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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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to for, from reading the times national run, a policy will look, gamble pay off. will the country know cheaper to the, to the far right of the french. and i've seen the, [000:00:00;00] the 40 back to board. this is a news hour on out to 09 from the coming up in the next 60 minutes, abuse and humiliated how to 0 speaks to an injured palestinian force dropped to the front of a nice really military vehicle in the occupied westbank and used as a human she'd like to is really sole, just grab my hands and 2 others. my feet are stuck swinging,
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left and right. i felt to the ground twice. i know the fear that they shot me over the hood. these really military targets on the rise, a distribution building, guys, a city wide, dozens of the space policy and have gathered at least 4 people are killed. also this our multiple attacks across washes docusign region, including at a church and the synagogue. several people have been killed and rowing calls for a rerun of india's national exam for medical colleges after unusually high scores and allegations of paper turned on piece of statement with your thoughts. the atmosphere is building is germany prepays for the final group game. the year 2024 hoses kickoff against switzerland in an hour. looking to make it 3 winds from 3 and tough, a group,
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the it is 18 g m t. thank you for joining our south jersey or a has spoken to an injured palestinian mine who was used as a human shield by is really forces engineering in the occupied westbank, which i to body was dropped to the front of a nice really military vehicle on saturday which drove past several ambulances for the 1st time, a body explains what happened to him in the form, sophia, i received a phone call yesterday morning that he's really special forces are in the neighbor . that was up my uncle's house with my cousins and i stepped out to check and found them a few meters away as we start to go back home these way. the soldiers opened fire. my cousins were injured and i've also received the bullet in my um let me show behind and he's really on the vehicle parked outside my uncle's house with both these way the soldiers kept firing. and by the time i fell to the ground,
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i received another bullet in my leg. some of our friends and neighbors were also arranged to these really soldiers round of them all up. but they could not reach me behind the on the vehicle. they shouted at me just the full was a reply that was injured and could not move. these weigh the soldier replied, then you should die. there remained on the ground bleeding for more than 2 hours. none of the soldiers approached me only one's row and hovering above us. i kept bleeding off cuz that another is really on the can approach the one i was line behind. originally they tried to run meals. there's a lot of footage cruising all this to i called with difficulty and can clear it within that range. as they approach one of the soldiers cramped into my head under his boots, kept bunching me in the face of kicking my bleeding leg. was it twisted my injured um? was it my leg? an own bones were broken. how totally crushed these really soldiers kept laughing
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and mocking some wild beating meat to his very soul. just grab my hands and to others my feet. they started swinging my left to right. i fell to the ground twice . and on the 3rd time, they shoved me over the hood. it was extremely hot that my back was booked. they drove me back and forth from 20 minutes. i had hoped to be dead before these way the soldiers arrived. i had expected them to attend to my rooms, not to beat them back to me. while i already had to predict link, even though you see lots of these various sol, just get me on the, on the vehicle's hood for 20 minutes. driving back and forth. and finally, they drove me on the vehicle to the main road with these way the soldiers were stationed. uh so just bear with me that your brain has more now from around my line the occupied westbank. it was hard for 24 year old, which i had i betty to know what's going to happen to him after these really forces solve them on top of the military jeep. he says,
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because he's seen so many difficult videos so many difficult testimonies of how these really forces treat palestinians. he did not know what's going to happen to him. he thought maybe these really soldiers were going to push the break, suddenly causing him to full down. and indeed, after they've asked for his name, checked him up and interrogated him, they told him he's free to go. but how did they push him from the vehicle that one soldier pushed him away? so he fell down. this is part of what processing is, go through in these is really made it through rates that happen all across the occupied with bank. this time it was caught on camera. and this is why we've seen these really minute, 3 issue a statement saying that they're going to be investigating this. but if you ask palestinians all across the occupied listening, the message goes as to they tell you, this is just the tip of the iceberg of how these really forces treat the rather mistreat palestinians. now my dad is in the hospital with blisters on his back with
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a lot of pain. he doesn't know how much time it will take him to recover, but he knows it's a traumatic incident. but sadly, it's not much different from what's happening to palestinians on a daily basis. he died, but he just need a yaki probably to us bank, how this time. now these are in the military. i say they would be conducting an investigation into the incident and said the conduct of its soldiers does not conform to its values, but sorry by she who is the program director of human rights watch, says it's doubtful. their inquiry will lead to any kind of accountability human rights watch as well as other human rights organizations have documented various unlawful uses of force against palestinians, including awful killings using legal force. i'm awfully denying medical care and using other kinds of meetings, including of children. i'm particularly concerned about a permissive environment that gives soldiers on the ground
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a sense of impunity. so i understand that because really authority isn't said that they're going to investigate. the concern is that these really seem right stupid. sell them as well as other human rights organizations have characterized the is really investigative system as a whitewash because you have senior officials including senior politicians, calling for no restrictions on abuse of force against palestinians in the west bank . so under those circumstances, it's quite difficult to see how, how we could have accountability it is ras military has once again, on least a variety of attacks on civilians in gaza, at least will policy. these were killed and dozens more injured when he's really struggling, targeted the on the compound in guys, a city. the facility had been turned into a warehouse for what little aid was getting into the gaza strip. honey, my home to reports another shoulder for hundreds of displays, palestinians in dogs are destroyed. and some of the limited supplies of
