tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera June 23, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST
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all the . ready the hello, i'm not inside the news life coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 43 palestinians are killed as rainy as strikes. the target says our shop a refugee camps and offices the area, and the garza, the purchase is that size. incentive fee is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. me could policy headquarters in tennessee. they want a c squad deal early election is ready for us is tight and engine palestinian mon to the hood. if in minutes we mix during
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a rate in the open pod westbank appearing to use them as a human, she'd plus the time and then of as an image in london, west thousands of time and protests as i'm marching to the amount of a more action from authorities in calculating climate change. the had a welcome to the program. at least 43 palestinians have been killed in law and scale is riley attacks across northern garza. 24 died in the o sante refugee camp a residential area of gauze, a city. 19 more were killed moments later and separate strikes. east of gauze and city. many of the victims, all children, honey, my mood begins our coverage. 0 by the the ambulance is full, but more one that are coming. dozens of palestinians were injured by israeli
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jets in gauze and north getting dozens to war. plains targeted 2 buildings and a shot and refuse you can it is one of 8 historic towns established during dogs after the creation of israel in 1948 displaced. hundreds of 1000 and palestinians. and now it's where many took shoulder from is really a types of neighboring your body 8 months ago. for the young generation, it is no refuge. nathaniel who is a motor, was coward criminal targeting innocent children. if you were brave enough, you would have come to fight, told me in on the battlefield. the dust had not yet settled here that it froze on the other side of the city. another is really strike a trap. this man and concrete, he keeps losing consciousness in need to be rescued right away. the cupboard in does,
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survivors recalled the moment is really force, is a tide, very densely populated neighborhood of a to i was subbing some clothes, i work as a taylor. and suddenly the whole building collapsed on all hits. my wife and children were killed. my whole family is gone. israel say's its fighter jets. it struck 2 homeless military sites in the area. i must say is really forces are targeting civilians. it is the most violent. they in district since was regular troops killed $274.00 palestinians by freeing for captives and a new site. uh, earlier this month we will stay in because we will die and because to stay in in gaza, but forced to leave their destroyed homes. the remaining pans, find safety. when it is, they refuse the turn to robert hunting mode,
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which is 0. there is but gaza palestine thousands of purchased as are again writing in israel to demand a ceasefire. i do an early election harmonies account is held in gauze. i have joined the demonstrations in tel aviv says been mounting pressure on his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu to do more, to bring them home. the demonstrations and pos weekly protests against the government's handling of the zillow. so it's not a secret and everyone understands that it is impossible to return $120.00 of duck. these 3 military operations seem to me is there any government has found out? is there from reporting from this a home to salute as this report from the jordanian capital, amman, the most is the final day of a week of disruption as coined by protest organizers on sunday. you'll remember that this began with demonstrators blocking major roads and highways. all across is
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rolling up, tonight's main rally in till a be we actually heard from the former is really captive in gonzo, who was released back in november saying that the government had a centrally failed her. and she's calling on all others among is really society to join the protest movement in the streets. now, the demands of the protesters have increased as the months went on. they want to see a deal to bring back the remaining is really captive. they want and it's in yahoo out of power elections to be held immediately. and they also want the war to end because they believe the only way to bring back their meeting captives is if the war is going to. and then we've been hearing from families of tap is throughout the day throughout the week. say that nathan, yahoo is simply not capable of getting the deal calling his policies selfish thing, but he's too comfortable, politically, to change how he's prosecuting the war. so the demands of the protesters are
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growing as are the demonstrations themselves and both sides and scale. and just to remind you again, these really govern his band alger 0 from reporting in israel, which is why we are reporting from neighboring georgia the south. so you jeanine in the northern occupied westbank where several palestinians have been injured in. is there any raid a video has much showing one of those injured being tied to the front and his riley ministry vehicle appearing to be used as a human shield. now in a statement issued challenges, there are these really ami said the suspect was apprehended in violation of orders and standard operating procedures. it goes on to say the conduct of the forces in the video of the incident does not conform to the values of the is really ministry . and that the incident will be investigated. normal day reports from geneva, wounded, bleeding and tied to the hood of an armored is really military vehicle. as it drove
