needs them. please help me hug my daughter again. i didn't use conference, the members of the commission of inquiry. so they'd already shed $7000.00 pieces of evidence with the prosecutor at the international criminal court commission that chris identity was honest about israel's claim. it has the most marvel um, in the world, i don't have the expertise and i don't have the authority to,
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to make assessments that morality to what i do, having some expertise in what i do have an authority to do is make assessments of criminal conduct and we've done that in relation to the recent events, and you can see that in the report and the any conclusion. you can drawers that these riley army is one of the most criminal armies in the world. the members of the commission of inquiry say they are overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation in gauze, so there's no end date to their work. so they will continue to investigate and find evidence that could potentially go before the international court. james base. ouch is era of the united nations in geneva. the new wave of his riley attacks have killed at least 15 palestinians across garza. 10 were killed and susie injured and then attack east of the fight in the past few hours is very forces as opposed to to have shown the group of civilians. the injured have been taken to the european
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hospital which is already or the crowns of the patients. thought otherwise known as at to unlock the hospital and they don't belong with some of the wound having taken generally the security situation, of course this trip is escalating in a very high speed. now within the past hour, the is really ministry has targeted and for the palestinians in the eastern portion of roughly 60 or at least 12 south indians have been reported killed while 30 others being wounded. surprisingly, while we have been confirmed and even hearing from the ministry of hills in the opposite hospitals, that casualties and victims have been proved from roof district to the hospital where we are right now as civilians. what fluids to bring the casualties and driving for 25 kilometers until we can find a proper medical facility that can provide them with medical treatment, especially be that therapy and hospital was unable to provide them with a central medical cabinet. these people who have been critically injured right now
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are receiving treatment right now. and finally, the department of up to the hospital. we are surround and it by 2 is very minute treat to drive and such offloading and whole bringing a very low altitude in the facility of the ox, the hospital people. he has got a sense of fear that they might be doing something or mike attack confidence wouldn't be coming down and say, there was a great sentiment of c and even prostration among those palestinians as they are. no, no, you got confused. acute and save especially that we continue to hear loud is really bombardments and the tax and the know that portion of them is that rocks with you to come close to need 3 conjunction with the box. majority of is reparation. have been conducted from that area where according to going as health ministries, at least within 20 think, palestinians, how big deals within the past 24 hours. and this number is expected to rise. we didn't be coming, i was and is where the forces of also destroyed parts of the wood off of crossing
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and southern gauze. i'm more than a month offer. they seized it video shows the into buildings, including the main terminal. it was a vital route for aid, scrolling into gaza from the egypt, sion side but as well and has so the restrictive supplies from getting through since that to close the crossing on may the 7th still a head on alger 0. we was have families in ukraine to see how this evolving is russia, couples power supplies, the israel's war machine is decimating entire households. and as i saw, the words of those who survived and with the help of palestinian generalists, folk lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity and the world's most brutal in decades. the night old and
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biden's war on does talk to on a jersey the power defines how well we live. here we make the rule, not sales people empower, investigate exposure and questions they use in the business of power around that. go on out just there. the, the on the
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the watching me elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to, of, on top stories. the south. the head of the lebanese group has the wrong assessable flights with no rules, and no ceiling since, as well, which is a warm 11 on our lot. most expressions cypress, if it amounts as well, to use it. some of the tree basis is mainly military spokesman, says come off as an ideology and whoever the things that can be an emanation as mistaken in an interview too. as waiting media, daniel has already said how mazda is implanted in the hottest of the people. the stars and display phones that have killed at least 10 people haven't gotten the past few hours. the army is repetitive. shelton lucas civilians, the injured have been taken to the european hospital or the count of the patients.
