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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 22, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates. the the hello i'm running saw you. this is the news at night from the coming up in the next 60 minutes a deadly day in gaza at least 55 palestinians, a co bies riley attacks across the street. a day in the life of the adults and one of golf was few functioning hospitals. we follow a new role address for us to make decisions about who gets to live for the people of the world cannot afford 11 and to become another gods. a warning from the un
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chief of space grows at cross for the attacks between his realm. hezbollah could turn into an all out and mix for him. he waved groups for us, triggering alerts for over a $100000000.00 people on far as small with the sport, including frustration for killing and buffy of friends. captain said on the bench with the broken nose as they played out. the goal is strong with benevolence. the hello welcome to the program and spend another deadly day across garza, with his riley strikes hitting targets from the north to the south. at least 55 palestinians were killed. hundreds of others were injured. is really artillery. shells struck deep into the residential halls, have gone to the city to the south as strikes, hit a make shift hospital in milwaukee, which is meant to be
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a so called safe. so him could. ari begins our coverage from darrow butler and central garza, the, the fall of sleeping and panic. after is really artillery shells target a have many populated area in the heart of cause a city pond is to means list crumbling to help. the injured horse pattered across a brief coordinator. we don't know what happened. so to me, we were showered with missiles and didn't says, are trying to connect the wounded, but hospitals in the area are already stretched to a breaking point. only 3 and this partially functioning new pond is to need is period is you as well as to good news, continue to be targeted. this is
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a milwaukee in the south. an area is real designated as a so called save. so and then the we were about to sleep and get some risk. as the next thing we knew was the sound of the result, the explosions, destroying our places. we found ourselves alone, not knowing what to do. we still can't process. what's happened with this is say that is really many to use sound bonds to 1st policy means towards and make shift hospitals where they were targeted casualties arising the funding, they find a new the red cross we have located near that my husband runs a check. they fight again new the red cross that were casualties that people got that, that i tried to call my husband, he didn't answer. people start to run someone's across in his car. the entire clause was to it's under is there any bombardment punished and these are trapped trying to find any inch of safety. but none exist. include any of those either the
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plaza, palestine just there is more also color it has more and the attacks and northern gauze from jamalia, so clear the, the intensity of bump selling has increased in the past few days. and nothing does in garden city as that is why the forces carpeted different, separated residential houses and blocks in both at garden city ends often goes with the so a 8 killed and including a 5, not as simple as the wall cuz i would have been killed why they are doing their duties and they had to walk to o a b. i might as simple as you guys are for the in the sense that olga city also say that it had been killed as a result of an as y e d y had as a tune, neighborhood and dislike eh, killed 7,
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including 3 children. and at one women also dozens had been killed and uh, got injured as a result of uh, different, super rated, functioning and also read all over. nothing does a city at the does the city itself. and this is, by the way, the daily receives we are experiencing every day in the nothing does a by the way, who am and 8 months of war and goes that his cripple the health system, the few hospitals that are still operational all without sufficient life saving equipment or medicine, the chance of survival for patients, most of whom call and get a bed all low out. is there a follow to palestinian neurologist at all? acts the hospital and they're all by the who's also displaced to see what is like on the hospital front line, tarry. couple assume has his story, cuz that's how you let us a lot of this is one of the last few remaining costs,
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but tools in going so somebody, somebody each day brings me patients. phone. you're really just, i'm her mother and his stuff up up to the hosp to it means another long shift with lack of resource the, you know, so these letters every day we deal with thousands of cases. there is a severe shortage of a central medical supplies. we are dealing with patients using very primitive methods which take a long time. we sometimes lose the patient in the operation room due to the lack of medical tools. most of the 36 hospitals and goals will have been destroyed and critical health care remaining accessible. nearly 500 was put in health workers. how big kills and do is assume something with limited supplies. and to make a choice about who gets to the specialist and of the medical professionals have help to move around to avoid being targeted in as well as attacks in almost 8 months. they have been providing central treatment to the wounded and those who
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were really sick and with age is very strong, causing mass casualties. keeping people alive with limited supplies becomes that much more difficult. unlike medical professionals all over the world, doctors and nurses in goza did not get breaks to go not so sleep is a luxury from home that home and down the box and sound with the last we worked 24 hours on certain days we are providing medical care for 3 basic departments and we should follow all the cases in the hospital. we continue to treat new tanks as in the emergency department and we carry out medical surgeries for critical cases along with my colleagues of size patients. well. but then usually just is also a refugee, how much has hot to move multiple times because no wes, saving goza is ready attacks. health telling you to be pulled in areas where designated save stones for doctors like from that, that's a worrying so wild. what?