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through jeanine, past ambulances that could not come to the rescue. it's not clear which unit of these really army was involved. the vehicles, number plates were concealed, was rarely soldiers later released was a head allowing paramedics to transport him to hospital where he was taken to the operating room. while most of the of the jeep passed by. and the injured man was on the hood, must one um, was tied to the windshield, and the other room was on his abdomen. sony. they drove past us and refused to get on the patient machine. now what couple, these really armies use of palestinians as human shields is well documented. it's been cited in several recent to you and reports, including one that added israel to a list of countries, the target and killed children. the images from jeanine are part of the overall picture and the occupied westbank or violent is really military raids and subtler attacks. are relentless nigrama law, another palestinian mother indoors the unthinkable. varying her 12 year old boy,
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my how much was injured in his really rate 2 weeks ago. and meanwhile, is ready. soldiers rated celia to confiscate the carbon is rarely man shot and killed there on saturday morning, the attack was an apparent retaliation to the ambush and killing of 2 palestinian men on friday in the jordan valley here. another is really subtler attack. is no casualties reported, but a reminder that in this climate of violence and community, no palestinian is in union to the violence of occupations or all the elevator drama palestine. well, it isn't the 1st time these writing ministry has been forced to address misconduct of its troops. it says it's investigating the bombing of the red crescent headquarters in southern garza. in january, 5, people were killed at the sign, sheltering 1400 people in the same month is rarely sold,
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just blew up the main building of the university, often using it as a ministry base for several weeks. the ministry says troops did not get permission, so the demolition. then in february, israel's top ministry lawyer warning troops above nations in a statement cold, fighting for victory, according to the know these really armies advocate general said soldiers, actions would ultimately cool a strategic damage to the nation. let's get more on this one and speak to david to ross. she's a professor at the national defense university. you joined the south from washington, d. c. really good of you to join us on the program. now this is really is often described themselves as having the most moral ami in the world but time and ended man to a windshield and using him as a shield comp the usual practice can it for any on the during more time i don't think it's useful practice, i think this reflects individual in discipline, and i think it's caused graves strategic damaged israel. i should, i hope that well, it's not,
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it's not standard practice. i hope that the investigation will find out to this and they will probably, i hope there will be exemplary punishment to build out. otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving in the policy. but again, you know, there's a huge uprising of our huge revolt, a guess, as in these really press. so yeah, i don't think we'll see this become comment. well, uh these ready, i mean you have released the statements and they say the conduct of the forces in the video does not conform to the values of this really ministry. but as we saw in our report, this is not the 1st time the army has said that its troops have ignore that orders . what does that tell us? is he is really on the losing control of its soldiers, and that's it. that's always a concern. i mean, one thing the civilians tend to overlook, you know, when it's civilian like murder is the greatest crime he committed to him in the
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military. it's new me. uh so you know when you have somebody as long as it contrary to um, international humanitarian law. but it's also the country to good order and discipline . you want to have an army know gravel. i think that so the reaction of these really military to this is going to be very talent. and again, if the soldiers who did this or not disciplined, appropriately, you can make the argument that this will be viewed as license for other people to do this. but at the end of the day, it's hard to see that there was a child who had managed to this, and israel has suffered great strategic damage from it. so i think this is more consequence of having a bunch of 18 year olds with in a positional power. then deliberate is really policy. he say that, but this practice of using palestinians as human shields, it goes way back. uh there's uh a reports and but said on the jerusalem based human rights organization, it's got a list of incidents all the way back to 2018. nathan
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e. what are the ramifications of this if it, if it indeed keeps happening? a question. so the, the guiding legal precedent here is the prosecution of general national. here a hallmark was the commander of japanese forces in the philippines when the philippines were being invaded. yeah, there were numerous assistance so far as human rights violations and massacres. committed by forces who were under his command, but were isolated and who were not ordered to do that. the precedence that was there was that if the commander had created an environment where this sort of thing was acceptable, where soldiers felt they could do it without repercussions for my own showing the command. and the commander was, in fact, liable for that. so that's why it is really commanders um you're gonna have to take action because it's not uncommon. you know, the people overlook with armies. you've got the most dangerous segment of any society generally managed 18 to 25 and they have great power in their hearts.
