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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 21, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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to, to set for it and type domain, the new app from out is 0. new at using. is it the treating the wounded in a lot of the most challenging conditions. we made the medical team so working inside causes few remaining hospitals. the other ones are enjoying this is out as they are a license though. so coming is ready for us to shut a residential building in the southern city upon eunice, the reports of casualties from tax sykes and
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kenny. a trick of nationwide onto government protests, at least one person's been to the we me to saudi arabian pioneer who wants to win brewery in next month. and then pick the, the world health organization is wanting that only 17 out of $36.00 hospitals across the guns, a strip, a partially functioning of what remains of the collapsed health system is struggling to treat the wounded and the ill at least 70 percent of gauze as medical staff of fled, hospitals are operating with the minimum stuff and facing extreme over crowning all this while a supply of medicines and fuel has turned into a trickle because of israel located for garza's health minister says about 7 and 50000 palestinians are living with chronic diseases including cancer, they no longer have access to medication or essential medical procedures such as dialysis and chemotherapy. a groups are also wanting
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a further outbreaks of infectious diseases. the human says 67 percent of water and sanitation facilities have been destroyed or damaged. forcing palestinians to rely on contaminated water while i'm to 0 has been given special access inside guns as largest remaining functioning hospital when medical workers are struggling to provide care to an ever growing number of patients. correspondence, how do you my mood was taken to alex the hospital by dr. bushera osmond was a general surgeon working with an overseas medical mission. so we're inside the lock sauce hospital like the emergency department here. you can see it's over crowded and i'm joined by doctor man inside the hospital from pansy mount medical mission volunteering to help people and medical or we need to know more about what's going on inside the emergency department.
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thank you, honey. as you can see the extreme, i have a crowding in the emergency department. this is actually a time when it's not really as busy as it could get. especially when there are a tax nearby. there's limited resources in the department with only a few doctors servicing hundreds of patients. family members everywhere. there's not enough beds for the patients. you can see them either in wheelchairs or on the floor on that, surrounded by their family members. there only 3 doctors generally in the emergency department, sorry. these doctors i've worked in on this. this is a hospital normally that would have a couple of 100 beds and doesn't necessarily get to treat a lot of patients. there are now up to 800 patients and thousands of displaced people living here. as you can see all around us, their patients and their family members in the car doors in the hallways. living with that by whose family members. and it makes it very difficult to be able to move around even to be able to actually even find your patients that
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a lot of times unfortunately because there's no structure and there's no system. you actually don't know ways where your patients end up a way you might be able to find them in order to provide the treatments. and we're going to take a look inside unlimited resources that are being provided here and the operating you know, the healthcare facility. there are only a couple of hospitals that are still passionate. this will be one of them. on my left hand side, here are the recovery rooms where patients come off today. i've finished the operations and i'm kinda fairly sorry. everything that's inside advice is very limited resources, there's not necessarily the equipment to be able to monitor them terms of taking their vital signs, like blood pressure and hot, right. what is this case? yes sir. this is, this is a young kid that obviously has to be buying from an explosion or bloss injury. this is a very common and unfortunate scenario. or a lot of these kids are in the pain because of their worries. there isn't enough adequate energies. you have to be able to give them,
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they have to come daily down to the operating room to get dressing changes because there isn't enough adequate supply on the wards to be able to dress. i wins appropriately and, and they require care. actually, this is sometimes is on necessarily not able to be provided here at our hospital with dr. james smith is an emergency physician who worked at alexa and other hospitals in gaza. he says the terrible state of the health care system is hard to convey. or i don't think the even the most attentive media outlets that have been reporting on, on the genocide since since day one. and prior to october, i don't think that those media outlets have really conveyed the full extensive, the violence, the full expense of, of, of the popularity of what is happening. and the ways in which that has manifest. i'm with, with, with speaking here about hospitals that have been unable to cope for several months and they are functioning really by the she a determination of the processing in health care workers that are continuing to