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because they have to leave the families and flimsy tends for days from about as i think i thought that how oh my guess is when the world again, i didn't see my family for 2 weeks because i didn't leave. i was chief, a hospital and even when i visited my family like to i was thinking about the hospital and the patients and how i can balance my personal and professional laundry to it. goes as doctors and nurses have refused to leave patients behind, even when the when given evacuation or despite is all over the world boxes and health care workers have approved tested in sort of derrick see. but for doctors like tell me that it's a ceasefire. it could not come soon enough, as that tirelessly work to save lives. tarika bassoon, l just sierra derek by the palestine. the un secretary general has voiced his alarm at the escalating violence between israel and has paula and one of his strongest comments on the situation. and tony gutierrez said,
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the risk of further conflict in the middle east is real, but must be avoided. cable. others on there has moved from new york the secretary general saying that the un continues to support any diplomatic efforts to ends of violence in gaza and avoid any spill over into 11 on the u. n. has about 10000 peacekeepers in lebanon, and the secretary general said they are working around the clock to try to de escalate tensions in the region. secretary general also saying that an all out war between has belong and is real, would be a worst case scenario. one that he is worried about for quite some time, but now more than ever, the reason for the conflict seems to be the least. why that is real. must be avoid is when dress move, when miscalculation, cool thing that a catastrophe that goes far beyond the bar of this. and frankly,
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beyond imagination, let's be clear, is the people of the region and the people of the wills cannot afford 11 on to become another god. so the secretary general knows that the best way to avoid any spillover in till 11 on is for israel's war on gaza to end. and that's why he again called for association in hostilities that would lead to a permanent cease fire. one that he says is the only durable solution gabriel is on to i'll just either at the united nations in new york. well, hezbollah has released a video. it says shows a new kind of attack during the explosive drone was used in a strongly content. is really ministry based in the, to the, on the photo with lemon on does there, as i said, big as in 11 on this capital bay route of the conflict and southern lebanon has been simmering since the start of his wheels will on gauze this day,
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the reports of a strikes entrust for the tax between israel and his beloved, but it has been a warning from his with us need to ship sending us through the natal applies address. said that the group has ministry, unintelligence capabilities that would enable the district deeper into israel. and also st. john for teach from his beloved drones over stage where the city of hyphen, we've seen drone for teach from kind of cause the drum striking is really positions the message from his will, is that they don't want to put up prepared for it. and any was out to the conflict with not be confined to the board as of living on the need to have done. this was the one cypress. it's believed here that cyprus is being used by these raids in terms of minutes. you intelligence to target his beloved hair, but the message from his realize that this is april, the group has the capability of inflicting damage on israel. but people here in the don't, don't want to avoid the contr ford, one is already suffering from an economic crisis. it would be devastating,
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but the reality is if it is it will not be confined to the board is of this country . and there would be damage inflicted on israel. i said vague. i'll just say the favorites, living on at least 2 palestinians have been killed by his riley forces who open find a vehicle in the occupied westbank. the shooting happened in the northern city of kalki, liam red crescent official on the scene told on to 0, that is where the forces prevented his team from approaching the call. assisting the injured out is there is newer or day reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank. the hello sydney and authorities, confirmed 2 men were killed in a copay in the northern westbank with his ready forces. i'm bushed the center of the town and fired at a vehicle carrying to people allegedly wanted by b is really occupation authorities a be have of a habit and my holds. they were both confirmed, killed their bodies and the car they were riding and were confiscated by the is
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really soldiers. meanwhile, something far more strategic and with long lasting effect is also taking place with these really army transferring powers over construction in agriculture and about 61 percent of the west bank to the is really ministry of defense, particularly these really administer bits of smotts rich and a group of civil servants loyal to him. what that means is that in essence, the israeli government is implementing its coalition agreement that pledges to next the west back. it will be treating these illegal is really supplements the same way it would any other is really city inside israel proper. an over the months we've heard from you on an international law experts and more than 50 countries at the international court of justice saying the is rarely occupation of the west bank is
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illegal because it is permanent, and it is tantamount to annexation. and so now with that step, it is no longer creeping annexation or the fact so, and exceptions money would say, next station is here. it is now being streamlined and normalized within the bureaucracy of the is really state, not all the address data, but i'm a law palestine us state department's deputy assistant secretary for it is rarely published in unit 5 as has resigned onto miller says he made the decisions for family reasons, but he's disagreed in the past on some of the ways the body and ministration is handled. the war on gaza. multiple officials have resigned from the state department since the beginning of the war. a white house correspond kidney, how kit has more the resignation of senior diplomat. andrew miller from the us state department, is the latest in the spring of resignations from the side administration across