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so the say tend to do stupid things from time to time, but it's responsible upon military commanders, not just to punish infractions, but also to realize that their discipline of their soldiers sets policy. so. ready i'll be watching this directly and i think of the people around the world will as well, i mean, which leads me to the next question. i mean, what, what sort of damage have incidents like this had the home, these ready on these reputation over the course of the last few months. the, well, well, you're talking about and other people are talking about it. so it's, it's a strategic, you know, the soldiers probably were fully around. there's no real tactical benefit to having this, you know, i think they were, i don't know what they were doing, but they were basically fully around. and what they've done is cause braves damage to the national security interest of israel and other rodents support internationally have domestically for the is really army. so you know, this is,
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this is something that is not in anybody's interest. and quite frankly, no army can allow it to continue if it's going to mean changes. reputations are david's a rush, profess at the national defense university speaking to a staff and washington. thank you. thank you. to active members of the us military are seeking resignations on conscientious grounds for american complicity in the war and gaza at force pass. now laurie a bad joanna betancourt say they can no longer be complicit in is where they will crimes being aided and abetted by the country they signed up to of the us on to rule denies ation estimates. at least 40 all the military personnel, all seeking resignations on the same grounds as he now for laurie a bad, a senior and then on active duty in the us force. he does not speak for the
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ministry. he says he's speaking from self, he joined us earlier from roach in spain and said he hopes more members of the us ministry service, learn about their rights on conscientious objectors. for me, it honestly wasn't a difficult decision to me. joining the military in the 1st place was partially due to i mean all of us and we want to serve people, the american people, specifically, obviously, but there is no there is no serving the american people in uh our current policies were doing a disservice to 2 people around the world and uh and i strongly feel that so that's why i had to apply for as a conscientious objector which has. ready long history and other conflicts as well as vietnam and i rag. so i'm actually proud to kind of, you know,
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going to foot steps of our, our prior conscientious objectors. i think in november i actually learned about a conscientious objection. and i looked more into it and i didn't know if i would qualify or not um but the i think a. ready lot of service, i really don't actually know entirely of what it is and what their rights are. and so i think it's extremely important to highlight our countries, the conscientious objector and, and show people. ready like it that it is an option and you can take it. i think a lot of service members. i feel that they, they don't know what to do and they don't know how to how to act in this moment in the past, almost a year now. and i think this is email,
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how your muscle applying for separation, whether it be through cartridges objection or another form of administrative separation that is going to go along with me. i don't think a ton of people actually have an opinion. i think most people are kind of focused on their own careers in their own lives. i don't think many people have an opinion either way. ahead of the red cross office and roughly describes the off tomorrow if, if it is rarely asked. drawing near at the hospital is unprecedented. these 20 volumes, palestinians were killed on friday and the tank just outside these writing designate and so called l. milwaukee se. so when even shown big says it's a miracle, none of his stuff was significant. he injured within moments we had a flood of wounded people show up at the gates of compound and the piles of dead bodies blots everywhere. um, frankly,
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its like nothing i've ever seen before. um, the scale of this shock was quite unprecedented, at least for us. and to give you one very unfortunate photographic detail, we literally found the body parts scott to it in different areas, including within the compound which we then made to collect. we have a large comp for all stuff and actually locate it directly next to where we are and extremely close proximity to where these projectiles made an impact. and it is nothing show to the miracle so that none of my team will that family members will significantly inch it. they were just some minor injuries that were attended to by our field hospital. um, well they're part of a compound call to the permit to will was actually impacted as a result of the strikes. this is one of several messages that we have had too many
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notices that we have hans and we use the i see also you cannot operate like this. school is across the goals and strict pounds. they come places of shelter and not study in the past 8 months and tens of thousands of young palestinians should now be starting secondary school exams. the you and report estimates the c 9000 high school students have being deprived of the opportunity to fit the territories yearly towel g. he exams. the ministry of education says 430 high school students have been killed and as well as more and garza, i know of a 12000 wounded. i'm told that nearly all of gauze is government. school buildings have been damaged with thousands, completely destroyed image and came to replace. so it should have been a day to celebration the day. the goal is the secondary school students, the final exams. but instead of writing 13 going sizes and young people have had
