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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 24, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the drum that is strong would you crate. we're going to drill baby drill. we're going to get your energy cost in half. what's happening is not just the only way he can get elected is too close to a coverage and analysis on out the multiple attacks across the rough as darkest on regions with targets, including churches and synagogues, at least 15. secuity officials. ok, the terry johnson. this is alex, is here a lot from day also on the prep is what else, prime minister says intense fighting and gone. so as many over thought, insistence it doesn't mean the war is about to end the abuse and to media. we hear
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from the protestant unit straps, which one is very minute tripping occupied westbank used as a human shift to is really sole. just grab my hands and 2 others. my feet start swinging, left and right. i fell to the ground twice. and on the 3rd time, they show me, hold on grabbing calls for rerun of indian national insurance except for medical colleges of to and usually a high school for some kind of get some of these. the fighting is on getting in the rush, just august on the region of the gun, then don't single tennis attacks and the cities of in the hutch, because on the bent at least 21
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people have been killed including 15 members of the security forces and 6 gunman, to synagogues, and 2 churches were targeted. a priest is among the dead. are also correspondents una shop. a lot of it is funneling events from us guy. the laser says in the city of deer, ben, stay active phase of it come to terrorism. operation has been completed as that's according to the national onto the terrorism, camecia of russia. when to stand up 3 civilians and same police officers have been taken to on the hutch collab hospital. several more people have been taken to their band hospital. there is no information how many tacos have been involved in the souls right now. the clashes inside such as contain you and according to only witness reports renewed. sure thing is taking place in the hutch color right now. so head of a police department, a, one of the nearby towns who arrived at the scene to help was killed. and also
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russia state agency is report that's one of the district of flores. he's had been detained due to the participation alleged participation of his sons in the attacks allegedly was all but his sons have been killed. also, the drugs found him in his travelling tunnel. it says, has refuted information about a stitch taking in the much color of 6 church previously i there was reported that for 2 people have been taken captive. that ministry equipment was posted on the streets of their band, the entrances and exits to both of the cities occurring 2 blocks. no, not today. if i was a visiting a senior search photo at kings college in london, she says duncan stone has a history or really just for hundreds. and that is finally been accredited. as it is, some of them being box, it even extra. so soviet decides. the populace from renaissance was founded in that
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gets done in late ages, and that was the goodness ation. which 70 well cool. quite a few moments of the postcolonial tennis, tennis which later became solving at a cell. could you javier, in patient that have been affected by my read difficult as to why this is sort of islam is a made check in nice is the reason that it much note is because o factual to the actual metrics. yeah. which was much more separate conflicts out of the names thing else. so we have elements come pay a tax again submitted to the police targets also is obsidian. nails of the just mileage to kind of get a house. um maybe around 1012 i guess a go and see them. uh,
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the situation has been lost on the control and to last year when was for why for numbers, for them to events. but the moment you had to come up dr. peaceful play for you, for them what today's it might be and less of the cost of the top of things. when i read it out of control, what b, b will p a called them. they just passed by conversation. it shows the progress of the i'm back capable of asking, why don't you, what are you crying and asked, striking the rest and onyx took from me a peninsula. it has killed 6 people, incense beach goes running for their lives. it happened in a black sea port, city of it. so the stuff will official say, ukraine's ministry 5 ballistic missiles and cross to munitions. russian air defenses shut down the 4 of them. the 5th that was here to change direction exploded over the city. so the stuff was governor says, 124 people were injured with this problem. so i should have thoughts is 7 quick to
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lay blame for the attack. this is daniel hawkins has moved from musket or the m o. d, u has such a response will follow. they've been a note to your minds about who they're bringing for what happened on the beach and some basketball today, and which at 5 people, including multiple children that lost their lives. and multiple children still remain in a critical condition. the russian m. o v have said they placed the blame on washington, which supplied these rockets, which the russian officials say are the kinds of rockets with cluster munitions. unable god is the russian side says, boy, so that's a nice way information. also supplied by the united states for ministry spoke. so when, when he hasn't caught up a has also said she calls for a stronger response from the you when you and was quick to at cool on both sides effectively, to deescalate them cool for an end at 0 still disease that says that the morning has been announced tomorrow on the republic. now following what happened,
