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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 20, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the purchases in can you defy to gas and arrest to vent their anger against the government plan for tax reform. the hello again. i missed of you today. this is elder there at line from de also coming . so don's robbins a vote. forces have reported the taken control of the capital of western quarter on states. thousands of civilians are interested we are inside dogs as a hawks,
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a hospital, they don't visit doing all they can to deal with a lot of desperate patients. and the severe lack of medical supplies and russian president donald appears and wraps up his visit to vietnam, trying to bolster relations in asia. the to begin in kenya had protest as have been fighting with police during mass protests against the government's plans, tax reforms that the police have been using with a cannon and to just to discuss crowds outside parliament with. and p is, has version to move ahead with the proposal for final versus expected next week. now the controversial bill introduces taxes and levies which opponents say will only further increase the costs of basic goods. the government says the reforms on
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needed to boost revenue and reduce borrowing the hundreds of demonstrations and also taking to the streets of all the cities. you're watching scenes now from elder read, which is president william richard. his hometown protest also took place in the 4th 50 as non boss on the lake side result kind of to assume your places. the opposition is from home. i think it's time for can not to change because they used to a parents who just never questioned them. our parents was scared of them. we're not scared of you. we have the constitution. we need you to follow the constitution. we're not asking for anything crazy. i'm here to do to protest from age because if you so much to please we are they young children, generators on carpet inches to to household do a joy to base the during the previous government redeem for the late he tied presidente daniel morrison. speedometer feel to opinions, we don't want to and headed to the field or someone like we, i just completed our lease, no guns,
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no guns in this country. then you still want to tell me by the time on getting things that have to pay 300 to mean, just include the marking entities and it doesn't make sense for me. well, i'll correspond malcolm webb is that those protests for us in the capitol in the air and i replaced the just the say, gosh, the crowd said to come around. never know which, just minutes ago we cleared the down here. this is off the hours in this streets and several other things to many demonstrations or just a couple of 100 maintenance intended building kind of the now the risk and they take
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the larger pieces, the, the practice of getting increased taxes. couple of the papers, i don't have many many, many of the others a young lawyer, another guy working for public relations agency, somebody. 3 just to see was waiting to get you to this is a very different crowd, the kind of demonstrations you said in can you and you guys to be led by political opposition. let's take a closer look at this proposed legislation,
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kenya has been cash strapped at struggling with the cost of living crisis. president william richard wanted to increase taxes to raise summit $2700000000.00 to reduce the budget deficit. that sparked fury amongst nicely younger canyons. many of them who came to occupy upon them and to show their rage on choose that. and now there is demonstrations that prompted route to scrap his plans for multiple levies. now he was planning to increase price of fuel and raised export taxes instead. well, stella gara is an african governments analyst and the tax justice activist. she says young people, other ones leading away it is a be interesting because it has been brought to the full which is the generation z . they haven't been in this one of the thing for a long time. they have been extremely des, interested in the elections and voting, etc. but for some reason, this time, the, the team and they are, the ones were on the streets, protesting increased netflix and especially because of some of the taxes that are going to be posting on digital content creation. which is this piece that the
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domain needs to be not also seeing that they have seen the parent suffering. and so they're not just out here fighting for their own risk, but they also fighting because they've seen defined struggling to handle the economy. i think this is a case of canyons being fed up a government the cause is completely insensitive to the needs, complete the sensitive to the right and to complete the piece of music to the airport, which is why the area can do it very up to even touch on it, especially some of this, the basic items that you want to race as it is not. this is a pollution because reconstruct was under the 2003 at 2004 budget. many of them know the imports of accepting the finance view and that is now the center of that is using motion. i left the end of already filled the pain the week after we went to the 1st of july last year. and sometime in september last year, now the c a, they're being cautious to make sure that they do the can service institution, different insults, and last year, unfortunately, the citizens and maybe
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a couple of different not to be in these buttons as teachers in, especially because make use of c d 6 to talk somebody visit community to like bred rarely something that you can possibly consumed every morning, especially for breakfast. and this is the post talk to me that it was an addition to 0. redid it means that it's going to make it not assessable to most of the students. most of the, all the tasks, proposals i've been meaning to cause an increase in, in, in, in important commodities, including few of which nobody in the united kingdom of that can, has contacted me and they call them, it increases the price of everything and to make it impossible for successful people to a lead. you haven't had the data for the to can. and therefore, even obviously the trying to respect to some of the come to come, i'm a bit me up to do what i just it's we a painful how little we need to people just it's when are we going to clear those bits and help? and we've been wanting to see that the money that doesn't work is being used to benefit the citizens and provide services for the citizens all to sit on. now s o a