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the opportunity taken away from them by israel's devastating one. cause i would say i am totally depressed because i have prepared for this moment for 12 years. and what should have happened didn't the situation is getting worse and worse without the told you the certificate. that's the end of the year exams. the says the plans are no longer possible and the future and explained there was a scholarship reading for me. it's an as her university in egypt, but now i lost it because i didn't joins it though. she and i don't have the certificates that shows that i'm associate his student. so i lost the scholarship. i lost my education, i lost everything. teacher submit a could says this day has been terrible for her. it's the 1st time and no news. she's not going to be seeing the final year exams seem to have that cancer or say, given these really no need to string all homes and property, but also entire generations. even if the will ends today. 90 percent of school
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buildings have been leveled to the ground for students from 1st grade is to university undergraduates. an entire academic year has gone down the drain. yeah, this is tied to los physically and mentally. all universities and goals have been destroyed in nearly 300 statements schools and 65 un schools have already been completely well partly destroyed. with them when years of work. more than half a 1000000 students has not been out of school since the will began resuming study will not can be difficult for d. p. traumatized, population imaging came out to 0. summarizes the directive planning and the united nations agency for palestinian refugees. he spoke challenges they were from darrow bind garza and says they all 3 central challenges facing the education system to the extent of damage and destruction. cisco infrastructure, the almost 2 thirds of unrest. schools. we've got about 300 schools in garza,
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almost 2 thirds of them have been damaged or destroyed. we believe we're not able to assess every single one given the situation. secondly, is the fact that these schools are now being used. i shelves as those that haven't been destroyed, so filled with, with hundreds of thousands of people, classrooms, teaming with, with families who are seeking refuge there. unfortunately, these bases, as we know and always say, 500 people today i've been killed inside unrest. schools nothing, but the thing i would draw attention to is just the level of trauma that people face over the last 8 months. whether that be physical trauma or, or mental trauma is affecting both the children but also the, the teachers and the teaching staff. those that we of course, we'd love to, to provide that, that learning. so for all sorts of reasons and very, very difficult right now for education in dawson education isn't something that you
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can, you can hand over to, can just be quote, unquote delivered by an engineer by a you an agency, any, any other one of the number is the only you an agency anyway in the well that runs a school system that runs an education system. a lot of the largest part of that is in gauze are, and it succeeded for decades and decades of investment by the international community and has produced for multiple results. despite the misery, the repeated complex that people have, have gone through. and despite the failure of the national community, the, we're letting this heat wave continues to bake. most of the united states nearly 100000000 people on the heat advisory with many regions facing reco, breaking temperatures, and prolonged heat wave as pushing pressure on infrastructure from power grids. to
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transportation in idaho to people in the sixty's died of heat violations, death. these 27 people are both a dotted line sites and salons across less than america. off the week of torrential rains, roads and bridges have been destroyed, making rest to athens difficult authorities and warning the desktop could rise. thompson mohammed has in a rush to bring the virus, but it into my living d. so if a heavy link in el salvador dreams good lance lights destroying homes and gutting of entire communities. also to see several people are trapped in destroyed building gas on the way. but as long as there are 19 people who have died so far, including 2 children and 3 adults in the past 24 hours, there are a 104 active shelters. and we've had more than 3000 people in the shelters in
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t and tie it down on the water. the government has issued warnings for several regions. see flag with the levels. good rights father was really, really loud. it's kind of the river flowed. i'm, what's the canal group? we think it's because of the construction companies buying glass up hills and making the river small. luckily, and the situation is not that, that you don't do it as rufus have broken their bonds. so imagine homes and funds while i think with them. yeah, it's about 5 o'clock in the morning. it started to rain heavily. and by 10 o'clock in the morning, the house was flooded. the flats of also heat, northern mexico, forcing thousands to be taken to the temporary shelters. the 3 of the districts were destroyed. we don't have anything to eat. no electricity, water, nothing. the road was destroyed. when i left my home, everything was destroyed across the region rescue if it's expected to continue for
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days. have them i'm like 0. as such is on the way for 3 people reported missing off to severe thunderstorms cause a land slide in south eastern switzerland. rescue is pulled one woman and life from under the rubble elsewhere in switzerland, the tourists area of their mounts. net massa, whole mountain is in accessible heavy rain and melting snow has caused the match as vis a rivet overflow. isolating the village. local authorities who needs had an island of caffrey has halted tourist arrivals to the 9 and many areas were left without. was off the main line, which assistance fails. thousands of tourists were left strand. this is, this is a now trickling back in. the move has create a long lines of passengers, a ticket offices in the southern city of naples. as they deal with the box.