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a rolling after israel targeted the honorable headquarters in gaza city. the solid, i found my eldest son in jersey. the youngest trapped under the debris and those dead bodies lying there. what's wrong, did these innocent children do? we are running from death towards death. young men and women are slaughtered by these radius. there is no safe and in the entire gauze, this trip. this is our life, nothing but fear and destruction running from death to death. the war in gaza has internally displaced more than 1700000 people with a few, if any places that can be considered safe. the, i'm not just saying i didn't was a couple not to all of us here are display civilians, so i'm trying to get their hands on food. others searching for clean water without warning is riley will appliance fired missiles on us. this is an unrest center. it's supposed to be safe, but these riley's have no regard to any limits. israel's intensified blockade means
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a deliveries are often and stuck a border crossings, subjects through his regular scrutiny and aid workers say the aid that does arrive is difficult to deliver due to the ongoing bombardment destroying supplies that have really found their way in mean a population of 2300000 that is already facing the use of our vision. is that even a great arrest? honeymoon? i just see it out from the central area of the gaza strip palestine or or let spring you now have this on who he was live from amman, jordan, because he's really government has found out jesse or from israel honda. we have a response now from these really ami about this a time on the phone, your facility, and got a city. what did they say? well, these really army has released a statement, justifying their actions in northern guns that today saying quote, previous owner will headquarters, currently
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a quote shield for terrorist activities. these really army is maintaining that this was the precise strike that hit him mass and it's land that you had the infrastructure where they had been operating from which previously serve as owner was headquarters, the army is claiming that prior to the strike, precautionary measures were taken to reduce the risk of harming civilians, it is worth mentioning that throughout the entirety of this conflict to be is really army has targeted not only on or what facilities, but under one for use as well. we're looking at nearly a 193 of them who have been killed. it is really a tax beat is really army and political apparatus alike have maintained that hon. under what is quote, a terrorist organization and must be replaced within the gaza strip. and now this age facility, that is kind of sorting through the very limited supplies that are reaching northern gaza, is no longer one of the only lifelines left for palestinians. and i thank you very
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much for the updates best i'll g 0, summed us on who live in amman, jordan, because again, these are the government has bind, i'll just hear from operating in israel. elsewhere is really for several. so a time counsel raised refugee camp in the middle of the gaza strip. paramedics rushed to the scene entry to several casualties. at least one policy in the west count. let's get an update on the situation and guys and speak to i'll just hear is honey. my motors in del, by, in central guy honey, bring this up to speed with a latest attacks and they are off to match the yes, well, these really military continue with this track across the gods is driven within the past 24 hours. we're looking at the 3 atrocities committed by these really monitor, and it's ongoing gear attacks across the street. bo, coupled with the heavy artillery the long base rent motor. just within the past couple hours, we got
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a confirmation of from civil defense. the crew of the recovery of 7 bodies, of from a sub brought neighborhood that those southern parts of the western jobs, the city from an area or a talk at the early hours of this morning where the residential home was targeted and destroyed. they were displaced, families was inside. so these civil defense crew, paramedics were not able to recover these bodies from under the rubble until the past couple hours. of course, all of them transferred to a laptop desk. sorry to a allow the baptist hospital in an early or a talk. this really matters res truck, the headquarters of honor. while that's the united nations for palestinian refugees, targeted the main gate and a security room. there it is really monitoring in a statement settings. it's targeted infrastructure for palestinian militants, sent a mazda group inside inside the headquarters. but at these, what we heard from stephen away inside the headquarters, the displaced families, the women, and the children, the elder,
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they were taking shelter inside of the headquarters are there. this seems to be the casualties. those who were killed are among the civilians of people who wear sheltering inside the headquarters of honor on a separate attack is really military targeted residential by here's the artillery one person reported killed here reported a deluxe off the hospital in a few other family members. a close to 4 of them from the same exact family, were transferred to a lot. so hospital really in a critical conditions. mean, why is these really military continue its attacks and roughly, and mainly the western part of the roof behind fine units on laws. evacuations on have been large, designated as a safe area for people not a not safe anymore because of the constant repeated attacks on tens inside and inside the evacuation. so, honey, thank you very much for bringing us the latest air from gaza, honey. my moving down bloss central guys as well as the attacks continue the
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humanitarian situation. and guys that is worsening. a huge obstacle to getting humanitarian aid into the strip on the board. a checks is rarely insist on making before trunks are allowed to enter. supplies arrive in egypt on cargo ships at 4 side or by playing at irish airport, a trucks due to into guys i checked by is really authorities at needs on a van cross back into egypt where they had to the roof of crossing the last time. any truck was allowed to pass through, rafa was february, the 4th, so they go to the is really controlled kind of apple sign and crossing for inspection and enter that before the war began around $500.00 trucks a day crossed into garza to kind of assign him nearly none i getting so now few holling worth is the welfare programs director for palestine. he spoke to algebra on why a trucks aren't getting into parts of gas. i'm at the moment we're reliant on essentially one power to, to get into the northern gaza and also the jobs are and that sort of the key entry