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russian president letting me to to and has arrived and vietnam's capital handling that south of 2 days and north korea where he's signed a defense treaty with lead a kim john on person is due to meet with vietnam's leaders on thursday and then a penny and pace published on wednesday, who's in praise, what he called had always balanced stones on the claim for an earlier antonia and food and then came side a deal that includes a pledge of mutual aid of either country is attacked. it was among several dale signs during susan's 1st visit to pyongyang and 24 years running. the drive reports from young, strong islands on south korea's now time border with an off, a full russian president vladimir putin, a full blown official welcome in palm young's main square, the highest on a sort of visiting head of state. he and north korean leader kim jong on putting on a show of unity to a well they both regardless,
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potentially threatening very existence. i see you can view russia in north korea heavy, a link by strong friendship and close neighborly relations for many decades. just on jamie poot incentives host for supporting russian policies, including the war and ukraine. we express full supports for the russian government, army, and people in carrying out the special military operation in ukraine to protect the sovereignty. that is being widespread speculation. russia was trying to secure the supplies of munitions from north korea, allegations, both sides denied in public at least the highlights of this summit was the signing of a partnership agreement, meant to shape relations for years to come on, potentially challenging the existing world or to russia or north korea is asian neighbors have been following this crucial summit closely. china has deep relations with both japan, along with south korea, see
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a potential threat to the western leaning blocks. they belong to lead by the us and nato. for that reason, this visit could have global consequences. what happens in europe matters for a showing that happens and they shall not this for else. and this is clearly demonstrated in ukraine where you're on the north korea. china are popular fueling rushes water, aggression against the ukraine, south korea, the strong go, russian ties william bolden. it's no the neighbor at the time when tensions and angry exchanges along the demilitarized zone between them. all right? that was 10 years running. the bride, i'll just say era young tongue island, south korea. will you claim as imposing rolling electricity blackouts as it grapples with limited outputs from damaged pals. stations. the government says russian strikes on the mold and hydro electric plans have produced a capacity. john holman joined the family and vice garage near the capital case as
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they went through a power outage stuff stores in that the hotel house sold in basically the ukraine. and the power goes that's it. mike's going this is like every day you know for helena under the and 7 year old, so that's a constant blackouts. it's not for me to put our stuff that can be talk away in the morning. you get up. if that's electricity, you charge callbacks phones. flashlights about trees, so you can use them in the evening when it's dark. when i'm at work and i see that will be a paul called after off my boss to leave front of the store or check where i can order food. it's not convenient, but you adopt you up with a bunch of professional close of ukrainians across the country during the sign. there are no national rolling blackouts because russian era types of destroyed so many energy phones. normally the outages are in
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a pre amount schedule as the country russians its power. but often like tonight they go on longer than planned. if you have a generator, it's not such a problem. many like the how it, cuz don't it's the price of petrol the gets in the way. yep. so if you buy a generate to with the power that we'd like, it's expensive, you need to have $3040.00 leads as a fuel and was of without uh, they were used to cooking with the night could flight 18 by battery power, plant light come washing dishes with stored water, if it's inconvenient, no. later in the year it could be dangerous. you look at this on a summer's night and it seems manageable, but this strikes a continuing. the electricity companies are saying that they can a struggle to get plots back online before winter. that's when things are going to get really tough. the temperatures go well below 0 here. and the night draws in by
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the late afternoon, back in the cup to th street, lights are off and traffic lights down. people carry their own light songs of the fabric which makes the city livable frame in the household, at least as some from before bedtime. in the absence of tv though, i pads, spiders and thirds place. we've russia continuing to hit power plants. it seems that later in the things we get a lot more serious on home and out to zeta physically. so around the pose that has been sworn on for a 2nd to the south africa's president his body, the african national congress failed to secure a policy of entry majority in last month's elections that force it to form a government of national unity with other policies. finally, the matter has moved from the old gratian ceremony in victoria. so helped me go, president silver. i'm opposed to sick until i mean office comes with some major