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at least 12 people have died in an agricultural fine and se stucky a blaze started on 1st day, spreading through an area of neighboring the provinces of deb a kid and not in the 78 of those in good, including 3 people who were in critical condition hundreds of livestock died in the place, which is now on the control. thousands of protesters in central london on demanding the next british government does more to tackle climate crisis. restore nature now is cooling for environmental rights spill in the next parliament following next month's general election. and then the wrestling of h reports from london. they come from the person to make noise against nature's decline. marching through central london, more than 300 environmental groups, demanded action on climate change with mainstream organizations, shoulder to shoulder with noon. disruptive, like just the oil,
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best known for the traffic stop being slow routes today to down the tactics. so i joined course, have 10 boxes walking slowly. i've been sent to prison for that is quite nice to be here today and also get no gazing. arrested actually is a solidarity across those movements. and the, the, the alignment we will have in the face of ways i can logical in time. it's around that we must act in our governments. mustang. that message echoed by actress emma thompson, lending cost of pool to the march. we are still at now. we, we were told, decades ago, and we still continued towards the end of mid the music and the prompts, the tangible action that the emotions won't without the parent very say they have several of them on so the they want to restore it.
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they was damaging by affordable review of the introduction to that with me as president head for a general election on the 4th of july people, he is a major policies have failed to offer any substantial environment pledges product this in the starting things, something that people are concerned about this know something that they don't think that they don't think that people will do it with us in mind. but, but i, i will. well, this is changing rapidly in the fall of or the following tyrants. i'm not taking any pictures of its short term planning. i'm passionate about conserving nature. i think if we destroy nature, we destroy everything that we depend on a message that the thousands who march to parliament square hope will come through to whoever takes
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the reins of power in person. next, the length of a cylinder which will just 0 london. still ahead on the al jazeera campaigning foot rwanda's presidency begins to precision content isn't taking on long time, lead upholstered guns. the on the telescope satellite newton's by china and from the hunt down the most powerful explosions in all unit the winter sunshine. and the surprising me is a thing in australia, unless you've got class, which often is caught in victoria and up this coast of new southwell. so sidney's days, not pretty, and are for sunday,
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17 degrees and like to be able to cost at least the possibly the day. so about the picture in past for the, for the brides not sunny. the circulation that you see in the southern ocean will bring wet weather to war, satellite in western victoria, but the same time that also takes it away from the coast of new south wales and it's been pretty much sunny. and last the dry. anyway, up in queens and then we'll carry on that way in new zealand after a very wet time on the sunday for no following monday looks rather dry, but they don't show breeze beans property way. whether it's a christ church, 11 degrees. finally java. and so you monitor, look relatively dry, the heavy rain in the full thunderstorms is going to be and so the sooner i see a good many of the philippine islands as well and increasingly trusting their charter, this is ridiculous the health in vietnam. but typically you should be in the low seventies shumate, unaware at this time of year. but the seasonal ryan, the plum ryan, is very office. now this line here is just south of the axis stretching towards japan. it's a wonder, up and down,
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causing slides for the next few days. they didn't stop and lose no, of israel's war on gossip be coming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite the insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line. after years of strain, use political battles, columbus congress banned bulls fighting nationwide brings to an, in the centuries old tradition brought by spanish colonizers. this victory, reevaluate culture, we inherited the culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the law proposes fanning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry, to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old
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tradition which use to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. the working out of their mind a thought told the story is based on is there any forces of, again, carried out not scale attacks across northern gauze and killing. a nice 43 palestinians is really will play installed it at homes and buildings in the south sea refuge account, a leasing of barrels of miss on a residential supply. thousands of purchases and brought 8 in israel, demanding this,
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these 5 deal and early election families and kept is being held in dallas to join the demonstrations on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it's do more to bring them higher. the video shows is really forces driving a ministry vehicle with an engine. palestinian tied to the hood of the truck, off to raid and jeanine in the occupied was fine. they appear to be using him as a human shield. is there any all me says it was in violation of orders and is being investigated. but i am like one of your kyle spin challenges. they're a senior, but let's go on this morrow and the sharra. he says, is there any soldiers on the ground and gauze? on the westbank taking masses into their own hands, there's a lot of track record of a violations of human rights, silver tormenting, protest, unusual torture, a dead arising band, and of course, always distancing themselves from it. and dest, putting together some form of commissions or investigation,