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point of that actually alpha and she points into the northwest. um however, we actually once a need to have that ricardo functioning assistance coming in from the know the central, the south. we need the assistance to, to cover multi set to requirements, not just food. we need the services to be provided, not just in time, a to be handed over. and so there's a lot more that needs to be done. it is an active was that we are constantly, gayly having to negotiate the access and navigate through what is the was i to get assistance to people that needed a not so incredibly complicated. it could all be much easier if there was a face 5. and you can watch more of my colleagues, so have roman's interview with matthew holling worth from wsp on talk to algebra
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airing throughout the week. and other developments these rails war has devastated the education system in gaza. sha died out by raleigh, is one of nearly 40000 young people who are not able to sit there final year exams this year. this is her story based on how the snack, because i'm one of the go the what go for the 1st 5 is the them. well it's, i just know some of the young and let us know higher. now goodness should list asylums. moses saying, look at a, so just of the go and i got than said that would be the crew. and i got to do see if there was a bus. nice, know, see. and how one of the size, the little to celebrate the heart of 11, which i live now, let's man know how to mcculla. so new jones address to move on asylum. and there's
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an as high as now to view the mission from. and that is until up to the side of the dialing mission and as a hand looks what are hot laces in that that is true of the sort of hi alma for how many of the fall of the and let me see though citrix did russell, him to rely on those select via or did let him know and had them with me and also had it. if it's sadly in high school, i had a son, a high, a school college belie, let me know and, and have had the theater. sadly missed said little as of the help of my ties to now help them could issue how it would have been a tough for me by the side of her. and so a lot of you know, then they have had them. hezbollah has published another video of what it says are aerial images of strategic science within israel. the lebanese based group says it shows military centers in the high for area, among others. it release
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a similar video on tuesday showing other sensitive sites as well. last from is support for the people of gaza with its leader house on this one, a warning israel that no one will be sped in an old out war. i saw the bank has more from 711 on. so this video was the titles to whom it may concern and it wasn't declined with smocks remarks from the leader of his with a husband know sort of the 20 did show would be sensitive sites. as you mentioned, no one of those was a hacker. yeah. complex, which has, is the headquarters of the ministry of security, the general stuff, and other miller, she come ons, but also in this video, or as a voice of the electricity stations, as well as satellite bases. but also interestingly, unlike other videos, they listed maritime codes. and that's for 3 gas extraction sites. and again, this goes back to his blog, wondering,
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is rarely in the case of when i pull that these, the, these sites could be talked to them. these are not just ministry sites. he's also not, we are also looking at infrastructure. but what's interesting is that his beloved drones have managed to infiltrate is really a space and have managed to avoid the defenses. and this is happening on a daily basis now. but what, what his below hasn't been has struck these locations is just pointed teaser, a point back to israel that his blogs knows where these locations are. it's a warning more than anything else because it has been to come and ask of escalation and his beloved need to send the structure up to the res earlier in the week. and he said that they don't want to will, but they are prepared for the best turn to the days of a use now. and they have been several attacks across washed his bag as time
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reaching at least 6 policeman had been killed and 12 more injured. the synagogues in, my gosh, come out and in a dev and twist set ablaze. a church in devons was also set on fire and the priest was reportedly killed in the attack. let's get the latest with daniel hawkins was in moscow force. daniel, what more do we know about the circumstances of these attacks and docusign and what are the authorities saying about well, this is what it began around 2 to 3 hours ago. 2 and the dentist on republican it's clear that this is far from over. as you said, 6 police officers have been confirmed, killed and 12 injured hospitals. that was saying casualties are continuing to come in whether that is lower for most much all civilians. we don't know at this stage, we have seen a lot of photos on social media of security forces, even all my personnel carriers moving into the center. we understand from state media that's at the center of the buttons,
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has lost power. that's gonna find being hard in the streets as we speak and they're all unconfirmed reports that civilians still may be caught up in the cross fight in the area where this church was initially attacks. the summers from state media or quoting dr. stony official was saying this attack was coordinated or had some sort of links to international foreign terrorist organizations. we don't know what they could be. yes. we understand that this looks like a lot of coordinated attack, an asthma attack on the scale of attack on. so we didn't really, this infrastructure is extremely unusual for august of so the attacks are still ongoing. tell us more about the region by august on itself and in the area where this synagogue in charge is located. what is the significance of this? the largest on is one of russ's southern republics. it's a muslim majority of public. having said that it has a huge array of mysteries and religious groups. ethnic groups represented the