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says tell alda 0, the power military rapids support forces have taken control of alpha. that's the capital of west quota fun state southwest, the sudanese capital call to fighting in now sort of between the suited me is ami and the r s. f. last and several hours before the army reportedly then withdrew from the city. the permanent degree took control of government and ministry headquarters that thousands had been killed in millions displaced in this conflict between the army and the r stuff. have been, morgan has one now from call to the farm and a through rapid support. forces has been targeting positions opposite in these army, not just infatuated in the job for region in north star, for, but also in other parts of the country. now, in westport to find the iris that was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, trunk holes in the seats, and with the takeover of the iris, up over the minute 3 garrison and then food at that needs on the bubble new. so as
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the last remaining minutes, re stronghold in the states of west go to define. now this means that the, our step has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the chord defend region. and especially in the west star floor and now has access to control of the border between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the iris f over and food that has led to the displacement of civilians and fuller was already in a place that has been homes of hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced from other parts of liquids assigned region into areas that are controlled by the army and the territories controlled by the army because they deemed it safer. and now with the iris of control of and for the 10s of thousands have spotted defeats with bob and no sign in westport defend states, which is the last remaining armies stronghold. but it's also the place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks. and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation that will result as a result of the iris if taking over and as a result of the displacement of civilians from and for that to buy
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a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to them already, but united nation says $10000000.00 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. within 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic, so many parents situation according to the united nations. and they often sense that with more and more people mean, especially towards bob, a new cell which is already an active, complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they often sense that the communitarian assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and that more and more civilians will be in dire need of assistance and may lose their lives. as a result of shortages of those relief supplies even more than onto 0. how to the well is there any tanks and troops are pushing even deeper into rafa, city and southern gaza, giving back to my will planes and ruins, helping the advance process to me and say times have now moved into at least 5
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neighborhoods. tens of thousands of palestinians all still sheltering that in rafa include all reasons, are all by that and central gaza following the latest attack. that is right. the army has been pushing deeper. there have been in bathing the a rough block from the west, from the east and from the south part where the policy is in the main city of dropbox are actually trapped. they are unable to leave their houses. they're unable to go and get watch through. they say that's at quad comforters and is really drones are airstrikes that are totally, is everywhere. and all so let me also mentioned that there is 0 hospitals in drop slot, where all of those injured and killed are being transported to the hospital . and most of these kind of thing is, are not being able to be transferred to those hospitals because the ambulances are having a very hard time reaching those kind of thing is, i mean with this,
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a couple of incidents where i'm getting says we're targeting by the is right, the army, and they were unable to reach the point at where at the palestinians have been injured. let me also mentioned that the areas that have been severely attacked and it's an intensifying in drop slot, where it's as well as a boot or refugee cap, and also the western parts of the where it's as so it would be neighborhood and also the neighborhood. and all of those surrounding of it was very close to milwaukee evacuations. own where more than the 1000000 of palestinians were actually living there. they made there makes up some attempts there. and now the, all the fighting is in that area. well, hospital isn't causal, which is still running on dealing with an influx of patients. they're doing their best to deal with them despite a severe shortage of medical supplies. out of there was given special access inside
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gauze as long just functioning hospital correspondent, honeywell, what got a 1st hand account of the challenges inside from bush right? awesome. and she's a general surgeon in i'll upset working with an overseas medical mission inside the emergency department here. it's over crowded and i'm joined by inside the hospital from medical mission volunteering to help people and medical staff. or we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department. as you can see the extreme, i, the crowding in the emergency department. this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get. especially when there are a tax nearby there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors surfacing hundreds of patients. family members everywhere. there's
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not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the floor on that, surrounded by their family members. um there are only 3 doctors generally in the emergency department. sorry. these doctors i've worked in understand. this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see, all around us, their patients and the family members in the car doors in the hallways, living with that by whose family members. and it makes it very difficult to be able to move around even to be able to actually even find your patients that a lot of times unfortunately because there's no structure and there's no system you actually don't know always way your patients. and the way you might be able to find them in order to provide the treatments. and we're going to take a look inside unlimited resources that are being provided here in the operating you know, the healthcare facilities and they're only a couple of hospitals that are still tasha. this will be one of them on my left