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perfectly to nowhere of the sort of the soldiers, both in gauze and into westbank, are taking things into their hands. more regularly, as many of those are actually quite fanatic. a lot of the ones in the west and caught illegal settlers violent on and so on, so forth. so i think uh, even in these really media, we are seeing more or more reports about how that end. because ition of these ranges, soldiers are leading to widespread violations of human rights. and honestly, and if that is the case, if these writing needs it is reporting more on these violations, should we expect these ready public so be demanding more from their investigation. when you look at some of the polls coming, carter has read them off executive. yeah, sure. yeah. as you know, something like 95 plus percent of his rate is. ready said that these are as using
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as just as a neat store in terms of a violence against the palestinians or not sufficient to not only 2 percent of these ready to a public pool said that is usually too much fun. so you can imagine an entire nation is really involved in or induct sort of native to support acquiescing to the government position of once again, tormenting, torturing and terrorizing the palestinians, both in the west bank and gaza. but if it ages images of a 60 year old man, being a sultan advised rarely sold his own. i had a house right in hebron. the family of new i'll prove says he was ordered to disconnect, to speak is of a most to stop the court of pres. his son belong, says the fees his father, who was already suffering from limited mobility,
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prison is in, is there any custody? i think that they are masters of psychological torture. and in addition to what's happening in the us. and i also went through that in 2009 when i was taking administrative custody. and a lot of what mr brothers saying, i'm remembering right now, and we can't forget about the 1000 stuff. all right, now in administrative costs to the end of us, we can't forget about the 7013000 now. plus the prisoners that's out into is really the prison's right now. the world needs to do something i'm calling on the red cross to please check on all our people that have been taken into custody. and because we need an international agency like the red cross to go into as well as right now, and check on the thousands plus prisoners that have been taken by this administration
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. and let the people of the world know what the situation we don't want to see more, but the headlines we want to see. our people come back to their homes. one person has been killed and is riley, striking 11 homes west and becca district. a call was here in the town of l t r, which is 40 kilometers away from the florida. israel says it killed a key figure involved in supplying weapons to him off their increased concerns about the escalating violence between israel zone me and 11 on base has both devices. there's been a near daily exchange of fire since the wound gauze. it began as it beg, as move from re mesh and suff 11 on in southern liver on where we're standing here, right, 2 and a half kilometers from that d modification line that you in blue line, uh, between uh 11 on an israel zillow, about 3 strikes this morning,
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one uh at the town just just behind me and israel is there any positions i'm not very far from have, but we've also been hearing from his beloved and they say that they've kind of the item number of strikes against is rodney positions. they say that they talk to, is there any soldiers in the settlement of marinara, again, which isn't very far from head this said that say at the to took and direct strike against that position. and also 5 missiles, the shape of funds, the area that's the area between syria, lebanon, and it's considered occupied by israel for also the settlement of matilda. now what's interesting about that is that his velocity that they use gives me saws. and the very nice to footage, and you can see the smoke rising from the tensions have been increasing. and this conflict has been simmering since the stock is wells will on gauze and the have the mornings impacted by the escalation. so what his with law says is that they actions have in support of the people of gauze. new response is right,
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new strikes on southern lebanon. so yes, they are, they new strikes taking place on here, on, along the southern border and southern lebanon. the situation here remains tense with daily strikes, taking sides to and fro between israel and is there any positions? and there is a real fear of further explanation. i thought base, i just did a permission slip and up enough the head of the african union and commission has wound up a possible genocide in through dawn was the fact he, mohammed says he's worried by reports of ethnically motivation to tax and del full holden, 14 months of conflict between the army and the power ministry wrap and support forces has caused one of the was to monetary and crises in recent memory. the
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presidential candidates in one day have launched the campaigns for next month's general elections. president polk gummy address suppose is that a radi and then move in town sounds. they own staff say you seeking now that time off to 24 years in office. gabe's the favorites against 2 rivals, including an independent i'm a boy has no need to learn. so with an iron fist for decades, many analysts say they don't expect any surprises on who's expected to win the selection. tommy is running for a full time. he came into a pilot in the wake of a genocide that killed an estimated 800000 seats. and mode which we choose in 2015 london approved constitutional amendments that allows me to run for us that they also voted for shorts of presidential terms from 7 to 5 years. in 2017,
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the electoral commission declared him winter with 99 percent of the vote. the 3 presidential candidates in this selection, felipe, on pay him on, is running as an independent. frank, having is a from the democratic green policy, says he has overuse, receive numerous death threats, been imprisoned, and forced into exile, joined previous attempts to unseat coming. and the last election, he came 2nd with less than one percent of the human rights campaign, as have often accused the routing lines and patriotic friends, policy of intimidating serious presidential contenders. that's why in very is one of cook. i'm it's, this is critics. she was bought from running for president because of the prior conviction of insights and division and conspiring against the government. she served 8 years and joe, that says the charges were politically motivated, dozens of other ones and are in exile. some have blamed the states like healing or disappearing dissidence. for one that has also been accused by