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a range of agencies. and it underscores rolling frustration with in the bought into ministration. over the president's stock support for israel's war on gaza. already there has been a number of high profile resignations, where those who have resigned have said that the president, in some cases is twisting the facts or even turning a blind di or complicit in the 37000 palestinian desk and counting. now this not only underscores the growing frustration with in the government, but also outside the government. just 2 weeks ago we saw thousands take to the street outside the white house, protesting israel's war on garza. and we expect, as we head towards the november presidential election, those protests will continue next week. us president joe biden is set to debate for president donald trump in a presidential debate where joe biden appears in public appearances. he is often
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met by protesters who call him genocide, joe, or say that his red line was a lie. we also expect there will be further protests when the as rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu addresses a joint session of congress. next month. we know that there will already be a large number of members of congress who planned to. 2 caught that address. kimberly helped get out to 0. the white house we can speak now to now she line, she resigned from the state department in march of this year over the us government stones on the gauze. and well, she's now with such a fellow in the middle east program of the quincy institute. she joins us now live from washington, d. c. thank you so much for your time. how surprised to you by the resignation of andrew miller? us. um. i was not particularly surprised, although i, you know, i, i certainly, my heart goes out to him. i know that there's been a lot going on and, you know,
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as he said, this is related to family reasons. but i also know that he has disagreed in the past. which administration's policy. um, so i, you know, i hope that he and his family are doing well and you know, in general, i do think this does for draw attention to the fact that there are many people inside the state department to continue to be were fined by what the administration is doing and i do think we will continue to likely see more resignations. he is the most senior member type, resigned his port. finally of focuses on the is where the palestinian issues, what sort of impact is his departure likely to have on his departments and morale in general. i mean, when it comes to the administration's policy on israel palestine, the decisions are made at the very top. so unfortunately, there are many people, such as das miller, who although he was in a senior, a relatively senior position,
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was not able to have a significant impact on policy as we've observed. he and others have, have expressed, well, i imagine he and others have expressed some of their concerns internally. and clearly it has not had an impact on some of these decisions. so i don't expect that his departure will really shift the policy that we're seeing yourself quit your job and government you were a foreign affairs office in the bureau of democracy, human rights and labor. how difficult was it for you to make that decision that it wasn't easy? you know, i very much value the opportunity to work with the state department and i'd only been there a brief time. and so. busy it would have been preferable to be able to stay and to learn more. and you know, i very much admire the, the work that might be important where it's at my colleagues were doing. but, you know, from my perspective, i just could no longer walk in the door every day. and i,
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i know from colleagues conversations with colleagues who are still there. this is something that many people grapple with. to what extent they're able to try to have some impact on the inside. but i do think as this policy continues and the numbers just keep going. i think people are really grappling with this question of what impact can they really have versus for the hospitably tried to have an impact by resigning and doing so publicly. yeah, i understand all the resign is including yourself, then working together to get a present button to change us policy and gaza. can ask how that's going. what exactly you are doing. a flood clearly by is not is not changing the policy unfortunately. um, you know, i do think that unfortunately with in the us political system, we see the significant impact of the israel lobby in a tack. and so, for example, what we're seeing right now with the amounts of money that a pack is spending to try to unseat representative jamal bowman in new york. i
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think i saw that more money has been spent on that primary campaign. then in, i think the entire new k elections for example, which is, which is insane. and so in general, i think that, you know, we're, we're really going to need to see a very significant shift in the us political system in order to see the power of israel lobby changing. however, i do think that may be coming because i think that younger generations are sick and tired of this. they are no longer willing to just uncritically support all of the violence that fee is really military and government are committing. so what my hope is, although we may not see change immediately, that there is a generational change of flex. okay, really good to get. your perspective now is turned on from previously worked at the state department resigned in march of this year. thank you. thank you.
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now armenia says it has fully recognized an independent palestinian state. and the statement it's foreign ministry said, reaching a 2 state solution is the only way to ensure that palestinians and his riley's can realize the legitimate aspirations, spain on an slovenia, a new way made a similar move last month. joining more than a 140 un member states that have recognized palestinian statehood. i mean, while you and agencies a warning that more than a 1000000 palestinians in gauze i could experience the highest level of salvation by mid july. hunger continues to west and as israel maintains its blockade on humanitarian access into the strip left parents across the strip square, i'm leading to keep the children alive to lead a girl reports. saba, ahmed swell struggles echo throughout garza. it's a daunting task. i have to rest every flights of space. the difficulty
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is trying to provide for a family. when israel has cut off an entire population from the resources they need to survive. now we can hardly find a loaf of bread and if available, we just eat bread without any other food item. we do not have income, and even if there is nothing to buy, we cannot afford a decent meals. my children and i you telling me a loaf of bread and only once today they're 11 members of the swell family. and they live in state law here in the new hunger and thirst, a spreading on summit and struggling to keep his trojan life, even when they escaped. death from israel's near constant attacks. come see for yourself the fridge is completely empty. nothing at all. not even what my children are starving to death. it's now infested with insects and cockroaches is nothing.