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changes. after losing it's going to mention majority is all to the african national . congress now governs along with 5 others, including its biggest rival, the democratic alliance. despite some resistance from within the parties, rings to working with the official opposition. wednesday was a day of celebration of the and the hot your mom had one of the testers and the people have a full cannon lot. that's a huge piece. added the, the overall conflicts violence occurred to the constitution of mental. let's see, mister m, as in dog was in attendance, hits of state from neighboring nations including zimbabwe and gold, as well as of the african countries as well as
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a crowd of thousands who came out to witness the rumble pools of taking the oath of office. we believe we're going to make more differences because, well, going to work with the appointments, especially the way appointments before, but not where we can together to make sure we have speed up in the service to our communities. this is really an opportunity because we have a current listing, the parties together and in the government we have an opportunity to actually really fix and rebuild it. we haven't had for maybe 1015 years as a young person. i hope that south africa, i named simon's neighborhood because he had been our youth who now get jobs. this is a treaty called african until the 1st speech of the 2nd term. so mobiles, the problem is to be a president. also, the africans teaching and inclusive economy and the creation of jobs. unemployment is one of the biggest concerns for vote is wanting to the people is onto the work for many. so last weekends the amc has failed to fulfill the promises it made since
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coming to power following the end of a par date in 1994. those who have faith in the new unity government, hopefully things will change. but the majority widely democratic alliance is struggling to present itself as an inclusive party and the worries the coalition won't prioritize the plus and the majority black population. this is a new era for south africans and their country's political landscape. one that's likely to see great consultation between the amc uh the support those policies will have to be agreed as president from oppose. the professor names is new cabinets that will include members from other parties. so me, the ultra 0 pretoria may define has erupt at an annual mission depot and chad's capital cutting at least 9 people in engineering. 46, a government spokesman says the place triggered a series of explosions that the military base and engine mina. the deco is in the of the international f o and another army base with french. so what does the station if these $1200000.00 people have been less stranded by flash floods in
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northwest vonda bush? well than half of them, and they still have district some of the displays and taking shelter in schools. the situation is expected to worse and as more heavy rain is full cost of the next 24 hours of the se mine, people have been killed in lance lions, and cox's bizarre districts. h of them will have were hanging refugees from me on my living and caps in the philippines has released a video of what it says as a base consultation between chinese and philippine vessels and disappears with voice of the south china sea. the philippine military says a chinese coast gun boat rammed in order to filipino a vessel and attacked members of the crew. the incident took place on monday. the miller has called it an act of piracy. but that said to me, it has been put on and for this half hour of news, weather was next to an inside story examines whether it is well and has found the we'll get into
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a full fledged floor. you can find much more news on our website onto 0 dot com. thank you for watching the the how are we looking at some of the live to showers pushing across the southeast of australia will combine fully into south australia called them hospital system in the tasman, that springs and blustery showers. it's an easy to die with the next day or so in between. we have got some qual to whether i watch enough or a top shift. okay. and 1st in the south they used to be so type of just melbourne. apple folding around freezing on wednesday morning. it stays, well, let's show him what's the weather will move through it. as a cloud comes in that will help to just mix the iraq. one things i'll probably with the next task. so let me go with a shower. se, and pause or south australia and to pick to oh yeah, southern areas of new south wales, all drifting
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a little further east with them. we'll see some what the weather discussing with the west coast of new zealand over the dial. so what's the problem most running? well, grassy, say some way to weather as well. welcome break. coming into southern pallets of w, y. as we go through sas day, and by that stage, much of us will be fine and drive it a few showers. just talking. the east coast now is more than just a few showers, making the way across. central positive jonathan by your front bringing flooding range. we st flooding racing in to the southeast of the country that went to where the now flicking as well. a little further north was running across the fall south of japan started but surely leaving for the east. the, this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains it's charles. every meal is
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like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural historical and cultural beauties is rather and hezbollah on the verge of full blown for the 2 sides of setting up the rest of your control sort of attacks. israel says funds for a defensive and level on have be approved. what would a well look like this time around? and those diplomacy stand a chance. this is inside story, the .


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