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show up and are continuing to see patients. but frankly speaking, even the most well resourced health care system in the world would not be able to withstand the level of, of, of trauma that is coming through the, the, the doors the she and number of patients presenting with some of the most complicated and terrific physical and psychological conditions, but that, that health care professional will see in there in that, in that professional career is what is needed. and frankly, it's incredible. but we're still having to st. this a plus months into one of the most. bob barracks, uh moments in, in human history, is that we need an immediate end to the violence against the people of casa, and what's then needed, of course, is a ground swell of support that is sustained not only over several weeks and months, but over the years and decades to rebuild and to revitalize the products cindy and
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health care system. meanwhile, these lady minutes res, targeting the area around nasa hospital and han eunice. this was the moment on his radio strike, had a residential building in the southern city. there are reports of casualties. a school with sheltering families near the blast was damaged. i think as you can see, the classroom where we shelter is damaged. i don't know where we will sleep. we are 25 people in this classroom. look at how damage it is. look at our sleeping area. where will we sleep? we don't know. we might have to sleep in the yard. and then the rough uh, is there any tongue? some troops are pushing deeper into the southern city bedding supported by war, plains and drones taught us to be insight tanks have moved in to at least 5 neighborhoods. according to the u. n. 's relief agency for palestinian refugees. an estimated 65000. oddest indians are still sheltering in rough up. i'll just say it was sent out quarterly sent this update from debt. i bought
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a central gaza and it's still intensifying and escalating and just the where it's a bottom field right now between the policy mean resist infections and is where in the army where fighting is taking place in a supporter, refugee camp and also in a so the neighborhood, at least 65000 palestinians remain in refund, refuse to evacuate despite this air strikes, as opposed to re selling. it's also the se in the another in parts of the cars to where airstrikes continue targeting residential homes in us is that you know where her, in the heart of the cause of the city. the palace sydney and civil defense teams were able to pull the bodies of 4 pot assume use after 4 days of their targets. where a drought i saw many was targeted 4 days ago in the se, dot com. we just received their bodies right now in an actual hospital. it's been in since deciding palestinians are still the space currently displaced for
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a place to another. striving to find water and food. stepping vaughnam confrontations in israel between the ultra orthodox, jewish protest as and the police best among the intelligence community of a legislation being advanced in parliament that would end their exemption from military conscription coming to the able to avoid investment by enrolling and religious studies. the government's push to review that laws, it goes up hundreds of thousands of reserves for to i'm going to the to one of these now we're in kenya. one person's been killed as demonstrates as clash with police doing nationwide protests against the government plan. tax reforms, thousands of people, it's up to the streets and cities across the country. and the capital, nairobi, police use tear gas and water counting against demonstrators. welcome web centers report it's talented with social media use as
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blaming kenny as presidents really in route to, to the rising cost of living and tax hikes. now, his pool housings to the streets protest is gathered, may, can use parliament as m p. 's debated the legislation to increase the taxes. we are paying the houses along with you on the up into what taxes will get to go run to get to the hospital and not missing those results. please try decatur street. the government says it's already listened to the people when it removes some of the most controversial taxes from the bill. every time we got the processes to the side street, they rounded panes very clean the right place in the front of the way. he's done that before, i say we gotta put down to the
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police in the taken out. remember to need to do these offices as people talented the peaceful protest as well. mostly peaceful, federal coupons, several streets in the city center. so the police use fulton cannon and take us to seal off the streets, closest to parliament inside about 2 thirds of the n p's voted to approve the amended bill at its 2nd reading. president retail has a majority of the outside. people said his government doesn't represent them and then tired of corruption and full service delivery to the influx. the initial on the 1st step. 2 on the wheelchair so, so far as soon as he came into the fall off, once i'd be done with the 1000 protesters in around 20 different towns and cities,