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a neighboring democratic republic of congo of i'm in the rebel group in the north. keep you province in the northeast. fighting between government forces and m. 23 has killed many and displaced close to 2000000 congolese since 2023. the governments into godaddy has denied the accusations. despite all of this, many of the lines in the country say that happy with the presidents and will vote for him again. i'm up watching, which is 0. 3 people have been killed in a russian attack on the ukrainian city. your call keys, authority said guarded ariel bones from russia. struck a residential area and the special ed people ended ukrainian president below them is that on ski reiterated coals for more help from western allies, saying they need more ministry hardware to helps don't russian attacks? well, russian president vladimir fusion has taken part in a re playing ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier. in moscow. he was joined
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by his new defense minister on economists. andre better so he has replaced long 7 minutes. the 2nd show would go. he didn't spend much of the past week abroad, strengthening ties by north korea and vietnam. daniel hopkins is in the russian capital and explains the significance of bella solves appointment is one of the new defense ministers. but also the 1st public appearance is at the sermon, who was that i met with not to be a person and disappointment, very much sense to signals. the 1st is the things will not be the way they've been any longer. an offense ministry plague for a long time. finally, jason's of corruption incompetence and efficiency at disappointment seeks to stuff that out because photos of has no toys to the minute feed coming from when he cut them in the background. he's been talking tough for threatening military officials in the far east with criminal liability earlier this week. if they don't fall into line and produce at the ministry contracts they've been given. and to get that
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military spending, which has ever rising, of course, is now up to 6.7 percent approaching, ged, paid back into shape. so this is very much the message to plump down corruption. we've seen that in the wave of top generals being arrested. 10 out of 12 deputy defense ministers dismissed and changed in the post. and of course the to get the m o. d. in line with the defense sector and more broadly with other ministries in the problem as well. north macedonia is paul them in is set to vote in the new prime minister and the government for the sunday midnight deadline, the policy of center, right, nita, we're still on. it's called the one just over 43 percent of the votes in the may elections is expected to be named prime minister. maya less guy has more from the cap to scopes a quality assurance less divide the central rights of the 9. 1 movements are going
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to form new governments in north macedonia. who are you still in east coast? you will be new prime minister on the leading physician this far to see here. it's a controversial, pregnant is certainly call a group of see who was granted. asylum is hungry officers us faced with criminal prosecution in north macedonia. me. it's close to says the focus of the new governments will be economy as citizens that are expecting creek results. you know, some uncompromising fight against crime and corruption and said that he will not tolerate some uses by elective officials. the main focus on the new governments will be young people you to must immigration, me, it's close to. the problem is that his government will continue the fact of your opinions of ration. but due to illness happened ons or double jerry, i dictates the condition on this fact is that north macedonia should change its constitution and include bulgarian minority something that's what model dep on monday has so far so don't be opposed also means go sky and he's far too did not
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stop using the old name of this country. republicans macedonia. this close reaction from greece, letting me suppose you said that she will use new constitutional names in those still has on out is there. the changing face of mex goes up, scape home meals and making for neighborhood safe bet, and more attractive. the, the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise the listening
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post covers how the news is covered. joe biden and donald trump go head to head, so we're going to fight it was a rig trial banner software. in the 1st tv debate at the us selection 2024, we're going to close that border tied as a drum stanley strong. would you crate? we're going to drill baby drill. we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way he can get elected to sit. she supposed to be coverage and analysis on out to 0. thank you very much. i of the hundreds of people have marched in. it's an east cap, so right and again,
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snow was an abortion, an eastern asia and thailand prime minister, georgia maloney says she wants to reverse the demographic crisis by encouraging women to have babies a fall right? lead government, his post legislation, following anti abortion groups to have access to women considering ending their pregnancies live has revive tension around the abortions job and legal since 1978. a real kid carrying a satellite with telescopic capabilities has been launched into space from china is fish one provence. this isn't the work. it took slides to e, developed by china on from the satellite, has been designed to track down the most powerful expressions in the universe cooled gamma right best i live on an events and space can generate start to floss, like when a launch dying style collapses. under its own weight, forming