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region went through a very tablet and time in the ninety's, especially the late ninety's with separatist movements, uh, seeking dependents alongside the militants from neighboring. chechnya, that resulted in a very brutal conflicts in the region where the russian army moved in. but by the late 2010 certainly by 2017, the russian, secure people was as a declared the last in search of with the feats at saint was that von and has been extremely isolated targeting perhaps a security officials or police offices here in lab but nothing of this scale. the law stomach schools duncan started made headlines was lost here in october when we saw a crowd storming the clapboard believing that is really the refugees have been coming in to the region of cool stuff. that was not the case. so as i say, the region is one of the poorest regions of rush where it has a history of a separatist violence, but nothing of this scale has happened for many,
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many years. i miss developing situation is being close to what spike people across russia tonight and will be coming back to you of course, of all the latest updates that throughout the evening here on out to 0 dining hawkins in moscow. thank you for joining us for now. how are you currently and as try can be russian onyx crimea peninsula has scaled 5 people and sent be sco is running for the allies. it happened in the block seat for city of the bicycle, local official, say, ukraine's military 5 ballistic. besides, with cost to munitions oppression, a defensive shot down for offense, a face that was hitched, change direction, and exploded over the city. the governess of ass, a full sized, a 124 people were injured. ukraine's president voted means lensky says, his army has shot down to russian county. but besides, the comments came off to russia launched, i missed all attack on ukraine's capital keys. at least 2 people were injured. ukrainian military officials say their ad defend systems destroyed 2 of the weapons
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in khaki. meanwhile, one person has died, and half the city was expedite electricity. after another wave of russian attacks, at least 10 people were injured. latest attacks come just a day after russian strikes killed, 3 people in khaki, which is just a few kilometers from the front line. another 52 were injured. presidents. lensky has again call for more ad defenses from western ice to india. now with ahead of the national exam agency has been dismissed after weeks of turmoil triggered by a major cheating scandal. thousands of students achieved unusually high marks in this. he has medical entrance exam, as prompted allegations of fraud and left the future of nearly 3000000 students at risk. alexander bias has story braving, scorching heat and heavy police presence. students across india have been protesting for days. for them. everything is at stake. they're
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furious over suspected cheating at the highest level of their national exams. jack and yeah, so what can i say? whatever is happening is very strange. everywhere. cheating is happening. there's no discipline. the indian governments national testing agency is that the center of the scandal, it holds elite entrance exams, critical for securing a spot in highly competitive university programs. thousands of students earned unusually high marks this year. some statistically impossible to achieve its prompted widespread allegations of cheating that include questions being leaked and sold for tens of thousands of dollars ahead of the exam. the discussion, nick is yet issues and i will tell you from indeed that's part of that i showed you that was very fun. somebody accidentally predicted the head of the agency had
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been sacked, results and other exams have been canceled. students have petitioned the courts and police are investigating across the country. they point, but you know, i mean, you know, one is going to be spread. no matter how big or influential someone is. no one is going to be sped. the scandal has reached the highest levels of indian politics. the opposition say the render moody and his government are to blame for not cracking down on corruption. the youngsters in india simply have no way to and it's not just the educational crisis a, it's a guy sits in pretty much every sphere that we're facing. now people are ready to do the disaster and we've got a government that is good, but we cannot do the job more than 3000000 students that this year is exams for many,
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it took years of high pressure study and the norm is sacrifice to get to this point, they say their dreams have been wasted left without a university place. they say the only way forward now is to seek justice. alexandra myers out to 0. early i spoke to, so shawn saying, who's the lecturer at yale university. he says the scandal comes at a delicate time for prime minister multi this is an unprecedented situation that we are seeing in india. but let's not forget that over the last 7 years, spend the symbol of these government brought this reform and started this national testing agency. this is the 70, it's such a small fraud on vehicles exam. people in which walden 17000000 students have been affected for a long period of time. but this latest is gone since the medical exams exam for interest of medical school, which is a very, very assumptive day exam for around a 100000 seats. you'll have as, as order for, for just said with a tv and people appearing for space and number of seats on these are, these are
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a young man driven from all across all across the country, looking for what the cost for the party about the future money about the integrity of along with that, that example or off off on talk to him studies as well as height and medical education has also has also suffered. this is a situation in which i put it typically the government mr. moody has just been elected with up with all the majority. find the students really don't know what to do. vehicle people have people have petition the highest warranties. don't think this will be important because the country, the government is trying to say that they are formed to inquire, are you coming to you but to inquire to come into their forces, comments in 2 months. then this lot of students would have already suffered is a high number of police and quite a bit since that is going on. but all that stuff. and also despite the this folder, these huge and go to on these free stage on government students, this will go to one of your most students, a previous, some of those and for the future support investment. what's going to happen to the future? stella head on alger, zara from parched corn fields in china to flooded weiss crops. initially we looked