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including router's hometown is able to read the crowds a younger than those cnn opposition. let protests and reason. yes. it doesn't follow a political lead that students drop see, cuz i'm young professionals on the streets in my baby rights group say more than 30 people were arrested and thousands injured, including 6 hate by police cars. when running away, the police have set their respect, constitutional rights must protect government buildings from occupation elements expected debates on the finance village final reading. next week, the sunsets approached, please try to clear the streets with fontes of tear gas before nightfall. it didn't work until plain co security broke up the remaining crowd malcolm web address. there may be kenya to sit down with the head to the medical child to the doctors without borders as the ongoing conflict has provoked. so one of the world's
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worst humanitarian crises, in decades, in the nicest development sources total down to 0, the permanent treat rapids support forces i've taken control of, of food, is the capital of the west, co to fund state southwest of a sudden these capital call to fighting and out food i between the sydney's army, i'm the r as f last at 7 hours before the army report that he withdrew from the city. the group took control of government and ministry buildings. the thousands have been killed and the conflict between the army and the recess since april last year. i'll just say it was he to move in as more from call to to the foreign military rapids support forces has been targeting positions officer, denise army, not just infatuated. in the job for region in north star for, but also in other parts of the country now in westport, at the time the, our stuff was able to take over and food, which is one of the last 2 remaining armies, trunk holes in the seats. and with the takeover of the recept over the ministry garrison and food that, that the only bubble knew. so as the last remaining minutes,
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very strong cold in the state of westwood defense. now this means that the hours have, has expanded its control over the territory into them. and especially in the core defend region. and especially in the west star floor and now has access to control of the border between sedan and south to them. but the takeover of the iris f over and food that has led to the displacement of civilians and photo was already a place that has been home or hosting hundreds of thousands of people who have been displaced from other parts of the court defend region into areas that are controlled by the army and territories controlled by the army, because they deemed it safer. and now with the iris of control and food of tens of thousands have positively to it's bob and who's not in westport defense states, which is the last remaining army strong, cold. but it's also the place that the recess has been targeting for the past few weeks. and have been trying to take control of the all concerns about the humanitarian situation that will result as a result of the iris if taking mover and as
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a result of the displacement of civilians from and for that to buy a new plan elsewhere, including across the border into south to them already, but united nation says $10000000.00 people have been displaced as a result of the conflict. within 15000 people have been killed and there is a catastrophic, so many parents situation according to the united nation. and they often sense that with more and more people lean, especially towards buy a new cell, which is already an active, complex own. and where 8 organizations cannot easily really reach those needs. they off on the sense that the for me to parent assistance or the humanitarian needs will grow and that more and more civilians will be in dire need of assistance and may lose their life. as a result of shortages of those relief supplies, even more than onto 0, how to stifle. thank you, and i'll just say it right when we come back with dwindling supplies of electricity and gas, hello, stevens and casa. i've been trying to more traditional ways of cooking scans, the russians have on the push to make africa self sufficient in faxing, smoking, a $1000000000.00 is pledge to the global summit. smaller states,
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the highlight. we have some shocking weather across the good parts of north america. at the moment you can say the sun, the heights just rolling across the lakes, we've got a high temperatures close at a side of the country. and if that wasn't enough, we'll say got the out to it. bands of typical storm alba type bringing flooding to southern paso, texas. that's the address of the hate. first of all right. why the system is loading across the northern plains. that's the boundary between the cool. laura, it's warm enough monitoring to the twenty's. they're going to kind of have, which was the pacific northwest and i really hall to across the deep south pushing up towards the northeast and kona phoenix. pretty hold as well. of course we're looking at tablets just getting up into the mid to hostilities for dc. by the time
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we come to sat today. lot of hate around lots of rates and oranges showing up on that child so dangerous a way for a long t y. that is continuing. here we have that weather system, some very heavy showers, long spells a frank, a cool, some flash flooding welcomes showers, moving the way across, new mexico. hopefully helping with the wall falls as we go through the next dial. so what's the weather that just moving across the lakes as we go on through the weekend? meanwhile, we have seen flooding further funds to come east and positive mexico. as tropical storm alberta makes light begins to weaken the israel's or machine is decimating entire households. and because the words of those who survived and with the help of palestinian generalists, folk lines tells the heralding story of 3 families and investigates us complicity