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it all depends and 85 percent of palestinian children under the age of 5 in the cause of it being forced to go at least $1.00 and $3.00 days without food. the number of deaths from dehydration and fall nutrition is rising, leaving parents hopeless is fun and takes hold. julie degas alda 0. the the extreme temperatures continue to scorch regions across the united states. the heat waves stretches from the midwest to the northeast and is expected to spread the southern states over the coming days. about a 100000000 people on the heat to let's. and they've been record breaking temperatures in the region of new england and the city of chicago,
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temperatures in the capital, washington d. c. are expected to break records this weekend. and the heat wave is proving deadly from migraines. from the border with mexico, margaret was found dead in the desert near. while the hot is apparently from heat stroke, us board officials say at least one migrant died every day from the heat last week in the el paso region. rescue teams have been deployed on both sides of the border . we would highly encourage people to use the port of entries. don't try to cross the legally, especially through that desert, because this brutal heat is unforgiving. and that's so what's happening is these people cross over and they're losing their lives. so our strong recommendation is don't try to cross the legal. you don't go through the desert shepherd town season, washington dc. how's this update on the extreme heat across the country? here's washington dc where you got to experience the streams of the heat. and
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really we've been told to expect the highest temperatures towards the end of the we can, we're at a, a major risk of extreme heat. whereas those states of, of level for it stream risk are illinois, missouri, indiana, michigan, no higher pennsylvania, new york and massachusetts. and what we've been told is that don't expect enormous temperatures necessarily. i think the fear is sustain periods of high temperatures . what effect that's going to be without any release from cold, cold, the temperatures this bearing washington there, if it is very interesting because there is a general consensus now the climate change is responsible for extreme weather events like this. but looking at the polls for the upcoming election, even though people say, well, something should be done about climate change. climate change does how to be registers on the important issues. this november's presidential election, economy, immigration, democracy, prime climate. not really that. in fact, time,
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it does sort of come into the issue of the economy because a lot of what a lot of people and off for cheapest petrol prices possible. which of course then contribute to climate change. she ever time c l g 0, washington to speak. now to most of us on cl gary's found a revitalization strategies, a business focused on moving on the some vulnerable communities from surviving to private. and he joins this knife from washington. dc. good to have you on the program is the fact we're seeing this sustains a level of heat that makes it particularly dangerous with no risk buys even at night. is there enough awareness to think about the dangers of extreme heat? i think we still have work to do to help people to understand just how deadly extreme he can be. we know here in the united states the, for the african americans, you know, they die at twice the rate as our white brothers and sisters. we also know that extreme, he is tied to a number of public health impacts. so i think it is really about
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a refraining about the issue and helping people to see themselves reflected not only in the impact side, but also in what they can do to help to address the issue. and, and do you think states across the us doing enough to help people cope with the high temperatures? well, you know, we have to continue to build out the infrastructure and we have these climate crises that are happening both in this moment. and we know that they will continue to grow over time, so we have to make sure not only that we have cooling centers, but we also know that there is still about 10 percent of the united states population that doesn't have air conditioning. there are other folks who can't afford to turn the air conditioning on because they're trying to figure out how to put food on the table and keep the lights on. so we've got to do a couple of things. one built out the infrastructure, the 21st century infrastructure, to make sure that everyone who has vulnerable can be protected. and then we've also got to make sure that as we move forward this new green economy,
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that folks are able to actually be able to afford to utilize the electricity that's going to be necessary to keep their bodies cooler. we have this moment in the buying administration has been making significant investments at helping people to actually do just that and your thoughts on this already. but if you could give us a bit more detail, i mean, you've talked in the past about his house systemic racism is to blame for people of color, color bright, bearing the brunt of environmental problems. to talk to us a little bit about how, how that occurs. yes. well historically we know that people of color had been placing the sacrifice zones through policy, red lining, restrictive covenants. is that often push the one to certain areas? then in those areas we find many of the fossil fuel facilities that are there. so these communities get double and triple land. so what i mean by that is that one, they have to deal with the air pollution that is coming from those plants which causes its own set of diseases and public health impacts. and then they are the,