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a black hole. that is intimates an explosion travelling at nearly the speed of light. these a cold gamma ray bus, the out this odd to texas in the sky around once every day, but this, so brief scientists are in a race against time to collect data. so this telescope satellite will use x ray vision to track down the source. the bus allows scientists to investigate the process that best, the fess dogs and galaxy to madison. as a senior research fellow, the international center for radio strong to me was such a cutting university. she says the new south light will enable scientists to detect more gamma ray bus. with all of these, these studies of space and explosions, it's about understanding our environment. we actually think that the very heaviest metals in the universe will actually created in these gamma,
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right bust explosions. i mean, perhaps the, the milkman is uh, buying a ring for, for the certificate of these metals are actually formed in gum or this. and because the explosions are just so powerful, the material that explodes off it is spread all around the host galaxy. and that then seeds, the next generation of styles and planets full. so essentially, without these metals formed and gamma, right, this life couldn't exist here on us. we actually don't see as many as are actually happening. so gamma, right this, this, this lot that the scam are a lot they produce is actually a very narrow beam of light. and unless that beam is directly pointed at the, uh, we're never gonna say is that they are actually still extremely rare events. we have to look at very, very large hops at the end of this very, very deeply, very,
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very far away. and for very long time, before we, we see any of them at an age. one is actually quite unique and interesting from different types of explosions. the creation of different material in different environments, but the, the ones to be detect advice, foam that i am, is to actually detect the most distant and therefore the most oldest gamma, right? so we're talking about bus that has occurred only a few 100000000 years off to the bang when the, the, the creation of the universe. and that means that the lot has taken several billions of years to reach us. so as we're looking further away and looking at these more distant explosions, we're actually looking back in time to stop
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a lot because mexico cities largest districts and also one of the most vaughn and poverty stricken the office residents and the local governments have come up with an idea to change the atmosphere. julia got it on the reports, the down. a small army of urban artist says changing the face of one of mexico city, forrest and most violent neighborhoods. the weather is more than 11000 of these murals now live during the streets and roof. the step by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the area safer and more attractive. 35 year old at a male has painted dozens of murals here depicting issues of women's empowerment to seems for mexican history. she's putting the finishing touches on one of her favorite works so far a piece celebrating the creativity of childhood. you step by when you stop a lot them, your role is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them,
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to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors. the history of this town that need towing is double up as not just violence. there is a great history here. and so local heroes now lined the streets of beloved beds, his patience, an elderly couple. as the project has grown and the murals are more and more visible, residents in these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories on public display. for 12 currently, there's hundreds of requests from local neighbors to have their bureaus painted. 8 year old luciana got her wish when she caught the eye of an artist painting nearby . her image now covers an entire world right outside her bedroom window, and she couldn't be happier. main campus at all is the oldest used to be white or grey. well, exactly, but now it's pretty early, it's happier, more colorful. i wake up and say, wow, what
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a beautiful place again. while it's hard to draw a line between the murals and the security situation in this district of 2000000 people, those involved in the projects say it's popularity speaks for itself that you're not free, it goes mazda c list, and it's one of the most visible projects we've had in front of you and people will by the murals. they feel safe, and now they don't have to go to museum and pay to see if they have a fee, open a gallery, right in the neighborhood. residents of you step a lot, but no, it will take more than painting their walls to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect making a marginalized community feel seen again. julia galle. i know i'll just euro mexico city. okay, that's it for me. money inside of this nice out. carrie jones will be here in just a moment. much more of today's needs to stay with us. the
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my name is brandon jackson. almost 3 for louisiana. i've recently been released for the $25.00 and a half years, have been slee now less than 90 days after a lifetime of the prison, and is now free to fight against our k racist laws that belong to the past. fault lines, conviction on a jersey to the revealing eco friendly solutions to come back. threats to offsets on our 20 the
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your wells, the caught a duty in the growth viewing for p. use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects. except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on requested. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems costs on request. for 30 years, brands carry down nuclear tests and the pacific, exposing locals as such workers to high levels of radiation. 11 east investigate the ongoing for lots of nuclear tests in french polynesia, the pacific forgotten nuclear victims on. i'll just 0
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the at least 43 palestinians. kelvin is rainy as strikes. the targeted the all shots, the refugee count. now to for air in northern task, the carry johnston. this is all just here a lot from time. also coming is ready forces time injured, protest in young man to the foot of a miniature vehicle during a rate occupies the west bank, appearing to use him as a human she'd.
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