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in the world's most brutal in decades. the night and biden's wanted us to hold on just either the the welcome back you watching out. just a real quick remind of our top story is a in canada, one person's been killed as demonstrating his class with the police, doing nationwide protests against a government plan. the police use was a kind of an to against his best crowds and they found him into my writing m p. 's budget to move ahead with the bill because his hospitals are facing extreme of crowding as they struggled to treatment. it will include,
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according to the world health organization, only 17 out of $36.00 portion of the function. time is really ministry is targeted, a residential building in a city upon unit in southern gaza and was located in the vicinity of nasa hospital that our thoughts of casualties. now a lot of electricity and fuel means palestinians are struggling to cook, the little food available to them. many have resulted to using clay ovens that hadn't made a dime shaped structures are becoming increasingly present in the lives of palestinians trying to feed their families. but the history reports turning to old traditions as a means of survival in the midst of war and famine. these young men are crafting a lifeline to counter israel's blockade. but as it had a big shot in garage and we started making play, opens 2 months after the war began to be seen as an opportunity to make a living. and also to provide people with a means to bake. as there is no electricity or gas, people can use these options for cooking. and there's been
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a very high demand. traditional clay ovens have been a part of the palestinian heritage for generations. but haven't been used on this scale for a very long time. i have a slot, i work on that, but i learned this across from my father if you wanted to be here with us today, but couldn't my father used to work with my uncle when he was 16 years old. they stopped for a long time, and cosmic tricity became widely available. but when the war returned, we went back to this craft that in the from 6 am until the end of each day. this group is hard at work using a bucket to move around to face with cement, and pouring straw and clay over the top, and then leaving it to solidify in the hot, sun loa for the i'm assuming that this craft is saved, people are lost because there's no electricity that helps them cook and bake, or even grill food. if anything, this a save people, a lot of trouble with the know the effects of the ongoing fuel and electricity
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shortage or more parents at night rescue crews are forced to use cellphone lights to search the rubble for victims. but for families it means modern cooking facilities don't work. increasingly they're relying on clay ovens and firewood that oh, if i am with of course it is tired and it consumes a lot of firewood and even fire disappears. but what else can we do that i have no alternatives. we tried to adapter the situation even if we go back to using clay ovens, we all resilience people and think god, we try to adapt to the situation, no matter what. adapting the circumstances has become a daily reality, as people increasingly struggled to find food, water, and medicine. with few options, left resurgence of this family craft is helping to feed palestinians for desperate for an end to their suffering. they had me hit you out 0. miss, as military genta has revoked the uranium mining license,
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so the french nuclear group around of the mine operation by the company as one of the world's biggest uranium deposits is the latest move towards cutting ties with funds. i'll just say was a hydro, ex triple of the mind, me license. i thought it was all about the military youth that relates to the more wording mining side which sits on 200000 tons of uranium. a metal used in the production of new care energy, as well as nuclear weapons. it's the only site operated by the prince mining company. or i know it also operates another binding site in our lead in the north of the country. and the region of it is the government of the give you the chinese, the ministry need and you had given or on the up to the 19th of june to mobilize, decide, or lose it slices. the company safety does already mobilize stuff. and my tv is to the side and lead infrastructure. so is a 4th of june relationship between 1st i need for my call. i need you to try to rearrange it says the coup last year that piper gave you a general try me. and then we'd start to see how the relationship towards started
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are taking a nose dive when the french, the military and government boarded the french invested there to leave out. that was followed by the eviction of several hundreds of french soldiers based image and disrupting down on our french basis images here. now it seems that they move forward the action of the media future to is also targeting print businesses. image russian companies have indicated interest in the uranium mining sup, uh, site anymore, right. and we've seen also applauding of a to just between russian businesses and the russian government as well as rushing messenger res image, which clip point to the direction. why these new license or the nicest for you, but we're in may be headed to how many degrees of do you see that i would you smell to us is binding a russian maid, antivirus software, i mean the concerns of a possible threats to national security. the vitamin administration says the crumbling has total access to the cust buskie system and the data of audits.