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you know, the things that are coming out of those emissions that are coming out that are warming up. our planets play a role in what's happening with the climate crises. when we talk about extreme heat awhile fires, you know, the various floods that are going on a number of different things that are there. so these communities have often been on seen in on her and have been dis invested in. and then you find that these fossil fuel facilities come in, there is a set up shop there. the people have to deal with the sets of impacts that both happen coming out of the stacks, and then what plays out in relationship to the climate crisis. this is of course, an election in come 2025. you could have a president who doesn't believe in non made climate change. how concern to you about that? and i'm very concerned about that. you know, we still have a lot of. busy to do in relationship to voters and making sure that none of them they didn't see themselves reflected in the sense of policies that people are talking about. but also finding a pathway to a better day. a newer start,
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if you will. so that means that those folks who are garnering our vote need to be able to explain how they're going to protect our laws. how are they going to make our communities safer? how are they going to address the climate crises that are currently going on? and, and that means that folks have worked to actually do. we also got to make sure that we continue to photo the storytellers in front of cameras to make sure that they're able to, to share all the various things that are happening across not only the united states, but across the planet. if we do those types of things, then we can help people to make better decisions. so they can have the information that they need to make sure that they're both not only being honored, but their utilizes their vote to someone who actually cares about the climate cares about their communities and cares about each and every one of the auto sales really good to get your perspective, most of us santiago, i found the revitalization strategies. thank you. you. so hands on al jazeera and the desk told some days of torrential rain in one of the
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westgate areas and the southern china in just a full $37.00. and the major of how black count and parts of the balkans leaves millions of people sweltering in the middle of the heat, waves in sport, some impressive catching by south africa as they take a step closer to the semi finals of the t. 2012. the hello, there are yet more heavy showers pushing across central parts of europe. we are going to see that west with a stomach a little further east, which as we go through the next couple days and eventually we'll see some woman and dr. bribes of weather coming back in across the northwest at the moment. we have got a fair amount of tab little uh, marietta, fronts rolling across the that to western side of out and pushing a little further race was interesting. positive
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u. k. as we go through the next 24 hours or say, but eventually it will drop a little price and that's still plenty of showers. there were especially close southern positive jeremy switzerland pushing down into the north of italy. lie the outbreaks of franklin place across east and there is a tools about 6 de southern areas of scandinavia, things and what the weather for a time clearing for on sunday bright, this guy coming, backing behind and warming up quite nicely. probably a shower was still there, that was northern parts of italy, but quanch's woman, right, $28.00 celsius, still very warm down towards the south east replied the heat around and the south west warming up as well, which was a good part of north africa, 40 celsius in congress, it very much on the hot side here. also still as we go one into sunday could rush. i was across west africa into the gulf of guinea. what is watch for the intent as they should be? but the opposite? never the less the
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. you will see a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems, customer ridgecrest the
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welcome back. you're watching out, is there a mind to follow up stories the foul at least the c palestinians have been killed in his writing strikes and golf 15 the move to strip. people was seen scrambling for a cup of wind shells. hit a residential squad during want to see attacks in southern galls of 25 people were killed in all my was seen when the army targeted a make shift hospital where displays kind of simeon sweat sheltering. as well had designated the area as action monetary and us state departments, deputy assistant sex reef is really policy manifesto has resigned. andrew miller
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says he made the decisions family reasons disagreed in the cost of j biden's handling. for one god, at least 47 people have died in the southern chinese province of gwendolen. this heavy rain full brings flooding and land slides to several parts of the country. matches decruz help thousands of people to evacuate and who a province in the east is bold as to bring tract residents to safety. elsewhere flooding his damaged crops, roads and infrastructure with emergency measures in more than a dozen towns or she's a warning of the regions to pass the band of reins. friends moved with katrina, you has moved from beijing. the houses storms of last 7, an eastern china for about 10 days. now these selected provinces include one don't put in place to john and john, see the lifelock pathologist to region seems to be accounted continue. a major city
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in one don't. they reported the highest death row so far. now at the beginning of this week known sub torrential rain target extensive land slides, as well as severe flooding. some parts of penguin county received about 30 centimeters range within a 12 hour period. now we're just starting to get an idea of how wide spread the damage is about. 55000 people live in p. u in county. and the government says more than 5000 times more than 100 bridges had been destroyed, damaged, a 1000 hectic, a fall bland, had been effected. tell us supplies as well as key rules and communication lines of also being taught. now you 30 said because of how wide spread and how serious the disaster has been. it's taking a risk, the teams and emergency team days to reach those who need to be rescued. and those who were trapped. the search does continue for those who are missing, but some said that the death toll, they still katrina you all to 0 agent. several bulk and