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at how time it changes affecting global food production. hundreds of protesting outsides for sales nationals. congress against a bill that would further criminalize abortion and england make sure he plays in a t $2175.00. you don't have insurance on your why the. there was a surprise that his house in the middle east hall for, but it will be ready to be honest is cool down a little bit in the western side of saudi arabia, but q h full cost is 51. what do you re reported? $51.00 back, that's full cost as it may have $14.00, all right, and it probably will be 50 or $51.00 in the next few days. this whole every iraq down through savvy is halting,
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the warning side or watches are because of that. mostly it is a whole time the anyway, but the heat also extends to pass the central west asia, particularly catholic style. these terms are not excessively high, but they're certainly higher than average and does nothing much to cool things down . there are a few shows to watch cause it's kind of grows and old, and that's kind of stand, but you how push to find them. so hot and dry. just catching the edge of around your use this it sees know the edge of the month soon. float catches salon and often produces clouds, and eventually it'd be just like not bad yet. and they don't show breeze. if you're lucky from the eastern middle cool things down and live on between. it just remains how it will change. little strongly and bit of an increase in the breeze coming down in the gulf with 48 degrees in doha, quite ridiculous. so at the tropics of africa, the increase in the share of the next few days, if you're lucky, particularly in south pseudo the, the,
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this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. award winning program from international. so make yes, we've just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of wealth cloth programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from wells on algae is there. it's
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the the welcome back. a reminder about top stories on this. we use our apologies. era has spoken to an injured kind of simian force dropped to the front of a nice, really military vehicle in the occupied westbank on saturday and used as a human shield, which i had a body said he's ready. so this continued to be to him. despite being injured, at least school policy and have been killed in many more injured after he's really forced a shell. the main one right building pain causes sticking to compounds. main gateways have causing significant damage. hundreds of displaced palestinians as shelter in the building and at least 6 police officers have been killed. you know,
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toxic last rushes august on legion with 9 more injured. social media confirmed multiple shootings and the regional capital flash color, including an attack on as soon as the fires slides and drought is drawing food prompts and farms around the world. take a look at what's happening in the eastern china week. so sweltering heat and little to no rainfall has left cornfield in shawn dawn porch. that means farm is incomes drying up to a sooner due to you may have goes hand is extremely, extremely severe. from the time i can remember, i've never seen a dispatcher, are you even with the drought in the night? i'm 60 years old. it wasn't as dry as it is this year. now the back that is due rain once or twice in the spring, but this year it hasn't really even once you've had it all, it's a different situation in southern china, but the story remains the same. farm land,
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flooded by days of torrential rain with thousands of hector's of crops completely ruined. exceptionally dry weather is affecting coco farmers in africa more than 60 percent as well. supply comes from ivory coast and gonna in the past, the prices of nearly tripled. putting pressure on chocolate sellers. why in europe huge amounts of rain have taken a total in agriculture. 234 percent more rain than usual last fall. i mean, this least flood basket legion of the body is disrupted the planting of grains like may's soya and rice. while i speak to michael dorsey about this, he's the director of rob and melanie walton sustainability solutions service at hours on a state university. and is joining us from phoenix. thank you for being with us. let's start with the reasons about why this is happening. what is driving these more frequent and intense changes in weather patterns? and is there any region in the world that sped no region in the world has spared from the unfolding climate crisis?
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unfortunately, the crisis that we see in whether extreme weather events is a deliberate and by product of the woman climate and also a by product of carbon pollution that is being contributed to the atmosphere a largely by the fossil fuel industry. this trend that we see this year and also we saw it last year and the year before and year before is going to continue to worse . and as we go forward, if we don't get out ahead of the unfolding climate crisis, which we're fully in the midst of now, the impact on, on food production and people's lives and livelihoods. a kind of price is actually impacting more than just seduction. and certainly impacting, live and livelihood. it's impacting where people lives that housing infrastructure . it's impacting a public infrastructure. we've seen delays and turning off of the public transit across united states due to weather impacts on the infrastructure. we seen catastrophic of public health crisis as people suffer not just from heat but from
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floods and catastrophic turn activity. now that forms of extreme weather. yeah. in case of india, for example, the heat way fed, we knew that this was coming to an end. you know, it seems that there was no way of, of preparing for it. what can government do more to protect, you know, the food industry and crops. what plans do you think could help boost preparedness but the governments are certainly not doing enough and they're not scaling the solutions as fast as they need to. there's a lot of things that can be done to protect communities from extreme weather in terms of building out cooling infrastructure, particularly when the forecasts of predicting extreme weather high temperatures in the case of india. in particular though, the largest in the governance needs to do is they need to begin the process to accelerate the build out of clean energy, which is going to contribute to reducing the c o 2 emissions carbon pollution the atmosphere. and they also need to begin to, to increase the taxes,