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the 124 casualties that i could still get a 5 remain in critical condition. were understanding medical transport planes that has also been said from most scope, not to get those children to the capsule for further treatment. the is ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu says intense fighting against a mass in gaza is nearing its end. and his 1st sit down interview with his reading media since the start of all this. and y'all who talked about deploying more troops to the northern border with lebanon, an address to ongoing anti government protests. or what is there any government has band. i'll just hear from bull costing, so from the south of the reports from jordan's capital amount to the 1st time since the outbreak of israel's more ongoing, as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu sits down for an interview with is really
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media and just outside a crowd gathered in protest, in his interview with these rules bar right channel 14 nathan, yahoo says this portion of intense lighting in gaza is coming to an end. but that the war is far from over. netanyahu says a total ceasefire deal is not on the table. straying away from the 3 phase plan laid out by the, by the end in ministration and scorching outrage from families of is really captive still held in gaza. i mean, no more harm asked to come in hama, i am not ready to stop the war. and for a loss to remain, i am ready to make a partial deal to return some of the people to us. and i know that we are forced to continue this war after the truce to reach our goal, which is removing him aust. i'm not ready to compromise. and on the escalating situation with his bola, he says, israel is prepared for all possible scenarios,
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including a full scale, more history, almost all of our soon after the end of the severe phase of the war, we will have the possibility to transfer a part of the troops to the northern borders, and we will do it firstly for defensive purposes. and secondly, to return the population to their homes. if we can, we will do it, doesn't matter. click last week, these really aren't issued a statement saying it had defeated half of him. this is military capabilities in drop off, and that operations would last a few more weeks, while the army spokesperson said a total defeat of how mass in gaza is unlikely. the possibility of war continuing seems to be very much still underway until there is serious significant pressure from the united states in the form of cutting off the money and the weapons that are enabling this war and this genocide, to continue in the wake of the rear interview pressure continues to melt on these
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really prime minister from allies like the united states to families of captives and even from his own coalition, from the central jersey to a man. and a reminder, these ready governments has banned ultra 0 from operating in israel. that's why we're reporting from neighboring jordan as well as ministry has once again on list of barrels of attacks on civilians in gauze that at least for palestinians with tilden thousands more injured when it's ready, shedding targeted. the goal is a city compound of a human agency, the palestinian refugees. the facility had been turned into a warehouse for what little aid was getting into the strip hunting mountain, mood reports or another shoulder for hundreds of displays. palestinians and dogs are destroyed. and some of the limited supplies of a rolling after israel targeted the honorable headquarters in gaza city. the solid,
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i found my eldest son in jersey, the youngest trapped under the debris and those dead bodies lying there. what's wrong? did these innocent children do? we are running from death towards death. young men and women are slaughtered by these radius. there is no safe and in the entire gauze, this trip. this is our life. nothing but fear and destruction running from death to death of the war in gaza has internally displaced more than one point. 7000000 people with a few. if any places that can be considered safe, the i'm not saying i didn't was a couple not to all of us here are display civilians. so i'm trying to get their hands on food. others searching for clean water without warning is riley war. planes fired missiles on us. this is an unrest center. it's supposed to be safe. but these riley's have no regard to any limits. israel's intensified a blockade,
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means a deliveries are often, is stuck at border crossings, subjects through his regular scrutiny and aid workers say the aid that does arrive is difficult to deliver due to the ongoing bombardment destroying supplies that have really found their way in mean a population of 2300000 that is already facing the use of our vision. is that even a greater risk? honeymoon? i just see it out from the central area of the gaza strip palestine to thousands of palestinians in ga us that have been forced to take so through intense unless basic streaming, difficult living conditions, not putting their lives at greater risk in causing any reports from one camping to all the essential gods across cause a thousands of palestinians forcibly displaced from their homes. i knew thinking tons more than 450000 houses damaged many have no place to go. and others are trying to avoid the bombardment that has killed at least 37000 people.