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countries have experienced a major power blackouts, mid score to many high summit temperatures. montenegro both be and most of gracious, adriatic coast is what is pulse of albania will impacted the policy is caused significant issues, including shots, adapt, shutting down traffic lights malfunction. if a power transmission line in montenegro is reportedly responsible for the outage. i'll the how g music has moved from san diego, the smallest of what we know about the power outage is coming from craze and officials. they say that the incident did not happen, increase so and according to some preliminary information, the problem happened somewhere between greece and albania. a great and officials have also sides. it's march 6, up to 6 months before we have official investigation results. and they said, that's what happened might be to some extent related to extreme heat wave. today we
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have to have one of the spots of space in the balkans, with temperatures reaching up to 40 degrees, people in bosnia and herzegovina, albania, grace, shaw, and montenegro. greece as well were affected by this power outage. we're talking about hundreds of thousands, if not millions. also, sir, is we're attached to that because we're in the middle of a sore a season. i'm. the situation is gradually coming back to normal. the extra electricity is gradually coming back, but there were some disruptions. we're hearing that inside of here with the policy and capital traffic lights for off and there were severe traffic disruptions. also, we're hearing about people who were stuck in the elevators and the fire fire advisors has to rescue them. luckily, institutions such as schools, hospitals, and other similar institutions. they do have their own uninterrupted power supplies with their own generators. and these prime minister in their under moody, has been visiting indian administer kashmir, his 1st trip since winning
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a sad time 2 weeks ago for the latter yoga session. in splitting the golf mocking will yoga day. is government scrap the muslim majority regions, special some of your toner misstates us in 2019 and it's right to elect to sleet is indeed a supreme court has now ordered the government to whole local elections by the end of september, a decades loan uprising against indian bul has killed thousands of people. i am i calling me bulk. i spoke to 3 around the child, the a, the director general of the janelle india institute. thing time. he says that moody's policy and kashmir is to crack down on the separatist to send the most recent the bottom into election. of course we, we saw a huge turnover, so record donald's of even going to vote in the, in the general election. so knowing someone because of the twenty's in gosh, muted was more than 30 percent then before we haven't seen this kind of enthusiasm
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of participation. so i would say it's a, you know, mix picture. there is still a separate, it is one of the terrorism of that you have this violence sponsored by the docket song, but there's also a sense that you know, we should integrate and assimilate into india and you guys are nice. we okay, we don't, we don't have anybody from focused on to defend that position on this. but let me ask you this because moody, remove the reasons limited state of co tunnel, be back in 2019 centralizing, overall control of the region. the move was, as you say, designed to crank down on the separatist to send, given the 10 in do programs that were killed in the shooting any last week. what does that say to you on us about the policy's effective effectiveness to date as well? i would say just to work in progress, mr. movies, intention is to bring crush me to the main street and to remove the separate is tendencies then and uh, i think uh there have been, uh, incidents unfortunate attacks. uh and the indian view is that most of these are sponsored by uh,
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do you have you still groups based in focused on we just got the support of the progress on the military. so it would be a hard uh, long track before we can say that, oh gosh meeting was things i have integrated into the main stream that is still a piece of friction. what on the other hand, development, or what's going on with some of these say you're uninsurable, i meant is a big problem and we are working towards resolving those students on his own. mean, you know, this summer we've had record numbers of boy is going to crush me valley from across india. so the business is a humming and i think there is an attempt to bring normalcy back up. but of course, it's going to be along the way, given the history and the backlog. and also the religious fundamentalism that comes from the pocket sunnyside international criminal court has made public a warrant as arrests for the full melita finance group accused of crimes in molly and i got a allegedly commission fee of fences in the city of temple 2 in 20122013
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nicholas hunk reports from the capital of neighboring sunday. go the most powerful leader of the outside affiliate. in this, i held your mazda suddenly, somewhat loosely mean the leader named eod, ga. the also known as i'm the father is now wanted and will be tried for crimes against humanity. war crimes committed during the invasion of northern molly in 20122013. he was the leader of an sardine and according to the international criminal court documents he was responsible for war, cries, murder of soldiers. the use of sexual slavery rates, and other forms of bodily reach, relation, cruel treatment, and torture. those or some of the crimes that the prosecutors of the international criminal court will bring to trial,
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better trial that will take place in the absence of the ungodly, who is still somewhere in hiding between the borders of molly these year and 14 uh faso and continues to launch attacks in the region who was famously known to have kidnapped the western hostages, and then released them against millions of dollars of round sum was paid to the arm groups. and it continues to be one of the most powerful armed groups in the region . nicholas hawk allen's is 0, the car is as ministry government has revokes the uranium mining license, a french nuclear group around a company operates in line with one of the wells largest deposit. so if you ranging this highlights of tensions between the gen to and former colonial power fronts and is the latest steps and causing ties with friends and interest explains a revoked mining license relates to the email we're inviting site. it sits on top