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hand side here. the recovery rooms where patients come off today and finish the operations, and i'm kind of terribly sorry. everything that's inside advice is very limited. resources is not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them. sense of taking their vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. what is this case? yes sir, this is, this is a young kid that obviously has to be buying from an explosion or bloss injury. this is a very common and unfortunate scenario, or a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their rooms. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give them or they have to come daily down to the operating through room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress a winds appropriately and, and they require care. actually this is sometimes, it's not necessarily not able to be provided here at our hospital hospital ahead here on out as a gathering and friends with the image making it easier for african countries to
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get live saving vaccines and tons of clothing to match the needs of saudi arabian pioneer, who wants to win glory and next month, power. so then the in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now i don't think so. and that it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selective justice or a weapon ization of the justice system. frank assessments that this stage both ukraine's a pro 10 moscow's approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build boxes for the inside story on al jazeera of the
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. ringback the challenges here with the, the
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bottom that you're watching elza 0. let's remind you about top stories, the sound and d, as in kenya, version to move ahead with the controversial tax reform bill protest as they've been fighting with the steering demonstrations against the proposed legislation. they say the mission as a move found a raise. the cost of the sources towed out 0. the $2.00 permanent to relative support forces have taken control of l. food off the capital of west quota fund. state. fighting in now full of between the student is only in the, are assess, hosted several hours before we all meet, replace the fuser. any minute treat is pushing deeper into western russia and gaza tags supported by will planes stationed in 5 neighborhoods across the southern city with tens of thousands of palestinians. of those sounds right or wrong is acting fine minutes to all the boundary. has house talks with him, us as politically the here unto ha, by the reset,
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that edits against the war on gaza should be accompanied by legal, political, and diplomatic resistance abroad. he also told him, also the smell here that iran supports any move that guarantees the demands of palestinians when it comes to cease fine talks. and this is all often as well as a to how some estrada wound is relative. what he called a war with no rules or strains should have loans and offensive on 11 on. that's what i said, no pace and israel would be safe from as well as attacks of to is really officials announced that they were ready for all out war. as well also threatened cyprus, saying that it too would be a target, is it allows israel to use its military facilities. now, is there any forces have health joins minutes she exercises with cypress and recent is a separate president has responded to has blessed rest. but give him a good have given him blood, give them a kind of good cyprus is not involved in any way in the hostilities. cypress is not part of the problem, but cyprus is in fact part of the solution. and our role as it was manifested,
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for example, through the humanitarian cordele is recognized certainly by the are well by the entire international community. the name of god is this, the attempt to present an image of cyprus being involved in military operations under no circumstances. while the european union has also respond to attend this role as comments site bruce, these members state of the european union, that means you look in union disciples and cyprus, east european union. that means any sort of against a bundle. if i remember space, is that the against the european union? so in the sense, uh, the european union fully supports cyprus as such. and the statement made in this context of the threats from he's bullied by the president of cyprus. for more than a $1000000000.00 is being patched and the fights of best to access to vaccines in africa. french president emanuel mack on and the central african leaders has amazing and powerless to launch the african vaccine manufacturing excel eraser. the funding will be used to speed up vaccine rollouts and help to build, invest in manufacturing based in the confidence and equipment to use during the
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cube of 19 pandemic minutes. that many african nations had to wait for vaccines and testing equipment. let's take a closer look at some of the vaccine preventables diseases in africa. the world health organization says move in 13000000 children under the age of 5, suffer from preventable diseases every year. it's estimation of the depths of african children represent, or the house of o global vaccine preventables. that's the most common preventable diseases include . malaria, cholera, and pneumonia, measles and rubella. helen reese is the chair of the w h, who is african regional immunization technical advisory group. she says the need for vaccines on the continent is 2nd to none. so certainly for cause it, they were intellectual property. issues of tech transfer wasn't easily available. and the big issue here for the african region is that we, we have very, very limited manufacturing effects here in this region. so we impose about 99
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percent of the vaccines declined for this reason of this region is the reason that probably 2nd to no one needs book seems particularly for children, the any manufacturer about one percent. so manufacturing is, is, is, is certainly one of the issues of intellectual property and tech transfer. all of that is, is, is one of the issues stopped putting some high income countries to store it was co that we send it with impulse. but also just the shortage of maxine for diseases that don't affect really high income country. so something like corner of it where we have significant outbreaks at the moment and they're on to lots of manufacturers . so there is a shortage of vaccine similarity. we see a shortage is about seen. so things like yellow fever and so shortage is another thing. and that's the manufacturing and, but just getting access, even if that are available, vaccines guessing access and for countries being able to afford to purchase them is another big challenge process. the president has