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but even tents are not safe from. is there any attack? well, obviously on the way we're living in fear, we go to sleep, praying to live, to the next morning, not to get boomed. these riley occupation fantasies targeting all 10. so we're getting innocent. women and children kind of my life is moving dial. it is a misery, as well as the danger from is risk bombardment, living intense brinkets own types of problems. allison new families are forced to call tents like these, their new homes. they do not have running water showers or even toilets, and sometimes are very small. you can even stand up inside without proper sanitation and clean want to this country and die, we have become dangerously common among children under the age of 5. and many diseases like hepatitis are spreading rapidly with fears of possible potomac. this is not have by the lack of facilities to dispose of sewage in rubbish or the
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increasing summer heat. but there is nowhere else for policy needs to call him in the hands and one of the get there is no safe place in the entire gaza strip. but then these ratings alleged that they all targeting militants, isn't it? but they are lying full victims of defense, less innocent civilians level to you and agencies and health professionals. fear that until a ceasefire is in place. an aid is allowed in the situation will continue to deteriorate in more lives will be lost in quality. i'll just see it updated, but post time. oh, this era has spoken to an engine palestinian man who was used as a human shield buys very forces in geneva occupied westbank was ahead of body. it was a strapped to the front of and his many miniatures vehicle on saturday, which drove past several ambulances. explains what happened to the cool, cool,
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but i won't look for the fee. these really soldiers were laughing and locking me wild, beating me to death to his way the soldier grab my hands and 2 others. my feet then started swinging the left and right. i fell to the ground twice. i don't understand the term. they shoved me over the hood. it was extremely hot, and my back was booked. they drove me back and forth for 20 minutes. i loved nothing new. i had hoped to be dead before these way the soldiers arrived. i had expected them to attend my wounds, not to beat them bathroom. while i already had to critical injuries about the lympics the shuttle to begin. next month's bought the recalls to block israel from taking part because of its war on garza. they've been demonstrations in the host city, power surge and international committee to take action. but it smith has more. the goal is to have as well, by i'm from the power as olympics. i become a central theme of these anti console pro palestine protests, just 5 weeks ahead of one of the world's biggest sporting tournaments protests to
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say a country that spacing allegations of genocide in front of the international court of justice should not be allowed to participate in the games and they points to what they say is a double spun, the russia and by the roots have been excluded from the olympics because of the invasion of ukraine. so why not exclude israel over gaza? it is though extremely unlikely that israel will be found, or excluded from the games. international olympic committee has already said that it has no plans to sanction israel over gaza. so that's me, i'll just say around parents. so the head head on the columbia and the president's battle to contain distance on goods and rejecting a new tax plan. defiance young canyons protest outside the church with the president's was worshipped. the
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this is, you know, lots of funding and stuff in china. it started here late is still going the worst of it at the moment, just just ne of non chatting on its way towards shanghai. that's where the seasonal rains are falling out, the heaviest, i'm not, lot extends into words. japan said there's a risk of some funding here, not the same extent, but big sounds all the same. north of the axis. hold on is a heat wave warning for this general area of central china. if you go science, you wouldn't expect to see quite as many sun disturbances talking to your entities here, but they are returning possibly to weston java. second to be around. and so the racing you would expect to see this persistence off of a heavy rain in west and me a mountain tied on. that's there with increase, you missed it. seasonally correct. the monsoon rains have made this is fontose is good. you right? possibly interrupt us down as well,
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but not officially just yet. it certainly cooled things down to the northern plains that through about enough. and they're on their way to new delhi. terms. you down to $41.00 who you'll notice and that's going to be accompanied by one or 2 songs till at the moment. the heat is disposed because of increase humidity. all this part of india heavy right on the western. got that this is where your light c, shaft, the next day also didn't quite reach pakistan, which is still suffering. the p monsoon heat, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the one thing i'll just say