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of 200000 tons of uranium, a metal used in the production of nuclear power and nuclear weapons. the military government image had given to the french mining company of what i know the deadline of 19 june to more be nice decides we'll have that license report or android spots that won't be nice. mainland resources and even upgraded the infrastructure besides in preparation for food operations. however, it said he was surprised by the latest news by the french, by the is a government in the voting devices or also operates and other mining sites in. yeah, i live in the region of, i get as religious between media and french interest in the country took a nose dive, says the cool last. yes. first of all, i, when relations deteriorated, we saw how the french and bus i didn't miss you was ported out of the country's divinity, also the french military. and it's basically that was shut down and the ministry of audit out of the country. now we see another escalation, this time target to print businesses in the republic of other people believe that
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the license is uh, that was the license belonging to or i know in respect to human, wrote a mighty side will eventually find its way to a russian interest because we've seen over the past few months how relations are warming up between the military, june time, the jetta, public, and russia, as well as the rest of interest and companies who have significant interest in mining rainy in the country. i did reach out to you later i, i suggest sol from protesting kenya against tax reforms has risen to 2 with more than $300.00 injured off to demonstrate this clash with police and cities across the country for just a zip code for 7 days of rage beginning today for a national strike next tuesday, thousands of young canyons took to the streets and the capitals nairobi with police firing 10 gas and water cannon to dispatch the crowds. despite the protest, the controversial finance bill passed. it's 2nd reading in the countries parliament
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. most of the protest is all young people. let's hear now from the film producer who's joined the demonstrations i. i'm close to getting that. i almost feel inside seduce us based. see, i know it will be kenya and i'm excited and through during the process. and i was going to say not to the finance villa, fixed me on a personal and professional level personality because of everything's going up and this affects my professional life because as i feel mika, i, our industry is basically, you know, like cadillac series. so if people can afford, you know, their basic needs, dental, gonna wanna watch awesome. they're not gonna wanna go into sleep. mentioned the donation is the most effective educational sees, has gone up the new job. they have nothing but time on their home in new resources . it will, this is the only way that they can share the voices. this is the only way they can
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be had having one plus one day. if it is so unfortunate it's, it's unfair will you be, have, are going to protect us as we've purchased it in the constitution. but the, the doing this crazy, but for a more united than ever, and i think social media please such a big rules because a lot of people i've seen housing needs to be charged that the connection is travelers. it's like, i have this problem. you have this trouble, how can we come together and, and they see such a beautiful thing to witness. and i, i do think that this is the beginning of a new chapter in 10 years history. that is going to change because of the country for the best definition. so it has on the out is era the. 2 eyes on how when,
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when is campaign about the war in balance is inspiring. environmental activists in indonesia and ukraine, get that fast when of the year is especially the action coming up with the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bung the dashboard forward to use the
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these business uptake these, which is why the citibank rooftop, no bundle dash football to use the stipend for his for molly, and thank you so much. we'll start with a frustrating night for friends. compton, colleen anava at the heroes. after breaking his nose in their opening game, he was kept on the benches. he watched them play out, a goal is strong with the netherlands. both sides had chances in leipzig can add on
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greece, when tables for france, the 1st half for the dashed defenders, scramble that away. i agree when again, had another chance after the break, but again, fail to score the other ones did get the ball in the net chevy simon's celebrated. but it was controversially ruled out by d a r, because one of his teammates was off side standing next to the goalkeeper and finish chanelle. now that both teams are still well place to get through to the knockouts that result and did not point out who were beaten by austria early on friday. you're not found. they're open scoring for austrian really nice. oh. and then level things out through chris jones. young, tactical, for half time, robert learn desk, he made his 1st appearance off the bench for poland, but they fell behind again when crystal from garter scored an officer went on to add a penalty to make sure of the victory. 31, the finals for this as soon as we did in plato before the
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match, i said it was effectively a playoff and the wind keeps it. you know, hands. i would say that since i've been coach of austria, this was definitely the most important match. and that's why we're also content and happy this is what is the 5? so poland are the 1st seemed to be eliminated from the euro bottom after 2 games with no points. benevolence and friends lead the way with 4 points each, but all 3 are very much in contention. heading into their last group game against the dodge, the ukraine have got there 1st, went up the arrows after coming back from a gold down to beat slip back here to one. it was even from 2 headed slip back. yeah. had inside 20 minutes and there's a door. the crane had lost 3 meals, who are a mania and they're opening game. mike ly, shopper bank, so level things up after the break. and then they want one. it was a great piece of skill. so we substitute roman young child with 10 minutes left.