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attend the summary de escalate of fossil fuel emissions and the bill out of fossil fuels. right now, we're in the room, but we've seen the last 2 years, more than a $1000000.00 invested in clean, green energy, largely a solar and when we're on a trajectory to see possibly as much as 2 trillion dollars. and that's actually above and beyond the 1st time in human history, those investments inventories are greater than those in fossil fuel technology. and that's a great thing. yeah. and what about people, the people impacted by, by this kind of cost is what more can we be doing to prepare better for it and to avoid it? i guess as well, there's some short term solutions in terms of moving resources to those that are most vulnerable in 4 countries in wealthy countries. so is that a modern life? they suffer and die 1st and most from extreme weather events, whether it's extreme heat, whether that's flooding and so forth. so we got to protect those marginalized communities 1st and most in the medium term we've got to begin to change laws and regulations that save or fossil fuel technologies that outdated,
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really 19th century technology. and we've got to put laws and books on the, on the, on the table that accelerate clean, green technologies like solar and wind energy. thank you so much for talking to us, michael. very interesting to hear your thoughts about this. michael dorothy from arizona state university. thank you for joining us. thank you. in kenya, and i'll present william bro, tell us as he is ready to hold talks with thousands of young protesters who have nationwide demonstrations against plan tax increases will to size he's government will address you find employment and promise small funds for higher education. i am very proud of our young people. they have the full what try bless. they have the full what piece for. and i want to tell them we're going to engage them. we're going to have a conversation. so that together we can build a great uh, mission of those protests dumped the week of res. continue across can yeah,
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i'll just do is catherine. so a before somebody wrote me right outside parliament, and there's been a huge security presence since last week when the process started. now the processes say that they wants to off to fi parliament, and these are the police presence. it's just going to increase because on tuesday is when the members of parliament are going to vote for that point nonce bill. and um, a lot of the young people who have been here, i say that they will not let that happen. they have for, for a week originally seen several activities to watch that. let's start with presidents awards in central kenya. and we so young people who i. com outside the chart and when he's k, voice was leaving, they started taunting this. i'm si, fi, knoxville,
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loved and then they said that they're very angry in other areas. mm hm. so, um, you know, people of hiring slugs, for example, in the charges. i really just need to have a loud um, some of these youngsters to come to charge with the flag and to talk about this by nonce. uh, bills uh we have hard from need is of any religious need is basically who are say, present roots or the government's the m p 's. they need to listen to what the people are saying because the people are very clear on what they want. now we know that says this process goes for very young, a thing that said they will not relent. they say that they will keep pockets until they hold accountable their lead,
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as because they have the power in number. catherine, so you all, just sarah nairobi. notch crowds has gathered on the stories in brazil to protest against the bill that would further criminalize abortion if fast it would treat the termination of pregnancy after $22.00 weeks. as homicide tribes rate victims open don't often don't realize they are pregnant until further into the pregnancy. when it came out, kids is that the ronnie and visionaire, and as we are here in real additional narrows iconic pop up on the beach, all these people that you see here, they have come to protest against the bill that way. abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to murder leave was 20 year for women who have these abortion which are now allowed by the current legislation. now a reason paul has just come out that says that out of every resilience,
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even those that are christian catholics because they are against this fail. and this is a wake up call because people here say that congress is using this politically. they are touching this very divisive subject during an election year, and then october williams were roll municipal elections that are very important here. and that usually includes the outcome of the future presidential election monitoring in the 0. we're just noticed in friendswood casting about as in a snap elementary election one week from now president and maggie and my co shocked many when he dissolved upon him. a doctor's party last round to the far right in european problem entry elections. 2 weeks ago, the move could hand over a power to marine depends national radi party from powers. natasha butler explains
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why the crone did it and what could happen next summer really depends for right policy is on the brink of power in faults. to the 1st time i met and she knows it up beaten, smiling. the pen bit support is in the constituency of an upper month. ahead of make sundays, not collection is the one that we did. we have the possibility of winning these elections and creating a unity government. this will get this country out of a rush. any of this month, the president unexpectedly dissolved paul limits of to resend to write on. he was drafted by the fall rights and from says, you election emanuel macro said he was responding to food. his grievances and conceited had made some mistakes, spastic of it. if i thought i'd done everything right, i wouldn't be standing here today. i wouldn't have dissolved the government and everything would be fine. so yes, i do take some responsibility with a surprise election looming politicians from all sides of being propelled into last minute campaign with a political twist some tubs,
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as dramatic as micros decision. the conservatives of being raped, appalled by divisions its lead to eric's, you'll see barricaded himself in his office of to be expelled from the policy for in line with the fall right on the left wing policies of the new lines. one foot impossible, that includes socialist readings and cleanliness studies that no wonder is that all the data and we do need, we have decided to unite to resist the fluoride. but above all, to restore hope, to millions of people who live in frogs and who cannot stand manual mac loans policies any longer. so it's not the legend is a made to gamble for emmanuel macro, she is pressing on. vote is being so scared to overflow right. victory. the bill back is policy. that may have been the case in the post, but it's not necessarily the case today is to this post the says michael underestimates the appeal of the pens policy. so can you can, once he's not taking into account is that these days people are gone to the