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a wrapped up his visit to asia. he's been in vietnam where he agreed to supply natural gas to the country. pigeon is trying to shore up support across the region as he faces growing international i solution for the war and ukraine. tony chang reports from the capital henry a little bit hooton's motorcade arriving at the presidential palace in handling a woman bryce from the recently appointed president of vietnam. when fulton last visited the alum had only just started his ascent to the top job. but he, like many getting these fields, a strong legions to russia for it supposed to vietnam in the past. we have them give one call in montana, vietnam will always consider russia as one of our most important partners. we will force together friendship and cooperation between generations of leaders and the people of 2 countries. i'd like to visit to north korea. here the focus was on
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economic development and co operation. russia already has links to vietnam's, portland gas production. you agreements have been signed to the that development. the pollutant is also you get to be seen as a player in the wider region by showing the discussion of the situation in the asia pacific region where a mutual interest was expressed and building a reliable. and that the court security architecture in the asia pacific region based on the principles of non use of force, a peaceful settlement of disputes in which there will be no place for clothes, military, political blocks. a busy day here and had only for vladimir putin o cents a around independence. 12 behind the 1st of all, a visit to the presidential palace where he'll meet the president himself, all of the prime minister and the general secretary of the communist policy. and then the ceremonial juices loading a rate in front of the muslim, found the mountain view of 2 minutes late in the afternoon. a solemn
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approach to pay respects to the man who led vietnam to independence. a brief visit for russia's president's vietnam. the chance to renew old friendships. tony chung out is there, henry. so the ongoing does 5 minutes to knock, which looks set to be the next nato chase after the only other candidate for the post pulled out of the race. which is set to take over the reins at october when the incumbent in stilton bugs, time comes to an end. this transition comes as a challenging time for the military lines. russia's war and ukraine is now in its 3rd, you know, 30 does are also worried about the rising threat posed by china and unrest. and them, at least at least 800000 people in northeast. and down to this account, the stranded is heavy. rain full persists and the flooded hit. the region of still had hundreds of villages have been in on days as in the southeast, at least 10 people have been killed, the jews landslides, in the cox's design district. that area is home to nearly $1000000.00 range of many
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of whom have fled from the la sadie. ah, please don't you. i've been told of a set to make history at this is summer olympic games in paris. so become the 1st female from saudi arabia to qualify to compete in the international tournament. then i'll talk later reports of the new oval toilet glove training and take one to add an old boys club and saudi arabia for unexpected beginning has pushed her to shatter stereotypes. and kick her way to history. how this has been this many years ago. and this is a challenge for me as the 1st audi woman to qualify for the olympics. it means that i have reached the stage of kill or be killed. i have reached the point where i must achieve something for years. so the women have not been able to take part in or even attend sporting events. but recent reforms in the country have allowed the 27 year old to trace or dream. the life i started dick
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window and i was 8 years old and there is no support. like now. i see so many times as dreaming of becoming a saudi champion or a world champion. and i see them in the past. olympic officials invited to female saudi athletes as a way of encouraging, greater participation defined. oh, dounia has become the 1st to qualify on her own after winning a gold medal in the asian championships. earlier this year. her coach says she's made huge progress. they by they, when i was painting good enough that little much in woman watching bishop adult for the nation. the doing? yeah. one of the who come get with a treatment, maybe 2 or 3 use, she can get some of the n as in are from competing in local matches to an international multi sporting events. junior hopes her achievement to empower others,
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solving women to step into the spotlight of sports. do you now go ok as you 0? as well as that for me and associates inside story is next and discusses what kinds accusations against as well, and pasting in groups and stay with the you're welcome to look at the international forecast and we'll start with a little check up on the progress softly she is monsoon range. the blue line shows where they arranged currently live just to the south of goods or right running across towards moving parts of the bat, bengal and pushing a little further north which you can see there's a bit of a lack there. that black line shows where it should be, so the res haven't quite setting across the northern plains as much as we would like to see at this present time. so if any of them pulls
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a off of the north and east up towards the north west, we've got a scattering of showers, a device, monsoon rice, i was just hoping to know the edge of those temperatures, but it's still very hot. nevertheless, central pot things to break it down, pulse over the next style, so western got sole sourcing lobby, shall i go so into sh lanka. range not as intense as they should be. somewhat disappointing here at taking a little bit of a breeze a lot. so dry weather, meanwhile, across the arabian peninsula, temperatures into the 4th is for many of cost down around mobile in macro with around $41.00 celsius. touching those sort of temperatures across the eastern side of the met. it's right, it's still plenty of heat in place here. i had some of the temperature to the for the northeast of africa, as for central africa, plenty of showers in place. but notice heavy. i think going to be the hard hitch. i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one is government with this,
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this part that you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used and was not done. so the use the men offensive way that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor? he had the story on told to how does era yes, again, israel is accused of committing rule crimes against palestinians this time by you and by the commission of inquiry says, unless is october attacks didn't happen in a vacuum listing, and i'm groups also received a share of the flame but who will enforce accountability is inside story the
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