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keeps them and contention to progress to the last 16 ukraine's president sent the following message. after the waiting on pleasure for the play that the show really speak with a few great on the page and we deserve this. we think we get 3 points now. of course, we'll have to concentrate to the next march, but today that was very important. the i'm waiting for our country for ukraine, for our faces, for those supporters. and i'm sure today they were proud with the, with the place. it's now all to play for in group a ukraine. move up to 2nd above. so back here with the top 3 teams all on 3 points, leaders, romania play on saturday, against belgium. we're still trying to get off the mark. so if i forget have taking a big step towards the semi finals of the t 20 woke up with when over england the game was played in st lucian quinton, the call was the standard that's been for south africa hitting 65 runs and there fielding was impressive, she was england chase,
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a 164 to win. when ended up falling 7 run short to hands up applicant their 2nd street when in the super 8 stage, which puts in top of the group with 4 points. but england, our 2nd and still have a good chance of reaching out to samson said the fastest practice on the head of the spanish ground, pre mercedes, 7 time a champion, just edged for our is carlos sanders. with will clarence lando norris in 3rd world title holder and championship liter matchers bathroom with 5th they're assigned to red bulls. domination of the season is coming to an end. maclaren and for i have both taken wins. in the past 4 races, 1616 doesn't feel like we'd like to fire off. i wouldn't really take too much notice of that times necessarily. but yeah, i think the call is definitely the better place to think on what to do to improve it every night. and to see if we can hold onto the rebels in the far,
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isn't parents a janet as well? number one youngest center is through to the semi finals of the highlight open in germany. the australian open champion battled john leonard strauss, 2 or 3 sets 2 and a half hour of victory. this is the 1st of anthea telling is plain since claiming the top world ranking center will face china's anxious stand. and last for meanwhile, over in london directory for a 7 much winning streak is ended, new number one player was beaten by americans from the cold, and the quarter finals at queens. draper lifted is made into a level title interested bird last week, and then upset the well number to call us alcaraz. on thursday. the 10s of thousands of celtic spans lined the streets of downtown boston to celebrate the new n b. a championship. its tradition, the city to hold
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a duck boat parade to march championship title salt 6 feet, the dallas mavericks and 5 games in the finals to win their record 18th title and their 1st since 2008. okay, and that is all your support for now. marlene back to you. thanks. barbara. now in the nation's a, taking a page from the all eyes on rough of viral campaign to raise awareness about the threats to forest and the west pop for region. indigenous tribes in palm oil companies and locked in the legal back to the supreme court on a be low has moved from jakarta. the members of indonesia is, are you in more communities from west popple province traveled 3000 kilometers to appeal to the supreme court to save their forest. but we will be left with nothing from oil companies are allowed to operate. we are worried about tom oil waste,
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polluting our sources of life. a video of this demonstration in late may has be shared online. along with it, a poster with a hash tag, all lies on popcorn. the campaigns, creator says he was inspired by the a i generated all lies on brought the image which went viral after that is really army bump, a 10 camp in southern gaza, killing at least $45.00 palestinians by the beginning. many people think that if we support people abroad, we also need to support at brothers and sisters at home. indonesia is the world's largest producer of palm oil and ingredients in products ranging from chocolate, tooth paste. millions of hector supreme force had been cleared for it's called evasion and production. the government stopped issuing permits in 2011 companies wanting to produce palm oil and water considered bridge. and for us, said, wanted to balance economic and environmental concerns. as of as say,
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the case is before the supreme court or a test of the governments political will pop us for us are largely intact, but the area being contested in court is nearly twice the size of jakarta. perhaps how we need to initiate this one is the palm oil industry is good for the economy that we think it's big enough for us. it is. if they want to expand their business, they should make use of technology instead of clearing more land. industry leaders say the support, the moratorium, but concessions granted before 2011, such as the ones facing legal challenges may be exempted if the cost for me before the good software men can if i lucian, deploy mean. so uh, depends on the golf tournament. be brought to you uh, to function you are the oh you employed people are hoping public support online will persuade the supreme court to rule in their favor. find below l g 0 jakarta. oh okay, that's it for me. my main side for this is uh you can find much more on our website
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to check it out. coming up next, i'll be back at the top, the, the on counting the cost you k policies of laid off at a comic plans and election manifesto has been who can bring, we'll change the you have slept, play a terrace on chinese by the electric vehicles that spock a trade will eat on lux. i've popping pay package. is he worth it? counting the cost on i will to 0. how the city of the workers in israel used to bring much needed cash to the occupied to us bank. they were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has found their entry, they barely make up to point the percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to compete with the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the
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palestinian authority? no many stores here have closed down and people say every day this will continues. it adds another birth and what is the effect of the conflict? on the environment, the impact is so much more than just emissions from tanks ships and will fight motormouth. it has a devastating effect on people and the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. and every time ministry spent and increases military emissions increased. and this war and this climate, christ all hail the product on a jersey to hearing the facts. we're not going to be determined by foreign negative understanding. the reality human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices, the against syrians to force them to return to their country with the latest global
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news. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15. and a lot of the insightful documentary, i'll just say it was teens across the world. when you place to the house of the story, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm on the inside. this is denise life and i was coming up in the next 16 minutes a deadly day and god bless no. the center on the south of the street come on the is riley attack. at least 55 people were killed. cause us health system is not breaking point. we may
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have adults and one of the few functioning hospitals forced to make decisions about who gets collect the people of the world cannot afford 11 and to become another


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