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national riley as a political party like any of the projecting a. so of the young, the image depends. national riley has widened its appeal, but the language critical us migrants muslims in the u remains the same. if the fall roy takes power, michael will most certainly lose his bets and paved way to the countries 1st popular government. the heel of gambled away his political cry dependency does legacy. as after butler ultra 0 powers, i still head on alger 01 for the money to for the show, tennessee level, tor has become a musical and financial phenomena. and another dominant performance from before me to one world champion as he brings the spanish front for you for the 3rd year in a row that's coming up in sports with me to stay with us. we're back after the joe biden and donald trump go head to head. so we're going to fight it was
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a rick trial banner saw in the 1st tv debate at the us selection 2024. we're going to close that border tied as a drum stand a strong would you crate? we're going to drill. maybe drill. we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way you can get elected to sit. she supposed to be coverage, an amount of space out to 0. thank you very much. what is the effect of the conflict on the environment? the impact is so much more than just emissions from tanks ships and will fight more than will say it has a devastating effect on people. and the department of defense is emissions is as large as many countries. and every time ministry spent and increasing military emissions increased. and this war and this find this christ all hail the planet on it does ita
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news . the welcome back. american singer songwriter taylor swift will take to the stage on sunday night. for a 3rd sold out show at wembley stadium. you'll never find another likely. london is hosting more taylor swift performances in any other city in the world, drawing nearly 700000 people over 3 days. a report release this week says a megastar sconces will boost the city's economy by about $318000000.00. and she's planning to return for another 5 sold out shows in august, but always hollins is in london and as more on what's being called swift genomics, which is the economic impact of taylor swift concepts of a sudden
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a ticket registers timing at the moment. and as, as the site $318000000.00 just for london, but bought these bank is estimated that titus swift is generating about $1270000000.00 for the whole u. k. uh, economy. basically, each of the fans that you can see streaming up towards wembley stadium and the distance that on average would have spent a $1000.00 or more on tickets. on the accommodation, on food on things like that, there's a outfits to buy. this type of swift themed off the policies to go to and to afford you can see why all that money is rolling in and she hasn't just been playing london. of course, he's been playing that in black, honda and livable. and it's been cold, swift to know makes this, this whole phenomenon in london is mostly economic slouch. as i said he's, he's a huge number of, of musical performance and supporting him performances that every yeah,
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yet the man is office knows that taylor swift is different. it's got this property is that each die hards with the about the amount of money who is being generated? well, i'd speak to david heard of he about this. he's a professor of music industry at northeastern university and he's joining us from boston. good to have you with us. so is there a quantifiable force to local economies when, when taylor swift store comes aton or is it just more about perception? you know, it's absolutely they're going to bible effect. taylor's, economic impact is part of a much larger room packet. it may be transitory and that it won't be a long last thing, but it's absolutely a rio and you have 700000 people swimming into a 2 way market. they have to stay some place at the same place. there's a ticket prices as a combinations and travel and it's very, very real. yeah. what is it about 10 to so finding what, why do you think a tour is getting so much traction with journalists? of course, but economists as well to do other artist, have
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a seminary impact when they to like be on, say for example. well, i think the tailor is really strange. jalar. it's a matter of supply and demand i think is really own you one taylor swift. i'm. she's a bigger central thing on the planet. and i think right now, especially after the parent damage, people are really thirsting for a live communal experience. he's also very, very talented as a great songwriter. and she writes songs that actually drive people through tiers. and that's an incredible phenomenon that people are willing to pay real money for that emotional experience. so any emotional experience, and what else do people get when they go to retain this with concert? and how does she know how, how does she benefit? and i guess it's not just there, of course it's a whole, you know, industry behind her that's benefiting from well yeah, i think as if people knew that they've been doing it. i think that she
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we, we seem to have lost david there. can you hear us, david we seem to have lost our connection with david quite interesting to talk to him about titus of david hurley, he a professor of music industry at northeastern university joining us there from boston. let's catch up on sports now. he has to be so funny. thank you very much. so little nothing for scotland who kick off against hungry shortly. nothing history on exits from bureaus awaits the coffins tossing on me already to support the team and stood scott, the bagpipe is much through the streets before putting on a concert to get the fence, fight it up for the match. a win would likely see the saw i qualify for the round of 16 is one of the best 3rd day scenes. if i manage that it will be the 1st time scotland as progress beyond the group stage. at a major to an event. i saw a scholar just a few years,
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so i know that and quite disappointingly about to propose the top scroll and they're going to want to know through the night the model. that's pretty cool. i'm super excited about. so i'm going to do, i think we're going to, one of the to know are the ones who no, no, no everyone so you know, we get to the good stages. hopefully the, it's not just the sco his friends who have been detained this june and the 6. and this has gone viral full thing before all these countries. not just to get the crowd coming, the house to own, ready to or about to kick off against switzerland in frankfort as they did to make it 3 wins from 3 and finished top of the group. pushed onto the document, we get the impression that the germans are believing in us once again, and then we must give further momentum to this passion. we must further foster it.