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a reminder of the headlines fighting is ongoing and gosh, just august on region of the gunman launched similar, china subtracts the cities of the hutch, cut off into a bench at least 21 people have been killed churches and synagogues with targets. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says intense fighting against a massive goss is about to end to them or forces to be deployed to the northern point 7 and send you all his interview with the shuttle. 14 is his 1st sit down any need since the start of the the head of india is national exam agency has been dismissed of 2 weeks of time, all triggered by a major cheating scandal. thousands of students achieve unusually high marks and this is medical entrance exam is prompted allegations of fraud and left the future . nearly 3000000 students at risk. alexandra by his reports braving
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scorching heat and heavy police presence students across india have been protesting for days. for them everything is at stake. their furious over suspected cheating at the highest level of their national exams. jacking yeah . so what can i say? whatever is happening is very strange. everywhere. cheating is happening. there's no discipline the indian governments national testing agency is that center of the scandals. it holds elite entrance exams, critical for securing a spot in highly competitive university programs. thousands of students earned unusually high marks this year. some statistically impossible to achieve its prompted widespread allegations of cheating that include questions being leaked and sold for tens of thousands of dollars ahead of the exam. the discussion,
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nick is yet issues and i will tell you from indeed that's photo that i showed you. that was very fun, somebody accidentally predicted the head of the agency had been sacked, results and other exams have been canceled. students have petitioned the courts and police are investigating across the country. they point, but you know, i mean, you know, one is going to be spread. no matter how big or influential someone is. no one is going to be sped. the scandal has reached the highest levels of indian politics. the opposition say the render moody and his government are to blame for not cracking down on corruption. the youngsters in india simply have no way to and it's not just the educational crisis. it's a price isn't pretty much every sphere that we're facing. now people are ready to do the rest set to go to a disaster and we've got a government that is good,
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but we cannot do the job more than 3000000 students this year as exams from many. it took years of high pressure study and the norm is sacrifice to get to this point . they say their dreams have been wasted left without a university place. they say the only way forward now is to seek justice. alexandra myers out a 0. the columbia is a government to a form to start new piece negotiations on monday, this time of the discipline to faction of a former fall rebels. that's the 2nd time in the present. the software petros ambitious, total peace initiative of reaching deals with all remaining on groups in the country is unraveling out of sounds around parity reports. now from boca romero where it was one of the president gustavo paper is full. this promises a policy of total peace aim that ending decades long conflict by columbus on groups
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2 peace negotiations. the 2 years later shootings embalmed attacks are increasing in the country. south were decent, and rebel groups are terrorizing the local population as they fight to have control over lucrative drug trafficking. any legal goals, mining not big. the mostly just because the rest of us the most and so we have the one suffering, the consequences the threatens, the killings we get caught in the middle. and the most painful thing is the children, 831 has been forcibly recruited, is very bad, and the government needs to take it seriously. and the focus of the government as being to secure bilateral seeds fires with different i'm groups while advancing in the top right now, there are 2 ongoing formal negotiations, one with the land columbia. so all this rebel groups that has at least 6000 members, a 2nd one with the e. m. c, at this event group
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a former far grabel. so that rejected at 2016 the story piece. still, their power and influence has been growing since they have at least 3500 members. and on monday, a new negotiation is expected to start with another splintered group of the fark known as the 2nd market that yeah. and finally, the government has been in exploratory talks with criminal gang successors of right wing paramilitaries, like the so called climate they go to for about possible surrender deals with little progress for the kids and they market and at least say that despite the progress made like a hold to the kidnapping of civilians from the gangs of taking advantage of the ceasefire to strengthen their grip. when i was one of the mistakes has been offering too many concessions to the groups at the start of negotiations. too much carrot and not enough stick,