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customers include us critical infrastructure providers and state and local governments. washington has been concerned about the software since 20. 17 casper ski will now be prohibited from entering into any new agreements in the united states, starting on july 20th outgoing dodge, prime minister, mot ross. it looks that to be the next nato chief of to the on the other candidate for the post pulled out of the race rush i set to take over the reins in october when the incumbent and stilton bugs time comes to an end. this transition comes with a challenging time for the ministry alliance, rushes, one ukraine is in its 3rd year, and they tell need is, are worried about china and unrest in the middle of the u, as in china, of held high level talks on, on to narcotics corporation. after breakthrough in a joint investigation into a major drug link, money laundering operation, washington resumed law enforcement and accountant kotik stokes. with beijing at the
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beginning of the year. it was prompted by spike in debts from opioid overdose is in the us cooperation was frozen for a couple of years. a range of issues including the origins of code. 19 the chief minutes of the past 5 months have once again proved that cooperation between the 2 sides is mutually beneficial. while fighting is detrimental to both sides. small, in a $1000000000.00, as has been pledged in an effort to increase vaccine production in africa. french president, emanuel macro on several african leaders, mentioned the capital powers to launch the initiative. i'll just say it was somebody i guess before it's amazing of mines and phones promised old to enable african countries dependent on vaccines made abroad to access and produce that own among those gathered here health organizations and pharmaceutical firms, an outage assets, a b just to make the confident,
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most self sufficient in the face of the next pandemic, left click african manufacturers. only 2 percent of the vaccines are to choose this in the end that we have set for ourselves. is it by 204060 percent of axes out to be manufactured on the continent specifics more than $1000000000.00 has already been committed to the cause 3 quarters pledged by european countries and attempts they say to correct the mistakes of the past. when the colored 19 vaccine was being distributed around the world, africa was one of the last places where it was rolled out. vaccine nationalism well, welfare countries pushed access and potentially hold production was blamed. creating not only deep and the quantities, but also allowing for further mutations and countries with low a vaccination rates. despite the kofax initiative that enabled low to middle income countries, access to the vaccines kovacs, helping us to reach the world as for us and most by little faster then we would
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have otherwise. but not fast enough. there is no doubt that the delays in reaching lower income countries and communities we instructions costs lives. and it's not just cobit that's been dudley on the continent. malaria kills more than 90000 people. yeah. more than 6000 to have died in the current color outbreak across eastern and southern africa. the largest death total in is 40 percent of gross fatalities recorded among children under 5 years of age, exacerbated by flooding and regions with access to vaccines is most vital. the project aims to secure more than 800000000 vaccine doses produced locally across africa over the next decade and achievement. that would be some way to address the an equality that continues to overshadow healthcare around the world.
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so like i yeah, go out to 0, protest as in the french city of ran much against the rise of the far right on thursday, around $1500.00 to the streets to protest the ever on search of the nations fall right potty comes off for a call from unions and political groups across the country, the match was disrupted by clashes between young demonstrators and the police. a fitness prime minister really soon acts as he's already to hear that his party coming higgs are being investigated for placing bets on the timing of the u. k general election to assume that the conservative party colleagues are facing questions from the countries gambling regulate a weather event used inside information for their profit election date was a closely guarded secret. i took many people in the party by surprise. vote takes place on july. the 4th is it's a really serious matter. it's right that, that being investigated, populated by the relevant nor enforcement authorities including is sharing the said
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a criminal investigation by the police. and i want to be crystal clear. but if anyone has broken the rules, patient faced the full force of the law, and that's what those investigations of that to do. i hope that they do that work as quickly and authority as possible. louisiana is governor jeff laundry assigned to bill making the state the only one in the us to require the public schools display the 10 commandments from the bible in classrooms. the american civil liberties union has announced legal action to stop the bill, as it violates the separation of church and state, and the us supreme court ruling. landry has signed the bill as part of a series of education reforms to expand faith in public schools. this bill mandates the display of the 10 commandments in every classroom and public elementary, secondary and post education schools in the state of louisiana. because if you want our respective room, all you gotta start from the original log in,
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which was most many of our founders would have had no issue with religion being a little more present in our public school system. so that's not the issue at all. the problem with what louisiana is doing is they're really trying to make a point about one particular religion, right. they're not being expansive in trying to include most slums or even jews, even old skin. ma'am, it's comes to the tour. they're really trying to make sure that evangelical christianity is for you, internet, and very noticeable in the public school system. saudi arabia, an athlete donia about talbot, is set to make history. this is some of the big games in paris. you become the 1st female from saudi arabia to qualified to compete in the international tournament. mean, i'm awfully reports doing you overall a glut training and take one to add an old boys club and saudi arabia for unexpected beginning.


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