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but this can happen only if we believe in ourselves on i don't know the secret, but simply we got back in the saddle and we came some good results and we got a very good starting to this turn. england have secure the place and the t 20 woke up semi finals thanks to obtain. we could win over the usa involved aid us even one . that's awesome. a boat is dominated in bridgestone, chris jordan proving to be the stall man for the reigning champions. children helping himself to after care. as the americans rule out for just 150 under pressure to change them quickly kept him just to let him. it's 83 for many 50 apples in winning by 10. we gets with 10.2 opens to space and later on. right, so good. now they're insured of a semi final but the meanwhile, and i've got a stones shop to strategies to keep a semi final hopes alive. they hand to the all these they 1st loss of the
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tournament despite the patrick from pet cummins. it's the 2nd strike match that cummins has made through dismisses in a row. let me say if it's helping with 6, i've got this down to 148 for 6. will say 20 of is school, but they may, however, make sure that a stray dsl show t to full between c as a dentist on dismissed australia for 127, to winning by 21. right. it's a woke up game and definitely you know what it comes to, beating a bit side. it's it's, it's a good achievement and the we ended up doing, you're going to want to work up so meeting team like that. i think it's always gives you that. so much energy and to the, to the sleep of formula one will chat next step and has one the spanish growing people, the 3rd time in the road, the rainbow drive. it started from seconds on the grid in boston or behind land norris' stuff. and it's up north by the 1st tune, but it was george russell shots into the lead. the document been post russell on
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lab 3 and from they never looked back for stuff in the crossing the line. 2.2 seconds ahead of my phone's notice. so he's 7 victory in 10 races this season. mercedes is louis hamilton, finished the 3rd. please. first podium of 2022 full mcguire . and they were very, very quick today. especially on on deck. you know, it seems always the last see lots of this and they were very, very fast. um, but i think we did everything. well we, we drove quite um, i think an aggressive strategy. but luckily it paid out until the end was quite close to the end. it's a very happy to do in here. i go to that store as simple as that. so the call was the call was incredible. today i think we were uh for some of the quickest. um i just lost it in the beginning. so yeah. disappointed, but a lot of positives. one negative and that kind of ruined everything or to time wimbledon champion 90, mary will misuse tournaments off to having back surgery. bobby has been dealing with
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a spinal suspend once play at the events in london where he wants to at least 3 grand slam titles. the operation has also left these participation that next month's power system fixing doubts. well, the next one is warming up nicely for wimbledon by winning use for those types of loan grows straight and i can share it from the feature. the hood hood catch in straight sights to take victory at hallow, although it was the pole who produced all give me the shots of the mass, even center for that one. but it couldn't prevent the italian from continues, but as trophies since moving. some of the rankings center has last just 3 mattress all season. and now he adds to the food grand slam over here as the top seed. i'm just looking for it. there's no loss to, i mean it's, i mean is i've, i played some, some good things. so let's see what's coming this here. i'm more confident for sure . and on the surface, obviously the grass, it might be a bit different from here and then and room that on so, but i have one week now to prepare it. so hopefully it's going to be able to get the. it's jessica figures
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a is also celebrating her sites along cross off to getting post cocoa golf in the semi finals earlier in the day. she went on to beat rushes and come and sky a in the final of the but, and then open will number 5 last the 1st set before coming back to winning 3. the good, let's say 5 match points in the decided it's the americans, best career title, psychiatry, richardson of qualifying for the parents and then picks up the bidding. the one underneath a sprint of the us track trials with a time of 10.7. 1 seconds the raining will champion, mr. to 2 games officer was disqualified from the us team for testing positive using cannabis and the world's best speed time is scrambled today. tickets to the parents and a big set of qualifying events and database coatings. alexandra, a colored one the women's final while china is whooping rose to the occasion in the names of a leave of nathan. i'll be here again later with most speech and thank you very
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much and that is it for this news hour on allergies hear from me for the back. people in the whole team. thank you for watching. jessica washington is with you next with today's top stories. stay with the on board. china is past fishing. evidence of human rights abuses is widespread trafficking waves that occurred on the black people striving death on land. it's a legs we goes or forced to work in c food processing units, obligations. china denied one. 0, one east investigating some china slaves fiction. oh no. just the injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day, whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption,
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making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best produces the best spaces. and those of the people the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world or is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence, presidency manual, not call us the price phones by calling us not to mention just weeks before the live big games in powers. all through
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a so just support from reading the times national run, the policies we'll look at to pay off a little bit country, little cheaper to the, to the far right of the french. and i've seen the multiple attacks across from russian's dentist region with the targets, including a church and a synagogue. several people have been to the hello. i'm jessica washington. this is just the red line from dough ha. also coming up, abused and humiliated. i'll just say we're speaks to a palestinian who was injured and strapped to the front of in his barely military


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