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but that has been changing. negotiate. there's incest. the setbacks are not due to government policy. kind of follows. must even our worst critics admit that there has been progress despite the worsening of violence in some regions. i don't think the government's policy is responsible for the up surgeon violence, which is a result of the globalization of illegal drugs and mining. peace deals remain our best option. columbia is journey to peace was never going to be easy after struggling for decades with violence from insurgency, groups and drug gangs. but still the policy of total peace as not done enough to protect civilians and reduce the influence of criminal groups. allison that i'm 50 and just the book that a large crowd subbing for testing in brazil against a bill that would further criminalize abortions if post it with truth to the termination the pregnancy off the 22 weeks as homeless on one of 3. not yet reports
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from that re edition. here we are here in rio edition arrows iconic pop up on the beach. all these people that you see here, they have come to protest against the bill that it weighs abortion after 22 weeks of pregnancy to murder. leave was 20 year for women who have these abortions which are now allowed by the current legislation. now a reason paul has just come out that says that out of every resilience, even those that are christian catholics because they are against this fail. and this is a wake up call because people here say that congress is using this politically. they are touching this very divisive subject during an election year. and in october williams were roll,
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municipal elections that are very important here. and that usually includes the outcome of the future presidential election monitoring in the 0, we're just saving protests and the french capital power. so against the far right women's organizations, much to ahead of next week snap parliamentary election presents not on the account of souls department. 2 weeks ago of these party lost ground to the far right in european parliament elections. and the bank protests of the arrest and transfer 7 that pro independence active is when the french pacific temperature of new kind of don't you to mainland front fonts, accusers the group of orchestrating riots and the temperature last month. bottom syrup to the proposed electro reforms that indigenous contacts fit with dilutes the influence of north macedonia is upon them. it says elected a new government christian mits. kosky has been sworn in his prime minister along with his coefficient allies. they pledge to continue with efforts to take the
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country into the european union by the subscript reports from the capital skulking after 2 days. so discussion seemed the parliament governmental snort, macedonia was selected, christian needs go ski, became your prime minister of this country. it was the 1st time that the new prime minister used the new constitutional name as he was supposed to press 5 re meant in years. that was the agreement that sold for almost 3 decades loans named dispute between greece and north macedonia, for the term, macedonia, inclusion of double duty and minority. and the constitution now is a condition for north macedonia to continue east europeans. but that's regarding the issue with will guerria me supposed to be said that he will not support change of the constitution under that will judy and dictates that most of the electric ministers seem the new government are he's close to slice from his political party
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from or depending on the rest of the members are part of cooperation of obedience, political parties. and one moment your prime minister in his mandate from is unconditional fights again, crime and corruption and economic growth. my of larger scale to see most of all just due to scope, yet sazia ravia has announced that 1301 pilgrims died during this year's hodge. the thought of the health minister says most of the tests were caused by the extreme heat. and pilgrims walking long distances on the direct phone line. it's hard to say 83 percent of those who died were unregistered pilgrim's in response to the tests. egypt has an effect, the licenses of 16 hodge associated to as him companies thousands of young for testers of health nationwide demonstrations against plan tax increases in kenya. present when a router says his government will address use unemployment. catherine story reports
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from all righty. tanya has never seen anything like this. thousands of young people standing the fire and she's outside of charge. the president we moved to was washington. people have been using such events to blue police coordinators and disrupt the speeches. so congregants had to be started a check before entering the building after this service, the president's con void, doable to tons of everything is most people who don't they say thousands of young canyons protesting against definitely non spill. i propose these additional taxes. the president says the government needs the money to serve as a huge x on those that implement development projects and avoid relying on outside
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health. i am very proud of our young people. they have the full what type of this they have the full what piece for and i want to tell them we're going to engage


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